HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-09, Page 8-7•-•,'";; 017 • '4klik.41%4 'triN08, ..P5.0.217ANO, aiPKNES$. AND WINDS/Dam pg OpligaIiies who XS:00014. 'With Service.. :',40ANTA FOR ONTARIO IMKMAN'S MUTUAL :INSURANCE ^,DWranittion gladly given. 4„„ ATSCtN & REID awn - RroPrietQr tflSurance & Real Estate TONE 214 : SE4FORTH a ,e.aV 4t0o0000<>o B.Q. 7unerat ethice M/IBU LANCE 4 40 Pepm0alitttd careful attention. 0 Jet ...,,,,apital Bed. 0 ''1 RS, FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS 0 0' PHONES: 0 O 7,tes, 595-W: or 18; Store 43 <> 0 0 0 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 0, „ 0. A. 'WHITNEY '0'. Funeral Director 0. Main Street - Seaforth AliffITJLANCE SERVICE 0 0' Adjustable hospital beds 0 for rent. 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 , Flowers. Telephone 119 4 Nights and Holidays 65 0 '0 0 • <>°<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 • J. A. BURKE 4,,• Funeral Director .4, and Ambulance Service 4:: DUBLIN - ONT. 42te Nikht or Day Calls; Phone 4-r'10 O. CI 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 00000000000 04,0 O W. J. CLEARY °°' Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 ..420 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL • Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. ea— F,•4 his ;h.'s ;•.. • e'h••:. • ;P -- LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 1624 or 162-W FOR SALE Modern House on East William St. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for &rasa, with 60 acres can be cultivated. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run - MDR water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. Ali modern aonveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE ' Pa= land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID REAL ,ESTATE : PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S 1" A COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED UAXI Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 348-R FOR SALE 'BRICK HOUSE — 3 -piece Bath- , roam. Furnace, Double Garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson and Centre Sts. A lovely home. Prompt possession. • ;••••i• 41 C. CHAMBERLAIN ranee & Real Estate Broker FORTH : ONT. Res. 220, Office 334 AwlinkaNdoyNerei"^",""a". DANCING Meet yOur friends at the newly - decorated MITCHELL ARENA Dancing to Ross Pearce and his Band. ' Every Saturday Night -soupursannee,now%". • STAPLETON'S PRODUCE tr,' DUBLIN 4, ,,,Carties wild., line of sAusovity A'%; Attgincoig • ,.„" IlnirCS We, will pick up your Creatny 'ggs a n d oultry at your door 0411 k a a OF THE TOWN Atill.0044,,P0.01010WPIMINAMWmppoimpapa • To Held Reopening -ServicePee- Egmondville United Church will hold anniversary and reopening services an Sunday, Sept. 18, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Keitl/ Love, of Burlington, formerly 0 Hillsgreea, will be the guest speak, er, and the choir will be assisted by outside talent. a Women's Institut▪ e To Meet—The. SePtero.ber meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, Jahn McLean on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 2,30 p.m. This will be the health meeting, with Mrs. Wm. Leeming in charge. The roll call will be answered by a home treatment for an emergency. The motto will be, "He who cures a disease may be the skilfullest, but he who prevents is the safest physician." The guest speaker will be Miss Cunninghame, of the Health Centre, Clinton. Those re- quested to bring lunch are: Cakes, Mrs. Paul Doig and Mrs. John Kerr; sandwiches, Mrs, A. Crozier and Mrs. J. F. Scott. It is very im- portant that everyone make it a point to be on time at this meet- ing. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., "Not Far From the Kingdom"; 7 p.m., "The Love of God." — Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister, Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan minister in charge. 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Cles,ses; Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. A cordial v,-eleome awaits you at all services. St. Thomas' W. A. Meets. ---The W.A. of St. Thomas' Church met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday af- ternoon with a good attendance. The meeting opened by singing the hymn, "The Love of Christ Con- straineth," followed by the Scrip- ture lesson, 1st Timothy, 6th chan- ter, verses 6-19. Rev. T. Dale Jones followed with prayers. All re- ports were given and received. The church calendars for 1950 will soon be ready. The 60th birthday party of the W.A. will be held on Nov. 4 at 3 p.ra. in St. Thomas' Church, starting with Corporate Communion, followed by afternoon tea in the Parish Hall. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 4 at 2.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A minute's silence was observed in memory of one of the life mem- bers, the late Mrs. J. Pethick. The president closed the meeting with the benediction. Mulvale - Neville.—An event of Saturday morning, Sept. 3, was the wedding of Mary Alice Neville to Edward, Young Mulvale, in St. Joseph's Church, Sarnia, Miss Neville is the daughter of Mrs. and the late James H. Neville, Mr. Mulvale is the son of Patrick T. Mulvale and the late Mrs. Mulvale, all of Sarnia. Against a setting of multi -colored gladioli, Col. the Rev. T. J. Mc- Carthy performed the ceremony, during which IVIisa Mariorie Quin- lan sang "Penis An,gelicusa and "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother." "Ave Maria" was sung during the signing of the register, Miss Fran- ces Miller was at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, D. J. Neville, of Lima, Peru, was attractively gowned li white Alencon lace made on prin- cess lines, with sweetheart neck- line and long pointed sleeves. Her fingertip veil fell from a lace cor- onet which matched her ,dress, She wore a three -strand necklace of pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried a white prayer book with gardenias and streamers. The bride's sister, Mrs. J. M. McMillan, of Seaforth, as matron. of honor, was attractively gowned in mist blue brocaded satin with a small bertha collar. Side and back pan - leas accented the skirt, which was floor -length. She wore matching mittens and her hat was a Gains- borough model of navy taffeta trimmed, with mist blue ostrich feathers. She carried pink roses with contrasting ribbon, The groomsman was George F. Manor, Detroit, The ushers were nephews of the bride and groom, a Neville McMillan, of Toronto, John a Lap- ier, of Corunna, and Robert Mar- quis, of Sarnia. For the reception, and wedding breakfast at the home of' the bride's mother, 361 Davis St., Mrs. Neville received in a claret crepe dress with gray ac- cessories. Her hat was trimmed w th coque feathers in gray and chret shades, and she wore a ecir, sage of pale yellow roses. Also re- ee'ving was the sister of the ,groona, Mrs. L. J. Marquis, of Slain nia, in black crepe with gold trim. Her hat andi accessories were black and she wore red roses. A beauti- ful maderia cutwork cloth, adorned the table, which was centred with the three -tiered wedding cake eur- rounded by tulle and ivy and flank- ed by silver candelebra and! white candlee. For a motor trip to the United. States the bride wore a gray gabardine suite with gray accessories and turquoise blouse. A. gardenia corsage con2pleted the costume. On their return they will reside at 340 Maxwell St., Sarnia. Out-of-town guests were present frorn. Lima, Peru; London, Temp to, Hatnilton, Windsor, Seaforth, Port Colborne and Detroit. • , .tatiert•— Jackson.—In an attra6.• ate,' Ceremony at the Tremeer 1101110 in Tuckersmlth Friday,i. Sept, 2, at 2.3,0„ p.m., Rev; D. A. MaciVfillan,, of Northside 'United Mitch, Seaforth united in Mar- riage Laura Vinetta, daughter o Mr. acid Mit. John T. jaeltabiao of tinny, 'SOL, and Mr. Normat. bbitries tart, son of end Mr* ;Dittirlea tggert, Of MaCillop. Mrs, Win, Pybus, S. tonight of the bride., fllayed the wedding' ,tausic., she being organist for blie bride's 'pareats wedding; The service was held with a corOnet of pearig,'and ,held ht.the sarie room as her par- she carried a beeqtlef Of fed,T.Ose6 eras, •wee married iUi and under and white asters, The brid•VPAid, the, same bell, and also marked the Miss Grace. Jaelreon„ :sister 'Og the fifth wedding anniversary of her ,bride, ,wore a goWta. of heaChasilk amid, Mrs. E. NiThitehattse. ' The not over taffete, with lade • Mittens; bride was given in marriage by shoulder cape and a hale. cH.Her her uncle, Mr. Allin Trera4er, of flowers were mauve baby_ eaters Tiackerdsmith. The attractive bride and pink resehade. ate .tiOWer wore a white Brocaded satin dress girl, Dianne Rook,'• Mece gf, the made on princess lines, with full groom, wore a sity,hpe tile ever skirt„.hertha collar, yoke of Eng- nylon, and 'carried • 0;'...,bakefof ifsh 1/0 and buttoned down tate baby asters and rosebitds, Edward back. She wore a gold locket and S'herbro9k, cousinhatthe Mena earrings, also her -grandmother's was best man. FolloW1Vgatinehhore- gold broach. The nylon veil was mouy a wedding luaChten was:serv- ed to twenty-five eUeets. Ey ,Misses Mcna antalsabelle CtIdwII, friends of the bride. The livimaanirn Oiae decorated in pink anWtteWith vases of gladioli, asteaa endapap- dragons, while the bridteal. tiOie BAZAAR was centered withal), thaeg4ler wedding cake, the flevesibeiag delphiniums and roses gak and white candles. The''.bride's aunt, Miss Grace Trercteer, reeeiv- ed in a gown of sapphitelAm4itri- corne with grey accd:SkOr.i0.„-hand', a corsage of red -reSelandea 'aid white gladioli. Mrs. Eggert chose a grey crepe dress with black .ac- cessories and Mrs. Whitelaoitsc were a black vane crepe with erey accessories. The groom's gift • to nieweneeesiimmew•memesietiompee. the bride was a chest oCeilven* to' the • bridesmaid, gold bracelet, AFTER- TE flower ,girl, a ring; bestartaanaa N 00 N fold; to those serving, Miss Grace jacksan, a string of pearls, dtud Miss Muriel Josling, a gold brace- let, and pianist, a set of sterling earrings. For travelling the bride wore a light navy tailored s',init with grey accessories, pink blotise and a corsage 9f orchids, 11/1,r, _and Mrs. Eggert left later on a trip to Unity, Sask., thea .lioMeaehtf,;,a, the bride' S parents, actifd on their retire will 'reside on the groom's faint near Dublin. Prior to the wedding two showers were held, at the homes of .Mrs. H.' Beuermaun, Sett. forth, and at the home of her aunt, Miss Grace Tremeer, when sne re- ceived many useful gifts. The W.A. of ,Bethel is holding its AND HOME BAKING ' SALE in the Vacant Store in:the Cardno Block,. Seaforth, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th Doors open at 3 o'clock The Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church will hold AFTERNOON TEA at the home of Mrs. R. R. Mc(indsey, on FRIDAY, SEPT. 16th from 3 to 6 p.m. • SILVER COLLECTION • EVERYONE WELCOME BRING A FRIEND 11.11•••11111111111•0111111D••••1111111111 NoticetoClientele THE • INA GRAY BEAUTY SHOP will resume business August 29th ! We specialize in • PERMANENT WAVING • BRECK SCALP TREATMENTS and • All Classes of Beauty Culture For appointment PHONE 669 - Seaforth IMII111118111111=1M6 Wia.SBENSMS.M.V.:00..SM. ogeruceiile,s_ Dies in Niagara Falls.—'Funeral services were held. at the famil3, home, 977 Victoria Ave., Niagara Falls, on Tuesday afternoon ear COAL • FINEST OF ANTRACITE, • DEEP SEAM ALBERTA • HAMCO COKE • NO. 1 YENCEY We will have a limited ERIPPIY of WOOD and FENCE OSTS Fireplace Coal. - s WILLIAM M. MART OFFICE PHONE 593-w -Beaforth OPENING SOON Terry's Radio Repair J. T. Atkinson, Prop. OPPOSITE DICK HOUSE (Dr. Turnbull's Office) AINNEmmingimmaingsasp.... The Air Age Is Here AND Be you 16 or 60, you can LEARN TO FLY AT SKY HARBOUR AIR SERVICES GODERICH, ONTARIO Competent Instructors are waiting to train you Remember, the iGovernment gives everyone a gift of at least $100.00 who obtains a Private Pilot's License, LEARN THIS VALUABLE SKILL You can take one lesson a week or whenever convenient. For full details, write to SKY HARI301.7R AIR• SERVICES (who are operators of a complete commercial flying service), AT GODERICH, ONTARIO TIMELY Farming Accessories TRACTOR JACKS 1g,50. 8.75 2.50 1.45 NOTCHED PLOW COULTERS COULTER HUBS—Separate MOULDBOARD EXTENSIONS WEED HOOKS POWER TAKE -OFF EXTENSIONS ... 20,75 1010 7.00 32.00 1200. DRAW-BAR STABILIZERS FORD TRACTOR 600x16 FRONT WHEELS HYDRAULIC SEATS BUMPER GUARDS TRACTOR UMi3RELLAS SET-UP TRANSMISSIONS,.. num installed • DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales, and Service SEAFORTH Dr. Eldridge Tyler Kellere 7§IA well4ackwn phySicia, who died .on SattirdaY follovriPg a 'PrOlMitged 11 - nes. pr. Kellam was PrOMMUi in the ; •41MatiOnal 1lN',.f#PAY liana having been a, menaner the boahj of eat/eat:10 for the: Pa§sf, 48 year, Be took an rtotive in the erection of the Cleta•vai pita n 31104 a,nd was a. meMberi et, the Geeater Niagara Hospital Tryt until his death. He 'was a past president of the Rotaq Club end a former superintendent of Morrison Street United Church Sundedr'School. Dr. Kellam was a former president of the Niagara Falls Medical' Society, the Niagara, 75/istrict Medical Association and the Ontario Medical Association. Born in Lncknow, Dr. Kellam ilt/Pd. as a boy in Seaforthr his mother having been the first white baby to be born in the area that later became Seafortha He graduated iff' medicine at the 'Univeraity of Te - Tonto ino1895, and then went to Niagara; Falls,..ware he hadi Since Carried ela aulh,Oftemitive 13 -tactics: He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Casson Fordhant, wife of Lieut. -CO. Rr S. W. Ford- ham, of Ottawa, and one grand- daughter, Miss Nancy, Fordham, of New York City. .11/221•1Mnini•••21141.11•IMMEP LOCAL BRIEFS • Week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery' Patrick were: Mr. and Mrs, 0, P. Westaway and family, of Hamilton,;. Mr, and Mrs. William Patrick, of Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil' Patrick, of Lon- don. tira • miss Ernestine White has re- turned from Point Clark, where she spent some time with ber aunt, Mrs. E. A, Cruickshan,k. ' • Mrs. Beatrice Bordner, of Lan- sing. Mich., formerly Miss Hilliard Sleeth of town, visited her cousin, Mrs. James McNairn and Mr, Mc - Nairn. • Mrs. Peter Doorigan and daughter, Mary, of Winde,or, who have been 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'John McGavin and' Miss Mary Mc - Gavin in Tuckersmith, returned to their home this week with Mr. Doorigan, who spent the week -end. here. • Mr. and Mrs. James Hender- son and family attended Toronto Exhibition on Wednesday. • Mrs. Rouatt has returned to her home in Montreal after visit- ing Mrs. Thomas Worden in Sea - forth, Mr. Robt. Coleman in Crom- arty, and a number of nieces and nephews. • Miss Helen McKercher, of To- ronto, spent the week -end' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Mc- Kercher, in McKillop. • Miss Margaret Patrick has ree turned to her teaching duties in. Toronto. 'I* tv#4r44 Dalton; of Term:el 001314.10 pat Dalton, of Pali:tier- jatOlot, called Oa friends in 4WD: oft .,1•1114111)r. 1Vg. Delten was on the local' 'Staff of the Canadian_ Dank. •PV , Qom/an:wee about twenty-tive years go. • Mr, and 1VIrs. S. J. MoKenaie abd feruily, of Georgetown, spent 10e. week -end with Mr. auct Ars. jnblin,/ Ga,rdno, Miss Helen Campbell and Mr. Nelson Cardno;,.: • It Ur, ''and Virsa'J. M.; MOIVI(Alan, Alias Tone antj,.. Anne Downey, R.N., of tOlgt0411-a Mr, Neville 14eMillan, of Tfit'Oti•to, were in Sarnia ori, SOUTC147.' gtitt41:01- ing the IVInlvale-Neville ,wedding. ' • Mr., and Mrs, W. Seuthga te were in, Toronto teat week attend- ing the C.N.E. • * iVIr. and Mrs, W. J. Skinner,, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mrs. R. S. Hays, • ..14t.Ilitd Mrs. brU itce Wright and sera "Of Hamilton, were week- end gu, tittaherIVIr.. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. * Mida Iletty'hand.erson, of Ham- ilton, is Visiting her mother' Mrs'. , R. C. Andersen. • Miss Fergus Bell, of, Toronto, is visiting at her home here. ' • Mr. and Mrs. James F., Scott Mrs E G Livingstone nd M d . r. an Mrs. George Love, of Shipka, at- tended the Toronto Exhibition and also visited at Niagara Falls. • Miss Lillian Faulkner has re- turned from holid.aying in Galt and Toronto. • Dr. and W. S. Campbell, of Albany, Mo., calledi on friends in town on Tuesday afternoon. • Messrs. Frank Sills, Sr., D'Orleon Sills, T. D. Sills, Frank Sills, Jr., and C. P. Sills were in Detroit on Monday attending _the St. Louis and Detroit baseball game. • Mrs. Harold Odell, of Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Jackson last week, • ,Miss Luella Keine left for Ot- tawa on Saturday after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Keine, Mrs. Keine accompan- ied her as far as Stratford. • Mrs. E. A. Cruikshank, who spent the summer at her cottage at Point Clark, visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. M. White, prior to going to her home in Ottawa. • The following new teachers wenta, to their schools Tuesday: Miss Peggy Willis, to South East - hope, near Tavistock; Eleanor Weaver to Leadbury; Archie Hub- ert to Ingersoll; Geraldine Eckert to Wallaceburg; Edith Blanchard and Donna Watson to the Howick School Area. • Miss Evelyn Cardno 'has re- turned from a plea'sant visit to Roswell, New Mexico. • Mrs. J. P. Bell had the mis- fortune on Saturday to' fall from a clothes stand and sprain her ankle. • Messrs. Robert and John, ,She now confined to her home. Broadfoot have returned from To- ronto where they spent a week at the Exhibition. • Mrs. C. C. Keine and daugh- ter visited with Miss Brigham in Clinton last week. • Rev, C. F. Pashler, of Toron- to, and Mr. George Whiting, of St. Catharines, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Keating over the week- end. Mr. Kenneth Keating, who spent the past two weeks here, -e- turned to Toronto with them. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter .McMil- Ian. of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Helen McMillan over the week- end. • Mr. John Dorrance, of St. Catharines, is spending a two weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. Mae Dotrance. • Mr. Wallace .McIntosh, Grand, Bend, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,T. Char- ters were in Toronto last week attending the C.N.E. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellwood and son, Wayne, of Fergus, called on Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kaiser on Moonday. Mrs, - Alex Broadfoot and Mrs. Shoecroft, of Toronto, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and Miss Edyth Davidson. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Riggs, of Flint, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. John Teall, of Vienna, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, of Winghara, were week -end guests of ' his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mrs, Ralph McFadden and son, Bruce, attended the C.N.E. in To- ronto last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Clen Colbert, of Hamilton, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Colbert and. Mrs. F. Anderson. • • Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilbee and. 'son have returned from spending their holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Edwards at Sault Ste, Marie. • Mr. Russell Grieve, of Wind- sor, returned home on Monday af- ter spending a holiday with his g,nndparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. M. GrieVe, in Egmondville. • Mr. James R. Cluff, of Wood- stock, spent a few days with his father, IVIr. A. F. Cluff. • • , Mr. and Mrs. Roberts,-1a.rry 'Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. o.of Sag- inaw, Mich., are guesterof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills, Sr. • • Mr. Jeronie Manley, of Me- Killop, is Spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hays in De- troit. Anaimmimak Notice Western Fair Tickets FOR SALE at QVWX tat:NCIT • Mrs. R. H: Sproat attended the White School reunion at Hensall last Wednesday, • IVIisS June Shaw haereturned to her duties as teacher in a Wind- sor school. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Miss Theresa McIver has re- turned to Petrolia where she has resumed, her teaching duties. • Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan are in Ottawa visiting friends. • Mr. Thomas Nolan, of Niagara Falls, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. James Nolan. • Mr. Deuton Keine, of Winni- peg, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs, C. C. Keine. • Miss Maud Elizabeth Smith, of Wallingford, Conn., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell, Miss Smith is a niece of IVIrs. Bell. • Mr, and Mrs, Keith Lamont and sons, of Royal Oak, Mich., were guests of Mr*and Mrs. Frank Lamont. • Mr. Fred Beattie was in Nia- gara Falls Tuesday afternoon at- tending the funeral of the late Dr. E. T. Kellam. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downey, of Detroit; Mr. and airs. J. L. Downey and Jack, of Windsor:and Mr, Leo Carlin, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mt's. William Devereaux. • Mrs. R. S. McKercher, of Mc- Killop, spent a week at Grand Bend. • Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly were in Blyth on Wednesday attending the Fall Fair and renewing ac- quaintances. They were accom- panied by Mr. James O'Reilly. • Mr. and Mrs, J. P. hell and Miss M. E. Smith, of Wallingford, Conn., spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell in St. Marys. • Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Lemon, Mrs, David Lemon and Mrs. Harry Chesney spent Wednesday at the C.N.E. in Toronto. • mr. and Mi's. Donald Gordon and little son, .Grant, Of' Dundas, spent Labor DAY wenif-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. :aorclon. • Miss Sadie' Madttonald, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with her father, Mr. tionahliciacDonald. • Mrs. George Hills, Miss Rhia Hills and Miss MarJory Bickle have returned to Toronto, • Dublin softball team will Play the New Dundee team in a semi- final game' of the meh's interniedi- ifte 'C' softball,. at the Seaforth Lions Park, Friday, Sept. 9. DUBLIN • A reteption honoring Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 0. Murray, Kitchener, was held in Dublin Parish HI ori Friday night. A large crowd of relatives. and friends asseMbled to extend gond wishes. A congratn- atory address was read. by Miss Mary Horan, and presentation of, a purse ot mousy wat Lorne Flanagan, bridegroom made a Siiltah'le i•OPIJ,. 'A social' evening of dan6ino1loaved,, being Supplied 11y 'theljeinnop;Mc-; Quaid Orchestra. Aagroup or YOung iieolite served; luneli, Polivia and; Paraguay are the only -8otith AtseriCiui datintries having in Seaceast;,- • • NOW PLAYING Tgc.PINI9044R THURS., FRI., SAT... " $0,114i, OF ST, „LOUIS" with ALgNIS SIM and, 'ZAOHARV SCOTT Tilla is a' Piettrie efiva,gilltitteilt,'80ittact,Ilai' Adventure.— 'A Mighty Drama bursting with the.glorY of America's meat exCiting- dayo! • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY First Show 7 P.M, IN TECHNICOLOR " THE RED SHOES" with ANTON WALBROOK and ' MARIUS CORING A dramatically cempellling film Contributing warmth, color and' vitality in its, unfoldment. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — IN TECHNICOLOR "TRE' UNTAMED BREED "» with SONNY TUFTS and BARBARA BRITTON You will want to see this interesting, adventurous Western Pie- ture. It has it's romantic angles, too. , • • COMING: IN TECHNICOLOR "THE THREE, MUSKETEERS" with LANATURNER and • GENE KELLY • • Wheat and Barley I am still representing George Thompson, of Hensall, so give us a call for information re prices and bags, also trucking. WM. M SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 : Seaforth Aemennemm. beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCESMcLEAN Phone 392-W 111111111111811111811111111." SPECIALS IN Bedroom Furniture COME IN AND SEE THE NEW BEDROOM.FURNITURE NOW ON DISPLAY • • NEW iSHIPMENT OF INLAID LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR COVERINGS JUST ARRIVED • G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL SERVICE. Phones: D019 - Nights and Sundays 65. SEAFORTH : ONTARIO IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood G3,-proc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing 0 INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47. L O AUSTIN CARS ARE THE BEST VALUE ON THE ROAD TODAY'! $1,695.00 For the De Luxe Sedan (Includes Heater, Spare Tire, License and Tank of Gas) TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO SUIT THE PURCHASER . r si PARTS FOR AUSTIN CARS are now available for immediate repairs Service on All Makes of Cars th'un'Hugill EWVES STAt101 CIINTON OkE 4W Agent for•Atiteln and 'Vanguard Cart) 5, 4