HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-09-02, Page 1` 7 F,"A'�","�gr,N�-.-,�".",;,,-.,7.-,7��, V"� ,_�,,��,_�,_:_,�,�i�k�17-,T,K �_-T I j , , _ , , � �� " " , , . 't , ��, �, ,!, , , 1k , ,,, , '' " , � � � ': ,,�,� ­.��', � , .- �, �'­' 'i " P171 il Rw,l �, P TT � ., � , , � � i � �,�A,',�,,,711 1:1 ., �� � ", . 11" _:,�_­­ : -i � I �;, I— , 7 ­� , - . ,�� I 11 I I . 1 � i T � 1, 1, . I., I . — . V I -1 '': I., 11 �ir � ", �;"_�, I 11 . 77 ,4 � �� %, �,� " , ''I I 11 I , , " I 11 1�� 1 'i_1 I I . ! '' 1� [ , 1_ - �. I � I I I ,,;, I 1� : �_ ''I , . . i � - I , JT7w,,iT­ �,, - .1 ­ '110Wq '­ _4_�: - ill,' — � i, _ ., __ - I 1, 1. , ,� ��,.�Z :_'� �­ .,-----------��-�,�,�:�1.111.�l,�,�l��;,,;:��!"�,�l�1!�illill"�1l------- ­­­_�__11­444' � ''e'' '�4il,_ ,�:�� I I , J,__71___1___.- ,::i i'' ��IZIZ:1,:,Z�, �';�1;1 � , ", ` . '' I '' I I ,, I � I . ===== I 11 'i;�, .,�� : �,� �.. :, I , I I 1� I 1.11 .11 � I I ,�,,, 1. I I I � - . 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I �_49ej*, r . ,$Z d", It . : jj - * ��11, '� 4 4' I F1 Oixtside f I . . i"Itl.0 , I ;N "I ", , , ­ ,I I .4�14­�11 , -7 , ", � �­ I I i -bav4� been made .1 I _. . I. � - . 1. n .. � I ., " _ r ! , I L'Augement ­� cape o 0 ... , . . ,� , , , '':3, v, �� I � I � � ., 11 . ­ � , "Arx I .. .. � . . W q I 'L" � ,04100134Y�Vlip A 'AL:1afo, to . 11 � I 1. I , * I . ­ . I . I - ' iuclal and county honors for _ ' ., rp ' I 1 I ,;, ­1� .i '4'."', 1 1 , 11. �14q*Ov.0 L �, � ­: ... I I I I Paying thl . -the I , _yi, to reopen the refresli- Prov . br,�'�,� - i t 'sto+Ict., ��*.a I . 11ML11flf . . I C thly meeting of � tJ11 ,, 4 . I ': - �, �,4i4i �,J��"V�,'­ �� .+ -eye - C+ li, � , M " - Q3 �, ­�";_.�,-Qr,� i,,01 lqb-�projects eucco,sfpll�. ebilapletr raiqt�o q!#.., 10,qy�� .�*Ajrj,y in, . A W4,)', P '_­ � , ,­ , , _, , � ,, # - , `�,: " '00 , - ' c � _ "L , .... .. _+ M 1, Huroo , V,QOtb4I , F, 'i, *,mv ,�,, .* _. . me ti�4 th on 'thois.0 ugs -on � #14:ijo , 1-111 .i�k M � , . _ oe di ,4 i, , , We in,' W, -, 111 _ . , � . - p , iio "'i � -, i�: . _4 " . ,, .0 ,,� t , L, � � _ , , ..A . , � I - �4 ��Jjopo a J I'll . � 'br r .a k,'r.�4 , ,'L finkidk, �at'�St.,;-,,P,R�i �, , cgwx � 9 : -rd of Tuckeroxafth', lwhlq4;t�there majl�,be ball , im, , I 1`1 I Was held In S.S.I 146;� groi4pe.. ir � ., istrict, mein , rc.ea 701rectors . ' '�, -, . , ,,,, Y1,:! I 11 game-$- ed; .w -e awa ded di ben! tb*� aft qpp, f �maft , - 'Medi-&,�ZWIA _­ Fi . 94 - , t � , 'A V �,.IAIR,11' I evei b4ard, a- Jurgql­fow� I ". .i �� . on Tuesday evenbfg,; I - My also De Of: Girls ;Par4ea Bri des .;it the to. hold yo �prPOedippi%,�1 for 'ah' , A 1V . . - o I ­., , - L. ` I � - I .. I P = ",*1 =11-111 . thv!�siastic �ciowd;','the �.St. Q I. 4P ­_ ia��", ��i- I annual Achievement D!�y held at hour. Ho* -ever, -a 1feavy stgrift 1.9, ,*14��*., A il`o 1�.31V,V. v %f - . .. ' dated during September it, . . , 'T . - I with all the merubiafq� are made 11 t ��4 rA I I FF . � v .''F d ..�, .r. "X? '.� . ban'Ifish "edged,out - it �elos4�1-0 win : ��' 11. ,,..qf,,r,,A V in au- I Seaforth District High School We& at four 010b.ck.'ro,wited'in can. .� , . 0 .t'W , .�, 4 '� ;�.re§eut except Norman Mae ,. _'Xients . . Q � " `,! . � 1, ., ,Le t', p,_g g,rj�gv, 3w, V.,I'Ak,; ili., L &��.p r I .4t ,1 F io WA'i,,�i,�2,�i ever Wal , ', ' I r . I. , ;,VaA 1 9& ,;'n , . I . . ,P ... ,,.� ..�i . ton - ,,,, - , ­�, kt;�,� I r ' ,$,,�,YRFIT11 Clarence Trott. . cellation of many ev,onts- .1pei, t4opp r Y. 1 4 1 . nesday. .,, gs ptl� I I I , torm, **�,. 4101k��IIXATrAa _,:, -, James M91-utosh. presided.. The, mIii- ,4-,�, `k . . ;., .1D,,.p1 ,g,the a mine I, ' X, r -41 � ­�� ....... ". CKII'lop ''� , _j - U r more than 75 p her there road sUperlutt-Aw,u -..5 . r � r 7 . .R The , ganiW Was � hotly contO r , r. , - ,.:, 1'� - E�jn;;d t6 ' . - Provincial honors, award . � j'�,�,., .:. ,,,I,.. b6thr tsam,� Aet4 ,.r. utes of. last meeting' were read::WJi. "" I Was a g �11� ., 'r r ,t_p r . :,% ,4 j�$,icnics of a hundred 0 Iraore 12 club projects successfully com- good attCndani and into - %M ,14 i"', T 1� .. . % I .. . H. Whitmore and con�: were - . irest ToWaShiP W*,', �#r . Xhg��,:fe� - `�. 41441 S'ecretaryS. . .1 ... � , _ t . ivin ,right Irbux thd ,first kicli�ojr. - I . per'sAl held at the park. . ,.., � 1, , ., M , "..; a. jr, � i :::i,,. , , . , , -firmed. .. . i , pleted were awarded, -to Mrs. Har� Ing exhibits in all cl*'o - I 1�1 I M "d 4, i 170, �,JjiS­ " ��`,r , During tlfi .first; ho%fSt C,oluiu, , orap,f4 a estimate thalk more L.- bringing. - ,,, , r . 'in il * . I '­.,Mdf­ . - . -Correspondence was received" _4 ry F. Dougall, Exei Mrs. Dou- 1 e; � , � I : ',, - , i; I r �, " � " - , - I I r t the Park . — , bush at the lim . , .1 . -ban Was ,much Au -pe r., e ". cially . _9%90.0�,q)qople were, a I '.1 . - 00'. �, J. u I at � ew,re �t ' �.�115 4, -9 , :from- Hunter, Rowell PT, "" '"'­ ' " 11 19, was formerly Miss Max � 0 , . ... -i Mr. ­ � -0, 0�%­ ". ,dupiu4ii,the ten weeka,lt�_,qperateq, -- , b f '�';" the, �c�1,4:gn:t . . I . . . on the offo,xio 1)ig ,close, to - . "! - 'an'ce brokers, re accident policy for- �, , � . .. ibn Rundle, Exeter. � . " . , I . "I, . scoring, on sevital' ,.i4c'4*310�4. Bill " ' 01111 , Including attendance at the caria- I fkanley, rXthe-Ji4earn to ,''� . I . -had atoppee . i� ... � ,.� , ,V.,t.,!i .1 . Preseutatioulof a certificate and . . I.. . I xraxid,,; ­,�A� , ,, ', I- . Coutts, the 'W"Altoxr. "A, utquv, -,,)pade ' ' . ,the,,,schools, Which was flied; from val, A44 ball games. � ' by Manle - , ",­" __­ , L � �'': " ,r,c( , , , - ".� .Pick �'L;p his R , , ,.6.,, r I I., ­ ... ��;­`:',.',�,' � , W, � , wi�,�,e _,� I , � pin to Mn. Dougall was made OLU , .1 . ;4 . :,, i_ Mrs. R.'G. Eckmier, Librarian HX. 'rtificates covering , i Son, Frank ') , ,.; � , .A., re missing library boo I ,Cxquk ,- . .. ieW '' ')Ar, ... 11 d J* __.'' ks, an ., U, rr I ,._ .�, , ,, " , ,, ,:,j,:,�,,..,,� "_W t'�4 ,- �. ,X 11: ,,,._--1,,r ., . . I ��.d .. . .... " �� ", '11 4, , couple of tries' from .c6iuiar;Xickd, Croq.,a') -on; th I ' 4 ".. �",r, ' . I ' �ivimming testis, conducted a visiting, fr :11 , , .11% .. . , 9 , . _ . . .. I . some good savda. blinally-.,aj,ter, � I :1 .. . , qg. A the Red Hurondale Girls, -Club 4:nd Girls' -f �WO TH SAND'. _ __,. 1_ .1 L Mrs. .Tames Kirkland., coach of the pj,o�, - , i . ! -!A)*, � ;, "�,,&11 'I, . . from G. Gardiner, r � .1, - 1. , , 'e;, ." � , I : , : St. Columban, booted�the fiail, past I , 9. week'�`,"4` have been recelved and : , dp-u, after the , , , eif Z �, f , Brigade, in Which Mrs I li�­' '' 1' �` j ": "", _!"".`,'�' ­ r i .,., r P"A '� . .. .... r " ., �U, _"' � I , . J go, a th I, ._ g .", 2 ; '��" ,; are Q - I d e buah-rto'- , .'�. � � - -1 - Coul;W,' when F. 01 onnor ,14.6k, a' salaries of music supervisor Garden "_ li .?�`. , , , . _ � .4, ,� 11"If Rr�. . �Ig distributed by till Cur e' garden- , vp � _1 - I " �. _.110��.� I.... �� I - r "I"i - 1� ­, ,,�' . . . lw ey hadr just., 40", P 111118, I U, I " .It . , ? � _ W" r tff"�_ , � .1 I . ,Vwsl, _ I � 4 . 1i ourner-kick, placing ,' e,PaU!ne - r I . I'm It .. I J&D 3W 1. -,�, � . - I. it r li,ch were also flied. Dougall has receivpd' hA ul itis, -'a* miag ins mictot. Crests SEEMN Y BALL war, � �;,"" _w_ r , A ,Of � I Ing and home economics instruc- gr " ' I . ei wug-'' ,"N"; � are exp pdnjU6, ifil; ,, !: j']" . I - r pplications for caretaking . UP 'to th , �� t, -�* ly in front of thel,Walton, 'goal, � bto, 9 School was received from ected shortly, according to tion. —, . no a�4fa � R. th , - . M Un I . . .11 . r . on and was step � p W,ai�- . ,�., �, L,., I .Ir C .where Steve Maloney 'kicked It , Upshall, asking a salary ,of , r. .Ptia. . County honors, representing six r . stit"ik. ' r . ,"", . . Jack I Those qualifying for Interinedl- Hillarious Game Satarddy on 1imseir, whe. the bolt 1;'1-1 I � , between the posts for .the .first �-` $3-50.0,0, which application was ac- pr6jecta successfully completed, the horses, which dropped, as- ,At , � '�111 .t, and what PrGvod to , I ate: certificates -and crests are: I � F ,- ��­ .... I'll , be the winning, I � ..... ­ ---� 11 cepted. From Win. Caldwell and were awarded Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Night FeatUres Dis- , . I - M I _­, "X"111 ��...­. , L; t� , r %.. ... �, I tounter. Play was then Wrly even 11. .1, �-,_- ... '­.. - f' , i . i..0 . " . . shot. I , ' �' ,'I ' . � ­ Pat Hawkins, Bill Flannigan, Geo. - Miss Margaret McArthur, . ' APL t I . it at &, .f . . i4o , sons and Lloyd. Cooper for care- Sills, Bi Gorrie trict Stars. None of the Manley famil'y was 1:: _�. � ;_k�duriug ,the remainder of the first r � . or% er teachers 'of the White School, S.S. -burg, Jim Cam .- W It, '; . . I. . I Gr it atw m . Y taking No. 2 School, both at a Bat- 11 Vanden . 1) a on Miss Ruth Hemingway, injured. . i#,'� . ., . A � half. . . Tuckersmith, , fil . ed back to school Wedne.aday afternoon for a' re- bell, Hen Larone, Garry Schultz . �1 " . . . �_ , �, . ary of $35-0.00, and Robt. McGre- I Brussels, The presentation of Pins The donkey baseball game ,held . L ,�� 1111 t4nion to mark the 50th anniversary of the building of the present Jim Flannigan, Sandy McMillan I r� p�� , �`,� �� .. .,� I .(. Starting the second half, ,the gor was appointed to make .11 draw . Muijr. � ' and certificates wae made by Miss at the Seaf*rth Lions Park last . _410 ,�, �� . "' . . Sheila McFadden, Ron _ . � �,.,- :z ., .11 . Walt -on boys put on the Pressure schoolhouse. ,to decide the tie. No applications. . . . Jc,an Scott, home economics coach Saturday eveniiig, under the aus- . " �� .. � ' I �11 " and seemed -to loutplay the home for the Ontario Department of .,3 I I . . were received for caretaking No. 4 —0 pices Of the Seaforth Agricultural -- :%,��, , team. Both teams had several . . . BOWLING .... ,..,.;�X �., I I School, and Howard Job.. was ap- Agriculture. Society, was, h deciddd success. I � I L'�"', �, ��� ­ �.:. . I � � scoring c,hances but nelther,goalie e .-. jAll­' I � I pointed to secure some one to take Peace River Canon Seven. garden clirbs joined in th .. X"'! . One of the largest crowds to "­�,;,". . . . . i, 11 -, , 1',4 , " , , �'_., could be beaten. Walton utuffed'aRecall ''Early School Days Achievement Day demonstration: witness any kind of a ball NOTES �,, , I , on the job. game at - __ I.. I ,� good. chaince near the end of the . ' -1 �,. , I . .1 . The committee appointed at IW- -.Speaks At. St. Thomas' Hurondale, Mrs. James Kirkland, the Park was on hand to see the �� ­1,e� , . , , ...,�',.. w 1 �T. game when they were In the clear meeting to interview the trustees, - ..." 11, R.R. 1, Hensall,. leader; ' Moles- Northern team, captained On Wednesday of last webk ��� I..., " . 4. -,W r' , , " , I . - - " �'. �, , , . I . . but over -anxiousness spoiled the At S. S.' No. 1 Tuckersmith of ,s.S. No. I, Hullett, re tuition worth, Mrs. Andrew Simpson, R. Armstrong, win 4-1 over the South- Mrs. W. M. Hart, Miss Frances .. ,4Q, play. . . TEe congregation of St. Thomas? I,.,"" , ... ...:"�, � � I fees, reported that the interview , R. 1, Listowel; Gorrle, Mrs. Pearl ern team, captained by Roy Bell- Matthews and Mrs. Wilfred Cam- . . . . . ­1� . . . 11 I In Vie home -and -home game ser- — . An % � - � gliepILChurch'was. privileged on , :�r I �, � . � :�l , � Fan To had not as yet taken place, but tl,b .- 'Brussels, Miss Isabelle Reeve Arthur NichAson, of'Tuck- ero went to Goderich and. Won I .111 , �, ,,, . . . Sunday,"morning to listen to Rev. Kaine; n , . . � .. �,�,.P les, goals to counk, St. Columban 6 0 - 0 Spe.1r, R.R.' 3, Brussela; Walton, _A'�..'�i , -111.., P, ... � 0 0 - 10 Summer Storms matter had been discussed with ersmith, was in charge of the ar- second prize in 9, bowling conipe- ,�,.�O. � an a, ,i!i�; I � 'i I takes a one,gbal margin bae I Worm Calland,Rector of Berwyn, . Ji, It to . .,Inspector Gardiner and the had Miss Helen Johnston, .R.R. rangements, Dalton "D,t" Reid, titio . , -,,�tt� I -the Peace -River Dis- a. INOt to be out ne by these .i_ . Wa)tA>n, for the a Spoil Reunion of Form- , ; Al�, rtx, In Blyth; Seaforth, Mrs. Wallace I .,do , ',.11 ,, r ,econd game which , , , - . ." iday OPEN NEW STORE I . stated that he and Inspector Kin- trl t" and Canon of the Diocese of was master Of ceremonies, ?.#I'd ladies, Miss Al�ce Reid, Mrs. .E. ' ­��� I . � � " is being played at Walton Fr . Haugh, Brucefield; Carlow, Joan Archie Hubert acted as plate 'i"': I . . In �:;;: �� . . . . . . � I er Teachers, andpupi�S. . kaid planned to eet and-- arrange Athabasca. I um- H. Crose and 'Mrs. P. L. Brady . :; ,i .. " evening. . I. an equitable scale of fees- for Pup- ' , Clark, R.R.. 5, Goderich, pire. . ' . . "Mi, . . I ST. COLUMBAN - Goal, Jack The modern hew home of ------..:.- . a colleague An attendance of, about 150 at The events of the.evenln went along -and captured th � Ird I �. " I �11 -, ' . twice Its attending schools outside their Of the�Rector of St. Thomas, Rei. g 'got prize. . I �."... .. , 11ft ;t',�,�*�` I . . Roach; ful-backs, Jim .Ducharme, Box F'urniture. will be opened Violent S orms , the Achievement Day included 55 underway when the Seaforth High Three rinks of 60 wlers: Eric I ," �, . , to the public on Saturday. broke up -the g"Olden jubilee cele- 0w;hA-0c9r1t-Y., � . T. Daid"Jones, when he was Ree- �,;. . 1,1,,��*_ Tom Melad).7; I balfm:backs, ,teo RY� - girla w�. brought garden.record , 1.� �1 N, I The ,fol -lowing motious were pre tor: of Giande Prairte and Rural School Bugle Band headed the Munro, Jas. A. MacDonald'aud,A, I I '1� 11", �,,,, I � . 3 girls donkey Parade from Victoria r . I "' ' Marking the occasionp- special bration, at White School, Tucker- sented and carriedz That John L. Dean �,U-f4i. that area. The Canon Sillery; Lo ne Dale, M, Me- - : I ,:,�,� , �p an, Jim rieliiiey, Crane;,-centie P. books to show. Of the 55, 5 Park W. �A,, .1 O'Sullivan; right *Ing, �Ste 'Ma- draws are' b6inb" h'I' Iluring Smith, east of Hensall, Wednesday , . � wl �i , I I 6 d, I. had table displays of their, work. I and marched along Wain Street to Kellar and Alvin Dale, and._Dr.. P. . �.-, li, .Ye STi_g� 11. 'li, � � Kerr. he aid $110, for 20 cords of . , �, i I Morris� left wing, .. v on' 'j� fheii�stationed at Bracebridge. I ;.:"e� , the next tw .w ,,,, ,,,,�i�'611 n't -1 ch aplo wood delivered fo W' U, _ - I I �,p ��,. de- afternoon, but the weather,c - . -� , t. Ld �,t' .1 loney, Tom. ' , .. q I I 14-111 I Seven club displays were also ar the Lions Park. Reeve Nicholson L. Brady, John Beattie and B. F. !, � 200 .old pqys N,6r- . 'a . . , ,VI M onnor; . �� ,t',, break the spirit of ranged in the -gymnasium, each lined up two teams called the Christie were in Wingharn 1013�,Wsd- '. � 11, Frank Butelie. 10rank O!C tails of the, openIng 'are on I , The:.Ca;io iSlOn ,nis way home I . . I . I 4, 5 and 9 Sellool.9; that the irom� a �W,effl-earned holiday in Eng- , �-. ..... , subs. Gib Murray.. Jim Flannigan. Page 3. 1 and girlis Who carried on their , , built around the theme, I'Vege- Northerners and Southerners. I . . . . . . "I I I salaries of the music supervisors land, and In the course of his a& nesday afternoon, the latter two '� � I I I birthday party inside the little tables To Keep Us Fit." . Northerners - W. 1,. 'Nick' . . i;_-.'�`.11 ', WALTON-Goal, . Bill Coutts; . be the same4s last year; that Jas. dregi '7 iuOutioned the distressing rinks winning third alid fourth Vwl - full-backs, Stewart Humphries, 0� 0 41 .iq ,10 IS white atone schoolhouse. Speakers who gave explanations Whyte, p.; Hugh Hawkins, 1c.; - .1 %��;A. � . � � , . McIntosh and Howard Jbhns be cir6llmist�nces through.which Eng- prizes, respectively. I I . :j, . " I . , a: . , ..�, I . -1 — .,'��,;"-. , � Ste -wart McCall; half-4acks,, I . . � . I � I "Those who attended had a won- committee to consider the possible, I is�� passing at -the present of club exhibits and demonstra- George J6hnston, 1b.; Jack Arm- - M. A. Reid and-George'Johnston * � �:,..i �-, 9ward , 11;.� I McDonald, Watson Re.i,d,',,H .., � . derful Urine,", said Mr.a. Robert overcrowding of No. 7 School and . tions were: Kathleen May, Huron. strong, 2b.'; Ken Bennett, S.s.; . . ,ednes� ,. I I - � . . Ove' . � I -Simpson,. the present tei�dber. - �13iit were in Mount Forest on W ... , . . .... � . Hackwell; centre,- George .L I d means io remedy th-d-sit-i r� .1 dale; Velma Lucas, M019swOrtll; G,rdon. MeGavin 3b - George �:_.�ii_--;.,V�_i�� ;�*_ � . . . . :?P. I I . --q- -t- . . .. r his address was . I . I day taking ilarl, in a U, r I ..... � �,`,, � . k "J . r t. wing, NiAao�a Aukrks, Merton I 11 I it was. a shame, the storms ,ke T - �text to . rite- Fmcl,'" Gorrie-. Berva ' 'i t * ,- I . ­...w�� , . -LIL i, I ­ jh�a. old�ar_pa 0 �.uxitIon.1i_.# q,ecum , ,v �UAV b Epia Uargtke� B�roWp ., , �_�� � - ,�� , . � -,, and tp prqdke CA.; Geo. � ,!Fwvl� left. wtn;-� .Reii"M�Don_ me � I W _1 I . ,tak t e- tle� '�BTetb,Tiqn, �Kni�.ht., BH��aelsi; Do - � wpent. � -' � - -' , ,,. J-� - aw PthePpii� en , r4 St"ell VvlhilWti�p,'-,---L-t.-,'-'-':siibs�- 'I?Nam-'�Sills, 1z - ,S,fii�� - L I I "�*�.14 -�r._�,��,�;� ,. , "� 1'. , � i �_Qi *for the tuition of some�ii - .; R 11 : I M'4 �, L, Ulf ,; ak id'man - ., r.f.; H. S. Sturdy, I - 6 . The program was originally � I declare unto you the Gospel." He . " 1. i��_!M . I' " aid, Marray-.Mills- subs.., Georg US in No. 6 Section and -report mentioned the, extreme task facing Walton, Ruth Keyes, Seeforth; Bob McKercher, Bob McMillan, . V. "', o)i Tuetiday . . :� , ��, � P were in St. Mar � ". . Ta;ylor, Jim McCali. ' . . OPENEDTOTRAFFIC sched-uled for 2.30 p.m., but the back to the board'; that w I eign, and his Dawn Snyder, Canow. Wilf Glazier, Dan Beu an, Dr. night and.yron seabireeze tables as, :: " �, Referee--:CP1. Dawson, R.C.A,F., first storm which covered the . 0 eequisi- the Bishop, ,Dr. Sover . Miss Jean Scott, in charge of the erma ; ... "I j .1 ... fio�L the Township Council - for a .E. A. McMaster, Russ Bolton, J. L. a prize. 3'. A. Westcott and 'br. . -�.� , . � ' I would days program, was as � . Clinton. ground with hall held it up until 17 ordained clergy in an area ot I sisted by Malone, Casey McCutcheon, .0 1 . . nearly four o'clock. .Then, after a trustee levy -of $8,000, which 600,000 square miles. The sincer- Thomas, 1301) X. A. MeLennann also competed. . . New Concrete Span Re- made the levy 5 mill -s-, that Har- Miss Doreen Kelly, St. Campbell, Harvey Johnston. . _i —0— few songs, recitations and some ity of his message gave the as- , e economi-t. Gordon Bennett, Southerners -Roy Bell, P.-, 'Peg' �, . I , . 'Iron old-time fiddling and dancing, a vio- old -Finlay be paid the balance of sembled, congregation something "Om *_ . . :� � I Grandpa'ients: Were - place,3 1�oimer diown paint contract, $530, when cOm- to think about. agricultural representative f o r Shaddick, c.; Alvin Kerslake, �b.; ',"," lent westerly squall whipped pleted and,approved. Huron, and F, 0. Wilson, his as- George Kruse, 2b-; Andy Cr zier, Dublin Eliminates - -9, i,. Former Structures. . a fur;ous rain, and, the crowd again sistant, judged the fruit and vege- _ ack- . 1, I '. . Ripl�§i&ntsl The following accounts were pre- —0 s,s,.; Frank Case, ab.; Hat -old i � ; -.1, � J r , ' took 'shelter in the school and. thedr Sylvan On Tuesday I . , . L t. .�p , � , i,e sented and approved: A. H. Ers- table classes. Lloyd Morrison, 'Jack . . Y�7k ,, ., �. ',*:C. 4 �,on, IS,; Norm MacLean, c.f.; .. . .. " *4tsoA *. t months -of. planning and parked, cars. head of the jagricultural depart- ,rank Kling, . , , , -who I g,gih'; &I " ' a After asurer, membership Copstante Farm . �.-' � I., navy% 0 41fe � Ili � an kine, county tre . Nicholson, r.f.; subs., r �, . . - .air crash at -Milton Air -.Port.jast 'work a new modern 92 -foot bridge Women of No. 1,Sc400l Section fee, H.C.L.A", $50; HX.P.C., S -S_ ment of Seaforth Higth School, as- Jack Baldwin. Carlyle Cornish, Dublin eliminated, Sylvan In two . I , " I . d to traffic between seived an old-time picnic lunch in No. .1, $0.07;' Wm. Papple, labor Forum Has Meeting sisted with the arrangements for r - I week was 4j gil-ain0on of! the,jaile has been opene Wm. Rogerson, Wally Crich, Ha straigitt games In the Intermediate . ; , ) . , - . Mr. �nd- .Mts-.,- S� � Vullett, ;foriner lots 15 and 16, concession 6 and 7, the upper part of the schoolhouse, � 11 , I I � - new Lwhere tables had been set for,80, and material in full ot account:� I , — the Achievement Day. vey Coleman, "Doc" Cameron, Ed. "C" W.O.A.A. men',% softball play- I : -..�, I reMdents ,of SeatortlL Mr. MiLlIett .11cKillop Township. The Many more lined up cafeteria- $75.66; S. J. Wallace, repair arch, The Fireside Farm. Forum, of Demonstrations on the topic ol Andrews, Ross Scott. . downs, when they defeated. -the via- (I .. . _,J �.- . I a the and flower arrangement were given by Southerners were the first to iting crew to the tune of 12-7 at . . � .. 11 was in tbe,haraware,busineas. in bridge, which angles acro a No. 8, $14.75; Hargld Finlay, on Hullett, held its annual picnic at . :.` I .1, Seaforth, f�� ,ji finjA6j'of'years. intersection, replace two former style for supper in the basement. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Anta Toner. �. �-� 8 aect., $100: Baldwin's Hardware, the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Fri- bat and went down in one-t,,vO- Dublin Tuesday night. Dublin won . � I .. I L - . I ,.�� � iron bridges which served for Pralise for pommunity spirit was Gorrie-, Edna Marthi and Margie -e- order after a bitter strug- the first I � 1� 1 . � **.,, . .: �, ,.:1 . acet., $37.30; John L. Kerr, wood, day with a gathering of 60 pre- th, I game in Sylvan last I I . i ,, . , " ­ many years. . . voiced by the oldi3st'former teach- $110; Hendry's, Toronto, desk and E,.�nt. Everyone reported a splen- Achilles, Walton; Margaret Mac- ,,,Ie. The bottom halt of the first week. . ,tll'�!.,171,-i..M.� . Of reinforced concrete the bridge er present and the oldest former chair, No. 9, $94; C.N.R., freight, did time. 'The prize -winners for Donald and Mariorie Sanderson, stanza saw Nick Whyte, after a Dublin blasted- out eighteen base . % , ", . Van ftMond_ -Home � was designed by S. W. Archibald, PuPll, Miss Jean Murray,'of Hen- $1.19; Thompson's Book Store, Molesw6rth. . �.l . I . the sports evenis were as follows: torrid battle between beast and knocks wLLich. included Sadler's ., , . In _E i V'11k: Sold acting on instructions Lrom the sall, 89, who taught in 1900 and $1.82; C.N.R., teleg At the morning session the club man cross home plate with the two li�me runs. Hannon arLd. Wil- I . gnWn& ram, 73c; tele- -4 . She was the second teacher . _ ­ , ,Gordon , ' run of - : ., .. I . J I--- MCK1116p council. Contractors for .1901, Kling, Hoggart, Raymond members answered a garden quiz, the game. The side : " Phone sect., $li,85; Frank first son, on the mound for Dublin, held I I � . .1 I :! �.. . . the -bridge were Looby & Looby, In the present 50 -year-old building, sect., $2.27; Mrs. Bert Haney, bal- Cook; girls, 8 and jud,ged two caasses of vege- . z Sale, of,the Van Exmond res]:7- and under Agnes Riley, Marjorl as then retired Without further the Sylvan team to fiv � I of Dublin, and the work was car- and successor to Dennis Brintnell, ' ie tables, for which the official plac- w e lifts. Ver- I -: dence, owned by Earl Van Egmond, ance caretaking in full, No. �, Hoggart; boyz, 8 and under, Den- . Wilson. scoring. non, in cen.tre field -for the visitors, .1 li i . . r, was ried out under the Supervision of First teacher In the original wood- $100.; W. L. Forrest, labor, 'clean- Hog- ings were made by Mr The top of the second frame saw ­ , to Wilson C. Oke, Windso township 'road en schoolhouse, which dated back ni.,:. Jewitt, Dolmage, John w was the best fielder in the game, . a William J. Manley, Ing No. 7, $38; Mrs. Harry Me- s the plate ith making several fine catches. . ,: announced this week. Mr. Oke gart- girls, 12 and under, F. Cook. —0 . 1. to 1861, was Inspector Dewar. ed . .; �� . brother of Orville Oke, of the R�y. Superintendent. a Miss Murray told the story of Leod, filling window boxes, No. 7, L(On.'Cook, Joyce Jewitt; boys, ease, as his donkey never stopp Dublin sewed up -the game in the . � I . al Block, is a real estate and In- cl The new structure provides a pioneer min' $6.400. 12 and under, K. Cook, L. Hoggart, "These rack formationa," ex- on the -way around. Harold Jack- eighth wben they dented the plat- . I t, � surance agent In Windsor. ear Passage of 30� feet for the Rev. John Logie, is- The meeting adjourned to meet 1ohn Jewitt; young lad'es, Ferne plained the guide to the party of son was the third out after the ter -six times. Up to that time it I � vi � . . 4 The -large brick residence ovell river. The bridge contains b-10 ter, of Warrensville, IV, miles in No. 2 -*&*ol on Sept. 20 'it 9 Dexter, Margaret Kerl 11. His donkey was a. close ball game, with the � south of Hensall on No. 4 -high- r; young tourists, "were riled up here by bitterest battle of a ..,: I ., loolchig the Bayfield rivei,' built tons of material, including 20 tons . .� p.m., D.S. 11me. men, Art Hoegart, Geo. Dollmor; the glaciers.', several times score reading 6-4 in favor of the 11 of steel. Three hundred andthirty- way, as an. example of community I :'! over 90 years ago, Is one of the where are the glaciers?" on the way to first, but Wanted to homesters, Si tried hard in �. I . four ,cubic yards of gravel were re- spirit,which she said had to begin 0— married women, Mrs. Wes. Hog- "But . ., I . - pioneer residences in the area and quired, as well as 2,500 . ith the individual. I . gart, Mrs. M. Cook; married men, asked a curious old lady. turi. around and go in the oppos- the ninthi and -tallied three runs, :� 11 was erected by the Van Egmond . bags or w - three "They've gone back, Madam, to ite 'direction. al- but they just' didn't have the final . � I family who Played such a major cement. Mr. Logle had coi to the dis- Well -Known McKillop Jack Donald, Bill Dolmage; - t more rocks," said the guide. . Bottom half of the second outburst. R H U . . I I . Part in the settlement of whai was The bridge Is the first to be built trict, his -bride and be riding on . . , Resident Passes legged race, Ferne Dexter, Mrs. ge - Sylvan ..... . I I I . . - I then ihe Huron tract. In the'township since .1-939, accord the same horse, on their honey- Alex Riley; kick the slipper, Mar- ing to Mr. Manley. moon. Their 17 children -had all garet Kerr; men's wheelbarrow MARRIED AT WALTON CHURCH Dablin ..... 011 301 06x-12 18 4 1 .. " : . . . made outstanding contributions to Word has been received here Of race, George Dollmor . and Jack SYLVAN --J. McLeod, c.; Me- .; 1, .. . I 0— --- the- community. A card was read the death on August . 23 at Sask' Donald; bean bag race, Betty Ad- I Kay, 2b.; G. Johnson, Lt.; Vernon, ':., .1 I ".�..".�::,:t.",,.,:".,:,.;', i 1. . `11� ,., .,.,�.". "' 11.0 p.- . '14 '.. - ­11111� -.-.'�-.'4,'�.,�;z-�,'.�,�.�.*,��,�,':i�.,'-�� - , :` :!,�;,:,,'�;­..::,, .:. �.M,. �,:i, .: ­:i�:..! �,�.. G. Johnson, 3b.; R. Johnson, I . . from a son, George, now in toon of Herbert Knox. Mr. Knox &son, Wes, Hoggart; paper race, , . � � _�� "",.:�'!���.,.��,,,���,,�:i�,r. �� .", ., - , c.f.; ;.� - . v��:g,� �,��,�: " ,�: '.�',:-��.:�0-.�",:r�%;".,.��� I 401 ,I . , �'., . , - " .. ..: I. � � McKillop Residents . Cromarty Church � Phoenix, Axizona. was a former Auburnite, leaving Ferne Dexter, Geo. Hoggart. A '.z'. �*:�:� �'� ...... �.._ - , .'' ., Nk P.; Sailler, r.f.; N. McLeod, s.s.; . : ­�.1111-.­ ;��;�;i.� 1. _�� , ,,-, I catoon, where ::��,,'� .. .11, ­ ,,� . 11 li. McLeod, 1b. � -rips candy scramble took place which I `11", .' " On Western I CS # , Miss Murray was presented with heie In 1911 for Sask "I ,,,..�.i,:;,�N��i.,,]., , I 11 .... I . i: . 16r " .� �._.:� : I -ViThetham, c.; Wilson, � ,r�.... E, :::� ,,,��i , - - 1, . . � "j�., - ,e He had, Sur- the children enjoyed immensely. IN , ��A�ii�i:1�.i ,'�;�i, :... . DUBLIN - ... I ,:.,. , ,,g . c.f.; Costello, &b.; � . WhItniore, cbalrmi�n MI "I '��"L�' I Pic'm ., me -not design he has since resid, d. -..�. a brooch of forget . �,�;gr., . fered poor health for a number Of The oldest person present was 10 , .::,:. 1� '� , McKillop — Samuel H. MI 2b.; Doyle, ,� 1� � 11 30�g.�:'i:�" L I I I 1. ,� ,4 , . �,.�"" Township, left on Monday by bus No. I Area School Board, *36 years. There were no chtldren. Robert Rogerson, while the young- O'Connor, Lf.; McGrath, r.f.; Ran- � , Cromarty -Presbyterian Sunday Of . �� ME ,V,r&�',',-­'g;�.:,_;. ." 11.�. , I , '' .�'�"`,�';� '��"�/� : Morris, s.s.; Holland, 1b.; ,�, I . Q, i,,X" non, p. . , daug -in- - d ,boy -S who spoke;'Xn- Mrs. M. Holtzhauer, Blyth, is a est child wa's Sharon Riley. X '.r�;�.:i:�..,'Ii,�', 'X:�-.::'1,:i_,.;-;_. .. to visit his son and liter " tions chairmam Of I ,::.,.. 7 " .g� a . ,..,.. School held a picnic at the- I $j�:j: ..%.� 1_:-A- .11 , h, with about t Pot-- eluded Wiffiam ' McLaren, G6de- ,sister. The funeral was held on .. �,�i*"�,P�g, .,I!"�� Sadiler, Ili. ."'4'," law In Alberta. He will also vWt Park, Seafort . —0 � . � .. . .. Umpires-,13oussey and MacLean, . ;',,� his sisters in id Wash- 0); EIROW.-TAIrburn, prlliclpal.'�jf .Saiturday with burial In Saskatche- '� �R? �il�,�g, I -t was - Mi - M"."1".::.�.;.:. ��ii� I . oris attending. I - under *4i I 1, .N I .. :� - :1 �:,rllffi�� ", I .1 ; Seafor-th. �.,�T , 11 " , I lnge-ton, whom he hasn't seen f*r *9 -10, , ­, -,- . ; . ��:�;,*,��!X,�.,,'.�',�:� ,.:� R f ir. . rection of the teachers f1iazel Tillsonburg city. .11 , - ,,, , , ,e, jij�f�aijn, proilnelal e6n7 , Reopening services 11 " .�]jl - , � I ;, -_ � were con, Staffa Child injured . " _­,;��;�,. _� . 31) years. . Hamilton had charge 4f th� $POfts; Charles W ,% I � .. 11,� , Somer- I stable of F4rel;t.' : 'dUcted In Knox United Church, * ,,,, .. .W. �- .1. 4 MT. and Mrs.. Willtsm Under Trailer- Wheel �?�gf�,&. .1� ' ville, McKillop, left Thursdak by which resulted as foll,ows: ji�Mar_ Miss Mattie Ellis, a teacher'in which was closed for redecoration, M most ended in a Tiot when, It WAS 1.t ' 'Races, g1TIs five and unde i . t--- ... 'i�� IM_.�... , .1."g:',;,, " �, 1, motor for Watrous, Sask., and later tions. by the pastor, Rev. A. G. Hewitt, .. f 4"1;:,N f6und out that Dr, MeMaster and . ��," y Scott; 1902 and 1902, gave r . "'; ,1� ,poita .�,: ., .. . .: . "T" , 11 � . garet,Ann Wallace, Doroth I g , , " I an will go west,to the coast, where boys, five and under, Larry Gard-' William Hyde, Hensall, and Chas B.A., assisted, by a former, pastor, Larry Elliott, 15-19-onths-old son , ,�M I ,,� Tom Sills, a new ba ' ttery, were �, �� . wander, Kippen, played old , pitch I , they will spend the winter. Mr. Alt �Ilne Rev. W. R, Alps, B.A., now of of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, was . . Ing and catching againattheir . '41 I -an; seven and : z ­N 4T . - , Somerville farmed for a number of Iner Donald, Colem numbers, n- Perth. Special music included, an- injured Saturday evening when he I - , ­.­$":�::', 1. � -own team. After the mix-up was I I.. ttnd�r girls, Alice ,So;sdahl,, Mar. on the violin, -while Len PHN"N.M. o'.!.i��i�!,:-1 ., years in the *ratroua district, re- gal -et .Ann Wallace; boys,'Wilfred ard Clark step-dancedL Mrs. Spen- thquis, a duet by Glenn and Don- fell off a trailer, on which he was .:. 1, 1, I ­.,.,., " �.:�.. cleared, the side was retired in. ,�i� ,�,'., M 11 . :�� I turning to Huron thirty years ago. Elliott, er Jeffery, bride of a former aid Yungblut; solos, Mrs, Emmbr- riding with his brothers, and was . e:;.�:,.:,::�,'�,:�Xj!, "., �� 1'� 1. I!.: . k�;, order. ". Larry Gardiner; nine and c ;�. , I.. .. :_ ! 1; j. �::�: .. W 1. �. - ,� . . . . ' Bob McMillan, playing short for . son Redger and Elliott Lapp. ViO- 'paktally run over by one of the . ... �. ,�.. ;111�, I- 11,� , � � "" " - teaeller, gave a piano solo. Ivy �V �: . , , , ,", I., ON - 'ffi !.f . � 1 , *1 .; ;1­1`1� R ��,,�;', , ?!..�, ,. Mar . . -�. ,�:: un'der, girls., Alice Sorsdabl, 111- I ��: �P. � � �: i � . I . garet Coleman; boys, Laurie Mc- Henderson, Eginondville, sang dta- lin accompaniment was provided ,'�;�,� the North, made an outkafiding X - . ­ p- " I ,,, 6 ., :k:��..P�.��ffl ,_, . I wheels. One arm and his side :]�. M �;...: ...�., , - ,x!�,,� -i::�i. _ .:... . --.g ��', .,* ,� .. 4 . .,� , : ; .11'.. Kellar, Frank Elliott; liBet songs. at the morning service by Harvey were injured. He was taken to a -7 IXXI 1, ,��.... ., :. - M. I.%, , :.,k, .� ?�,, . catch as Bill Rogerson hit a neat . " t� , . , , � 12 and, un- ­­:. .." ... - .� _ I , " . I g�,�,gO4 ; � �.,'.�� " .4 ., 'Organist Named doctor's office in Seaforth for treat- i�, ,,, flylball to -him. Jack Baldwin, on -! square ' dancers who Verformed McDowell, Arnold. Cook and Garth : ...b.; .. � � �,�, , . , , ,, , ,�,",I,-,� Ir �,'- 0: , , , ��`. : i '�-g%,, ,-- � g � 1, ".. 1. S, Shirley Wallace, ..-­....-�g . .... 111-l'. , 1 . � , jjk§ I.. � I ,. � - . 1. r girl Anita � : �.�:*�.:�Iil , � �R I :�:j��� 11 , .��". ', ,., ,",:: ?.,%.�., i�`KMMI� q - . '�" . , third., had a busy. time of It as he . .: -, ". 1. . � . 17, lit � 6olofful period costumes Were McClinchey. Mrs. R. D. Munro ment and later brought home for '. k 801,'.�..: �;::,�.!,;!., .��. � � . I '. At � I Laverne W - 11.1.:V - * �,.: . 1 . 4�`.'� I ; boys, I I I I �::�: , "" -`F. �.. w&S up and down most 'of the First C . 0&09�': — - I! ; � I . � " ... . I Mr. and Mrs. George. Wallter, Mrs. 'pres!dp4. at the organ and Miss observation. I., ­- 1�1�. �.� -,%;�,', ;:;:: .... . . I 'A llt� .. I , Wom ' no; I .1. ­�. ` , 1 11 v :%­:. I I �,�� �; �,, ': , .:. , ne Oc'ptt; marrie(I .e , Jackson at the piano. .1 .,,,;:;:­.-,.-.;,.. . � , . . I I ''. � - dtaniek Mitchell, Margaret . � .P IN; time at third The Northerners then 11'11'111',�.'111'11! - OL : .::: qu I . . , I" I . . � . - nt **of I, �, B.' L i., . uwal --id, , I � F�qid . I . Aippo4ntme at . 11 I Id � lace, niarried rs, ey-b. Xeriolr Redecoration was done by Fred, !, 1. . ,;:::,�, . . 4`��!i�12M� ilame to bat and Tom, Sills come "IN �� An , 6f, Lou 1, � . ,�11.1�12 &�� , girls, ­__&5'�_ ... -,711Z . �1�1f. ' . .1 as organist and choli "Ibidet " or ... : 'ru 116tt; � ' arp'.t . . 411 , � I er� Dilling. Cecil Prest, Londesboro. - ;�'��11 4S�, .. . , ­ : thr, ugh With aliothef run for I i " I 1�11 Firiist PresbyteAfin ehiii�lr *hs an" race, Alic6 Sorgdahl and Marg 1�1 . fl r ftailager, callett; . . Jersey 101bb To Show' � ..... .. :i them. Dr. McMaster and his don. � �,q ­ 116OMed'this week� Mid attccd#ds� Coleman; boys' ihree-lek#44 taoej � 11, -4 o'. I L i L Bob M' 3. lack" aber was pianist, ahO, . ; key really Went for a ride as they I ��:, '�',,til I X 9. 118chtei. Laverne Wallace andi olkel. William Hyde, 85; played' the vlo- four ponies, and after thEi evening At Fall Fair Here ili,V$ ... fin,kily wound up, in 006P Centre , �P , M­s�tdan- �fijf­ : g �:� ,mi. samlegon who too a 0 find the Shoe, Wilma Jean I ager at beit 13611 thdil6tries James; stepping the pl.M, - , fin. I . field. . ft Aul x4i., outdoor program, a dance was -held .$ - � , . . LAnilted, hag a wiae ,experience as TemplemAn, Mrs. Y. Laing; water , Pictures of former teabhiria W In the 'school. Several families Plans for the Perth -Huron Jer- i; :� � Iti the top -of thia fourth VgMe "i", - 11 . d 'the walls,'�: And. ,the Were represented by three genera- sey Cattle Mow on September 23 ! :�,� 11 the South Was retired onL-two- ..,lil, -:i I , a musaclan" having bbi5n organist ,race, Helen LO.Woxidli's team-, P988, Pupils "he I 0 S86d at's, meeting of the �,,� three, and then the Northerners ,�;,?� ' , , . and muisiftl &wfo�r iv, the TiOttin' the th4 tibothplck, MW*arot - W414 'names of all the, tedcherA :dt the tiOns, but John Mitchell was ac- were d. a . u I I put the pressure on and pughed, � ;Iel 11;11, I . , I to ares,16r iii iiUmber' -ytara. He ker's teati, I . !, old and new Seilool"'';li.4Ct�rb6-�li�,L-Ojt,Panted by his dafighter, 'Mrs. 41rectors of the..Perih Jersey Club . �, 11"? I of ". I rout blijk#&td, MQV.I,n Traquair, his grandson, held In Stratkor& Weazesday. The 1111":� carried and dragged across . two � cominendog'his datles - on Sunday. � I I .1 PAnted on the f .,. � ,­., r'or. E. A: I '.. I I ... .i. ''L, more runs, to end' the uProafldUa � 11 11 � I '. M I , iii A Mrs * Margaret Tra,qubd 'hAstle, Muflray Tra,quair, and ,his great- show will be li6ld, In conjunttion - ._...___1_-_--__.. .11,111,111, . . . . . . . . . ... 11 1i D61111t6d. 0 bk'"ter, . : . ,� 0 . � 1� . #oui Am, CatgafY, Alta., wits awat6d. a prize grandson, JiMmy, Traquair, two, a with Seaforth, Vall Fair. game, with the ,gortherneft W.111� � ''I . pf fylag,. eqpiphi6ht, !'Wits, � .1 I � " "' lnstallod�jj'tbe ebui-61i'durifig'flib Army Show Director: 011ave you for coming ,the longest diot'sude;' "futare JAIPIL" Harold Butolitkv, of Toronto, See. Mr. and Mrs. F-dward A. McCreath are shown following their ning 4-1.' . � I., �. ,, I 1, . � . ' . Con;;veners, were: Pr6graW, Mr . retarV, of the Ontario Jersey Cat- All In all it wais, a lot of fui k6r . 1'Li pagi wseik� The sy§Wta pr6V1d& over, had any ah6w elgerfenoe?" I MrA. James MoAllister :for tdfth,� : -a recent marriage in Duff's United Church, Walton. Mrs. McCreath� 1 I ;, I for bf6id'644ting hit . We fib t] sdidlb�: ,,well, I "Vag in -the I Ing., the lotgo-at term (s6vdA yd-4tg Glenti Bell; luncheon, Mrs. StAn- tie Club, atia, agricultural repres. the former Mary Doreelh Coutts, is a daughter of Me'. lind MM both Wung and old, And 'A SUC- . 111. � ' . � chur6h, -toi�ier '�jnd, c4fi. 8106 be I IN I AA. Ofte out. with tit the 20's), 1 �.. LOU entAtIve IV! 11, White, are selecting Andrew coutts, Walton, whilo her .husband Is a son of Mr. and CA-saftl event tbr� ,the � s6afbxth I I ': �1'1, I I .. ,� 11 ", �,Txilge 61h6w t 01 � � .; ,, ley, Mitchell, and, invitation, - ' .�, st.o � otSr. . , � ' . edi .4a it Oblie, ad&66'i ay��t'41 1AY leg' th*.k`0A , - I, Children vreve. gkod, i1cus, on' Clift$ Sr. . cattle for �'i,ilg -ghow. Mrs. John MCCreath, RiP*- Agricultural 9001 . L I . I �' i;l - . I!,. I I . ,L . . I � I . 1. I , , , . � I , . ,�i I - . ", 11 ,,�, ,e "'; � ,, � "i,"', �,, ., �,",- �'­ - " ­ . - ,,,, , , - . , . I 11 ­ 11 . .1 I �; I, I . � .1 . _ I., .. .. i"eN. � . I . I � � i ,� , . ­.j­,�4,_,�, r4'. ­''V4_ .1 '' . I 4 ; � .� , I .L';, _­,; k, t'.., 1,�., "I.i'. 1­1­11� �"... . . . . � . 1. I . � ;, I t_�, ­ . . I I � � , , , 1. �­, i `�., '��,;�, . . . � , . I . ­ . . . � I I � I 1� I � L L� 111� . �!._­ �'­ :.�,;, A�41,,1Ap� I I .1 , � % . � I .1 I ­ , - �Xk , I �?; � �, 11 .1", -4 , � I . ! I ".. . . I ,L �. '":.r :.'. I ��.- ��t,AN`i�,,Tv,,�K.,, .,"�,I,,,." 4; -j� k I I I I 11, � -i . � , , � '�� , , -I.. ;, , I - '4, ,1; "? I . . I . I �,�,: � I . I . . " _. : L I . ", I � i"�e, - , . I `,1`,';0 , . ,�,ii'lt�,,�,vk,�,,�,�.,,,"",�,,� � , ` I I . I , I I I I I � � � � ,,. '' -�7.- . - .. 11 : I I ,4 ­ " , - .- 4�0"t �. � I'. - I I �, � . I I I ! - , 1 1, , I ''.11 I . I I I . . . . 1". I - I � 1 � , ��, , , '? ", , i.R7 R." I ","I't, �,A, �!�, �V'1, � I , , � I I I I 1� . I ., ' , ' . . 1, ��­', � � r , . i �. I .. I � . I " L I I 1. � ,.: , �., r I I I I r I � � . I L I I ., . . . � , i: I ­ I I , " I ­ I , , :, , I , �', I � I'll - I k. , jie1N11tN, . li'y , , �";�.�'4'j�r.�k " L� . I I I . r I I - I . � � I, I . I I ''. I .. ' "I LL . , I , I '. ,: , ;: , , � , ��. I ..",��:��.�,�.;O-.",-"L".':i"��.��- _!� A � ��I_,,�,,�,i­��'.." 1 ,� '', 1 I . 1. . I � I . , I � I � , . : , 11 I-. � I—' ­ ,�,�,�'�f'� I .1 -i:. ,. ,��,;,�, ,%c� ,, i i i, � , -, . I , ­ , . . I r. ­ ;�. 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