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The Huron Expositor, 1949-07-01, Page 8
A,IRANTR.E, EBONDS, TY, IDENT ANDSICKNESS .ARRY ANi,? WINDSTORM eentigg Companies who $gqurity with Service. AGEIzM FOR ONT,A,R1O 1 MAN'S MUTUAL FIRE piforenatien gladly given. WATSON & REID REIT) - Proprietor lUrance & Real Estate TITiEIm 214 SEAFORTH '00000Qp00000 BOX 0 Uflera Notice "" `AM8ULANCE 0 .. !9 I'arog�}t and, careful attention. 0 0 Hospital Bed. 0 O FLOWERS' FOR ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS O 0 PHONES: O 0 Res. 595-W or 18; Store 43 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 O O 0 G. A. WHITNEY O .0 Funeral Director O 0 Main Street - Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 ' 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 0 for rent. O 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery O 0 Flowers. O 0 Telephone 119 O O Nights and Holidays 65 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0© 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE O toy . Funeral Director O iO and Ambulance Service O O DUBLIN - ONT. O 0 Night or Day Calls: O O Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 0000000.0000 +0000000000 0 W. J. CLEARY O 0 Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 . O 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. H. McINNES t1dropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. NEWS Or Iss Ledge Ta Hold Manias—Mae Or- der of the Eastern Star will hold their annual Picnie at the Lions Park on Wednesday, July 6, with supper at 6,15. , Members will please bring their families, lunch baskets and dishes. • LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W Announcement. ---.The engagement is announced of Elva Roberta, daughter of (Wallace L. Twasniey, London, formerly of Lucknow, and the late Mrs. Twamley, to Albert Carman Whitmore, London, son of Samuel H. Whitmore, Seaforth, and the late Mrs. Whitmore, the marriage to take place in July. FOR SALE Modern House on East William Bt. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can be etativated.. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run - sang water. Early •possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Perm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE . PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S .UAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS• 182 NIGHTS 348-R FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE — 3 -piece Bath - roc ny Furnaee, Double Garage. $Ilazated on S/W. corner of Wilson aid Centre Sts. A lovely home. lielnemnpt possession. " C. CHAMBERLAIN aneswance & Real Estate Broker 8EAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 11111111111111111111111111 II. J. Sta fferi Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth 1111111111111111111111111111 cool anted .All Wool shipped to 'ACESON'S IS graded in Seaforth said full settlement, troiml there. ackson id; Announcement, — Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane,-R.R. 5, Seaforth, an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Catharine Beatrice Lane, R.N., to Mr. Thos. J. Kale, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kale, R.R. 5, Seaforth, the marriage to take place in St. Columban Roman Catholic Church, St, Columban, on July 16, at 10 o'clock. Churches Northside `United Church,—Bri- tannia Lodge No. 170, A.F. & A.M., will hold divine service in this church at 7 p.m. Brethren will as- semble at the lodge rooms at 6.30 p.m. Rev. Harold Snell, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all to attend. , First Presbyterian Church, -10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., "The Good Fight of Faith"; 7 p.m., "The Master's Mercy." — Rev. D. G. Campbell, Minister. W. I. To Hold Picnic.—The Sea - forth Women's Institute -will hold their annual picnic on Tuesday evening. July 5, at the Seaforth Lions Park, when supper will be served. at 7 p.m. The menu in- cludes potato salad, cabbage salad, tomatoes, pickles and sandwiches, also pie suitable to be served with ice cream; cake, or tarts optional. Drinks, meat and ice cream will be provided. Those attending are asked to bring dishes, silverware and plates for pie. ixa gathered an the beautiful grounds of her *tone en Tuesday. evening to enjoy e, potiuek •anpper at 6.$0, • The tablea were set under the trees overlooking the pretty gardens and lily pond. Following a delicious weal, the meeting was held, in the drawing room. Mrs. J. k'. Scott presided and opened the meeting with Hymn 119. The bale was reported ready for ,shipment. Mrs. J. B. Daley Will be in charge of the next meeting in August and also to be in charge of the flowers for July. There were 18 calls made. The rally this year is to be held in Clinton on the second Tues- day ht October, with Miss Freda Matthews as the guest speaker, and the Maslen Band Rally is to be held in Seaforth. Mrs. Scott, who had been presented with some, pictures by Mrs. T. A: G. Gordon, of Rev. George Leslie Mackay, or the Black -bearded Barbarian, as he was known to the people of For- mosa, gave a short talk on how the Bible is being read in China. Mrs. Ed. Andrews and Mrs. J. E. Willis took up the collection; Mrs. Keith Sharp read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. Wallace Ross read the Glad Tidings Prayer. Mrs. J. E. Daley sang a solo entitled, "Alone," and was accompanied by Mrs. J, A. Munn. Mrs. C. Reith read a paper which had been. pre- pared by Mrs. Russell Allan on the life of Rev. George Leslie Mac- kay of Formosa, telling of his life from the time the family lived in Zorro Township until his retire- ment. Mr. Mackay was sent to China in 1871, but decided• to seg Formosa first, where he continued his work. One year after he went there five persons were baptized, and he accomplished a wondrous work in that country. He married a little Chinese lady and they had a family of severais sons and daughters. Mrs. Patterson, one of the newcomers from Goderich, gave a few thoughts for the home in poetry, which were much appreci- ated. Mrs, Robert Charters moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. McMaster for her hospitality, and Mrs, D. Glenn Campbell closed the meeting with the benediction. Death of Mrs. J. M. Cardno.— Death claimed one of Seaforth's most highly esteemed and best known citizens on Friday morning in the person of Margaret Alpena Campbell, widow of the late John Mitchell Cardno, In her 75th year. Mrs. Cardno had been in fairly good health and her passing came as a shock to her family. She was the daughter of the late Alexan- der Murray Campbell and Jane Hassock, who came to Seaforth from Zorro Township, and Mrs. Cardno had lived here all her life. She was married forty years ago to John M. Cardno, who prede- ceased her in 1942, but she is sur- vived by two sons, Nelson and John Cardno, of Seaforth, and a daughter, Mrs. S. J. McKenzie, of Georgetown; one sister, Miss Hel- en Campbell, Seaforth, and four grandchildren. Mrs. Cardno was a great lover of her own home and was very gracious in her capacity as a mother and housewife. The deceased was a member of First Presbyterian Church. The funeral was held on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell officiating, ffi- terment was in Maitlandbank cem- etery. The pallbearers were Louis Boshart, Wallace Ross, J. M. Mc- Millan, Ed. Daly, F. Smale and Glen Pryce. The ,flower -bearers were Scott .Ha'bkirk, Lloyd Hog- garth, Chas. A. Barber, Gordon Wright, Garnet McClinchey and Ross Savauge. Warren - Lawson.—In. a setting of white gladioli and pink carna- tions, at Metropolitan. United Church, London; Doris Alvina, on- ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Lawson, of Clinton, was united in marriage to Edward Fletcher Warren, son of Mrs. L. Warren, Queen's Avenue, and the late G. S. Warren, formerly of Manitoulin Island. Performing the ceremony was Rev. G. W. Goth. Wedding music was played by T. C. Chattoe and Mrs. Howard Ferguson sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Be- cause." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin with fitted bodice and long full skirt extend- ing into a slight train. Tiny lace rosette caught up the skirt front to reveal lace ruffles on the petti- coat. A matching satin headdress v ith cluster of orange blossoms held a floor length veil of silk net. She carried a cascade of pink but- terfly roses and stephanotis, The bride was attended by Miss Mar- ian McMillan, as maid of honor, who wore salmon pink moire taf- feta. Miss Doris Holmes was bridesmaid, in green taffeta, and Miss Shirley Busby, as junior bridesmaid, wore primrose yellow taffeta. All wore matching head- dresses and carried colonial bou- quets of blue yellow and mauve Shasta daisies. The beat man was Gordon Warren, brother of the groom. Reg. Lawson and Jack Warren were ushers, At, the re- ception at. Knotty Pine Inn, the bride's mother received in a gown of apple green, 8gtired mesh with black and white accessories. The groom's mother chose pale blue mesh with black accessories and each wore corsages of pink butter- fly roses. Following the reception the couple left on a motor trip to Muskoka, for which the bride don- ned a suit of pale blue gabardine with navy and white accessories and corsage of pink roses and ear - flatlets. On their return Mr. and Mrd Warren will reside in London. •Barbalra Kirkman '101de Meeting. Ms's, E. A. Mcil deter vias &egrets i o a •Tar m hilinher of the Motaliern ARA.: Mr. NdWiet Rq#kti of Red Deer, Alta., and Mr, 44_4,430"0", of Windsor, were visttere with Mr. and Mrs, William, I4eYOpoaux over the week -end. They alae Called on many Mende while here, • Mr. and Mrs, E.,,, It; Hans - worth and Jarpes, and Mrs, R. E. Beoktel, Bob and 14or; sen, of Brampton, visited with Mr. R. E. Beckte' on Sunday. • Miss Fergus Bell and Miss Vanua Bell, of Toronto, are visit- ing isiting Mrs. Earle Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. Victor McMas- ter and sons, Murray and Keith, of Angus, were Sunday ,guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • Miss Karen Kidd is spending a few holidays with iiriends in Sarnia. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dungey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Austin and family, Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. M. Hildebrand spent Sunday at Ipperwash. • Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Dugan and Mrs. E. W. Meredith, of Columbus, Ohio, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton. • • Dr. John A. Ragan and son, John, Jr., of Chicago, and Mr. Frank Hagan, of Zurich, visited Sunday at the home of their brother, Mr. James Hagan. • Mrs. Fred E. Willis is in Scott Memorial Hospital where she un- derwent an operation on Tuesday. • Mrs. William Dougall, of Hen - Ritchie - Bell.—On Tuesday, June 28, at 3 p.m., in Fairmount St. Giles Church, Outremont, Montreal, the wedding took place of Ethel Mildred, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bell, of Outremont, to Malcolm McOuaig Ritchie, young- est son of the late Rev. David Rit- chie and Mrs. Ritchie, Seaforth. The minister of the church, Rev. Mr. Long, assisted by the groom's brother, Rev. James M Ritchie, of Wankworth, officiated. The church was beautifully decorated with white peonies, yellow and pink. gladioli and delphinium. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a pale pink floor - length dress, with shirred waist and stole neckline and matching pink tulle hat edged with tiny for- get-me-nots, with a 'pink finger-tip veil. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart, roses and white carna- tions. She was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Lillian Bell, who wore a similar gown of aqua blue with a large brown mohair hat and brown accessories, and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. The groom's brother, Mr. Douglas Ritchie, of Sarnia, was best man. The ushers were Mr. David Mountain, Beams- 'vilie, and Mr. Keith Bell, Montreal West. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Queen's Hotel, Outremont, where the bride's parents, assisted by Rev. and Mrs. James Ritchie, received the guests. Mrs. Bell wore a pale green dress with a large black hat and a corsage of deep pink roses. Mrs. James Ritchie wore a figured silk jersey dress with a navy trim- med white hat and a corsage of white roses. The wedding dinner was served at a table decorated with pink sweetheart roses and centred with the wedding cake, which was cut with a pink -ribbon- ed silver cake knife, used to cut the cake at the wedding of the groom's parents in Scotland forty years ago. The young couple left on a boat trip down the St. Lawr- ence, the bride wearing a powder blue suit of English twill with gray accessories. After spending a short holiday at Chateau Murray Bay, they wiII take up residence in Que- bec City, where Mr. Ritchie works in the Government office of the Geological Surveys Branch of the Department of Mines. Outof-town guests at the reception "included the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Meyers, of Sugar Loaf, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gagnor, of Noranada; the groom's sister, Mrs. Margaret Carson, To- ronto; Rev. and Mrs. James Rit- chie and two daughters, of Wark- worth, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ritchie and three daughters, of Sarnia. - LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. G. -R. Henderson, of Detroit, were the guests this week of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wil- son. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dugan, of Detroit, spent last week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton, • Mrs, Alex Lillie() and dau,gh.- ter left on Sunday by bus on a trip to South Dakota. • Mrs. C. Arkeil, of Sarnia, was a guest last week of Dr. and Mrs. E. A, McMaster. • Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of Baden, spent the week -end with Mrs. Dick'e parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. 3. Trapnell. • Mrs. Patterson has returned after spending the past two weeks in Walton with her daughter, Mrs, W. C. Bennett and Mr. Bennett. • Dr, and Mrs. Frank Docherty; of Conneaut, Ohio, and Mrs. W. W. Coon and daughter,• Miss Margaret, of Norfolk, Virginia, were guests of Dr and Mrs,, F. Harburn on Sudllay, They Were here attend, leg the dedication of a leew bap, tlaailal font in Northside United Chtircl , the gift of the tinnily' Of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Ct-: fochei, ty, oi"aooidville. a the I a7'bara ix° miss .Aitirillt ry►I +i. fir. r. . novt tdy'y of ttensti r• DANCING Meet your friends at the newly - decorated MITCHELL ARENA ' Dancing to Ross Pearce and his Band. Every Saturday Night Ammistiams, beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Dancing Every Night Neil McKay and his Orchestra C.B.C. Coast to Coast Broadcast- ing Orchestra MIDNIGHT DANCE July 4th — 12:05 a.m. Let's meet our hundreds of U.S. visitors for their July 4th holi- day! MEN'S SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT July 1st — 1:15 p.m. ;? Games of 7 innings in after- noon; winners meet at 7 p.m. for final 9 -innings game. Teams: POND MILLS - - London SAN DICOTTES - London MANOR PARK - - London and GRAND BEND — Silver Collection — wall. 19 'risking ,her 4140lstOn. l lr4- M. I. Rennnie, and Mr, Rennie, - • Mn John MolIfaun, of Chicago,: visitedfrielids in Lown, over the week -Qui, • F/,Q. and Mre. F. Sans Sul are moving to Ottawa, where he has been transferred. • Mrs. Susan Monro is in Scott Memorial Hospital, where she un- derwent an operation. • 'While diving at the swim:Meg pool on Saturday Mat, Ronald Ren- nie bad the misfortune to have his side lacerated. While not serious, it will be it little sore for a time. • Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Gyileck and • Rosemary and Guy, of Chica- go, visited their cousin, Mrs. Ar- thur Nicholson and Mr. Nicholson •of the 'Mill Road. Barbara Jean Nicholson will return with them to spend the summer vacation at their home. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender and son, David, of Kitchener, were in town on Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs, D H. Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth McQuaf/ and Mrs. A. R. Simpson have taken a cot- tage in Deer Lodge at Bayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hunter, of Toronto, .are guests of Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mr, Glen Smith. • Dr. A. R. Campbell, of Guelph, was in town Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Devereaux visited in Windsor, attending the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Downey. They were guests of Dr. and Mrs, J. M. Cole. • Mr. P. B. Moffat, the retiring principal of the .public school, was made the recipient of a 'wallet -con- taining a sum of money on Friday last: COAL SUMMER FILL -UP TIME IS HERE ! Unloading 2 Cars of Nut this week WILLIAM M. HART OFFICE PHONE 593-w - Seaforth SALT Farmers wanting Salt, please Phone 655 ring 2, and our truck will de- liver. WM. M. SPROAT NOTICE We pay high prices for POULTRY HAULAGE to the U. S. A. Phone 50 r 2, Dublin -( Stapleton's Produce Proprietor F. W. STAPLETON C THANK YOU I appreciate most sincerely the splendid support of the Electors of Huron -Perth on Monday. A. Y. McLean Reduced PRICES 10 PER CENT OFF THE FOLLOWING FARM MACHINES • No. 8 Hay Loader • ,1 Horse Stuffier • Cream Separators and Rite Way Milkers ALSO 10 PER CENT OFF ON Snowhite Electric Washing Machines For One Week Only! • Seaforth Mayors PHONE 141 I SEAFORTH �1 fir, t5Ott days, ann oT and Mre,. > Q eed 1daYa, of Wal cdta: vi1ls,,iu aisndi itisholidays with. mix uzLle, Mr. H. -Glenn Hays, • ,Mr. and Mrs, Russel Welter, 'who are holidaying et Grand Bend,.: were guests of •11/1i'/and 'Mrs. '1. IE, Willis Wednesday evening. • Messrs, Peter and Harry Mc- Artluir and Miss June Skelly, 'of Toronto, are guests, of FyO. and Mrs. E. e. McArthur.. They came to attend the graduation, at Olin tete Radar School. •' Misses Maud, Olive and Fior- enee Laidlaw are ,spending their vacation in Haliburton, • Mr. and Mra. A, Y. McLean are spending the week -end in Port Elgin. • F/O. and Mrs. Hawldns,r who have been residing in town, are moving to Ottawa. ONIMILIMMINY WINTHROP A reception for Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Horne will be :held on Fri- day evening, July 1, when there will Ise a good orchestra in attend- ance. Everybody is welcome. The W.M.S.'and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will meet on Wednesday, July 6, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Dolmage, Circle I will have charge of the meeting. CONSTANCE Mr. Kazimor Skorecker spent a few days in Toronto. Several from here attended the Warren - Lawson wedding in Met- ropolitan Church, London, on Sat- urday, Constance United Church Sim - day School picnic will be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on July 5. Everyone welcome, and bring your basket. Mrs, Leo Stephenson and Bill visited friends in Brigden on Wed- nesday. 1VIcKILLOP Sararas -'McDonald Northside United Church, Sea - forth, was the setting for the wed- ding of Grace McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald, McKillop, and Ross Allan Sararas, son of Mrs. Sararas and the late Siemon Sararas, of Cromarty, on Saturday, June 25, at 12 o'clock noon. Rev. R. A. Brook, Hensall, performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was gowned in white net ocer satin, full skirt, frilled, hip line, cape on shoulders and three- quarter veil and beaded headdress. She carried a cascade bouquet of Butterfly roses and white Olivet carnations. The matron of honor was Miss Laura Jackson, of Sea - forth, and the bridesmaid was Miss Joyce Pfaff, of Hensal•1, who wore identical dresses on the same lines the bride's, of peach and blue satin, and carried Johnna Hill ros- es. The groom was supported by Mr. Harold Caldwell, of Kippen, and the ushers were Earl Sararas, Toronto, and Gordon McDonald, Seaforth, Mrs. James A. Stewart played the wedding music and ac- companied Mr. Jas. T. Scott when he sang "The Lord's, Prayer" and "For You Alone." A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents when covers were laid for 45 guests. Mrs. McDonald receiv- ed in a flowered s'ilk jersey gown and Mrs. Sararas in beige crepe with black accessories. Those serv- ing were Lois Fell, Mary Jackson and Bernice Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Sararas left lated on a motor trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York City, and on their return will reside in Cromarty. A presentation was made to Miss Ann Brunk, teacher of S.S. No. 2, McKillop, on Monday, when the pupils and mothers were present. Miss Brunk is leaving for another school., and the pupils made her the recipient of a serving tray and cake plate. Following the reading of the address, lunch was served and a social half-hour spent. The following is the address: Dear Miss Brunk: It is with deep regret that we have learned of your de- cision to leave us, But what is our loss Is another's gain, We have enjoyed our relationship as teach- er and .pupils during the past two years, and we feel we could not h+ this opportunity .pass without showing some tangible expression of our appreciation for you, so we ask you to accept these gifts from Your pupils of No. 2 School.—Sign- ed chool.—Signed on behalf of all the pupas of No, 2. A shower in honor of Miss Grace McDonald, bride -elect of last week, was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Donald, when she Was presented with a miscellaneous shower. Com- munity singing was enjoyed, led by Mrs. Helen 'McMillan and Mrs. Robt. E. McMillan, Mrs. Francis Coleman, Jr., conducted several contests. Margaret Collins asked Miss McDonald to be seated in. a decorated chair and Gwen Hugill readan address and Donna Fowler and Lorraine Livingstone brought in decorated baskets. The follow- ing is the address: "Dear Grace: Centuries ago Shakespeare wrote: 'Life is short. Why should speak be long.' A modern version of this saying would go like this: 'Get up, speak up, and shut up.' However, brief as this greeting from your old friend and neighbors may be, it Is not lacking in warmth or sing cerity, Setting out on the journey of married life is the outstanding event in the life of a normal hu- man being, As friends wish a trav- eller 'good luck' at the beginning 'of a journey, so we wish you health, ahappinese and success as you stand on the threshold of ynn matrimonial voyage,and as a tangible evidence of these good wishes, we ask you to accept these gifts. We treat they will help you in your household duties and also be reminders of yoccr 'Roxboro friends.' Once again we extend our *araraest greetings '44"d, ,best wishee to rev end YoUr VEOSISeetive life partner, Signed; oltr Frieards.. and Neigitheres" Linreh 1nd4 'bell- ed int ac otlig 6elt4ittitt, Soda, NQW PLAYING --: TielJRSDAY, F MAY, SATURDAY Matinee Fri. -. Sat. at 2.30 • .I'i'i. EVERY GIRL ..SHOULD $E MARRIED " with 'CARY GRANT BETSY DRAKE FRANCHOT TONE This girl chases Man Comedy whl send you into gales of -laugh ter! Be sure to see this merry show. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " GOOD SAM with GARY COOPER and ANN SHERIDAN This is a story that generates warmth and good teeline at once, then piles up the comic moments until a high peak of inner satis- faction and delight is the reward of all who see it. k;. Coming: "THE SHOW-OFF" RED SKELTON with MARILYN MAXWELL MARJORIE MAINE - "ROCHESTER", Aminimmomminimmar- SPECIALS TO JULY BRIDES Special discounts on Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites. FLOOR COVERINGS Inlaids, Canvas Back, Linoleums and Felt Backs,. Congoleum, Axminster and Wilton Rugs. • G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK a Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co, PHONE 47 ATTENTION ! Fresh Carload of GYPROC • GYPROC LATH • LIME • PARISTONE Quality Goods with Quality Service A. Sills and Sons !' HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING NOTICE Take Notice that all persons who have attached mail boxes or other articles to telephone poles owned by Mclillop Municipal Telephone System, are hereby requested to remove same without fur- ther notice, and not later than July 15, 19'49 Persons failing to do so on or before such date will be prosecuted. i t ORDER (W Tuff COIV MISSIENERS •� (L' •J ,,I