HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-10-07, Page 4,`' ,. _. •9- WILLIAMRILEY. KIPP MR, R EN, I I ''h ka th' c ass es 1 her ma fri ,nisi cuts. and neighbors for their s to er- a ]rasp a r k es h indn f M self &nd her home Willie cite was ca patient . _ .. -. in 3.cott Memorial 1'lioapital, and to es- pecially thank Mr. and Mss. A. D. Day- n�rd for their kindness. f�s�nfied Ads Inserted ;At New Low C�isbl Rates: 426.1 > ` . FOR. S Ani ', A111TED, LOST A14D FOUND, ETC.—Per word: MISS WAR SMITH WISHES TO EX - 14 W"k ......................... I Cent. Press her sincere appreciation for the 1.,;,:".1111 2nd week ...., rt', Coat many oardss gift3 of fruit and flowers Sid wek}f o .... .. .... , i� Cent wiiito she a patient in Scott Mem- Minimtwt charge, first insertion... 26 Cents octal Hospital; also to thank Dr, M. W. ,!! Each figure, inlitipl and: abbreviation counts as one word. Stapleton, Dr. Howson, special nurses and Cazd. of' Thanlas Irk igen4041uu Noticea, Coming Events—1 cent per word Minimum, the staff of the Hospital. 4268x1 1i0 ceRA. to, ippr week, , F qni=" mfiy be directed to a Box No., c% The Humor ErDasntor, for 10 cents extra yen eemtp aikirayal will be charged ff ads in shove class are not paid within 10 days d_ry�o._pl flaw Insertion. In Memoriam AIICbs, anlages and 'Deaths inserted free of charge. ' Ai%gtion Saleo. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates am, application. Wanted Personals I, t`a f A819, BOAIbT►ERS- APPLY BOX HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R " 819, HUAQX EXPOSITOR. 426.8x1 11 Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; r• 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, ii" WAN'IED--;DRiVER SALESMAN FOR NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, +.i,i:;: weU-lwawn soft drink company; Ont Permanent position. -Must have Proven fir' '' selling ability. Apply for further Portico- CONSTIPATION SUFFERERS—A F e+ lars to Box 818, HURON EXPOSITOR. l� ous foranula, developed by Robert CG_ ^r . 426,8x1 Jackson, M.D., 'has helped to relieve thou- - sands of sufferers. This formula is known i' '' '1�� as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal �f.•{S�y Notices that helps nature relieve constipation. It ,';i,' combines the natural tood,values and de- r IN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR husband and father, James L. Grieve, who Passed away October 5, 1942, --Wife and Family, I N LOVING ,MEMORY OF A DEAR husband arfd father, Alfred Austin, who passed away October 8, 1937, in Varna, Ont; There is a • link death cannot sever. Love and remembrance last forever.- -Sadly missed by Wife and Family, 4268x'1 IN LOVING. MEMORY OF BENEDICT Richard Ho4land, . who died October 9, 1939• There's s' sad and sweet remembrance, Th o f d and true NOTICE—GOUA HOME FOR ELDER- r d { a " x ' i a- P And a heartache still for you. 4268-1 r .—Always and ever remembered by your - MMOWER, KNIVES WELDED AND sold by all leading grocers. 'Wri'te today for free booklet, "Nature's Father, 'Mother, Brothers and sdsters4268-1 . - : ` � . ened. JOHN M—LEAN, Egmondville son, M.D., to Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, • j ' BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH- i D Births a bI RYAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Work done to inspector's satisfaction. rt� Oct. 2, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan, ,`' ,. _. •9- WILLIAMRILEY. KIPP MR, R EN, I I ''h ka th' c ass es 1 her ma fri ,nisi cuts. and neighbors for their s to er- a ]rasp a r k es h indn f M self &nd her home Willie cite was ca patient . _ .. -. in 3.cott Memorial 1'lioapital, and to es- pecially thank Mr. and Mss. A. D. Day- n�rd for their kindness. f�s�nfied Ads Inserted ;At New Low C�isbl Rates: 426.1 > ` . FOR. S Ani ', A111TED, LOST A14D FOUND, ETC.—Per word: MISS WAR SMITH WISHES TO EX - 14 W"k ......................... I Cent. Press her sincere appreciation for the 1.,;,:".1111 2nd week ...., rt', Coat many oardss gift3 of fruit and flowers Sid wek}f o .... .. .... , i� Cent wiiito she a patient in Scott Mem- Minimtwt charge, first insertion... 26 Cents octal Hospital; also to thank Dr, M. W. ,!! Each figure, inlitipl and: abbreviation counts as one word. Stapleton, Dr. Howson, special nurses and Cazd. of' Thanlas Irk igen4041uu Noticea, Coming Events—1 cent per word Minimum, the staff of the Hospital. 4268x1 1i0 ceRA. to, ippr week, , F qni=" mfiy be directed to a Box No., c% The Humor ErDasntor, for 10 cents extra yen eemtp aikirayal will be charged ff ads in shove class are not paid within 10 days d_ry�o._pl flaw Insertion. In Memoriam AIICbs, anlages and 'Deaths inserted free of charge. ' Ai%gtion Saleo. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates am, application. Wanted Personals I, t`a f A819, BOAIbT►ERS- APPLY BOX HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R " 819, HUAQX EXPOSITOR. 426.8x1 11 Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; r• 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, ii" WAN'IED--;DRiVER SALESMAN FOR NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, +.i,i:;: weU-lwawn soft drink company; Ont Permanent position. -Must have Proven fir' '' selling ability. Apply for further Portico- CONSTIPATION SUFFERERS—A F e+ lars to Box 818, HURON EXPOSITOR. l� ous foranula, developed by Robert CG_ ^r . 426,8x1 Jackson, M.D., 'has helped to relieve thou- - sands of sufferers. This formula is known i' '' '1�� as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal �f.•{S�y Notices that helps nature relieve constipation. It ,';i,' combines the natural tood,values and de- r IN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR husband and father, James L. Grieve, who Passed away October 5, 1942, --Wife and Family, I N LOVING ,MEMORY OF A DEAR husband arfd father, Alfred Austin, who passed away October 8, 1937, in Varna, Ont; There is a • link death cannot sever. Love and remembrance last forever.- -Sadly missed by Wife and Family, 4268x'1 IN LOVING. MEMORY OF BENEDICT Richard Ho4land, . who died October 9, 1939• There's s' sad and sweet remembrance, Th o f d and true NOTICE—GOUA HOME FOR ELDER- dicious flavora of whole wheat and whole e'sa a bran rt' on There's a tpken of sffechion, dear Benny, 1 y Person PHONE 236, Seaforth rye with the gentle, laxative Properties of ffax-0-lin and bran. Roman Meal is an And a heartache still for you. 4268-1 excellent energy food for all ages, It is .—Always and ever remembered by your - MMOWER, KNIVES WELDED AND sold by all leading grocers. 'Wri'te today for free booklet, "Nature's Father, 'Mother, Brothers and sdsters4268-1 . - s]iarpened. Lawn mowers also sharp- Way to Good Health" by Robert G. Jack- . ened. JOHN M—LEAN, Egmondville son, M.D., to Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, Garage. 4255-tf Dept. K, 11 Wilhngdon Blvd, Toronto. . „ BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH- Gala Occasion D Births ed following '1' B. test. Brand new ' � sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds .pressure. 1 Help Wanted RYAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Work done to inspector's satisfaction. _ Oct. 2, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan, Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HA'RBURN. Staffa_ 4256-tf HELP WANTED—GIRL FOR GENER- H Dublin, a daughter. AGAR—, Stott Memorial Hospital, . ___ _ al housework in Toronto; $60.00 per month with Liberal time off. Apply MRS. Oct 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Agar, r, Notice To Creditors H. W. KNIGHT, 228 Balmoral Ave., To- Seaforth, a daughter - KERN' Scott Memorial Hospital, an WE HAVE A •FREE GIFT rants. 4267-2 Oct- 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kehn, 5, NOTICE to CREDITORS APPLICATIONS THORN Seaforth,a da ter. Alexandra Hospital, match. Zone 5, District A, and in 1943-44 Goderich, on Oct- 3, to Mr. and Mrs. In the Estate of HENRY DIETZJ. WANTED C. Thornelce (nee Marion MacImren), ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS d the gift of a daughter—Anne E. lizabeth. against the Estate of Henry Dietz, late SECRETARY -TREASURER WANTED Governor of District A-2, as chair- of the Township of McKillop, in the Coun- deceased who of Roma Retired Fof Applications wU•1 be received by James 7'�, di died on the 31st day of August 1949, are Au, C. McIntosh, R.R. No. 3, Seaforth, Chair- man Board of Trustees of Tnckersmith K�r EN hereby, notified to send in full particulars Of their claims .to the undersigned on or School Area, until October 11th, at 9 Pm.,, for the position of seoretary-Treas- The W.M.S. met recently at the before the 28tb day of October, ben, ism after a which dale the assets will be distributed. urer of the said Board. Manse for their September meet - . having regard only to claims then receiv- Applicants will please state qualifrca- ing. The president, Mrs. R. Elgie, ed• tions and salary expected and when avail- presided and opened the meeting DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of able. Any application not necessarily au cepted with Hymn No. 510. Psalm 145 OotAT 1949. McCONNELL & BAYS, For further particulars apply to was then read responsively. Mrs. Seaforth, Ontario, ANY OF THE TRUSTEES R. McBride led in prayer and read Solicitors for the Executors, TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL" AREA the Scripture lesson, Isiah 40, vers - 4268 -3 4267-2 es 3 to 11. Hymn No. 2.19 was sung NOTICE to CREDITORS mental agencies which -was called and a poem entitled, "September," R. Peck. Mrs. --- equipment are eligible for the sift Send,or Pbeue Motor was read by Mrs. In the Estate of MARY SHEA Cars For Sale Doss Broadfoot favored with a ALL PERSONS HAVING C L A I M S`piano for the dissemination of education- instrumental. The study, "In a9must the Estate of Mary Shea, IateOR SALE -1939 HUDSON ON SEDAN, Kenyon Delta," was given by Mrs. of .the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the'ELI7,ABETH new paint. nice condition, '$525. ,MRS. DEITZ, Kipper- Phone 77 Tbomas Kay. Hymn No.. 376 was 17th day -of August, 1949, are hereby noti- I r 34, Hensall_ � 4268-1 sung and Mrs. Elgie pronounced fled to send in fell particulars of their claims to the undersigned on obefore' ' USED CAR BARGAINS the benediction. A dainty lunch by Circle No. 3. the 14th day of October, 1949, alter which. date the assets will be distributed, having was served W. A. Meets regard only to claims then received./� CHEV, COACH til The W.A. held a business meet - DATED at Seaforth, this 21st day of September, 1949. 49' Styleline Special lug at the close of the, W.M.S. McGONNEM & HAYS/�(� CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN, with 49 meeting With the president, Mrs. Barristers, &c., Radio and ether Accessories R. M_ Peek, in charge. Mrs,_ Edgar Solicitors for the Foists. Waterless Aluminum McBride repcited to the ladies 4266 3 /10 OHEv ,� `FO E FLEECOACH that the Christmas cards had ar- NOTICE to CREDITORS rived. Anyone requiring cards may In the Estate of CATHERINE WEIR 1413 CHEV. SEDAN receive 'them from her. The date ALL 'PERSONS HAVING O L A I M S 1 for the annual bazaar was set for against the Estate of Catherine Weir,148 Saturday afternoon, Nov. 12. Dona - late of the Ott' of Andersoa,,in :the S4ate v CREV. COACH tions are requested to come to of south Carolina, Widow, deceased, who' died on the 24th deny of July, are CHEV. the W.M.S. meeting on Wednesday Oct. 9, the home hereby notified 1.o send in full Particulars ,40 COACH afternoon, next, at o$ their claims. to the undersigned on or " Mr, and Dors. �V. Carter and fab - of Mrs, W. Caldwell. before the 14th day of October, 1949, after dents only—Allan Walper, Park- P tial reach orchard in the section ' which date the ass assists will be distributed, havi�yto NTIAC 139 POCOACH - claimsthen e d °" I3T CHEV. COACH BRUCEFIELD DATED at Seaforth, this 21at day of Michie, Brussels; William Leem- September. 19lA.. members are requested to be pre - Mrs.. J. E. McEwen attended the McCONNELL do HAYS 3/2 -TON TRUCK 37 Zurbrigg -McEwen Barristers � 3 in goad shape B.rucefield United Church, at - Solicitors for The Estate 4266 8 MANY OTHER VALUES tractively, decoratefl with stand. this week. BRUSSELS MOTORS ards of autumn flowers and ferns, the 'for For Sale received of this meeting. was setting. a pretty wed - ding �� "the on Saturday afternoon, Oct. A Mrs. Home of Setter Used Con" 1, . at 2:34 o'clock„ when Rev. E- vANNEL COAL—FPR FIREPLACES. M HART. phone s9a-W. OPEN EVERY EVENING R. Stanway united in marriage ­ 4268-3WM. W�8 D1RSC4 yr.,.v,... >'•, A5 OtK as os Margaret, Lillian McEwen and Rus - :;Iter C. Fisher was born, and it ,t there that he has always lived. - -' -- sell -'G. K_ Zurbrigg. The bride is QIt SAJ�DARK OXFORD GREY F GREY Auction Sales the only daughter Y g ter of Mr, and Mrs. .Kenwood ruaa's coat, size, 16. PHONE 125 VP, Seaforilr-' 4268-d ation for the Community Building John McEwen, ld,and 1 DISPERSAL SALE ' o the groom is the only son of Mrs. only son FOR SALE—NHw HOUSE,, FULLY IN- Se age. a00 Zurbrigg and the late' Ezra Zur- sulated; 7 :roosts includi bath, � PHONE Io9. H66' aL t 4267-4 PURE BRED Scotch Shorthorns brigs, Wingham. Traditional wed - the ... , Ewing, Blyth. Other competitors ding music was, played by the FOR Se'r�Y+s cc,M. 'BICYCLE, -'n FROM GENMAR FARM church organist, Mrs. J. R. Mur- .good `oD - newly pang soot rinse- PHONE 377-I9P_ Seaforth Rink doch• who also accompanied the _4 ­111 4263-1 Wednesday October 12th soloist, Mrs, Benson Sutter., Olin- "I'll i I going to. Clarence Reichert. Music ton, who sang, Walk Beside SALE—RANG>✓1.1E IN GOOD b I? ; used three m'ou'ths. Apply at 1:30 p.m. Dr. M. W. Stapleton You," before the ceremony, and "Because" cE[,'i A131 7 , iARKE, senforth Motors, Mr, Baynham were the artists. at the signing of the 1 , 4111`s1 PROP W. E. O'NEIL, HAROLD JACKSON register. Mrs, Sutter wore a floor - length F OR X,P-FINDLAY OIL BURNING Auctioneers• gown of white brocaded . apace• Treater, medium size: used one CATALOG UES ON APPLICATION bengaline with a corsage of pink eemum; 475.00. GORDON CRAIG. Phone 42G5-4 Beauty roses. Given in marriage 212J. 4268x1 AUCTION A uCTION SALE OF xousEllol n by her father, the bride looked _pR SAY, NUMBER OF STOCK- ishi. in the Town of Seaforth, Sperling charming in a gown of white bridal i .' sten 'aibout 800 'pounds- Apply - Street, on Wednesday, October satin, fashioned with fitted bodice BRUCE 'IISEDD, Lot ¢6, Con 5, MCKil- lorlt at 1 p•m.: 4 -burner Moffat electric 'stove (new) kitchen and tiny buttons down the front. . : lam• "• - 4268-1 : table and 4 hairs; arm chair; china cabinet; drop leaf table; The yoke was of Swiss eyelet lace FOR SALE ­ CUSTOM BUILT KROEH- pedestals; number of small tables; number of and bad a wide stain bertha. The ler chesterfield suite, Apply to rockers; 3 -Piece chesterfield (now): electric Sable lamps. walnut table- day full flared skirt ended in a slight JAMES T. SCOTT, Seaforth- Phone 582 -W. bed; chesterfield tables: settee; 4 Breis- train. Her full-length veil of .em - 4268-1 era; vanity dresser; 2 easy chairs; Piano 'broidered net was held in place by FOR SALE --GOOD BROWN BROAD_ stool' 8 beds and springs; 3 spring mat- tresses; clothes horse: a halo of orange blossoms. She clW,h. coat, with mouton trimming; adze 16• Apply to MRS. ROY M•eGON- hart seat and min ror; single springs; chest of drawers; library table; carried a cascade bouquet of red IDLE. phone 169_ 4269.1 bedroom chairs: clocks; curtains; drapes; scatter mats; rugs; Briardiffe roses. Miss Iris Cleland of Listowel, cousin of the bride; FOR SALE — EXTENSION DINING screen door (new) ; is windows; combina- tion door; horse door; step ladder: lawn washer Only attendant, wearing a room table; in good condition. Apply to MRS- GEORGE CONNFI.L, Centre St.. mower; 32 -foot extension ladder (tike new): garden tools; lawn hose; quantity floor-9ength gown of aquamarine' blue net over taffeta. A wreath Seaforth. 4268x1 of house paint; Z sets car chains: all kinds of carpenter tools; quantity of In-- of tlnT flowers held her matching - FOR SALE -.4 TWEED FAIL TOP'. ber'nod Planks; flower boxes; large quan- shoulder -length veil. She carried coat. 1 dark grey Winter overcoat: bath size 34, in good condition. Can be tity of dishes and kitchen utenails; quan- titY of dry hardwood_ Terms — Cash. a colonial bouquet of.. Les•tra Hib- assn at SCO1N5 CLEANERS. MRS. I. W. FREE, Proprietress; Harold bard roses. Wilbur Tiffin, Wing-' 4268x1 Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, ham, was best man, and the ushers DURHAM CAT- FOR sALighiu Clerk. 4268-2 were Walter McEwen, Londou, tie, weig;hfng 600 iPonnds; also Dar_ 500 p CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM brother of the bride, and Harold ham :bull 15 months' old, Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth stock. ImOlements, Feed and House- Wild, Wingbam. Following the LORNE WILSON. Brucefreld. hold Effedts, at Lot No. 33, Concession 1, ceremony a reception was held in 4268-1 Tockersmith Township on No. 8 High- the church hall. For her daugh- FOR SALE—%_IETiG PH BEIGE CLOTH way, 3 miles east of Clinton. or 6 miles we,.t o4 Seaforth, on Tuesday, October ter'9 Wedding Mrs. McEwen chose coat, satin lined, size 17, teal blue cloth form 11th, at 1.3o p.m. shatp, the following: an afternoon frock of raspberry coat, fitting, satin lined, grey Persian HORSES-14iatched grey team of Perch- crepe with black accessories and lamb collar. Apply to A. BOW- eron mares, 6 years old. CATTLE—Dur- ey upon trust, to convert the same 4LAND. Egmondville. 42(;9_1 haw cow 7 years old, due .fan. 27•th ; Polled a Corsage of Lestra Hibbard roses. 4° Hereford cow 6 yearn ole, ave Nov. 1st; Mrs. J. Rantoul, Wingham, Sister FOR SALE --d MUSKRAT FUR COAT, Palled Hereford cow 5 Years old, due Jan. °f the proem, chose a black suit size 14; 1 Harvie tweed coat, size 14; 1st; Hereford farrow cow 7 years old: 2 with black aCCeB'aOrleS and a Cur- - 1 cloth coat with fur collar, size 14 ; 1 Hereford heifers 2 years old, due Oct. t. , Cloth coat, size 88. AT GILLESPIE 25th; Hereford bull 2 years old: 3 Here- sage of pink Beauty 'roses. The CLEANERS; Main SL ford spring calves; 2 calves 4 months. assistants Were Misses Batty Al' VA 4268x1 old• These are T.B. bested cattle. PIGS len and Lois Moffat, London, and —York sow with -litter; rrchunks, aDproxi- ' ,. Pon SALE — 1,000 CORDS 12 -INCH mately 160 its. ; 9 pigs. 8 weeks old Edna Templeman and Gladys i hardwood. FRED C. RALBFLEISCH POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT—+1o0 Sus- Shdilt, Whigham. Following the re- ' I & SON ZuA011. Phone 69;. Zurich. sex X Rhode Island Red Dulleta ; 20 Sus- CeptiQn the gdeats, ,',were invited• to i ^-� 4266-4 sex X Rhode Island Red Year old hens : exlony house 81 x lot; range shelter. the bride's 'home ''to dee the gifts. I`ij tlR 9ATa -NFIW SINGER g>ryPING IMPLEMENT4—trotter tine • wagon. 600 F6 travelling t° points east' the ' macNittp, ,61ectee atld trreadle. Re., xl0t tires: hay 'rack ; gravel box; bench sleighs and flat rack; McCormick -Deering bride donned a navy blue moire 1ralra to all tnak'es. slrrGElt Sn1ivlNu� '' CEN'C A 78 tlntatio 'St•, Stratford. . cultivator; waltoing Brow; 8 -section drag dress with which she wore a7 fit - i 4229-tP'harrows, cutter: hay car; 125 feet of hay lied wine coat and: black aecessor- rope; quantity of 'hemlock lumber (inch) ; les and a corsage of red Briar- 3�Br� Yft AppLE MctlottC a1�earn seParakor (550 lbs. tepee - S `P O$ SALT; -- ,r` . S Wardfe, rover, B itv); quatittty of elm plank; electric eiiffe roses. On their return the lenhble plpDiu, W. fenadY ' (new) , wire •idlers 060) ; .forks : couple will reside in Wingham. `,c , aloe 14Is cTufbedt svar9alile n acv t1 rrTe h 15 vela . 1 ' n 'chains an takhN, for Syyd 'aril, D611diot%,",;''ifislt ' e :nater artict� gl"JJ"T1D—A 'rb • •na1*11 NO t oreh r(T 2 tiiffee Aofift col' Clihfoir }pIn No: bushels o p1' xntri te1118J1 L. g1rd�Y.: bYa .lilioYf6 `f3'$ r 4, 011ttts 5. f mixed rrattt , 2 loads of oat . sheaves; 2 loads of mixed• hay; quantity ,c y�tt �� t „ 04: . rl l,Vftjt5K. 4%il-2 cp shgg ; 8'. to 16 Ua#s- of potatoes.. JlAYC lPJLlJ PffA� 1 � r"�`RA " "„�� Iitlti l OLD LWEVC19—Dining room t078QIlGIfIGiC axtkFYsiorq fable S. '' " kitchen chairs • .tonst c A motion ti ebnflrin 'a rc lir• on bra7'en. aiatCfitliy,, irlofCdd,dat. graded sit: Coleman fivitt 'tiri3k flits t p . t t 'Wlatbr anl)f r. 2 water th di s frallil the : , it .!4t' tbt.;aait tib i l'tvl+e' r .mild;`, litteleNrw 9r „it 12'.0, Tams—Cawh, P V19it1n Of 'proeood ti 'kf r �i>'l - .1 1 , '^ I Hind:.;V! n 1`1"Yi'-tehdrvs:. , proflrietor has sold his . estate of. RiCharri $alley: q� . 90 s !w,t•�4++ .�hOlr'`,ttI , :* =1 fauns Fiift IC, PEPPER, 1Provrtgor; .field, Who. died Sept. 6G„.19�12,.Wkde p: tit B B I, `>G1 Y ; lyf b i..,.!!lr i0 w`citbaticl W. P'lliatt, Au�tie>tieer iKr, R , `. i tt” � 3r. ,r r„ 4+ 6 1°+ 01 6h; lSlerlr .. 1207-2 by Juf� a T. M. CostQ11A, wA8 bre- . i i : ,,. ., 'I , , r . , ai "fit : ff{ 1 i. f u _ ` ti11 - .: ' ,.1 7 r wo Illio 'e� }�1 4 , _0 a G Sl>� :1i1 ',,4� '� 4 t Ile A� l t d ' rte �4,Q61i� , ,'14*',, 11& ` 61n4e ) iz it,, A Xy l w;�e�.. x ,19 � d �ti,on41 �e 0a � e�lv ,t 1/y� A JsF •}901 , ty}i Y, i ;_ 111, i �-, Pi " � P" 11, �,., !", ��. . 4 " " 1, a, o " � � � " *",';,i�'�'­�;�� , I 1. I i - , q. �,, 'I . . . I h i `� ,,, �%, I T 71 . .:.' Yf wikwv.92 A SPT .F,C. 10 I . :­ arta', LATS , __ RS Cauxs. t_ �h . •Orchard 'and gel a Winter sup- ply.- _ C.140i'are ., FRUIT ;FAftiyi;,, 11 r:; 1 !e :int `' ) I ,++w.M moi,. .1:. , r , .;i .,l.r , . r «', ,w .. ir,,, w,4 •. ' ' b.. , ,4. w,, ,L. n..,y.,yy ,w'Jwvl,L 1,', ,_ i , K, �., '. .} . , 9 :. , - ..._, ,:i,. .. .,.r ,.,. q 1 r.M 1,t J .. a '� r F ' t' t A ! r J i .� k w�.•.•w.•zs.•+r,w�isa+,wtiAw<wat4,,. +..+Nx:: I r' T 1. i il L T N- (� N • With the aid of a number of unpaid art -time workers the framework of p p he Hensall Common- . .. „4 ity Centre is rapidly nearing completion, The above photograph shows the major part of the frame - North Huron i work in place. The volunteer workmen represent the neighboring township , as well as the Village I of Hensall. - (Continued from Page 1)I . „ were lent by Tom Adams and Clif- ford Adams, of Londesboro. Gala Occasion Owing to Thanksgiving the ' an, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Me- Murtrie Sunday. • DO YOU KNOW monthly Auxiliary meeting takes —a girl who -is planning Gorden Bennett, agricultural re- (Continued from Page i) place at the home of Miss M. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. E. J. • Carlfte re- to be married? presentative for Huron,, assisted on Tuesday night, Oct, 11. Mrs. turned to Detroit, on Saturday at= WE HAVE A •FREE GIFT with planning and staging of the of Deputy District Governor of p McNaughton will assist the ter spending two weeks visiting . FOR HER match. Zone 5, District A, and in 1943-44 hostess. The devotional period with the former's sister, • Mrs. Au sbelieve that every bride-to-be Judging of the different classes' he served concurrently as District will be taken by Ml's. A. Hyde. Mrs. ra C. Walker, ohmdd sea and .hear about our resulted as follows: Governor of District A-2, as chair- J. Corbett will give the missionary Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brook, of madam cooking method that re-' Jointer plows with skimmers in man of the Board of Governors Of items; Mrs. B. Kyle, the study Galt, Mr, Ralph Brook and Mr. and . ruins the oaturai Savor lis ) is _ ,- Our lovely gift (,pri ,alae) is sod, open except for provincial District A, and Is President of the chapter; Mrs, Mary Buchanan, Mrs,. Robert Gaston, ,of Toronto, w-' en Free for the privilege of shasv- wimners—J<ames Hogg, Seaforth. International Association of Lions Mrs. W. Smale, Mrs. J. Traquair were week -end visitors ,with Rev. ins her the nerdy styled "Wear - Jointer plows with skimmers in Clubs of Canada. In 1947 he repre- and Gladys Luker form the social and Mrs R. A. Brook. Ever" Waterless cooking •ut:aueihs, are not to be seen in any story sod, Huron residents only—Arthur sented Lions International at a committee. A large attendance is Mrs. Loomis •Kirk P atrick, of !fiat there is no oblisot to bay. Only ' Bell,' Goderich; Thomas Hallam, special conference of non -govern- urged. Members are reminded 'to Chevy Chase y , Maryland, and Mrs. b-ir'ls rust have not yet seen our Auburn. mental agencies which -was called have ready 'their aprons in answer Robert Gardiner and Mrs. Robert equipment are eligible for the sift Send,or Pbeue Walkinglows, 19 years of age P at Lake Success to formulate Tans P to the roll call. Hopkins were guests of Mr. and ,names ,. fo yeiiitneurest d'lstributor. and under—John Clark, Goderich. for the dissemination of education- The monthly meeting of the Hen- y Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie. HURON COUNTY: Tractor plows, turning not less, al material concerning the United sell Institute will be held in file Mrs. Cr Via nail and Mr, Ken- D; Campbell, Goderich, 956M than a inch Yarrow, 19 years of 'Nations. Legion roams on Wednesday night, Meth Magna.11, of Beachvilie, spent L. Cheri Brussels' 31 )tr age and under—John McGavin, d President Fisher is secretary- Oct. 13, at 8.15. The theme is Saturday Y with their cousin, Mica F. H. WANLESS Walton; Bill Robertson, Goderich;ltr•easurer of C. Howard Fisher & Health and Social Welfare. An Hattie Sutherland. 1`WEAR - EVE R" Arthur Bolton, Walton; Merton' ;ons, Ltd., a private company interesting program is being Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearson, of To- Waterless Aluminum Keyes, Seaforth. Other conlpAti- which owns and operates the Dul- rs. ranged under -the diretcion of Mrs. ionto; Mr. and Mrs. B. Donaldson, SALES AND SERVICE tors were Donald, McDonald, Brus- verto Fruit Farm at Queenston, R. Elsie and Miss Greta c of London, and 'Mrs. Gladys Smith, L ndon, Rd: Phone London, Ont, Met. 349W sels, Graeme McDonald, Brussels. Tractor allows, turning not less Ont. his Farm, which has been the property of the Fisher family a Roll call will be, "My weight : nc, weiLaight + °f Montreal, were week -end visi- tors with Mrs. A. Saundercock. NOT SOLD IN STORES . than 10 -inch furrow, Huron resi_ for 67 ears, is the oldest comber- Y what. g should .N., Miss Nor:: Cunningham, Reg.'Un supervisor of Mr, and Dors. �V. Carter and fab - dents only—Allan Walper, Park- P tial reach orchard in the section Nurses, Health 'Unit Of Clinton, fly, of Clinton, spent Sunday with hill; Lorne Passmore, Exeter; Geo. which, prior' o the time of its con- t will be the guest speaker. All Mrs. C. M. Heiden and Herb, Michie, Brussels; William Leem- I federation into the Dominion of members are requested to be pre - Mrs.. J. E. McEwen attended the ing, Walton. Other competitors' Rogerson, SeatOrth; Gor- r Canada, was known as "Upper sent. The shower of articles for Tees'water Fair on Wednesday of were Ken 1 Canada." Some portions of this use in the Legion rooms will be this week. don Rapson, Londesboro; Murray -farm have been producing peaches received of this meeting. R. H. Middleton, president of the �� Johnston, Goderich; Joe Gibson, I continually since 18.15. A Mrs. Chamber of Commerce, stated 4YL1�D rl a ED Clinton; Jim Alcock, Brussels. Open tactor ela: s. drawing wide . It n r,s on thi famous Pares that reception for Mr. and Ernest Powell (nee Sifirley Ad- (D Wednesday that a cheque for 100 Y $ ,had been received from Dr. Mar- W�8 D1RSC4 yr.,.v,... >'•, A5 OtK as os bottom plows, turning not less than :;Iter C. Fisher was born, and it ,t there that he has always lived. kine), recent bridal couple, wa3 genet •MacLean, of Toronto, adon- M 5, 511vg S�Ao �' lot t' 12 -inch furrow — Glen Heather, Ij,. recei.ved his elementary and held in the Town Hall, Hens -all' Friday the ation for the Community Building a`lslouvaYss Brussels; T. P. O'Malley, Teeswa• secondary educ;rtion in the Queen c evening, Sept. 30, hall Fund. Se age. a00 ter; Watson Reid., Bl 'th; Jirn Me- y ton public schools, and later at- bean filled for the event. Mr. and g Mr. Lawrence BaYn'ham b'aa had the ... , Ewing, Blyth. Other competitors tended the Niagara Falls Collegi- Mrs. Powell were presented with the interior of his restaurant nice - were Jack McEwing, Blytb; Ross ate Institute and rile Agrlcultura] a lovely studio couch, the .honors ly redecorated, in colors of buff' .,-1I '»"'' Leeming, Walton; Harry Johnston, College at Guelph, receiving his' I going to. Clarence Reichert. Music and reen. Mr. Byran K le and• g y ' r Dublin; George Robertson, God,e- Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture for 'the dance was ,furnished by Mr, Baynham were the artists. %s'`_;,:. rich. degree. from the latter institution Disjardine orchestra. Refreshments Canadian Legion Meets 9' 'Tractor class for veterans of Sec- in May, 1926. 1 were served, including wedding The monthly meeting of the ; and World War—William Coutts, , calre. The affair was arranged. by Ifensall branch of the Canadian � Walton; Harold Pryce, Walton. Lion Fisher's interests are many, • Mr. Orland Reichert, and much en- Legion was -held Monday, evening t rte', y>: Green tractor class,. for boys and He is a director of the Premier Trust Company of Toronto, and • joyed'. ;n the Legion Hail, -with President . girls 15 years and under wrilo have was for want' years a member of., I Mrs. James Sangster, who was Sack Tudor in the chair, It -was • . # ,, ; ; no previously lows com eti-decided t s] d in p y p � P Don- the Queenston School Boar HR take "n ° '- ( n 'to ClintonCh ton Hospital on I4•r d ends to ask the Medical d b e cal Officer S year: ;guaranteed BfiRLOU tion—Neil McGavin, Walton,; e old Petrie, Brussels; Howh, d Cart- is also a past vice-president of,the day last,: is improving a little, her many friends' will be to of Health, Dr, J. C. Goddard, for a, blood transfusion clinic, on behalf Motk roof sotesfioa dor p R. Wright, Londesboro. � Niagara. Peninsula Fruit Growers' pleased learn. of an auxiliary member, to replace woman s "loft, '44 cents . .. . Association and a past Director of. !be Ontario Fruit Growers' Assoc- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Murray, of used. A church parade will only' 9 tecta per yeas! . rented before Mr. Justice Gale at iation. He is prominent in rumen- in Detroit, visited last week end with Mr, Jame,s,Bengough and Miss Cas- Cas - e bel be d Sunday, Nov. 6,` with ser - vice in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Riley 'CtiOcel9 ►StQE the Supreme Court sitting in God- aus local community affairs Queenston and St. Catharines and ale Dougall, and also called on Mr. A committee composed of Rev. P. , HENSALL - ONT. eriah. Justice Gale made an order is active member of the 'United and Mrs, A: G. Smillie, Miss Jean A. Ferguson (chaplain), and.Com- confirming the report, and directed Church of Canada having' served Church Murray and Mr. and Mrs; James A. rades Fred Appleby, Sam Dougall that, the money be paid. out of as superintendent of the local Sun- Paterson- and Jack Tudor were appointed to rnalte arrangements for Remem- • , court, other than the shares of the infants. Probate of the estate ryas day School for twenty-one years. Mr. and• Mrs. Clarence Reid, ac trance Day services: November 5 ' • ' • • granted Oct. 19, 1912. By his will 'his companied by Miss Marjory Cud - more d McDonald, recent- has been set for Poppy Day, Fol 1. ;- - Mr. Bailey bequeathed all es CROMART3� it in To 1p visited in Toronto. lowin the meeting, g K, a turkey 'bar b , tate to his executor, Richard Bail- u e'q a was enjoyed with 30 pounds ey upon trust, to convert the same Mrs. E. Geiger is visiting -this 'week of turkey used. . • into money, and to, divide the pro- Ken McKellar is a patient in with relatives in Kingsville. Auitiliary Holds First Meeting ' coeds between his widow, Mary Scott Mem' rias Hospital, Seaforth. Alex Ga: -diner is on. a business Mrs: George Hess.. is a patient at The Ladies' Auxiliarybranch of 0 6 Bailey, and his sons, Richard, Rob- ert and Thomas Bailey. Mary trip to the Western Provinces. Clinton Hospital in the interests of her health. the Canadian Legion was held in . ` , Bails died on Nov. 22, 1929, in- Bailey John Scott has sold his house Dr. and, Mrs. J. A. Spellman and the Legion Hall Tuesday night with President Mrs. Fred Beer in testate; Robert S. Bailey died on and lot to i�Ir. and Mrs. George Wallace. daughters, Carolyn, Helen, Joan ,he chair, Plans were discussed re Vl�i my 600MW R I Dec. intestate, lea,' as n t ing Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McBetty and Connie, of Kitchener, visited gardirig lunch t° be served at the D uC wEp a -o f -k his next-of-kin his widow, Con- ]an, Mrs. John Hamilton and Betty on Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. bingo and dance Thursday bight in �NR� stance Mary Badley, a daughter and McKellar attended, morning service Laird' Mickle and family. the Town Hall. rs. T. Kyle, Mrs. IO e/� ST three sons. The estate consisted OF la.ld in at Knox Church, Mitchell. Harvest Home services were held. din St. Paul's Anglican Church Beer, Mrs. Roy 'Swale Mrs, H. Horton, Mrs. E. Dick 'and Mrs. l PO po`', os the Villa a of Ba field and, the g y Thomas Kay is reported pro- pressing favorably in a London Sunday evening. The guest speak- Richard Taylor, Sr., offered their a a E� i` W� .Q Township of GoderiCl. The total at these hospital after a recent operation. er was Flt. Lt. Harding, of the services to assist with the lunch. �,:> I J proceeds realized a sale of R.C.A'.F., Clinton. There waas. a full Originally Mrs, James Sangster amounted to $7 312.50, which was I choir with Robert Cameron at the was in charge of. plans, but owing paid into court.. Judge Costello's report confirmed by the Supreme HENSALL organ console, Miss Shirley Har- to her serious illness in Clinton . it Court, found Richard Bailey and nese, eleven years of age, of Exe- Hospital it was necessary to make Thomas Bailey each entitled to "Dancing on Clouds" will be your ?� ter, sangin a lovely voice "The Y Lord's Prayer." The church was these changes. I w disclosed f g t as closed a She meeting that the members of I onethird, $2,105.83, and the estate tune, if only you use Lloyd's Corn Salve ' lovely with fruit, -flowers, vege- the Canadian Legion at their meet EG of Roberti S. Bailey to one-third, One soon. 50c at Midd,leton's Drug Store.—(Adv.). tables and grain. ing Monday night bad donated $25 divided as follows: -ninth to Mr. Laird Mickle was in High- to the Ladies Auxiliary' for their. his widow, Constance Bailey, Announcement gate Monday of this week attend- flower fund, a ,. gesture much ap- $701.96, and one eighteenth, or ing the funeral of his cousin, Frank preciated' by the ladies, Mr. Fred .00-,. *034111F,11.13 $350.97 to each of the children, Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd Ta'Oe• ' Appleby, on behalf of the Legion, t' t t t t Mary Doreen Bailey, Stewart Cleve Bailey, Richard Thomas Bailey of Hensall wish to annouuce the Mr, �lf. Scholl was operated on addressed the gathering, speaking You Can Gef•R'oe Feeds and engagement of their daughter, Sunday evening at St. Joseph's on the importance of the Poppy, Charles Gilbert Bailey. Helen Barbara, to Alfred Lendrum Hospital, London, for an emerg- Fund in,.wh-ich he stressed the need from: An order was confirmed that the Birosh, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. ency appendix operation, and at for making the canvass- a decided W. R, KERSLAKE - Seaforth shares of Richard Thomas Bailey Birosh, of Fawcett, Alta., the mar- date of writing is doing nicely. success, 'Eight ladies will -act as A• J. lQSTARD - Brucefield and Charles Gilbert Bailey remain riage to take place in October. Mr, George Sangster, of Portage poppy taggers on 'Nov. 5. Miss W R'. DAVIDS'ON - Hensall to their credit in the court until Mrs J. D. Stewart has returned Ia Prairie, arrivedr in Hensall over Jean Taylor and, Mrs. Alice Joynt J• A. SAD,LP-R - Staffa they reach the. •age of 21. Frank home after spending a week in the week -end to be wlth� his were appointed a sick visiting cob-: RUSSELL SHOL010E - Brodhagen Donnelly, K.C., was solicitor for London with relatives. mother, whos seriously ill in m4ttee. It was decided to serve Richard Bailey; R. C. Hays, K.C., Mrs. George Hess, who under- Clinton Hospitrl. He made' the refreshments at eachmeeting and for Thomas Bailey; F. R. Darrow[[, K.C., on behalf of the infant chit- went a critical operation In Olin- trip by plane. the ,social- committee for the next, ' is. >' " ton Hospital on Tuesday, is im- Mr. and: Mrs. John Blair, of Luc- meeting will b`e Mrs. 'Maude Hod- dren. proving favorably. Mr. Fred Dobbs, of Exeter, `bas .C purchased the Passmore Garage in $RODHAGEN Hensall and gets Immediate pos- ,. I mom session. I Mrs'. William Schultz has moved to Waterloo. Mrs. Autumn (lowers made a lovely1. setting for the fall anniversary Advertisers I N .S I .A FOIR,.,.':­ ���, Rev. Walter Becker, Beck- er. and children have arrived from services held in Chiseihurst Unit ed, Church Sunday afternoon and , Like 2'o Be `fold!. 11 Emmerson, Man., and are guest. evening, Oct.wa Vital and stirring ANIMA of Rev. and Mrs. C. Klages, Log- messages were given by Rev. H. �� an. Rev. Becker will be installed Marhoney, of Exeter, who was guest as pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran speaker for the occasion. During I Many of our advertisers write to I• ' Church ,at the Sunday service at 2,30 by Rev. E. Heimrich, the afternoon service Rev. R. A. ,tell �` 'v�;hen ,COw,& i � $2:50 'each p.m. of Brook 'ass'is'ted. The regular choir U$ how leased. the are; customers p 1 Zurich aflcL leader, Mr. G. T. OVren, lis9fst , �t;i H'ORt';SIMS $2.50 each Student Robert Rock, Waterloo Seminary, in last ed' lay Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Horton, sayi 4`I ,came in bedausc <� s'aw your ad In Q ,' . was charge of Su31da morning' s service. rendered the anthems "The Heav- '1. f) The H non Ex ositor. p wY7 ' . . ; ` n t y g' Mrs. Mervin Miller •t a ens Rejoice and W1rat God Hath• a - . :�CoardId ' to . , tan f' l attended' Promised,," 'Mr. S. G. Rannie, solo= sohdlfip funeral services at Galt of her. sig- ist sangmost efficiently, "the :_i. ' week-old granddaughter, Elaine Sacred Flame,' while tit rile e�ens • :: I ":th><s wa they have definite' roof y p , ";z a a ft' N,,..'; t1tIL Mlyd0� . Miller, who was smothered in her erib. ung service Mr. T. J.. Sherritt ac= "The r their Rx osltor a .. advertising, bixins , -`tP I=bRT . ` ! ° d +.,; 1�,5' I,, 2`' `' ,. Mr. and, Mrs, John Amstein vis- fret Nin. Mrs. Leslie- eeptablq offered. the solo, - Stranger of Galilee." Re'r. 94- .that 1 , t< them gaud::. WiYl' aryl u�slaes, � 1VI1?I{.Fii 4 1 210 JNI�f.tr'^c ,' $1 with and Kuntze Hibbert. honey provided tab enjoyable nano deet rdion nuii7bers, I'Mr ?� z;, --W y_ j d..,t[ tr ore ,profitable'', • ,. _,r ; •,... ,,.. their '/L�6 �(,, �yg5yv�i h >, . < .-theref . o : <,. ,.,, ... A7'.: !•'✓J•r r y.. �N— i, �., f •!�Y' 40W`A', t4aj' ,Land" and "The Old : � , t ;,;; T• n'. ;• , ,.:.I,4 f'S Y•?'n ,.1 Y . 9 q �,, . � ;:l)�(r,v4 r : y,�1 ,.r" I hugged; --tugs." Miss Gladys Lull- lid, reds i" :A . " . The Huron Expositor classl- I e real a bit the lana, The sue• rp d.. p � r li lb. 4", ` -" .• ,...: :`; 'fled columns are spat, Try ' :eebsful services were largely at- . , t ,. : ; ,. . , V t them. P•haue 41, Seaforth., ie>yded: ' ` s� „*,.„r r •. 11 ..•1 �. ,. .� 'r -. a. 1 ' 'k#lint ..cif Id'�•i„ :p 11 r:; 1 !e :int `' ) I ,++w.M moi,. .1:. , r , .;i .,l.r , . r «', ,w .. ir,,, w,4 •. ' ' b.. , ,4. w,, ,L. n..,y.,yy ,w'Jwvl,L 1,', ,_ i , K, �., '. .} . , 9 :. , - ..._, ,:i,. .. .,.r ,.,. q 1 r.M 1,t J .. a '� r F ' t' t A ! r J i .� k w�.•.•w.•zs.•+r,w�isa+,wtiAw<wat4,,. +..+Nx:: I r'