HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-09, Page 5. .r• • By LEE.HEE •, Playing the return game in Bros, eels on Monday night,the Seafortlh, Pawns, althc gh playing ttefid'supl hall, were unable to outacore C ie� .Brussels team and se dropped e second game of .the ltutermediate '[;roup 6 final's, 4-1. The Fawns started out 'thera't, (Came in good style, Barbara Dale t 1111111111111 U I W 1111111111111111111111111111 Football Friday, Sept. 9th AT, ST. COLUMBAN • Ethel • St. Columban This will be the FINAL game. Come out and support them! 1111111111111IIIW111111111111111W11W111111111 searing the #i's't f141, pf the gar ie and incidently their only counter. They held, Brusselsoff the snore sheet' the firut .two stanzas„ but the Mae was tied up in the third when S. Coleman connected ter a double with one on. The fifth canto' was the Fawns downfall when they carne up' with three errors as Brussels collected two hits, scoring two runs, to make the count 3-1. Brussels scor- ed one more in the seventh,. Throughout the game the Fawns were connecting, but their 'hits were direct to a Brussels player and they were definitely playing away over their heads. The Fawns had six left on, while Brussels had nine. Stapleton walked four and Anderson walked two. The +batteries were: Stapleton and Case for Seaforth; Anderson and Stephenson for 'Brussels. li :11 - Brussels Brussels ...'. 001 020 10x-4 7 3 Seaforth ... 11)0 000 00[1-1 3 4 BRUSSELS—N. Shaw, 2b.; 1). Willis; s.s.; S. Coleman, 1b.; J. Stephenson, c.; M. Anderson, c.f.; A. Campbell, r.f.; F. Bremner, &b.; A. Anderson, p.; R. Jewell, If. SEAFORTH—B. Dale, c.f.; M. Box, s.s.; B. Case, c.; N. Deitz, 3'b.; T. Stapleton, p.; D. Dale, r.f.; J. NOTICE Owing to the large number of entries in the RECITATION and PUBLIC SPEAKING CON- TEST of the McKILLOP SCHOOL FAIR, the Managers have decided to hold these contests in WINTHROP HALL, Monday Evening, Sept. 12 at 8 o'clock There will also- be a Short Musical, Program Admission: Adults 15c. Be sure to attend. ED. GODKIN, FOSTER, " ; FOWLER, President. Secretary -Treasurer. Building. Supplies • INSULATION—Batts or Loose • GYPROC SHEETS • .�n._ ..._.. .•;;'.. S1LLPI.' R00 `ING • CAULKING CEMENT • NAILS : (lnad#an) • EMENT (American COAL AND WOOD ,STOVES McClary — Wingham —'Beach - Good Cheer - Clare Jewel COLEMAN SPACE HEATERS Easy terms available on any purchase • Baldwin Hardware "The Store That Carries the Stock" PHONE 61 - - SEAFORTH McKillop School Fair To be held at S.S. No. 6. WE DN SDAY SEPT. 14th All M illop Schools Comp4'ting $700.00 --• • PRIZES — x'$700.00':; ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES • Best 3 Beef Calves in any School Section, three owners—James Scott Special=$7.00, 1st; $5.00, 2nd; $3.00, 3rd. • Best Showmanship of Colt—$2.00--Burns' Special. • 2% Dozen White Eggs -1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00. • 2% Dozen Brown Eggs—lst, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00. Keys trays will be supplied.. Government grading regulations will be standards followed in judging. Prizes by Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Egg Grading Station. • John Beattie Special—For best decorated bicycle ridden by boy • John Beattie Special—For best decorated bicycle ridden by .kir1 • Joe McConnel•, Diibii"n, Special—Best Horse and Buggy. • Special Prize for Oldest and Youngest Person on greutttls by Foster T. Fowler. EXHIBITS OF FARM MACHINERY EXHIBITS OF OIL PAINTINGS ' EXHIBITS OF SHELL CRAFT Parade will be led by Brodlagen Band ajd . a Highland e, r :•RE• PRE6MENTl0 F4 x1Y!'440. �S e ,1ic Be rma n n, Ralph Davidson and Allan Campbell. aPRESIDENT—Ed. atidk!n. S4'r.,J I EAS.1_1oster 'W', ,Eowier, . A brilliant showing of what the smart, women will wear: this Fah. Fashions for every occasion, excit« ingly styled and thriftily pri'ce.d! NEW FALL COATS Quality Broadcloths,'•TweedIS,' and Suede cloths in classic casual un- trimmed coats or cleverly furred fitted and full back models. AU new shades. •2;°� to es• Among the foilmer pupils of S.S. 1, Tuckersmith, who attended the reunion held last week at the school, are Mrs. Drew, John T. Mitchell, and Mrs. Susan Drew, all of Hensall. Curry, 1,f.; I., Watson, 2b.; H. Hamilton, lb. Umpires—Thorndyke, plate; Da Beaupre, bases. .yr * x Playing one of the best games. of the season, before approximate - y 700 enthusiastic Jens, Seaforth Fawns and Brussels girls tangled• at the. Seaforth Lions Park Friday night, in the closest kind of a con- test which had good ball in it all the way. The game went 10 in- nings to decide the winner, with Seaforth Fawns finishing on the short end of a 7-6 score. This was the first game in Group 6 finals of the Intermediate W.O. A.A. girls' softball. Brussels, batting in the first frame, went down in .order. Fawns, n their half, garnered two hits but were unable to push any runs across. The second stanza was a repeat performance. The top half of the third, canto saw Brussels push across two runs' on four hits, one a triple by D. Willis. In the Fawns' half of the third, three runs crossed the plate on two hits and fopr Brussels er- ors. . .There were no runs in the. fourth ,frame, as, the sides I, were retired n order.. The fifth, stanza' saw each team tally one. rung to still keep•,Fawns in front 4 3 ,Brusaels went down in .order in the sixth and Fawns failed to count in,'their urn to,bat, Brussels came through in the seventh with two markers; oh three hits, whft...Fawns failed, ,to tally, .Brussels taking the.•lea4.54. • Seaforth was held, off the aeore .sheet in, the•seventh and eighth frames, while,pBrissels counted'one. more• in the .'eighth.. to Make, the" count read .6-4 in their favor. The top an the ninth for Brussels saw no runs, as the Fawns retired hem in order. B. Dale grounded out in. Fawns' half of the ninth. M. Box was safe on an error. B. Case advanced Box to second when she reached first on Brussels' sec- ond error. N. Dietz then grounded for the second out. T. Stapleton came through with a double, driv- rg in two runs to knot the score and send the game into extra in- nings. I. Watson flied out. M. Anderson. Brussels, collected a single in the ton of the tenth. A. Campbell singled and Anderson scored the winning run. Fawns re- tired the next three batters and in their half of the tenth they went down in order. R H E Seaforth .. 003 010 002 0-6 10 4 Brussels .. 002 010 210 1-7 11 8 SEAFORTH—B. Dale, c.f.; M. Box. s.s,; B. Case, c.: N, Deitz, 3b; I'. Stapleton, p.; I. Watson. 2b.; M. Bailey, lb.; J. Curry, 1.f.; D. Dale, r.f. BRUSSELS—N. Shaw, 2b.; D. Willis, e.s.; S. Coleman, ib.; J. Stephenson, c.; M. Andierson, c.f.; A. Campbell; r.f.; F. Brenaner, 3b.:' A. Anderson, p.; I. Speirs, l.f. TTmpiree—Thorndyke, plate; De Beaupre, bases, I TOWN WHISPERINGS BY LEE -NEE IN THE REALM OF SPORT Once again the summer has al- most passed and in its wake the local softball activities have come to an end. Like last year, it was a good season for the senior boys and intermediate girls. Both teams were in the play-offs again. The men's senior entry, the Seaforth Bosharts, met Centralia Flyers in the semi-finals, ' but were 'eliminated two straight gams. The Flyers proved too strong Tor the locals this year. However, the boys did a grand job and gave the tans a real treat every„game out. - To the ball players, -manager,' coach, sponsor and anyone who `had/ anything to do with -the senior ball club, Whisperings extends con- gratulations to all' for a job well. done. We hope that when next' season rolls around. Seaforth will; have just a worthy an entry again as the past two seasons. The Seaforth Fawns, the best girls' team ever to represent Sea fcrth in any softball league, did themselves proud in their showing tl.r•oughout the season. They were up, at the top all the time, and 'not until the last pitch last MoitdaY ,night in Brussels was the final out- come certain as to whom would be group champions. In the first round of the Yeini- finals the Fawns ' came through with ,flying colors, over 'Hensall in I two straight games. The first game of the finals between the Fawns and Brussels was a tough one to lose, 7-6, having to play ten in- nings, The girls played a great game here. In Brussels they play - s..1 another stellar game, but with no breaks coming their way they dropped a close decision, 4-1, thus being eliminated in two straight. games. To the girls of the team and sponsor we extend congratulations for a fine showing and real sports- manship all season. Whisperings also would• like to congratulate Gus Boussey, coach of the Fawns, for the exceptionally fine' handling of the team, and also to thank him for his courtesy and help during the season in returning score cards of out-of-town games. Your fine co- operation, Gus, was greatly appre- e'ated. Thanks. Next season we 1. nc to see you coach the girls' tet,•r. again, and we feel sure you'll bring a championship here nexi year. • The Huron Football Association semi-finals are over, with St. Columban side -lining Walton, af- ter taking the first game 1-0 and tieing the second 1-1. Ethel. in the other half, defeated Winthrop in the first game at Ethel 4-1, and tied 1-1 at Winthrop in the second !A®I11111rlrlrel•1til•111111111111•111111111111111111N11111111111111111:11011•1®► Farm Machines Owing to shortage of winter storage' we are offering Reduced Prices ON ALL OUR LARGE STOCK OF BOTH NEW AND USED MACHINES FOR A LIMITED TIMI. — SAVE MONEY — by purchasing your future requirements +now front $e'afortht S1A-l+'C1RTH HANE 141 1 zra 1...01.161. ST. COLUMBAN Miss Madeline Sloan, bride -elect of This month, was feted with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. John Moylan this week. Bingo and contests were enjoyed, after which an address was read by Marian Kale and the presenta- tion or gifts was made by Ri:a Murray and Mrs, Moylan. Lunch was served by th'e hostess and s -tants. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Elmore ' Stevenson, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal. London, has returned home. Church services are being held in the basement of the church while the church is being redecor- ated. The work is being done by Mr. Kay of Clinton, On Sunday, Sept. 18, there will be annivers- ary and , reopening. Rev. Keith Love, B.A., B.D., of Burlington, will ,lye guest speaker for the day. AUTUMN DRESSES . . New Crepes, tissue failles and .. smart wool jerseys in clever new Fall shades' and styles. See these charming new Fall numbers at t°'22,40' CHIC FALL HATS .' A delightful showing of chick new Fall hats in fur or wool felts. Afi tl-e new Fall shades are here"in 'k the newest trim effects. Priced: WINTHROP mismoutur ;airs. Alma Chambers and ••4tay-- mond'and Wilbee have 'returned home after visiting friends at Windsor. Mr. and -Mrs. Ross, Davidson and Lttle''dkughter spent' the week -end with' Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph •Davidson and family. Miss' Shirley Montgomery; of Landon, and Mr. Ross Montgomery of • Brantford, .spent the week -end at 'their' home. Mrs. Hugh Alexander bas.return- ed after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jim McDougall At Cain, Ont. ELIMVILLE The three detours for the three new bridges close to the village, give an X-ray appearance at night with all the red lights. Mr. Elgin Skinner has gone to Toronto where he will teach school at Scarboro. Miss Ald.ene Pym and Marilyn Hern spent a few days at Toronto C.N.E. last week. Miss Wanda Stephen has return- ers; from Grand Bend, where she had spent the summer at Corona- tion Lodge. "Mr, and Mrs. Sam Dougall, of Hensall, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen Sunday evening. Mrs, Wm. Johns and Mrs. Free- man Horne attended the Mission Band convention at Alma College, St. Thomas, on Thursday last. A Smile Or Two Tourist (to villager) : "What's the speed limit. here?” Villager: "Haven't got any. You peoplle can't go through too fast for us." • "Before I met my wife, I just couldn't take any interest in mY work. But now I can't think of anything else. Why. 1 even dream about it." "Really? Just what is your buM- nese?" "Under'taking." 1 Phone 32 STEWART R05. 3,N to 8195 • Seaforth Ont. game. The finals begin Friday night at St. Columban when Ethel will be the visitors. The game is schedul- ed id get underway at 6 p.m. sharp. This series will be the best two- butJofttiiree for the championship and the Stephenson Cup. Going to the. From SEAFOR'T ILY BUS 8:40 A.M. DIRECT TO LONDON FAIR Return After Evening Grandstand Performance AVOID PARKING PROBLEMS "Travel Motorways" THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LIMITED Yours fruity, with the Softball season now over, is going, tb take a holiday—that is, a wellIdcsers'ed Mat from writing sport ort for this Coln ln, Should anything of i,m- pgrtance arise, we will be back. ti the meantime we intend• to take it easy, blit in passing for the time we r1 held like to leave this thought: CROMARTY Mrs. John Laing, of Seaforth, is spending a few day's with friends in the village and community. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Kaig at Sudbury. Mr. Janes Scott, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Grace Chalmers spent a' day at Tiverton with Rev. R. G. MacKay and Mrs. MacKay. Mrs. R. J. Scott, accompanied by Laverne Wallace, visited with her daughter, Margaret, in London. Mr, James Ballantyne and Janet Ballantyne visited with Mr. Neil Mc Kellar. John Robertson spent the holi- day week -end with friends in Wind- sor and Detroit. Rev, Locke and Mrs. Locke and two daughters, of Holstein, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. Wm. Houghton, accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDougald to the school reunion at No. 1, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and young son visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace. Misses Shirley and Margaret Ami Wallace have returned home from Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speare, of Toronto, and Mrs. A. McLellan, of Egmondville, called on friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlin, Seaforth,,,vlsited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,,,A. McLachlin.. Rev. G. M. Young and Mrs. Young hate returned ,to the Manse after spending a month's: htb1idays at their home in Forest. Mrs. George Wallace is confined to her bed after suffering a slight stroke. Mrs. Houghton and Frank Stagg, accompanied by, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp, of Mitchell spent Sunday y with Mr. and Mrs. Len. Houghton, of Wingham, Air. and Mre. Otto YW'alker, Ken- ny and Alice visited with friends at' Palmerston. Alex VV'hlker. re - 'GLEAN SPORT IS GOOD SPt;~F2'Y''f turlied home with them. STAFFEN'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 49 Seaforth • Dealers in: AERO "DUO -JET" PUMP AND WATER SYSTEMS --For deep and shallow wells. AERO "SILVER FLAME AUTOMATIC OIL:. BURNERS SUPREME IN QUALITY ELBERTA ani KALHA'.EN NOW RIPE • Grant Shakespeare Salesroom . TELEPHONE 49-R WHOLES 'LE and I E':l l .,,