HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-06-10, Page i•' *ea • Ninetieth -ifear ,, • whale Number 425.2.;• DISASTROUS FIRE RAZES FARM HOME NEAR HENSALL Organizations Launch Appeal For Clothing and Funds. Fire of unknown origin destroy.: ed the twoseterey frame farm home occupied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Imanfe and family, five miles east of Hen - all, on •Saturday, leaving three attune and seven children, heinte- less. Youngest of the children is two years. The home, owned by Mrs. Archie Roweliffe, Hensalabad been occupied byethe Imarife fam- ily, natives of Holland, since spring. The family, which does' not speak English, emigrated to Can- ada a few months ago. Ion is estimated in the thousands, as practically nothing was saved. Hensall fire brigade rushed to the scene, but the fire had gained too Mitch headway to be. checked. 'The family is staying with neigh- bors, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen, Mr. end Mrs. Cal Horton and Mr. and airs. Roubal. Herman United Church issued an appeal for clothing and funds to aid the family, which lost all personal pos- sessions, except the clothing they were wearing, The women of Chiselhurst met Monday afternoon at the church to plan means to re- habilitate the family. • HENSALL DOCTOR SUFFERS INJURIES Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hensall, was in Clinton Hospital wtth several broken ribs, and other undeterm- ined chest injuries after hie car was in collision with a trnek near the R.C.A.F. Radio School on No. 4 Highway Wednesday. Police said •Goddard's car was travelling south on. the .highway when a northbound truck, driven by Flymie Papernick, Kitchener, junk dealer, turned onto a side - road, directly in front or the doc- tor's car. -Papernick was uninjur- ed. The car received considerable damage, while the truck escaped unscathed. Provincial Consta,ble• Ray Fox, Goderich, investigated.: • Logan Township Gives Grant To • 1VIonkton School Fair Logan Township Council met last Monday with all members be-. ing present. ;She. reeve presided. A grant of $20 was given Monkton SchoolFair. Van McEwen was granted. a license for operating three pool tables. Roads, accident and Workman's Compensation in- surance were renewed. Edmund J. Wood requested tiiat council make change in Engin- eers. Commit granted his request and appointed S. W. Archibald, of London. There being no appeals against assessments on the Woods Drain Repair, the court of rove piou was dispensed With, and the clerk was instructed to apply for authority to finally pass by-law and issue debentures. Part salaries to officials were ordered Paid. Rates for Public, Separate and Continuation School purpo es were set by council, with excep- Can ut Union No, 2 at Dublin "(Public)) and High School District, Mitchell: 13. No. 5, rate of 3.86 mills; U. No. 6, 4.78; U. No. 1, nil, school to be reopened; U. No. 2, not in; No. 9, 2.96; No. 8, 6.4; No. 2, 3, No. 3, 4,5; No. 6, 4.84; U. No. 1, Ellice, 4.22 mina; No. 4, 4.27; No. 5, 2.49; No. 10, 5.55; No. 11, 8.057; No. 11, Deb. 2.343; U. No. 6, Elm., 6.61; U. No, 7, 2.86; gen- eral Public School rate, 2.7 mille; Separate Schools: U. No. 1, rate of 6.5 mills; U. No. 6, 8 mills; IL No. 2, Dublin, 5 mills; U. No. 2, 3 mills for Continuation School. Byelaw N. 475, •consolidating debentures of Watt and, Gollnitz Drain, was passed. By-law No. 476 confirming appointment of H. Jackson as assessor, was passed, and By-law 477, confirming adop- tion of engineer's report on Beau- champ Creek Drain. and South Branch, re deficit on said drain, was pat sed. Council authorized the purchase of a Barrett adding machine, 10 ,00lumns. Road accounts were pre- sented and ordered paid to the to- tal of $7,312.64. General and mis- cellaneous accounte presented and ordered paid totalled $L941.45, • • • • • CORRECTION! On Wednesday, June 15, the Huron Federation of Agricul- ture is holding its seventh an- nual Field Day at Goderioh. An error' has occurred in the Federation's ad. on Page 8 of thio issue, the date reading Wednesday, June 5. This should b Weanesdair, June 15. The publishers tender their apologies to those whom this error many Ineonvenlence. 10, • 0 0 0 • • A MEMORABLE .00CAION Mrs. John McLean, Cromarty, will cherish the occasion when Mrs, St. Laurent gave her a rose from her bouquet as she passed by her in Mitchell just as the Prime Minister and his wife were leaving that town during his campaign tour of Western Ontario. District Joins in Welcoming Prime Minister St. Laurent GRADUATE NURSE Miss Theresa Maloney, daugh- o# Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Ma- loney, McKillop, graduated on Wednesday from St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Kitchener. Miss Maloney re- telved her early education at Beechwood Separate School, and later attended Seaforth 1119h School. She Intends to remain in Kitchener and prac- tioe her profession there. Graduates Secure Schools Seaforth students who attended Stratford Normal School and who have been successful in securing schools for the fall term are: Archie Hubert, appointed to In- gersoll Public School; Margaret Willis, South Easthope; Eleanor Weaver, Leariburyt and Donna Watson and Edith Blanchard, 'to Clifford, • Huron Old Boys To Hold Picnic Huron County Old Boys' Assoc - tenon of Toronto is holding its. annual picnic on Friday, June 17, at 4,00 p.m. In Area 3 at High Park. Members and friends are reminded that this area is at the north end of the park and easily accessible from Bloor St. All former Heron residents and their friends are invitedto enjoy the evening in this lovely and con- venient spot. Bring your own lunch; coffee and ice cream will be provided by the association. Children and adults alike will have the oppottunity of competing for interesting' dash and special priz- es, and the annual "North-South" softball game dlieuld provide a stubborn battle as usual • Large Crowds Greet Guests During Their Tour of Riding • 4 Civic Reception Tendered At Zurich, Exeter and Seaforth. TUCKERSMITH TWP. PAYS FOX BOUNTY Local Board of Health Will Be Disbanded July 1. Tuckeremith muaicipal council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 4. All members were present and Reeve Nicholson The clerk was instructed to in - Bert notices in the local papers advising ratepayers that the mun- icipality will not pay for chickens killed by dogs where auch chick - one have not been properly shut in during the night. Valuators will be notified accordingly. Bounty was paid on 20 fox pups. Murray ;Miller was paid the bal- ance of $875 owing on concfete work at the Bell bridge. Fill and levelling will be done later M the summer. William Rogerson and. Gordon Richardson were appointed to ex- amine the Watson Drain with a view to doing repair work. Huron County Health Unit will commence its operation on July 1, 1949, and the local board of health will be disbanded as of that date. Accounts paid were as follows: Relief, $126.90; supplies', $21.75; fox bounty, $41; hospitalization, $5.25; roads, $2,100.02; salary and allowance, $125; postage, $5.00; chickens•killed by dogs, $57.50. Council adjourned to meet on Ray 2 at eight o'clock. • • • 0 • • REGRETS Mr. Elzebert Turgeon, pro- prietor of Excellence Flour Mills, of town, received a tele- gram over the week -end from Prime Minister Louis $t. Laurent, expressing regret of being unable to visit the flour mills while in Seaforth on Fri- day last. Prior to his visit to Seaforth, Mr. Turgeon had ex- tended an invitation to Mr. St. Laurent and party to visit the flour mills In tcavn, but owing) to the time at their disposal "found • It Impossible to do so. 1f f.•'fe The Prime Minister of Canada, Rt. Hon. Louie St. Laurent, made a fast and well -organized tour of Huron -Perth electorial district on Friday last. The P.M.'s arduous day began at Ceoderieh with an ad- dress in the Square to the school children. From there the party travelled south en -.the Blue Water Highway to B,ayfield, where a crowd of about 200 gathered at the Square, prompted Mr. St. Laurent to call an unscheduled halt to his motor caravan. He spoke briefly to the assembled throng. St. Joseph was the next stop. It was here that the Prime Minister was for the first time able to show his bilingualism. The people of this little village turned out in full force to welcome Mr. St. Laurent at his noon -hour etop. The address of welcome was voiced by August Roche, and the ehairman of the outdoor program on the grounds of St. Peter's Church was Dennis Bedard. At Zurich the Prime Minister paid tribute to the services ren- dered the riding of Huron -Perth by W. H. Golding. At this atop Mr. St. Laurent was introduced by Andy McLean, Huron -Perth Liber- al candidate. Joining' in the pre - gram of welcome and presentation were W. L. Whyte, president of the Huron -Perth Liberal ,Associa- tion; Ivan Kalbfleiseh, vice-chair- man of the association and chair- man of the meeting; Reeve Geo. Armstrong, of Hay Township; El- mer Lawson, Reeve of Stephen, and Albert Kalbfleisch, honorary president. of the association. At Hensall School, children Lt fhe side of the road were given a wave and a "Hello" by Mr. St. Laurent as the calvacade of cars stopped to permit him to groat them. At Exeter, Reeve A. J. Sweitzer, B. W. Tuckey, chairman of the Liberal organization and a former provincial •candidate, paireAcipated in th.e ceremonies, The Girls' Bunk) Band, led by Majorette June Walters, the London Police Boys Band., and about 700 children from local and district schools, attend. ed. Sheila Bailey presented a buttonhole flower to the Prime Minister, At Brumfield the villagers, grouped at the highway corner, were given a wave and salute by the Prime Minister as his ear stop- ped there. (Continued Ma Page g) 'AL MEMBERS END INSTITUTE ISTRICT ANNUAL jean Scott Recommends Junior Branch For All Institutes. ,..neveral ladies of the Seaforth• branish of the Women's Institute attended the district annual of With Huron laroinen'a Institute in the Evarigelical Church at Credi- ,7tan, on Feiday, --June 3. Mrs. Wils (red Coleman and Mrs. Smiles Mc - were delegates from this raitch. The morning session op- Oted with the Institute tide, fol - b3 the Lord's Prayer in imi- aMa; An address of welcome was aOiati by .Mr. Johnston, ef Credi- tam with a reply by Mrs. W. El- ford• of • Hurondale. The roll call Was answered by poems and short talks by branch district directors from Crediton, Elimville, Exeter, Grand Bend, Huroadale, Hensall, Jairppen, Seaforth and Zurich, The :minutes of .the last annual meeting •were read and adopted. The secre- •tary-treasurer'e report was given, eh -owing a substantial Ibalance on :hand. The auditors' report was then given, followed by a Vote of 'rierapathys to Mre. Robert Elgie, of Hensel) in the death of her Mother -1n -law, laranch secretaries 'reports were given, followed by a piano selec- ['op by Mrs. Phillip Johna, Elim - vine. Reports of the standing com- mittees were given, namely: a.gri- miceire, Mrs. J. Hillebrecat, Sea- elair ; citigenehip, Mrs. A. E. Munn, Hensall; home economics, Mrs. J. 'Sieclaird Kippen; social welfare; Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall; public- ity; Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich; historical research, Mrs. Paul Doig, Seaforth; junior convener, Miss Marion Rundle, Exeter, Mise Jean Scott, home econom- ies coach, then spoke, making spe- cial mention of Exeter Juniors. She recommended a junior branch for all Institutes, with club work for girls, with tbe help of the Wo- men's Institutes. Girls between 12 and 26 years cad may belong. She hope every Institute will give the Junien enlorciemaking Clubs sonde ereseideration. She atm made spe- ar mention of tbe Gera-en-01ub and the Supper Club of Seaforth, and invited all the members to Achievement Day, to be held in Bayfield on June 11 at the Angli- can Camp. Following Miss Scott's talk, the ladies were served a delicious din- Esr in the church basement by the C:editon ladies. Highlights of the dinner were toasts to the King by Mrs. John McLean, Seaforth, and replied by singing "God Save the King"; to Canada by Mrs. Zyen- kur, of Crediton, and replied to by Mrs. Neeb of Zurich; to the Wo- men's Institute by Mrs. Gordon. Papple, Seaforth, and replied to by Mrs. Kenneth Johns of Elimville. This was followed by a short ad- dress by Rev, Dabms, Crediton, a sing -song by the leaders and prayer by Rev. Dahms. The afternoon erasion opened with community singing, followed by prayer. A very interesting re- port of the officers' conference at Guelph was given by Mrs. Gordon Papple of Seaforth. Mrs. D. A. Carmichael, Provincial Director, then addressed the ladies and the election of officers for 1949-50 fol- lowed. Two members from Crede ton favored with a vocal selection, which was much enjoyed, Mise A. Sp 6D cer, department representa- tive, addressed the ladies and con- ducted te question box. This was followed by a demonstration of articles made from flour and sugar sacks by Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Sea - forth. She displayed some lovely lunch cloths, pillow slips, curtains, quilts, and many other useful art- icles. A letter from Mrs. Hansuld, (Continued on Page a) • Huron County Sets Tax Ra Of 8 Mills at June Session Budget For New County SCIENCE GRADUATE Health Unit Set At - $35,000. Warden John Armstrong °everted the June session. of the County Council on Monday afteraoon. hz his opening address he asked that all committees, keep within their estimates and at the simile time thanked them for their services to the county. Revised estimates submitted by County Treasurer A. H. Erskine to Huron County Council, which were referred to the finance committee, asest itohlleawarar Geatikerat,8 in, umnadt,e4.u5D0 mills; county highway, 3.60 mills; plus the cost of secondary 6C110015 to townships or parte of townships not included in high school areas. The budget for the new county health unit was estimated at $35,000 for the .balance4of the year, 50 per tent of which is payable by the province, reeking the county's share $17,500. "Three farms are expected to be bought by the reforestation com- mittee and the January estimate has been increased accordingly; nor was any provision made for the purchase of a county museum at $3,000. These changes necessi- tated a reduction of $10;00e from the estimates for alteration to the registry office to stay within the January m411 rate," said the state- ment. Mrs. P. Chaffee, superintendent of the County Ohildren'e Aid So- ciety, reported 50 child protection cases; 86 children in. care; 59 unmarried parent cases; 10 adop- tions completed. Several reeves voiced a cora- plaint that there was not sufficient information available regarding mental cases before admission to the County Home. It was felt 'that doctors and clerks of municipali- ties ehould •be supplied with forms from Ontario hospitals. The committee proposes to pave the laneway and road around the Home at a cost of $2.000. Endorse - tion was given to the committee's recommendation aline the eelernof Mrs: E. 3. Teton assistant taateoa, be inceeeeede Ara kfaaa:to. $OD. Phe healthnendehospitale conflaiit- tee reported that headquarters for the county health unit would be located at Clinton, where the resi- dence of the, late Dr. Gunn has been leased at $165 a month for five years, the Heron. County Board of Health to look after all eervic- es, decorating and minor altera- tions. Incorporated in the lease is an option to purchase for $20,000. Pointing out that eight people would apply in county court Tues- day for naturalization, Reeve Frank Sills asked that a Union Jack decorate the court room. Reeve G. W. Nott, of Clinton, remarked that if it were "over on the other side, the Americans would have half a dozen flags." The Warden assured that action would be taken to provide the flags. Harry McCreath, Colborne Twp., resident, addressed the council in regard to the condition of the tomb of "Tiger" Dunlop, first warden of Huron County. It has been in. a state of neglect tor years. The council visited the site after ad- journment. • John M. Govenlock Has 87th Birthday John M. Govenlock, well-known citizen of Seaforth, marked his 87th birthday on Tuesday, June 7. Despite his yeans, Mr. Govenlock enjoys the best of health and con- tinues to participate in many ac- tivities in town and district. He is president of the Seaforth Agri- cultural Society. Donald Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson, Constance, who graduated from the University of Toronto on June 8, with his Bachelor of Applied Science Degree. HURON HOLSTEIN MEN MAKES TOUR Visit Farms in Alliston and Orangeville District. Members of Huron County Hol- stein Breeders' Aesociatiore touted the territory around Alliston last Thursday, visiting some of the farms of Holstein breeders. The party left Exeter early in the morning, picking up passengers en route at Clinton Blyth, Belgrave, Wingham and Molesworth.. The noted Holstein herds inspected were those of 3. T. E. lateCa,gue, of zGleiraftort Perm, Alliston; Va.,: H. C7 Itutliven, -of River Firms, and Chas. J. Cerswell, Bard Haven Farms, Beeton, Ont. Members of the party included: Howard Trewartha, R.R. 4, Clin- ton; Harold Coleman, Staffa ; Leonard Leemieg and Wm. Den- nis, Walton; E. B. Goudie, Sea - forth; P. Simpson, H.R. 2, Sea - forth; Jas. Donaldson, c/o Jarrett Bros., Kippen; Wm. J. Storey, R. R. 2, Seaforth; Alex Mustard, Brucefield; Emmet -son Erb, Zur- ich; Morley. H. Lannin, Dublin; Albert Dunn, Sr., R.R. 3, Bayfield; George Henderson, R.R. 3, Kip - nen; J. C. Smiley, R.R. 2, Hensall; Roy McBride, R.R. 1, Zurich. • Seaforth Lady Has 90th Birthday Mrs. Henry Taylor celebrated - her Seth birthday on Tuesday at her home on George St., when members of her family gathered to spend the day with her and mark the occasion. Mrs. Taylor is re- markably active and takes a keen interest in the events of the day. She was formerly Elizabeth Leitch, of Hullett, and spent all her life in HulIett and Seaforth. Mrs. Taylor has a family of five daughter and four sons: Mrs. Bert Ferris, of Provost, .Alta..; Mrs. W. Webster, Lucknow; Mrs. Earl Lawson an.d Mrs. Vern Dale, Hue lett; Miss Florence Taylor, R.N., at home; George, of Vancouver; William, Berkley, California; Laur- ence, Oshawa, and Harvey, Londes- boro, She was the recipient of a large number of pretty and useful gifts, Library Associa49P, ors. P,rodo,:06,'pi., "Books PrAvg., Ageye..F10.4,VsS,141';'.t..of eafc. Present -30 is OtirevA. bft.4W 47140r0,4'? r'fb GatAiolqhartate,;Waizgh:n quiet' last •linOridaa niglst,,-J - st't.-taa wlio were'thifij predueillg the aatertin nary 111M, "The Book a st The tea service was 4,; appreeiatioa of. kis ass4'atance. producing the ftbn and': for' public spirited service. • The county librarian, Mrs. Gla Eckmier, and 'her lalletrand;"' produced the nem: laebeet.,:egalt Goderich, who pitotograPhnian. itinerary of the emititYmobilaa' Party through the, emintryaiefta. Huron, and, Tom .Rafferty, ham, who wrote the soript and, iro vided 'the commentary, were eiteliea presented with substantial cheques by Reeve Sills in appreciation oft their work, given gratis. Warden. Areastroag read. the ad - dross to Mr. Cruicksbanks, extend= ing to him the appreciation of the whole counly.. He spoke of •the guest of honor's services in the county war efforts, the Federation of Agriculture, and, other phaaefs of public and social life. Eapteese ing his appreciation of the gift, Mr. Ceuickshanka said it would be a pleasant reminder of many kind- ineesee. Mrs. Cruickshanks also thanked the gathering. Guests .at the head table, intro- duced by County Treasurer A. H. Erskine,. were: Robert Henry, Mr. and Mrs. EcIrmier, Mr. and, Mrs. Rafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Cruiok-. shanks, Warden and Mr, Arm- strong, Hugh Berry, Rev. and. Mrs. Saa R. G. MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snyder, Mayor and Mrs. MacEwan, Mrs. A. H. Erskine, Mr: and Mrs. Frank Sine, Mrs. W. 11. Bishop, County Clerk' N. W. Miller • and Mrs. Miller, County Assessor • A. Alexander and Mrs. A:lea:ender, W. H. Golding, Mr. aiid Xra;;I. r. MoLeen, Seaforth, Mr. and :,aaece J. la, ;Kinkead; Goderielt; 'Thome; Biala anlaatrEaniNiadalWaitated Preale-; John W. Hanna, M.P.P. and Mrs. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Le E. Cardiff, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley, Judge and Mrs. T. M. Costello, Magistrate and Mrs, D. E. Holmes, Sheriff and Mrs. Nelson. Hill, County Engineer and Mrs. T. R. Patterson. The showing of the film, "The Books Drive Ore" concluded the evening's entertainment. • Appoints Extra Teacher Miss Doris M. Smith, New Ham- burg, was appointed. to the staff of the Seaforth High School at the board's regular meeting last Tues- day night. Miss Smith will teach girls' P.T. and other subjects. Her alappointment will mean an addition- al member to the present teaching staff, which has been re-engaged for next year. • Receives B.A. Degree At U. of Toronto Ernest Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke, graduated last Friday from the University of To- ronto with his Bachelor of Arte degree. Mr. Clarke was first in his class with first-claes honors. He has received the Regent's Gold Medal in oriental languages, and also the Jennie Isabel Coulter scholarship, valued at 150. Nast year Mr. Clarke will continue his course in oriental languages at the University of Chicago. PRIME MINISTER MAKES WHIR LWIND TOUR OF HURON -PERTH The Prime Minister is shown as he began his tour of Huron -Perth last Friday. With him in the rear seat are Mrs. ,tit‘ Laurent and Mrs, A. Y. McLean. In the front seat are A. V. McLean, Liberal candidate for Huron -Perth, and W. L Whyte, Moils dent of the Liberal Association of the riding.