HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-07-08, Page 6HIGHEST CASH PRICES for • 1 DEAD STOCK' HORSES, $2.50 -each CATTLE, $2.50 each HOGS, .50 per Cwt. According to Size and Condition Collcall ect SEAFORTH 15 o rro • Doing Soraethag .thou, the Weather Far out in the stormy' North Atlantic Ocean sea- men (1) aboard the Canadian weather ship H.DT:C,S. St. Stephen, prepare to release a radio - equipped balloon which will radio back reports on weather conditions in the upper atmosphere. The St. Stephen (2) is one of 13 weather ships, supplied by eight countries and financed by 10, which make up a network arranged by the Inter - national Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. The ICAO weather ships are on constant duty, ready to radio passing aircraft late weather informa- tion. and to participate in search and rescue operations. A specialist (3) maps weather data coming from a weather balloon and prepares it - for broadcast to passing planes and shore--statioms. Sound waves have been perceiv- ed erceiveed ata distance of 3,000 miles. • A sound -proof camera cover in Hollywood is called a "Blimp." Modern sealing wax contains no 'WHIG • Two girls went for a tramp in the woods—but 'be got away. 1 For ONE WEEK Sat. July 9t6 until Sat. July 16th I Coal and Wood TOVE 15% off ALSO... Picnic Jugs ( Thermos) 15% off for same week BALDWIN Hardware "The Store That Carries the Stock" PHONE 61 SEAFORTH NewFarm Machinery 10 and 16 cubic foot Home Freezers No. 30 Tractor, Standard Model 44 Tractor, Standard Model M. -H. Washing Machine, medium size (Special Price) Pony Tractors and Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders (Special Price) Power Mower 8' Tandem Disc Harrow 2 -Furrow Tractor Plow 8', 7' and 6' Binders 41/2 and 6' One -Way Discs 7', 10' and 12' Self -Propelled Combines Gas Engine 101/2' Grain Grinder Water Pressure Outfit Hay Cars Track Hay Fork Rope Thor Washers and Ironers 8Y2' and 10' Spring Tooth Cultivators, tractor hitch and power lift 2 -Horse Spreaders 13 -run' Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch 15 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch — USED FARM MACHINES — V.A1.C. Case with Hydraulic Lift and Cultivator 102 Sr. M. -H. Tractor 3 -furrow Tractor Plow 3 -foot Disc Plow 6 -foot Clipper Combine with Motor 6' Clipper with P.T.O., used two seasons 6' Massey M(wer, used two seasons forth Motors ehevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey'-1tairris Sales and Service (toed Tear des 0 141 SEAFORTH In. the Garden Best Bloom With most flowers the oftener picked the better the bloom. This rule certainly applies to those planted especially for cutting, like sweet peas, cosmos, zinnias, mari- golds and similar long-stemmed, blooming varieties. The surest way to stop these from blooming freely is to stop cutting and let the blooms mature and go to seed. Even if •one cannot use all the blooms, with such thongs as sweet peas, all flowers should be trim- med off every day or so, and if by chance one or two are over- looked and starting going to seed, remove the pods quickly. Now this is not propaganda for the flower seed trade but is sound garden practice as anyone with ex- perience will confirm. As a mat- ter atter of fact this saving of flower and vegetable seeds from one's garden is .not recommended. Pro- duction of seed is a specialized business for experts, with all types, varieties and even sub -var- ieties rigidly separated and grown usually in straight rows. If not kept well apart, the different kinds and colors are certain to get all nixed up and the result- ing seed will be worthless. Green Manure As soon as one part of the vege- table patch is used up (peas, spin- ach. radish, etc., will soon be out of the way and the ground clear), experienced• gardeners make a practice of .sowing some green crop like rye, oats, buckwheat, etc. This covers the ground, checks weedy growth and when dog or plowed in late in the Fall makes an excellent fertilizer. In addi- tion to enriching the soil, such growth also adds essential humus. EGG QUALITY The maintenance of •high egg quality is a problem which, every year at this time, is forced on the attention of producers, distribu- tors, research workers and every- one concerned with the poultry in- dustry, ,Methods of retaining qual- ity are continuously emphasized and yet eggs of inferior quality are sold in great numbers on the summer markets. The high pro- portion cf quality eggs which are shipped by the more efficient pro- ducers is ample evidence that the difficulty can be solved by effici- ent management, says A. S. John- son, Poultry Division, Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa. The problem of retaining the original quality in eggs rests main- ly with the primary producer. E;bs should be gathered frequently, pre- ferably three or four times a day, and should be cooled immediately in an egg room, cellar or ice well, to a temperature as much below Gil degrees as possible. An egg cabinet with a burlap curtain soak - e'1 in cold water will help to low- ed the temperature. A plan of such a cabinet is available from the Information Service, Depart - :n ,nt of Agriculture, Ottawa, on request. Ask for Agricultural En- gineering Circular No. 17. Eggs kept under these conditions should he marketed preferably twice a week. A great deal of labor may be avoided by producing clean eggs. Frequent changing of the •litter in nests and its plentiful use is the beat answer to such a problem. Washed eggs are considered to be ut�sa`'sfactory for storage purpos- esd' On the other hand, eggs hav- ing any dirt or stains are lowered in grade resulting in smaller re- turns. Blood spots in eggs are another factor which causes reduction of profits. Information now available inti cites that the tendency to pro- duce .blood spots is inherited to a cetlain degree and that strains can be developed which are relatively free from this character. This is a job for the experienced breeder or research worker. • Of similar Importance are egg shell quality and interior albumen' quality, beth of which can be influenced by se- lection. Consumption of green feed tin quantity by birds results in darker colored yolks. Unless extreme, this does not directly affect gnat- Sty, uatSty, but it does cause a. lowering of grade due to a more prominent yolk shadow in candling. There- fore, it is advisable to restrict pas- turing of birds to the afternoon. The efficient producer is the one who has these different Mali2tge- tnent problems in hared• and knotirs that he le getting t1i 'Meet rtiut of his flock: )-'Lis anargi , OL' .Pip *HI bo indfelatire of 'sut;ceirtt. I I' .N .' BOWL: By ANNE ALLAN Hydro Home Economist Hello Homemakers! There ought to be a song about "Make it in, the morning, serve' it in the evening," so we could enjoy the u ner af- ternoons. Instead, many of us dread cooking an evening meal or worry about "the dinner" 'when we are away for the day- What we need to do most is plan ahead and shop in advance as much as possible. If there are guests for dinner, plan a menu which will leave you free to enjoy their com- pany, one which can be served simply. For instance, if you are elected to meet the bus and chauffeur the Institute speaker to the meeting, then bring her home for dinner, leave everything ready: Chilled• fruit juice with tiny cheesee..bis- cuits, a casserole of chicken (pas- try top) that reheats in 20 min- utes, small peeled tomatoes rolled in minced parsley and nuts, she11- ed• peas you can cook in 12 min- utes, fresh chilled berries and cream with sugar cdbkiee for des - Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a th[inl Bony limbs ally U$ �IIahh hsC- 0n up; neck no longer ecrawn h�t- starved, eickly "bean -pole" look. ThoUsands of girls. women. men, uwpho never could Qgamlaa baler's. es They thaw nk the apecIal avilggor-buildmg healthy-looking tonic. Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invigorators, iron, vitamin Bt. calcium, enrich blood. improve appetite and digestion so food glues yon more strength and nourishment: put flesh on baro bones. Don't fear getting foo tat. atop when you've gained the 5. 10, 15 or 20 Ibe. you need tor normal weighs costs little. New "get acquainted" dao only 000. Try famous Oetrex Tonic Tablets for ilea Ngor and added pounds, thio very day. At all druggist. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED• Also Auto Seats and Backs, Ver- andah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholsterin g Co., Stratford TELEPHONE 579 For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. Sleet sert. May be the whole family are going to the garden party where they will have afternoon tea! With this in mind, plan a light supper: Cream of potato -cheese soup, to- matoand cucumber sandwiches, cherry up -side -down cake and tea. There are occasions when you drive to a meeting twenty miles or so away and leave the _family to put the finishing ;touches to their own supper. For such meals, we suggest sliced cold meat, tomato jelly with lots of vegetables, mac- aroni salad with minced green onion, berry tarts and cold choco- late milk. You may be one of the many homemakers who spend a good deal of time outdoors helping with the harvest or picking berries. If unexpected -company arrives and you have precooked a shank for stew and there is not sufficient— add a can, of =oxtail soup • or make a few dumplings instead of pouring in extra water. For extra dessert, crumble graham crackers or 'rice krispies among fresh berries. you may have a tin of fruit loaf on the shelf which you can serve in thin buttered slices in :place of cake or cookies. For a hot summer afternoon, prepare a tart drink in the morn- ing by cooking rhubarb in Lots of water. Sweeten as it cooks. Drain and tint with red coloring. Chill ready to serve. Take a Tip Food preparation to be done in the mornings for evening meals: 1. Devil eggs. 2. Chill tin of salmon. 3. Combine meat loaf. 4, Scrub (never peel) vegetables —store without water in the re- frigerator. 5. Pick over fruit and spread ov- er platter to store in refriger- ator. 6. Make ice cream and turn con- trol in refrigerator to normal after it is frozen. 7. Prepare biscuits on baking sheet ready for oven, but keep cold until baked. Allow fifteen minutes to bake at 425 degrees. S. Make jelly mold of fruits. 9. Prepare soft custard for serv- ing on steamed cake. 10. Make tart shells ready to be filled with fresh jam. Casserole of Chicken and Mushrooms Simmer 21/2 to 3 pounds breast of chicken in 4 cups salted. water SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters 1 J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138' SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer NOTICE Take Notice that all persons who have attached mail boxes or other articles to telephone poles owned by McKillop Municipal Telephone System, are hereby requested to remove same without fur- ther notice, and not later than July 15, 1949. Persons failing to do so on or before such date will be prosecuted. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS Rubber Stamps and Stencils WARWICK'S "Stampmasterw`, MMAKES~THE -BEST IMPRESSION - MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • Rubber Stamps are essential to any well-run business! They save you time and money. Three, Day Service On ,Rosh Orders Stamp Pads, Daters & various supplies The Hurofl Expositor Telephone 41 :- Seaforth Sensible Sunbathing Every year about this time,thou- sands of Canadians are soaking ,up every available bit of sunshige iinl the hope of acquiring "a healthy coat of tan" a,,e soon as 1possible, But tanning, it it is to be ,lone safely., is a.• s1ov process. To avoid painful and dangerous sunburn, eX pose yourself for only a. .short time at first, gradually lengthening the periods as a tan is •acquired. Re- member, sunburn, can be danger ;• as well as painful. Do your sunbathing sensibly. Dangerous Recreation Now 'that holiday time is here, many people who spend most of the year behind a desk will be rlis'hing furiously about — hiking,. golfing, swimming — crowding a year's recreation into two weeks. Many of them will get back to the office .tired and worn and in need of a week's rest. Do your vacation- ing sensibly. Recreation, yes, but within the limits of your body's capacity. Every worker needs a complete +holidiay at least once a year. Don't fail to take time out for a good, vacation this summer. The Delinquency Problem Most children at one time or an - otter go through a period of cheat- ing, lying or stealing. But they throw it off soon like a mild case of the measles, With others the trouble seems to last and they be- come known as "delinquents." It is now believed that puni>j,iient alone will not cure deli»uency. Understanding, sympathy and a feeling of •being loved and needed are necessary to a child's develop- ment. Delinquency in Canada is a problem requiring .study and un- derstanding. A happy home life as often a safeguard against this trou- ble. Hot and Bothered When you feel all hot and both- ered .this summer why not try a dish of delicious, creamy ice cream to help you cool off. There's no- thing much more tempting on a hot day, and nutritionists tell us that this milk product is loaded with ingredients the body needs. And ice cream won't harm the teeth as will too mpch confection- ery or soft drinks. Our bodies need the right food supply winter and summer. Make sure your hot wea- ther diet is adequate and health- ful. • One Jump Ahead Dentists tell us that the best way to have healthy teeth is to stay one jump ahead of tooth decay at all times. The best way to do this is to visit the dentist regularly— twice a year is a good. interval. He can attend to cavities while they are still small and save you a lot of grief later on. Brushing the teeth is a good practice, but it alone won't prevent tooth decay.. Cool, Clear Water When the mercury climbs to the tap of the thermometer tube the body's intake of liquids mounts to keep pace with fluids lost through perspiration. Doctors agree that it's hard to improve on pure water as a cooling drink on hot days. Sweetened drinks, such- as pop, often tend to make us trotter and stickier without doing much to re- lieve our thirst. Make sure the water you drink is pure. Don't take Fhances with water from springs or brooks. Pt is probably contamin- ated. Swat That Fly Flies carry dangerous disease germs. Protect your food' anddish- es from flies by keeping all food containers covered. Use screens and nets to keep them out of the house. Dogs, cats and other domes- tic animals also carry dirt and dis- ease. Keep them away from your food supplies. The Recreation Habit Our pioneer ancestors spent with an. onion, a stalk of celery, and a sprig of .parsley. Cover. When tender (about 50 minutes) remove chicken and dice in small pieces. (You should have about 31/2. cups). Cook two ounces (three- quarter cup) cut macaroni or wide noodles in about 3% cups strain- ed chicken broth until just tender. Strain off broth. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a large frying pan, blend in 4 tablespoons. flour, stir- ring until smooth. Gradually add j1/2 cups of the broth., stirring un til sauce is smooth and thick. Sea- son with 11/2 teaspoons salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. If there is too much, add canned chicken broth to make up the difference. Open. one "six -ounce can of muskrooms. Drain and slice. ,Arrange chicken, maca- roni, and mushrooms fn layers, in eight individual casseroles. Pour over sauce. Top with buttered bread crumbs and a little grated cheese. Bake in oven (300 degrees) about 15 to 20 minutes, (Serves eight). Vanilla Ice Cream With Berries Place 1 quart vanilla ice cream in the centre of a chilled platter or bowl, Surround With fresh rasp- berries poached in syrup made With. 1 cup sugar to 2 cups water. Pour over all the juice of the chill- ed berries and •sprinkle top with very finely chapped Peel, Anne Allan invites you to Write to cher o/o the Harm E>zpositor. Send in, your auggebtianr, on hoMe, fnaiting 'probieena. and, watch ith;'s 'cehlitln; for folies. , 'most of their tune m the any strewn:Ms *eke that 'Were nenefet eery in carving a civilization Rut'' of the wiltietrt14'ss. They had little. difficulty lteeping physiQally tit. But modern Canadians who earn, their daily bread by •toiling over a desk ere not so fortunate. Fior .these desk -bound people, oarefully planned exercise is a daily neces- sity. , 'Till The :Doctor Comes First-aid treatment in home and industry is designed) as a terlapor- ary means of assistance in the ease of accident or sudden illness. It is the stop -gap until the doctor ar- rives. lFirstaid kits should be in every home, office and factory and competent persons should be train- ed rained in their use. The kits them- selves should be kept well stocked, and free from dirt or deterioration. SUPER - LASTIC TIRES 650x16 600x16 550x17 500x19 -- Now in Stock AND ALL SIZES OF TUBES Liberal Trade-in Allowance for your Old Tires SAVE SAFELY with these well-known Quality Tires, installed in our Service Garage. NO CHARGE. Smith Brothers DUBLIN, ONTARIO Phone 73 • • Vededea, eoda acee Raided Owi eoded lea WE'VE HAD TO BUILD or enlarge 100 telephone buildings in the last three years. We were obliged to do this at a time when building costs were about double pre-war costs. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides there has been -no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To meet unprecedented post-war demand for more' telephones, our expansion and im- provement of service have of necessity taken place in a period of rapidly rising costs. Most businesses have offset their higher costs by higher prices for their products. We have not yet done so. You can be sure we will keep on doing our best to provide you with adequate and con- stantly improving telephone service—anti to, provide it at the lowest rates consistent with a fair return to our investors'and employees. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, • • NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1949 License for same on or before June 30, 1949. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the court will be issued to the owners or harbor- ers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MTJST WEAR TAGS