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ole Itrr 4266
District Students Learn
Entrance 'Exam Results
Robert Alien, Weston Broadfoet,
William, 'Broome, Flora Brown,
Marion Chamberlain., Gwendolyn.
Christie, Carol Chesney, MurraY
Dale, Lloyid Eisler, Janet Flanigan,
James Fitzpatrick, James Flanni-
gan, Joan Foote, Margaret Grum-
mett, Allen Haugh, Patricia Haw-
kins, Lorene' Henderson, Barbara
Hillis, Marjory Holmes, James
nllopp,eia Donald Horton, William
'hunt, Joan) Hunter, Karen Kidd,
Kenneth Larone, Marion Laudon-
' diach, Luceile Lee, Ray Lee,. May -
belle McClinchey, Donald McKind-
eey, Joseph McMillan, Floyd Mc-
Phee, Margaret Matthews, Lyle
Montgomery, Nancy Nott, Donald
Powell, Ruth Pullman, Robert
Scott, Jean. Snell, Ronald, Suther-
iamb, Marjory Walden, Joan Walsh,
John Whyte.
Betty Armstrong, Robert Bell,
Isabelle Caldwell, Robert Caldwell,
William Carlile, Anne Hildebrant,
Allan Johnston, Margaret Kelly,
• Robert Lemmon, Edith Love, Jean
Mousseau, Ruth MacLean, Donna.
McBride (Hon.), Grant McGregor,
Kenneth McLellan, Gerald Parsons,
, Cecil Pepper, Hazel Slavin, James,
Delude, Tom E.aston„ IViary Marg-
aret Emery, Graham Byrnel, Joye,e
Hameaond, Marion Horner, Kati).-
ryn Hunter, Edward Hunter -Dime,
Shelley Lightfoot, Queenie Mac-
Donald, Marjorie McBride, Donald
McCurdy, Robert Miller,. Helen
Parsons, Olive Petrie) Lorraine:
Pfaff, John Pym, Betty Ann linekiz-
ler, Ronald Rowcliffe, Jeannette
Schenk, Harry Schroeder, Mervin
Shute, Beverly Skinner, Wanda
Smith, Donnie .Stephen, James
Sturgie, Beth Taylor (Hon,), Stu-
art Taylor, Bettie Lou Watson,
Donald Welsh, Margaret Wilson,
Barbara Wright.
Granted standing under Regula-
tion 284 — Grant 'Cudmore, Guy
Leone Christilaw, Gordon Cup-
eky, Ruth Curran, Marjorie Erring-
ton, Winnifred Farrish, Joan, For-
ster, Murray Gaunt, Freda Hack-
ett, Delina Hoy, Donna Hoy, Denis
Francis Leddy, Joyce Little, Ruth
Moss n Ruby Nivins; Marina Marg-
aret Petrie, William Reid, Charles
Ross Rivett, Audrey Louise Ross,
Carl Stewart, Mary Adeline Young.
Lorna Allen Mary Allison, Mary
Antonio, Janice Argyle, Robert
Armstrong, Grace Baechler, Lois
Bell, Gerald Blake, Gladys Blake,
Melvin Bogie, Betty Bowra, Ellen
Bowra, Kenneth Boyce, Ronald
Bushell, Malcolm Campbell, Bar-
bara Carbert, Margaret Carter,
James Clark, Norman Coates, Mary
Cousins, Clarence Daer, Lovejoy
Davidson, Kenneth Dickson, Ruth
Dockatader, Stanley Doherty, Mil-
dred Dougherty, Fred Duren Mary
Joyce Ellwood, Glen W. Feagan,
Lorna Feagan, Marion Fellows,
Beryl Freeman, Sharon Falford,
Sheila Gallow, Robert Gardner,
Murray Garrett, Robert Gauley,
Evelyn Glousher, Shirley Gower,
Donald Graham, Jane Graham,
John Griffiths, Elaine Hawkins,
Frederick Horton, Lois Hutchins,
George Ives, Leonard Jenkins, Jean
Langille, Evelyn Larder, Philip
Lassaaline, Eleanor Lauder, ahir-
ley Leitch. Patricia Longmire,
James McArthur, Donald McBride,
Bruce McCullough, James McGee,
Gary McLaughlin, William Mc-
Lean, Janice McWhinney, 'Joseph
MacAdam, Violet MacAdam, 'Cath-
arine MacDonelcl, Mary C. Mac-
Donald, Jean AnN. MacDonald, Wm.
MacDonald, Grant MacPhee, Yvon-
ne AlecPhee, William Melick, Eliz-
abeth Moths, Ralph Morris, Caro-
lyn Naftel, Robert Ouellette, Doug-
las Patterson, „James Pickering,
James Pinder, Jean Prouse, Meryl
Quaid, Benson Riehl, Lorne Rivers,
Sylvia. Robinson, Wayne Ruffen,
Jean Rutherford, George Sager,
Donald Sanderson, Robert Sander-
son, William Schaefer, Barbara
Schultz, Thomas Shackleton, Fred-
erick Skelton, John Smitb, Helen
Steels, Donald Stokes, Robert
Straughan, Peter Sturdy, Dianne
Thorpe, Royston Venn, Patricia
Videan, Gordon Walters, Nancy
Ann Wilmot, Ruth Willis, Meredith
Wilson, Vera Wilson, Kenneth
Erma Baechler, Murray Baker,
Marie "Anne Bedard (Fr. op.),
Jean-Paul Caitlin (Fr. op.), Mar-
jorie Ducharme (Fr. op.), Marie
' Durand, Marion Erb, Betty Etue,
Robert Fisher, Mary Lou Fritz,
William Hese, Wilfred Hoffman,
Mary Klopp, Antoine LaPorte (Fr.
%.ep.), Irvin Martin, Rose Marie
Masse, Virginia Meidinger, Arthur
Miller, Kenneth Mittleholtz, Cath-
arine O'Brien, Donald O'Brien,
Cecelia Regier, Teresa Regier, Wil-
liam Steckle, Joyce Wittfiezt
Ham Yungblut.
Joyce Beuerman, Malcolm Bol-
ton, Beth Boyd, Cecelia Connell,
Charlene Corlett, Leonard Maloney,
Helen Nolan, Muriel Senade, Ralph
Scherbarth, Jean Siemon, Barbara
Barbara Bassett, Barbara Bran-
don, Robert Brandon, Ruth Clarke,
John Dowson, Kenneth Keys, Jan-
et MacLeod, Ronald Postill, Donna
Sturgeon, Gerald Sturgeon.
n'enald Armstrong, Lois Augus-
lee. Bruce Barrie, Harry Cronin,
Mareeeet Clonea; Cninulng
ham, Robert Daer, Lorne Gilifillan,
Elva Gross, Rose Gwyn, Rhea Hall,
Laura Leatherland, Joy Lutz, Bet-
ty MacDonald, Norman McClin-
chey, Robert McDougall, June Man-
ning, Robert Marshall, Ann Mor-
ritt, Janis Morritt, James Raithby,
James Riehl, Robert Stanbury,
Howard Tait, Lois Taylor, Mac
Taylor, Doris Young, Evelyn
Young, Douglas Yungblut.
Heather June Allen, Lillian Arm-
strong, Agnes Bishop, Laurie Lock -
leer. Black,. Marilyn Bolger, Charles
Russell Bone, Karen Mary' Desch -
len, Aileen Deitner, Leo beitner,
Marie Verna Elliott, Larry' Fisher,
Donald McMillan Edgar, Betty
Hoegy, Marion Hull, Leslie Knight,
Helen Knight, Anne Litowski,
Murray Edwin Long, Gordon Lydi-
att, Jean McArter, Thelma Maier,
Edna Martin, Raymond, Miller,
Glenn Oliver, Robert Mina Rann,
Ralph Lawrence Sawyer, Doris Ed-
ith Smith, Mary Smith, Jean. Steles,
John Douglas Stiles, Thomas Wil-
frid Willis.
Richard Andrews, Shirley Ash-
ton, George Baird, Stewart Broad -
foot, Jean Brown, Carl Cantelon,
John Cole, Tommy Colquhoun,
Lorne Dubes, Richard Elliott, Joyce
Fangard, Robert Fines, Lorine
Garon, Kenneth Gibbings, Ruth
Glazier, Ruth Glew, Carol Glidden,
Cora Handy, John Hartley, June
Hartley, Yvonne Hendricks, Kath-
ryn Ladd, Robert McGregor, Mur
ray Maltby, Dorothy Managhan
Marjorie Medd, William Medd
John Moffatt, David Oakes, Clarie
Perdue, Shirley Proctor, Mary Set -
cock, Arnold Taylor, Donna Tay-
lor, Leola Taylor, Gerald Tebbutt,
Mary Tyndall, Murray, Tynd'all,
Betty Wolfrey, Margaret Zapfe.
Billie Baird, Barbara Becker,
Lloyd Bender, Wilbert Crown,
George Dawe', Eunice Desjardine,
Helaine Denomme, Lois Elsie, Eun-
ice Frederick, Ronald Garvie, Mar-
tha Gossman, Barry Hamilton,
Richard Hartman, Ivan Hodgins,
James • Houlahan, Kathleen Maier,
Gerald Martene, Delmar Miller,
John Peachey, Shirley Pearson,
Muriel Powell, Harvey' Ratz, Bev-
erley Ravelle, Wayne Shaw, Eileen
Smith, Anne Taylor, Graham True -
Miner, Carl Turnbull, Philip Walker.
Rose Ballantyne, Normal Beaver,
Marilyn. Bender, Louise Blommaert,
John Boyd, Marina Bowden, Aud-
trey Coates, Lenore Cooper, Harry
Crocker, Bruce Cudmore, LaBelle
Coward, Murrey Dawson, Mary
Jean Allen, Donald Anderson,
Shirley Bradburn,' Douglas Bruce,
Harry Brydges, Shirley Burden,
Robert Bushfield, Mack Cameron,
Jean Campbell, Eldon Cook, Hugh
Cook, William Coultes, Clifford
Coultes, William Crump, Marjorie
Currie, Lois. Dawson, Mac Eadie,
Graham Everick, Shirley Foxton,
Charles Fraser, Yvonne Gardner,
Kenneth Gregg, James Henderson,
Jack Hilbert, Elgin Hogg, Jean
Irwin, Joan Irwin, William Irwin,
Evelyn Jackson, Kenneth. Johnston,
John, Paul Jones, Connie McIntyre,
Annie McNaughton, Lowell Mac-
Dougall, Phyllis MacLeod, Donald
Machan, Helen Machan, Ronald
Machan, June _Moffat, Terry Neth-
ery, Mildred Redman, Arlene Bet -
Unger, Mabel Sanburn, William
Sanderson, Kenneth Saxton, .Wal
ter Scott, Donna Shiels, Hugh Sin
namon, Helena Skinn, Neil Stain
ton, Winnifred Stan!ey, Esme Tuck
er, Martina Willie, Robert Young
Hugh Young.
Under Regulation 2g — Mice
Donald Bateman, William Cum-
ming, Ronald McLean, Margaret
MacDonald, Monna Machan, El-
wood Milne, Donald Rock.
'LOWS 14th
4.• •
One of the most popular and largely attended annual events throfinliout Western Ontario is the
Lions Club summer carnival, held at the Seaforth Lions Park, a corner hf which is shown above. The
carnival this year is being held for three nights—Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. The
seven -acre park is the mecca each summer for thousand's of children ad picnickers, who enjoy the
complete facilities and pleasant surroundings. In the photograph may be seen a portion of the foot-
bridge leading to the park, the deep and shallow p,00lseand the large bathing pavilion. Behind the
pavilion is the floodlit bail diamond, where the carnival is being held. The park is operated by a
full-time staff of four, and its continued maintenance is dependent on the support of the public at the
summer carnival.
Transform Seaforth Lions Park
For Fourteenth AnnualiCamival
Township Council Re-
news Treasurer's Bond
and _Road Insurance.
Anticipate Record Crowd
During Three Night Show
• • • • • e
Tuckersmith municipal council
met 'in the Town Hall, Seaforth,
Saturday evening, when all mem-
bers were present and Reeve Ar-
thur Nicholson presided.
Surety bond of $5,000 on the
treasurer was renewed and prim-
it;ra of $20 was ordered paid. Road
liability insurance was also re-
newed and premium of $114.33 was
paid. The Reeve and Clerk E. P.
Chesney -were authorized to issue
certificates of permanency of those
employees in the township with
over three years' service, re unem-
ployment ineurance.
The reeve was authorized to
sign forms for the H.E.P.C., at
Clinton, giving them permission, to
construct hydro lines in a safe and
reasonable manner, and within five
feet, of the fence line on township
Council purchased four fire ex-
tinguishers at a cost of $16, for
use at township shed. The Clerk
was instructed to request the
township engineer to report on the
Clarke Drain as complaints had
been received that it was out of
repair. Clinton Show was given a
grant of $25.
Accounts passed were as fon
lows; Relief, $120.90; hospitaliza-
tion, $101.25; roads, $402.89; in,sur-
ance premiums, $134.33; fox boun-
ty, $2; grants, $25; salaries and
allowances, $125; postage, $5.
Council adjourned to meet on
August 6 at 8.30 p.m.
S .Shinen Buys
Business Block
The Announcement' was made
this week that the business place
which has been rented for 'Enemy
years by S. Shinen, has now been
pUrchatied 'by him from Edmond
Daly. Mr. Shinen has beeru itt bug -
/tens in this same locatien for 22
Appointed Examiner
For Drivers' Licenses
The descendants of the late Don-
ald D. McKellar and Mrs. McKel-
lar held a reunion in the park at
Galt on Sunday. Among those at-
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Dan
McKellar and family, of Buffalo;
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman and
Murray, of Niagara; Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Russell and Margaret
Jean, Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace
and family, Mrs. R. J. Scott, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Miller, of Cromar-
ty; Mr. James 13arboar and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Staffa.
Personals; Caroline Walker with
her aunt and uncle In Exeter; Mr.
and Mrs, Alvin Cornish; 'Bobbie
McKellar in Egmondville with his
Meter, Mrs. Don Wallace; Anita
Snredahl in London at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond;
Audrey Kemp, of Mitchell with
Mrs. Houghton; Alice ,Sotsdahl at
Mac La mon d' s ; Dangles, McKellar
is convalescing at his home after
suffering h painful cut in his fOot
Which reqnired 14 atitchee,
Engine Jumps Track
When the engine pulling
the morning freight train to
Goderich jumped the track as
it was switching at Seaforth
station Thursday, the noon
passenger train was delayed
more than an hour. The en-
gine from the passenger train
was tietached from the train
half a mile east of town and
succeeded in clearing the main
line as it pulled the stranded
engine back on the tracks.
• 0' • • • •
The Minister of Highways for
Ontario has recently announced the
appointment of A. W. Dunlop, Sea -
forth, as an examiner for chauf-
feur's and- operator's licenses for
Seaforth. His appointment is ef-
fective immediately.
Outstanding Program To
Feature Amateur Con-
test; Bands Each Night
School Area No. 1, Tuckersmith,
held its annual picnic at the Lions
Park on Wednesday last, when
there was a good attendance. Mr.
Clarence Trott, supervising princi-
pal of the eight schools, was in
charge of the games. The other
teachers in the Area are: Mrs,
Harold Nicholson, Miss Helen Jer-
vis, Mrs. Robt. Simpson, Miss Hel-
en Turner, Spencer Jeffery and
John Skinner.
Hold Induction
Service Thursday
tligh. School Makes Maj-
• , or Alteratious and
Alembers of the Seaforth Lions
OltaTb gathered at their Park on
Wednesday afternoon to transform
every available square inch of land
into a carnival ground. The four-
teenth annual Lions Carnival will
begin on Wednesciv, July 13, and
continue for three nights. Previous-
ly the carnival was held only two
night, Wednesday- and Friday. The
Lions, during their bee, erected
hundreds of feet of snow fence,
built stages and booths, and began
the installation of special wiring.
The work will continue until carn-
ival time.
Determined, that this year will
see the best carnival yet, the com-
mittee in charge has spared no ef-
fort or expense to ensure that the
program and arrangements for the
three nights are the best that can
be made. The members of the
club will be called upon to expend
extra time and energy in order to
make this new three -night carnival
a success.
A big change this year will be
the holding of the dance on the
tennis courts across 'the highway
from the park proper. A refresh-
ment booth has been built beside
the courts and additional help pro-
vided to render quicker and better
service to the dancers.
Different programs have been
planned for each evening, with
prize drawing at the conclusion of
the entertainment. Friday evening
will be climaxed with a grand dis-
play of fireworks.
The committees in charge of the
carnival are:
General committee, F, Kling,
chairfnan, J. Turnbull, G. R. John-
ston; program committee, G. Mc -
Gavin, chairman, A. Y. McLean;
advertising committee, E. P. Ches-
ney, chairman, Dr. P. L. Brady;
ticket -6 and raffle, Jim Stewart,
chairman, Clint Smith, E. C. Cham-
berlain; parking and police, Scott
Cluff; admissions, Merton A. Reid,
chairman, Jim Mullen, H. Stewart;
bingo; Dr. E. A. McMaster, chair-
man, • J. Baldvdn, Ab, Whitney;
dance, Bob McKercher, chairman,
Ted Southgate; fireworks, Keith
Sharp; games and booth.s, Chair-
man A. W. Sillery; bird cage, Ed.
Keating, 'Ross Scott; crown and
anchor, Dr. F. J. Bechely, J. M.
Scott; over and under, Harold
Jackson, Mel. Clarke; hit the nig-
ger, George Hays; merchandise:
Booth No. 1, Harvey Traviss, Chas.
Barber, Eric Munroe, W. J. Dun-
can; Booth No. 2, Bill Teall, E. C.
Boswell; ring the money, Ross
Savauge, Jim - Murray; ticket
wheel, John Beattie, E. Turgeon.
G. C. Brightrall; refreshment
booths: No. 1, Gordon McGonigle,
13as. Duncan, Bert Shaw; No. 2,
While July and August are idle
months for school pupils, they are
perhaps the busiest months of the
year for the members of the
boards. No eooner do the dioors
close for the summer holidays than
gangs of workmen descend upon
the-b)xildings to make necessary
repairs and any remodelling that
the authorities have decided to do.
The boards meet regularly during
the summer months to plan for
pupil accommodation, teaching
staff and to survey curriculum
needs and building requirements.
At the Seatorth Public School
there will be few changes of any
kind. Then teaching staff will re-
main the same, with the exception
of D. N. Eastman, who has been
appointed principal, replacing P.
B. Moffat, who resigned because of
ill health. There will be no major
changes in the building, according
to M. McKellar, secretary -treasur-
er of the public school board. The
only work to be done will be that
of making necessary and urgent
The District High School Board
met on Tuesday night to survey
the bus routes. Because of the ad-
dition of parts of Grey and Morris
to this area, it will be necessary
to place another bus in service,
according to M. A. Reid, secretary -
treasurer of the board. This will
make a total of live buses bring-,
ing pupils to Seaforth High School.
It is not yet knovvii how many
more pupils this extra territory
will mean, but the survey will de-
termine this in time for the board
to plan pupil accommodation for
next year. The 'teaching staff will
remain the 'same, with the excep-
tion of Mise Doris M. Smith, of
New Hamburg, who has been ap-
pointed an additional teacher.
Changes to the building will in-
clude the remodelling and redecor-
ation of the principal's office and
painting of the halls. Heretofore,
there was always an ice hazard in
the wintertime above the front en-
trance. An attempt will be made
to remedy this by insulating the
roof in the area surrounding the
door and the- erectiou of a canopy
above the entrance.
Following a delicious lunch and
after the games and races had been
run off, Mrs. Harold Nicholson was
made the recipient' of a lovely sil-
ver set prior to hear leaving the
school after five years, service.
Miss Carol Chesney read the ad-
dress and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman
and Miss Carol Chesney made the
Results of the races were as fol-
lows: Pre-school girls and boys all
received a Mize: girls, 7 years and
under, Margaret Wood, Joan Han-
ey; boys, 7 and under, Donald Car-
ter, Douglas Maxwell; girls, 9 and
under, Mary Brown, Margaret
Wood; boys, 9 and under, Ronald
Eyre, Donald Tremeer; girls, 12
and under, Elaine Bell, Elsie Huis-
ser; boys, 12 and under, Jack Bell,
Bruce Coleman; girls, 14 and un-
der, Elaine Bell, Flora Brown;
boys, 14 ,and under, Beverley
Broadfoot, Grant McGregor; girls,
ovet 14, Flora Brown, Elsie Huls -
ser; boys, over 14, Beverley Broad -
foot, Grant McGregor; parents,
mothers, Mrs. Alex Chesney, Mrs.
John Woods; parents, fathers, Bill
Ferrest, Harry McLeod; three-leg-
ged race, girls, 10 and under, Bet-
ty Lane a.nd Marjory Papple, El-
aine Bell and LoiS McLellan; boys,
10 and under, Billy Strong and Al-
fred Grummett; girls over 10, Vir-
ginia McClinehey and Gladys Chap- Ed; Staith, Dr. J. G. Gorwill; No.
man, Elaine Bell and Marie Pull- 1, H. G. Meir, Rev. T. D. Jones.
man; boys, over 10, Lloyd Eisler
and Kenneth McNairn, ,Tack Cros-
ier and Donald, Taylor; wheelbar-
row race, boys 10 and. under, Ron-
ald Eyre and Donald Tremeer, Jim
Broadfoot and Wayne Chappell;
boys, 10-14, Jack Bell and Wallace
Maxwell, Lloyd Engler and Don
Powell; boys over 14, Lloyd Eisler
a.nd Don ,Powell;, kicking the slip-
The induction of Rev. E. A. Mc-
Millan, minister of Northside Unit-
ed Church, took place Thursday
evening in the auditorium of the
church. Rev. E. R. StanwaY, of
Brucefield, was the minister in
charge and preached the sermon
to the congregation, while Rev. R.
A. Brook, of Hensall, Bpoke to the
Following the service Dr. F. S.
Harburn Introduced the newly -in-
ducted minister to. the congrega-
tion, while. Rev. D. Glenn Camp-
bell, of First. Church, and Rev. T.
Dale Jones, of St. Thomas' Church,
brought greetings from their
churches and from the 'Ministerial
Association. A delicious lunch was
served by the W.A. and a social
time was spent.
Official Cowat SlOrw0
Lean 7,000, MciP0ey
6,705, altd petero.558.
Results of the Offieig, content
tike yoking in learen-Perth, releste
ed Tnesday,by Je'Tifelvin
retuning efftcer, aneWed tbe
jerky of A. Y. dVIeleeats over, the
other two 'candidates, to be 295.
The official totals anS: McLean
(Lib.), 7,000; McKinley
6,745, and Peters (C.F.); 558.
Totals released in .last weeks
issue_of .this paperewere correet,
Mr. Southcott eald. In order to ar-
rive at the official majority it was
necessary only to add the Service
vote which was received from Ot-
tawa over the week -end,
In. the Service voting Mr.
Lean received 115 votes, Mr.
Kinley 31, and Mr. Peters 21.
The official figures for the
ious municipalities are:
McKinley McLean
Attend Summer Camp
At Bayfield
Masters Charlie Dungey, Jimmie
Higgins, Derek Jones and Jimmie
Johnston, of Seaforth; are attend-
ing Huron Church Camp at Bay-
field from July 2 to July 12. Ap-
proximately 115 are enrolled for
this period. Miss Dorothy Parke
has 'been appointed camp nurse for
the month of July.
Among those attending Kintail
Camp are: Marilyn Kling, Sheila
McFadden Marilyn McPhee, Ev-
elyn McPhee, Ruth Teall, Patsy
Munroe,. Paul McMaster, Jean Cop-
land, Marian Besse, Paul Besse,
Bruce McFadden and Ellen and
Hugh Gorwill.
• •
vote . 31
• 115
Total 6 705 7,0.00
The Pepper reunion was, held
July 2 at Seaforth Lions Perk with
around 100 in attendance. A good
time was spent by -all. Those com-
ing from a distance wee: Mr. John
Pepper, Deloraine, Man.; Mr. and%
-50th ANN,
A welt0CllOwn'eatrlfh:r4
sPeeted SeafOrth:1Yee4t"'
est Oedden0,en„,01?
toSoesiithti•'•`-'5:1#:M f
he. has 10/1$0,* -4-
.6110O1.001004At1),043A e4
10990 t1110
general • ,bilatf,coroi
'lens Belgraveen.He2,91:1
there until'
ment of The Rebertegnii,:,'ngne
gine & Thresher co:. 1.-„td1,
that ccmipany •Wait sold 1,1aSt:
bendloa.bcekiteanDuirBtihnegn 'Mli..sdustryGlideredsed'‘'4!4i.
seen many ctanges tailfce
When he 4.110
shops in every small corrare'une,
ity. Today a blacksmithshop,:`-; e,
'is almost a thing of the ,paitn'e ,
• • • • • • "
Alfred Copland To Serve
As Consultant. On
Arctic Problems.
Alfred Copland, Seaforth, who
four years ago retired from the
R.C.A.F., has been recalled to act
as a consultant on matters affect-
ing the Canadian north. Mr. Cop
lead was taken on strength Mon-
day in the R.C.A.F. Regular Miscel-
laneous Specialist Branch, with the
rank of Squadron Leader.
Prior to joining the R.O.A.F. -in
1942, Mr. Copland had many years'
experience With the Hudson Bay
Mrs. Jim Pepper, Weyburne,. Sask..; Co. in the Aectic. During the war
Mr. and Mre. Ern Pepper and ram- his knowledge of -conditions in'the
ily, Sarnia; 'Mr. and Mrs. Wes. north country was invaluable to
Pepper, London; Mr. and. Mrs. Bert the service in its task or establish-
yeo and feraily, Toronto. inn PaS,e.3.
The afternoon was spent in
sports and swiniraing. Mr. John
'Pepper treated the crowd to ice
cream and presented the younger
girls with necklaces. The same
officers were re-elected for the 1950
Winners of the sports events
were: Races, children 6 and under,
Mervyn Pepper, Nancy Pepper;
girls, 7-9, Katherine McGregor,
Mary Anne Van Horne; boys, 7-9,
Billy Barret, Wayne Pepper; girls,
10-12, Jean McGregor, Marion Pep-
per; boys, 10-12, Bert Pepper, Jack
McGregor; ,y,irls, 13-16, Hannah
Pepper, Gladys Pepper; boys, 13-
16, Bob McGregor, Freddie Pepper;
young ladieS, Hannah Pepper,
Gladys Pepper; young men, Ray
Stewart, Bob McGregor; time race,
ladies, Mrs. Frank McGregor; time
race, men, Glenn Pepper; kicking
slipper, ladies, Mrs. John McGre-
gor; kicking slipper, men, Ernie
Pepper; lucky gpot, Leslie Pepper;
ringing toothpick couples, Kather-
ine and Neil McGregor; hammer-
ing nails, ladies, Mrs. Dalton Mal-
colm; hammering nails, men, Al-
bert Pepper; dropping clothespins,
Bob Yeo; stoutest lady, Mrs. Jas,
Malcolm; baldest man, Roy Pep-
per; guessing candies in jar, Bob
Seaforth Bowlers
, Capture Prizes
Local bowlers participated in
tourneys in Wingham and Exeter
on Monday and Wednesday. In
mixed doubles at Wingham Mon-
day evening, Miss Alice Reid and
M. A. Reid won first prize. Other
players from Seaforth included Dr.
and Mrs. P. L. Brady and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Johnston.
A large representation attended
the Exeter event. A rink compos-
ed of M. A. Reid, H. O. Free and
Wm. Hart, won second- prize, while
another rink, including B. F. Chris-
tie, George Johnston and W. T.
Teall, won sixth prize. Other
rinks included Dr. P. L. Brady,
John Beattie, M. McKellar, L. Dale,
J. Hotham and A. Dale.
per, older girls, Flora Brown, El-
aine Maxwell; younger girls, Marie
Coleman, Elaine Maxwell; married
women, Mrs. John Woods, Mrs.
Charles Eyre. The relay race
was Won by 1'4o, 8 (Egmondville)
Schodl, while No. 2 School came
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Dale and
Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs.
George Bernard.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ooxon and
family, of Milverton, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Davidison.
The Helping Hand Mission Baud
will meet Thursday, July 14, in
the schoolroom of the church.
Note change of date.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson and
little daughter, of Stratford, spent
the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Davidson. Jacqueline Dav-
idson returned home with. them to
spend her holidays in Stratford,.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg spent
the week -end in Collingwood
Mr. Andrew Montgomery spent
the week -end at his home,
Miss Doris Broadfoot, London,
apent he week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McClure.
Trustees is
Co-ed: "That so? Next thing
they'll be trying to make the stud.
ents step too."
The McDonald clan reunion was
held at the Lions Park, Seaforth,
Mond -ay, July 4, when 70 descend-
ants were present. A very satisfy-
ing and sumptuous supper was
served by the ladies of the clan.
The sports committee then took
over with an enjoyable program,
-which pleased young and old alike.
Officers elected for 1950 are:
President, Norman McDonald; sec-
retary, Mrs. Norman McDonald;
sin rte committee, Frank and Mar-
garet. Smola Joyce and Edna
Broadfoot; table committee, Mrs.
Perce Passmore, Mrs. Will Johns,
Mrs, John Passmore.
Members were present from
OW,en Sound, London, Exeter,
Hamilton, Kirkton, Kippen Hen -
sail, Elimville and Seaforth.
nition of the service he rendered,
he was made a member of the Or-
der of the British Empire in 1946.
Mr. Copland will be seconded
for duty with the Defence Research
Board. The Board is a. permanent
scientific organization created in
1946 by the Canadian Government.
Its purpose is to ensure that mili-
tary defence planning is guided by
the best minds and .profits by the
most recent findings in every field
of modern science.
During the years he has been its
Seaforth, Mr. Copland has operat-
ed a, large poultry farm on the east
of town.
Honor Bride -Elect
At Brucefield
'I hear the Board of
trying to stop neck -
Complimenting Mies Margaret
Henry, bride -elect Of the month,
some seventy -live friends and rel-
atives gathered on the Manse lawn,
Brucefield, to. honor her with a
miscellaneous shower last Thursday
evening. Following several con-
tests and stunts, arranged by Elia
Stackhouse and Mrs. A. Paterson.,
Margaret was seated In a beautt-
fully decorated chair. Mrs. R. Al-
lan read the address and Miss
Olive Foote and Mrs. G. Beecroft
made the presentation of the gifts
in a decorated basket. A delicious
lunch was .served at the conclusion
of an enjoyable evening.
Mrs. Wm. Henry entertained on
Tuesday at a trousseau tea lit
honor of her daughter, Miss Mar-
garet, whose marriage takes place
on Saturday at Brucefield United
Church. Some eighty frieeds call-
ed during the afternoon Mad eve-
ning. During the afternoon Mrs.
H. Aikenhead and Mrs. B. Ken-
nard poured tea; the room assist-
ants were Miss F. Watson and
Mies D. Lancaster; Mrs. H. 'Camer-
on and Mrs. C. Cochrane displayetl
the trousseau and linens; MTS. Y.
Aldwinckle showed the gifts. In
the evening Miss Eva Staekhouge
displayed the linens; Miss F. Wat-
son the gifts, and Mrs. D. Lancate
ter the trousseau. Pouring tee
were Mrs. A. Addison and Mrs. A.
Fraser, assistants being Misses
Ruth Scott and Blanche Zapfe.
Mrs. A. Zapfe welcomed the guests
and had charge of the register.
Messrs. Ron and Jim Patertan,
of London, s,pent the week -end at
their home.
Miss Marg. Aikenhead, of Leh.
don, was a holiday guest with hen
parents, Mr. and Mts. H.
Mf. and Mrs, 3. E. Stankhouse„
Mary Ann and John, Mr. and MrS,
S. Neeb, Patsy and Ronny 'Apt&
the week -end with Mr. and Mien
W. Stackhouse.
Mrs. D. N. Pentneg and Mite
daughters hay.° left for their teen: ,
hang, at Geraidteta titter'
sending 5 m•onth at the "pareittOP'
horde of Mr. and M. Vrod Ittith4,. •
The annual reunion of the Steph-
enson family was held on Wennes-
day, June 29, at Jowett's Grove,
Bayfield, with over a hundred sign-
ing the register. The day was' ideal
for such an occasion, and every-
one from the youngest to the old-
est enjoyed themselves to the full-
A s.pecial feature this year was
relatives from Manitoba in the per-
sons of Mr. and, Mrs. Wes. Cocker -
line, and son Harry, Pilot Mound.
and Mr, and Mrs. David Johnston,
La Riviere. These two ladies are
daughters of Mr. Ralph Stephen-
son, the oldest member of the clan,
who will be 88 years of age in
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Watson, from
Ferndale, Michigan, who have nev-
er missed a gathering for the past
,tWelve years, decorated the slipper
(Continued on Page 4)