HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-07-01, Page 7{ 1^ 1
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0o ro ..elft •me, )k ' t .$.• words elrQam th q
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n. >} f lit t „ ,. , _ . ul . , ...ro gh, A
' "' - brain:' Suddenly" slie saw'as in trig
rn elle spoke, t110 doer o1 the
$• salol , open,6li and the elder ;wvrelt. d,ssh 'the Saco of Ivor—the titG ., .
'flop wemt forward. ' , the Man she had loved for all"the
:brave o his ouch
w a° •^'�ucY, run down. and ask :11Iiaa .. ry' f 0 y . ecareely'
Reath to eolr4,e at once. ]( shanit kngwlog w�lat 4he olid, she turi�fld
C ♦ sea anyone etas now, I ninst loo`& and looked',
91t the draping of Lady 'Head's •xhat moment Jean and 'itibea
i i gess before I go out .ivfthyou, also ,turned towards the approrn
Gladyls, It's to' go to -night." Ing Gladys, and Mrs. Barnet's eyes
A • 4 Nettie spoke yin a low voice ' a , travelled from the cold, fair face
she ,mrrvell towards the door. of Jean to that or Thea.
, r "64 11i, see tto- !theni. iilntil .Mlim Her heart seemed to ,stop beat-
Heafli cbmes;' said' Gyadye. , Ing. With a terrible effort of self-
' •1 She approached they front show= control she went slowly from: the
room. The dividing curtains weye room. For half an hour she sat
' '' now drawn apart. alone, her thoughts back in the
"Mat name shall I say?" agked Past, and sometimes the tears. fell
r ' the apprentice. down her face unheeded, and once
"Mrs, acid Miss Selincourt," re- or twice she smiled.
'' Plied Jean'a clear, slow- voice. Presently there was a knock at
Nettie Barnet heard the wordtw the door. `
' 4 and felt As if suddenly turned ,to "Mrs. Barnet!" It was the shrills
intone. • She stood for a moment, cockney voice of Alice."
+ 613ind and deaf from the intensity "They're waiting for that drap-
of the sudden shock. And then 'cry, Mrs, Barnet."
, cher limbs 'began to shake and she `T will come." , -
put her hand on file door frame "The girls- are just .going down
r 4 for support. Her lips opened; and for their tea, but I told Miss Brown•
most ins'ensdbly she,
'tried to she'd, better stop a minute, as, It's
. ` moipten them with her dry tongue, urgent." ,
"Mrs, Selincourt, Mrs. Selincourt," At the door of the workroom
4 , Mrs. Barnet paused and laid her
hand on Alice's arm.
A. LEGAL "You've been a good friends,.
Alice," she said.
MCCONNELL & HAYS "They do. say," replied Alice,. '%s
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, it's stave as makes the world go
PATRICK D. MoCONNELL round. Give me a good friend, I
; Say."
!' j County Crown Attorney Knowing nothing of her mother's
SEAFORTH, ONT. cause for "agitation, Gladys moved
t Telephone 174 X towards the handsome woman and
the young girl who awaited her
A. W. SILLERY coming:
F Thea turned, then gave a little
Barrister, Solicitor, Eto. gasp of surprise. Her bored face
Phone 173, Seaforth became suddenly alive.
i "I knew it," she cried. "I told
®AP+ORTH - ONTARIO you we should meet again—The
i L Other Me!"
MEDICAL Jean with her accustomed slow
)' dignity of, movement gazed from
SEAFORTH CLINIC the one girl to the other, What
' t E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. she saw shook her calm—she look -
Internist ed surprised, troubled. ..'.
+ I , P. L. BRADY, M.D. "Oh, isn't it exciting?" went on
11 Surgeon
, 102108 Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 Van, .
daily, except Wedn'esda'y and Sung C N E C KE D
i NGS: Tuesday, Thursday ITCH -,I` Ina ✓Iffy r
sad Saturday only, 7 - 9 p.m Monet Back
Appointments made in. advance For quick reliefs from itchlna caused by
subkters toot coatis plinD es and otherit
4 r are desirable, _d use use pure, cooling, medicated, Ug
Physician and Surgeon
Phones: Office 5-W; Res. stir
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phonte..-90 - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. .
Late assistant New York Opthal-
Mel and Aural Institute, Moore-
delpd's Eye and Golden Square
Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At
Next visit, July 20th.
U Waterloo St, South, Stratford
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 110 - Hensall
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 134 - Hensall
Plyes examined and glasses fit
to& Oculists' prescriptions aecur-
ately ,filled. Phone 194, Eventnga
10, Seaforth.
J.'O. TJRNBULL, D.V:M., V.s.
lain Street - seat
&i PHONE 105
and bacteria that cause spoilage.
' ,oleC alist In Farm and Howse•
important to see that the notes-
nary equipment is on hand and in
staid Sales.
ffAcensed in Huron and Peace
'The girt was longing to termin-
Counties. Prices reasonable; eat-
. •
tsfwtion guaranteed.
and defective metal bands should
For information, etc., write or
There was something about ,her
,be replaced and the bails should
Rhone HAROLD S+ACKSON, 14, on
�1, Seaforth; R.R; 4; Seaforth.
the others can be put aside for
Licensed Auctioneer
�respondenee promptly answer -
double track all the way, with automatic block signals.
and see her in her studio. Pem-
OL Immediate arrange 11 otal
' bb made for sale dai;66'by'phonlAg
Raw canning method may be us-
the making —events which can
, OW 4111n.tom Charges moderate and
. Jean rose. It was ten minutes
side •action guaranteed,
constructive reports and interpre-
, meals and courteous service, of course.
8peclalist In farm ,stock and im-
flowing with boiling syrup. Com-
tations of national and interna -
Ofti ots and hbusdhold Offe&A.
string broke, and the paper open-
Me�tlrlaetion guaranteed., TAcensed
Next time, travel in comfort by train ... arrive refreshed on
ed to dds'play various articles of
haberdashery: cards of 'buttons.,
1a Hroron, and Perth Counties.
lits Particulars and" open dates; .
paper and place these filled- jars
in. Pour boiling water down the
Enjoy the benefits t being
best informed -locally, nationally,
vw to or phone JOSEP)i L. ItltAN,
3L`JL 1, Dublin. Phone 40" Ir 6,
of life people would go on buying
Indmim 4117zfi3
paper and The Christion Science
- --- -
'' It
LISTEN Tuesday nights over
(Morning) A.M.
r '
Oader]Ch (leave) .......... 5.40
4. .,h
seaRbrth ................... 6.20
Ivor was waiting for them on
Otmtfordl (.arrive) ... ...... 7.16
(Afternoon) P.M.
Settled fu the carriage he looked
Godwicah (leave) ,,,.,,,,,,. 3.00
today for a special in U.
troductory subscription`_ nmd!
seadlorth .... ... .......... , 3.46
one, Christian
St., Boston ISSeleneo , Mass., U.S.A.
t v
(Morning) A.M.
Please Bond me on introductory
subscription to Tho chrisHon Science
dord (leave) ........... 10.4'6
~orth ................... 11.86
Ooidaich (arrive) .......... 18120
(Afternoon) P.11f,,
t 4 .
,lykrAtCord (14AV,O) . , , .. , ..... 9.35
y ........,.1031
F Oft" PMdt+e) �,....�... iid,00
stalkless. Soothes, comforts -and geuield"caima
IntennDon't suffer.
forr D..DPRIT0". -
lea, (}e1! eyY9s ,_ Ill, q foil
_0 ;ill" a 144 �, ' �, '.
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1.ai Rip,
'VV- i -member, m1,(o,*yT 1.'
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a i4. !tire 1}o'&t � r SIW 8 y
hex?" she a: ' .o•I R!�e :3^
het' waat�'t x%,
00040 which she, dislilted i L #
ly. What rig ''had t>ii$ u�kiie
girl, tbig- dress er" 'il 'ii-
gi inak s a 'tvi' ,
resemble so Clpsely hex stats 'ohi'i
For tt ,oras im'),t>@slbXe to en'y
extraordinary ' reselnl>lance 0It t
two girls.
Gladys was taller, 'brvgde:r,
face stronger, calmer- 4 cling
flame -like changing• charm of Th
-but in feature, in colourin�g,
ihistakably alike.
Gladys 'moved. "Give Mise S
incourt a chair," she sai&
And; :then: a cold feeling of .c•
tain'ty crept into Jean SL-),ineou
mind. This Gladys Barnet .liad t
Pace of Thea, of the long sin.
dead Lady fIa'miin; but also ff
had'. the odd' little gesture of
left hand of Ivor Selincourt,
Jean heard; her husband's word
"You are .a beautiful woma
Jean," he had said on the night
Thea's party; and: as she spoke
flung out his left 'hand, the Tinge
wide -apart.
Mrs. Selincourt sat immovab
for a moment, and in that moms
she knew what jealousy mea
Her voice was scarcely under con
trol when she spoke again,
"My daughter requires so
dtresses," she said. "I am afra•
we .have not very mucic Mime, .b
I should like to see some of ylo
oiodels and. know your prices."
Miss Heath came forward.
"Dresses for the young 'lad
madame? For day or evenin
Lucy, the white satin model a
the pink chiffon. • Yes, and the 1•
'JP blue taffetas."
While Miss Heath 'took
cion of Jean, Thea gave way
ier curiosity.
"It does seem so funny, We o
y came just because a cousin,
Mrs. Corteous, comes to you, a
: liked ,her dresses so much. S'
lays Mrs. Barnet is so clever,
rou like being a dressmaker?"
"I'm not a dressmaker. I'm
Iress dtsigner, and I, draw for t
iewspapers," replied Gladys. IT
iard'y ever in the shop. I'm •g
ug to work entirely -for the Pri
;ess now and, have my o
"Oh, we always take the Fri
,ss. I shall look'for your dap
ngs. Do you like doing it?"
"Yes," said Gladys the practi
.if I didn't I shouldn't do it, y
c now. I can earn much mo
Under authority of By-law No. 111, for the
Town of Seaforth, no dogs shall be allowed
to run at large in '`the Town of Seaforth,
from May 21, 1949, to September 1,, 1949.
Any dogs so found running at large, con-
trary to this by-law, shall be liable - to be
killed and the owner or harbourer prosecut-
Men Wanted Immediately
This message is addressed particularly to men but some
women also can be used.
Crops are ripening earlier than usual all over Ontario.
Able-bodied men, willing to do Farm Harvest work, are
urgently needed at once.
Wages and working conditions are good.
$75.00 monthly with room and board free.
Paid to place of employment anywhere in
Please check with the nearest Office of the
Notional Employment Servide
Department of Labour
Deputy Minister
n ,
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Says Dr, Cu kt . , ., r ;, ,,. , ,�
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T1iilk you. Yes, vely PletyTe. testing leontribute touc,ee irk. Pik r ,#�itll,_ eh': ,h
a w •Il ,.call again and melte , ur de- t , i .. tills le a; cimcuf�r#R.,V1}* in , naAlgeIy, 'fol? ode hex . s. fa K. .
9 ;new-.$cienc,.e and while e f , ,.., $r k $ i l . F, Qr ;p ts' to - 'i${bt�i. b+N; !
se is' n. I ..:i u%Agds.v, .ba, Vii.
I to stn efts d we sh k . P ade''xee, In o ,.: ' •, <M.
all ... d &, ., p .aria .1Oaatlt, . . . eta
test n v tb a >x1d7Ftullf ., :.1!4'd1 ..M , S14 ..;+.', ell :1l l
tan. our- r ... g ha e . e h >�*orged ;i?ut fair a ,eluent Il Ia. fi 41
to �' tut that---" M. W. of the kind%.oP:s' •.a-s0ed! a and! pµarl illk 1lPI '�iy�he1R+ 3
�' Ii MR intQrrup'teff op grad feeder pigs; mesa pig$ ,have art, _ ned .the, •ri ti t ;
labgratory may bays, to t,tesk, :there. i, .,
d • Thea, "we're not going till the 6.1fi of .good bacpn type, 'peso , axe 20A Zip pRunds as, the Sual`,•stla i ,
is still a great deal of il4forlrtation, ll
It.] and it's not five vert." ne before entirely tiefacto.y. Produced Prp n bacon type .r.4 ,}h0 too glade pre nam .4f prplluj
he. Mrs. Selincourt almost lost her sa ins stock. So retain ,only those ins ,Grade11 A, hole, .
sell control. ,She gripped Thea ,hy, mt�tiAoda are reached for 4 all 1Rds,
�• sows, and use only boars with :>hq .
filer the arm so firmly that the glr2, So betimes, too, when a good length, depth, vigour and g8neral
I winced; .method seems 'to have been work; type which, can be •properl' elect:
, ,,
ea "Be quiet, Thea;' she command ed out for some kind 4f .well'. it .:s..gd, bacon type, Tie, pr duetlon. ;.' F
fonud that fit does nut work, equal g . r » �sdalc' , (i _-' ec' � s
un- ed, and her voice was low and of Targe healthy litters of, vigorous sus . , , .
ly pyell with all samples 0f that
tense. She made -her wap to ttha pigs from such bacon type ibreed-, r
el- door held open by the vwonderfag kind" Ing stoelo is the first 'step in the OwIm Safely
Lucy. The cocoa -nut headed Misn when a lot of seed is to be program. for Grade W. •hogs. ' I.
er- Heath stood an elegant effigy of tested, it Is obvious that the whole In :top grade feeding the objec- Every summer,, zliany Caxladia to
rt's surprised annoyance, lot .cannot be used: it must be tive is to supply all of the;,nutri- fire in water accidents. Marcy' qt
he Gladys reddened and lifted her saiApled, that. is, a sample must outs •necessary for the growing these fatalities cn4ild ;lie :pro vent
ce ht ad proudly, , be drawn which must be repre- pig. Barley and, oats will form the, ed by common-sense precautions,
he Again came the weld lmown ges- seutative of the lot. Whether a base of the ration. Millfeeds can Swimmers should. . reatigulber tp
the •ture of the left hand, sample is representative or not de- also be used, if available, Proteins, stay Out of, the water far a reas
"would you like a cab? Lucy, pends upon a number of things minerals and- vitamins are neces- onable time after eating, Non-
. a taxi for Madame.', sii'eh as the way it was drawn, sa swimmers should nit use callOW
ri and, so skim milk and min or other light water Craft. Don't
As her .mother passed through how well the bulk lot was mixed erala, or a complete protein min- g
of the doorway, Thea lingered, and so -on. Further, it is not pos- eral supplement should be added to 'swim' alone, and don't dive into
he !'Oh, Other Met' she said, "it is sible, except by the merest chance, the grain mixture. Vitamins in the water you do not VOW wol•1.
rs maddening to bg dragged away. to draw ,two samples which will form of cod liver oil and green
But I shall see you again. Don't give identical results of analysis
le forget—I shall see you again:' or hest from a given lot, so it be -
nt .0 comes important to. know Chow 3• Dry sugar can be used in-
t. "That Mrs. Selincourt is the odd- much: variation can be expected. stead of syrup for small fruits. For r `1
11� s►,a POINA-1 iii
esL, •most ill-mannered woman I There has been some talk lately small fnut the equivalent •for cash :! T i �'" K. "" +' '''1111,'i"".A
ever met," said Gladys to her of.chemical methods of testing the quart is two-thirds cup white sug= " �l +g°i,,�`I,
me mother later. They were standing germination of seed. These have ar sprinkled over top of partially { r ,,,{
id• in the bedroom of the Pembroke the advantage, if the INSRSTO' �
y prove filled, jar, then fill with berries to q„.,ME 7 „l�dfs+.1
ut Place Studio. "She came in and satisfactory, of shortening the one-half loch of top and pour boil- �{
ur Miss Heath, got out a lot of mod- testing time, since the results can i,l
ng water to within one-half inch a ,- `u
els, and -then she went ,off in a be read within about 24 hours in- of top. This allows space •to boil , y t
fuss as far as I could see just be- stead- of having .to wait 10 to 12 without cracking jars. � °� 1;
caus3 her daughter talked to me. days, Such methods, however, are 4. There are about lb pounds of �,i i ;,n'
g• It's funny we should be so alike, by no means perfected yet and strawberries in 24 pint boxes or r� .,�;' k';,> r`'” � �KFf 4;
id isn't it, Mum?" the have the disadvantage FEEDS �`
y age that, one crate. From these you obtain . ,,�, x N '
it- "Yes," said her mother quietly, while the results can he obtained from 9 to 11 quarts of berries.
"One sees strange likenesses some- much more quickly, each test takes 5. A six -quart basket of cherries /� , ±� .:i,
Posses- times. Gladys, if you take this more. of the analys't's time than weighs about, eight pounds. The h
studio you'll have to get some, re- an ordinary germination test, so number of quarts you may expect %�'� 3
spectable woman to do for you, that the same staff can handle to can is five. ! ;i „ja,t%
n- Ycu couldn't be here alone of considerably fewer samples. 6. Twelve quarts of gooseber- 444444 3
a ni@hta."rF.
It is for the purpose of studying ries, blueberries, etc., will take 12 +�. . , - p
ndi "No, I suppose net, though the problems such as those outlined quart jars to fill, or 22 p>nts. / I 1. rtP
ha other studios are so near one ��rr
above that :the Seed Research 7• If an air -tight seal has not lis;
1. RFs-$ ron,�
Do wouldn't feel lonely." Laboratory has •heen established in .been formed, use fruit before it /�
As she spoke, she opened the the Division of Plant Products of spoils, since further cooking win" ROE .FARMS MILLING CO.,. ATW 00, OUT. ' I
a window of the bedroom in which � r;
the Dominion Department of Agri- reduce the flavor. .-
he she and, her mother stood. culture. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: m In the next studno'some one was �F aE 3c
o- strumming "You Made Me Love W. R. Kerslake Seaforth orth A. J. Mustard Brueefield `� E'
n You" on a very bad piano. The Question Box r
tan A woman's voice called: Mrs. J. K. asks: "What makes W. R. Davidson, Hensall J. A. Sadler, Staffs �',
"Hurry up, Jack, we shall be canned peas cloudy?" Russell Shouldice, Brodhagen I. , �'
n late." Answer: Cloudiness may be due
V_ The strumming stopped sudden- to over -cooking or using too ma-
ly. ture peas. They will not spoil un y 4
cal, Gladys shut the window. • ' less further indication of bubbles ..
yo "Not very lonely, ,is it, Mum?" ' occur. th ,r
re s:•P asked laughingly. Mrs. M. C. says: "I always roll 1; t ' ti
m ars of strawberries to r
d�Q_ __ ytj prevent s�I jl� r3,v
209,01 a floating fruit, but it,does not pre- i Iii . V ' I , .
HYDRO vent it ,this year. Why?" T1
As the cab containing Jean and t`� - HOMk ECONOMIST Answer: This may be due to �[� 1 1111
jj 14111 ° Ja
Thea made its way northwards, too heavy syrup or over -cooking. 1(( �i� r1111 ;
Thea studied; her mother covertly. Rolling does not prevent floating. 1`[,t t i , *un. `'
Jean sat rebuilding her wall of flails homemakers! From all rj,jyj i iii;I� �r� yr
habitual reserve; but within that the foods in good condi "on at Anne ;, I fi!r ' '"'`' , �N''
wall was an unhappy, $} Anne Allan invites you to write II� ': �, ,
ppy, troubled wo- { f 11{ 1.
man. reasonable cost, .the wise' home- to her c/o The Huron Expositor. tr 11:41
maker will. select the a that she 11 I «,, . r '
"Mother," said Thea at last, "you Send in your suggestions on home- i' ,,, i . ,
kno +'s she can presrve safely. making problems and watch this n r,., i
know we said we'd meet Daddy Some foods are easier to can than z' "'. o,rtt'I
column for replies. for the 6.15. We shall have more others. Fruits and tomatoes are p - t-'� �`s "'•�; 1111
I� I� ^' _ tri;
than an hour to wait. Why ?" the easiest foods to preserve by ' �II�FThen we will wait," replied canning because they contain acids -y li Au
Jean, and someth-ing in her voice which make .the heat more effec- THE MCKILLOP • 11 I �� f "--"`� 1. i "'
and manner silenced Thea- , • , 1 ' ' " y''
I th fi 1 five in lei ling he yeasts, molds MUTUAL FIRE I• (• -.Sz„rte-- I_
n e rst c ass 'waiting -room at
Paddington Jean and Thea sat.
and bacteria that cause spoilage.
.. •
Presently Jean roused herself,
Before commencing to can, it is
CMWMX ilasres
:r ,� �=`t. _
"Would you like some tea?” she
important to see that the notes-
nary equipment is on hand and in
i --• Y
' •.� -
asked her daughter.
"Yes, please."
good order. Glass sealers must be
'The girt was longing to termin-
inspected, and those with any nicks
put aside for jams. Rubber rings
Frank McGregor,
gar, Clinton - Psea,
Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice
maintained daily service between Montreal, Toronto* and
Chicago. Inaugurated
ate this time of dreary waiting.
and defective metal bands should
July 1st 1900 to link these important citiet
There was something about ,her
,be replaced and the bails should
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager
mother that almost frightened her.
have good ,spring for preserves'
and Secretary -Treasurer.
Limited provides something special in speedy train travel.
In the Refreshment Room Thea
drank her tea and ate a bun, look-
the others can be put aside for
You are assured of a smooth ride over a perfect roadbed ...
pickles. The water -bath canner
Chris. Leonhardt, B rodhagen; E.
double track all the way, with automatic block signals.
meanwhile at •the glen who, Harv- J. Trewartha, Clinton• ,���*�`�'��� `N`""
should be deep enough to allow
cane and demanded "whisky and Fuller, R.R. 2, Goderich; J. H. Mc� OF FAMOUS TRAINS
soda," speaking with an odd water to cover the sealers. Thin EWi BOOK'
conventional familiarity ,� the provides sufficient pressure to pre- Gregor, R.R. 1,6RIM; Fmnk Mac- ..BLUE
vent .the .liquid from being drawn FROM THE
hl uglify barmaids. out, or let into the sealers. Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; wm,
out, you like a paper?" Scrub sealers and glass- lids with R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; �♦
"Shall I get one for you too, a brush in hot, sea water and John' L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth; �f G
Mother?" rinse well with clear, ho water. S. H. Whitmore, R.R, a, Ae re +h. • >
"No, thank you." t
sterilize by placing in a pan (with AGENTS:
In the waiting room they sat Mass lids in ,place) in the oven Finlay McKereher, R.R. 1, Mb
again, and Thea turned, over the with bottom heat on or "bake" lin. E. Pepper, Bruoefield; J. E.
Pages of the "•Sketch," while in Prneter, Brodhagen; George A.
her 'brain she recalled the 3nci- position. It requires 25 minutes watt, 81yth
dents brain
her meati at 275 degrees to sterilize jars in
ng with ,,the the oven. Remove from oven as
Other Me," needed and place on dry cloth to
Oh, dear," she thought to her- f111.
self, "I wish I had been •born 'the Th 13
Other Me.' Just imagine Chow de-
]ightfYtl to live in a studio all by
e so d pack method• is espec
sally recommended- for raspberries,
gooseberries, rhubarb, blueberries?
IA7C +"
The "Slue BnoA" —
your C.m aA
oneself and go one's own way. Aad
'perhaps 'the Other Me' wouldn't
and cherries. wash, •prepa�•e fruit
and measure. Make a medium• thin
CMWMX ilasres
:r ,� �=`t. _
— Guldeto
—Gut ere tinGarsda.
have minded being the real me
syrup -1 cup salsas to 1% cups of
, .. "��...
I'm sure she would .have got on
with Mother far better than I do.
water which makes 2 cups syntp,
International Limited for the past 49 ears has
p y
She would have been tidy and
and you need m cup syrup for each
pint jar small fruit. Precook
maintained daily service between Montreal, Toronto* and
Chicago. Inaugurated
sensible and practical. Yes, I'm
berries in syrup three minutes,
July 1st 1900 to link these important citiet
sure she'd be 'just the daughter
then pack in jars, seal and Place
and the intervening industrial regions, The International
and Daddy would like, and
the boys would. like her too. Andy
in a pan in the oven at 275 de-
grees. Process pints for 20 min-
Limited provides something special in speedy train travel.
perhaps if we only knew her
Mother wduld like me, what
utes; quarts for 25 minutes. Re-
gives you complete, dependable
local news. You need to know all
You are assured of a smooth ride over a perfect roadbed ...
muddle it all. is. I wish I could go
move from oven and let cool, then
check for air -tight test; label and
that is going on where you live.
double track all the way, with automatic block signals.
and see her in her studio. Pem-
But you live also in a
WORLD where big event are in
Completely relaxed with ample room to move around, you'll
brake Place, Earl's Court —that's
where the exhibitions are,"
Raw canning method may be us-
the making —events which can
enjoy air-conditioned coaches, parlor cars and various
. Jean rose. It was ten minutes
ed for raspberries, strawberries
and rhubarb. Pack raw fruit in
mean so much to you, to our
lob, your home, your future. For,
types of sleep -inviting accommodations .. ,delicious dining car
past six. She had three parcels',
sterile sealers' and cover to over-
constructive reports and interpre-
, meals and courteous service, of course.
and as she picked up the third: the
flowing with boiling syrup. Com-
tations of national and interna -
string broke, and the paper open-
pletely seal. -Cover the bottom of
tional news, there is no substitute
Next time, travel in comfort by train ... arrive refreshed on
ed to dds'play various articles of
haberdashery: cards of 'buttons.,
a tub with several layers of news-
The International Limited ... serving Montreal Cornwall
g ,
amongst other things, and across
paper and place these filled- jars
in. Pour boiling water down the
Enjoy the benefits t being
best informed -locally, nationally,
Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto,
Jean's Mind crawled, the vague
idea. that amidst all the tragedy
inside of the tub—enough to cover
internationally —with your loco)
Hamilton Brantford London Sarnia Chicago. '
s s , ,
of life people would go on buying
of sealers by three inches.
Place a blanket or mat over the
paper and The Christion Science
Travel by train for dependable all-weather service.,
buttons. It seemed inevitable that
tub. Leave to to 12 hours. Re-
LISTEN Tuesday nights over
they should, and yet in some way
. displeasing,
move, coop, turn upside a moment
ABC stations to "The Christian
Science Mbnitor Views the News."
91 Pool service Montreal •Toronto only. '
Ivor was waiting for them on
to test whether airtight, then
And use this coupon
Settled fu the carriage he looked
� � �
today for a special in U.
troductory subscription`_ nmd!
at Jean. ,
"What's the matter? � You don't
look well, Jean. You've knocked
Take a Tip
1. Do 'cans
one, Christian
St., Boston ISSeleneo , Mass., U.S.A.
I Whether at home — or
o- I- �, h� to plates" — in all yoan '
yourself up with this long day."
not process tin in
the oven, When processing tin
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