The Huron Expositor, 1949-06-10, Page 4assied Ad' AnNerted At. New Low Cash Rates: , FOR lima, *ANTED. LOST AND FOUND, vfeek. Per word: Cent tad Week week % C Cent Cent Minimum charge. first insertion25 Omits Dag). figure, initial end abbreviation counts as one word. Witsittka, in 1)1einariann Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, GQ eenttil per week, tildes i*S,Y he directed to a Bea No, c% The Huron Expositor, far 10 cents extra. r r cents altlditlonal winae charged is ads is above class are not paid within 10 days date of Anal iMenttone Alrtott. bIi ming.. and Deaths ,inserted free of charge. iOfeibitia .Sales, Notjdee to Crediton, Etc.—Dates on application. Wanted 1MEE WAY TO A BETTER OLD TYKE ANTED -- CHEAP WORK HORSE. Barn Dance is to the Crystal Palace Apply GEORGE CAMPBELL, Phone Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night and ,S48 r 8. Seaforth. 425?"l enjoy dancing to Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4252.1 t1N1'ED—QUANTITY OF HAY, AP - 4 T Seaforth. - DALE NIXON. Phoae661 r 4262;x1 , Help Wanted Coming Events WANTED TO BUY—STANDING HAY. clover and alfalfa. Apply JARJLOTT BROS., Kipper. Phone 151, Hensall. • 4252-1 • HANDY MAN WANTED FOR GEN- eral duiesat building and construe - ' tion at First Presbyterian Church. Apply BUY—ASH,R9N K KLING, Seaforth. 4252-1 WANTED TO CHESTNUT I HELP WANTED or cedar rails from old rail fences. Apply NORMAN JARROT'r, Kipper ' GOOD STRONG MEN WANTED FOR Phone Hensall 1$1. 425&1 " work in the Flour Mill. Apply EXCEi.T.T+NCE FLOUR MILLS, ted SEAFORTH NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL wants to rant or buy a house. Pos- session middle of August Apply M. Mc - KRIS AIL Phone 257 or 191. 4252-tf '%ANTED—SMALL ACREAGE WANT - ed in or on edge of Seaforth. Must have modern house, also a barn. Posses- sion by September lst. Cash. Apply to Box 7S0, HURON EXPOSITOR.. 4252-2 Poultry 2 -Week -Old STARTED CHICKS HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Huron County Board of Health for an enperienced Stenographer. profcient in shorthand and typing for Head Office in Clinton. Applications to be in the hands of the underaitsned not later than June IS, 194e. N. W. MILLER, Secretory Board of Health, Goderieb, Ontario. 4252-1 Notices NOTICE—CUSTOM BALING "MON-SEXED BARRED ROCKS$2L95, JARROTT BROS., Kippen. Pullets: New Hampshires, Barred 151, 'Hensall. Rocks $80.95, White Leghorn $3&95, Black Minora X White Leghorn $34.95. Cookere's, Barred Rocks, Black Austra- iorps $20.95. Three week old add 5c per Chick_ Also other Breeds. Also day olds 12 pure breeds and 13 crop: breeds non - sexed, pullets or heavy cockerels. Turkey Houle- Send for reduced Price List for Jane. TW:EDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Limited FERGUS. ONTARIO 4252-1 Personals DONE. Phone 4052-1 NOTICE—BRH I.1SAND SPRAY PAINT- iag, papt;rhangi.ig. varnishing and graining_ ALBERT NORMAN. Mitchell. Phone 296-W. .4252x7 POSITIVELY NO TRESPASSING ON or around Bell's Dam. except adult members of the Heneall Fishing Chub. STE ART BE!.!. Hensall. 4250-3 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. GEN - era) repair work on all makes of cars and trucks : grease joie a specialty JOHN MarLEAN, Egmondville Garage. 4244-tf BUILDING OR GARDEN LOTS IN HYGIENIC SUPPLIER (R U B`B E R Stratford in a er vee for a c Hist. Goods) mailed pestpaid is plain, sealed summer cottage in or very near Hayfield. Apply MARGARET CASSON. 93 Rebecca enve)one with price list 6 samples 25c: St. Stratford, Gra. 424857 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Ho'meho)d Effects, in the Village of Eponeon Wednesday, June 15th, 1.30 p.m.. estate of -the late Mrs. Thomas Harris: PROPERTY—Two-storey 7 -roomed frame house, bottom storey covered with asphalt ehizsgees, basement and garage. HOUSE- HOLD OUSEHOLD EFFECTS — S -piece chesterfield suite (mew) : bedroom suite; electric wash- ing machine; new cook stove; cupboard; chairs; tables; bed, spring and mattress; radio: 'Hoon coverings; curtains; pioaores : 'lawn mower; garden tools and other art- icles too :numerous to mention_ Terms on property -10% day of sale, balance in 30 days; household effects — Cash. MRS. CARL PASSMORE, Executrix ; Ed. Cor- bett Auctioneer. 4252-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until July 1st, for painting the anterior of S.S. No. 12. Mc - }lollop, the job to be completed during summer holidays. MRS. JAMES HOGG. See. -Tress., R.8 No. 4, Walton. 4252-2 TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ARE REQUESTED for the supplying of 160 boas of Stoker Coal for the Huron County Home at Clin- ton. Prices to be for opal laid down at the County Home. Analysis of coal to be given - Tenders to be received by the under- signed not later than Jane 18th, 1949. 14. W. 'ry{ri 7 Fit CIerk. County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. 4252-1 COAL WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until June 14th. for approximately 40 tons of first quality anthracite coal, egg size. delivered to sax schools of the Area. by September 1. 1949. Tenders will please state brand of mai offered. Coal for the seventh School may be incioded also. but is not to be deliver- ed until required. Far further particaiars address S. H. WHITEMORE, TUCK8RSMITH TOWNSti.IP SCHOOL AREA NO. 1 4251-2 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 pm (E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, June 15, 1949, for the supply of coal and coke for the Domin- ion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Farms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent Department of Public Works. Ottawa, and the Supervis- ing Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East Toron- to. Oat Tenders sbould ire made on the forme supplied by the Department and in accord- tneG with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' license numbers must be given when tendering. 'The Department reserves the right to demand from any sueceasful tenderer, be - fare awarding the order. a security de- *hsit in the form of a certified cbet(ae on a chartered bank in Canada, made pay- ola* to the order of the Honourable the itibister of Public Works, equal to 10 per Cent of the amount of the tender, or Beazer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway t`iempaby and its censtitnent companies utmendl"Lldnally guaranteed as to principal and.:interxtst by the Damin;pn of Canada, byre .aforementioned bonds, and a cerli- fiedCheque: if required to make up an odd qtr Pe1h tea** Will serve eh a grraranteel tat the 1 inner fuiillmittt of ' he otinli*6t Bv order. M. SO11; tiff , rabbit 'Qkmkd. Seel+ i 25, 2949. RADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all ' makes of radios. Will . pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KBCSNIE. Blyth. 4218-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith RAren•AYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP of Tuekers-mith will please take notice that, as of June lst, 1949, payment will not be made for chickens killed by dogs unless such chickens have been properly enclosed during the night E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuckeramith. 42524 Motor Cars For Sale !'o Sale , WSW. SAisal---Saaalllt, BIC Yei.k . Ns. le last aver.. Plit NE 316. Seeforta seas, 1.1'OR SAL.!: -1930 (1Kt;VR1.AI4L1 ShalAN, IiUNLOP'S SERVICE STATION]. Phone 446, Seaforth. 42a2'xl FOR 4A).F—BABY SOGGY. IN GOOD condition. PHONE 1604. 4252-1 USED CAR BARGAINS 49 MERCURY SEDAN—Black, sun vis- or. air conditioning; 3300.00 below hist 48 CHEV. FLE5 LINE SF;DAN. with radio. 47 FLEETMASTER SEDAN 47 OitK V. COACH, Maroon AlCH:EV. COUPE low mileage. 41 CHRYSLER SEDAN, radio. 39 CliKs. COACH 37 36 34 .4EROFLOW CHkV. COACH la EMPLANE SEDAN CHRYSLER SEDAN MANY O 1 Heal VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Betts:. Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING In Memoriam McLEAN—IN LOV LNG MEMORY OF our aunt Mrs. Ross :McLean, who was taken June 5, 1947. and uncle. Ross McLean, who loot his life in a drowning rescee, August 11, 1948. "You toiled so hard for those you loved. Then left us to remember." Always Nephews_ remembered by ,ieee and 4252x 1 TN LOVING MEMORY OF NY HUS - band. George Reeves, who passed away one year ago, June 11, 1945. I have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with my own. And day by day I mirn him more As 1 walk through life alone. My heart stall asibes with sadness, My eyes shed many a tear : God alone knows how I miss him As this ends the first year. —Lovingly remembered by his Wife, Popular Stallions Enrolment Na 2550 Form 1 Clydesdale Stallian Valour Prince No. 29452 Will stand for the improvement of stock at his own stable in the forenoons. Make early appointments. This horse is a brown, blaze, hind legs white: born Sep- tember 21, 1940. Terms --415.00 to ensure foal, payable March 1, 1950. Tracking charges extra. JOHN TREMEER, R.R. 3, Kipper. 42551-tf Births McQE11RTER Tn St. Andrew's Hospital. Midland, on May 29. to Mr. sad Mrs. Bryito'a McQtrirter (nee Edith Stormy, a daughter—Ruth Lynn. WILKINSON—.Alt Stratford Genesi Hos- toltal. on Jona a, Gordon and Ruth itirdkinson are happy to armounoe tate birth of s.s. daanghtes'-••-Ntlncy Elias:bete. . Mt 5O 4—in Scott Manorial ifeepital, on State 9, to ]lir. and Mrs. Arnold SernietSna N0*ett a gen. POR SALE—MANS BICYCLE, IN good oondition. Also wa ted two - burner hot plate. PHONE 586-W. FOA SALE, --1934 PLYMOUTH COACH. good tires; running condition; $200. Apply SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 141. 4252-1 WOOD FOR SALE—HARDWOOD, 12.a long; also furnace blocks; deliver- ed in 1 to 10. cord lora Apply to li JACKSON. 4252-1 FOR SALE—A NUMRFR OF SMALL Pigs- Apply to JOHN McGAVIN. Phone 652 r 42, Seaforth- 4252-1 FOR SALE} -.SADDLES, NEW AND used; also riding bridles and martin- gales. Apply to DALE NIXON. Phone 661 r 4, Seaforth, 4252x1 FOR SALE ---BLUE FOLDING PRAM, in good condition; 1 iron sib with drop sides: play pen, tike new, Apply MRS. ROY SMALE5 Herd]. 4252-1 FOR SALE -7 -ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, modern garden, 155 -foot lot Apply AT.F\ KARPEN, Tasty Grill. 4252x4 FOR SALE — HAY LOADER WITH fore -carriage; in working condition_ Cheap. Apply ROBERT E. McMILLAN, Phone 844 r 4. Seaforth. 4252 -el pox SALE — 1942 DODGE %-TON truck, in good condition, new tires. Apply to PETER E. MALONEY. R.R. 5. Seaforth. Phone 69 r 10, Dublin, or Sea - forth Creamery. 4252a1 FOR SALE—TOM ATOES. CABBAGE, cauliflower, Spanish onions, in popu- lar varieties. ready to be set out Apply to MRS. GORDON SCHWALM, Hensel]. Phone 56-M. 4251-2 FOR SALE — REGISTERED BLACK Scottish Terrier puppies; also gent's Whizzer bicycle, in excellent running con- dition. Apply ROY VODDEN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4252n1 FOR SALE—REGISTERED T.B. TEST - ed Durham bull. serviceable age: Bropsndale breeding. Apply to STANLEY JACKSON. Phone 653 r 5. Seaforth 4251-2 FOR SALE—NEw SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 79 Ontario St, Stratford 4223-tf PRIMATE SALE -3 -PIECE CHESTER - field suite: 4 -piece walnut bedroom suets: kitchen eupboard: dropieaf table and 4 chairs: May Tag electric washine machine, 1 Clare Jewel cook stove. all practically new. Apt. 9, Royal Apart- ments. Phone 27.5'-W. MRS. V. F. HOFF. Seaforth. 4252x1 Cards of Thanks MR. WILLIAM G. BF.T.T, WISITE.S TO thank all who remembered him with visite, letters and cards, flowers and gifts whMe in Vietoria Hospital, London. 4252x1 'ME, J. R. MURDOCH WISHES TO EX - press •sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to all his friends for their kindness in remembering him Wath gilt and flowers, cards and rails while he was a patient in Clinton Hospital aid also to the doctors and the Heepital Staff. 4252x1 MRS J. WESLEY FREE AND FAMILY viish to thank all those who sent cards sand showed kindness to Mr. Free while was ill and those who sent sympathy cards following his death, and to especially thank Dr. P. L. Brady, Miss J. Grainger, Mese F. Fortune and G. A. Whitney. 4252x1 ST. COLUMBAN The monthly meeting of the C. W. L. was held with the president, Mrs. Morris, in the chair. The meeting opened with prayer and the minutes were read and adopt- ed. Ninety-one members were re- ported as Having paid dues. Cor- respondence was read and discuss- ed. also cards of thanks from sick members for boxes of treats re- ceived. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $111.01. A re- port of the diocesan convention, held in Stratford on May 14, 15 and 16. was very ably given by the delegates, Mrs. Morris and Alecia Coyne. A vote of thanks Inas moved for the excellent res port. A discussion followed, re ways of raising funds, and Miss .Alecia Coyne offered the use of her home for a tea and social evening n June 21. The meeting closed with prayer. CONSTANCE The W. M. S. of Constance Church held their open meeting in the church on Wednesday, June 1, when societies from Es'mondville, Burns' and McKillop were enter- tained. Mrs. F. Lindsay presided and opened the meeting with the :r_giag f Hymn 289 and prayer by Mrs. Brenton. The address of welcome was given by Mrs. R. Mc- Gregor, followed by a reading by Mis. Leslie Reid; solo by Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, and a song by Mrs. C. Montgomery, Mrs. L. Stephen- son and Mrs. B. Stephenson. Mrs. J. F: Scott gave a talk on India to the Mission Band members. Readings were given by Mrs. J. Not; and Mrs. J. Finlayson and a solo by Mrs. Ivan Forsyth. Hymn 148 was sung and Mrs. Rogers gave an inspiring address_ taking as her theme, "World Christian Unity.'"The offering was receiv- ed and Mrs. E. Adams gave a few closing remarks. A social half- hour followed and lunch was serv- ed. Don Stephenson. Ottawa, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo etephensori attended the graduation exercises in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, on Wednesday, when their son. Donald, receivedhis de- gree of Bachelor of Applied Sci- ence. BRUCEiai LD Mr. and Mrs. H. Jenkins and: children spent the week -end in London. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neil, Patsy and Ronnie visited at Glencoe. Mr, and Mrs, E. stash onse. Mary Ann and `John, of London, During his brief stop at Seaforth, the Prime Minister took time to meet some of the residents of the town. Included in these was Peter Cameron, 87, who assured Mr, St. Laerent of his continued loyalty. visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe and Wayne. of London, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. Drew Swan. Misses Betty Doupe and. Marian Paterson and Ron Paterson rand Max Denome spent the week -end wish Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Blanche Zapfe and Marian Hill were in St. Thomas on Saturday evening at- tending a play in which Miss Ruth Scott was taking part. Glen Zapfe entertained several small guests on his fifth birthday 01: Satt_rday. Gaye Elliott celebrated her third birthday on Monday. when several , young ,guests were entertained. Miss Ruth Scott returned this week from Alma College, St. ,Th'rinas. where she bas been at- tending school. Mr. and Mrs. N. St. Louis have returned to London after visiting Mrs. A. Woolley. Last Friday evening friends and neighbors gathered at S.S. No. 10 School to honor d former Bruce - field girl, a recent bride. The bride. Mrs, Norman Ste Louis, for- merly Betty Woolley. was married in London a short time ago. A Pro - grease, which consisted of a chor- us by several school children, vo- cal duets, Donna and Leola Tay. lor, Verna Eyre and . Margie Zapfe, vocal solo by Elaine Taylor;' piano solo by Thelma Baird.; a reading ha- Eva Stackhouse, and several piano selections by Mrs. A. John- ston and a very humorous mock wedding were enjoyed greatly. The address was read by Miss Marian Paterson and Marjorie Mustard and Bessie Dutot presented Betty with a beautifully decorated bas- ket containing many lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served. There was a large crowd of men, women and children in the village to greet Prime Minister St. Laur- ent and party as they passed through. KIPPEN Attention, Ladies! Remember, it's Tudor's in Hensel] for Summer Dresses, plain and figured Shan Rays and Shantungs at 4.95.— (Adv.). Mrs. Thomas Kay, Miss Mare.ar- et Sincia'ir, Sirs. R M. Peck. Mrs. Ross Love and Mrs. Minnie Li:ile attended the district Wdmen's In- stitute meeting in Creditor. on Wednesday last. Mrs. Thos. Kay took part in the program. Miss Ida Da_'lnan. of Lon,:, n, spent Sunday with Tar paresis, Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Daym.an. Miss Erica Schultz. of St. J,,s- eph's Hospital Staff at Louden ;s spending a two week sacatier. at the home of her parents. Mr. .ld Mrs. Ludwig Schultz. Mr. Howard Clarke. of We. e a, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman. Mrs. Reid Torrance. of Bayfi•'d, spent a few days last e er•k with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 'Beanie and family, of Wingham. =pent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob, rt McBride. The united Church Manse at Kippers has been painted. Mr. Arm- strong, of Seaforth, had the con- tract. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman returned on Thursday lac: from their wedding trip. Mr, Harry Billing. of London, called on friends in Kippen on Sat- urday of last \leek. Mr. Frank Flick attends l the twilight horse races held in Gode- rich on Saturday evening. He re- ports a fast track and good keen races. Mrs. Alice Cook, of London. spent part of last week with ber mother. Mrs. James McCiymont. • Mr. Alf. Westgate and Norman Jarrett spent Saturday a.nd Sunday with friends in London. Mrs. Minnie Little spent Sunday in London visiting her daughters,. Mrs. Ivan Jones and Mrs. Haring Mrs. Lawson Straut. of Fort Ann, New York. is visiting at the home of Mr. a.nd Mrs, Robert Day - man Mr. Dick. the cement contractor, ie at present putting an addition to Jarrett Bros.' large dairy barn on the former Glenn farm. W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the hone of Mrs. W. Workman with a good attendance, Mrs. Workman presided and open- ed the meeting with Hymn No. 188. 'Phe worship period in form of a reaponsive reading was given by Mrs. Workman and Mrs. John Sinclair. No. 717 in the Hymnary was \ read responsively; 'Mrs, Ivy Butt, of Seaforth, sang a solo, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Mac- Gregor at the piano. Hymn 286 was sung, and the study was giv- en by Mrs. R. M. Peck, assisted by Mrs, E. McBride, which was very interesting, with picture il- lustrations. Hymn No. 521 was sung. after which Mrs. Workman pronounced the benediction. Lunch \vas served by Circle No. 2. HENSALL avrt 'et ire ,H0114ndt' ati.i nt S r ink of tb;)•elt adult aid vep, chit- died, Inst •;all their . posaessions when the ;tople they were Mving iu was' but to - ,ground, They+ received plernnty ofthe clothing, but are badly in need of bedding. With still no place to live, they are 'be- ing housed withneighbors of the district. Donations of money will be greatly appreciated and may Ise left at Drysdale's Hardware in Henealls which will be handled by a, committee in the best interests of the family. The ladies of the Chi$elhurst district are to be Con- gratulated for starting this worthy project. They Meld a bee Tuesday afternoon and patched a quilt top. A Hansall man looked and listen- ed but he didn't stop at the Dash- wood road crossing of the O.N.R., half a mile west of Exeter, Wed- nesday, and as a result wrecked the front end of his ear"'when be drove headlong into the London to Clinton train. Robt. Jackson, R.R. 1, Hensall, said that he heard the whistle of the Diesel engine of the passenger train, but thought it was the siren of •the Exeter fire truck, He turned to look', behind him to see the supposed truck and the next thing he knew he had collided with the engine of the train. He was lucky as he only received a small scratch on his face. The car was badly damaged in the front and the two front wheels were pushed under the body. Provincial Constable E. Zimmerman and Constable „oho Norry, both of IBseter, investigat- ed. Hensall Chamber of Commerce held a dinner meeting at Rau's Lodge, on the Blue Water High- way, Tuesday, June 7, with 54 members present. A chicken din- ner with all the trimmings was served, Walter Spencer reported on the local arena building and stated quite a lot of material :s now on hand and work wilt be started soon. It was decided to hold a frolic in August or Septem- ber, the following to be the com- mittee to arrange for same: E. L. Mickle (convener), C. Passmore, G. Hess, P. McNaughton, R. Mid- dleton, W. Spencer, W. Allan, Bert Horton, E. Fink and R. J. Drysdale. A committee composed of W. O. Goodwin, Scott Welsh, R. E. Shad - dick, A. Clark, E. Little and J. F. Blackwell, were appointed to ac- reage for a program or entertain- ment""for October or November. The election of officers for the coming years resulted as follows: President, R. H. Middleton; 1st vice-president, W. F. Riley; 2nd vice-president, W. Spencer; secre- tary, G. M. Drysdale; vice secre- tary, Harold Bonthron; assistant secretary, Jas. A. Paterson; treas- urer, Harry Lawrence. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 Tudor's in Hensall have Girls' Jeans, size 12-20. sanforized at 2.95. and size 8-14 at 2.59. Also Girls' Shorts, size 8-20, at 1.49.— (Adv.). Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and ?on, Douglas, who is on vacation from the University of Western Ontario, spent the week -end visit- ing with Dr. Norma Cook in Oril- lia. Forrest Love Reunion The Forrest -Love reunion, held Monday at Jewitt's Grove, Bay- field, was' attended by over one hundred members from London, Thedford; Grand Bend, Seaforth, Kippen, Hillsgreen and Hensall. The day was ideal and the mealy delicious. with chicken the main dish with alI the extra trimmings. Prizes for the oldest member went to Mr. Melvin Blanchard, Sea - forth, 84 years young; youngest, Linda Miller, Grand Bend, thirteen month. The following were named the 1949-50 slate of officers: President, Robert Love, Thedford; secretary - treasurer, Ferg. Turnbull, Grand Bend; sports, Percy Campbell, Garnet Paterson, E. Gill, Grand Bend; Hugh Love, Hensall; table committee. Mrs. Lorne Luker, Hensel]; Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, Cred- iton; Mrs. W. Love, Grand Bend. Sports were run off, climaxed by a ball gate . winners being: Girls' race, 5 years and under, Frances Blanchard, Kathryn Hodgins; boys' race, 5 years and under, Paul Turn- bull, Wayne Love; girls' .race, 8 years and under. Norma Love, Mary Ann Steeper; boys' race, 8 years and under, Keith Hodgins, Wayne Love; girls' race, 12 years and under, Annabelle Taylor, Es- ther Turnbull; boys' race, 12 years and under, Clare Love. Jimmy Love; young men's race. Bob Love, Elmer Campbell; hoop race, Keith Blanchard's side; paper plate race, Keith Blanchard's side; kick the slipper, Margaret Campbell, Aud- rey Campbell; throwing the ball, Audrey Campbell, Margaret Camp- bell. The response for aid for the Imanfe family, who were wiped out in a disastrous fire Saturday. was wonderful. The family recently From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil. Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply— H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall YOUR Blue COAL D -E -A -L -E -R WANTS YOU TO KNOW: A Heat Regulator will pay you back the cost in fuel saved in one season, besides the comfort of automatic damper control. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer. W. R. Davidson HENSALL Office House Phone 10 Phone 52 Roe's Vitamized Feeds AUSTIN '(ARS At the present time we are unable to make delivery of the fast -selling Austin Sedans and Coaches. Strikes on the boats have stopped shipment. This means we must have yeur order on file to give you early delivery when things get moving again. We can make immediate delivery of: Austin l/z-Ton Pick-ups; Austin 1/2 -Ton Panels; Austin Station Wagons. AUSTIN lb -TON PICK-UPS AUSTIN 1/2 -TON PANELS AUSTIN STATION WAGONS USED CARS '46 PONTIAC SEDAN '29 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '32 WILLYS SEDAN '32 STUUEBAKER SEDAN '38 CHEVROLET SEDAN MODEL 'A' COUPE WITH BOX motor overhauled LATE '46 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE SEDAN, hydromatic, new tires. '47 PLYMO1J m Austins. are the most Sturdy Car on the market today, and operate on one-half the gas of other makes. ,Jonathan Hugill Phone 784-W, Clinton SUPERTEST GARAGE i PRIME MINISTER FROST visit Mitchell Seaforth Exeter ed., June 22 Watch next week's paper for further details SPONSORED BY HURON -PERTH YOUNG PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION NewFarm Machinery 10 and 16 cubic foot Home Freezers No. 30 Tractor 44 Tractor Gas Model M. -H. Washing Machine, medium size Pony Tractors and Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders Power Mower No. 3 30 -Tooth Dump Rake 2 -furrow Tractor Plow 7' and 6' Binders 41/0' and 6' One -Way Discs 7' and 12' Self -Propelled Combines Gas Engine 101/2' Grain Grinder Water Pressure Outfit Hay Cars Track • Hay Fork Rope Electric Fences—Special' price to clear Thor Washers and Ironers 81/2' Spring Tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch and power lift. 13 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch 15 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch — USED FARM MACHINES — 102 Sr. M. -H. Tractor 3 -furrow Tractor Plow 3 -foot Disc Plow 6 -foot Clipper Combine with Motor 6' Clipper With P.T.O. 6' Massey Mower, used two seasons 10-20 International on Steel Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales and Service Good Year Tires PHONE 141 •SEAFORTH NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1949 License ,. for same on or before June 30, 1949. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date isummonses through the court will be issued to the owners or harbor- ers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR TAGS Proclamation TOWN OF SEAFORTH Under authority of By-law No. 111, for the Town of Seaforth, no dogs shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth, from May 21, 1949, to September 1, 1949. Any dogs so found running at large, con- trary to this by-law, shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harbourer prosecut- ed. J. E. KEATING, Mayor. n