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The Huron Expositor, 1949-09-02, Page 8
f3Eta.i� m>Fk2ikk .a ;i, • ZE oun.,e, GAsi:iiAVrYr: TEE AIO . IIS, ...SICKNESS >� 1V,p AND. WINDST0R M g companies who ty with Service. lG,E , FOR IO RNS MUTUAL JNS'URANCE • On gladly given. ON & REID Prod?rietor & Real Estate p441.214 SEAEORTH *0Q*ono 400000 BOX 0 crag ikrbite .MULANCE 0 0 PTbmpt and careful attention. O O� Hospital Bed. O Q, y'- owERS FOR ALL O 0 OCCASIONS 0 0 PHONES: 0 © Ree. 695-W or 18; Store 43 0 0 00000000000 NEWS OF THE TCIW T • • Hospital Aid. Will Meet, the. Women's- . idoapital Aid to Seett Yiemorial Hospital: will aneet t the Nurses' Residence on Thurs- day, Sept. 8, at 8.15 p.m. 0000000000.0 0 O o G. A. WHITNEY 0 0 'uneral . Director 0 0 M$n, Sheet Seaforth O • 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0e `. 0 for rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery O 0 Flowers. O 0 'Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 o 0 000000-00000 000000.00000 0 O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 p Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Announcement. — Mrs. George Lowery announces the marriage of her daughter, Isabel May, to. MT. John 'Cameron Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, of Wrox- eter, eter, Ont„ on August 31, 1949, in First Presbyterian Church, Sea- forth, by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sloan, McKillop, wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Mary Madeline, to Thomas Joseph Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, McKil- lop, the marriage to take place September 17th in St. Columban Church. 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 Co 0 00000000000 D. H. McINNES bhiropractio - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 ;to 8 p.m. Announcement. — The engage- ment is announced of Ally Marie Looby, youngest daughter of Mrs. Looby, Dublin, and the late Louis Looby, to Mr. George Gerald Goet- tler; son of Mre. Goettler, Strat- :ord, and the late Louis Goettler, the marriage to take place Satur- day, September 17, at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, at 10 a.m. Church First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and SundaY School; 11 a.m., subject, "The Sons of Martha"; 7 p.m., "The Walk With God."—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas', Seaforth.—Sunday, Sept. 4: 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, N.B.—Sunday School will reopen on Sunday, Sept. 11, at 10 a.m.—•Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-w FOR SALE Modern House on East William St 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can be cultivated. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run- ning water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A.REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S t5AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS - NIGHTS 182 340-R FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE — 3 -piece Bath - zoom, Furnace, Double Garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson nod Centre Ste. A lovely home. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker 8EAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 DANCING Meetoyour friends at the newly - decorated MITCHELL ARENA •Dancing to Ross Pearse and his Band. Every Saturday Night S1 APLETON'S PRODUCE DUBLIN Carries a. full line of DR. SALISBURY MEDICINE and TONICS We will pick up your Oren n, Eggs a n d '-Poultry at your door 4;tti• Snail, of Torrent% were the NSW of Mr;3. 1-1, Montgomery and 14ir..C; •Arttalr Stxtith, John St„ >'vo.* the week -end. • Miss Dorothy Smith, of liaro- iite* spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCormick and two daughters, Margaret and Josephine, of Fort Erie, and Mr. Orden Mcgorupi c1O,: of Toronto, were guests 14 leek Of Mrs. L. E. Richards and Miss Olive Mc- Cormick. • Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hildebrand Of Goderich, spent . Sunday with Mr's. M. HildelOttid. • Mr. an MacTavish, of Amster - cam, Holland, was .here this week Death of John MacTavish.—John MacTavish passed away Thursday evening, August 25, at his home on West Street, Seaforth. Born at Staffa, Ont., son of the late Dr. Archibald and Mrs. MacTavish, he spent his boyhood in that village and later attended St. 'Phomas' Collegiate. After several years as ., writer in the Montreal office of the Toronto Globe, he came to Sea- ?orth where he established a dry roods business. In 1915 he married Cora Staples, of Ingersoll, who survives; also surviving are three sons: Ian, of Amsterdam, Holland; Donald and Oban, of Toronto. A :rivete service was held at his late :one on Monday with interment in Staffa cemetery. The bearers were Senator W. H. Golding, Mayor 3. le. Keating. Dr. J. A. Munn, J. M. McMillan, M. McKellar, M. R. Sav- auge. The flower -bearers were J. Beattie, E. Boshart, E. Daly and H. Free. Annowioefent Miss Marian 'Mason A.T.C.M. Piano and Theory will enroll pupils for the 1949-50 class for the Fall term. BEGINNING SEPT„ 1949 Phone 137 - Seaforth COAL • FINEST OF ANTRACITE • DEEP SEAM ALBERTA • HAMCO COKE • NO. 1 YENCEY WOOD and FENCE POSTS We will have a limited supply of Fireplace Coal. WILLIAM M. HART OFFICE PHONE 593-w - Seaforth attending the funeral Of We Lather, the late John Ma TaYieh • Mr. and Mrs. loon/041e slid Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Chri •tie. have returned after a pleasant, week spent in motoring to Ottawa, the Laurentians and Montreal.. • Mrs. Victor Kestle, of Eseter, was a guest of her aunt, Mrs, J. C. Laing, and her nephew, Mr; Rus- sell Hodgert, and Mrs. Haddert on Monday. • Misses Beverly Anderson and Vera Battersley, of Hamilton, were guests of Miss Dorothy :Smith at the home of her parents, Mr: aed Mrs. C. M. Smith, over the -week- end. • Mr. and Mrs. Buzz 'Finnigan were in Port Elgin Satti,rday as guests at the wedding of Dr Lee Fraser and Mr. Ewart George Bertram. • Mrs. James Kerr has returned from Muskoka and Toronto, where she spent the past month. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freeman have moved into the Seaforth Apartments on -Goderich St, • Mr. Boyle and family, of An - burn, have moved into the resi- dence owned by Mr. Freeman. •• Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Delorn e, of Hamilton, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. J. F. Daly. • Mr. and" Mrs. W. G. Strong, of Ottawa, were guests. last week of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moose. • Miss L. H. Grant, of London, spent the week -end with her nephew, Mr, J. H. Grant, and Mrs. Grant. • Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth were in Toronto attending the. C. N. E. on Monday and Tuesday- • Mrs. E. . Spurr, of New Glasgow, N.S., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean. • Mr. Ken Doig leaves Monday for Scotland and will fly from Mal - ton to Perth, Scotland, where he will play hockey with a Scottish team. • Miss Alice Daly was a guest at the Wilson-Dewan wedding in Ingersoll last Saturday. • Mrs. A. Mason and Miss Mar- garet Charters, who spent the past month at the Charters home on the Mill Road, Left Thursday for their home in Saskatoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg, are guests of Miss Hazel Reid this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dungey and family have returned from vaca- tioning at Port Albert. • Mr. and: Mrs. George Hilde- brand moved on Thursday into the LOCAL BRIEFS NrOiiiiISIMMIIMMISICOMMOn • Among those who attended the funeral of the late G. M. Chesney, of Toronto, on Thursday last were itev. and Mrs. C. A. Gowans, Mrs. Durrant, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gould, ilr, and Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Birrell,• Mr. and Mrs. F. Sproat, Miss B. Sproat, Mrs. J. E. L. Pangman, Wm. J. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall, Mrs. F. Cash- man, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Daven- port, Mr. D. McGill and Mrs. Jas. newton. o Mrs. Silverthorn, of Toronto, .s visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Freeman. • Mr. Delbert Smith spent th-e week -end in St. Thomas. • Mr. A. F. Edmund's, account- ant at the Dominion Bank, St. John, N.B., has been transferred to Guelph, Ont. Mr. and 1'.Trs, Ed- munds and family flew from St. John to London on Thursday and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. •3. Finnigan in Egmondville. O Miss Peggy Lou Matthews re- turned home after spending two weeks in London and Belmont. '0"'Mrs. Geraldine Walmsley has returned home after spending a e eek with her sister, Mrs, Larry Brown, in Owen Sound. • Mrs. Frank Devereaux is spending a week in Toronto. • Mr, and Mrs. Archie Smith and daughter, Margaret, of Cam- lachie, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Shea, of Sarnia, were yisitors at the home. of Mr. John Lynch and the Misses Lynch, of Beechwood, on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. George Hilde- brand have returned after spend Ing a few days in Wayne, Mich. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw and, two sons, Bob and George, are spending a week at Grand Bend. • Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close were in Stratford on Monday attending the funeral of the late Edward Marshall Brett. ' • Mrs. 3. R. Brodie, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town this week. • Mrs. F. Dungey and Miss San- dra Dungey are spending the week fn London. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw in- tend going to Detroit for the week -end. • Mifit Wilma Hay returned from London on Sunday where she visited friends. • a• Mies Marjorie Bickel" has re- turned to het home here after spending the past two weeks in Hanover, London and' Detroit. • Mrs, W. J. Finuigan and -.Miss Bee Finnigan are in Toronto at- tending the Exhibition. e Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Matttie' s over the. week -end• were: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Matthews, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kestle and sons, Gary and Ronnie, and • .Mrs, Ellen: Far- 441iharsdii; Lond'din, and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence lfdDonald and son, Ftidhatd, of Exeter. • l+ r dilsort ;hent' Mt& Mit. Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING NIGHTLY TILL LABOR DAY NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Midnight Dance Sept. 5th — 12:05 a.m. Last Dance on Labor Day Night! r esftlenCe on ;t'Gtlh st. ;:i h til@y itr a >t um t ci as ..t� >tn eta i �F i "t steel, w'h�ile M*0.'• ' Vllusi:eeI sba ;$4k en. an *t't%14l'dat Ili ltxxs,ri J, Wa?ker':A tesidenee, • Mx, and ll&rs: Pet'ey gealI`k that LuckzO*, are' • Visititivg'at the h rhe of Miss Edith Hoag, • •' Miss Sandra McKellar, of Tq- ronto, who spent the past summer with heli grandparents, Mr,, and Mrs. 11/1. McKellar, has returned to her home. • Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gardner, of To- ronto, and Mrs. H. R. Scott leave on Sunday on a mtlttor trip. • Mrs. C. • W. Ohesney and son, Carl, and Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Chesney and two children, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kaiser last week. • Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Rev. and Mrs. George Killen, of Coruna, visited with Mrs. Mc- Phee and family on Tuesday. • Miss Shirley McPee has returned from Sarnia, where she was employed by Walker Stores Ltd., and guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy Everingham. • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Moore, and daughter, of St. Stephen, N.B., are visiting with Mrs. Moore's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.,H. Lawrence. • Mr. Alex McKellar, of Crom- arty, is visiting his son, Mr. M. McKellar, and Mrs. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. William Fleischer and son, Leon, of Hamilton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinen. • Mrs. R. E. Patterson and fam- ily, of Brampton, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Campbell left this week for their home in Kingston, where Mr. Campbell is Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing at Queen's University. Mr. Campbell is also consulting en- gineer for the Robt. Bell Indus- tries Ltd., and spent the summer here. • Mr. and Mrs, Ronald McDon- ald are moving into the apartments recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Hawkins on Victoria St. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Savauge and family attended the C.N.E. in Toronto on Wednesday. • Miss Ruth Sills is spending a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smale, Staffa. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Robinson and two children, of .St. Thomas, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dinwoodie. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr spent the week -end with relatives in Flint. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver were in Niagara Falls this -week. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams, of London, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar., to Miss Elsie Drover has return- ed after a trip to Bermuda, Having flown both ways. She and her sis- ter, who have been visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drover, will leave for Hamilton Sunday to reserne their positions. o Miss Marjorie Edgar, of the staff of Whitby Ladies' College, was a guest last week of Mr. W. James Sims, James St. e Mr. Ronald Sills is visiting in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McClelland and taking in the Ex- hibition. • Mr. and Mrs. Vic SepeIla, of Antigonish, N.S., spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Mc- Lean. St. losepWs- Convent SCHOOL OF MUSIC Reopening for Fall Term September 1st • PIANO • ® VIOLIN ® THEORY 'TELEPHONE 106 i aline it !a1µ 1gmg naalk.4il ,fro rI l*04'9 llal 0,l0lilar' Style,,t0 the pq$ , . :�, uit,yra` exi�o, 1 It�iet� ' d eda. 'vols ilao 4'.a a r .t)41 tura ,hat hof net, She' carriai,L • small.' crescent of yellow chrystth khehla, •Gerold Huether, eosin, Nfu'nhtie•bride, wearing white flannel ;trousersand a dark green blage.,+ Was ring bearer. Mr. Earle Cottt*. WOW 0 the ,h 0,0, was 'beat After the ceremony a reception wag held in the church parlora, Tile .bride's mother received Sia; Dresden blue crepe with a hia4 '. I.t ture hat, black accessorie, 4% a corsage .of' pink roses and; pint; carnaiiQns. The brideg'room's' mother was dressed in grey pet; over pink with. black accessories" and a similar corsage. Rev: R. G Hazlewood was toastmaster. Mr, Adrian Hogg proposed a toast tp. the bride, to which the bridegroom respondedi. The biridegroom pea.: posed a toast to the attendants, and Mr. Earle Coutts replied.•I Serving the 60 guests were Misses, Leona Watson, Shirley Bennett, Gladys Forbes and June Work.: Mrs. Ned Thompson poured tea... The .,bride's gift to the . organist was a gold compact; to the sole-; ist a gold cigarette case; to the bridesmaids, evening bags; to the matron of honor, a gold compact and to the flower girls a silver bracelet. The bridegroom's gift t.i the best man was an engravel leather wallet; to the ushers, gold penknives, and to the ring bearer. a leather. wallet. Later Mr. and Mrs. McCreath left on a wedding trip to New York and the southern United States. The bride travelled in a pearl grey tailored gabardine suit, matching the • bridegroom's. She wore black abcessories and a corsage of chrysanthemums. Guests at the wedding were from Toron- to, Ripley, Collingwood, Guelph. Reliever, Chatsworth, Seaforth and Brussels. tp Killo School Fair To be held at S.S. No. 6 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14th All McKillop Schools Competing $700.00 — PRIZES — $700.00 ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES . • Best 3 Beef Calves in any School Section, three owners—James Scott Special—$7.00, let; $5.00, 2nd; $3.00, 3rd. • Best Showmanship of Colt—$2.00—Burns' Special. • 22 Dozen White Eggs -1st, $2.00; and, $1:00. • 244 Dozen Brown Eggs—lst, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00. Keys trays will be supplied. Government grading regulations will be standards followed in judging. Prizes by Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Egg Grading Station. • John Beattie Special—For best decorated bicycle ridden by boy • John Beattie Special—For beat decorated bicycle ridden by girl REFRESHMENT BOOTH will be in charge of Leslie Beuermann, Ralph Davidson and Allan Campbell. PRESIDENT—Ed. Godkin. SEC.-TREAS.--Foster T. Fowler TIMELY Farming Accessories TRACTOR JACKS NOTCHED PLOW COULTERS COULTER HUBS—Separate MOULDBOARD EXTENSIONS WEED HOOKS POWER. TA,KE-OFF EXTENSIONS DRAW -BAR' STABILIZERS FORD . T GTQ 600x16 FRONT WHEELS HYDRi J,LIC.., TEATS BUMPER GUARDS TRACTOR „ UMBRELLAS -SET-UP TrAN:SMISSIONS ... 105.00 installed 19.50 8.75 2.50 1.45. 7.25 . 29.75 IMO e� LOO 32.00 12.00 21,50 • MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAT♦ ORTH WALTON !Mt, 401 Several cases of chickenpox are reported in the Walton district. Walter/ school will reopen on September 6. Large baskets of colorful glad- ioli, ferns and palms in a candle- light setting adorned Duff's Unit- ed Church, Walton, for a double - ring ceremony at 2.30 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon, Aug. 27, when Rev. R. G. Hazlewood officiated at the marriage of Mary Doreen Coutts, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Walton, and Edward A. McCreath, of Ripley, only son of Mr. and Mrs, John Me- Creath, Mrs. Ian Wilbee played the wedding music. Before the ceremony Mr. Robert Cunningham sang "Because" and also sang "The Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony and during the signing of the register, "Till the End' of Time." The bridal procession was led by the ushers, Mr. Frank Rut- ledge and Mr. Carmah Hogg, cou- sins of the bride and bridegroom, respectively. The bride, escort?el and given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in an exclu- sive gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with a nylon lace yoke edged with French lace. The Iong fitted bodice, with tiny covered buttons to the waistline at the back, extended into long lily point sleeves. The full skirt fell grace- fully into a long sweePing train bordered with French lace. The skirt was caught up in front with tiny clusters of lily of the valley, to reveal a quaint underskirt with ruffles of lace. •A wreath of or- ange blossoms held her escallop- ed French illtydion veil, which ex- tended over the train of her gown. She carried a white satin covered Testament, ornate with chrysan- themums in orchid shade and white Stephanotis. The long streamers were knotted with similar flowers. Her only ornament was her grand- mother's pears sunburst. Mrs. 'Stanley Brown, Toronto, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of 'honor, wearing a floor -length gown' ;'of dusty rose satin featuring a full skirt, fitted bodice and square neck Bile.' She wore matching elbow 'mittens and a large picture bat. Title's Jean Wilton and Miss Lillian' '+Allison as bridesmaids were in yet- i ow -and green res pectively. Their goons, desigired with full skirts ,featured bustle backs and boleios ' 'hest were matching elbow' mittens and large' tiet ptetttre bate,. Each ?atteYidfazzt tarried' iefebeent ghaped, bau4.tieta .ofd gladidli in" 'SAO l glides, Wendy Rutledge, eons -Mai %Ito • br1degroDiti, 10 a WilsileMO. •• i BLYTH SEAFQ XQW PLA Wn.4.,1 M BEND.IX JAMES EI, EAS6N THE LWE OF RLEiY•" Radio's Riotous •K tleys are now the Funniest Family fn Mims.'' MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY —1VIATINEE LABOR DAY ,:-. 2:30 P.M. nl' Technical!oh, " THE RETURN OF OCTOBER" GLENN FORD TERRY MOORE and the florae,' df the Montt- -•- "OCTOBER" A Picture with a Heartbeat to Excite and Delight you! NEXT TI4URSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY In Technicolor "SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS, JOEL 'MoGREA 0 ALEXIS SMITH A Historical Western with Plenty of Aetipji Coming: "THE RED SHOES"'; (Technicolor) Wheat and Barley I am still representing George Thompson, of Hensall, so give us a call for information .re prices and bags, also trucking. WM. M SPROAT Dr. Edward C. Wilford, a Blyth native, is back in his native prov- ince after 44 years in China, where he helped organize hospitals and a medical school that gave many na- tive Chinese doctors their start. News of Dr. Wilford's return was brought to London, by his brother, A. H. Wilford, Toronto, trade mag- azine -publisher. War finally drove out Dr. Wilford, although he had figured in many previous conflicts, tending long queues of wounded in. the war-torn fields, regardless of which army they belonged to. His son and two daughters, all born itt China, all graduated in medicine at. the University oe Toronto, and <. yo of them ,,;(Muriel and John) 'ittax;ried doctors' and are still prate t thug alongi their mates, The 'youngest chis "Patricia, has been engaged in special post;graduat'' hospital work in Toronto, but is now building up a private prac- tice. "I am going to try and get to know my brother all over again," said the Toronto publisher, who prints "Trade and Transportation." i have asked him what he plans to do next, but he only smiles. I th'nk he plans on a good rest." After graduating at the Universit3 of Toronto half a century ago, Dr. Wilford planned to go to China, but his father, John Wilford, a re- tired Blyth farmer, insisted on him taking post -graduate work at the University of Edinburgh first, at ter which he practised briefly at Fergus. The enthusiastic young medico left for the East in 1905 and celebrated his 25th birthda} there. His only furlough came during World War I, and Dr. Wil- ford spent it as a medical officer in the Canadian Army in France. He married Claudia Gaviler, the daughter of a Grand Rapids doc- tor, and a graduate of music with her A.T.C.M. She taught many Chinese to sing, Western style, and play the piano and organ. Many of her pupils learned Christian hymns from Mrs. Wilford- NoticetoClientele THE INA GRAY BEAUTY SHOP will resume business August 29th ! We specialize in • PERMANENT WAVING • BRECK SCALP TREATMENTS and • All Classes of Beauty Culture For appointment PHONE 669 - Seaforth Phone 655 r 2 Seaforth counselor .Complimentary Skin Care Make=upr 'Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W SPECIALS 1N edroom Furniture COME IN AND SEE THE NEW BEDROOM FURNITURE NOW ON DISPLAY NEW ,SHIPMENT OF INLAID LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR: COVERINGS JUST ARRIVED • A• G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE- Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH - ONTARIO IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproe Beaver Board Arbdrite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles- Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 : • Your Hospital Reports On September 8th the citizensof this com- munity welcome a new :Superintendent to the Scott Memorial Hospital, Miss 'V'alerie Drape comes to our hospital as Matron. She has been highly recommended,and is looking forwards to her new post. Hospitals today are busier than ever before, and those in charge have a great responsibility. We cart make the arduous duties of our present staff •a.little more acceptable if We make these people conscious of our • sincere °' aplireetation. w' Let us elc)me Miss Drone to our,'t#lwn. Let us. { one fa' a ourrho a 1 d entertain, the staff in m s {y�¢e` e larger cities across Canada. The Town and; surrounding district owes much to Miss Marguerite Dunn and Miss Helen Smith, who have done an exceptionally fine job of man- aging the Hospital's routine during the ;period, the hospital has been without an appointed Matron. Since the health of any . coMmurtity depends largely on the duality of available medical ser - Vices, the 'Medical Doctors of Seaforth and 'the' fl°ospital Board- are striving to give you the very bestl$daltie'serviees of which they are capable. W. H. FINNIGAN Chairman of Board • ti A