HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-07-01, Page 4WO' .' 11 ggPenr 'sof '•oars t*, ltd l tr , E, • ];'( meat, .ax 40>1.,azl, *At* "with 4r. '44 MT8, A. Mu4 ueen M> `Bud grl ,• AM johnsOi spkmt Suns with Mr, and M'rs. (1: ]da1- stead in Stratford. • Miss .Elisabe'th Scott, of London, 19 holilti'aaing with Mrs. kA. Hapo and Miss M. Swan. llENSALL The regular nseetiing *f llensall Council was hiid Tuesday at 8 p.m. in ,the council chamber with all members present except Reeve A. W. Kerslake, Tudor and Moir: That owing to the absence of Reeve A. W. Kerslake, Councillor ).v. Parke be • ing reeve. F: Har- burn report on the streets and the workdone dry the contractor. Moir and Jones: That we give 'Mr. Doxeco permission to erect a picket, fence between his property and the old bowling green proper- ty and the council beat` half the expense. J. A. Paterson,re/iorted the sunstnary of the tax roll as be- ing: Land, $64,420, buildings $36,- 330, business $30,445; total taxable assessment, $531,196, with a total tax rate collectable $24,434.97, and exemptions as being: Land $2,600, 'buildings .$46,750, or a •total assessment of $580,545.00. He also read an address by Fire Marshal W. J. Scotts O.B.E., K.C., delivered in Regina May 9. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Wesley Sheriff, Dr. J. C. Goddard, A. R. Farr, Imperial Oil, County Clerk, Dept. of Public Wel- fare, A. R. Hagey re Peacock Bro- thers, G. H. Ruttie—same consid- ered and filed. The following 'accounts were passed for payment: J. L. Nichol, tuning piano, Hall, $4; London Free Press, advertising, $34; Hen- sall Public Library, part library rate, $238.99; Exeter District High School Board, part school pate, $429.83; E. Fink, material and lab- or, W.W., $146.03; Supertest Petro- leum, gasoline, W,W., $30.26; J. Passmore, material and cartage, W.W., $5.63. Total $838.74. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore visited' on 'Sunday with Rev. and, Mrs. R. A. Passmore at Saltford. Jean Henderson sang a pleasing solo, "Jesus Wants Me For a Sun- beam," at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday School on Sunday morning last. Mr. Nichol accom- panied at the piano. Mrs. C. L. Jinks, who has been spending the past six weeks with ter sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. August Peterson, of Rap- id City, S.D„- who were both in poor health, returned' home last week, Members of the Wohelo Class and guests numbering forty, en- joyed a delightful, picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, Friday eve- ning. Swimming was one of the main features, and. a delicious pic- nic supper was served, after which most of the members enjoyed• the softball game between Seaforth and Hensall girls' softball teams. The members concluded that the Lions Park was a delightful spot for a picnic. Pupils of Miss Greta Lammie will broadcast over CKNX, Wing - ham, on Saturday, July 9, at 11:15 a.m. Election day passed off quietly in the village on Monday. Four hundred and nine, out of a total of 492 electors, went to the polls to cast their vote, 85 per cent of the village exercising their fran- chase. The results were as fol- lows: E. McKinley, (P.C.), 198; A Y. McLean, (L.), 207; R. J. Peters, (C.C.F.), 3, a majority for McLean of nine. There was one spoiled Guaranty Trust Company of Canada 56th CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND NOTICE is hereby given that a divi- dend of 1'h%, being at the rate of 5% per annum on the paid -in capital stock of the Company, has been declared for the quarter year ending June 30th, 1949, payable July 15th, 1949, to shareholders of record at the close of business June 30th, 1949. By order of the Board. J. WILSON BERRY President & General Manager (0oI^6e{ 'Cir8;7pnrlap$, fto*? 3 F aud'. Jghlt . 'isl;ey 'were throe pidd9`'�tltert; , . 4, .T an. e33 eratln< and Peggy G4tl dare Chad, taheir t'on&l1$ estioved at 'elinton Pone Hospital ' an Wed- nada n morning: Mr.'„)3111 Mlcltle visited at Ron, deau Governmesit Park and Ridge - town with relatives on Sunday. Jack Drysdale, of Hensall, was the lucky winner of the first prize, complete •furnishings for a living room, at the Exeter Legion Build- ing uilding Fund •Carnival. The 'prize In- cludes & chesterfield suite, lazy boy chair, Axminster rug, radio, lamps, mirrors, , end tables and 'hassock. Jack was married some 'four weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kerslake at- tended the County Home Conven- tion held at Owen Sound this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale ob- sersed' their 34th wedding anni- versary on Thursday of last week. The Senior and Junior Choir of the T,Tnited . Church will held their picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, 'VII Wednesday, July 6. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kercher, of Hensall, when some fifty relatives gathered to honour their daughter, Doris, bride -elect of July 2. The bride-to-be received many beautiful gifts. Guests were present from Mitchell, St. Malyis, Kirk ton, Russeldale, Cromarty, Staffa, Lucknow, Wingham,• Toron- to, Zurich, Hensall, London and Washington, D.C. After a social time together, delicious refresh- ments were served. Gertrude Bell, pupil at Hensall public school, is making a pet out '9,f b '144.i i$ w h wiist2� int ar gtravtR tees. IA) Iinlual t4 ;0;0104.10A 1r1arl(►. ` t . foot qtr ;nom oa1J....' he i .other a** and ithxett oL heI offfi'pring left the( 40 ,44,'' 040' day tp' 644011°,;41'0144 Che ffamul:,. "Pal," the 'family dog, .gtteci .them and .finally dllgilcOetil Of thens in short ,Clue remained 't$ the .neat vvhichi Was discovereds.,l1y} Gertrude.. He sleeps on the very an'dah and until tb s week was fedi from an eye dropper, It fol'1eW 1 her around• and quite often, ens eat her shoulder,, is very tame, being; six inches long, an about 'three; weelos Mrs. Martha Harvey, Mrs. Annie Logan, Mrs. Eva. Carlile, Mr. Wal- ker Carlile and Mr. and 'Mrs. Wes- ley Richardson were 3n Marlette,, Michigan,over the week -end at- tending ttending the 54th reunion of the Walker clan, held at the home of Mr. George Redmond. A section concert was held at S. S. 1, Tuckersmith, Wednesday exe- ning, Dr. James W. Bell entertain- ed with delightful slides of views of the different places he had vis,- ifed in a world tour he made some years ago. , Plans were discussed regarding the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the school to be held some time in the near .fib- ture. Keep the date in mind, Wednes- day, July 13, for the frolic and molester bingo to be held in Henn sail. sponsored by the Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion.. There will be a draw for a. 1949 Dodge de luxe sedan and 1949 de luxe Leonard refrigerator. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Huron -Perth: I wish to thank all the voters in Hiiron-Perth who supported me at the election on June 27th, and special thanks to the workers and to the Young Progressive Conservative Association. J. ELGIN McKINLEY Nor LET NOTHING COME AHEAD OF THIS First of all, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly, set aside a definite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with us—and leave it untouched. Then plan to live comfortably on the balance of your earnings. - In this way you are bound to succeed—to 'enjoy life much more, to be independent when independence means most. Be generous to yourself THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH: G. C. Brightrall - Manager A. ALMATEX Stock Reduction SAL E 2.50 gallon 50c quart BALDWIN Hardware "The Store That Carries the Stock." PHONE . 61 SEAFORTH i7? 0 x ie `Acis, %dserted At New Low Cash Rates: O18 LE. WANTED. LOBI AND FOUND, ETC.—Per words 1 Cent Cent8rd week Cent Minimum thane. first insertion26 Cents Each figure, i*itial and abbrevia bion counts so one word. In Memo$am Notices, Opining Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, Or ts per week. ea may be directed to . Box No., c/o The Harron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. •tiditiOnaj will be charged If ads is above axis are not paid within 10 days I Q ',;late ofMarriages aid Deathsom. erted free of charge. uctian Wes, Nutlet* is Oredeloaa 'Eta.—Rates on application. let week Coming Events Automotive Supplies OW TIME BARN DANCE AT THE 1+ Crystal Palace Ballroom, Hitchen, Friday night with Don Roberson and his Raneh Boys. Entire proceeds for Lions Swimming Pool. Bring your friends and enjoy a good might of drawn:lg. 4255x1 Notices NOT10E-33RUSH AND SPRAY PAINT- ing, paperhangiag, varnishing and graining. ALBERT NORMAN, Mitchell. Phone 296-W. 4252x7 MOWER KNIVES WELDED A N D """ sharpened Lawn mowers also shaam- ened. JOHN MacLEAN, Egmondville Garage. 4255-tf BUILDING OR GARDEN LOTS IDI Stratford in exchange for a small Bummer cottage in or very near Bayfield. Apply MARGARET CASSON, 98 Rebecca St„ Stratford, Ont 4248x7 RADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. WOI1 pick op Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KEGHNIE. Blyth. 4218-tf Poultry STARTED CHICKS T WO WEEK-OLD, NON -SEXED BAR - red Rocks, Light Sussex X new Hamp- shires, White 'Reeks 21.95, New Hamra shirr 21.45, Light Sussex 22.95. Assort- ed Heavies 20.45. Pullets: Barred Reales. Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires 30.95, White Rocks, Light Sussex 32.95. Assorted Heavies 29.95. Cockerels:, Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampehires, Light Sussex 20.95. White Rocks 22:95. Assort- ed Heavies 20.75. Three -Week -Old add be per Chick. Also other Breeds. Day olds, 12 pure breeds and 13 Cross Breeds, Non - Sexed, Pullets and Heavy Cockerels. Prompt delivery. Turkey Poults. Older pullets eight weeks to laying. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Limited FERGUS, ONTARIO 4255-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EDWARD JAMES STEPHENSON, late of Seaforth, Gen- tlem$n. CREDITORS AND OTHk,RS HAVING claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before' 'the 15th day of July, 1949, efter which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. London, Ontario, Executor, by DAWSON & NETHERY, Solicitors, Sarnia, Ontario. 4253-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In .the Estate of DENIS JOSEPH O'REILLY A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Denis Joseph O'Reilly, late of the Township of McKil- lop, deceased, who died on or about the 1Sth day of June, 1949, are .hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after thesaid last men- tioned date, the assets, of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of ail others, and the undersigned will not be liable to .any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of June, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLEIRY, Seaforth, Ont-, Solicitor for the Estate. 4254-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN NICHOLSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Nicholson, Jate of the Township of Tuckersmith, der ceased, who died on or about the 15th day of August, 3948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 8th day of July, 1949, full Par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part .thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of June, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4253-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN WESLEY FREE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Wesley Free, date of the Town of Seaforth, de- ceaseds who died on or about the Slst day of May, 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Ireniediately after the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DArEu at Seaforth, this 14th day of 'June, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4258-3 NOTICE. to CREDITORS lit the Estate of MARGARET ALPENA CARDNO A L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Margaret Alpena Cardno. late of the 'Town of Sea - Death, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of June, 1949, are hereby notified to send 10 to the under - aligned cal or ibelfore the 22nd day of July, 19.49, .full particulars of their clatima. .TYhinediately after the said fast men- tioned date, the assets of the sand estate ti alj be dietributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baring regard only to elaniia of Which the undersigned , Shall thggis' have notice, to the exclusion of all dr),1ieta,. and the undersigned will not he Ilelrac to punt Person of whose claire). the tindettigned shall not thea harte notice df4i�a'e f eaaete so distributed er ,atilt part )IlAat ,:leafonth, ithla .211 dak5r bf titi 1940. 4i.VIl4 tW', ErttEltAr, rtti aileltsz oft 4283 STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOW-ROOM— is how your car will look if you give it a dry-clean with "TARNOFF." Simple. easy, to use. 16 -oz. tin, 60c; 36 -ca. tin, 51.00. R. MARKS, Garage. Walton. Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c, All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LIB B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price .list 6 sampler 25e: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Lost and Found LOST — FOLDING CHANGE PURSE, which contained a sum of money. Ap- ply to Box 782, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4255-tf S TRAYED—FROM LOT-, 18, CONCES- sion 9, McKillop, grey steer with horns, weighing around 800 •lbs. Anyone seeing this beast please notify WILSON LITTLE, R.L 1, Seaforth. Phone 840 r 6. 4255-1 Help Wanted '(ICTANTED—GIRL WANTED FOR RES- ' taurant in Mitchell- Apply COZY GRILL. Mitchell. 4255x2 HELP WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; capable of caring for 2 - year -old drill. Apply to Box 783, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR.' 4255-1 HELP WANTED GOOD STRONG MEN WANTED FOR work in the Flour Mill. Apply EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS, Limited SEAFORTH For. Sale FOR SALE—FRAME BARN, 38 x 60. PHONE 661 r 13, Seaforth, 4255-1 FOR SALE -11 CHOICE SUCKERS, weaned. Apply ORVILLE DALE, North Main St., Seafortb.. 4255x1 FOR SALE—NUMBER YOUNG PIGS, three litters, seven weeks old. For Particulars apyly J. W. ORIOH, Clinton. Phone 617 r 23. 4255x2 FOR. SALE -ALMOST NEW rd H. P. electric motor and oil bath pump jack. ZA'CK RYAN, Dublin. 4255x1 FOR SATE—HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC rangette, used two months, in good condition. Apply JOHN EDLER. Phone 292. 4255x1 FOR SALE—CASE V.A- TRACTOR, IN Ali condition, with starter, lights, power -lift stuffier. W. BURDGE, Bruce - field. 4255x1 • FOR SALE — 4 -YEAR-OLD BROWN snare; white slippers and star; sire, J. Patch; mother, Gratton. FRED A. MacARTHUR, R -R, No. 1, Neustadt, Ont. 4255x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTREtt, 78 Ontario St., Stratford 422343 OR SALE—QUANTITY OF SQUARED timber, 10x12, hemlock and maple; also number of good hemlock sticks, 5x7x 16 feet long. May be seen at Kinburn United Church. For particulars PHONE 850 r 24 or 850 r 4. 4255-1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE --A RENT - ed house with vacant lots, in Lind- say (Lake district) ; clear title, taxes $60: lease.expires on Nov. 1, 1949. Write T. H- STJNSON, Esq., K.C., Lindsay, or R. L. ELLIOTT, Custodian, 272 Jarvis St., Oshawa. 4255-2 FOR SALE -1 SOLID OAK SE1l'tE, folds out as normal ted; 1 McClary Quebec stove with long deep fire -box and oven; 1 table model coal oil stove, good as new; 1 ]6 -inch lawn mower, in good shape; 1 Doherty range with warming closet and reservoir, good as new: 1 iron pump with pipes and cylinder. Apply to JOHN PETRICK, Seaforth. 4255x1 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements and Furniture, on Lot 12, Con. 4, MoKillo$ Township, 2% miles north of Seaforth and 31/ miles east, on Saturday, July 2nd, at 12 o'clock, Daylight Saving Time: Implements and Miscellaneous—1 set bridles ; 2 forks ; 1 Viking cream separator; I oak barrel: 1 side rake; 1 hay loader ; 1 plow ; 1 binder, 7 -foot, MasseyaHarris ; 2 cultivator ; 1 fertilizer drill; 1 deck drill; 1 fanning mill; 1 cutting box; 1 moveable rack; 1 set scales; 6 cords hardwood; lawn mow- er; wire, 2 rolls ; chain; fence stretchers and aril's; 1 rubber tire buggy; 1 cut- ter; 1 work bench ane vise; 1911 De Soto oar; 1 pump; 25 feet piping; 1 step ladder; 1 Mand roller; 1 scufiler; 1 wagon on steel; 1 steamboat; 1 set sleighs; 1 electric motor; 1 pump lack; 1 set har- rows, 7 sections; 1 dump rake; 3 bunch- es shingles, 502; 1 manure spreader, New Idea; 2 mowers ; 1 disc, out -throw; 1 colony house; 1 plow; 1 wheelbarrow; large nunlber of tools; 1 halter; 1 set of sockets ; 3 horse collars ; 1 brace and a large number bits. STOCK -3 work horses. GRAIN -150 bushels of oatn. FURNITURE — 1 leather bottom arm chair; 4 feather bottom chains; 3 leather bottom and back chairs; 1 leather rock- ing chair; 1 tray; 1 piano and stool ; stand; 1 hall rack ; 1 V ictro]a ; 1 rug, 15x12; 1 dresser; 1 bed, springs and mattress; 1 chair; 1 stand; 1 cane bot- tom rocking chair; 1 dresser; 1 cane top table: 1 small table; 1 drophead Singer sewing machine; 1 white bed, springs and mattress; 1 set beam scales ; 1 crook; 1 wash tab; 1 2 -gallon crock; sealers ; 20 quart sealer of fruit; 1 electric radio; 1 Renfrew cook stove; 1 couch: 1 2 -'burner hot ,prate; 1 extension table; 1 rocking chair 5 kitchen chairs ; dishes; 1 small table; 1 screen • 1 crock churn ; 1 table: 1 extension table: 1 washing machine: 1 coal all stove- 1 small table; 1 large dresser; 1 desk ; 1 trunk ; 1 bed, springs and Mattress; 1 dresser; 1 washstand; 1 candle stand; 1 V -broach ; 2 candlesticks ; 2 sets kg tongs; 50 We towels; large amount tattle cloths and linens; 1 mat; 1 green rug gall; I brown rug, 3x6; 1 red rug, 3,11; some antique dishes; 1 oil cloth ; 1 electric iron ; silver, forks, knmtcs and spoons; 1 cake platter: 1 set shears a full line of cooking utensils ; a large mintber of pillows and cushions ; 1 Olken- ten not: 1 gam dock; number of cttrttline ; 1, "large mirror. Terms --Cash. ESVA'1NE OP Ii. ,t', O'REILLY; Leto Row- land,. Auctioneer t Sas, Carlin, Merle: 1111cbael B. lilt:reay, Lowis 2'. Coyne, Ex- teitta t . perty''.FRS •Sale ' iZ4A: . App1 mlde rodernl;. ea,. 4.65 -foot lit. 4044 Walls ted WANTED — BOARDERS. MEN 1ORE- ferred. Applg to Box 784, HURON EXPOSITQR. 4256.1 NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL wants foo rent or buy a house. Pos- session middle of August. Apply M, Mc- KELLAR. Phone 257 or 191. 4252-tt Motor Cars For Sale �j OR SALE -1942 DODGE SEDAN, 1N A-1 condition. PHONE 40, Seaforth. 4255x1 FOR SALE -,1942 BUICK SEDAN; 1936 Chevrolet truck; 1931 Ford coach; 1940 Chevrolet coach. Apply to MEL. CLARKE, Seaforth. 4256-1 FOR SALE --1935 DODGE COACH, 1N good condition; two .practically new tires; 'heater ; driven 51,000 miles. Apply MKS. CHART.Fc THEOBALD, Egmond- ville. 4255x1 USED CAR BARGAINS 48 csmv. COACH Low mileage. 47 CHEV. FJ.'TLINE COACH 41 PONTIAC COACH Completely reumditioned. 37 CHEV. COUPE 36 CHEV. ,SEDAN 36 TERRAPLANE SEDAN 35 3 3 TERRAPLANE SEDAN '34 CHEVROLETS MODEL 'A' COACHES 31 MODEL 'A' CONVERTIBLE BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED For Purchase of Truck TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until and including July 16, 1949, for the purchase of one used Whyte line construction truck, com- plete with winch and legs. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SEAFORTH 4255-3 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS 'WILL BE RECEIVED IN writing until July 15th, for the in- stallation of steam heating in Northside United Church, Seaforth. Plans and specificavions may be seen at Savauge's Jewellery Store. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SAM SCOTT, Chairman Building Committee, Seaforth. 4254-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS IN WRITING WILL BE RE- ceived until July 15th for the erection of an addition to the rear of Northside United Church, Seaforth: building to be cinder block construction with brick fac- ing and flat roof. Plans ' and specifications may be Been at Savauge's Jewellery Store any time after June 28th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SAM SCOTT, Chairman of Building Committee, Seaforth. 4254-2 Cards of Thanks MRS. ALEI LOWERY AND FAMILY desire•'te thank all ,those who ex - praised sympathy and ki xdness in their recent sad berearemrent; also to thank Captain Buroh, Rev. -A: W. Gardiner and Rev D. Glenn Campbell. I WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends, the ladies of St. Thomas' Church, the Ladies' Euchre Club and Lions Club for their many cards, flowers and gifts sent ane during my recent ill- ness. 4255-1 di•IRS. ROY DUNGEY THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOSEPH Mero wishes to express their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sym- pathy extended to them during their re- cent bereavement, and special thanks to the pallbearers, Dr. McMaster and neigh- bors. 4255x1 MM. AND MRS. CAMPBELL EYRE wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Kippen East W.I. and Mr. A. Finlayson and pupils of S.S. No. 10, and to all those who helped in any way and who sent cards, flowers, treats, gifts and who made inquiries and visits during Douglas' illness; also thanks to *e doctors and staff of Clinton Hos- pital and the special nurse, Mrs. C. Long - 4255 -1 Births HARKNESS—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hark- ness, of Kippen, wish to announce the birth of their son, Dennis Gordon, at Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 27, 1949, HILLEBREOHT—,In Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Jdne 24, to Mr. .and Mrs. Ervin Hillebrecht Mitchell, a daughter. BU rl'MRS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butter, Dublin, a son. SMITH—In Sdott Memorial Hospital, on June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith (nee Betty Clarke), a daughter. 111111111111111111 I11I11111111111111111111111111 From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil: Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply— H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R . Hensall 111111111111111tH[lililllllillll11ll1111111 Nett Aar .=t. (Qoutinued from BW,I, Ronald; .Riley, Grace; Bey 'ySi'ii- nifred; Shaw, George; mitt, Lor- raine; Storey, Mavis.; Wiese, James; Walsh, Katherine; ,West- cott, Blanche; Wright, Babara. GRADE XI Students proimoted from Grade XI to Grade XII ,a,re as tollews: Joan Wheatley ranked :first;. Mary Lou Sills, second. Subjects in 'brackets represent failures in those subjects. Bechely, Michael ; Blanchard, Keith; Bolton, Arthur (Honours) ; Bradshaw, David (Math., FrJ ; Caldwell, Jean; Collins, Margaret (Hist.) ; Dale, Donald; Glanville, Joyce; Hackwell, Merton; John- ston, Irwin; McKindsey, Gordon; McKindsey, James; 'Montgomery, Shirley; Murphy, William; Nixon, Sue (Math., Fr., Comm. Wk.) ; Pep- per, Hannah; Ryan, Joan (Hon- ours); Sanderson, Emma (Math.): Sills, Mary Lou (Honours) ; Steph- enson, William (Honours) ; Wheat- ley, Joan (Honours). Grade XII Students promoted from Grade XII to Grade XIII are as follows: Mona Caldwell rafiked first; June Spell, second. Subjects in brack- ets represent failures in those sub- jects. Bolton, Yvonne; Boswell, Mary; Boyes, Phyllis; Caldwell, Mona (Honours) ; Campbell, Muriel ; Chapman, James (Fr., Lat.) ; Dor- ranee, Stanley; Elgie, Eleanor; Leeming, Norma (Math.); Living- ston, Lorraine; Mills, Murray; Pullman, Doris; Richardson,. Lois (Fr.) ; Russell, Barbara; Snell, June; Stevens, Margaret; Stevens, Bessie; Wallace, Ruth. Secondary School Graduation Diplomas The following students have been granted Secondary School Gradua- tion Diplomas: Bolton, Yvonne; 'Boswell, Marl Boyes, Phyllis; Caldwell, Mona; Campbell, Muriel; Dorrance, 'Stan- ley; Elgie, Eleanor; Livingston, Lorraine; Mills, Murray; Pullman, Doris; Russell, Barbara;- Snell, June; Stevens, Bessie; Stevens, Margaret; Wallace, Ruth. Report cards of all Middle School students may be obtained at the school How They Voted No. No. No, No. No. No. (Continued from Page 1) Tucker -smith' 1..., 1A. and 2A 105 95 98 106 62 86 78 77 65 70 54 63 462 497 6 3 5 6 1 7 28 Hensall 198 207 3 Seaforth No. 81 154 4 No. • 104 115 2 No. 99 149 1 No. 46 119 10 No. 65 83 8 No. 94 100 3 489 720 28 No. 1.... No. 2.... No. 3.... No. 4.... No. 5.... No. 6.... No. 7..,. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3A.. 3B.. Logan 89 50 10 66 112 3 51 111 3 98 85 12 28 83 2 26 39 2 72 85 2 430 565 34 Mitchell 100 103 2 85 43 12 92 76 6 92 51 4 121 93 7 132 113 •6 622 479 37 Ocean waves reach a height of 50 to 60 feet off the Cape of Good. Hope. Deaths CARDNO-1n Seaforth, on Friday, June 24, Margaret Alpena Campbell, widow of the late J. M. Cardno, in her 7518 year. 14U RAN>~Pg:R ;H SU ,MMAPie Fuliarton; , , . 384 14ib4:x .. 269 Usbol'ne „ 4 Exeter ' ... 68.4 Hay • . 522 Stephen ... 741 Hullett .. , . 460 Stanley .... 649 McKillop .. 322 Tuckersmith 462 Hensall ... 198 Seaforth . , . 489 Logan ..... 430 Mitchell .. 622 Grand Total 6,674 362 04 • 006 kik ' 3] 584 66 741, 655, 403 369 464 497 207 ' s 720 28 666 $4 479 37 20 90 49 17 70 28 6,,885 536 CROMARTY Anniversary services were held. in Cromarty church on Sunday with a good attendance at each service, Rev. W. A. Young, B.A„ Sc., Of Guelph, was the guest speaker. The choir, under the'lead- ership of Mrs. Ken McKellar, add- ed much interest to the services. Anthems were sung by the choir; selections by the junior male quartette, Robert Laing, Eldon Al- len, Gordon Houghton and Lloyd Sorsdahl, and a solo was sung at each service by the guest speaker. At the evening service the senior male quartette sang, composed of Tom Scott. Sr., Edgar Allen, Frank Stagg and Ernest Templeman. The anniversary services at this time commemorate the eighty-fifth anni- versary of the building of Crom- arty church. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns and• family with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor and little son, of Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mr. James Scott, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns, Bruce - field, with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlin; Miss Frances Hamil- ton, of Lucknow„ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Olen Christie and Mr. Angus McKaig with friends in Kit- chener; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc- Queen, of Hensall, with Mr, Jas. Scott; Mrs. Jean Chalmers and son, David, with Grace Chalmers; Mr. Robert Coleman, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell at Brucefieid. School Section No. 6 of Hibbert held a picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Tuesday, afternoon, with an attendance of over one hundred, The afternoon was spent in bathing, swimming and races. The winners of the different races are as follows: Girls, five and un- der. Alice Walker; boys, five and under_, Billie Ramsay; girls, 6, 7 and 8, Alice Sorsdahl; boys, 6, 7 and 8. Laurie McKellar; girls, 9 10 and 11, Wanda McLaren; boys, 9. 10 ar;d 11, Laverne Wallace; girls, 12 and over, Shirley Wallace; boys, 12 and over, Alex Walker: three-legged race, Dorothy Kemp and Shirlely Wallace; clothes pin race, Alex Walker and Doug. Mc- Kellar; dropping clothes pins in milk bottle, Jim Ramsay; carrying orange on paper plate, Hazel Ham- ilton; toothpick relay, Wm. Har - per's team; balloon breaking, Haz- el Hamilton ; tug-of-war, Ted Storey's team. Lunch was then served by the ladies. Mr. Otto Walker expressed the greetings of the large gathering to Miss Boyce for the good time spent together. Miss Boyce made a suitable reply, stating that this was the first 'pic- nic held by the section and hoped it would be made an annual affair. BRUCEFIELD The annual decoration service was held in Baird's cemetery re- cently when graves of members, of the I.O.O.F., Rebekahs and Veter- ans of two wars were decorated. Rev. E. R. Stanway had charge of tire service, which was well attend- ed. The garden party, under the aus- pices of the managers, was held on the Manse lawn Tuesday evening and was well attended. The pro- gram, which consisted of vocal numbers by Mrs. Frank Kling and Mr. F. E. Willis and the Vander - burg, from Seaforth; piano solos by Mrs. Murdoch; a reading by Miss Eva Stackhouse and musical numbers by Miss Eva Stackhouse and Miss Phyllis McBride, was much enjoyed. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, of London, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott. There are 38 textile plants in Canada producing full-fashioned hosiery. Rubber Stamps and Stencils WARWICK'S "Stampmester"--= MAKES THE 'BEST IMPRESSION -- ±1r — MP MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • Rubber Stamps are essential to any well-run business! They save you time, and money. Three Day Service On ,Rush Orders Stamp Pads, Daters & various supplies he Hur on Expositor Telephone 41 -- Seaforth is 4 , 1