HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-23, Page 7t' A tiodotieli (arrkft0) .... . 3,1.00 , - , „ e frOtt arid All. , • foolmit. LOUIS ' W,E. I. , .. ,- iV,0510 of WPII,: Flall ;1, .. Prico' pifl.. 'HILDEBRAND, - WI'Ll',.:PICK UP • ' I.' , ' ,,e ii., , ny., . PEEL - I ,, •, e 11,11 .1i A 'InpF,'!Or ' ix 1.4 a4..wsrat,pr, :00 ibliistarg :A 1/04 0,0,..0 pg.,. e ..ro, 340:Mal& 04, 'Pe ing • , , + 0 . , Q til - heel :et Me'. e. -, I C• . .P.q.Ote 00044. , a:94ara.,04 ax:0706,' x9.9.017 ee., ter tile: eerthIge;'''Velieei - ° ''';9' :11:11tWhterrtiektl.ftirfradtltifli:7441r 0 . , , . 1. ,o,x . . ' e . 00, ,,0, &Pe* k tial'ola at':e.'4471!"-,:"'•7'a,:11:eidialitell' Ort.'''''Ahl- n7:11 1; t4'4.,.iirP;i4INT.'',.0t.,''Ple' 0 lig- , ' 0 , cil 17 0 pi ifi000.041 ' ' '11,00040W Ti1 ' 100014 ' . , a ne,44.0','. '' ,i ::19'444''''''''fl e'l e a Ithe ee e „ ‘e.. e, e i 'pe- , . 4,, ' . • , 0 . 4- t All c01114 'not; beeree na 0 r , • ' eedeyel 41,1A Oleellei',V, „ „. Rosy i 10, -Of -. -- ' ''sie ,... ,,; ''' •.- e:. ..- .drn'aill• • (Cientinned- from laet-alleek.); ,. feel °tilts gill'a face hie ewe heearee a.p.a opy, I•Ie began te,,,,Pace lerYingr ' ' - 'the ' And tben b,egell the deeadfni . „ -- ' leg ' 'gr011nd'. ' . • ' .' 1.1' ,' ' e fieks wera wingtg" itceo tk• - ',, - , ., • . • - - • , -- . - , A e , • , , -• e.._, ..' - : iereatilittlylietpeetentio, ThelerePh. leis' feede: hi '1401'0-1 . Yratter the phi ran' ne'rOillift:t0,' ee -, s : '.., .e., : se 'ese „e - ,':..-e . - : P. . e, .-- - , •• ,-ene Vleee' alto, lee 0300441e, . eeteat •the stranded paesengeete of -the IWO, `elleking Put '''Illeiet -0•PW.eand. to • try ,t0-1,talte jam- nette•T.010/1!,a4,,,.#.4te,•, ,st , ' • - ' ''''''' - ' - '' '''' 1'' ' nation ,..tar..,. guidance, ; navel thi.ougii,.,04;,404,.., ..., , . ' .7. 0- ', 0 , ti : nie ,ntejes inmtlrWardetirSetn' .eilee'reet0 ' ani1:.engliteetie. .. . iall .e. 11040111 tin Noon ' • ' ' - ' - $ ' •,'''''.:-'''''''-'' ' ?,... ' , • -2. •e ,, fATTEKTKORTS:PUE10- '''"" ...i up and .4,0Wei the mem', aerosa the dude' -ifillitting varnielted boards, .' - 't ed hi ' hea,d *.wa" '1.°Y Urn'. ' Way ale thathe, sheet d not 4e -her ---,---,— inieee 'CHAPTER = leaf • •' ' ,It Was the laet. night that Glerlya ,peigte ing wit - ,t 04411,g. e. i 0 - pli Is . nto onie ef ehe 4. 0 ie Ofita Risen.. ' t is believed they dee 1411411;"rel''' on the - nnal etenneef ' ' • • A .4 .' ,.P, ,A.- Y' . • 441 • , s, •: a toXinatibtitance while feed,, lore.041 nooks eroneemete, tw.ceze, sittee the ShoW., light-, ',400...",*(4, ,10,,a, h, 0144 ...01,4eit 4,30,1..„thuty.f oe. , . . , , ak'iPle •IS TraP011a14.' 11Cf 'le, '4:„P" lielopMent of the/ neetbleni4 "aead thoy, ars doing, .s.ver Ito , Y .Pflee „minex, ,,, tos,-,0-fl:,,. i i , , „ 2 llt '.' ffPlq-Pl4f-''Pa-4-- Ate' epee, Mee ,iter'13iterthin . e„ e - s, •-i, , , ,i re:',-, ,, se. ..• He Web, a eigarette out of Barnet woUld. open& in her etndio. .leavee that 4''---'-' . ' .,tig. ,fl: to. preserve' this Peole and have $CIENIVIC. BALANa .gace. OF FOUST ' INOWIENTS . 0 e...............„.... -.......g7 ROE e -e- " EDS 1 4fifieitgli. e. ....,--ew• e --,,e, ie. — . 0 r e • . , . ettes his case but big hand shook ter- ribly, and, he could not light,it. e Presently he began to sneak., hurriedly,. brokenly. "I can't do it. I can't trust my- self. I couldn't go on seeing yOu. here, like this, and I won't do the other thing, Thea" --:his voice ro.se and became sharp with Pain—"rve been a bad lot, but I can't do thee. late You poor thing. You dion't know— you don't know." And then Thee spoke.. . "I don't know? I don't know? I •for, know that you are my life: the one, thing in all ray life that has The new no* little house of her childish ainbitions had been taken and furnished, the two, ntaideerV- ants engaged. Three day& lnce Gladys, /earl:Let :woad becoine Gladys Warren, and the,se etndi° would be used onlY as a studio. On the morrow °lake,* would go to Sloane Street -to ptay Until her liear- riage. •To -night she had, worffed to finish a drawing,. and was now Welting over various 'mese!, sions and tearing up cold •letters. It was a good Opportunity to,tio this, being press, day, F"rank was also working late. She had net seen him since midday.. As she sorted tidied', she Colored'areaS tiern-hre end die,. .1-eeieitt t the isolated nort . a till - •'. .. .h at t ,„ .. ,., . Bae eI.closer to civilization. , tt. .. . • 'Canada's northland ii importaet "Everybecly who ' handles 0 ge 'te'quis continent not 'only aa a g ' from the predueer to the eonsuMer Potential storehouse of needed ute 4 the los ' of eggmierals and water power but al- n o ' trib(3 mayen teelhuileitry'e_vg.egs7qhauersielete, ll)emiller tillaY beles,"soelek future air routes te' Europe by recognizing and Asia. Yperishable and b,y. "'the war saw development of keeping them in a cool place iin ,rentes through the northland to the home. . , both thee continents and coin- - • ' e merciel airlinee from Canada allu * * * the (United, States are now flying Fruit Crops Are Good through the southern sections of The fruit production picture has the northland on their regular flights to Great Britain and Scan- changed slightly in recent weeks, Mein • Increase in nuMbers. .. The white " man has hreught. the ' . . Eakinio a, written' tenet/age ..ite the form of a s• ecial syll'altic alphabet,' • - . - . and Eskimos eon' eorrespond ihr , etter from various llage . vi' s and' sealing esteee with releintios end whttes at ether points en the Are- lie" the Royal Canadian a/minted Pollee, or °Deer travellers acting as postmen, The Canadian Government raain- tains a network 43f radio atatiOns for aids to navigation and aviation in the Arctic, especially in the Hudson Straits and Hudson Bay • areas, where some commercial - . . , . . ., Cottmuesiiitil the: - ' • ' ' ' ' , : ' . , • All are semi -trimmed . and worthy Papers. Never beforolas.,,such% .. f • .1 are. , ' ,,,, , ; en., , POE FARMS MIWNG CO„ ATWOOD, ONT, been worth living: But you don't know," he persist - ed. "Child, you don't know. Thee., and sang softly to herself. Presently on a table by the open window she clinavia, to Japan and China, according to a potrefrm he . As weather stations are devel- agriculture division of the Domin- built the shipPing io iii operation:.during the summer months, plying grain ' tion been offered on the bargAin 'bloCk. You C.an,--,0freotm:Roe Feeds 'Thee, W, R. KERSLAKE . —Seatertn A. J. MUSTARD - Bruceffal W. R. DAVIDSON - Hensel! J. A. SADLER - - Staffa RUSSELL SHOLDICE - Brodhagen darling, don't make it too bard. All last night—ever since I read your letter—I've been think _ i_ _. ./ ng. I can't trust myself, and on,t_edreti. other thing. 1 won't do it, Thee. That boy was right. It's goteeto step." He sat down on the divan and again rested his came upon a little. rosewood desk given to her by Alice on her tenth birthday, and in which she had since kept Tittle treasures of her school -days. She Opened it. Inside were a few programmes of plays and concerts to which Henry had taken her, an engraved card with h name and the date of her con- oped, and airfields: on ion Bu.reau ,of. Statistics While the • . northern islands as they -were dur- pear crop, says the report, may oe larger than anticipated, the apple, ing the war iti Labrador and on the northern mainland near • the peach and grape crops, will be Hudson Bay, then shorter routes smaller. can be followed by airliners flying Currently set at 15,736,00.0 bush- to Europe and Asia acrose the top els, the apple crap shows a decline of th.8 world. of three per cent since July but Such air routes are already in will be well above the 1948 level of, from Churchill on tlae west coast of Hudson Bay to Great Britain. . Canadians zee in their Far North the last important frontier for development on the North American continent. The glimpse they have had of its mineral and electric power -potentialities lead her t era to believe that, in due ' PAPERS FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE , • • • ''' Come and Save up. to Halt the . . No Exchanges — No Refdnds . . , head in his hands. His voice, was .. ., , the development stage and are Henderson Book Store. LEGAL quieter as he went on. "Laat night 1 told—my wife. Not about you, of h rmation, a little old photograph of her mother a sixpence with a 13,404,000 bushels harvested. The pear crop has .been upwardly re- feasible when it is realized that the men who went into the new course cities based on the miner - i . al resources of the area will be s McCONNELL & HAYS course, but about myself. I told her that things were going badly hole in it, token of affection feom some school friend, and an envel- ope. At the sight of it, her vised to bring the total harvest to an estimated 938;000 bushels, ao 19 Arctic weather stations went in by increase the final United Statea naval aircraft from developed in the northland. They point out that many of the thriving in the . . GODERICH ONT PHONE 91 • , t - .. '1 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. with me, and tbat for the sake of thoughts travelled back to the day per cent over 1948 estimate of 789,000, bushels. bases in Greenland. cities northern eingelegaleal aim mulimail =LEM eisomisfoloommilimitsr7 PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS County Crown Atterney SEAFORTH, ONT. ,, . Telephone 174 every one and everything I niust , get out of it for a bit. I'm going to leaire England to -night, Thea." The words broke through the fast -clouding consciousness of the brain, and in a moment she which she had spent on the river at Wallington with her stepfather. She saw Thea's white face framed by the heavy dripping tails. of hair. Opening the envelope gently she took from Unchanged from a month ago, The Canadian Government and the plum and prune crop remains fur trading companies have Also at 780,000 bushets. In 1948, 671,000 been investigating the possibile bushels were harvested. Peach esti- ties of ship traffic through the mates for both Ontario and British Arctic waters. Twice since 1930 Columbia the Royal Canadian Mounted Po - - * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * A. 'W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 173, Seaforth • SEAFORTH - ONTARIO girl's was on her knees before him, cling- ing to him. He held her to him fiercely, his lips sought hers. His arras crushed. her to him, and then he s•poke again, hoarsely and brok- it the dry yellow reran- ants of the once ,blooming rose. "Oh, I do' hope that some day she will be as happy as I am." Something vaguely disturbed her but intent on her own concerns she 'by the have been revised down- wards, the crop now standing at lice' schooner St. Roch has made 1,933,000 bu,shels as compared with the trip between, Halifax and 1,984;040 in July, but the cyop will Vancouver by way of Arctic wa- still be 10 per cent larger than a tern', threading its way through year. ago. The Canadian grade her_ ice -lied channels to make the ie 47,353,0iee long-seught Northwest Passage on Iii 0 our rr . , .'" MEDICAL enly. "Thea, there's only one thing stood window thinking of Frank and of her w,edding day now vest now set at pounds, 18 per cent helow the 1948 which explorers started out when for level. they' left European 'ports to find a SEAFORTH CLINIC left to rne—one chance my soul. If I do this thing, I do it to my so near. . And then she heard the crying— short route to China in day -s of E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internist P. L. BRAD.Y, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 P.m, daily, except Wednesday and Sun- own damnation and to -yours. That's how it seems to me. Per- haps I love you too much: perhaps I -don't love you enough, but I can't do it. You must let me go." Again he kissed the red lips, the oval face, the long white hands, the desolate crying. She stood for a minute startled, half -afraid, lis- telling intently. Who could it be? Surely that studio was empty. A sudden terror of her loneliness, -of the night, of some unknown dread- fulness possessed her. Instinctively Columbus, Cabot and. Hudson. this—with y,ou.". One trip of the St. Roch was "Could you make tea, Mrs. made in one season, the first time this had ever been accomplishe . Smith? Perhaps she would drink d that, and we should both be glad And a trading post was estab- of it too." lished on a central Arctic island, Mrs. Smith slithered off in her AN EDUCATIONAL • THE EASY SHORT WAY TO COLOUR day. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. then lifted her on to the divan. Her face was still, her eyes shut and her hands fell limp from hi. • • • - . When Thee recovered consciou's- she moved towards the kitchen. It . was empty. Mrs. Smith was asleep in the little room leading from it. Gladys beat upon the door. "Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Smith," she felt slippers. Presently Thea - spoke. Her voice was weak and eft • toneless. Skinny men, women "I ran away from home. There was a man whom I loved and they . mARGE,..INE JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. ness. the room was dark save for called, and her voice sounded Pan- ie stricken. ---- found out. I ran away here, and gain 51107 15 lbs. to -night he came. He said good - Physician and Surgeon the DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE the moonlight which flowed through gyeat north wiadow. .T-ou-Jou A sleep voice replied; in a mom- ent a head appeared at the door. bye. -I shall never see him again." • Get New Pep, vim, vigor * REG'D —IN „ Phones: Office 5-W: Res. a''" licking Seatorth was Sitting by her, whining and, her face. "Mrs. Smith, do come. There's some one crying so •dreadfully Tears came into Gladys' eyes. There was something inexpres•sib- awultitt,rrgglitioVatiriVagyTtdugy 113,;stonitvg ly desolate and yet alraost indif- starved, sickly "bean -pole" look, Thousands of SHOWING - • She lay for some time, ell sensa- somewhere on side. girls, women, men. who never could gain before. , DR. M. W. STAPIETON tion tress DR'. ROSS HOWSON dead, but •presently the dis- of the dog penetrated her She drew his warm III just slip my dreese on, Illus.:, Gladys stood in the kitchen and ferent about the girl .on the bed. ea'qrveafetrIT 1:glieelYerkirelitigel'akestrebeggieel All the vitality seemed to have tohnis,tystrex..el tonicalg, stimula ts' Invigorators. been torn out of her, her beauty itoi%tvitamie te, calcium, earl:blood, improve ite and, digestion so food gives you more ' • NEXT WEEK AT physicians and Surgeons . Seaforth phone 90 . mitid. sleek body to her, and with the touch of this live thing life came back to her, it the to presently Mrs. Smith came in, her dress loosely fastened over her nightdress her feet pushed into ' had faded and she looked aged, Don't tear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained inert, half dead. strength and nourishMent: put flesh on bare bones. •"Oh, you poor little thing, you the 5. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Coats little. New "get acquainted" size only 50c e DR. F. J. R. FORSTER and with power E 1 i„ , e t s lepers. Gladys clutched her by the arm. poor little thing." and 17,;;;ZIZITi.:ng-731rvoill,.azr As knelt by the bed, Gladys' ,,,,, * * * * * ;el */ * .* * * * * * * * * * Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat • "Come and listen." she Graduate in Medicine, University By the studio window the two quick wits began to work. This girl had run away, and now for of Toronto. Late assistant Nevr York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moore- field's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. Next visit, September 21st.afternoon—the 53 Waterloo St. South, Stratford. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada 57th CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND NOTICE is herd) • that a di ' y given vii _ 0,being at the rate of 5w fiend of 11/4% per annum on the paid -in capital stock of the Company, has been declared for women stood, . and on their ears fell the lamentable crying. whis. Its in the next studio," pered Gladys. "I thou ht that it was emptY." "There was a person there this person who used to oblige W as ed the time of day,- • e P s ' . and I understand ..as it's a some reason her lover had left her. ,,, ,2:5Mn, Tontheyreiewftouhlodnabee stocadig—aLoonSilide had something be done? Could she be persuaded to go back? ,Mrs. Smith brought the tea, and i t GI d ' bidding Theo. drank. A i a a la . little color came back to her face. , • had better and lie down, ... . ... JOHN C. GO,DDARD; M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall the quarter year ending September'You 30th, 1949; payable October 15th, 1949, to slAreholders of record at tbe close of business September 30th, 1949. By order of the Board. young lady there now. Poor thing, it must be something dreadful for 'er to cry like that." "Do you think she is there go Mrs Smitle I shall stay with the young lady, she is, better now." Gladys brought a chair and sat by the bed. Like a lonely child, OPTOMETRIST I. WILSON BERRY President & General Manager alone?" "Well, I couldn't say, miss, I'm Thee put out her hand and Gladys took it in her own. - • M. ROSS SAVAUGE sure. Mrs. Letts, the Ters-on,veho 'y, h ie "I don't want to bother you she t , Optometrist comes inshe wouldnt sta--e-' , said, "but perhaps I can help you Eyes examined and glasses fit- toed Oculists' prescriptions accur- ately filled. Phone 194, Evenings 120, Seaforth.. obliged to get back to the chil- d,ren." But how dreadful! What shall we d.o? We can't leave her all alone. Listen!" if you will tell me about it all. Does anyone know that you have run away; will they have missed you?" , (Continued Next Week) • .. VETERINARY The crying had ceaaed. The sil- ence seemed' almost more dread - J. 0. TURNBULL, DN.M., V.S. Main Street - Seaforth PHONE 105 eeeeir.:, e'e.;;.S''''' , ,. .••• . , e ful than the sound. It might he murder, or any thing," whispered Mrs. Smith. Try Huron Expositor Want Ads. Phone 41, Seaforth, e . • ,,,,, , , ..„ „ „ - .i •,•e• 2 . .AUCTIONEERS . She was trembling. Again the crying began. "Oh," shivered Gladys, "I can't Seaforth Monument Works •• • .,.. ,,,„:„,„ ,::::„ .. : • • .,•:::,...4i,;.„......, i. ;„ , , fi. , iiie.e. e •:, „ , ..... . ij: ., ,, • '',•-iiNi' HARO-LD JACKSON Specialist iti Farm and House, bold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sat , '1' ee bear it. I must do something; I shall go and ring at the bell." "Better let me run for the plice- man, raise,: If it was to be mur- der—" - It be T. PRYDE & SON Memorial. Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton • : isfaction guaranteed. e, can't murder, or she could.n't cry like that, and if there .....e, • For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. -...„. s, -04 was anyone else there we should hear them. They couldn't let her cry and cry and 'leiter say a word. , • . 41110)0Tli 11ii r 11 i • is ai .. alieie•i-1:1•:' :: •ii !iiiiiii ' e . . EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer •:::: Dinner a Id coMp fire -r -Lake Romero/ Gladys' practical common sense was asserting itself. She was re- 1 '. 1 • II I [it; You will find that necessary building and repairs arid • e Correspondence promptly answer ed. Immediate • arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and oodekeito gaining control of her panic-strick- en nerves. "You come too, Mrs. Sbaith." From the windows of the next door studio no lights shone. Gladys bell, it , ee _ MN Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for aPPoint• ./ new equipment are importa.nt in main.taming production , and earnings from your farm. • satisfaction guaranteed. IN ONTARIO'S pressed the electric and long. A dog.hark- ment any other time, or Phone 41-J, , JOSEPH L. RYAN .. GREAT OUTDOORS rang shrill and ed., th•ey heard the pattering of Exeter. : Specialist in farm stock and im- plements and household effects ' Satisfaction. guaranteed. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. For ,particulars and open dates write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN fellowship of a Want the grand . . — the appetizing campers' fireside. . smell of bacon sizzling, and beans day's fishing cooldng, when a grea.t . lik the is over? There's nothing e paws and eniffings at the door. They waited and again rang. Then Gladys banged upon the d•oor. "What is it?" ' she called. ,, What's the matter? Let gne in.,, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. .. . FARP4 impRovElviENT lions . H.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r 5 Dublin. 4217x52 shimmering lakes, rushing st reaxoe, and rolling woodlands of OntarioHEAD camping holidaY- She shook the door and, again banged Upon it. There was the sound of dragging steps, the pat- OFFICE SEAFORTH Ont. ' OFFICERS: • may be arranged for practically every need, ' C.N.R. TIME TABLE GOING EAST for a carefree Want to hear more? Write the to.. 1 Department of Travel and Pubheity, tering of paws and the door op- ened Prank McGregor, Clinton - Pres, Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice- • , (Morning) A.M. ODOR:rich (leaVe) 5.40 tilettforth 6.20 Stratford (arrive) 7.16 (Afternoon) P.M Skiderich (leave) 343A0R Seaforth -- Stratford (arrive) . 4A0 . GOING WEST (Mbrning) Am. Stratford (leave) 16.45 Seafeith 1116 Goderich (arrive) 12.20 (Afternoen) VAL Stratford (leave) 9,65 Sentinith ..... . . ... . .... 1.0.2T Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ont. You'll meet many visitors from the U.S.; make them feel at home in hospitable Ontario. LET'S MAKE THEM • WANT TO COME BACK ' . aptEwERS smilcE 1832 , . . . "You must get a doctor," seke Gladys' anxiously. Thee. was lying on Gladys' bed, Son -Jou curled up at her feet. Shie seemed almost unconstions. The two women had tended her, had few drops of hot milk. She had cried no more, but had lain shiv- ering, her teeth chattering. Now ehe seemed alm'est uncenselatis. At Gladyce words, boereVer, alia Opened her Wee. 'Gladys knelt by the betook d geol tried to induce her to mallow' her hand. "I don't want—a. doetor," she said faintiv. "Ler Me eta v like Preident. s . Merton A. ReidSeaforth, Manager , Treasuter. and ' 'Secretatiye. DIRECTORS: ' Chris. Leollhardt, Bredhagell: E. 00924a "0-€1/b L.....1, J. 'Prewarthia, Clinton; Harvey Fuller, ILA. 2, Goderieh; J. H. Ma, , Dieing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Me- • , , .... . , Gregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Heigh THE Dominitopi irANK Alexander, KR. 1, Vitaltene Wm, R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; John L. Malone, R.R. 6; Seaftvrth; . EsTABLissulip 1823 S. 11. Whitmore, R.R. 8, Seaforth. . AGENTS: a Elnlay riteXereher, R.11, I, Dub- • SEAFORTH BRANCH . . . . , E. C. BOSWELL, 1Viana e lin; E. Pepper, Eriteelleldt, I. E. Prtieter, , Stodhageni Ocorgo -A. Watt. IBISIIi. , , tiodotieli (arrkft0) .... . 3,1.00