HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-06-03, Page 4it 'tEssified Ads. ,. ossified Ads Inserted At N w Low Cash Rates: a., $ed � � Fos sax TED, LOST AND FOUND. E1 . -Per void; wtek $xd 31, Cent .e4n Cent 204 � i,4 Cent ,'lfirlImtun charms first alnior'tI.u26 Cents E(aele figure, initial] and abbreviation amnia as one word. '00414:441 711140+. Iu Memoriam Nea100, Gaming >`.v na-1 cant per word. Minimum. Poe week to a Boa Na. el The Herron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Tt oan may be al will q Ten oettta addltiermal will be charged if ado is above lass are not paid v¢tth[n l0 days 92 datais e Deaths theeQao d free of dears*. AuatAsa Broaks.g Births, Marriages to Creditors, Eta, --Rates on atmli . Oaks. N N Help Wanted iComing Events HOUSE ]"ER WANTED FOR ELD- ( YOU AND YOURS WILL ENJOY erly lady for summer months. Apply dancing every Friday fright at the Box 778, HURON EXPOSITOR. Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, to 42511 Ontario's outstanding Olde Tyme Dance Barri. Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4251x1 Wanted WANTED—A PIANO IN GOOD CON- dition. PHONE 178, Seaforth. 4251-1 WANTED—A SECONDHAND ICE BOX, " also chesterfield, both to be in good condition. Apply to Box 776, HURON EXPOSITOR 4251-1 TEWCHER WANTED — PROTESTANT teacher wanted for S.S. No. 3, Tuck- ersmith. State salemi and qualifications. Apply to GEORGE MoCARTNEY, Bruce - field. Phone 656 r 13, Seaforth.. 4250-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPIJPS (R U B. B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed. envelope vvtth price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, Notices Wj REE --LARGE MAPLE TREE, CODE- "` ` rich St. East, blown over, goes to the first person who agrees to take it away and clean up. Apply W. E. SOUTHGATE. Phone 41. Seaforth. 4251%1 "tEll ING DONE AND BUTTON - holes made. MRS. FRANK PHIL- LIPS, Seaforth. 4248-4 POSITIVELY NO TRESPASSING ON dr around Bell's Dam, except adult members of the Hensall Fishing Club. STEWART BELL. Hensall- 4250-3 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, GEN- eral repair work on all makes of cars and truck-%: grease 'jobs a specialty. JOHN MacLEAN, Egmondville Garage. 4244-tf BUILDING OR GARDEN LOTS IN Stratford in exchange for a small summer cottage in or very near Bayfield. Apply MARGARET CASSON. 93 Rebecca St., Stratford. Ont. 4248x1 RADIO REPAIRING— WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick np Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close'. Barber Shop. GLEN HECHNIE. R1ytb. 4218-tf NOTICE — GENERAL BLACKSMITH- ing and horsesboeing, Mondays, Tues- days and Wednesdays. Lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. WINTHROP SERVICE STATION, R K. Davidson - Phone 832 r 22, Seaforth. 4249x3 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL TBE NEAT MEETING OF THE HURON County Council will be held in the Council 'Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 6th, at 2.00 p.m., D.S.T. All accounts, 'notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council steel(' be in the hands of the Comity Clerk not later than Saturday. June 4th, 2949. N. W. MILLER. County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 4250-2 Tenders Wanted COAL WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIvt•;1) RY the undersigned until June 141h, for approximately 40 tons of first quality anthracite coal, egg size, delivered to sit schools of the Area. by September 1. 1949. Tenders will please state brand of coal offered. Coal for the seventh School may be% included also, but is not to be deliver- ed until required. For further; particulars address S. H. WHITEMORE,-, Sec: Treats„ TUOKEBSMITH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO. 1 4251-2 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario (�eEALFm TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received anti) 3 p.an. (ED.S.T.), Wednesday, June 15. 1949, for the supply of coal and coke for the Domin- ion Bttediuga throughout the Province of Ontario. Emma. of Lender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Pu rebasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervis- ing Architect. 36 AdeThide St. East, Tomm- ie,Tenders should be made op the forms supplied by the Bepartmefit and in accord- ance with depaatnentae specifications and conditions attadred thereto. Coal dealers' Poetise numbers must be given 'when tendering. The .Departrnent reserves the right to dmnabd from any successful tenderer, be- fore awarding the order, a security dee posit in the form of a certified cber(pe On et chartered bank in Canada, made pay- able to the order of the Honourable the ll]iiaister of Plzblie Works, equal to 10 per tent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bond's of the Datrainion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Corepatsy end its constituent companies tincidlditaanaj , guaranteed as to principal end interestt'by the Dotnunion of Canada. syr the aforementioned bonds, *ad a celti• Atedelitune. i4 •retirifred to Brake tib an odd analath secants* *.Illi 91 rVe es ret g!aatbnttg for the DrePer d' lltili3tent of tee el Strata. Automotive .Supplies YOUR CAR WILL LOOK SHINY NEW, if you use "TA.RNOFF," Just dub it on—and wipe it off. 16 -oz. tin 60c; 36 -oz. tin, $1.00. R. MARKS, Garage, Welton_ 4251-1 `ANTED — PROUD CAR OWNERS. give your auto the nes look with revolutionary Spray -Wax, first in Sea - forth die-trigt with this amazing., long - fasting protecti i, wax. Drive in for fur- ther details 'to 'SEAFORTH MOTORS, or Phone 141. for appointment. 1251-1 Poultry White Leghorn PULLET BARGAINS While they last 2 Week old $34.95, 3 - Week -old 839.95. Day-old $26.95. Black Minorca X White Leghorns, 41,00 per Hundred more. Also other Light and Heavy Breeds, non -sexed, pullets and Heavy Breed Cockerels, Turkey Poults. Send for reduced Price List for June. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Limited FERGUS, ONTARIO 4251-2 Lost and Found LOST — ON MONDAY NIGHT, BE- tween Regent Theatre and John Eis- ler's, Egmondville. a gold watch. Finder pleaee leave at E.X.POSITOR OFFICE. LOST—SOMEWHEREBETWEEN SEA - forth and Exeter. a black leather brief ease, containing valuable papers. Finder will be rewarded by applying to Box 779, HURON EXPOSITOR 4251-1 LOST --ON MONDAY MOON, MAY 30. in or near the vicinity of Elliott's Restaurant, or along the main block. a saw of money. Finder please apply to Box 776, HURON EXPOSITOR. Reward. 4251x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, in the Village of Hensall, Wednesday, June 8th, 1,30 p•m. (D.S.T.), corner of Highway No. 4 and Main Street, Estate of the late Alexan- der Buchanan- Property °Desists of a double lot, two storey 9 -roomed brick house, full .basement with new furnace Household Effects — Piano and bench chesterfield; desk: library table: cook stove: small tables; kitchen cupboard: theirs: beds; mattresses ; dressers and washstands: dishes : floor covering and many other household articles. Terms of property made known day of sale, sold subject to rnserve bid. Household Effects —Cash. MARY BUCHANAN, Executrix : Ed Corbett, Auctioneer. 4250-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- iecla, iu Town of Seaforth. on Sat- urday, June 4th, at 1 p -m_, on North Main Street: Kitchen table and 5 kit- chen chairs: kitchen cupboard: 'rtility white enamel table: exter soon. table; drop bead sewing machine; enamel electric range; 2 -burner hot plate: Quebec cook stove (tike new): Beatty electric wash- ing machine; Dopper boiler; Quebec beat- ing stave: electric beater: electric iron: Mason & Risch piano and bench (small size. like new) : Chesterfield: Philco table model radio; day bed: floor lamps ; table Imams: trilight table lamp: oak dining room. suite: mahogany whatnot: antique sofa: occas.ien chairs; rockers; small Sables; chesterfield end tables ; hall tree: chest of drawers and writing desk com- bined; 1 walnut finish bed (new): 3 bed- room suites; 3 spring filled mattresses (like new) ; 2 congoleum rugs 'like new) : scatter mals ; (ai-rt boxes , ruts, 9510: lawn mower; extension (adder : garden tools; quantity of chestnut coal; sealers; kitchen utensils; dishes: silverware; lin- ens and bedding: set 4 lawn bowls. end a boat of other articles. Terms—Cash. MISS MARY JOHLNSTONE. Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E, P. Ches- ney, Clerk- 4211-1 AUCTION SALE of 90 Head of Registered Red Poll Cattle ACCREDI 1 r.'D AND BLOOD TES t Monday, May 30th 1.00 p.m., sharp at the farm of the T. George Hanna Estate R.R. No. 3 HOLLAND CENTRE, ONT. (Write for estetogne) 4250-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN. DUNLOP'S SERVICE STATION. Phone 246, Seaforth. 4251-1 USED CAR BARGAINS 49 MERCURY SEDAN—Black, sun vis- or. air conditioning; $300.00 below list 47 46 41 36 34 34 34 33 111�V. COUPE low mileage. OHEV. b AN CHRYSLER SEDAN r�teRAPLANE COACH ADROFLOW CHRYSLER SEDAN CHEV. COACH CBEV. SEDAN—$350.00 MODEL B FORD -5250.00 31 PLYMOUTH COUPE 31 MODEL 'A' ROADSTER 31 Met •A' COAlcrit DRIB; ELS( MOTO 5 of Better MO Wi Enrolment No. 2660 Dorm 1 Clydesdale Stanlan Valour Prince No. 89462 Will stand for .the improvement of stook at his own stable in the forenoons. Make early appointments.. Tiria Joe is a brown, blaze, hind legs white; born Sep-. textiles. 21, 1940. Terms --$16.00 to ensure foal, payable March 1, 1950. Truckirux charges* extra. JOHN"' REIMEER, R.R, a. Kipper. 425144 For Sale 1j OR SALE—WOOD BLOCKS OR RIP - pings, suitable for kindling. Apply 4o JOHN BOSHART & SONS. Seaforth. 42494 von. SALE—TOMATOES, CABBAGE. cauliflower, Spanish onions, in popu- lar varieties, ready to be set out. Applly to MRS. GORDON SCHWALM. Hensall. Phone56-111. 4251-2 FOR SALE—REGISTERED T.B. TEST - ed Durham bull, serviceable age: Browndale breeding. Apply to STANLEY JACKSON. Phone 653 r 5, Seifert:h, 4251-2 F4 OR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 4228-tf Cards of Thanks MR ROSS MeLEAN WISHES TO thank his many friends for the fruit. cards, flowers and other kindnesses ex- tended to him while he was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; also to thank the Nurse; of the Hospital for their kindness to him. 4251x1 Births FLYNN—At the Stephan Nursing Home. Hensall, Sunday, May 29, 1949, to Mr. and Mas. J. Flynn. Hensall, a daugh- ter (Joyce Eileen). A sister for Shirley and Gerald. ALDWINKLE In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on May 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Yeo- man Aldwinkle, a daughter -,Margaret Joann. SHANTZ ,At the Stephan Nursing Home. Hensall, on June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Elam Shantz, a son—Richard A1len- McGRATH—In ScottMemorial Hospital, on May 27, to Mr. and Mru, Michael McGrath, Dublin, a con. DEERING—I n Scott Memorial Hospital. . n May 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Deering, Staffa, a daughter. GII•nFRT—ln Scott Mernorial He_pital, on May 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert R.R. 2- Bayfield. a son. FRIEND --In Scott Memorial Hospital, 00 May 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend. Dublin, a son. ROBERTS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 31, to Mr, and Mrs. Willirm Roberts, RR 3. Seaforth. a daughter. McGREGOR—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June I, to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mc- Gregor. Egmondville, a son. Deaths FREE—In Seaforth, on Tuesday, May 31, John Wesley Free, in his 61st year. McGREGOR--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June, 1, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex McGregor. Egmondville. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnston and, son spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth. Death of Mrs. R. T. Elgie The death occurred at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Homer Hunt, Seaforth, on Wednesday, of Mar- garet Blair, widow of the late Robt. T. Elgie, in her 84th year. Mrs. Elgie was born at Kippen where she spent her entire life and where she was well and favorably known as one who was ever ready to lend a wilting hand to those in need. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Skene Blair, pioneer residents of Tuckersmith. She was married to Mr. Elgie 63 years ago, who passed away 16 years ago. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Fred Rathwell, Stanley,Twp.; Mrs. Joseph Upshall, Caistorville, and Mrs. Hamer Hunt. Seaforth. and one son. R. D. Elgie, on the homestead. There are also eight grandchildren and six great grand- children: also one brother. D. S. Blair. of Saskatchewan. Mrs. El- rie was a faitshfui member of St. Andrew's Church. Kippen, A pri- vate funeral will be held from the home of her son. R. D. Elgie, lot 20. con. 2. Tlckers.mith, on Friday afternoon with Rev. A. Hinton of- ficiating. with interment in Baird's cemetery. EGMONDA ILLE Mr. and Mrs, John Nett attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Fred Shob- brook. London, on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sh.obbrook was a cousin of Mr, Nott. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and Mrs. James McNairn are attending the district annual of the Women's In- stitute at Crediton on Friday, as delegates. Mrs. Jack Guerney and family. Ferndale, Mich., and Miss Caroline Webster, Detroit. were guests of Mr. and Meas, Jas. McNairn this week. Mrs. Erickson and family re- turned to their home in Waterloo after spending some time with Mrs. M. Messenger. Mr. and Mrs. Neubauer and daughter. Dorothy, of Niagara Falls. N.Y., and Mr. Harry Kruse, of Toronto, were visitors with rel- atives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McFarlane, of Sarnia. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland on Wednesday of this week. Mr. W. P. Thompson was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hay left o"i a trip to the Canadian West on Wednesday. The boat named "Bonnie Ann," and which was built by Norman MacLean, Mr. Stevens, Lawrence Southwick and Grant Finnigan, was launched. on Sunday. The boat Is 19 feet long and, 6 feet 3 inches a.eross, and when launched it slid into the blue waters of Lake Hnr-, on at Bayfield and came to the right water mark at once. There were 27 present at the lunching which was an interesting event. It is a .line boat and is compared Bove the Ataerican boats, ttt is peered by a marine -motor. titter Btepkenson, lack Wright and Bert Haney also launched a speed boat about three Weeks ago, which tiaa e 22 ,i1'otsep»oWer note WINTHROP The w M.S, and of Cavan Church, Winthrop; are hot'gng m bazaar on Wednesday,. June 8, in the schoolroom of the church when they will entertain the tad• ies of Constance and Seaforth Northside United, Church societies. The guest speaker for the day will be Mrs. Brenton, Loldesboro. Each lady from the Winthrop society asked to bring a mystery box for the bazaar table. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne •.Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Brewer, of Cleveland. spent the week -end, in McKillop with their mother, Mrs. Jas. Campbell. Mrs. Churchill is remaining for a month's holiday. The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet on Sat- urday, June 4, in the schoolroom of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Costello and Mrs. Fraser, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley. Mrs. Garnet Taylor and ebildren of Staffa, visited with .. Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mrs. Kellar has been re-engag- ed to teach S.S. No. 10, and Mrs. MacDonald to teach S.S. No. 12. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner and family spent the week -end with friends in Romeo, Mich. Miss Marian Fairbairn, of De- troit, arrived on Friday to spend the season at her cottage. Her niece, Mrs. H. Hendricks, of Birm- ingham, spent the week -end with Miss Fairbairn. Miss Betty Lau Larson, of Lon- don, was with her parents for a few days last week. Mrs„ Helen Cobb, of Toronto, ar- rived last week to spend three months at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and two children. of Detroit, and Mrs, Mabel Newton, of Detroit. were guests of Miss Elizabeth and Mr. George Weston over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stuthers and famil}, of Embro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mack over '.:e wEek-snit. Mr and Mrs, Jack Atkinson. Marion and Stewart Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs, Renouf Johns and son. pf St. Clair Shores. Mich.. spentthe week -end at their home in the village. Guests at the Albion Hotel over the week -end were: Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Ormond. of Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. David Ormond, of Bay City; Mr. Edward Morrison, of Beverley Hills, Calif.. and Mr. and. Mrs. G. Rich:.rds and son. of Detroit. Mrs. Geo. Reid, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. W, J. Stinson, for the past two months, returned to her home in Flaxcomb, Sask., on Thursday last. . Mrs. Jas. Ferguson was in Lon- don over the week -end where she attended the Kerr -Geddes wedding at First St. Andrew's' United Church, Mrs. Mabel Wallace. of Detroit, spent the week -end with her Mother, Mrs. Ellen Howard. Miss Anne Druin and Mrs. R. Mullen, of Detroit, spent the week end at the Druin cottage. Mrs. Anna Brown. of Clinton, Iowa, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Stanley Twp,, is at her cottage here for the summer season. Miss Lillian Morley, of Detroit, is at her cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morley and Pa- tricia, of Birmingham. Mich„ were her guests over the week -end, Mrs. Bruce Menary. of Detroit, moved to the village last week, where she will reside in the Reid residence on Louisa St. The Blyth Construction Com- pany has started to pour cement for the deck of the new bridge and expect to be finished very shortly. HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) His kingdom. the speaker said. It exalts and at the same time hum- bles one, for no mat is sufficient of himself for these high things. After the sermon the act of ord- ination took place and he solem- nity of the simple. ye: impressive, ceremony left a deep impression upon all the worshippers, - A social evening was spent by members of Carmel Church choir on Monday evening last in the church hall. Members of the Kirk Session and Board of Managers were guests of the choir, and the occasion was a reception for Mr. J. Nicol, who recently became choirmaster, and also to honor the newly -ordained elders, Special guests of the evening were mem- bers of other local churches who recently assisted the choir in an- niversary services, Rev. P. A. Fer- guson, minister of the church, act- ed as chairman. During the pro- gram Mr. Nicol was presented with a Book of Praise by Mrs. Al- fred Seboll, choir president, on be- half of the choir. Games, contests and sing -songs were included in the program. and solos were ren- dered by Mrs, Wm. Brown, Miss Alma Bell, Mr. Donald Bell and a quartette by Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs, Kennedy, Miss Alma Bell and Mrs. Scholl. Delicious refresh- ments were served by the cho r members. Deer were een in a field near Crediton last week by Ronald Heiden, of Hensall. While motor- ing to Centralia Friday morning at. 6.30 a.m., he saw one run across the highway two miles south of'. Hensall and jump a fence and stood watching him. Drysdale - Woodiwiss Helyn Margaret, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Woodiwiss, Chat- ham, became the bride of John William Drysdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Hensall,` at a pretty ceremony for which Re*. Robert Melts officiated at bill. bottle on Grosvenor Street. Miss Edna, Herten, of Londeiti Douglas, 43 idle, Fxetera attended the couple. The bride, was freektedi in paleK1' een moire taffeta with elbow length sleeves, low neckline a and Queen Anne collar. Her cor- sage was of mauve sweet peas and her accessories in, navy. Mies 4441h ton chose a navy taffeta dress with pink accessories and a gardenia corsage. Following a reception at the Knotty Pine Inn, the couple left on a wedding .trip by motor to the United States. For travelling the bride chose a navy suit with cream straw hat and, cream top- coat. They will reside in Hensall, on their return. Hensall Library will close every Thursday during June, July, .Aug- ust and September. The junior choir, composed. of 27 voices, under direction of Mr. S. Ronnie, occupied the choir loft at the United. Church ,S!unlday morning. Rev. Mr. Whattanl, To- ronto, was guest speaker, and spoke in the interests of the tem- perance issue, Mary Ann Ronnie and Marilyn Mousseau sang a love- ly duet and Audrey Walsh a pleas- ing solo. The junior choir sang with Miss Betty Mickle accom- panying at the piano for the ape. tial number. Miss Greta Laramie was at the organ console. The ser- vice was much enjoyed. At the evening service the senior choir rendered "The Old Rugged Cross." Rev. R. A. Brook delivered an in- spiring message. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm won a prize of $5.00 this week an the program, "May We Come In?" on CFPL, London, for best recipe sub- mitted for the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sangster and daughter, Helen, R.N., London, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodiwiss, Chat- ham, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodiwiss, of Chatham and. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Hensall, attended the Drysdale - Woodiwiss wedding in London recently. The Hensall Institute picnic will be held at the home of Mrs, W. Dinnin on Wednesday afternoon, June 8. Members and guests are asked to meet at the Town Hall at 5 o'clock, where those having ears will be waiting to arrange transportation. Mrs. A. Mousseau will look after transportation of tables; Mrs. Horton, Mrs. J. Sang- ster, Mrs. Parke and Mrs. W. Swale will attend to luncheon ar- rangements: Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Norminton will arrange the sports- As formerly, children and guests will be welcome at this af- fair. Members are reminded to provide cups and silverware (extra for guests), also bring your picnic baskets. You are reminded of the roll call, "Sing, Say or Pay." Miss Joan Britton, granddaugh- ter of Mrs. Hannah Workman, of town, was successful in obtaining second prize in girls' solo, 11 years and under. in Mitchell Musical Festival,,, She sang a duet with Margaret Darling, of Dublin, for which they received first prize. She is a pupil of Miss Margaret Dougall, who lives just south of here. Margaret's pupils won sev- eral major successes. Two more children of local in- terest who won prizes were John and Joyce Priestap, of Mitchel], grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Thomson, just porth of here. John. after winning first prize at Stratford Musical Festi- val, repeated by winning first at Mitchell. His 9 -year-old sister, Joyce, continued her Stratford ,re - From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil. Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply— H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall YOUR Blue COAL D -E -A -L -E -R WANTS YOU TO KNOW: You can hang out your Wash with perfect safety when you burn Blue Coal! NO SOOT OR OIL SPECKS .FROM BLUE COAL You can get BLUE COAL from W. R. Davidson HENSALL Office House Phone 10 Phone 52 Roe's Vitamized Feeds NOTICE Hensall School Board gives notice that all children beginning school in September must have reached their sixth birthday on or before December 31, 1949. Parents of these children' are• kindly asked to register them with the Principal before Jurie 17th., John F. Blackwell, Sec. treats. 4ENSALL S; rtt OL, BOARD cord by wincing *Vet pride for Birks' solo, 11 years and under, and she aand Owen 'WrightWri t won drat g� prize for girls' duet, underr eleven. years. Besides this, she won. the Mitchell Musical Educational Scholarship of $50 for beat solo- ist. Our congratulations go to these children. The monthly' meeting of the Wobela Class was (held in the Unit, ed Church Sunday Schoolroora on Monday night. Mrs. D. Kyle pre- sidied. The opening exercises con- sisted of the hymn, "I Would Be True," the Lord's Prayer ands the Scripture reading by, Dorothy Mc- Naughton. Roll call was answered by names of "Books of the Bible," 'beginning with initial of first name. Minutes were read and the collection taken. The 23rd Psalm was repeated by the group. Plans were drawn up for the class pic- nic, to be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, at a date to be decided on. It was also decided to hold a baking sale at a later date. Mrs. Maude Redden was named as an extra member on the buying com- mittee to send cards to class mem- bers. Dorothy McNaughton was named to•send gifts. Eudora Hyde sang a pleasing solo, "Thorny Ros- es." A humorous reading, "Kat- rina's Visit To New York," was given by Geo. Pollock. His encore was "An Afterdinner Speech." De- lightful violin- solos were rendered by Jarvis Horton, accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker. Miss Florence Welsh contributed enjoyable piano number. The next item, the topic, "Esther,"was most interestingly dealt with 'by Miss Ellis. The sec- retary disclosed that the "Care" parcel forwarded to Mr. Morenz- Erlangen, Germany, a distant rel- ative of Mrs. J. Corbett, had been received. However, the letter has to be translated into English. The closing hymn was "He Liveth Long Who Liveth, Well," after which the Mizrah benediction was. repeated. A period of games and delicious refreshments followed.. Mr, How- ard Brook was responsible for the excellent program; also the games. Mr. and Mrs•. S. Faber, well- known residents of Hensall dis- trict, Ieft on Wednesday for Que- bec City, from where they will leave on Friday on the Tabintha for Friesland, Netherlands. It is 25 years since they came from their native land with their family of five sons and settled in Hensall 411i FOR FUNCTIONAL FARM BUILDINGS, / at RAFTERS Today, farm building is Ito longer a problem -- sturdy, economical, easy - to - erect Timberib Raters provide the solution- Laminated arched rafters, form sides and roof in one continuous piece, mak- ing it possible for the attire frame of the building erected in a few hours time. Perfect for machine see l - barns, poultry houses, sof, ings and utility building all typeS.NOW t AVAII.A8U` HAROLD N. PECK R.R. 1, Zurich Phone 96 r 23 - • Hensall district, who .now are ail owners oftheir own farina. Tihi13' is ' tlm first visit that r adMea� Faber hays had to thein lomekand. They expeot to be away ,,three or lour Months. Jeanette Beaver, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Beaver, Credi Credi- ton, is in the War Memorial Obill- dren'a Hospital, London, suffering a slight concussion in an aecidlent at Crediton. Jeanette, a pupil in Grade 7, 'Crediton public 801i001, was sitting on the bench watching a softball game between Grand Bend and Crediton, on Crediton diamond. The catcher was hunning to catch a fly and bumped into her, his kneeeetriking her head, She was taken to hospital by her teacher, 14tr- ll4i.ndsay. A reception for Mr. oiltl. • •Mrs. wpos Datillaw,�t1ri e h, (nee Eda 1elchert), ;T.0(3;41)0.41 cou- ple, will. be held •in the rpm. Rall, Hensall, Friday, with good, mucic • provided. Ladies will please pro- vide, and, everybody welcome, Mr and Mrs. Herold, Hedden and Bobby and Mr. and MIs. Hender- son,- of •.;Dresden, visited with Mrs. C. M. Redden and Herb on Sunday'• Forrest -Dove reunion will be ffse Jewett's Grove, Bayfield,. on Mon- day, June 6. Over 100 members of the clad are expected to attend front differennt 'pa$pts. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 ry VENETIAN BLINDS 65c sq. ft. For the All -Metal VENETIAN BLIND call your local representative WILLIAM LEE Hensall Phone 111 New Farm Machinery 10 and 16 cubic foot Home Freezers No. 30 Tractor 44 Tractor Gas Model M. -H. Washing Machine, medium size Pony Tractors and Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders Power Mower No. 3 30 -Tooth Dump Rake 2 -furrow Tractor Plow 7' and 6' Binders 41/x' and 6' One -Way Discs 7' and 12' Self -Propelled Combines Gas Engine 101/2" Grain Grinder Water Pressure Outfit - Hay Cars Track Hay Fork Rope Electric Fences—Special price to clear Thor Washers and Ironers 81/2' Spring Tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch and power lift. 13 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch 15 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch — USED FARM MACHINES — 102 Sr. M. -H. Tractor No. 20 M. H. Tractor, like new 3 -furrow Tractor Plow, • 3 -foot Disc Plow 6 -foot Clipper Combine with Motor 6' Clipper with P.T.O. 5' Case Combine, P.T.O., like new 6' Massey Mower, used two seasons Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales and Service Good Year Tires PHONE 141 •SEAFORTH N' (3 11 The Mayor and Council of the Town of Seaforth extend an invitation to the citizens of the Town of Seaforth and the Townships of Tuckersmith, McKillop, Hullett and Hibbert and any others to join with them in ex- tending a CIVIC WELCOME to Right Honourable Louis St. Laurent PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA Town Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd, 3.20 p.m in the afternoon J. E. KEATING, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE KING" 0 a a e 4 M 6 n 4 4 4 M e A