HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-10-21, Page 30 ilsborna, Council met oft I Q Qday afternoon, Qct, 10; in regular Monthly aesaion with Reeve Hugh Berry: - presiding • and Councillors W1ellingten, Brock, 'agnea' ,Simpsc uu, Verne Pin,combe •and Harold, dei• Eery in attendance, Minutes of the Pleat regular meeting held on Sept, 12 were cenfirmed as printed, on motion. of Councillors Pincombe .and Jeffery. A petition for drain- age Work from. William Stephens and others was ,aeeepted by coun- cil an motion of Wellington Brock and James Simpson and directed that the township engineer he ask- ed to make a survey. and bring in a report on the area. Messrs. Elmer Bell and Charles 1MeNaugbton, representing the Exe- ter Hospital Committee, interview- ed the council. They outlined the. plans of the committee and the pxogresS that L adt been made, anti requetitect that the council, apf�oint a c.ouintitttee of four or five"ane bars representing .the Tawnehip f: G-sbarne area to ta8sist ea planning and directing a vapvaes of •the lis•. trict an the near future Couneil Promised oto appoint a .committee who woulffl act in that capaGitY. The following, correspondence was "tabled and, de91t with as fol- lows: G).adman & Cochrane, eon - firming advice regarding pro -rating of drainage assessments; action in the matter taken -at the September meeting, letter filed. Department of Municipal Affairs: approval of by-law extending the time` for the return of the assessment roll for 60 hays, filed; County. Humane So- ciety: re appointment of a local representative in . the township, Rubber Stamps and Stenc.Is WARWICK'S "Stampmaster•' =MAKES THE'BEST IMPRESSION MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • ' Rubber Stamps are essential to any well-run business! They save you time and money. Three Day Service On Rush Orders Stamp Pads, Daters & various supplies The Huron Expositor Telephone 41 Seaforth Mottos ,field t19 ')g tAngt ^ : dl to natio "Gotxlri' b0 ie0ltll4 i'r4twt tb Seer cry:. 0puxity ,czoxl€ og the 14'e0eer ,regarding furadxs Usti, the eeve, `tV', J, . outly, and the Clerk to act aceile0a1 ,sefectars and meet at an amyl date . N. Wert. re 'f utmioipal tachoal anti •County 45414,; ci►ai Association dinner in G, (?de, aria on; Qei. 18,'arrangements made for representati ves to attend, I?uin fries ConStruetigA Co., . re the '- Paid balance of their conteaet ,price on the Stewartpraili,. counci- • cf reoted that balance be held wall all legitimate fence aecountsr and the coat of improving. the 'head - Wall be Met before final, settlement' was made;- Department of High, ways, +confirmation of application for interim. subsidy, lied. The road superintendent report- ed that' C. Smith waa making good progress with the gravelling' con- tract; that C. Looby Construction iiad virtually completed their bridge contract. Council approved of an advance of $3,000 oto C. Looby Construction on their contract price, also further vouchers. to the amount of $2,269.84 as read. A grant of $25 was made to the South Huron Plowmen's Association in support of their annual plowing }Hatch was ,made on motion of Councillors Pincombe and Simp- son. Current accounts to the amount of $1,143.78 were passed on motion of Councillors Brock and Jeffery. The clerk advised the council that the 1949 tax roll had been completed and tabled a summary of the levies as follows: Accounts receivable, roads and bridge accts., $1,433.38; overall rate (County, Township, High School, General, School), $60,092.48; Federation of Agriculture membership , f'e e s, $498.75; Public Schools (trustees' requisitions), $11,240.89; Blanshard Municipal Telephone, $3,966.59 ; Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone, $433.05; Dunn Municipal Drain (40 per cent), 81,124:80; Fletcher Muni- cipal Drain, $1,170; Taylor Munici- pal Drain, $3,650.00; Branch -B Municipal Drain (re -assessment), $159.73; Elimville Municipal Drain (re -assessment), $924,81 ; Wurm Municipal Drain (re -assessment), $920.36; Cann -Mitchel] Municipal Drain (re -assessment), $607.43; dog tax, $666. Total of 1949 tax roll, $86,888.27. Council approved, the 1949 tax roll and directed that it be for- warded to the township auditor for checking and to the township tax collector for collection. Council ad-, journed to meet again in regular session on Monday, November 14. -` — I■ ■'ill LIT t f NMI,RAVont. c•c.INI P,c,wry KIN OSTA.. ONTRlO In a..i !i, �,, .�, �� �'' _�' PROTECTIO,N.::.FOR 'THE' CANADIA7N FAMILY Don Brightrall Special Representative SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Telephone 299 Mr, and Mrs. Donald McIFaig are pictured above following their marriage in First Presbyterian. Church, Seaforth. The bride is the former Helen Jean Upshall, only daughter af. Frank Up - shall, Seaforth, and the late Mrs. Upshall, and the bridegroom is the only son of Angus McKaig, Hensall, and the late Mrs. McKaig. Health and Welfare Theme of Hensall Institute Meeting The monthly meeting of the Hensall Institute was held in the Legion rooms on Wednesday night, Oct. 12, with the president, Mrs. F. Beer in the chair. The theme of Health and Social Welfare was carried throughout the meeting, Mrs. R. Elgie and Miss Greta Lam- mie being responsible for the splendid arrangements. The open- ing exercises consisted of the. Ode, the Creed and the Lord's Prayer. The roll call used was "My weight and what it should be." Donations of tea towels, dish cloths, soap chips and Playing cards tor use in the Legion rooms were received. The business was then dealt with. The first matter mentioned was the London Area Convention to be held in Hotel London on Oct. 25, 26 and 27. Mrs. Kerslake is one delegate. Mrs. McEwen, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Beer and Miss Consitt plan to attend some of the sessions. The presi- dent disclosed that she had receiv- ed a nice letter of thanks from Mrs. Dolson, referring to the lay- ette articles and. other gifts receiv- ed from the group. Any donations of clothing suitable for a two-year- old boy may be given to Gladys Luker or Mrs, H. Horton- Mrs. Beer mentioned the Blue Cross fees which will be due soon. The Royal Winter Fair bus trip, which is scheduled to take place in No- vember was outlined. Tbe bus char- tered for this tour will accommo- date 44 persons from Zurich, Grand Bend and Hensall. The president Preferred by more users because they cost less to own ...to operate ..• to maintain! Yes, it's true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks each year because they cost less to own, to operate, to maintain. What more convincing proof could there be that Chevrolet Advance -Design trucks give more value! Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements! ADVANCE -DESIGN TRUCKS C.r-3194 A Product of canard Motors n• During the past f4tllr $',ears there Iwo been a 70 per cent 4:0r4a10i?i, the number of ateleplienes I -ser vice 1/1- Seatorth anii.' local ealis ,have increased; by 0 per cent, C, B; Symonds, 0e11 Telephole man- ager for thin region., said ibis week'' in reviewing the ' record-breaking Post-war demand for servicewhich` has required Abe addition of much especihlly-made and costly equip- ment. Long distance calls originat- ing here have risen by 80 per cent in the same ,period, be said. There are now 610 telephones in use in Seaforth compared with 360 fouryearsago, Local calls average. 4,600 per day against 2,rv00, and telephone users here originate. about 135 long distance calls daily, or 60 more than in 1945. In order to meet this unprece- dented demand for service the com- pany has continuously improved and enlarged its facilities. The lo- cal switchboard was enlarged in June, 1948, and large quantities of cable, wire and poles have been used in expanding the service. This improvement program, which has resulted in the addition of 250 telephoes in four years, bas been succes ul in providing service for all app icants here, the manager said, but construction of outside wire and cable is expected to continue at a high level in order to keep pace with demand. asked for the list of members wish- ing to attend. There followed a discussion on the ways of making money. Mrs. Beer and Mrs, Parker were named a committee to make arrangements for a Community Night, proceeds to aid the com- munity building fund, prizes to be donated. In case this cannot be arranged, a euchre and dance will usha Dow's Family Album" was given by various members, in cos- tume, while the commentary was read by Mrs. L. Chapman, Those taking part were: Mrs. Elsie Car- lile, Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs. Schwalm, Mrs. Drysdale. Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Elgie, Miss J. Buchanan and Mrs. Logan. A high- light was the instructive talk giv- en by Miss Nora Cunningham, Reg.N., supervisor of nurses, health Unit of Clinton, in which she stressed the value of the Huron County Health Unit and its vast services offered to the district, re the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. Gladys Luker, secretary -treasurer, called upon Mrs.' Glenn Bell to forward to Mrs. A. E. Munn, in honor of her infant daughter, Margaret Lynn, a bank book and an accompanying address. The November meeting will be held in the Legion rooms. Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. Goodwin will he hostesses. The theme is Historical Research and grand- mothers' meeting. A humorous reading, "The Institute," was con- tributed by Mrs. A. Kerslake. Mrs. Feer extended the vote of thanks, after which the national anthem was sung. Lunch was serv- ed and a delightful social hour was spent at the conclusion. There was an excellent attendance. Elimville W. I. Hold Meeting =t. utsta • both services Personals. Mr. and *S. Meek, Hodgert, of• Exeter, with. IV[r, and 13xs. Wilmer Howatt; Mr„ and Ura. Bill Riley, 'Hensall, tulles Fern Wa,t son, London, .and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Kippen, 'with Mrs Nellie Watson; Mrs. Jack Radford, , Cite ton, and Miss Wilma Radford., of London, with sours. Lillie Webster; Mrs and Mrs. Robert Grierson and Davis have returned from Sjinder- land; Ivan Ross, St. Catharines, with' Mr. and Mrs. W:Ross; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Radfo'd, Jim and John at Niagara Falls; Douglas Hesk, of the Royal Navy, with bis The W.I. held their meeting on Wednesday evening with a large number in attendance. The meet- ing was in charge of Mrs. Harold Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Johns gave the motto; Mrs. Garnet Johns, current events, while Mrs. Richard Ether- ington gave a very interesting talk on her experience as secretary to' the Canadian Minister of Food through the war years in England. The/purchasing committee ttee is to get a hot plate 'or coffee maker and committees were appointed for the cooking sale and play. A dainty lunch was- served by Mrs. Garnet Johns as hostess. Mrs. Cliff Brock received the sad news of the sudden pasting of her father, Mr. Minor Dobbs, of Glen - cairn, on Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Brock and sons and Mrs. Ivan Brock bad spent the week- end with their parents and Mr. Dobbs was in good health then. All of the family of ten children were Present for the funeral on Satur- day at Creemore cemetery, two sons, Harry and Harvey. flying home from the West.. Mrs. C. Brock and Mrs. Ivan Brock are re- maining for a few days' visit with their mother. The regular meeting of Hensall village council was held Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion by Parke and Jones. F. Harburn reported re the garbage collection as being impossible for Wednesday, also re the drain on King St. East. Hoy and Tudor: That the clerk get in touch with the county engineer, T. R. Patter- son, re the ditch on King St. East. Carried. J. A. Paterson, tax collec- tor, reported a%% having received $12,435.42 in 1949 taxes to date. Tudor and Parke: That the clerk prepare a bylaw appointing Jahn Traquair as motor mechanic of the fire brigade. Carried. • Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Canada Trust Co., Humane Society, Bickle-Seagrave Co., Work- men's Compensation Board, Bell Telephone Co., Huron County Mun- icipal Association, Peacock Broth- ers, Department of Highways, Vil- lage of Clifford—same considered and filed. The clerk was instructed to charge the Hensall Hydro Com- mission for the use of the town tractor, three hours at $1.50 per hour. The following accounts were passed for payment: A Spencer & { Sons, material, 072.21; A. Spencer ai8r Sons, material, W.W., $3.48; Brown's Hardware, material, W.W., $1.75; material fence, $13.80; Hall, 3.82; streets, $3.80; Hensall Dis- trict Co-op., $10.10; Hensall Hydro Commission, Hydro, HaH, $10.71; Hydro, W.W., $33.05; J. E. McEw- en, tile, streets, $1.35; Drysdale Hardware, belt. W.W., $1.35; Fire Dept, 55c; Hall $3.05; G. R. Hess, 'printing, $64.50; Exeter Times-Ad- vocnl.e, printing, $4.92; J. Pass- more, salary and cartage, W. W., $44.31; F. Harburn, salary $123.72; J. A. Paterson, salary $175, post- age 2.15; Bell Telephone, service, $3.45; Hyde Bros,, repairs, tractor, streets, $5; B. Kyle, material and labor, bandstand, $54.45; Pass- more' Garage, supplies, W.W., $5.70; Passmore's Garage, supplies, F.D. $40.07, streets, $2.40. Total, $700.74. Hoy and Tudor: That the clerk contact Exeter and Zurich Fire Brigades as tb making of an agree- ment on a mutual aid basis in the case of a bid fire. Carried. Parke and Jones: That Bylaw No. 17, 1949, re fire brigade rules and regulations, be given second reading. Carried. Tudor and Jones: That' we in- struct the constable to enforce the bylaw prohibiting the, riding of ,bicycles on the sidewalks. parents, Mesh', M, to ;with lex,, 1vfr. , and Stratford, f , Hann:; 41tclt:0ne IMns :,iFaGk 44a9gtu and Ax'i's and Mrs O a town, with 1Vir, °n]tIrsy�xo ler; Miss.: Ilelen M reg t C,atlraxined : at e 1949 FL Toronto (Royal Winter ' Fair .. llaY 1 i LONDESBORO Anniversary services were held in the Londesboro United Church on Sunday, with Rev. Gordon Hazlewood, of Walton, as guest speaker. Special music by the choir was under the direction of Mrs. S. H. Brenton. The church was decorated with autumn flow- ers, and large crowds attended SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters 20th ANNUAL Lio J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138 SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer Most musical terms are derived frond the Italian language, IC Palace Rink SEAFORTH MONDAY October 31st • PARADE • PROGRAM • ALL THE FAVORITE GAMES • BINGO • DANCING • CHILDREN'S EVENTS Prize Drawing Dancing in Cardno's Hall Proceeds in Aid of Lions Welfare Work ADMISSION: Children under 15, FREE Adults 25c 'EXCELLENCE FLOUR' GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" --- Bread Flour "MAGIC" — Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them a Trial" • DAIRY RATION • PIG STARTER • CALF MEAL • HOG FATTENER • SOW RATION • HOG GROWER • CHICK GROWER • LAYING MASH • CHICK STARTER • BROILER MASH • HATCHING MASH TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS Feed Division of Excellence Flog Mills, Limited SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONES 353 - 354 FARMERS - We will buy your -WHEAT, .BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN, a PAY BEST MARKET PRICES