HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-10-21, Page 6HURON F O I' 'C mittee :th Huron Hospital Fund • ate. Council of the. Township of T1Rxtaet in regular cession in the owniahip Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Oqt, 3, at 1.30 p.m. At this meet - ling 'a delegation from Exeter, re- 'reeenting the .South Huron Hos- pita! Prefect, wars Present to ask the eeunttil to appoint a committee te aid in canvassing the Township • of Hay. The following motions were passed: That the minutes of the Sept. 6 and 19 meetings be adopt- ed •'as read; That the following committee be appointed to act for the Township of Hay on the South Heroe Hospital project: H. C. Rivers, Jas. McAllister, A. J. Kalb- fleisch, Alex Masse and T. H. Hoff- man. That all private grader rem- tal of $10 or leas be paid in cash to grader operator at time the work is •being done, and receipt given. That Carl Heberer be en- gaged to make the necessary re- pairs required on the Schwalm Drain. That the coffee, g's mall, a Tues) r, Otte 1S, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. prepared by the clerk=1 e accepted �rordon Papitie� e,opuuunity 'activi- and that the clerk be appointed, to ,t$O .andsocial` welfare convener, prepare the tax noticear.fand !lave 'was in Charge.. The roll call was them mailed to the respectiye tax- a.nswere„d by "A wise way to use payers, and that he ,stem 64949 tax one'i3 leisure time," and the motto collector, same to he confirmed by was, "Let us educate ourselves in blaw; that the Township of Hay the policies and general set-up of pay grants to the following organ- our organization." The guest speak- izations for 1949 as follows: Zur- er was Mr. Harold Finnigan, whose kb Agricultural Society, $75; Exe- subject was Community Activities, ter Agricultural Society, $25; Zur- and Mrs. Papple conducted a quiz !eh Public Library, $25; Dashwood on the handbook. Those in charge Public Library, $12.50; South Hur- of lunch were: Cake, Mrs. Dale on Ploughing Association, $25. Nixon and Mrs._ Earle Papple; That Joseph Cantin be notified sandwiches, Mrs. Isaac Hudson an. that the council of the Township Mrs. Dave Papple. Anyone inter of Hay will take no action regard- ested in taking the bus trip to the ing the disputed ownership of Lots Royal Winter Fair , will . please 22, 23 and 2a, south of Bissonnette get in touch with the secretary. St., St. Joseph. That the tender to supply a new oil stove for the township office as received from Rader and Mittelholtz for $109,50 and allowance of $65 for present stoves, be acceptd. That applica- tion be made to the Department of Highways for initial payment of the 1949 road subsidy. That T, H. Hoffman's telephone account be paid to the amount of $1,328.37 as follows: (a) on the Sept. 1 acct., $459.82; (b) on the Sept. 22 acct., $589.05; (c) portion. of September salary to Sept. 26, $279.50, and that he be asked to appear before the council on Oct. 17 at 8.30 p.m. to explain the unpaid items. The accounts for Hay Township Road, Relief, Hay Municipal Tele- phone System as per motion, and Hay Township General Accounts be paid as per voucher. General Accounts - Dashwood Public Library, $12.50; Earl Zim- mer, $17.55; Wm. Edigboffer, $2.60; H. Thiel, $13.50: Zurich Public Library, $25; Treasurer Exeter Ag- ricultural Society, $25; South Hur- sloth ,.... .... ii ids 1�'1eetin The O'otober meeting of the Sear forth Women's haat/tuts . waa held at tkt 'home of Mrs. Paul Doig on In Muskoka golfers have 16 ceras da chooseIrvq 912/30y,Dcze#t IN MUS$OKA reme Muskoka Lakes are famous 1 for scenery and climate. Good catches of trout, bass and pickerel are reportedeach year. Famous regattas attract sailors and motor boat enthusiasts. Gravenhurst is 106 miles from T.A.ke Ontario by High- way No. 11. For details of accommo- dation write' to Muskoka Tourist Development Association, Box 66. Gravenhurst, Ont. Each year thousands of friendly visitors spend their holidays in Ontario. Let's make sure they have a warm welcome! "LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK!" 1 Have you a good BARN on your. farm ? e Of course you have. You know you must protect your crops. Have you been just as careful about pro- tecting your own old age, when you will want to take things easier? Consult WALTON Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner, of Toronto, called on the latter's brothers, the Messrs. Joseph, Thoe. and Woes Hackwell, last week and also Mrs. Campbell Way, who lives on the 12th line of McKillop. D. Youngblut, Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs. W. C. Hackwell attended the teachers' convention in London. George Underwood,of Moser - 'dile, visited with friends in the village. James Bishop, North Bay, called on friends here. Don Shaw, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Victor Shaw. Miss Amy Love, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson, of Seaforth, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter "Broadfoot. Stan Etherington Phone 280 STRATFORD Representing THE IMPERIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Part of the group of, 49 boys and ilirls,members of the Junior Farmer Association of Ontario, which toured the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France while inspecting the Montreal water- front under the auspices of the Domiinion Department of Agriculture, is shown with the ship's Mas- ter, Capt. B. B. Grant. The trip to Montreal was an award for outstanding work done by the Assoc- iation members throughout Ontario. Bell Telephone Company Proposes Increased Rates • Increases of 45 cents per month SCIENCE ATTACKS for two-party residence telephone fservice in Seaforth, and of 65 cents oresidence individual ell Telephone's lines, are PROBLEM 0 F proposed in Bell Telephone's ap- plication for revised rates filed in port with the Boardstof anada, TOOTH DECAY Trans- port Commissioners for Canada, TOOTH according to C. B. Symonds, the company's manager here. The proposed increase for indi- vidual line business service is $1.90 monthly, while the propt'rsed rate for two-party business service is $1.6:5 higher than at present. It is intended that the proposed rates shall apply to all standard types of telephones supplied by the company. A comparison of present hand telephone rates for typical classes of service with proposed rates in Seaforth follows: on Ploughing Association, $25; Canadian Legion, $12; H. W. Brok- enshire, $84.97; Harrison School, $2; Rader & Mittelholtz, $44.50; Zurich Agricultural Society, $75; Wm. Siebert, $40; Hay Telephone System, $2,300. Roads -Jas. Masse, labor, rent, gas, $123.45; Larry Snider Motors, $10.42; Supertest Corp., 542.25; Hyde Bros., $24; Win. Siebert, $10; Michael Masse, $8.50; Treas. Hur- on Co„ $177; Armco Drainage Co., *172.36 ; Depart. of Highways, $27.50; Earl Zimmer, $6.65; Lloyd Campbell, $19.50; Alphonse Masse, $147.75. Hay Municipal Telephone Sys- tem -The Ontario Telephone Ser - ice, $595.50; F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd„ $13.63; J. Frank Raw Co. Ltd.. $21.92: The Exeter Times -Ad- vocate. $4.50; Northern Electric Co., $ 57.69 ; H. G. Hess, salary, $305.94; The Brenner Hotel, $215.1 ,'305.9.4 ; Brenner Hotel, $215.15 ; 1-I. Thiel, $37.35; Datars & O'Brien, $196.75; Bell Telephone Co., $2,- 10223: H. W. Brokenshire, $65.65; T. H. Hoffman, salary, extra opera- tors, extra help, cartage, truck, etc., $1,328.37. The meeting adjourned to meet again Monday, Nov. 7, at 1.30 p.m. For best results - use the Classified's in The Huron Ex- positor. Phone 41, Seaforth. Why let yesterday's feeding methods rob you of today's pork profits? Feed your hogs the National way -for healthier, faster -developing hogs depend on a fresh -mixed, well-balanced hog grower made with National Hog Con- centrate. Save time -save labor -save grain, the Nation- al way. National Hog Concentrate is formulated to save you money -packed with animal proteins for rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for health and balanced with minerals to give you a pork producing grower with less grain. Soo your ?octal NATIONAL Food Dwder today HOGS WEIGHING 75 to 124 lbs. 125 to 174 lbs. 175 to 224 lbs. THE FASTER THE GAIN, THE MORE PROFIT YOU MAKE. NEED FEED TO GAIN 167 lbs. 190 lbs. 206 lbs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs. A balanced "fresh mix" ration with National Hog Concentrate speeds hogs to market dnd saves feed daily. ar an es se oaf .fat WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED -- INGERSOLL, ONTARIO ••" t48-2 FOR POULTRY, i TURKEYS, FEED MIX .• HOGS and CATTLE Pre- Pro- In - RESIDENCE sent posed crease Individual line .. 2.40 3.05 .65 Two-party line .. 2.20 2.65 .45 Rural party line.. 1.75 2.45 .70 Extension tele- phone .90 1.00 .10 SUSINESS Individual line 3.10 5.00 1.90 Two-party line 2.60 `'4.25 1.65 Extension tele- phone 1.15 1.25 .10 Rural party line2.00 3.25 1.25 P.B.X. trunk 3;45 7.50 4.05 P.B.X. extension telephone 1.35 1.2.5 .10 Until hand telephones are avail- able in quantity sufficient to sup- ply all who desire them subscrib- ers who presently have wall- tele- phones will temporarily pay 35 cents less, and those having desk telephones 15 cents less, per month. Long Distance Rates It is proposed to increase the initial period charge for long dis- tance calls by 5, 10 or 15 cents, depending on the distance involv- ed and on whether station -to -sta- tion or person-to-person service is requested. Some person-to-per- son, night and Sunday calls, would be increased by 20 or 25 cents. There are no increases for station -to -station calls between centres less than ten miles apart. CONSTANCE Modern science has spread the word that in all probability there will, in future, be a lot less of that great indoor and outdoor Canadian worry -tooth -decay and tooth -ache. The reason why one member of a family is troubled with tooth -de- cay and his brother or sister are not, has long been a matter of sci- etaific enquiry and research. Recent findings by men of sci- ence make it seem probable that, in the future, the average Cana- elan anaBran will spend fewer Hours in the dentist's chair. In so doing he or she will save considerable time, pain and worry. Many theories were exploded be- fore it was proven that wherever tooth -decay is .high there is also, in the mouth. a high content of a tiny name - Lactobacillus Acidophilus, or L. A. for short. In mouths that are decay -free, or have a low oc- currence, there' is also a low con- tent of this organism. Two members of the same fam- ily may eat exactly the same things and yet one has a good deal 'of tooth -decay and the other little or none at all. Why the differ- ence? Science has now found that there is more ammonia in the saliva of the decay -free person. This ammonia in the mouth not only attacks and destroys the or- ganism L. A. but it also dissolves the gluey coatings that form on the enamel of the teeth and har- bors the organism. The most ef- fective way to introduce ammonia into those mouths that have little is by means of a toothpaste or toothpowder. Ammoniated toothpastes a n d toothpowders are now to be had at an increasing number of stores, but don't make the mistake of. us- ing household ammonia. It is en- t,rely different from the chemical substance used in Ammonium -iron dentifrices. For best results, the niouth should not be rinsed after using; leave the residue in the mouth to go on generating am- monia. Ammonium -iron is no cure-all, but all evidence points to its being a simple inexpensive way to cut down on cavities, pain and expense. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and family, of Brussels, spent Fri- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, of Kitchener, spent the week -end w:th Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Mr. George Durham, who as at- tending University in Toronto, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durham. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton 410-,peened,'vi tataelf . , ►?QX . ;4Aol� 19099 14• Pp}'lpu?, te`fo clove of garlic before klacing them. ger, Merelf g&r11c; brown ill but, ter. Stirring'slowly, Rcrave ,front !teat; add lemon ju1ee ,and saat„. Asn eve garlic, , Arrange , teaulifiew- er 1n sorNing disb; stud with nut meats, Pdur butter sauce over cauliflower. Garnish with Cauli- flower leaves. Serves eight. Anne Allan invites you to write to her an caro of The Huron Pbt- positor. Send. in dour su.$gee- tions on homem'alking problems , and watch this column for replies - around roast at meat 4. Left -over potatoes (Iyed+ and tossed into arean). a$,11ed or concen- trated cream celery -soup Oakes a good' &upper dish. ,sprinkle with hursley. 5. Split 'big i?akedi petatoes and scoop out part of the centre and put in scrambled egg or sandwich filling. 6. Diced, cooked beets, chilled and served with a little sour cream seasoned with grated horseradish may be to your liking. 7. A cquple of peaches 'Sneed among slivered carrots and cooked in a covered casserole with very little salted water makes a tasty vegetable dish. 8. Two chives cooked with lima beans In the pressure cooker will renounce any bland, mealy flavor. Hello Homemakers! If your pep- per and tomato plants were hardy enough to survive the hot spell in May, they will probably be matur- ing now faster than you can use them. Pepper Relish and Apple Chutney may be your answer to this problem. There are many pick- ling recipes of which include pep- pers and tomatoes, but we believe these two will make history in your kitchen. The relish recipe makes three pints and the chut- ney, six pints, so use half of each of the ingredients in the second recipe if you wish. Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or Phone 414, Exeter. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. VARNA Pepper Relish Peel 27 pickling onions and put through food chopper. Hand chop 5 seeded green peppers and 6 seeded red peppers, the sweet kind, The Suggestion Box Mrs. C. C. suggests: Dutch Spinach 4 slices bacon, diced 3 cups chopped raw spinach 3 tablespoons flour 14 cups hot water 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar sa teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 hard -cooked eggs. Fry bacon until crisp; add 'bac- on to spinach. Add flour to drip- pings and blend thoroughly.- Add hot water and cook over low cheat until thick, stirring constantly. Add sugar, vinegar and seasonings. Pour over spinach. Stir well until wilted, and garnish with sliced, hard -cooked eggs. Serves six. C Mrs. J. R. suggests: Cabbage -Apple Slaw 1 banana lie cup sliced apples r/a cup,French dressing 2 cups shredded green cabbage lh cup of diced celery. Drop sliced banana and apples. immediately into the French dress- ing to avoid discoloration. Combine with remaining ingredients.; toss with fork until thoroughly mixed. If desired, serve cream mayonnaise with this. Mrs. M. K. suggests: Cauliflower Porcupine 1 large heat] cauliflower Small garlic clove 13 cup butter 1-3 cup butter 1 teaspoon lemon ,juice 1 teaspoon salt Peanuts. T Healing, aibotldele and antiseptic. Dr. Chase's q Ointment BURNS & A ate hon►a a :- BRUISES y�.I69c"�>° omy size. 6 times as much. $2.23. DR. CHASE'S - 34 Antiseptic OINTMENT Remove leaves tram cauliflower; cut off stalk. Wash cauliflower and nut the hot variety, -Add lyz cups leaves thoroughly. Place cauli- sug2r, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 plot flower (head up) and leaves in vinegar, 1 tablespoon celery seed large amount of boiling water. and 2 tablespoons allspice. Boil, uncovered, 20-25 minutes or Bring to a boil and simmer 10 until cauliflower is tender; re - minutes, stirring frequently. Pack hot in sterile jars. Apple Chutney Put 12 tart apples (peeled and cored), 12 .,peeled • tomatoes, 12 small pickling onions, 3 large green peppers and three large red sweet peppers, seeded, through the food 'hopper. To this mixture add two table- spoons salt, 3 cups vinegar, and 3 cups sugar. Tie forir tablespoons ground allspice in piece of cheese- cloth and put the bag in the ket- tle. firing to boil and simmer slowly one hour. Stir frequently. Remove spice bag. Taste. Add more salt,- if desired. Pour into sterile jars. Rev. L. W. Diehl passed away at the age of 84. He was born in Varna in 1865 and was educated in Varna public school and attended Clinton Model School. He taught for three years, then attended Hur- on College. His parishes included Holmesville, Summer Hill, Middle- ton, Ailsa Craig, Paisley, Port Bur- well • and Thamesville. He retired from the ministry 14 years ago and since then has resided in Thames- ville. He leaves behind him),tris daughter, Florence, and two sons, Wallace and Louis, all three living in Hamilton; also two grandchil- dren, Wallace Gordon and Lois Eleanor, children of. Wallace, and one sister, Mrs. Margaret McCly- mont, of Varna. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont, OFFICERS: Prank McGregor, Clinton - Free. Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice - President. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey 9'trller, R.R. 2, Goderich; J. H. MG' Ewing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Mc- Gregor, e-Gregor, R.R. 6, Clinton; Hugh ;Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Wm. R. Archibald, • MR, 4, Seaforth; Olaf L. DIt`alotie, R.R. E;, Seaforth, B/1#. 'Irtfshttinere, R,1{l. I!, Seatortlt. AGENTS: • 3'lnlay ItleiCetcher, ,Rn. 1, nob. 'flit, E. Pepper,. Etrude'Aeld; 1r7, ',Prtfetet~,: BrddhagemL; George A, Watt, Bi 't1. ZURICH Dies in Galt Mrs. Clara Hoffman, well-known Zurich resident, died suddenly at the General Hospital, Galt, on Sun- day, Oet. 9. She was visiting with members of her family when she was stricken. Mrs. Hoffman was a member of the Evangelical Church, Zurich. Her husband, the\ late William Hoffman, predeceased her in 1942. Surviving are three sons: Lee Hoffman, Zurich, and Clayton and Clarence, Galt; one daughter, Mrs, Leroy O'Brien, Zurich, and a sister, Mrs. W. Finkbeiner, Strat- ford. Funeral services were reld from her late residence, Zurich, on Wednesday at 2.30, with interment in the Evangelical Bronson Line cemetery. Take a Tip 1. A boiled potato is a humble thing. It needs color -a dash of paprika or a sprinkle of chopped parsley can pep up plain fare. 2. Squeeze boiled potatoes through a ricer and sprinkle with grated cheese. Upholstering Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Factory Guarantee Free Pick-up' and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 Brunswick St., Stratford For further information enquire at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH HERE'S UNBEATABLE TIRE VALUE! Yes, sir! The new improved Goodyear Deluxe gives you more mileage ... 34% more mileage than the big -mileage Goodyear it replaces. Gives added protection from blowouts ... plus super -traction . and sells at the right price. We have your size -drive in today. - SEAFORTh: MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV-OLDS--SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND "Jim," she said, as lie settled down for his afternoon smoke, "I''ve got a lot of things I Want to 'talk about to yeti." "flood," said herusband. • "I'm glad to bear it. 14481w You Want ta..taik to me abdttt a lot Of tliipgs y'o`u hnOell't got," In the RCAF "Highly skilled tradesmen of many kinds are needed to maintain Canada's Air Force at the peak of efficiency. The Royal Canadian Air Force trains these men thoroughly, pays them welt and guards their welfare tronstandy: You can take your place among these men who are Canada's pride and you will find the life purposeful, interesting and full of opportunities for advancement. Get full particulars NOW about the possibilities whf"ch exisefor you in the R.C.A.F. r ---MAIL COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.P. STATION. -.- 1 R.c.A.F. Training Command, North Watt Ali Command, IR;C.A.F. Statlon, or R.C.A.E. Station, , Trenton, Ono Edmonton, Alta. 1Please mail me, without obligation, full particulars regarding enlistment reciuiremcnts and openings now available in the 1 R.C.A.P. 1 NAME (Please Print) SS'11ENT ADDRESS 1.4s1TY PROVINCI; 1. You are gqCatmdian citizen or other British subject you aro . 2. You are:single and between 17 and 20ears. 1 eligible to 3. Yon hallo a minimum of one year less than Junior apply if: Matrioula tion for Radio trades and two Yenta for �r ,Al'SUNT au others ... or equivalent in both oases. . w::Atrio *Ward w......r*.a, ,..-. .herr.....r.r:...,wd a.ru,...-