HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-23, Page 1. P" I ,., I I , ,� �'. I ,". . �. � I il �'11­1. . , .Tl� , �". I ". , I : �-J , � "I" ­'. -,,,.! ',:­,-,­%��I,'�, d ��; � I , , , _.��:), "�111.1.­.�,,�"'!,,, I -, ,. - . ...... 1�, �:,it� "I , I ,��, � , 7 ; 7, - � ;, ; ,. ,� l , �� , , I I , . i !, . I I !, , I :,;, , , �1, I . � , I" �, I', - �,' ", :�.' a :1 , �, , ., ,�, ,�, �:q , � 9, , , � 'I, , I , � , . , . . 1 � � .,,�� , � , .%, � , , _,,, I .11111 , , .. , ,� � � ,� " ,..�� , i �; , � 'i , , e �,' , ,�,��ll�::�, . I .�,",� ,;, , :1 " , � �: �� ��:.z i �. , . . I t� :, :?. �, i:� " , ��,� . I , I . 1,� , , , "' 1. � , � I , I - 1, . t! �;, " '. , � , � I I , � , � I ,� I ;I � ;4": I I , ,�� �'! '. �:'11;1'. � ;,� , . , : :. . !�, , � I ", � ,,- , �,� -,� ,, , �; � , � ,,',� , il , � � , � . , I . I . - � " I , , 1 ,,, , , l ". , , � � !�411 I � 1�. �, I '.. , , .11 11 I . I ; I I I , � ,1 � I � , ": " � , � I , . , " 'i i , , I �I l : , 'I, ll� . . . , , I , , . 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" � _ . ; �, 11. � . . . ; .: _ 1. ; , " , , , ; , 11 � ;, " / New Heatin Plant � Coil- 11. "I .. 9:01111,6. �o�, sl;�: - - - : ''I . plot" 1. , �_ � 1-1 I I . .ii `6x_,X,,�"`;.'A' , . QAJNWA'Cl� I 1. T1. � , L � , � � .�,��'� ��� � �� j �,!%, �": ,,, , . I ,� "', V . " "', r ,' 1. 11 1, I I , , �,�;,.','L�..,, '.� .'- � 'I". .. � . I 1, � I , 1. . ; � I . � , " .i , 1 1 , -, ;-l-,�"::, ,,, . v:� !�'X4P'XM4A4,N 1, � I "' � , I I. I ��', ,� , � I .., �.� - : � - :� ". wo" I V ,. _� I I ''; I- 111- I.. ­ I .1. �.11 ''� I .,.,.,.,-. , , . ,-..f'1,:,1 I .,�.�[" � 111, q_�!,.';,"! ,�i;l"'i' �' , ,.�,� """'., A �.,i,f,!I, j.'', , "M ,l,.,.,. 1.11." Msi .. �., � 17!�, 11. . I., � .; ­ '� I . . , ''A � 11 �. I ,(' ll$159��"F 1. . I . , ) olOwl'of: I plete A& � � I _ �;­­� 11 . ��;���': . ". , . �, : I ", �� .. .... 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AL,�I!�XLL`:. 1" 7:,;,:�­��:. 1--., ��. I I I .. ,­, -,�, �� , , " -Y� ; ,,��,*� "I i� � I ],,� !�,, ;! ,#.�k�`,'!,.�T-'!,�' I : I., i , , , � "I �!� �,,��,,,,,.;! " � . '. I I :�, � �li, "A il I L r I, , 1� Ili ,"", �`.,` �; lt-`�'V ;,�,-,, ., N 0 ; .�,., 1'41,��, I . 1. ��, 1:::,',',� ,� I. ,�j , � - 0: 1, '' � ��� 31 V,,� ,V � ,; Ill ,-.03M. ,11717.71­� w:jlt'­ , , - '�'­ 1 � .1.1 ", I � � I -11.1 ,.! '' � I I ,,�,,', � -,11V lml� "I I'�,.� . - - !,:., '', , "�, 1"',:1", �11 ... � ­ I 1-10 , , 1-81. 1.111, . L I', . .1 ", """61" ; � !�,�� � . '­ _" ­,.­ A � �V, 1!j I. �. 11 11 ­ 1.�:�; i'l�,�,L�,'-::' 4 ','�;-` ''' --1-1 I � ?0' *Rl 1l ,4.. ,,*,I,.. " :�,, , ,,,, � I , , �' �: T Rly­- X ", .-- M__ o!,.P., �, *., � � 7" � Our I � - ;� , , �, ��, � . " '��, E " 9 r, rim, ,n­'� � � i � ,4,� _�, "' "P. , C �1' : , , � ... ... . �' T , _� W'U."I" , R 11,01 "; t� i,i I..".. X, 11 "I � . ,.,�� � 1; i �,i,�,,�,'� '� _1� li'. - � �!,� _:.­� , , . I � '.. �� 0 I I �� I I'�.!�: , `*: Exte ., � I � . I , ., ­ ", 11 , , , ,� �1� � ,d ig','�..'�,� , ,,, 0, -',,.,-`,?1 � ,� -0 os 40 I ­ , , ! �1 . , .; �,, 1, " i , CLINTON � I , 1. I . I 11, � 11 � ,; ,,,, �, I � . , 0 0, *�\ * I 11, 1p� : I I I .. . —,,— __ �., ,:�.,,;� , �` ��.�'��� Fift 4 .� " I i w��,,;,,,,:t.l RA ly .. Ov�.A ,,�A,1,01,_. "., 111 , , , ,.� �, 5,00"'N"i"'", ,�il, �V � �11,�� `i,� ""', I :11�,�,,:,-�� .1 - ,,,, " I , "i XI'L'11�1`,! VP � -�L��Pk 1� ;, I ,, 1-11 I, __i� �11-11 "I 11 _ " A`111 � al , ;1", M4A I '�_,, , 4 -i . . I" ,:­ ; , . T 00 .1V R , , 0 .: ,. , "O ,,,, � I 1. I ", ,,;,"o, ", - '' . bi; .:� T . , , , -'C '.�!_ , , 1�, �,' ,nV'141'1f;1 . I ­ , .,; 11 �,��,�7,`,,,,`,�!,;� , '' " 11 .AT . , "I . . � , , ,. I . ,� _­ r I . �4 I - � 1. ,, I - , "OFF , IRO . _1 I , ,..�f,, -0 . , ; i ".�­.l lA� '4-M ., .41, . Ill 7 01, 101001� , .��. '1�, '"' "� � �, ' Event. 1, ,�,I:i'lli I .. ­ I I Nf,'�W �,7q�_.. �, .1 , �1`17"­"'Ilt " I, ", �, , , . . "", _11 ­,, ,�.,',!�t,� ,�.,',!�t,� ,�.,',!�t,� .�,��;�'�,,.���;,i�,^,�,il��,��":�'�, --'.1-'1-i' ­'!t,; �,`, �;�': ', - , " , , �", t'. ,�'­' �� !��, �,_,�",tm ;, 1�1�1,1�� ��'.�"'l �w�,1-,:��.�,�'_!,! "., 'C'-.,� , , .1� 1, I !,� TW : ,,r ;' " 11 I I � 'O'jl"l�':��'��'i"Y'�'�',..��"L'I�,-, i�4 - �. I . � .1 STANDARD T E'�,'�i'.�.*,'��,` �� .-hieme,.For� Women's. Mi 8.� . - HYD . _T- - . CU . � 1,. .'� T;, ,A 1�1, �. 1; , �, i "". omw � I , I A � ol , I " .�,'�:` ,�, L': . " �, . . . . . . . �'111 - 1161� , i�N_ �,! 'L I � I I I. I 111,i,l��'� , . , , . , , , . , , . , , . , ,, , 11". _��`18t .-,nt,RQU., ., I ,I . - , ­� . - � 1, I . , ��� . ��-,�,��N.::"_2_o­ I ,' � 1. , I "P5 *10I,", ���',"sionary - I Society Rally � i''. _-�,'. Inolu ere -us- _pj, I ad �� I � � 1: � , . , ..�.­ I . I � - Pea pits. the Ovorva,F*� sxte� - -quo, I �, , �1. I ,�! � ",!',�� li:�Ii , ­ " :;; 4�141_1-". P't ��;*A��,��,' T. 11 '31 " ,",',�'.,,!,��,�,X,� , llT.,4 , 1. ", . �, �,'. _0 �,�;,, , ;$P,.Ill!�lt"'�,�l'i;l�����ll""��,,�, i'@ , ",;,��";�, - , - , ;� �,,,,`�- ", - , ";. ".,!, , "A'. - m,,,14,��Yl,� . - .��iL,�� '� , jf:��-of- ��tfie �60 3 rommunitles,�­ ,,,, �,�,�,,,l � 11�hl re nj� t' # be returp.109 " 1 Stan4a"O"IfO�LP "�" J - _ I "Thanks , ers were" withOutH ydrp Tues� i, -3D . , , of,,"r L ea't _AlU, _thp ever-present thr , ,- - . I", _10 , � . . ,i�i�.,,, !!i.m�i'L", ��. .,�.i�� L, " : . , - , tn`�,�,-',i�� L , , , -, Or"",, -�'.,.",� 'r .,'ii��" w �2,`� ",,� _ ,�'� T" " 1.,',,�,` �. tatix��'U_. ,,,,, - � " ,, ""', �'�­, � - - " " i, , "I', , " ,, ", ,_�'i ",,.,� -4,1, 1,-��,S,,,,.,'�,'2,j�,� �,,� `�',�L,""; '4 4,0,.,,'�,g� ,�",�,--,,,,,,: �, 1 roe t;An ,regu- "' I ,to -0, thiq Wpok-end, -there ar,6,`i,#,0!T�, ,--,�.T� ��`j: _ 1$ I , giving". I day morni,ngbotween -10 and, ,l. � Seaforth Bowling Club was 4, U i. � . 0 , ,WZ24�r,�.,'_2 jd,,15,41,� _ ,11:�h-:�klll'.,�R ��'i,ll,�:�,,�,,',�,�,��',���L,�,;,V"��,, ,i,�,,*!,,',,,,,'v , - k,,�� ."! - ,. ��,,� 1,,��7, ; �.�_, �,;, ! - -,",�ll,"Ir;!I,�,i�,i�41,11�,�,��,,��, 0-_1 ­,- . �, ,;,-4 �,,, , . I .. ; � I . . I b . , ­ . I I .1 ,.,.,;, �: Vv, 1 1 a.m., becauiso - or,. a bre,q,k in , N�II<�'f�, _ I'l,�r���,�,!,,,��s.w�'ll,�,",,�, I -,,,,I , � '.'.,�-, e, �,,­ I I -1 "" .. � I lar monthly session Monday after- �. , �, � � 0 . . rry throug4 bits. annual, �Tip, Top 'I I l,\ .: I L , that Lhave extended the PeOlq,lo � ; 1 �4 ",.': thb--malln transrAiOsibn line rtlaut -pefter 4, � pJDqt,P,QnQ-e'At, _,w `;y f,�l�4�ir'�'Tb�,,—flF,Irl.�,�k'�, '�,,"r'4' T .1 '. Sept. ,,12,. With.' -JR ,N� ., . ron- tournar , , ,,, -1;,, -r . I I The r � 4 .4 � ."i 411 "`�,�i, "'IF Z (Z . , _V,,,,,�Kr,,,_ . � ting of . : . noon ,eeve 41911 0 D (jbt Saving Time.,,',.; .,�,The annual rally of the Huron i Ing from tr IF AR I . -1 ­ - n he Chat�':Foillsi Ont., , of, tivo wee" on, Weq�..sday g. 'w"`.�'x!!W,,��, , ,3 V R: 111_11,1�0__, . ' .1 '' , ) agular ull 362� � 4;4uFVP,.',."_,,R, � . '" �: C f 4'i ,,,%*,',�,,414,t;i�,�AA"O.Ut�p-,%,�'? �.� 11 - " - -"-And' ,bUalpjirf'or�, .tt - of -a- , fter;'.', ­ . .. � , . . I -1 """I! - ; I . , .. I . I , ... � men's Mi . I A. 1, , ,Avy'il , Boiry pi4siding I a ik rule ,,, Tespyterili,j the IWO 11 � � . . . the, Trustee Zlpdrd, Af��TUC;kerpmlth . . h , Zturned, bacX�Jtsi I#" 'I i.�xlwk 2 MoF �N" x,�, " 1. . .1 I " , b APOMP9. th - "i'�,��, the power p noon, with.an e - 011 7 rhiU I q _S ,, .; �- We'l ISP S. --.,,,.r,. IMEA -k ,, �.��V'�,5rb,', Verne PA. , � 'p, Society. was :,held, in I - "ll't."", .�'A��,�,`,�, " 10114ry LOW i'..".&I 111 ,� ��C,Iicoi Are'a' wO lualct,,11f §.�3, NO,� 2 :, . . lingtou:13rock, , cll.� e week 6,f' I " - 14.nt� This break af- : ptry ,,��g 0 .� .111, ��`,_, _ jl fected priactfcally .1!1 Western A Tip Top suit'ar*Tercol n?10x - .K ',-L'R-O',"��r.�IW".0�,,,t'.��'.�".'.,,"� I , - lqp� �! !,� �i�,Q, �,,,-� �, . . I . reabyterlan. Church in Clinton .1 ., . P A 0 !�!vyi,_ , ` I I I � , �' .", %4� '�,W��`�, �V�;� r 0'eting, jlxtrp�,"71,." Ontario point& I -operation At ;!."O" . ,J 11 W , � I I School Oil Tuesda&_.with all MOW' ' � � , li "and Harold Jeffery present.. Min- tember, but this year'th64'dit , .", .: - , on PIP% �W, . ,4,5� r " Io�,N beri present and., Jariios'� Md e last rel � � will n -Tuesday, Se, offered as prizes ia'CQ ,�Y�A"4w , - I I � 11 13 fpr 'S ii,g nw`84 I : , Utes of th , at m, ' ot get that ,"N , , c ,, zens V - The theme Out,7� 40l ,AE'll R. Tflie. minut6s Of - last - , . : h6ld'lin Aug. 8, aud',ras'jeojal,me�t- ho week latir�, :.' I 1pt. . �11 - Pa*� �140. i��Xfflv i?lll AUJ�,`Fj'Q',�r I 'I With! Stewart Bros., Other valuable ,Mp"4'��R I presidin . ,lie, rally %yiis "Thanksgiving." , ,i1,;A'5,.'Qv1 .1� . 11.1 I rig"Of AUgl 24 ur sidep until a _ prizes Included blankets, Sets, of a, 7'11rl s �� Jq I � , ,#M, 6,A Q AF,41.9,��n � , , - _. ,M, ,,_ 0. _g,,:Zvg� 3nee Ing,mpre, r . . it# ,, � M1 I I 11 ,3;, �AA I , uv.% -i,,&,, K� , for the f opening n- .1 ar a and 11 y -;� 11 1:11,1111 "� 60 ."d " " �_� Standard Time at 2 a.m. Sul I : � A) c OQ � wl; the president, Mrs. � I juy,0 ,, aud',,t "IF , � !""� ." M1,15", �`,W �, ''J", , I 0 , , "' , ,,- A4113151l*11111711%1�,N'711. � esud.lar�d,.UpproVed'� . . I. � Ing held on the 4enl '_ ig" "' !,�J,Tlie mi�riilikg session o whoo w*4 � on ,* 11 �.­'. � I espogsism" was , i � Telul from: ,,, �, I purpoge.o it will officially return!-­�, -4, , peifed at 0 0 40 -0 - ' 0 0 aluminum \'ehairs, e d table' ­ . � , a �_ " -91§11,4�",�, I �Eq0,1 ., , . . ;::::::., 1�, I " ��,;iyos 'Z,A�� J41a;"%",r,,Q, �,A,i�v 10 A""�"""l " ... R� , A;; - - - - - ,,,, A -��,,�T,T . . 1. Bisset, Goderich, in the chair. 0 " '04 -, �" 71�txr§ , . . Vorr fol:cth I In , -4 , i7 "'R", - I Huron County HeAlth Unit',' notify- .� siderl4g: teudqrs -received day morning, October 2. ", r ,�, 1. � auto rugs. "4":, I � wa�kr Sup- n ,drain, erp�!� ,*Wf ,:-Z,44 . � , -, ­ - - � ,�i',�,_ '�T - � _ r � t.1", I 1, construction of the Dun I The visiting, rinks came froln: '. _A��,,Rbi�W, . ..... . � I ing the lloard-thkt.tife I ,;; �::" � ened with the'aing- . '. ",111bl.-I ,1�11 '."�"'11,oyj .',�;, - we�e.,�'R,eV,,'�O, y � -1 I '#e ,tp -'! " ' - ,� lie session op I !,�, _, 4 i,", I I I .1 � I ted on ni(i� , ,el Exe_ ance , rP,A��§ -141t-11�qk i11.A"111i,i1',1_11i, . V .; M,m , , kl�v�.11�,',,�!A,r I -.1 1-111 chool&'N6&' r4, 5and 9, grad- ,b were confirmed as pr�fi I �'­" II Hanover, Preston, Goder serioua,)x� ,�-:Uiju ',p���'�,, '0&'64 1*,�', 1,','��; Vy at S, g ..of the hymn, "Now Thank we '. I � , ed B. and suggested, chlorinating tion of Councillors PinEofftbe pid - Ell. DOIG REC EIVES ter, .1atford, Grand Bend, Strut- , A �,, 4.A'4��*V�oi§ ,Ii�W,%El'11� ,� ,IV '­,., ��,6 _ ri, ­' '-- I � IS `#'� `0 ur. God." The� Scripture lesson '�nld r,,.O, � 11 , �,4­­,'A 4,4FL , " ,. , 0 . I _ �� . , sholl " -- r16,4,Vl5'Y', ��` " '. I and pumping out, which waa.,lord- James R. Scott, son of Mrs. t Jeff ery. . �,�,,t,­N, etep - Tow#,"Q "' lk`ji r � - `,,:,,��,�,, I . � . I � ,.,, � grk�iffl��Aj�.,?it',�,, I ford Brussels, Brantford, New I � 10 ,`n,Vlg,��,!i�,i,', — , . �Jl)eg". �.'�'r­,,'. K' J,, �_ .;,.i _____-__1;&1I � _`O,�.,Shol , -1 ',q , 1. " �,.�, Q% , ,I '�,:,­ - ""'051"l, , Mit A I ­ Owylo ,�,,- �, In A neall. Th� 1) Sgiv - injuries,.,sev: . " . UP- recently been appointed to - C ' �# SEVER . ,el!0:. , �,021 I ship � Soll.pitor, W. G. . - Jras read by Mrs, Kennedy, of V. Pickakd'.. "with ,A.e;�#"'o ere4.filed. From Mr. Glen 0ardin-, H. R. Scott, Seaforth, who The town � rayer of thank Hli�burg, Tillsonburg, Listowel, . . . ­ �%. � � �, I � ochrane, attended the meeting ... - A00it! .,,�g,"'�., er, I.P.S., re salaries of music a has - - . g was given by Exeter Auxiliary, E IN JURIES St. Marys, 331Yth, Ingersoll, -.� ','. diti ." " _,�,�,"-� ,, the! "' --I`.,;­­ e con dvising the L coun fractured,ribp reop bj��W,a%',"­W I , .. . � .1, ��-,,, �;% 1;1��,` �101. �r I , ,5' ""I . g pN 1L I r ,ervisors which would be the Sam the Faculty of the University nection with a �­.,,',' � Ii 'I, chell, Kitchener, London, Lucknow -� . .., , ; . AUBURN STORR��`]S,�--�l �`e er for the work of the ,. - . I .. r �, ,.: �,,c,',!",- �� . . ''ll". ,i . ­ ,, ,. Until Jan. I 1'950, when the spilier cil about re -assessing the Ca'ku- . .1 Ilie r Pray' Ir described As;��'IaffV' . ­ � �, . ­ , . ' " � .1 ., ­ 1, ; and Seaforth. ' �, 61aseroomr . Ski-ps were as follows: Dr. J.*4. .bit ' `6- '1�1,�,5_11111 ol!�,`� (1). 1, . ' - of Western Ontario, London. Mitchell, Wurm, and Ullmville r ­ , ',,.,"hurch by the Blyth Auxiliary, ,amd Hoist Chain Gives Way a1W Exete,ri-i�44V"n, J�' `�`,'�`�'A!`)`Il �§ . I �, 'I � , , A'1� I r .3,01. �11�� 5 kl..� , , 'f the Barbara I i. Bink- �, inqueit., r * jfl "; �'Al i �., - , ` M -_ visors la.xpe�ted .sio Per Mr. Scott is well - known as a ditional _ �� Consecration by Lid. an sil P.�.;�",�Ai�l*"-,�,;-,�,�!,",I�. ,0 J - M ' ,IAIJ, jVE %. per month,'to be the same as, Other -critic of programs and drains to raise the ad, ley, H. Lohr, Win. Wood, G. Math . ,",H_"j� _�' I , he com- _4 _j�. ni�41� '01, _ �­ I 1. radio TTED BY F 11� Auxiliary of'.4�.Seafbrth. Pinned Under . Thursda�r-`niglit 'At' Qip�`T �, j_,,',�, told. The Vm MacLar- , 4 W .. -supervisors; it was -also f money required to -pay for t GU . Rl_ I irkman ' . s. _ - l often heard on the, C13C pro- . e. �au- address ilason, C. McManus, V . ,,, , k -` "ylr"Wl, , " W , �� � . the work. Mr. ,.0 . � Hoffman funiial, IV D ih"84'_��','�(% superannuation deducation- from . pletion Of ochrane Vrs. Bisset then gav Mat'll, I I _', . - gil "Critically Speaking." Truck. en, G. Baechler, C. Nivens,, Ken ' , � ,�,'%,"�;k I dvised the council that under the th � bje, t, "Thanksgiving." . Provincial. I", ,"r - r "' �' ' "" 11.1§ - ' said' . r A ,�J � I . teachers' salaries is to be six per a Loss Estimated "At 'SeV­r n :dda sae w anders, H. Pollen, , PAY 1C Ile ' .. .. 1, ­ 11. ­ - cent, beginning Stpt. 6, 1949. . . . Municipal Drainage Act any Its- ' Z e r as based on the Hockey, W, E. S Sdell was di . ""I"I"', Jr Psalm. ig, 23 -year-old son of Mr. Alvin Perrott, W. A. Miller, Ken OrladitD r , ., -, �, 11 �illl .. . .111'..." �, �, I Mr. Gardiner was present at the sessments under attending bylaws eral Thousandg Of - ,'SGtli She enumerated Eric D pa�ved n- u en ,,,, �'� i, r. I Kalbf1eiself, Sydney Deem, Win. - ,L��;�., ; � I ' should be pro rata with the as- 'Many of our blessings, calling at- and Mrs. Paul Doig, is in/scott way, witli Pickard. as -1 ' rr 11 "IS ­.: _ ,�, ' ' I � meeting'to discuss in -Particular -the T I Dollars.' Nicholls, R. J. Bowman, H. Chant- I . ,�,'141,'. ,., ��..� - e original fention specially to the rich -and Memorial Hospital with . Rose was travelling , r. o ' ill' � r ., , . .,matter of tuition fees chargeable AMES R. $ T sessments in t1l. bylaws la a serious pion, H. Brown, J. Hagey, S. Roth, . ,r., rr i., � � I to pupils attending schools within i . . over the whole Scheme, regardless Fire of undetermine, bountiful harvest in Huron GOun­ back injury, received when a chain gra:vol -Moun .Carm - as' ' '(.)' .11'r' . I . � he extra costs were in- d.origin COM- -, F. Debus, . B. Vance Porter, A. al, . I . � 1 � �,,�,;r,:, W, �� n of whether t ty, She also spoke of how fortul hoist gave way at Dunlop's Service H. Road- . I r 1!. "," - , , ,�', I "�, I , , � the, area, from closed- schools, i -_ pletely gutted the interior of a i Hock. C. Brown, H. Vodden, . - Exe .1 . �­ ' : � particular, but no decision was Curried on the open or tiled, Pot ate we were in having our homes Station, on Monday. Mr. Doig was Dr. M. Fletcher, Exe 4 � I I , i ACULTY OF Council in- general store owned by Gordon , Sanderson, C. Brooks, H. Porter- . , � � 111 , talk�an,�at this meeting of the board JOINS F I dons -of these drains. In these days when the need of under a truck inserting a front field, E. C. Shantz, H. McNab, T. A. Mooney gave first -at �t � , "', � " ..." ,; �? I . structed that the Engineer be ad- Taylor in ' Auburn. Discovered bomes was so greal. She 'compar- spring when the chain slipped, pin- scene. Hoffman's ambulance: 111 I..", � , re amount to be charged, but the 7 a.m. Sunday when smoke , C. Wils%u, Mr. Smith, -C. Pinlayson, �: . . . . . . . 11'_,-�'?�, seareta'ry was -ordered to make a W. 0. UNIVERSITY vised to prepare his supplementary about ticed coming through -the ed our -blessings with the poverty ning him underneath. Dr. Paul L. A. McCoy, W. J. Duncan, Jas. A. Hopper's ambulance -trans, rt 'I." `­.": � , � I'LL 'I" satisfactory Settlement with S.S.' reports with the re-assesaments was no Jii Calcutta and other cities in In- Brady wa* called and had the vie- . . .. I "". 11. .."il. 1, . . the injured men. ,.., �,_,t.` I , I .. " MacDon&ld., Lorne D e, Geo. John- . � 1�% No. 1, Hullett, of the account ren- . covering the whole scheme in each, floor boards, Mr. and Mrs. Taylql�'dia and China, where millions have tim removed to hospital for treat- , al Provincial Coxiitables Jack ,, :' �,'��,;',,'� dered by that board. case. Council ag�iiaed tlialt the I and their 13 -year-old daughteri I stdn, Dr. F. J. Bechely, J. Hotham, . '. . . " �� "'; . I Will Lecture on Creative ,no fixed abode and where people mebt. Win. Hart, C. P. Sj�lls, B. F "Chris- gason and E. Zimmermann, Exete ,�,, .�;,il',.M . . ain account owing the Marion, were forced to flee ,Ili , I ,:% il V I � , ��,o�L"��',K The chairman and one place to another Mr. Doig is resting as comfort- ' investigated. I .1� ���,, 11 . , . t I �� �;�", " �,, SiFn the eon- Writing with Depart- township ($174.59) should be as- night littire from the upstairs. A roam from ie, F. Johnston, l5r. P. L. Brady .1� 111FI, . . . . . 91 were authorized to Seeking for food and a place to ably as possible under the circum- Survivors include Rose's Wife, �o ,:;',' �' ' 11 I I � . , "Blondie," lost It& I Dr. J. McLennan, E. Allison, New- . . ..:,!'�'��.. li, I., . , ��. . , . tract with Scott Habkirk for trans- sessed on the area and collected Cocker Spaniel, . rive. One of our greatest blessings stances, but his injury will neces- brand the former Lorena Denomme,,t-�r....6-.,.:,.',,-t�, porting Gral 7 and 8 pupils to ment of English. on the tax roll this year. life by, -suffocation. . com.be, C. Glew, Geo. Hildel . ,,,,, , ,'�. a b, is an abiding place. sitate being placed. in a cast for f sons, Keith and Wallace, and I'll .�,,�:;�..Wi,l f ; manual The road superintendent advised Three fire brigade e.. The first prize ' winners o ­� .". �­;M -our three months. il all at home.. - � ,", i" %_ � , :"":,� . .Seaforth High School for As well as being thankful for - daughter, Stella, 11 training and Home Economicsonce james R. Scott, son of Mrs. H. the council that the district en'girl stubborn blaze in the interior for - . It or overcoat, were FrankW I . 11 a sul . , �,jx, I . homes, we should also be thankful Bad luck, seems to plague him �,._I - , ,, ", I I 1 each week, S.S. No. 10 also CO-OP- R. Scott, Seaforth, will instruct eer had inspected the Kydd bridge nearly three hours in an effort to fo, our churches. She called at- continually, because only a month soil and Win. Harris, London, 3 —0 , , - �, '1:0., extinguish the flames between itli6l wins plus 23; 2nd, H. Porterfield, . 1�,.11�3, . I I ..:. �;,�,�N . I erating, at a total cost of $650.0,0 creative writing at the department on concession road 4 and �5 and tention to the many in Europe who ago he narrowly escaped being hit .1 .. 1, ,',�� , � �.,, '.� I for the year, the costs to be divid- of English in the University of had approved a work of repair on Partitions. Dense smoke'L hampered now had no church home, and 0 6 L. E. Hawes, Mitchell, 3 wins Plus Duff's W.M.S. Holds . .. %,i:,!,�'�, t by a lightning bolt, and six in nt,hs ��..�:,-��A - �� ' ed between -the School Area and ,. estern Ontario, it was announc- the abutments and, wings, eatimat- the efforts of the firemen. When 'the work of the Dutch Reformed; ago the top of a soft drink bottle 19, aggregate 51; 3rd, C. McManus, . . ���,��' 11 . ... I :,,�'.,'�', ,,, - .� ��,V� �.'�',;,f,f,, Clayton LOoby, first discovered a call was sent A C hurch. in our own community. In exploded, in his face, requir! ',�,� , I S.S. 'NO. 10 on the ,basis as last ed this week. Some of his last ed to cost $700. ' ing sev- S'. Roginson, Goderich, 3 witis plus Thankoffering Meeiing � ,',�. 1A, . year—$586.50 and $63.50. year's gelected students will again contractor on the bridges now io the Blyth telephone exchange 19, aggregate 50; C. E. Shantz, G. - __ I �,�-�,�P!, - ��, � -,� �, from - Vogt, Kitchener, 3 wins - plus 16; � f- T' __ - with ,the result that brigades �eturn for our numberless bless- eral stitches near his eyes, � , 11,'�, ", , The chairman and secretary be in his class. building on concession ro ii�gs we.should show by our works, � The autumn t1tankOffering n1l . �.':,�':,li ,, 1".. - - F. Porter, F. Porter, Jr., Tillson- �, :� , ,ill, were also authorized to sign con- Mr. Scott, who is literary editor 7, at Eliniville, reported good pro Blyth, Goderich and Clinton an our love . lind thankgulness to —0 Ing of the W.M.S. of Duff's Church, , .,,Ao � . I . , ��,,, I ­ tracts with the caretakers of the of the Toronto Evening Telegram, gress was being made and that he swered the call. Much cred-i-t was burg, 3 wins plus 13; Ed. Koch, C. McKillop, was held in the schoolv-.. " "� ��!' , , I Christ. -.,� ,I, - I a Toronto editor, could undertake the repair work . bapill Listowel, 3 wins plus �,.-�,�',. � ,,.�­ schools which begaii their duties _ given the Blyth operators who , Anniversary -Reopening c room recently when there vr4a a I I is well-known as � Mrs. Lane. representing the Clin- ,�:,i:� ' ' _, .... _4,11:1 � . ; , Sept. 1, at their tender price. The radio speaker and critic. on the Kydd bridge at $20 per cub- notified farmers In the Auburn � 'fon Auxiliary, spoke the words. of 12; L. Dale, A. Dale, Seaforth, 2 .good attendance. The lal of' _.­�", I ' .. I .I ,'-� I ,� �,, board -also a proved motions to concrete, township to ar�a, so that local bucket brigades Services Held At wins plus 22; C. Nivens, H. Me- Bethel, Constance and Egniondville :o,-, P After graduating from Univers- ic yard of ' 11� .1 pay Geo. A. Sills & Sons $30,8.00 for , supply cement and steel required. Welcome. The treasurer's state- I � 'i *` , I ity, of Toronto in 1938 he took post- were formed. Auburn has no t6le- I. hurch Nee, Goderich, 2 wins plus 19. societies were guests. Mrs. Ken- ,`*_­`,�- installed, in No. 4 Council agreed to engage C. Looby ment was submitted by Mrs. J. B. Egmondville C . " i,&. new furnace - , - exchange., I - I -in � "'.4 � ; " ,hxa Band graduate work at Harvard and To to make the r phone neth Stewart opened the M"T.., 9 ': _,, �,,.M - . . " 0 I , School; to purchase RYht epairs on. the, KYdd Russell of Seaforth. Informa,l re- , �, " I routo and was a member of the Firemen were successful in ven by the de- . with a poem. Hymn 579 was Sung '­:,'A,� � instruments'for No. 2 School; to bridge on that basis. . Anniversary and reopening se,r- I r i. I%,;, � - � 11, - department Of Emglish at the Uni- incil keeping the blaze from spreading �nd the .Scripture lel. wasi- .keI, ­'�',-�,�,,'q, 11 The assessor advised the cot partmental secretaries. These prov- - . I ,. � -,..2,1 - , . approve the draft on Mun"'Pal. ersity of Saskatchewan for four that on account of the large amount to nearby residences and business .� teresting and instruc- vices were hold in Egmondville Entertains Wednesday by Mrs Robert- . Campbell.- l ,'IlN� � , ,'. .. 1. _. I I ­ .." ... Council for $3,000.00 to meet� our- v I pli very in . I 1-1: i.-_ `�­M . - ill ­"iji r laces. ­ United Church ,oil Sunday last. The �k 11 I 1�ive. For Bride -Elect Ken i;iewart led - 11 � �;,4 � ! �J,; � I m prayel I _V 'U , I re I work involved thai an extension P . , * . . ,. . �A. . til th store has be Rev. Keith Love, B.A-, B.D., of the address - '. �` J, I. ,'� rent expenses un I en -in ­ ! gave k" �1,',,.­, , He is frequently heard as a Critic .. — 1, I .1 � of, *4�6in�,;�, A, � I , I,,,* ­�' , ­­­ . received-; to ,7 _ntry fee to Sea- - � it. *d the statutl date The Taylor , ��mMisgt�-Belle Campbell, of-,Saa� Bitrlitgt� u, ' ,Ir _, 1��",��- ,,, � I time blqq!�i , _ . 6ii ,guest speaker. He ,-r � , a _ I 'IV&* " �� �4 � ' � _p��, - of,radio'-programs-. -ov',the 4DBO pr-o�- . . . rpri- e The upgtaiils� -for.th, ��ho' 1's" the lfteratu�e bcf&� . I ,.Wa�, . for�afuf ad- ' Mt§'. Jbgeplf llgtt-h,-W,S--eilt-IE�r,tliiii�I 4M- '�Bft# I . I I , - 8�P_L_ 4 delivered inspiring and , 7 --f6rih Fin r,ii�r--,f6f—twi5�-#Ii�ffellj�t.� gram, ",f3ritically Of' 30 would -be needed th Operation 27, Teal -nesday afternoon a I ­` , - , ";I. I,",,, �',", . of the premises have nd visiting Society contribut - I. .1�,' �t,, . - of the assessment roll. and M, rear I . � . Speaking." It completion tary Of the Presbyterial, gave most . Rev. Love ed on Wed - . :1- I 1, ,"".. ing schools. dresses at both services . .:.'L 1' ., I I " i The Board decided to advertise w@N- on., "Critically Speaking" last Council passed Bylaw No. $, 1949, been used as living quarters. comprehensive and interesting re- was a local boy of Hillsgreen and evening in honor of her daughter, ber on, the program: -Mrs "':10. ' � -4. . �.,,... 1, Frances, whose, marriage tak�s Dennis, a solo, for Bethel; ,Mrs. RI-, -;, V:��7� ; rer, as the winter that Londoners heard his subject to the approval of the De- All merchandise in views of some of the books recom- attended Seaforth Collegiate. Mr. ,�:�,�';� � I."," for a secretary-treasu ' _V11.' - analysis of the growth of the "Don partment of Mnnicip�i Affairs Act completely destroyed Including Mr. I . �-,,� . preoent incumbent asked to be re accounts and mended for reading by members of Pearson, of Clinton, was guest solo- place shortly. The guests were re- mer Cameron, piano solo, for Eg- , � , ,1 - 11 - the door by Miss Mat- mondville, and a trio from Con- :�'11 , , and his generous ceived at 1 , i _� Tieved of offlce� . Wright Chorus on motion of Councillors Brock and Taylor's inventory of � the Presbyterial for 1949-50. ist in the morning. The choir sang � ,i, "!! - The, following accounts were ap- praise of that program. Wbile on Pincombe. all upstairs furniture. Practically Greetings from the Presbytery an authem,, "The Lord is My Shep- thews and her mother. Gifts were stance. Rev. J, R. Peters closed. ,;.. � �1. I ed shown by Mrs. Ed, Matthews, Mrs. the meeting with prayer, sl the 1�., I CBC he originat To provide for the preparation Of all the furniture downstairs and- a ,, . , proved: 'H.E.P.C., acc,t., Schools the staff of the were given by Rev. D. J. Lane, herd," with Mrs. Koehler singing . '.1 plant at the . Bruce McLean and Mrs. Win. ladies served a deliciou-Slunchasid. , INO9. 2 and 4, $13.31; Win, Papple, such programs as "The 'Readers the tax collector's roll, Bylaw No. small cold -storage , Hart. .;, 1. , nister of the Clinton Church. . Mrs. J. McGregor Miss Pauline Matthews. sister Of a social -half-hour was ,spent. .11, . pumping wells, etc., $9.00; Take over," a book review series, 9 1949, adoptifig the revised as- rear Of the store were saved. A in' the solo part �.,,��t, .. . I labor, flower seeds, and "Canadian Short Stories." s6sment for 1949 of $2,61.6,49.7 was loss estimated at several thousand Following the morning session, was at the console Of the organ. the bride, displayed the cluthing, . 1 " " I Mil Beryl Nicholson, I . a bounteous dinner was served by At the evening service the Zurich e Miss Peggy Lou Matthews .0— i... 1, $1.60; Get). A. sills & Sons, furn- passed on motion of Councillors dollars was partially covered by the ladies of the church. octette were the guest singers, as- 'hil I .. . .; 11 *— . of the register. A .. :; I ace, $308, screens, $5; Seaforth Jeffery and Brock, and Bylaw NO. insurance. Origin of the blaze is The theme of the afternoon sea- was in charge . To Demonstrate . I I .1� Huron Expositor, . of taxa- I Slated by the ,choir. Mrs, 0 sell large number of guests called dur- 11, News, $5.35; 10, 1949, fixing the rates unknown. sion was Consecration and the de- was organist. Ing the afternoon and evening. School Lunches .:. i l 1 2. 8o; w. m. Brucefield Missionary tion a& set forth in the budget I votional period was taken by the .. .11 1 $2.63; News -Record, $ a Mrs Koehler was hostess Mon- - Sproat, posts, etc., $43.8,5; Graves' tS adopted At the Aug. 8 meeting (ov- ii— . :,, 0 Wall Paper Store, shades, etc., Society Mee erall rate exclusive of School see- Auburn Auxiliary. Mrs. H. C. day e'v*ening to honor Miss Gladys . - �il 11 $8.45; Baldwin's Hardware, $16.43; — 101, tion levies of 23 utills) was passed Former ,Seaforth Boy _ Lawson, of -Clinton, sang a belruti- Forbes, bride -elect, at a shower. A film strip 'and the preparation :...11, .; �� I �11 . , I � .Wk Hood School Supplies, $25.80; The regular meeting of the Wo- on motion of Councillors Pincombe ful solo entitled. "Just For To. The evening was spent Playing Mr. and Mrs. Harburn of school lunches and luncheon . . - 1- D. men's Missionary Society was held and Jeffery. Awarded Certificate in day.., court whist, with Mrs. C. Green . ­�� _ ored At Reception dishes will bi� featured at two af- 1,114 Middleton's Drug Store, $7.4? con- Hon tetnoon meetings sponsored bythe . ��11' , . E. Kyle, brooms, .$19.08', Ken *&mp- on Tuesday, Sepf. 19. at 2.30 with Bylaw- No. 11, 1949, amending the Industrial Arts-CraftS The speaker for the afternoon winner of the first prize, the .�, - bell, $6.50; Seaforth Supply & Fuel the president, 'Mrs. W. Scott, in Dunn drain bylaw to provide f6r was Mrs. J. K. West, of St. Thom- s-olation going to Mrs. ,E. Durst. a seaforth branch of the Women's. � 1� I I Co., lumber, $8.97; John Ruston, the chair. Mrs. 0. R. Stanway had the collection of only 400/c of the W. Leslie Hogg, son of Mrs. as. Her subject was "Roads." She There was a guessing contest, the A reception was held in Staff, Institute, to be held In Northaide ,� labor, ,$2; John Passmolre-,,iswitchl charge Of the worship slarldee assessments in 1919 instead of the Hogg, Of Seaforth, and the late Mr. spoke of the excitement 8f start- number of candies in a jar being Hall Friday evening, Sept. 9, for United Church on Thursday and, .'_�'�,4' -, 1 $1,50; Seaforth -Fall-FAi, entry the therne being, "Advance Thy entire amount as provided for in Hogg, and at present .shop work Ing on a motor trip, the planning, 143. Mrs. Flannery guessed clos- Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ha.rburn, of Friday, Oct. 6 and 7, Punctually � � .:,; I "I, the est with a guess of 138. Miss CromartY, who were married re- . 1, fee, $25. Church." The, hymn, "Thy King- the original 'bylaw, for the reason at 1.30 p.m. to 4 p -m- 'i teacher of public and high school the Starting, the sunrise and oad Forbes was the recipient of a num- cently. Mrs. M. Deering read an I 11. �J'i The meeting adjourned to meet dom -Come, 0 Lord," was sung; that .only the -Open Portion of the students, Preston, has been award- awakening of life along the r An -adequate lunch is, Justas im- , 1; I I in No. 7 School on Tuesday, Oct. prayer by the leader, and Scripture drain will be constructed this year, -ed I specialist's Certificate in Irl as the trip began. ,'In life," she ' ber of useful gifts, A dellghtf,W address and Robert Gardener pre- Dortant as breakfast or dinner for ,� , 11, -at 8 p.m., standard Time. reading from Isaiah. The hymn, was passed on motion of Council- duatrial Arts and Crafts from the said, "are four roads. The Path of time was spent by all -present, and sented the couple with a purse of good nutrition of,the school child. �`:! the theme hymn of the Dominion lors Brock and Pincombe. shining light. We the hostess served a delicious money, Music was supplied bl�the The midday meal should be sub, .:, ' Department of Education. This en- the just is as a J": I - —0 Board, was sung. During the busi- Council Instructed that ,the De- three years summer study must ponder as to the road we lunch. Howe -Harburn orchestra. stan-tial, al,>out oneAhird of the . - p,rtment of Highways be request- 'tailed to. In should travel. Someone was ask- day's food needs. Progress in . I Society ness period committees were form limit at Ryerson Institute, Toron . ?" "I On Tuesday evening Mrs. An- The regular meeting Of the Staf- .1. , Children's Aid ere made for the ed to erect 30,mile speed ition the ,Ontario Department ed, "Where are You going. drew McLellan 1, and Mrs. Frank fa W.A. and W-M.S was held at school is affected by the health ,of '', ' � . . I I ed and plans w which will be signs at the outskirts of Kirkton, add ecog- don't know," was the reply, "but Routledge also honored Gladys the home of Mrs. A. H. Daynard the child and the child's healtIL is I Receives Praise sectional meeting of Vocational Training has r 'bat is true 'th a shower. Bingo was played on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ar� I . l�, , . held, here in October. The pro- Woodham and Whalen on Highway - ed Mr. Hogg's qualifications by I'm going there fast." T wi affected by the food he eats. It is , . 23, and at Farquhar on High- un .nting him as a training in this modern �Avorld; many are as amusing thUr -Kemp had charge of the d- natural that parents, teachers and , � .1 '17be extension and increasingly gram, introducing the study book, No , well as a few very 4 I . the Years," was way NO- �as, in response to Com- appol - a her �Ip � competent handling of the work of "Growing With langerous teacher for ,the fourth year in Sue- travelling fast, but do not know contests. Gladys was then present- votional period, and chose a students in ,progressive communi- ' � - � the Children's Aid Society of HUr- taken by Mrs, R. Allan, as leader, plaints regarding the � - I where they are going. No wonder ed with an occasional table, table- theme, "Living For Today." Mrs. ties are now taking action to im- -1 I , Speed of traffic passing through cession Mrs. Daynard were on County received ,most grdtify- and assisted by Mrs. A. ,ZaPfe, This means that a number of doctors, offices are full of patients cloth, sheets and pillow cases and A. Jeffrey and prove the noon mOat Of Pupils in t .?4' . I Ing comments from the Department Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. H. Dal- these places. deplored teachers training at the Ontario with heart trouble, Many of US other gifts. She -thanked Mrs. Me- named a flower committee -to deco- local schools. I I I I ,of Public Welfare in their ann.ual rymple. The meeting closed,with Council discussed and rk teachers will are going too fast and getting no- Lellan and Vloreen very kindly and rate the,,.church for the annivers- This demonstration by . Missl : _J1 and the recent �cti6n of the Village Of College as shop wo where," Mrs. West satd. "The expressed her appreciation to ev- ary ,service to be held on Sept' 25' BroELdfoot of the Women's InSti- . I report and inspection Hensall in announcing through the go to Preston during the coming '!�� ., ,�C= 26.1the singing of the theme song I 'a li�� I nd benediction! ' fire bri term for practice teaching and ob- first road '111 the Christian life was erYotae for the beautiful gifts. She Mrs. M. J. Deering had charge of tute branch and Home Economic 1 � year -the staff' was local press that the villa - Of a changed life. Paul - S vi e On a -o DOP t Of . ,,�.f� 31111110rous donations of children's The Mission Band ia holding an the road extended. a welcome invitation to tile W.M.S. business, during which . er c , t ri artmen 11 . K y send a C-A.R.E. wo- I gade would not respond t kLn far- serva-tion of teaching methods. A', . travelled this, road when he fell on Blyth, after it -as decided to , griculture, should interest all. , -�, I - I. clothing were received from county afternoon tea and'bake'sale in the ther calls from residents of the ,What wilt thou her new home in -. Delant A �t� � '! ,hool room on Saturday, _&_ his knees and said, which a delicious - lunch was serv- parcel to MmL men of the community. A cordial, 'I al 0bard Ill Sunday'S? elved from . I ,A organizations. Sever township for the reason that the me to do?' We need to catch ed. as a letter has been reel inv - ed to all. Plan "�, . bers attended the ann�ial conven- 24, from 3 to 5 p.m. All lad. have itation Is extend � ,, I I , Sept. township council had refused to this parcel are I � I . d Societies in leB Of the daitrict are welcome. ally Addresses a glimpse of the Cross to walk the to attend both afternoons. i . . lion of Children's Ai Next' Sunday anniversary servic- §ay for this service. Council in- Alice D road of a changed life. The work Mr. and Mrs. John Nott were in her. Donations for - , , '. Toronto. .9tructed that it be noted in the Meeting of -C.W.L. of the church is to bring about Clinton on Wednesday attending to be given to Mrs. Leslie Butson. � ­ ­ ,: " es will be held in BTucefield Unit- minutes that they did not refuse . the funeral of Mr. Nott's cousin, A donation baq beer! s,ent to Dr. I 1-� � —4— ed Church morning and evening, to pay Hensall but rather laid the — clXanged lives for sinners. The the late John' Y. Jamieson. I,o,slie Kilborn for mission work ,�,-11 "I I . 4 I .f -C. Mustard, of To- I it could be dis- The September meeting Of the selgond road," she continued, "is Reggie Chappel, of CromartY� in China, each member contribut- Ladies' Aid Holds ' ., "I 2 h v eld resident, matter over until from Catholic Women's League was held the. road of prayer, We cannot has returned home after spending Ing 7.5 cents. " I " . ronto, a former Brucef! cussed witly representatives Afternoon Tea .'�J`,`l I I I ,fll,, -BOWLING, ,had in St. James' School Hall Thurs- keep on ihe road of a changed life Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil , '�` I will be special speaker. The choir Herisall Council, and Hensall 15, with forty without prayer and to walk the the Nveek-e-nd with his grandpar- I I , 1. , I will render ,special music and the been so advised. They felt that the day evening, Sept. ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Dalrymple. Bowman and Miss Bella Miller via- ,�: J �A he presidenit, road- of prayer means great de- mber from the vil- Ited London Fair last week; Dr. A delightful afternoon -tea, WAS .; , - "� l ,, NOTES Seliforth male quartette will Sing usual practice of the local Mutual members present, T A goodly nu � , �'�_ � ,�� � ad the meet- ibles. The R. Bruce, OniwaY, Mich., held at the home of Mrs. R. , lt�'; - Fire Insurance Co. Of Paying for Mrs. T. D. Sills, openo lage- attended the Western Fair and Mrs. 1:1 I eI - at both services. with prayer, She then extend- 'road of service is one of the prin- 0 with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadler McKind-sey on Friday -afternoon I 1;11 - Mrs., David Johnston such service protected — ' ;- An enjoyable mixed .tournament Mr. and 4en . Sall Ing Laored by the Lad.- � � � �':,'.,,' - and Dianne, of H and,Mrs. from any loss, in this case. ed a weic-orne to the via] tirig. ladies cipal roads In t�e Christian's life. and Mrs. 0. W. Reed; Mrs. WW- last, -being spor . I . was held Fl night at the bo*1 amiltoll, of First Presbyter%fL �� �" I I . I ing green with 29 Players particl- J. B. Alkenhead, Ll vished on on motion of Councillors Brock from St. Columban. The treasurer, 'Many 'of us today are not doing The last road is tbe road ta sacri- Riley is a patient In Scott Mem,Or- tea' Aid �� eported a sub- bt. Church. The living room was love'A �� �� were: Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. and Jeffery the Reeve and Clerk Miss A. Gaffney, r our part on the road of service, ial Hospital, Seaforth; Mrs. Ro �:, ! �. , 94ting. Those taking Part flee. We shall have to give UP flowers, wfi,'16 th& - : : I # I to sign the &PP11- stantial balance in the bank. and as a yesult many of us are a to walk this road. If Lavery is suffering from a severe ly in autumn I 'With: :. I 1. � . A t Mrs.. W. Cameron, Janet Cluff, Mrs. Baird and Mr. and Mrs. H. Alken- were authorized hers not hearing many, thing ebid: Margaret Norris with her dining -room wag decorated " �,, �� , . . cation for the interim road subsidy The guest speaker of the eve- responsible for ot . ..: , J. T. Kaiser, Mrs. Laroue, Alice head. . ,rus. we are going to live an abundant .. ; t", % . Reid, Mrs. JOhn Beattie, Lorne Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and from the Department of Highways, ning, MIss­AIice Daly, London the Gospel. The road from JE life, this Is the road we must trav- parents M and Mrs. Sam NOr_ roses -and Pink tapers, 1 � �,�7� � I @ric MUNI�, ,C. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McKenzie submittedby the road, superintend- Diocesan President, presented a alem to Jericho is one of Service. el. 1&,may mean for parents more rig; Mr: an Mrs. Cecil Atwell and Mrs. H. R, Scott, the presidont, � `,'�., . - 3 4 I Dale, Chad Glew, I _ . report on the provincial conven- 'I�`Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Mrs. MCKindSeY recelvect' at '. 'I."' I direct responsibility for the spiri� family W' ill . P, Sills, Gordon Muir, J. T,. Kaiser, were recent visitors with friends ent d superintendent"s report tion held In Chatham recently, O'Brien; 1, oon O'Brien at F%ut, the door, while Miss VaIll 130 11. ,� i The roa - tual welfare of their Children. For IA y " 'Ili, I I I . . B. F. Christie, Alvin Dale, J. E. here. Toronto was received and voucherg -to the which wag most intei6sting and in- Hon. W. H. Golding all of us it ineains to put God's Mich. . �was the attendal Pouring tea. , �? -��,� � . Reating, Dr. J. A. McLennin, H. 0. Mr. Wes. Hani left for rrent structive. into operation." I ___ the af1tet.noOn were Mrs, D� Gltut'',��'��.!;'�.,� � � . : 4 � . Wee, Ronald, Muir, F. sills, Jr., L. this week, wh su ount Of $2,760 and other On Mrs. James 'r. sb6t ,:�:. ,��, � 4 -, . I I accounts to the amount Of $2,949.49 Under the direction of Mr. Ed�, , Senator Plans . I" ­ K�t,�;��I� %loggarth, Chas,. kar$er, M. A. his stualeff at the Univetsitythepla. . Bworn in As ! Miss McArthur was asked tO tell Campbell, 'V. , 'Dr. P, .L. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Sohnstonand inOuding the balance of the EXQ_ mund Daly, a colored film of the .Mrs. J. G, Mullon land Mrs.. - t Y, Mo, �, . � Rol las A Stevi4rt, of her work as, teacher in la Bible last week. y Welland, of c NtWif,'��:-�,�;�� " I . A � ji;1�11;:; I C Brady, i6eli Aik6uhead; Douglas' sons visited, In Hensall on Sunday. ter District High School requiol- tea'beld In June, added Much to ace River District, Mr. Harr Toronto, - StelWaft. DUAH19 thik AfternAttl ­ I I ": '111. - and ]Ruth .-tion - for 1949 of ,$2,410.28i were the enjoyment of the evening. A The Honourable W. H. Golding School in the PO x0ran 'IMad al& U-109 T1bf191*` ft I ': . : , ste'Warti . Oleo, 'Alldebrand;l John Mr. and Mts. 'R. 9cQtt and i She told of the sacrifice, courage is at present staying with big par- ' - . 4 I 1111 I � pligged on Motion of Councillors most successful meeting WAS was Due of thirteen new Senators of the Christlams In ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland. , Man favored with piano SO)d�.,Z6166,X!�­,;�. 'i`�"; � A Awatle, 4ud W, J./Dtifican_ spent the; week -end In London, e 1) en ' .!, combe and Jeffery. brought to a close by the serving sworn In 14st Thursday at the S n- and ati ce hlftt,�,,, �,-,�,� . � - o winners w6re., Ladies, Utz. Many from/ let attended Pin e school was held Mr. and Mrs. Earl HastIngs. of tions. Those serving In thil -�,,, �, . I& _the distr A complaint. regarding obstrue- of a delicious lunch. atia's opening parliamentary cere- that district. Th .10 A� '9914Wj1*'!",;',;fl I � I .1ohnBeattle, 2 wins, plus 10, aggria- the Western Fair I�At week. tions on the Ausable River drain Mr. Golding,whs introduced In a three-room cabin In which liv- Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Lebl room were Mts� , � I _/ - CIVtl 9 wins MIS r. Ron lRil — , and Billie, Tuckersmith laid, Mr4l;, g, A. MCM;�ter An&'Mt�11��,:; !1��,;' � 11, �,�!' I a Marion and X 0111 zlqrxo"�. Wishart McL. Robertson, ed a Dutch family, This famil ard -Strong 0, �,,, ll, igate' 291'"Miss Janet from y . Ia. SmIth.,&J.4 �!�,�:.��, . pils1s, 10, 0 6goegde,- 24; gentlemeh, son, London, Spent the week�ead on his farm was ace�4pty.. nd visited Mrs. Thomas Barton, Clare Relth. Mrs. H � , ''., I � � 6W Council d gave the Use of their home a , � . I I Archie Effieriugton� an ter and Mrs, S. A. Munn were its, i4k - ,�� . WA els#,�'i'<,". I . .11 Ill. diew awid-W. at their home here. a inade. Co. the balance of their tender Minister Without Portfoli d Mrs. Cliff Webs 9 O' an Many of Mr. an 4,0�T;l,� 1 Pritult Sills, Jr., 'Ohl decided to have rePair fton., Wm. T. Taylor, Scotland, helped with the school. Michael Guerney, De- of the room$, while Mrs, ,L 0 L 0 ­,"' . . .1. oisucan all had the 94rne #CO�6, Mr.' and, Mrs. Wes. StatkhOuse The auditors, report on the 1948 prices, less $160, to take care of .- . the children came as far as ten grandson, I . 1. , M"._", ,-� .1� . I I � 2 ,vifus, Plus 10, and W66 4WAtd6d -hAVO returned bOIna after visiting eitpenditure -on Iroads from the W- 'further work on the headwal-I and, 13AL were pre- miles to attend the Bible School, tjolt, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Mrs. 'M. Dorrance am MIll 1101 �', � tfieft, daughter and, soh4li-law, Mr. partment of Hig fence repairs,jon the Stewart drain. About forty senators Charters; were hi. Charge '6f,"taff4hil! �,�� �,� . � , ,�;�;�,, , hwayla, Was lftblbd � , foot, others on horse- MCNAIrn. 1, "Al `-:l ,­�, identical PrIZ69- , sent i6r the swearing-in. Senator some On Migg Joyce Radho, of Mitchell, ments. MTS, V. W. wig . �, I . Ill � I li � .11iw , siatis. All hiotions' wbre -passed without �1� !�,.�,� � . ii — Wild Mrs, S. 14011, Gloticoe, ay�d was accepted as belfig - e kewdregard, as speaker, Andi b=k. III ,.�., 1" !.;L�'. � -Vow from I... � I .6 I .� dissent and Council Adjourned to Hit The rally closed with prayer by visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs� ed tho db;;�ilbilk I w . Ch I 1�..:�'L :: ,., !�,,�, .; I � Tl *indA al,wayg f actory by the dbundllo Ott- -the 0,& pt for- I to $48M. . ,.� 4U, leigel "dffj5b`JJ6n '' to,*' 0 L tt'he Oliftia, .1tht. country of tea," pro. utIdil dedd- meet again In regular .Session on�l thirteleu new- senators,, ke a. D. J. Lane, of ClilftfOn- James RaChO. I ,"_L I I �, �6&u��ot� . �:,� , ,::': ' vf6e bf the 011191ftelar CO I molitles as informal as possible, Mr I . I . - ; I 4,l.' � � " . Iz ' " � `� 1 ;,; � - : 1� I ��' , I . ,;L ��, �. Monday afternoon', October 10. I I ­ � r I I ,", - �� I I "", ". I,. . . '., .1 diteleva ,bidkila Wheat than Canada. . " � , ,, ., ���,,� ', � . ' ed to pay Duldfrtog Colgsjt�uetion I ., � 1111��-. , " � I ii , , = .111 I � ' I I . , �, � ���' �� I ll . 4' 1 � . � . I ,. . I . L � , �z '' I . � . : ". I . . . ., I �, - , lj I , — . . , . � I ,; : 1; 11 � I ,� , .1 .11 I ", L . I . I . , . �! I � �1� � L I . I I , 1. .j I 11 I � , �, . . 1, ,; . '' , , � . � : ..'". ", . . I. I I I . I I I . L . . 11 � . � ;, I , � ., I I � . � � � . 41 , . I :, I , �, P� , � — � . I . . I . . � I . I � �'. , ! e �, �. , ; � �k,� ��, . . ..: � I I 1, ''; I � , , ­ � I il � I ., ��,��,� L - t, � 1. . I , . . . I . �': 1 � � , � ..�: I � , . � ­ � . , . L � .. , �, 1, I , , � . � I , I , . I � , " , I I 11 . . I I I . I ,., -: _�; 1� ,, , : ��;� , '. � I � I . I ­ ,, , �. .1 I .1 I ". . � I I . . �. , i 1�, , I 1- . I � . " , , ,� ,, �, , I . � I I I I. . I I , , I . I., .., '! � . �,�I' � , , I ­ �L , , , ­ ' " .� I - I , " 'W�, ­.'�� ,,, I I I � . i 11 , �: � j., �' '' ' 1 r,'-4' I . . I I '!:� I 1� � . � , I I ,. , . ,: 0,.� _ ,�� I , ., ".,,4, ' � . :, �� , � ,,,I �",:,� � � ,:,�,, U , . . . 11 " r ,. ; �1',' , . .: I � I I . _ '. 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