HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-11-18, Page 7,
g0rg„ on We 0.Q.A.Q, oargo •pl•:aties,
a; special..bonkiet has 1aeen t4ompi<i.
'l#o that ':zsecnbers of the s+
lax"' be *W,to do eveFAMAOa
060 that anixmls axe Rot "sulbjept f6 .,
extremes .of °'temperratur'es or
After dealing fully with customs
avid' health.;regulation&,, the book
gives a copapl'ete list of canine ,and
10lizie animals and then goes on to.
", plias temperatures• and air prep*
shies during flight. There follow
chapters concerning the pecularl-
ties .of mammals, birds, fish, rep-
tiles and batrachians,
When animals are loaded into
�! ■,,■ " an aircraft it has to be borne. in
^' mind that whereas mammals are
best carried in semi -darkness, as'
they find' it more restful, care must
aphfos.1 flbWrgoms Open Tuesday be taaeu so that 'birds are stowed
ilei !rtt "'fm u0#014t 'facing the light as. bhey,:='do net
m qi stt ptiiiisr'tiimo; _k' 'Y 6" 44, eat in the dark. All containers
Ihetert w h 've to b`a 'stotv6& I'n. aurh` a' sway
0 a9 to give fres-access .for atten,
tion during flight.
a •GoodbyeI Full information is given on the
various typesof cage, required for
�j' diii'ergnt animals: The first re
O S�cquiirement is that containers should
4 h
be "nose and Paw proof." At tran.
—SAYS GRA�fDMA sit $tops all boxes or Cagesmust
be meticulously examined and any
Backache is a Nifsiery that strikes many damage, however small, made 'good•
wome4 ip'middle life. But if you could Square. boxes are considers the
s6d li'Its:' W IH of Welland, ,Ont., d
least desirable for this form of
a gr*OIWbth ii `,$ e}I' past 611, working iu transport and oblong boxes are
(her neat little'' home, day 'after day, recommended so that in the event
��ou would really appreciate how much
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills can do of any shaking during handling,
to relieve backacheor any motion of the aircraft,. the
That's becauqe this time -proven Dr. animal may press itself against
Chase -remedy for backache trea" two the sides on the shorter axis. In
conditions at once -contains special a square box the animal may elide
semedial ingredients for both the kid- from side to side. There is also
ney and liver disorders which often the added advantage In oblong
cause backache. So don't suffer with containers that the animal may
gainful joints and backache -try this retire from the door of the box
reliable remedy proven by over half -a- and so have more privacy and a
century s use -Dr. Chase's Kidney- sense of security.
Liver Pills. At all drug counters. to While in most cases it is desir-
.. �✓
Ewmwws BucnvEss
,. Y
. . -- 4
V "
. . . . . .,.. rE
Everyone should bluff— disease! No one except his wife
esmetfinesi knew his fatal secret—a secret
Of course I do not approve he kept to the very end.
of the kind' of bluffing which What a magnificent bluff!
conceals unworthy motives. What an inspiring example for
But, in certain situations, I all of us to follow when we are
think it is desirable and even ill, out of sorts, worried or
necessary to hide our real feel- depressed!
Ings from others. By the same token, surely it
For example,. a doctor of my is also a good policy to conceal
oc uaintance always appeared most of our minor disappoint -
be: in good spirits. s Highly ments, annoyances, and dislikes.
successful and widely beloved
in his community, he radiated If you are at all concerned,
cheerfulness and goodwill to- about your own or your family's
ward all. Arid his conversation financial security, do not con -
was invariably spiced with ceal that fact from everyone.
humorous comments and Confide in your life insurance
stories. agent. He's a trained and will -
Yet for the last ten years of ing advisor who can help you
his life this man was, suffering build a sound financial plan for
from an -incurable and painful the future.
Your Business Directory
E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Surgeon County Crown Attorney
6 .ret.
u 1 :m, to P
Office Hours: P SEAF.ORTH, ONT.
daily, except Wednesday and Sen 174
day. . Telephone
EVENINGS: 'Tuesday, Thursday A. W. SILLERY
and Saturday only; 7 - 9 P.M.
Appointments made in advance Bamister Etc.
are desirable. Phone 173, Seaforth
Physician• and Surgeon I OPTOMETRIST
Phones: Office 9-W; Res. 54 M. ROSS SAVAUGE
Seaforth ° Optometrist
Eyes examined and glasses fit -
DR. M. W. STAPLETON ted. Oculists' prescriptions accur-
DR. ROSS HOWSON ately filled, (Phone 194, Evenings
Physicians and Surgeons 120, Seaforth.
Phone 90 Seaforth VETERINARY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Main Street Seaforth
Graduate in Medicine, University piigNE 105
of Toronto.
Late assistant New York Opthal AUCTIONEERS
i mei and Aural Institute, Moore-
neld's Eye and Golden Square
Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At HAROLD JACKSON
Neat visit, September 21st. Specialist in Farm and House -
53 waterloo St. South, Stratford. hold Sales.
Licensed In Huron and Perth
JOHN C. .G;ODD,AR.D, M.D. Counties. Prices reasonable; sat-
Physrclari, and surgeon isfactiola guaranteed.
Rhone 1i0 - >Yensall For .information, etc., write or
phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on
C.N.R. TIME TABLE Iss1, Seaforth' R.R. 4, Seaforth.
(Motning,'r Licensed Auctioneer
C,oderich (leave) . 5.40. �
deaforth ..... • • • r 11:26 Correspondence promptly Mwer-
tratford (arrive) ... • 7.16 ed. Immediate arrangements can.
(AfternoOn) 'M' fie made for sale dates by phoning
Ooderich (leave) ........... 3.00 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and
0eaforth 3.4t3 satls'fiietion guaranteed.
13tratford (arrive) ......... 4.40
GOING 'WIEST - Specialist is Parnitock.and im-
® A.11d p
fitratfo d (lea'v`e) ........... 10.46 p1e&nttion d otiseholdi effects.
$e 11 . 1X $6 Sat,. anteed: Cleansed
.. • 2;10 [f, `Ii+uti oil and Perth "Counties:
Clod (arrive) . .... 1
(Afternoon) tp.M. For particulars, and open dates,
Stratford (iettbe) ........... 0.$6 . conte or 'phone J`OS_lDPII L. RYAN
�e�ayf�o,t+th ry .. .: 1y�0,'��y1� �R.l�E.. i, Dublin. Phone ,4y0y xy u�A,
�f1/{Ltli'YCIi'• (aL"1'a�'g/ r,i + r Y e u ate.• ji,.W gliubllti 'fQi'/ Ob
v1�, ': � � "� L"": I ." ,.
g.I I , r 2 r . � � ,� ' L�] � � f I , , ." � � I : - � ..'.,, " �,�,,,, ;L" i! , � � ,. � � , . I � ,
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11::, � 1
y,,,: ''Ef x ✓ 'pCez►ietery Baaxd re grant gFant of `,i 't'i
9/ :
a sl`{e Elliott w s : aPP i, i d Torg#i
�,.; 3., o n je tax, ' Fes.
c911,4�tp'r for the Police' VJ11age ipf'
{; i,' : ; f, , :;,i , . ... ,aa% ' .f •,'S-:s�� tiq.� Bayfi;6ld. General voucher for - .p ^'.` '- ,. r ,L " ".
'•s? hr'':^ i ': /y o -f,[ `;. �. o:.0 r?/ .Yf ? 4 V l I+TI!!
bye y `. •. Staul:y for $749;42 and fol Police
,014 a of Bayfield for $,45.60 Were
Au' internatioud art sh lir m _Sed of so>dac 206 e5rlilbits 'b 50 passe, and ordered Paid,, (toad :,; F,.•:n;: ,� d ; r
, 9 e4 I r ,. L'
members' o! ribs Unrted Na istisn Secretariat was':lteld lre'wilai at voudhbr 'for Stanley for �'P`L56.42, Fuaduir,
gird Xug lgvi •have Heen: 6leoted �,111rc<
" a hand or B field 2.,658.64 were enpraa !!►ssembY tarn its on 'the .S.eelrrilty ;tio�npit�" I
II.N. Headquairters,'k;ikL, Silctless, •,T ,V:I , i4tors t4�`i(he .eaclri % sonde E i; sY $ Y tq ocCµa 7.. , " I
assed and ordered paid. -- be. vacated;xr�e t auua}fiy Y largegfift tis aAti,thle Ukran}e.,
of wh>Ith' are shptat hexer. wore invited to 6ontribjte to ;.t>4e U: Q ,,rt ? a .,,:,,, ,r
linteiiiat ott:tl C en' r n F 1' } Council ad Darned to meet l)e• The ;eepte ientattVl u 1}e ti►rue egiln hes d ai 0 ( ," r#v, t 1., • " '
ti h1Wr ffi a&me l ie cy ., Wjid (ITNiCIat!). ,#e r s ' j
esti le cenpbet 6 at 2 P•m• $p114C1A1 Niters-Lafrunte, plena . ,� iia a o
t d t!<em, to win oYtd o>4'a;group o pictures donated by art ts. ry q '�
India, anti` Dr. Edvaird•'IKardelj, oreii t� iY,,sier ;�rY - 11,�S.- ",�a"a,R
�.!r.�. ,
„ .
Banquet ? of o'
Held: B Stud T1►e i.adies. Guild of Vit. Mary s Undoubtedly a FhighIight oP the 850,fi0� nijppiibBrs °and• asses ,
y en Church �beld their •monthly meeting week will be a visit to Government er $250 million.
at the home of Mrs. Arthur Fores- House, . Ottawa, where the ..club T,he first' cretfiit union 3n Narth
Parliament at Winchelsea in chelsea t0r with a large attendance of vis members will' be received by His America was started at Levis, QW., ' �,
itors and members •present. Rev. Excellency the Governor General ,fifty years,; ago, and. until 1930 1
• •11 � T. Dale Jones conducted the devo- and Lady Alexander. , development, was 'slow. From, that 42' 'I
The student parliament and their tinnal. period, while Mrs. Rock, the The trip to the National Club .time -on; •however, ,the idea, spread F.
board and guests, to a turkey ban' president, presAded over the. busi-, Week 'is the highest' honor iii
teacher, Harvey;,Spacling,. of Win- quickly from .c9ust to Coast ,!anti
Chelsea Scha.Gl, +held -their third an- gust. The guest speaker was Miss ness'fnaee-ting. A :.quilt .was: qurilted junior club farm work. Since 1931 'unions were legally ineorponded, $d:
• , a Edith Spading, St. Marys, • return- difring the " afternoon, and lunch . ever one thousand ,boys and girls
nuai banquet^ = On „Armistice Day, and recognized in every prtrvfnce:
when they entertained about 150 ed missionary from China. .Other. Was served by Mrs. Forester and have taken part in this anpual In the bulletin published by filet J
speakers were Reeve Hugh Berry, assistants. event, many of whom are them -
parents, members of the school Dominion Department n Agrfenl- .
Editor J: M. Southcott of Exeter, selves now providing leadership in tura, "Credit Unions in Cana'"ria,
William' Johns H Hern Garnet —I .
lins and pheasants are liable to 'one of the pleasantest tasks on the Natipnal Capital. Among the new
jump up and injure their heads a poultry farm and is too often put features this .year will be a dance
piece of canvas must be stretched off to a future date, says Mr. C. C. to follow the annual dinner, and a Who Pays for Advertisin.tightly across they boxes about two Duncan, Poultry Department, On- flus tour of Toronto after church so
inches below the solid -butter with tario Agricultural College, services on Sunday, with a social , .
jam ,or honey;, fruit and.. greens- In; There are several advantages in gathering in the evening.
between hours of feeding .they having the job done in the fall as NOT THE NEWSPAPER reader, because.he saves both time and
should be given sweet food such as soon as possible after the growing money by shopping the wide selection Of honest values offered
lumps of sugar and pieces of cake. stock has been removed. Satisfac-
Beasts of prey such as lions, tigers tory work cannot be done in cold through the advertising columns.
and panthers are fed once a day, or freezing weather.
preferably late in the afternoon. Move the shelters and houses Highest Cash Prices for NOT THE ADVERTISER, because advertising always returns
They need li/z kilos of raw meat from the range, preferably to a lo- DEAD STOCK
for every 30 kilos of live weight. cation where water pressure is a profit when it is used correctly andconsistently. .
Polecats, stoats and weasels pre- available. Take out everything Horses, $2.50 ea.
fer pieces ,of raw meat, a little fish that is removable such as roosts Catty $2.50 ea: Every line of advertising in our paper is paid for by the FELLOW
or hard boiled eggs. Sea beasts from the colony houses and roosts
of prey need at 'least 'five kilos of and slatted floors from the shel- Hogs, :50 per cwt. WHO DOESN'T ADVERTISE! The business which the non -
raw ,fish daily. Iters. SQalc these thoroughly, as according to Size and advertiser loses pays the cost of advertising, and ALSO return's
On voyages of up to six days no well as the interiors, with water
food is -required by crocodiles, but and allow to stand till all dirt (has Condition a nice profit to the fellow who DOES ADVERTISE!
they must be' watered daily with a softened up. If ,you have water ,Call Collect
hose. pressure, a good finishing clean-up . SEAFORTH 15 The merchant who does not advertise IS THE MAN WHO PAYS
"Few things.;" says the booklet, I can generally be done with the
"tend more to make a wild' animal, base alone. Lacking this some 1 , for advertising. He pays for it in the volume of business he loses
become tame and friendly thanjscraping and scrubbing will be nec-
the manner in which it'fa water- 'essary. After all dirt has been re- • 1. =in the number of customers who buy elsewhere.
ed." Several types of monkeys can moved everything should be disin-
easily be trained to drink from the fected. Good advertising does' not cost. GOOD ADVERTISING PAYS!
spout of a waterean or bottle. Mon- when any necessary repair work It brings back the original investment and profit dollars, too.
key's quickly learn, to drink in turn has been done the shelters and g -
and the attendant should 'place the -houses can be put away for the
spout through the bars of the box winter and ready for next year's y,..�wx...vv: Almost every store wants more business than it is getting. Hop -
whilst Store them ,in an convenient �ryiv z::.< y:;y:>,>;`;; ;;;;r;:.:;;� lzl:•
whilst state the "form a queue." Y .;•.;^.r' rr,._,;,r!.,...g r more business is not as effective as inviting more business.
lace out in the open. The more c!s.::>:::;:<:.,s;z;;:::,:.,.::,:.::::;:::<.{,r.sa#>:i ';s ing f0 g
'This," states the booklet, ..gives P P fir;,::> :•,..;::::::.;<s. ::::;:,,<•:.<:.;;: iZ.
frost the are exposed to the bet:>::.rF•::•::•;s.:•:•>:;:?:z•::>:::s's>>zs< %' >ir;<ss
the attendant a good opportunity Y P
`r"• z #'"•'iSf : ; 4:;^:;::iiiiE +i>ii >•.:•.:3:zi:ijd',•i i'i3 f :% is ;'%�;�i'i:
ter. It is best to put the colony•:<:,;::>:.•:;.::;:>::.::•:>;::s•»s>s:•s:::;:.:::izrs:;<;:>::.:s<•r<z:.%„:>
of getting to know the monkeys i¢ P:::z,;:?;•,s:�::zs»»>s:z�>:s:>>s>:;:>>>::::;
1 titular houses up on blocks to prevent the �;'<:;;,ic s>''° >;:::?:% i3?%:::><;>>s:zt;:;:e;>srs:;;:?i:is;:,
a their particular divid.uaily red P?�>.�:«z�::`"ss>t:;s:a:<-s•:g�::>:>.�s::a<•z:::>:«•::.:»;;:::•>;::::::,
runners sinking and freezing into :;;;4•:;•>:<•:<:>:>•;:::;:;:::<:a>.:::a2>%:isi33ss>'sis;;>::;<:»•:,.;:«..>:,::
needs." g g�,::>"::>•s•>.:::';::::>:>:>;>:,::;:>::»:::::<>s»:>':::::;<: �•>:.::o.:.:::<:>:::<::<::
the round. ::.st•.;::•;..;:::
Sala ground. ne red ��SFro s toads wts � Money
Frogs, ::::.,::.:
When the following season rolls
c `>#?£� �%i<'!?'3?2>"ire'::#`�>i'i"'G> v2?;;::;>:;:; .,..;
k but the g
o no drink wanders d
t Y
i : i
must always 'be kept other- around it is a satisfaction to know �ii.
wise they are unable to ,breathe this work is behind you i
Every once in a while somebody
comes into our
through their skins and quickly z .and starts a discussion about the COST of advertising
dry ur• and die. To maintain a
moist atmosphere, damp white blot- � ...not only in The Huron Expositor, but m newspapers
ting ,paper or damp sponges. must a;..
Lack of Books >is.>.;;:<?::<.;;:<::_::;<:.; ' suers!! but, honestly, in our humble opinion
be used. Very large frogs require generally
special treatment. As they are li- ' (Continued from Page 2) ' �+
able to jump at the lids of travel- than -Pacific Railway would give it advertising, particularly WEEKLY newspaper advertis-
ling cans and, damage their noses, an initial fillip that would certain- ing, used intelligently and frequently, doesn't cost money
they must be packed in wooden ly be reflected on the dust jackets, .
tubs with sacking covers and two even though the young 'hero might , at all.
inches of fresh ,water at the bot- be no more than the water boy,, or
tom. If air holes are bored in a "cookee" at the moving "end of ,..:::,,.,: g: a::;<, ::! . merchandise faster, permits
tin, the should always be pierced steel." Rather It helps move m , p
Y `'< <i`<v ii - >><#;: d�::Ili; ..:,'
from inside"outwards so that there With a fairly active imagination 'A Sprnon Kempenfehll Bay—Game
are no sharp edges inside of the a young lad could be introduced in distribution economies, provides for mass production
containers. Food is unnecessary a ,story of the formation of the A&lme—vaw
Aand mass sales and ultimately lower prices, with savings
but small cockroaches of• flies may North West Mounted Police in the
be given. seventies. There were boys on the both for the consumers, sellers, distributors whole-
chapter dealing with mea- prairies in those days, though ad- AROUND LAKE SIMCOE
sures to be taken should livestock mittedly tlhere were hardly enough salers and manufacturers. ,
escape in an aircraft, points out of them to fill a little red school- There's never a dull moment in this 1
that an escaped, animal is, in the house. favourite holiday area -whether
first place, seeking safety or Famous Canadians of more re- Take for example the classic case of the nationally -
You're on the water or in it. And
warmth and does not normally in- cent times who certainly qualify
there's always a gang on the beach advertised light bulb. It costs only one-fourth as. much .
tend attacking human beings. "In as heroes for .boys include Sir or at the dance 'round Simcoe's
the majority of cases•,"' says the Wilfred Laurier and Sir John A. many resorts .lodges and hotels. Ibr now as it did for an inferior one in 1923. Again, in 1929
booklet, "it will endeavor ,to -Creep Macdonald, prime ministers of
, accommodation details, write the
away into a 40,rl2 cit�iner and will Canada; Sir William Osler, physi- the average radio set cast $135 and only a few thousand
remain there it heft alone." cian and lecturer; Sir Sandford Chamber of Commerce, Orrvia or
Barrie. Good train and baa service- Were road owners. �lOW an average set sells for
Calmness and deltli0ration are Fleming, originator of standard people p
essential in retrieving loose ani- time; Alexander Graham Bell, in- iN dbo!�t 2 hours drive by highways
Na'�7, 7, lI or 12, north from about $50.00 with ownership in the millions. And so it
male. Small monkeys a4d young ventor of thg telephone; Sir Fred Lake "Ontario, Every year, thou -
animals should be gripped in, the erick Ranting, co -discoverer of in- lands of visitors enjoy holidays here : goes. Mass production, spurred on by judicial advertis�
neck immediately behind the head, sul!n; Robert Service, poet of the , , we can help make sure they ing, has brought prices down.
yihe-,ea0—rteffs and oth0) multi- Y kon, and the many outstanding want £o come again
11f 4 ''aiid Ponos ahoull be talte>r :-bY
Johns and members of the'school•
club activities. There has been a
record enrolment in club Yarm
1948," J. E. O'Meara of the Eco- >,," ,1141Q 11
nomics Division, describes oP ,� , ,ti`
able for livestock to ,have lent,
of room to move, it is not always
essential, there is danger
A program oP choruses, duets; gui-
tar selections and a quiz show, with
Wi1liam Routly
the tali and 'held at, arm's! length
work in Canada this year—a total
membership of 49,854 in 3,740
.bhe , 1
erations of these institutions. The •��j z * � a�
object is to organize a union where e�
,, � k::. F� a , n' rZ
Mrs. Thomas Bell and .Mr. and .
.as of
some animals -getting hurt in spa-
as quiz master,
was enjoyed. Rev. Mair closed the
:Virs. Charles Stephen and Betty
Anne visited with Mrs. Sam Hanna
clubs. The previous high was
47,0.57 members in 1949 and 45,333
there is a common bond of asso- 1 ;
i,,i "' �." lr, j`a'r
dation among members. Thus a , 1 r
cions cages—for example, monkeys
prefer to ,huddle together. Some
meeting with a - minute's silence
and the national anthem,
and Mrs, Margaret Hawkins at Sea- in
common bond is quite frequently HEAD OFFICE 4F,AFORTH, On't;