The Huron Expositor, 1949-08-26, Page 4;19 lis ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: Feu SAME. WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. --Ser word: Eat week 1 Cent 2nd week ¥ Cent 3rd week l¢ Cent mailman charge, firi3t insertion, , 25 Cents Each figare, inetiall and abbreviation counts as one word. (lard oa eal$O, In Memoriam Notices, 4?oming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 49 can.% Per week. EMT:irks, may be directed to a Box No,. e/o The Huron Erpcoitor, for 10 cents extra, Ten;. rffikta eald;trawl will ho elluMr6ed if ads 'in above elms are sat paid within 10 days Of date of final insertion: Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free at charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events ( Automotive Supplies WIIITE SCHOOL REUNION IN STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOW-ItOOM— Tucker:mith will be held on Wednes- is how your oar will look if you give day, August 81st, at the School. An in- it a dry-clean with "TARNOFF." Simple, teresting' program will commence 'at 2 easy, to use. 16 -oz. tin. 60c; 86 -os.. tin. pan. All former students are welcome. $1.00. R. MARKS. Garage, Walton. 4262x1. yOU WILL FIND THE CRYSTAL Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, a wonder- ful pude to dance every Friday night, with Don Robertson and Iris Ranch Boys - 4262x1 Help Wanted GIRL, OR WOMAN WANTED—BY THE day, or to live in, to keep house- in Seaforth for two adults. All mod.ern`con- veniencee. Apply in writing only, stating salary required, to Box 717, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4261x2 WANTED — GIRL FOR GENERAL house work, to go. to St Catharines; will pay travelling expenses. Two chil- dren. For further particulars write to ROBERT J, HAYMAN, 189 Ontario St, St. Catharines. 4261-2 Young Man To Learn PRINTING BUSINESS Applicants who are interested in learn- ing all aspects of a trade are asked to apply in writing to The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH, ONT. 4256-2 Notices NOTICE—WE DO CUSTOM BEAN pulling. NELSON RILEY, R.R. 2, Kippen. 4262x2 WILL PERSON WHO BORROWED Binoculars from Crick's Store, please return the same. Thanks. J. C. CRUSH. 4262-1 MOWER KNIVES WELDED A N D sharpened, Lawn mowers also sharp- ened. JOHN MacLEAN, Esmondville Garage. 4255-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 x- 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staffa. 4256-tf THE DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT, 1938 Electoral District of HURON -PERTH SUMMARY OF RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES !THERE IS BELOW BEI OUT, AS RE- quired by Section`63 (6) of the Domin- ion Elections Act, 1988, a summary, sign- ed by the otlidral agent of the return of election expenses made to me by hint, on behalf of Andrew Y. McLean, one of the candidates of the recent election aF a member to serve in the House of Com- mons of Canada, held in the above men- tioned electoral district DATED at Exeter this 24th day of August, 1949. J. MELVIN SOUTH.COTT, Returning Officer. Receipts 4 916.43 Payments— Hire of prem1aes , .3 100.00 Services 20.08 Goods supplied..,311.50 Advertising 484.98 4 - 916.43 Candidate's personal expenses 4 26640 IVAN KALBFI EISCH, Official Agent Notice To Cred'1•tors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN INGLIS DOW. late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS -F- against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the acme with the undersigned Solicitor for The said Estate, on or before the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parities entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 2nd day of August, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., o.• Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 4260-3 NOTICE,to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER RUTHER- FORD LOWERY, late of the Town of Beaforth, in the County of Huron, Printer, .who died on or about the eighteenth day of June, A.D. 1949. TAKE NOTICE THS AT ALL PARTIE having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail 1particnlars and proof of Same to the un- dersigned administratrix or her solicitors on or before the twenty-seventh day of August. A.D. 1940, upon which' -date the said administratrix will proceed to dis- tribute the aasekv with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 8th dap of August, AD. 1949. SUSAN LOWERY. Seaforth, Ontario, Adminiatratr3x By her Solicitors, CRAWFORD & HErHeatINGTON, Brussels, Ontario. 4260-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS Irr the Estate of ISABELLE AGNES BALLA TYNE 'a' PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Isabelle Agnes Ballantyne, late of the Town•'of. Seaforth, Spinster, deceased; who died on or about the 25th day of July, 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the '26th day o4 August, 1949, fuIO iraxttenlars of their claims. Immedfatel'y 'after+ the said Bast men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate .vitt lie distributed trmdngst the valetas entitled thereto•, having regard only to claims oR *mai fibs tindeMikned shall then Have notice, to 4ite.0 tI1iutiof of all others, end the tt'ndesti kfed ..valltudti be liable to CRY peintilt o *that deli* the Itnderaigsi- ed tibial not tee lithe wake fee the mete 4!`d' disttihaited on .Ally lief tlierealt: iA A.t; $crib, {hie r tfd::a*'of Alli ust. IOW- • • ALVIrryWtiY.,..��yfyyr,r.tis!. 14r1a•N,y • .• 4100* >ir IMfeY /11404e. ' '426O4 Wanted WANTED—MODEL 'A' FORD, IN ;good' condition- Apply Box 802, I HURON EXPOSITOR. 4262x1 WANTED TO BUY—A USED' ELEC- tric belt Write BOX 4, KIPPEN. 4262-1 URGENTLY NEEDED—A HOUSE OR apartment wanted to rent; two chil- dren. Apply 799 HURON EX - to Box O POSITOR. 4262x1 R C.A.F. OFFICER AND WIFE RE - quire modern unfurnished Grouse, duplex or apartment. No children- No pets. Rent no object. Apply Box 801, HURON FRPOSITOR- 4262x1 WANTED—APARTMENT TO RENT. No children. Apply Box 794, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4261x2 WANTED -10-50 ACRES WITH GOOD house and barn, in the vicinity of Seaforth. Apply Box 798, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4262x1 WANTED—PARTY TO HARVEST AND thresh 10 acres beans. The farm is situated on Lot 8, Con. 7, Stanley. Apply ROBERT FORREST, Varna. Phone 66-J, Hensall. 4262x1 For Sale FOR SALE—USED ELECTRIC REFR1G- erator, six cubic feet; factory war- ranted. Apply R. S. BOX, Seaforth. 4262-1 FOR SALE—HAY FOR SALE, SECOND cut alfalfa, baled or loose. Apply WM. MONTGOMERY. Phone 834 r 4, Seaforth. 4262x1 FOR SALE --SMALL BARN ON BROCK St, Hensall; suitable for henhouse; approximately 20 x 30. Phone FRED BEER, 92 r 13, Zurich. 4262-1 FOR SALE -200 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, starting to lay. Phone 91 r 13. Zurich. ELAM W. SHANTZ, Hen- sall. 4262x1 FOR SALE -2 GOOD HOUSES WITH 3 -piece bath and hot water. Reason- able for quick sale. Immediate posses - :ion. NORMAN SANDERSON. 4261x2 Th0R SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE—OLIVER 2 -FURROW NO. 102 tractor plow, adjustable; guaran- teed; 565. Wish to purchase Leicester or Suffolk ram and some more good ewes. KEN McPHERSON, Dublin, 17 r 24. 4261x2 FOR, SALE—TWO SOWS DUE SEPT. 1. Bred to thoroughbred hog. These are a choice pair of sows. Free of disease. Apply JAMES SLOAN. Phone 64 r 12, Dublin. 4262x1 FOR SALE—CHILD'S FULL SIZE crib. natural wood: spring -filled wa- terproof mattress, in excellent condition. MRS. STAN LIVINGSTON. Phone 386. 4262-1 FOR ,SALE—ELECTRIC 14. H.P. MO- ' tor oil bath pump jack (practically new) ; also purebred Shorthorn bull, 9 years old. Apply .7, L. RYAN. Phone 40 r 5, Dublin. 4262x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE. CHEVROLET COUPE, 1937; bust be sold this Month. Phone CLINTON, 9-W or 50. 4262-2 FOIL SALE -1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 675.00. Apply DUNLOP'S -B.A. SER- VICE STATION. 42662x1 FOR SALE — 1941 FORD SEDAN, Super De Luxe; radio, heater, new tires ; new motor, gone 4,000 miles. Ap- ply SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4262x1 FOR SALE—CHEVROLET COACH. OE Luxe, in excellent condition ; motor 'ike new, dompletely overhauled. Apply JAMES ELLIOTT, Dublin, after 5 p.m. 4262x.1 FOR SALE -1981 CHEV. SEDAN, • IN good condition; new paint job; 5200. Apply CHARLES CLARKE, Seaforth Motors. No phone calls. 4260x3 USED CAR BARGAINS 48 48 48 47 47 40 39 36 CB:EV. FLEETLINE COACH OHM. COACH; low mileage. FORD SEDAN OHEV, FLEETL4NE SEDAN (Many Extras. CHEV. COACH PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONTIAC COACH CHEV. COACH MANY OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards of Thanks HAUGH—MRS. C. H. HAUGH AND family, of Brucefield, wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relativep, friends and neigh- bors for their kind expressions of sym- pathy and floral tributes extended during theft- recent sad bereavement 4282x1 T WOULD LIKE TO Taxa THIS OP- liortunity to .thank ray many friends for their kindness shown to me while a patient le Victoria Maritai, London ; to sI! those who reit flovners, cards and many Other gifts, and estlssfsl1y for the thought - fid "Oft free) !The Rdbt. Sell Industries, 31155. ELMORE e''rEPIIENSON 42(12x1 7fCxn7NIO::Stl'a l' I S (WO B Goode} availed poetval nn, glair, sealed' e..e.ip with antee,liat. 6 samples 24 wawa -les 41.00. Nail -Order not. T-76 8,, 25QV4-41.11I13BR, CR,. Sex 9t, Harniltge,. SKINNY MM., WOMEN! GAIN b TO 16 Oa. New pop. toe. Try fades* Ostrex Tonic Tablets. for doable results: new healthy flesh; new visor. New "get' acquainted" size ONLY 609. 411 drug- gists. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF 011010E LOTS 1N the Village of Bayfield. Harold Jack- son has been instructed to sell by public auction at the premises. one block west of Hardware Store, on Saturday, August 27th, at 7:00 p.m., a number of choice building 'lots on Howard Street, in the Village of Bayfield, suitable .for cottages. The lots will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. ROBERT PENHALE. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4261-2 OLEARING AUCTION SALE OF MA- chinery and Household Effects, at Lot 9, Concession 9, Hullett Township, 114 miles north and 1 mile west of Kin - hunt, Wednesday, September 7th, at 1 p.m.: MACHINERY—McCormick binder; M, -H. avower; seed drill; land roller; har- row cart: farm wagon and hay rack; gravel box ; wagon box ; sling chain: fan- ning mill ; stock •rack ; 1,000 -lb. scales ; sling ropes ; pitch forks ; ladders; bar- rels ; 3 -section harrows ; ecul0er ; iron ket- tle; new doubletrees and whifetrees ; small blacksmith forge and anvil; quan- tity red dm planlc ; shrngles ; set of breeching harness ; single harness ; woven wire fence stretcher; set of taps and dies, IA •to % inch ; all kinds of tools ; 1 steel tired top buggy ; 1 wire wheel rub- ber tired buggy (like new) ; Portland cut- ter, logging chain ; 9 cords of hardwood. HOUSEHOLD . EFFECTS -4 davenport, settee and 2 chairs ; 5 rocking chairs; oc- casional chairs ; small tables ; pedestals ; 2 toilet sets; 2 bedroom suites complete; quantity of bed linens, quilts and blan- kets ; Wilton rug 9x12 ; all -enamel kitchen range; glass china cabinet; heating stove; extension table and dining chair; Ray- mond 'drophead sewing metalline; glass cupboard ; clocks ; chest of drawers; lin- oleum floor coverings ; couch; drop-leaf table; coal oil stove and oven ; lamps large quantity of dishes and china and glassware; kitchen utensils; curtains and drapes ; numerous other articles. Terms —Cash. ROBERT ROGERSON, Proprie- tor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4262-2 Deaths DOIG—In Scott Memorial on August 24, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Doig, Tuckersmith. Births DOIG—In Scott Memorial Hospital, en August 24. to Mr. and Mrs. James Doig„ Tuckersmith, a son. HOUGHTON—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on August 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haughton, Cromarty, a daughter. CROMARTY Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cten Christie last week were: Mr and Mrs. Lorne Webster of Seaforth; Mrs. Harry Baisery, of Danbury, Conn.; Mr. Garfield Webster and sons, Paul. Orland and David. of New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham and daughter, Isabel, and grandson, Manson, of Crumlin, London, and Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Wood- stock, called on friends in the vil- lage on Sunday. Miss Nettie Scott has returned to her home In Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Kellar. Miss Beverly Moore, of Streets- ville, and Ken Caldwell, of Bruce - field, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing. Miss Mary Stone and Dorothy ale iris, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris and family. The choir of Cromarty Church held a very enjoyable picnic at Turnbuil's Grove on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace have returned home after an extensive trip to Manitoulin Island and other points further north. Leonard Gordon Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghtou, of Wingham, is spending some holi- days with Mrs. Wm. Houghton. Mr, and Mrs. Harold McLeod al'd Elizabeth, London, and Rev. and Mrs. George Lamond and Elizabeth Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond and Isobel, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Miss Margaret Walker has re- turned Home after a vacation in London. Dianne Houghton, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. A Smile Or Two Off•cer (td man pacing sidewalk at 3 a.m.) : "What are you doing hate?" Gentleman: "I forgot my key; officer, and I'm waiting for my chl.dren to come home and let me in." • At the baseball game, the boss suddenly came in behind the office boy, and tapped him on the shoul- der. "So this is your uncle's funer- al?" he demanded of the startled youth. • "Looks like it," the quick-witted youngster replied. "He's the um- pire!" • A man was carrying a grand- father clock down a crowded street to a repair shop. As the clock limited his vision, he collided with a woman, knocking her down. Af- ter collecting her composure and packages, the woman struggled to her feet and asked sarcastically;W "Why don't you ,carry a writ watch like everybody else?" • "Now that you're tnrough high school," the relative said, "what are you going to do?" "I shall study medicine and be- come a great surgeon," replied the graduate. "The medical profession is very crowded already, isn't it?" the rel- ative suggested. "Cant help that," the youth' snapped. "Those who are aIready' in the profes9ion will dust have tea do the 'Best they can." goligllto,n, ie,''o, a tett,$ ltEr'a, vin• tine of polionw !iit$a.t..'. ^e was tali'r en to London. Wevtte0 ;'' for treat - meat. + EIPPEN Mr- Parte Siicoat. and Dr. Wm. Sproat, Ir., are sae diing a few days in. Windsor 4,14, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. JL; • Henderson are visiting relati $ .in Ann Ar- bor. 5 TuCN'FRSMITO Mrs. Anna MoConneil.and daugh- ter, Ada, of Detroit, celled on Mrs. L. J. Doig and Janet 'during the week. Mr. John C. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., was the week -end guest of his mother and •sister. Mrs. Robert Dayman was the week -end guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr." and Mrs. A. Johnston and family, and Miss Ida of, London. BRUCEFIELD Death of C. H, Haugh The many friends in Brucefield were shocked by the news of the tragic c accident which 'caused the death of Mr. Christian H. Haugh. on Monday afternoon, 'August 15. The' late Mr. Haugh was in his eighty-third year, being born in Hay Township on April 25, 1867. the son of the late John and Mary Haugh. He was the last surviving member of a family of twelve. As a young man he went to North Dakota where be farmed for 15 years. In 1998 he was united in marriage to Miss Jane Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Aslan, of Blake, Ont. Later they returied to Hay Township where they farmed for eight years. In 1915 they moved to Tuckersmith, where they lived until 1936, retir- ing then to the village of Bruce - field. He was a member of the United Church, having served for many years as an elder. He en- joyed many years as superintend- ent of the Sunday School, retiring. in 1938, but continuing as a mem- ber until his death. Last Decem- ber 28, Mr. and Mrs. Haugh cele- brated their golden wedding anni- versary, held at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Haugh. He will be greatly missed in the community. His many kind deeds and thoughtful acts will live on and this alone is one of the greatest heritages one can leave. He is survived by his widow, four chil- dren: Wallace, on the home farm: Mrs, John McIntosh (Anna), P1'• Carman, both of Toronto; Mrs, J. S. Ussher, Petawawa, , and ton grandchildren. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. A private service` was held at the home, led by a former -pastor, the Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, followed by a public service in the church, conducted by the Rev.• H. Wilson of Wesley -Willis, Clinton, M,•. Stanway being on holidaysi He was assisted by the Rev. G'.' P. N. At- kinson and the Rev. H. A. Keller- man, D.D., of Calvary Church, Kit- chener, a nephew of the deceased. Dr. Kellerman's message was tak- en from Psalm 90, verse 12, "So teach us to number our days that we may apply our. hearts unto wis- dom." During the service the quartette, including Mrs. J. Mur- doch, Miss Eva Stackhouse, Mr. E. Williams and Mr, .3. K. ,Cornish, ung gtie 1d kinla s ' Groas," neaps` s:. of thh ,late . Mr; ] "gb "tea'abl'pallbearere;:•M.eserin Day, id,, W illia?1 , • Art? Itr 'a#d •iM41tea' H u$ha.4Geor€e gess an 'Bob Jl• lan. The ftawer baare rgl : welts Messrs.', Ross 'Scott, Hugh Derry,' Basil OlIcul'ke, Joe McCully, Lind- say Eyre and Alton3;0'10t(lil, The "oral tributes were ,beautiflil .4114 showed the esteem iii which the deceased was held. Friends and relatives were present fawn Nair Grove, Michiga'1; Petawawa, Tor- onto, Dundas, Guelph, Kitchener, Stratford, Dashwood and surround- ing towns and the community. In- terment was in Baird's Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. T, Anderson and Ina, Mrs. J. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex Anderson, of Montreal, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Drew Boyce and daughter, of Moose Jaw, are visit- ing Mrs. Alice Ham and ' Miss Mayne Swan and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, bf Lis- towel, are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neil and chil- dren, of Glencoe, and Mr. and, Mrs. J. E, Stackhouse and family, of London.. have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Mrs. E. Haugh and children, of Toronto, are spending some time with Mrs. C. H. Haugh. Mrs. Alex Henry, of Pontiac, was a recent visitor with Mrs. W. Henry. Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. V. Petrie are holidaying in Goderich. Miss Ruth Scott is visiting with Miss Joyce Stevenson, Varna. HENSALL A second nomination meeting, held here Monday night to fill the council vacancy created by the death of Melvin Moir, resulted in tree nominations: Harry Hoy, Lorne Luker and Richard Shad - dick. Lorne Luker withdrew his name before the meeting closed, while Harry Hoy and Richard Shaddick allowed their names to stand. Harry Hoy was given the acclamation Tuesday night because Richard Shaddick failed to file qualification papers by the requir- ed time. The first nomination meeting held August 8, created little inter- est with only a dozen residents at- tending. There was one nomina- tion, George Hess, but he with- drew. Twenty -months old Patricia Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr, of Burlington,,who is i11 t,with polio, is showing some s•gns of improvement, according to her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Din - nen. Hensall. Patric}a has been in a Burlington hospital for the past two weeks. The child's mother is the former Laura Dinnin, of Hen- sall, Jeanne Horton, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Horton, of Detroit. vacationing at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe, one-half mile south of Hensall on Highway No. 4, while riding a horse slip- ped and fell, fracturing her elbow. Dr, A. W. Oakes, Clinton, attend- ed her, and the arm will be in a cast for three weeks. Wayne Couillard, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Couillard, who re- side east of Hensall, who has been in Clinton Hospital with undeterm- ined injuries in an accident, was able to return home Sunday, Dr. •AddiSanF Of Clinton, stated that Wee. rtu• aa• perih annus or coin ateations Set s •in the child would recover, r hut will have to, be confined• to big b$ . liar ,.home time: His mother saidthat the child could not walk Itet and was very badly bruised around the lower part of the body. The aeeldent happened when Bill .Clark, who had driven Mr. Couil- lard home, was backing his car away front the garage and Wayne was on the other side of the car and his mother told him to wait a minute, but he did not hear ber and ran behind the car, the rear wheel passing over his body. His mother picked 'him up' between both wheels. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurst and stns, Glen and Lloyd, of Atwood, and Mrs. R. Riddell and Miss Ent - 11)", Buttery, of Mon,kton, were Sun- day' guests with Mr. James Ben- gough and Miss Cassie Dougall. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irvin were the former's mother, Mrs. R. Irvin, his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. King and baby son, of Sineca,Falls, N.Y., also Mr: Irvip's brother, Dr. Irvin and Mrs.' Irvin 5tnd daugh- ters, of Port Dalhousie. Mr. Frank Mousseau, who re- sides two miles west of Hensall, Highway No. 83, and who has a market garden, was very surpris- ed Sunday evening upon returning home at about 7 p.m., to see a man helping himself to his vegetables. Mr. Mousseau, who has had con- siderable trouble before with thieves stealing from his garden, decided it was about time to take action. He called• Provincial Con- stable. Jack Ferguson and E. Zimmerman, who investigated. The man was a London resident and no charges have been laid as yet. Mr. Mousseau was accompanied by his son, Wilfred, and daughter, Margaret, and were returning from a car trip. Sharon Smillie, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie, Highway No. 4, a mile north of Hensall, who is ill with polio, is improving. Rev. William Weir, Mrs. Weir, Freddie and Joan, of Brampton, and Mrs. Weir, of Goderich, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson. Miss Greta Lammie and her sis- ter, Amy, visited with friends in Windsor last week andwhile there were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair. HORSES By Auction THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 1:30 p.m., sharp At Stock Yards Kitchener, Ont. 50 GOOD ONTARIO FARM HORSES Some Fine Matched Teams of Bush Horses, Ponies, Pleasure Horses ; We have room fpr a few more this week. You bring them—we sell them at Ontario's leading horse market in Kitchener. September is a good month to market heavy horses. Do it now! F. J. STEFFLER Manager 5 • Time passes quickly and before we fully realize it another year has gone by. This is particulariy true in regards to subscriptions. We think we paid that subscrip- tion just a few weeks ago, whereas actually it was many months ago. So just to make sure you are up to date, will you please check the date on the label on your copy of The Huron Expositor. If the date shown is earlier thali August 26, 1949 then you are in arrears. If this is the case, your remittance would be appreciated- Either drop into the Office or mail the amount to The ' Huron Expositor, Seaforth. Thanks a lot, Dies in Clinton Moeptta� . , Mr. I eter.'Mtlrray4 life-long'reef' dent of Hay T'owns'biP, and wi(ielbt` known citizen, passed away In Clinton Hospital MWiday, August 22, following a two months' illness, one month of which :he was a patient in Clinton Hospital, in Ms 83rd year. Born in Hay TownsbiP he is survived by four daughters: Mrs. Harold Hart, Calirniat Gladys, on the teaching staff & Humberstone; Hannah and Eliza- beth, Hensall, and two sons, Wil- liam, of Imperial, Sask., and John, of Detroit. Stephan - Westcott James Street United Church par- sonage, Exeter, Saturday, Aug. 20, at 2 p.m., was the setting for a charming wedding when Doris Marguerite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Westcott, Exeter, became the bride of Ronald C. Stephan, Air Mechanic, R.C.N,A.S., Dartsmouth, N:S., son of Mrs, Pearl Stephan and the late Otto Steph- an, tephan, of Hensall, in a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. .H. J. Snell. For her wedding the attrac- tive bride chose a floor -length gown of white nylon marquisette, styled with ruffled yoke and ruf- fled waistline tapering into a train. Her headdress of ostrich tips held her French. illusion veil, and her bridal bouquet was red roses. Miss Maxine Parsons, of London, her bridesmaid, was gowned in blue dotted Swiss with matching headdress, and she car- r'ied a bouquet of yellow reties. Mervyn Stephan, London, brother of the groom, was best man. Fol- lowing a reception 'held at the home of the bride's parents for thirty guests, Mr. and Mrs. Steph- an left for a 'honeymoon trip through Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in a green gabar- dine suit with accessories in gray. Funeral services were held at Listowel Monday for William L. �iitl�oat ten, of ten,. R;R. fit'"?stEllxa, tv;fix,#ln tioUio, He �dr11^Q4. y9♦'uAt�{ "' );R :4001:4tpi4ani..;a:Aoopttat. or.o f O A3 em .o rpM ih!m7,, aA1 Peter - the youth. 'as,' t�rlcife ,.MeAne ftay� and W40-'410040.• to''iioaliitai the fol. lorvtn atexnobn prom,• at Hensall Ila went w.itb ihieTarelata 'to Wal- lace rrawz1S:ixtp •at thee age of, five, and atteilled U.S.$ bib, .1, Elora and Wallace,. and:: le ek„ I.isttowel High Sehogt. He was k allen'rber of Listowet United .Church, Besides 444'par0t,4 ,14e 'survived by two sisters, Margaret and ,lean, •bath at home. Rev, 4, P.' Mastic conduct ed the funeral aerylce, •and inter- ment was inFairview•• cemetery. Five uncles, Wlillaata.gerton, )3e- treit,Cal•4and+".Gert,'• Hensall: Glaytont, S'.eaforth Dldow•: Hensall, and a clusijla, Donald Me Karg, `Hensall, were pallbearers. 1.4T o •'1VE t FINE Early and Late PE4RS and Late PPS LE .. ! .r R .,e e vt.ir Come to our farm and save money on out- standing Pears and Spy 'Apples. C. HOARE Clinton Ont. 7or. eietyo (Sake - WATCH YOUR STEP: 11 A PLEA 'CO MOTORISTS .. DRIVE CareIlly • School opening means more children travelling to and fro, crossing streets, and playing near streets. Help protect them by observing ALL Traffic regulations. Be especially care- ful when driving near schools, playgrounds, parks and other childrens' gathering places. • REMEMBER, THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR CHILD'S • Space contributed in the service "of this Community, by John Labatt Limited BREWERS 91/405 1832 • • c a e e 0:fr .f w� 1.