HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-06-17, Page 4STORE . SHOE SMITH!S 8 -DAY SHOE;, SALE STILL IN FULL BLAST ! We are sorry that at times we could not wait on our many customers, but you still have your chance—many Styles and Sizes still on Sale ! e SIZES AND SALE PRICES MARK- ED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON SALE TAGS! Just to mention two or three lots that should be of special• interest to you: Lot 2 Women's Black or Brown Leather Loafers Values to $4.50. $2.49 SALE PRICE Lot 4 WOMEN'S SHOES Suitable for House or Garden Wear Values up to $3.50. $1,98 SALE PRICE Lot 8 Misses' White Leather One -Strap Shoes Leather soles. Sizes 12 to 2%. Valles' $2x49 to $3.95. SALE PRICE OXFORDS—LACED STYLE 8 to 10%rP a+v Sizes 6 to 7%. $1.59 SALE PRICE Lot 15 BOYS' TAN OR ELK Rubber soles. Sizes 11% to 4. $2.49 SALE PRICE �D ANOTHER LOT OF BOYS' OXFORDS $1,98 SALE PRICE Lot 13 Men's Black or Tan Oxfords Leather soles. SALE PRICE Lot 17 Women's White Saddle Oxfords $2:9,8 SALE PRICE $3.98 Misses' Saddle Oxfords ¢ SALE 'PRICE $2a 19 Come in, try on any of these Shoes! No Refunds or Exchanges, Please! SMITH'S SHOE STORE SEAFORTH ONTARIO A 1 i 411 ITEM A tar t 1 ds.) fted .ids Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR B.AAIB, WANTED, 1.,OST AMID 'FOUND, E -� er wee d: let Week -` and week % Cent Cent azo week «,:>5... fitlx1. Mleim ens old. first inseraen28 ds. .. Gads Each hritre, Snutiall and a b uenl,>jM1ii rvi l somite as one word. Inimene;; In Mayo'lorlam Notieea, Gemini• kget:pta-1 cent per woad. Minimum. a•leenle ver week, Mae be dixected to h: Box Nm, c/o The Huron Eavotlter. for 10 cents extra. AaKta additional will be charged if ado In above ohm are not paid within 10 days of date o8 final insertion.. a Mameagee and Deaths tnoeend'fres od charge. On Saba. Nodes to Creditors, Pita --Rates or( applpieation. Coming Events Wanted 1V1EET R, YOU01.D FRIENDS, maim new friends at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchel. every 'Friday' night to a good Old Tyme Barn Dance. with Don Robertson and His Ranch Boyo. 4853x1 Lost and Found L�OS'I—ON' MAIN STREET, OR 1N Post Office, u black plastic purse. Finder please apply to Box 781, HURON EXPOSITOR. Popular Stallions Enrolment No. 2510 Form 1 Clydesdale Stallian Valour Prince No. 29452 Will stand for the improvement of stock at his own stable in the forenoons. Make early appointments. This horse is a brown, blaze, hind legs white; born Sep- tember 21, 1940. Terms—$15.00 to ensure foal, payable March 1, 1950. Trucking charges extra. JOHN TREMEER, R.R. 3, Kipper - 4261 -td NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL wants to rent or buy a house. Pos- session middle of August. Apply M. Mc- KELLAR. Phone 257 or 191. 4252-tf For Sale C 0. 111. BICYOLES FOR nags AND girls. Good used bicycles, DALY MOTORS. Sea Bath. 4253.1 PCB, SALE—ONR GOOD CALF, AY- ply W. D. WILSON, Bruceield: Phone 668 r 33, SeakorI1h. 4258x1 FOR SALE—A WINDMILL WITH 55 foot tower, practically new mill. Apply JOSEPH CHAPMAN. Phone 830 r 4, Seaforth. 4$63-1 Fol SALE -2 T,AMwORTH BOARS. almost ready for service. Apply to FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 838 r 22, Seafarer. 4263x1 FOR $ALE—CLARE JEWEL COOS stove, white enamel all around, high shelf, warming closet below oven; just like new. Apply to inns. ALLAN TOWNSEND, Hensall, Box 82. 4253-2 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford 4223-tf ANTED—SMALL ACREAGE WANT- PRIVATE SALE -3 -PIECE CHESTER- " ed in or on edge of Seaforth. Must field suite; 4 -piece walnut bedroom have moeern house, also a barn. Posses- suite; kitchen cupboard; May Tag electric sion by September 1st. (Sash. Apply to washing machine: Clare Jewel cook strove, Box 780, HURON EXPOSITOR. all practically new. Apt. 9, Reyal Apart - 4252 -2 ments. Phone 278-W. Mrs. V. F. HOFF, Seaforth. 4253x1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamiliton. Ont. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until June 29th, for a furnace or heating equipment suitable to heat S. S. No. 4 School (West End). This school has a basement. Tenderer may quote prices on different types of heating equipment, with or with- out automatic draft control, and forced air circulation. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further' particulars apply to S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4253-2 TENDERS WANTED Q HINNY MEN. -WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh: new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. Al drug- gists. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until July 1st, for painting the interior of S.S. No. 12, Mc- Killop, the job to be completed during summer holidays. MRS. JAMES HOGG, Sea-Treas., • R.R. No. 4, Walton 4252-2 Help Wanted HELP WANTED G00D STRONG MEN WANTED •FOR work in the Floor Mill. Apply EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS, Limited SEAFORTH Poultry TENDERS FOR DREDGING QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Dredging, Grand Bend, Ontario," will be received until 2 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wed- nesday, June 22. 1949. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De- partment and in accordance with the con- ditions set forth therein. Combined specification and form of ten- der' can be obtained on application to the undersigned, also at the office of the Dis- trict Engineer, D. H,McDonald, Dominion Public Bldg., London, Opt Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work The dredges and other plant which arta intended to be employed on this work, shall bave been duly registered in Canada on or before tbe thirty-first day of De- cember, 1929, or shall have been con- structed and registered in Canada since the said date. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable tbe Minister of Public Works equal to 5% of the amount of the tender. or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Can- ada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its cbnetituent Companies unoonditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Ddmmi.nian of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certi- fied cheque if required to snake up an odd amount In no case shall the security deposit be less than 3500.00. By Order, J. M. SOMERVIT.T.v, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 7, 1949. 4253-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS STARTED CHICKS 2 Weeks—Non-Sexed Automotive Supplies FOR YOUR FORD T R AC T O R— sweeprakes. mowers, weeders, corn - pickers and front-end cultivator attach- ments. DALY MOTORS, Seaforth. 4253-1 VOU GAN GET A GLISTENING POL- ish job on your car the economical way, by using "TARNOFF"—no washing, no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off. 16 -oz. tin 60c; 36 -oz. tin 31.00. R. MARKS, Garage, Walton. R.RED. ROCKS, NEW HAMPSHIRE BAR X Barred Rock, White Rock 21.95, New Hampshires 21.45. Pullets: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, New Hampehires 30.95, White Rocks 32.95, White Leghorns 33.95. Cockerels: Barred Reeks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, New Hampshires 20.95, White Rocks 22.95. 3 week old add 5e per chick. Also other breeds. Day olds 12 pure breeds, 13 cross breeds non -sexed, pullets and heavy cockerels. Prompt de- livery. Also turkey poulas and pullets eight weeks tolaying. Send for reduced June price list TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Limited l'ERGUS, ONTARIO • the Estate of EDWARD JAMES STEPHENSON. late of Seaforth, Gen- tleman. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 15th day of July, 1949, after which date the estate's assets will be dis- 1mibated, having regard only to claims that have then been received: THE CANADA TRUST COMP/1.NY, London, Ontario, Executor, by DAWSON & NETHE1tY, Solicitors, S: +•': Ontario. 4258-3 NOTIC o CREDITORS In the - , to •04 JOHN NICHOLSON ALL' r SONS HAVING CLAIMS against , e Estate of John Nicholson, late of the T•w,nship of Tuckersmith, de;- eeased, who died on or about the 15th day of August, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 8th day of July, 1949, 'full par- tticulars of their claims. Im.mediateily after the said Last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled 'thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others. and the Undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the nada so distributed or any part thereof. IDArsiD at Seaforth, this 14th day of June, 1940. ALVIN W, SIf.LT;RY, Seaforth, Ont, Solicitor for tbe Estate. 4258-3 4253-1 SUPER-LASTIC TIRES Liberal 650 x 16 600 x 16 550 x 17 500 x 19 dilly flaw^ the bumoreuel aP•gge f4 en things seemed to go,wroll$, dt,'Was' back in 1914 ('the year thy,. first World War broke mit), Oat, he purchased the Herald yailleting Plant, from the late E, ZelleVe, bav' ing "been an •employees. With :Mr. Zeller as a printer spine previous years. And that fall "the present publisher was taken in, as a part- ner in publishing the Zurieh'Her- aid. This partnership ended five years later, in January, 1920, 'when during these years. Mr. Hess was appointed as Clerk and Treaeulrer of Hay Township, Superintendent of the Hay Telephone System; and, his conveyancing and insurance business has grown, to such. ea ex- tent that he relinquished, his inter- est in the printing business to the present publisher, who, had it ,not been for the departed's foresight, likely would not have come to Zurich to live, and who only knows probably no paper would be pub- lished here at present. As we look back over the passing years, we well recollect the many happy Sunday afternoons when "Andy" and his very close friend, "Les" (T. Lester Williams) would hitch up the pony and take a drive down to the Smith farm at the lake. and what a grand time we used to have. But time marches on, and generation follows genera- tion. But as long as we are spar- ed with health, we shall not for- get the much kindness, cheerful- ness and sympathetic deeds that the departed had in "such great abundance, We feel safely in,say- ing that Zurich shall not for some time be favored with so line a type of citizen.— Zurich Herald. NOW IN STOCK And All Sizes of Tubes Trade-in Allowance for Your Old Tires. Save Safely With these well-known quality Tirea. installed in our Service Garage. No charge. CANADIAN TIRE CORP. ASSOCIATE STORE SMITH BROS., Props. Dublin - Phone 73 4253.2 Auction Sales (ILEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Grain, on Lot 30, Concession 13, Grey Township, Vie miles north of Moncrieff, on Wednesday, June 22, 1949, at 1 p.m., sharp, D.S.T., of a T.B. bested herd of Jerseys, new milkers or forward spring- ers. a team of good horses, a full line of implements. Also at the same time the farm will •be offered for salmi There are situated on the farm a modern 2 -storey brick hoose and bank barn, cement silo, •henhouse and garage. Farm will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Terms --Cash on chattels. FRED LUCAS, Rae. 2. Brussels, Proprietor; W. M. Scott, Auc- tioneer . 4253-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feces, on Lot 1, Conees'.aion 1, Me- Keeop, adjoining the Village of Dublin, on Saturday, June 25th, at 1 p.m., sharp: Two bedroom suites, springs and mattress- es ; iron bed, spring and mattresses: three-quarter iron bed with spring and mattress; 3 feather ticks; sheets ; blan- kets; bed quilts; bedspreads; pillows; pil- low cases ; picture frames; 1 -sink and stand; kitchen cupboard; 3 kitcheni hairs ; Quebec cook stove and Dimes; dishes; knives, forks and spoons; alarm clock; half dozen silver knives and forks ; din- ing room table; 6 dining room chairs; rocking chair; what -not; quantity of car- penter's tools : crosscut saw ; buck saw ; some wood for kindling; small quantity of stove coal; . wash .tub and wringer; set of sad irons, and other articles too numerous to mention Terms — Cosh. JOSEPH GIVLIN. Proprietor; Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer. 4253x1 NOTICE to CREDITORS tr. the Estate bf JOHN WESLEY FREE A LI, ,? ai2SONS HAVING CLAIMS ri VV against. the Estate of John etley Ii'tee, 1•ate of the Tower of Seafortls, de- ed who died oar or about ,,the 81st elie4; ifs'' May, 1940, are hereby 'notified to seed 411 tfhe ed au or before the til day of July, 1949,, full parbiculare 05 their eIaiiSS. •Tron diately after' the said last mention- ed ;tante the assets of the said estate will diet.i batted weeen$st the parties entitled aret5 hawing regard only to claims, &he tindersigf/ed shall then have fid the eigcluelon of all others, and lei aityned will het be Zinbie t!a airy et Whine claim the l fdeigned tteh daub irotlee•:fof'tote Moser iiedT y atie paift b$ S45loStb, 4$,t So a lbw • .SetlfotWfr 41rGa, clbex %!di`':¢Ebe 4 -3 Notices THREE-ROOM APARTMENT AVAIL - able July I, 1949; no children. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4253x1 THE TROYER PICNIC WILL BE HELD in Harbor Park, Goderich, June 18, 1949. Everyone take a basket. Lunch at 12.30 p.m. Sports to follow, and then supper. 4231x1 NOTICE—BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINT- ing, paperhanging. varnis }line and graining. ALBERT . ORMAN, Mitchell. Phone 296-W. 1. 4252x7 LAWN MO wh.RS SHARPENED. GEN-. eral repair work on all makes of cars and trucks : grease jobs a specialty. JOHN MacLEAN, Egmondville Garage. 4244-tf BUILDING OR GARDEN LOTS IN Stratford in exchange for a small summer cottage in or very near Bayfield. Apply MARGARET CASSON, 93 Rebecca St, Stratford, Ont 4248x7 RADIO REPAIRING— WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thnradayn at E. H. Clone's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth,, 4218.45 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith RATEPAYERS OF rum TOWNSHIP of Tuckersmith will please take notice that, as of June Let, 1949. payment will not be made for, chickens killed by dogs unless such chickens have been Properly enclosed during the night- E. ightE. P. CHER. Clerk, Twp. of Tackersmith. 4252-3 SCHOOL PICNIC THE RATEPAYERS AND FRIEND'S OF Tucker -smith School Area are cordial- ly invited to their Annual School Picnic, to be held in the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Jane 2911*, beginning at 2 p.tn. Ladies will please bring sandwiches, cake, cookies or tarts. and caps, eta. Ten and coffee will be provided. .Came and spend a pleasant afternoon With the kiddies. S. H. WHITMOSE, Sec.-Treas. 4253,2 Births Motor Cars For Sale TUCKERSMITH graves will tate' plaee 'at 101160 to Union and McTaggart1e ceniete>r les. Rev. 0; L, Langferd, of •St. e Paul's Anglican C(lurch, will ep ak . Mrs. D. H. Burley, of Almonte, Mich., and Misses Esther Butler and Norpia Nelson, of Battineau, N.D., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sberritt. Week -end visitors with I1rs. A. Saundercock were Mr. and Mrs.. Al Pearson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. bonaldsonl London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Freeman, Clinton. . Huron Spring Fish and Gun •Olub held their annual fish fry at Bell's Dam Wednesday evening, when a very enjoyable time was spent. • Mr. and M•rs. Roy Ryckman, of Flint, Mich., spent Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt and Mr. Grant Ryckman. Mrs. W. B. Cross, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned home. ' Evening services in the United Church have been discontinued during the month of June. During July and August union services will be held. During July services will be held in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church, morning service only. Rev. R. A. Brook will occupy the pulpit. During August, services will be held in the United Church, morning service only, when Rev. P, 'A, Ferguson will occupy the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton and Bobby left Thursday of this week for a ten days' vacation to Northern Ontario. Week -end ,guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'P. J. Shbrritt were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sherritt and Jimmy, of Hamilton. 'Phe following letter was receiv- ed by C. L. Jinks, of Hensall, from the Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brant- ford. and speaks for itself: "Dear Charles: As William Parke has now taken over the agency at Hen- sall and you are no longer con- nected with this, we do feel at this time that we would like to voice At a bee held recently at the (farm of James U:pshaJl, neighbors and friends from the line gather- ed to do a fine neighborly act in tie way of helping Mr. Upshall port SALE -1930 MODEL 'A' FORD; 4 new tires, in good condition. PHONE 82 r 2, Sebringville. 4253-2 1939 FORD 2 -TON STAKE TRUCK. platform with racks, new Brant- ford -Anthony hoist, new motor gone 400 miles. Apply BERT FABER, Kippen. 4253x1 USED CAR BARGAINS 49 48 MERCURY SEDAN—Black, sun vis- or. air conditioning: $300.00 below List CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN with radio. 47 FLEETMASTER SEDAN 47 47 41 CHRYSLER SEDAN, radio. HARBUR•N—At the Stephan Nursing Home, Bengali, on Thursday, Jane 9. 1947. to Me. and Mrs. Frank Harburn, Sensed, a sou. BRADY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Saturday, June 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brady, Seeforth, a daughter. ADAMS—In Scott Memorial .Hospital, on June 14, to •'7tr, mat Kra. Ketmeth Ad- axns, Eemondvile, a don. ti't1lAfrir Th Scot Metiroriel Marital, oOrn into 16, to Mr. attd Mrs,, Andrew rBU.OHANA tosifnrthClia n *ohne %root- tal,' Yt .'dl* 11, 4io Mr. dna dire. Korth, Btrehatiati, 3i(birsalTi,;a4 ebn. CHEV. COACH, Maroon CBBV. COUPE low mileage. 39 CHEV. COACH 37 CHEV. COACH 36 TERRAPLANE SEDAN 34 AEROFLOW CHRYSLER SEDAN MANY OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Gars" OPEN EVERY EVENING In Memoriam i>?t* neetiana, sand' .tl;ere ;lacing a' 'iio1iotr ia;t tie tree• yr. TaY1QI 'Waft, anxious to •know 'how 'far dbw11 (t e e h- e Ju,. xeaa. @lsteladed lu the tree, sa edi down, with ', arm and, wan• very much • surpritsedi wl ea a grouudhog bit his linger, xn SOY* enty years, Mr. Taylor said; while, hunting squirrels, rabbits' and 'groundhogs, this is the first ''tine he has ever been 'bitten, eonse- quell,tly he is nursing a very sore linger, J. E. McEwan, of Hensall, re- ceived a wire Wednesday advising Shim of the death of his sister, Airs. A, M. Poustie, Winnipeg, who pressed away that day. She 'MO date m er Mu **II% M4-. an, daughter of •tile 40 0' . Mr - and lit . Willialap Mogwan kl[en- lY Shw �bprn Mn' a li Abe as aa � Ewan honnestead tfar'm half a mile sQutlh of Ren}lall, receiving her ed- ucation here. She was engaged aa a xclAinex with Mrs. Fred Arnold,' who conelucted a millinery shop here •some years ago. Surviving are her husband, three daughters and two sons, one 'brother, J. E. McF.11van, and two sisters,. the Misses Lillian and Edith McEwan, of :Sydenham St., London. Additional. Hensall News on Page. 3 Farmers wanting Salt, please Phone' 655 ring 2, and our, truck will de- liver. WM. M. SPROAT get the manure spread on his to you a• little appreciation. As fields. They gathered with six I you have held the Cockshutt ag- spreaders and three or four trac-fency at Hensall for, we believe, 33 tors at 1.30 and had the job come 1 years, there has always been a '"w pleted by 6 p.m.. when they 'were I friendly spirit existing between served- a delicious meal by Mrs. you and the company, and the kind Upshall and her helpers. Among those who assisted were Lorne and Laird 'Finlayson, Wm. Broadfoot, Robt. McLachlan, John McLach- lan, Geo. Varley, Ray Consitt, Fred Chappell, John Woods, Ohas. Eyre, Robt. Gemmell, Robt. Up- ehall, Jas. McDougall and Mr. Mc- Larnon. Death of Wellington Wilson TN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR Parents, George McClinchey, who pass- ed away on June 17. 1939. and Annie May MrClinchey, who passed away June 14, 1947. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal; Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, Of a father and mother we will never forget. —Ever remembered by the Family. 4253-1 Cards of Thanks MRS., J. H. CARNOCHAN WISHES TO thbnk all who remembered her witb visits, cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in Clinton Hospital; also Dr. P. L. Brady and Hospital Staff. 4258-1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. James Mustard wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their re- cent bereavement; aisn for the beautiful floral tributes and card:. Special thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Rev. P. A. Fergn- son'anal the pallbearers. 4258x1 Deaths MoGREGOR—In Stanley. on Saturday, .Tune 11. Jessie Isabella McGregor, be- loved wife of James Mustard, in her 73rd year. POWELL--In London, on Wednesday, June 15, Alfred Thomas Powell, in his .69th year. The death took place on Sunday, June 12, of Wellington Wilson, in a Detroit hospital, where he had been a patient for the past three weeks. He was born in Tucker - smith 62 years ago the son of the late W. D. and Mrs. Wilson. going to Detroit in his early years. He was married to Etta Ashwin, who snr- vies, together with one brother. Lorne Wilson, Tuckersmith, and five sisters: Mrs. Geo, Hamilton, Auburn; Mrs. Bertha Broadfoot, Mrs. Albert Pepper. Mrs. William. Chapman and Mrs. Arthur C. Rout- ledge, of Egmondville, all of wham attended the funeral in Detroit' on Tuesday. Funeral of Mrs. R. T. Elgie The funeral of the late Mrs. R. T. Elgie was held on Friday, June 3r, at 2.30 p.m. from the residence of her son, Mr. R. D. Elgie, with Rev. A. Hinton, of St, Andrew's Church, Kippen, officiating, assist- ed by Rev. E. R. Stanway, Bruce - field. During the service Mrs. Stanway sang "Near To the Heart of God." Surviving are one son, Robt. D. Elgie, Tuckersmith. and three daughters, Mrs. Homer Hunt, Seaforth; Mrs, Fred Rathwell, Stanley Twp., 'and Mrs. Jos. Up - shall, Caistorville; also a brother, D. S. Blair, Saskatchewan. The pallbearers were Robt. Dayman,. Thos. Kay, Emmerson Smith, Edi- son McLean, Morley Cooper and Harry Caldwell. The flower -bear- ers were Roy Consitt, Harold Claris, Bruce Armstrong, William Caldwell, William Bell, Ernie Chip - chase, Jack Consitt and Lloyd Cooper. Interment was in Baird's cemetery, Among those attending the funeral were Mrs. John Ches- ney, P. A. McDonald, Allan Mc- Donald and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ches- ney, Jr.. and family. of Stratford; Robert Elgie, Toronto; Virs. A. H. Holmes, Parry Sound; Mrs. D. N. Pentney, Port Dover; Mrs. J. H. Lazenby and Betty Anne, of Belle- ville, and Mrs. Howard Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt, London. ZURICH The citizens of Zurich paid their respects to A. F. Hess on Thurs- day afternoon last. This outstanding citizen for years rendered effici- ent service to the municipality, as clerk and treasurer, gave of his good advice so freely to all that took him in confidence when in difficulty, and his advice was al - Ways worthy of consideration dei aceeptanoe. "Andy," as we knew him ached a ereciy young man, pos- sessed a very cheerful disposition, enjoyed a good laugh, ands gel et' - HENSALL co-operation that has been extend- ed is certainly very greatly apprec- iated. We understand that you are more or less going into semire- tirement, and we wish you every happiness and trust that you will have a great deal of enjoyment. Rest assured that at any time you are in Brantford, we will be only too glad to see you here. Kindest personal regards, I am, Yours faith- fully, K. M. Amstrong, Manager of Cockshutt Plow Company, Limited, Brantford. Branch." Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and; family were visited last qday by the former's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stump, of Los Angeles. California, and his father, Mr. George T. Mickle, of Ridgetown, who celebrated "his 91st birthday on June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Patsy and Barbara spent the week elld with relatives in Hamilton. Mrs. Jack Carson, National :City, California, and Mrs, E. Dean, To- ronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Noakes, their brother and sister-in-law. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, is spend:ng a three weeks' vacation at her home here. The many friends of Mrs. E. Mc- Queen, who has, been ill at her home for the past two weeks, will be pleased to learn is improving. Her daughter, Mrs. Paul Sedley, London, is with her. Mrs. R. Dennison,who under- went an operation in Victoria Hos- pital, London, Monday of this week in the interests of her hea]•th, is improving nicely. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McMurtrie and Mrs. Frank Farqu- har were: Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cochrane, Seaforth; Miss Edna Cochrane and Mr. Jas. Cochrane, Toronto; Mr, Wm. Cochrane, Mrs. Robert Hopkins and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, Chicago, and Mrs. Ross Dick, Hensall. Alfred Taylor, life-long resident of Hensall, and well known in the community, and who is well over 80 years of age, had quite an ex- perience the other day. Mr. Tay- lor purchased a beech tree from Stewart Bell, in the Bell bush. Mr. Taylor, with the help of George Smale and his son, Toni, sawed it Mrs. James Mustard, highly es- teemed and life-long resident of I*ippen., district, passed away at her home in Stanley Township Saturday evening, June 11, follow- ing a lengthy illness, in her 73rd year. Formerly Jessie Isabella Mc- Gregor, she was born on the McGre- gor homestead farm, east of Kip- uen. She was a valued member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen- sall, the Women's Missionary So- ciety and active in church organ- izations when health permitted. Surviving are her husband, one son, James, at home; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Malcolm (Blanche) Dougall, of Hensel]; two sisters, Mrs. Arnold Petrie and Miss Mae McGregor, Toronto; two brothers, William McGregor, Kippen, and John McGregor, Hensall, and one grandson. Public funeral services which were largely attended, were held from her late residence on Tuesday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Burial was in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were $rice McGregor, Archie McGregor, Robt. McGregor, R. J. Cooper, Sato. Henderson and Jas. Makins. Dr. J. C. Goddard, who received shock and bruises in a car .acci- dent last Wednesday, returned home on Sunday from Clinton hos- pital, and is' much improved, his many friends will be pleased to knOW. -Hensall branch of the Canadian. Legion and LO.O.]'. will observe decoration day Sunday, June 15. A service will take place at the ceno,. tapla at 2 pnal. and decorating 05 From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, • Lane Gravel,- Sand ravel,iyand or Top Soil. Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply— H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall YOU R Blue COAL D -E -A -L -E -R WANTS YOU TO KNOW: No Oil Burner or Stoker Is any more Automatic than a furnace controlled by a ,Blue Coal Heat Regulator! ASK YOUR BLUE COAL DEALER W. R. Davidson HENSALL Office. House Phone 10 Phone 62 Roe'a3 Vitamized Feeds HURON - PERTH WELCOMES Hon. LeslieFrost Premier of Ontario Who will attend an Outdoor Picnic at Seaforth Lions Club Park Wed., June 22 In the interests of Elgin McKinley Progressive Conservative Candidate in Huron -Perth • A Full Afternoon For Young and Old Bring a Basket Lunch and Enjoy the Picnic Facilities on the Grounds • OLD-TIME FIDDLING CONTEST 1st prize—$15.00; 2nd prize—$10:00; 3rd prize—$5,0 • Races For Children of All Ages • "Supercraft" Made -to -Measure Suit given to Oldest Conservative Attending Picnic (Donated by Gillespies Cleaners & Dyers) • Bannockburn Highlanders Pipe Band • Brodhagen Band • Seaforth Highlanders Band • IN ATTENDANCE WILL Be: Elston Cardiff, M.P., N. Huron; Tom Pryde, M.P.P., Huron; John Hanna, M.P.P., 1N. Huron; .Bert Brad- shaw, M.P., Perth; red Edwards, M.P.P., Perth. Mr. Frost will attend a Rally in Exeter in the Evening Published by Huron -Perth Progressive Conservative Association el, ( e