HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-02, Page 4- 'ge- ntelat or your steel:recto ;Miitents to get -that Wilding un- der *ay before the weatherman starts playing his Welts. Our Warehouse is well stocked in all types of SITE% ! ! AN0LB01:1ANNEL, POSTS, • FLATS, SHEETS, PLTE, PIPE, WINDOW SASHo - REINFORCING BARS, ' REINFORCING ' MESH., Hot and Cold Rolled Bars PR011ePT: DELIVERY Setisfactton. Guaranteed M. BROWN AND SW's 1254 t3ni Street North ; • Off Lancaster KITCHENER Telephone 5-5645 ' Seaforth Lions Park THE BATHING PAVILION AND REFRESHMENT BOOTH AT THE t SEAFORTH LIONS PARK WILL CLOSE FOR THE SEASON AFTER LABOR DAY Supervision of the Pool will cease at that time. " evenings When Ball Gimes ark play- edl, the Refrtshment Booth will be reopened, Large groups wishing Picnic facilities during September may make special arrangements by cOittaiing e. ',A. Trott, . Phone 150, S'eaforth: ASSA*4Ad Inserted At New Low CaA Rates: oattmx..scolovo, &on AND FOUND. ETC.—Per word: 1 Cent % Cent 2124 'week ard week Ceet Iainireten charge. lift ineertion25 Cents Each figura initial eed ;abbreviation *agate ae one word. rd 'Menke,h literaoreen Notice*, ,Comitig Events -1 cent eer word. 5Q emote leer weelL- Bpeeleles lilaY be direeted .to a Box NO, silo The Heron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. n cental"addibloaal wall be (thawed at ads ;in lame alas unapt* veld within 10 days of 'date •otileal insertion. Birtha, gen...Jaws end Veath e hiserted free of charge, Auction Sane, Not/0OreditoTa. Etc.—Rete' en ayylioation. „lat'veek Coming Events Personals pg.folpqr rou yew:. , T_TYGIF‘NIC SUPPLIES (R1.1 13131113 dancing Weasel:Pe awaiting You at 11-a• Goode) leaded postpaid in plain, sealed the Crystal Daiwa Mitchell. eive9 FridaY •envelope with price lit. 6 samples 25c; night. with Don Roberkon and his Rauch 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78. Bays. 4263x1 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont Help Wanted WANTED GIRL TO WORK AS ws4tres. A3nitlY TASTY GRILL.. , 4263x1 MALE HELP WANTED yOUNG MEN WANTED TO MARE , furniture trade. Must be capable and industrious. App3 m Tunann• John Boshart & Sons SEAFORTH 4268-2 _Young Man To Learn PRINTING BUSINESS Applicants who are interested in learn- ing all aspects of a trade are asked to apply in writing to The Huron Expositor SEAFOR'rH. oNT. 4256-2 Notices NOTICE—WE DO ClISTOM BEAN yelling.NELSON RILEY, R.R. 2. Kippen. ez62r.2 For Rent NOR RENT — FURNISHED HOUSE - keeping e.partment; all conveniences. Apply to Box 803, HURON EXPOSITOR 4263-1 •• • Auction Sales *4.1004 Xi#100,1x 41410,0 0.0t '4atilrdurih 1,0310n, -- Art- Vrci*I0Y., o 01,9hexi, spent 11 -0,w days With 'her -0 eN.frfe. dame* Dal.e. 0,100.100,10, 40wit4 SO *P., Pe4.0';are On a *Our tilt throat aklerthera Ontario and, the States • WWW4M, Rale: le at the O.N.L. e4ztb!Ua Iil horses, We wish 'VAR NA • AUCTION SALE OF 50 HEAD OF Holstein Cows and Heifers.—Harold Jackson and W. Scott have received in- structions to sell at Mitchell Sale Barns, Mitchell, on 'Tuesday. September 6th, at 2 tam., 50 High Grade Holstein Cows and Heifers. These cattle are all T.B. tested and mostly all are ealtfhood vaccinated, and consist of: 1 cow, due Oct. 1st; 2 4 -year-old cows, due Sept, 15; 1 heifer rising 3 years, due Sept 12; 15 heifers rising 3 years, springing; SO well -marked growtby heifers, ranging from 12 to 18 months, many of them ready to breed; also 4 Tamworth sows, bred 10 weeks; 2 Tamworth sows, bred 4 weeks; 1 pure bred Tamworth hog, 10 months old; 1 rubber tired truck wagon; usual r m of weaners and chunks. Terras — Cash. AARON STEINACHER, Proprietor; Jack - sop & Scott, Auctioneers. 4263x1 PLEARING AUCTION SALE OF MA- chinery and Household Effects, at A/TOWER KNIVES WELDED A. N D Lot 9, Concession 9, Mullett Townsh in. tua einagened. Lawn mower. also share. 1Y4 miles north and 1 mile west of Kin- ened. JOHN litaeLEAN, Egniondviue burn, Wednesday, September 7th, at 1 Garage. 4255-tf P.m.: MACHINERY-41cCormick binder; M -H. mower; seed drill; land roller; tar - cant; farm wagon and hay rack; gravel box; wagon box; sling chain; fun- ning •mill; stock rack ; 1,000 -Ib. scales: sling ropes; pitch forks; ladders; bar- rels; 3 -section harrows; scattier; iron ket- tle; new doubletrees and whiffletrees; synall blacksmith forge and anvil: guan- Norfar,--THE PERSON WBO RE- tity red elm plank; shingles; set of breeching harness; single harness; woven cently removed a watch and other wire feriae stretcher; set of taps end dies, 4 to % inch; all kinds of tools ; 1 steel tired top buggy; 1 wire wheel lub- ber tired buggy (like new); Portland cut- ter, logging chain; 9 cords off hardwood. HOUSEHOLD EFFEcTs—a davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton were settee and 2 chairs ; 5 rocking chairs; oe- j.n London on Thursday. casional chairs; small tables: Pedestals ; Wedding bells are ringing in 2 toilet sets; 2 bedroom suites complete; VOR SALE—STUDIO COUCH. PHONE quantity of bed •1Mens. Quilts and blan-1 this vicinity this week. 178, Seaforth. 4263-1 Itets; Wilton rug 9x12; all-ertaanel kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, range; glass china cabinet; heating stove; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mr- -L" also baby tenths. PHONE 1604, Sea- mond wi drophead sewing machine;; :II -land Mrs. James Malcolm attended pate SALE—FOLDING BABY BUGGY; extension table and dining chair: forth. 4263-1 cupboard clocks • chest of drawers: lin- the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Archie Hardill, in Long Branch on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Belfour, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bel - four on a lO-day trip to Northern 'RARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH- " ed following T.B. test Brand new spraYer capable of 1.000 pounds. pressure. Work done to inspector's satin' faction. Phone 44 r 9; Dublin. FRED HARBURN. 4256-tf Mr, $teick,,sp4ut the weekend with 'friends in Rrocefield. Miss Ruth Olarhe has returned to her borne after Apen.ding a. week at the summer cap, Goderich. Mr. aid Mrs. WM. MeAsn and family were camping at Ba'yfield during the, past Week. Mr. andMrs..0. Chutor and lit- tle daughterj„ Herriston, spent the week -end at the parental home. Mrs. Wm. Hart, in company with Mrs. H. McClinchey, Bayfield, and Mr, and Mrs. Speed and daugh- ters, •Detroit, visited the former's nieces and nephews at Greenway one day last week. We regret to report that Mrs. A. McConnell is in a London hospi- tal for treatment. Her ;many friends hope for a speedy recov- ery. articles from the repair bench in Sav- auge's Store will save considerable trouble by returning same immediately. 4263-1 For Sale CROMARTY Mrs. Ken McKellar spent a • few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orin Fran- cis at Woodstock and with other friends. Rev. Fred Harburn and Mrs. Harburn attended the wedding of his nephew, Alonzo Harburn, and also visited with their many rela- tives in this community. Mrs. Robertson and John Rob- er.son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Walz, ef St. Marys. Anita and Alice ,Sorsdahl spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Coates, Exeter, and ac - paned them on a motor trip. Mr. Roy Fern, of Edmonton, vis- ited with Mrs. R. Robertsoa. Donna Norris and Helen Walker of London, spent the week -end at their .respective homes. Miss Irene Kemp is spending a few days with Mrs, Houghton. ZION . 6 . t71 1.11 i 1 • kwow,V. 4,44;;;;•7L4,%:. s'eiTata4.9,40,tek. asteacasea. '-,,t,'44,•-44attklM411-,3*.•&",:gt."•L..,..;•:'Z4%;11*,-,,,,•1•.„1,..;,,,,,",,, Pictured abeve is. the modern home of the Box Furniture, Ste'rk;, inn Beafoith;., which will be opened to the pubtic on Saturday, Sept. 3, 1949. One of the most "Iltedean'' etOres , in Western Ontario, the Box Furniture Store will feature a complete line of home furnishings. To mark the occasion of the opening, many free draws will be conducted, among the prizes being a 4 -burner gas range. Summer Theatre Packs Bayfield Town Hall oleum floor coverings; couch; drop-leaf VOR SALE — GIRL'S TWO -WHEEL table; coal oil stove and oven; /amps; bicycle, in good condition. Apply to large quantity of dishes and china and DAN DUPE& 4263x1 glassware; kitchen utenslls; curtains and drapes; numerous other articles. Terms OR SALE—ONE COAT, ONE SITIT, —Cash. ROBERT ROGERSON, Proprie- two pieces, lady's dress, size 16-18- tor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. SCOINIS. THE CLEANER. Chesney. Clerk. 4262-2 and Eastern Ontario recently. 4268x1 , SALE ON LOT 24, CON. 2, Mr. and Mrs. Rose Pepper at - t A UCTION VOR . DALE -150 NEW HAMPSHIRE 4" MaKillop, 114 north of Seaforth, le tended Toronto Exhibition on -••• nilinets. starting to lay. APPI-y• to east, on Friday. September ath, at 12.30: Tuesday. HARRY )10Y, Hensail. Phone 36. Hen- HORSES -1 black raare. CATTLE -1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and sem 4263-1 choice Durham cow, bred around April 1,1 MI'. and Mrs. Charles Roney • and !milking good; 10 good Hurl:earn heifers, JI0R SATM--LADY'S IHUSKR.AT • FUR 'cad -vaccinated, 2 years old; 3 heifers; 2 ' Carl visited in Lakeside and St. coat, size 40. good es new. Can be, steers 1% years old. HOG5-2 sows, one seen at sale an. Wednesday. September 1.Ifirst litter; 1 second litter; 1 choice young ROBERT' ROGERSON. 4263:1 I Tamworth hog; some good chunks . ISHEEP-4 good Leicester ewes .2 -years ULLETS FOR SALE --.• 400, FIVE ' old. IMPLEMENTS—Model 13 Case trac- . • An unsuspected talent for burl- esque Popped up in Bayfield Sat- urday night when Bayfield Sum- mer Theatre offered to a packed audience the wackiest variety bill seen in these parts for many a day. Citizens and summer visitors took part, eome 7G of -them. The show also had a.udience participa- tion to an unusual degree from the back gallery fans to the four-year- old, stage-struck lad who crawled on stage himself in his absorption in the play and various other turns. "Bayfield Summer Theatre is the most amorphous company in exist- ence. It has no theatre, no mem- bership and no money," explained radio's Jim Scott, who seenaed, to be master of ceremonies,"with his talented wife, Liz Scott; who was in, charge of production: 'He offer- ed a comedy flip on his own ac- count, in; company with his broth- er. Mary:, on Sunday. Miss Gloria Ann Pepper visited a few days in Mitchell with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. eeeeee ,aa, &thee red. phone tor; 1 tracl.or cultivator; on e dise. Kemp. 23 r 12, Blyth. WARD KNOX. 1 Fleury & Bissell make ; 4 -section spring 4263x3 tooth cultivator: Case 3 -furrow Plow 071 Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and rubber; Case 6 -inch one-way disc or tiller; family visited in Milverton tin VW; SALE -1 max came raereBe, 11 fertilizer spreader, new; Massey -Harris 1 Wedaesdlly. in' good condition- HENRY ENZENS- i 10 -foot power 'binder; hay loader, M.-11., GERGER, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 839 r 1 drophead; side rake, McCormick ; 2 sets1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pullman, 25, Seaforth. 4268-1 harrows; 2 sets scales; 1 walking plow: of Calitornia, visited with his eis- 5 M. -H. bean snuffler and bean puller, real ter, Mrs. J. Belfour, ter a few days. pciee SALE --OWNER LEAVING l'oTv14, 1 g1. . tire °3 good sleighs and Vet, lei ' anustt be sold: 1 Kroehler chesterfield, rubberi16 etiWresag Mrs. Eloise Werner visited wits 2 chairs; 1 modern bed coraplete.osPrinas a,x,..esa.d.„.. be...on:1:n flat rack; 1 manure Glenn Pepper last week. end mattress; 1 (if not sold before Mr and Mrs. Albert H. Yeo re- SON- Apply at Kling's Store. trilii'gtht jai"' IMII WIL"Is-a-tre 1; 2 'chicken brooders, electric; chick- . 4263.1 .cn equipment, etc.; geese; 250 veleta turned to their home in Toronto Roeli-Larhoen, Sussex. GRAIN—About 4 after visiting with her sister, Mrs. -fitog RALE___Impir sGkg. sruniqc acre.; of cobbing corn. on the field; aLso 3. Malcolm, and Mr. Malcolm, and' a nachinee. electric and treadle. Be. about 8 acres of ensilage cona on field; . • . s these corn fields will he offered for sale brother, Mr. George Pepper and nairs to an makes. SINGER SEWING of not old previously; about 10 feet of Mrs. Pepper, and with other CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford_ last year's ensilage in silo yet; several friends. wooden barrels and steel drums. Ft/REI- FOR SALE—LADY'S BLACK CLOTH TURK—Beds' chairs'tabiem, article, too numerous to mention; tools , tables, many otheil Mr. and Mrs.- Dalton Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm, • coatsize 164.8. chamois lined to r.nd forks ; hay car; rope and manyart I - Keith and Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. waist. large silver fox fur collar, in good les that are used about farro. IVIust be HURON EXPOSTTOR. Bem,,,..71-5• { cold as the farm is sold. Terms --Cash. Albert Yeo spent Sunday with Mr emidi.tion. Clesn home. Apply 1, . '4',3x1; , HARVEY McILWAIN, Proprietor; Hat- i and Mrs. Ross Gordon, it being poet SALE -400 BARRED ROCK PUL- ' old Jacicson. Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney. ' Donna's third birthday. A duck ' Clrk. 4203-2 le514nam ths old (laying): also 10 th. 1 and chicken dinner was enjoyed £"od pigs vre*hing about 70 The, eacb Jee-epyr S. O'REILLY. Phone 46 r 3, by all. Dublin. 4263x1 Marriages p4OR SALE --FRAME, BANK BARN, 36x BELL - COOPER— In Toronto, on July A 56 in Grricr•isb T1;3'm ewer rno'. on 23, jane Cooper, daughter of Mrs. Annie vne side. available for other side; also a Cooper. Tangier, Nova Scotia, to William J. Bell, Eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bell. of Seaforth. Cards of Thanks limited number of .hydro r..t1-. an Anvil,' to WALTER J. FORBES, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone 904 r 31. Clinton. 4263x2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE --1985 CHRYSLER SEDAN. in good condition. Apply to MAR- GARET HUDSON. Phone 187-W,. Sea - forth. 42631 port SALE — CHEVROLET COUPE. 1937; bust be sold this month. Phone CLINTON, 9-W or 60. 4262-2 FOR SALE -1936 FORD V-8 COACIL excellent condition; good tires, heater. KEN 11010, Phone 662 r 3, Seaforth, 4263x1 VOR SALE -1938 CHEVROLET COACH A in' excel/eat condition. Apply DUN- LOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4203-1 pOR SALE — 1941 FORD SEDAN. Super De Luxe: radio, heater, new tires: now motor. gone 4 000 miles. AP - ply SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4263x1 USED CAR BARGAINS 48 48 48 47 47 40 PLYMOUTH SWAN GREY. PLEETLINE COACH MEV. COACH: low mileage. FOR.D SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN' Many Extral. CHEW. COACH 39 PONTIAC COACH 38 MEV, COACH , MANY mina VALVES ORITSSELS MOTORS ttmno of Better treed dare" OPEW,ifittlY ReYENIND R.S. E. L. BOX WISHES TO TAKE this opportunity to express her ap- t reciation to ell those who so kindly re- membered her while a patirnt in bcott Memorial HosPital• 4263x1 R. AND MRS. LLOYD HORTON. Listowel. and the Mi.ses Margaret and Joan Barton wish to express their sincere •thsnks to their many friends who sent messages of sympathy to them in their bereavement. 4263x1 AAR. AND MRS. JOSEPH M. ECKERT, of McKillop, wish to thank all those who gave money and the collectors, doc- tors and homi.tal staff, for assistance ren- dered at the time of their occident; also to thank Senator W 11. Golding for his letter of sympathy. 4263x1 . . Deaths MacTAVIS'H—In Seaforth, on ThnrPday. August 25, John MacTavish. Births DROVER ---in St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, on August 31, 19(9, to Dr. and Mrs. John E. Drover, of Thorndale, a daughter. FRY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fry (nee Phyllis Scott), a daughter. ANFIVIESNOMMINIM CONSTANCE Mrs. Harvey Taylor is at pre- sent a patient in Seaforth Hospi- tal, We hope she Will soon be able to be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Joyce spent the week -end in To- ronto. Mtge Prances Downey, of Tiver- ton, spent the week -end with the Stepheneolas. Miss Addie Colclough Is visiting trith her sister in Pitiffalo, cern, gives the proceeds of its anLuif shout'Acifiards a, local cause. This year Beale special; need of Trinity Anglican Church will bene- fit Responsible in various ways for the success of this season's event were 'Janet 'Mitchell,. Ethel Vault, Floy Watson, Jill Millsap, Ger- trude Gairdner, Eleanor' Torrens, Gwen Pemberton, John McConkey, Ford Stechnan, Jack Guthrie, Bill Hawkins, Jessie Metcalf, Mary Ladd, Ruth McAllister, Ted Mack, Phyllis Buchanan and Jim and Liz Scott. "The Girls and the Boys," in the show were Mary Alice Hunter, Margaret Bauer, Bobbie Ruby, Elise Phillips, Donna Sturgeon, Jill Millsap, Barbara Bassett, Barbara Mahar, Susan Phillips, Adelaide Mitchell, Therese Bauer, Helen Abenhart, Nan,Galbraith, Janet Rourke, s Mack, Elizabeth and Mary Latimer, Barbara Stev- enson, Joan Sutherland, John Mac- kenzie, John Duffy, Terry Rourke, Edwards Watson, Larry Pember- ton, Erice Petaberton, Bill Brent, Alan Ormond, John McConkey, Jack Praser, Robin Mitchell, Chas. Rogers, Fred McKeon, Ross' Buch- anan and Lewis Cook "Town Hall, Saturday Night," was a show with lots to commend it. Fast-moving, hilarious, amaz- ingly costumed and all cleverly arranged, 'in a minute or so, this is an example of what a' Little Theatre movement, vacation vari- ety, can do on the lake circuit. Toping the evening was a fun- ny burlesque of "The ,Highway- man," with suitable apologies to Mr. NOyes for such irreverent han- dling er his dramatic verse, Jim Scott was the narrator for this otherwise dumb crambo show which was a joybully abandoned mixture of music hall, high •scheol, slick slapstick and parlor char- ades. Art and Elise Phillips with the Family Troupe were credited with this tear -mopping achieve- ment. • Hayfield Summer Theatre, which is essentially a community con- - KITTEN Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride and family returned home after spend - leg a pleasant holiday at Meaford, Midland and other points. Mrs. 11. Brightmore, of London, is visiting her sister and brother-, in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coch- rane. We are sorry to report that Mrs. FOR FUNCTIONAL FARM BUILDINGS, ectey gir RAFTERS Today, farm building is no longer a problem — sturdy, economical, easy - to - erect Timberib Rafters provide the solution: Laminated arched rafters, form sides and roof in one continuous piece, mak- ing it possible for the entire frame c$%,the building to be erdcted in a few hours time. Perfect for Machine sheds, barnseponitry bouses, dwell - A L. Si nog a a A all tyPes, • AVADAL11.6 HOWL tlivilltiltIrmsbnilding9 of ROOFING HAROLD N. pE ell R* R. 1 Phone 96.r 23 ZU11" :14enaall 00Uele Will 1170 ft l Undolle Otfeifffit_ Wore present Zro0110101/, MeMe treal, West ,loor110, :Pgr ter Lankbeth Ceara?, and UM-. dW4. The catiwegatiOn Q St, Pall1'0 Anglican Cbureb held a 00019.1 etire ening in the phUrch, schoolroom Monday of this, week to honor M. at Mrs, H. Lawrence, Prominent and active church Members, who are tartlyt leaving for Drumb0, where Mr. Lawrence bas received the appointment as bank manager of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were presented with an electric tea kettle, Mr. A. L. Case reading the adaress and the presentation made by Jean Hen- derson. Contests and a quiz were featured and luncheon flerved. Mr. Lawrence, who has been an ac countant with the Bank of Mont- real here for the past 10 years, has been •treasurer of the Charaber of Commerce, Red Cross and St. Paul's Church. Mr. Charles Farquhar has re- ceived the appointment as care- taker of Hensel public school. Mr, Rose Dick, who has 'been, ill with a heart condition for the Past number of weeks in Clinton Hos- pital, returned home on Saturday last. Mre. James Bonthron and Miss M. Reid visited with Goderich friends last week. Master Billy Shaddick, who has spent the summer months the guest of his aunt, Miss Elvera Churchill, and his graudmotIter, MTS. Churchill, of Toronto, whO Inserted for Stanley Township, in the Exeter Thnes-Advocate, but for the residents' of ,lIsborne Town- shipedafalined. ParkeJones': That the Clerk be instructed to add .the costs of eutting weeds on the Mrs. Mary RStoelthan propertyeto the collector's Parke and Tudor: That the Clerk be instructed to forward the ac- count of Fire Department services at the H. Parker fire, to the Tovea- ship of Tuckersmith. Carried. Bills and accounts were read as follows: Mueller Limited, Hydro- tite and Febrex, W.W., $30.48; R. Swale, labor, fence, a9; J. Boa, labor, fence, fee; P. Boa, labor, fence, $9; H. Smale, labor, fence, $9; J. Bonthron & Son, wreath, $9; P. G. Bonthron, postage, $10.U0. Total, $85.48. Tudor and Hoy: That the accounts as read- be paid. Car- ried. Tudor and Jones: adjourn. Carried. Archie Parsons is confined to hes bed with an attack of ppeumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family 'have returned home after a week's holidays in the U.S.A. Miss Jean Wilhelm and friend, of Stratford,. vigited on' StilltlaV with Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Jenes. ' Quite a number from 'here are taking in the Exhibition in Toron- to this...week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homey, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Gail -Ann visited recently with Mrs. Lottie Colwell at Cargill. Members of the Mission Band' of St. Andrew's United Church here will meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kay on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 2 to 5 p.m. Please note the change of date. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Forsyth, of Kippen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M H. M. Chesney and rs. Harebell Thompson, Brucefield. Mn. and Mrs. A. B. Cousens, Can- field, Ohio, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, VIr. and Mrs. Wright accompanied them home and spent a week in Canheld. They also visited. Dr. John Stewart, of Western Reserve University in Cleveland, coming by plane from Cleveland to London. HENSALL eieemmmessner Miss Dorothy Hobday, of Rich- ville, has returned to her home af- ter spending a week with Miss Isa- belle Alexander. Misses Ruth Erskine and Jean Alexander, of London, were week- end guests at the latter's home in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence leave this week for Drumbo. The regular meeting of Plensall Council was held Tuesday evening, August 23, at 8.30 p.m. in the coun- cil chamber with the following members being present: Reeve A. W. Kerslake, W. Parke, N, Jones and 3. Tudor. On motion of Parke and Tudor, the minutes were adopted as read. At this time H. Hoy and R. E. Shaddick appeared. re qualifying for council, it was decided by them that the first man nominated would qualify. Harry Hoy, a candidate for the office of "councillor, quali- fied at 8.40 p.m, and after, taking his oath of office before the Clerk Reeve A .W. Kerslake invited. 1'4 to the vacant seat and advised him that all members of council had the same voice in all deeisions. P. Harburn reported that he needed some 8 -inch tile for the streets and was instructed to se- cure the same. 3. A. Paterson, Clerk -Treasurer, reported re .the meeting of the Ausable ValleY• Construction meeting held in Park- hill recently, also that Mr. Stewart of the C R. Ilagey Engineedalrig Co. was here and the talk he bad with him; also that W. Fairbairn had requested permission to oper- ate the service station he had re- cently secured from the M. Moir Estate. Tudor and Jones: That we grant permission to WM. Paitai, That we now r41.0''.:000-01144q1l°00ttittri''. in )30400;i,W''‘I'Vtgrtt .,iI*flL - ¥1B Vldl4t W1O ba,s, 1?000;;„*.A.i,;;40-0.**, 40v040,1•4,04. 9t-.10*0141 '04.0:4,** -the tn. oogs return - 04' to 4:0 ,V,0,40„,,,11,e141',V41.1141., and ebnWs. gip,r1t0t ,,t0wovptnent. Berringer - Pybus In an attractive ceremony at Dundas Centre United Churcb, London, on Saturday, Rev. A. M. Stuart united in marriage Iris Jeanne, daughter of Mrs, Pybus, Lorne Ave., London, and the late Gordon Pybus, to George Elton Berringer, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. Berringer, of South Brookfield, Nova Scotia. Maurice Beckham provided a background of wedding music during the service, which took place in a candle -lit setting of palms, ferns and pastel shades of gladioli. Enterting the church with her uncle, William Pybus, of.Exe- ter, the bride was attractive in a traditional gown of white 'slipper satin, fashioned with pearl trim med bertha collar and full bouffant skirt falling into a slight trate. A halo headdress, studded with peals, held her finger-tip vell, And she carried, a bouquet Of Yellow Gloria roses. The bride was, at- tended by her two sisters, Miss Margaret -Pybus, in yellow taffeta, and Miss Mildred Pybus, in mauve taffeta, both gowns being similar, tight -fitting bodice and bouffant skirt, and they wore matching halo hats and carried bronze Talisman roses. Edward Berringer, of Mon- treal, brother of the groom, was best man, and ushers were Ronald Young and Ernest Clark. Receiv- ing guests at Hook's Coffee- Shoppe following the ceremony, the bride's mother was costumed in dove gray crepe trimmed with lace, with matching accessories, and wore a corsage of mauve gladioli and yel- low roses. Eor a wedding trip to Nova Scotia, the bride donned a sky blue gabardine suit with navy accessories, and a corsage of white and pink roses. On their return the bairn to operate the service sta- tion at London Road and' Queen St. Carried.; • ' , • The Clerk presented the deed tor three lots secured from the Hudson Estate by the Park Board. Correspondence" was read as fol- lows: Canadian National Rail- ways, Workmen's Compensation Board. Mrs. Mary Stephan, Mrs. J. Walker, Mrs. H. McAllister, Dr. G. S. Barber, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Huron Expositor, Zurich Herald, Township of Usborne, Department of National Revenue, Department of Highways, Peacock Brothers, Ontkrio Municipal Association, Continental Films—same consider- ed and filed. Tudor and Hoy: That the Clerk be instructed to insert the same notice, re the Fire Brigade as was ,Youth for Christ SPARKLING -- CHALLENGING A Prograit That Appeals To Everyone A Message For YOUTH Come' and enjoir It. SPEAKER—REV. ROY PITTS CLINTON TOWN HALL SEPT. 3rd -- 8.00 P.M. THICK IN THE TREAD Designed for light trucks ... Goodyear's Truck Airwheel Tire ,rvith wider, thicker tread . . . heavier sidewalls ... does rugged thick service .. gives long, money -saving mileage. .. with passenger tire comfort. • Remember: Light trucks should have truck tires for maximum service. Drive in today! SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV—OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD° EAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND M6 Timothy ..Seid. We require several cars of TIMOTHY SEED ' and are now purchasing and processing OOP. Contact us before selling. BAGS SUPPLIED AND SEED PICKED UP For prices and • information, call: 11. CONNELL, at 44-M, SEAPORTH or OUR PLANT AT CREDITON, Phone 3-W NI eaie-eia'a citgorkON- TAW° ,..!,72 • ' NOTICE Residents of Huron County In'accordance with Section 14, Schedule "B" of the Public Health Act,. — "No privy -vault, cesspool* septic tank or reservoir into which a privy, water closet, stable or sink is drained shall be established until the approval of the Medical Officer of Health is obtained." Applications for any such installation shall be made to the - MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH,' Huron County Health Unit, Clinton, Ontario. Plumbers, drairdnen,,, Contractors and thi general public Etre retiuested to fol.- lolztr these instructions. 6