HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-05-27, Page 8"r is 55 ,TOMIORI Lex QASU ALTYa IARANTE4 PONDS,. :DENT AND SICKNESS ARY AND WINDSTORM denting Companies who, k1t0 Security with Service. 4.G'k0NTS FOR ONTARIO UPASIIERMAN'S MU'rU,AL 'FIRE INSURANCE Xnformat#on gladly giveu. 'WATSON 1&. A. REID Urance & HONE 214 . & REID - Proprietor Real Estate SEAFORTH Iry 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOX O ulterar 6eruice AMBULANCE O at> Prompt and careful attention. O Hospital Bed. O OWERS FOR ALL O w{} ' OCCASIONS 0 PHONES: 0 Res. 595-W or 18; Store 43 O '0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 O 4o G. A. WHITNEY 0 '0 Funeral Director 0 '0 Main Street - Seaforth O '0 AMBULANCE SERVICE O 0 Adjustable hospital beds O Q for rent. O ' ..0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery O '0. Flowers. 0 ,0 Telephone 119 O '0 Nights and Holidays 65 O .0* O ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000 ,0 O '0 J. A. BURKE . •<' TUE TOWN Annou lceeeent. -R Mr. and. Mre. Walter Loekridge, Winglinui,. au - mince the :engagement of 'their daughter, Lois Ann, to Harry Ross Sent, you, ngest son of Mrs. H, R. Se.ott and the late H. R. Scott, Sea - earth, the' wedding to take place quietly in Wingham on Saturday, June 4.. geat4 of Lloyd George Wright. --Lloyd George Wright, 32, Kenil- worth district farmer, died in hos- pital Friday night from injuries suffered earlier when he attempt- ed to halt a runaway team. Wright is reported to have dashed across the road to head off the team of horses when he was struck and run over by a heavy C.P.R. freight truck. His widow, the former Kath- leen Sinclair, of Guelph survives d'/Lt. Howard Wright, of Clinton Radar Station, is a brother. .0 Funeral Director O 4C! and Ambulance Service O 40 DUBLIN - ONT. O '0 Night or Day Calls; O ,0 "Phone 13r10 O ,0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O °©' W. J. CLEARY 0 4O Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O '0 Night or Day Calls -335 O ,,0 O 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE Modern House on East William $t. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can be cultivated. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated -on highway; good buildings; run - ming water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land., without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S UAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE — 3 -piece Bath- room, Furnace, Double Garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson rind Centre Sts. A lovely home. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 mom mut situ H. J. Staff en Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth ool anted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth and full settlement tame from there. Ja ks n min ogles» 3 W and g.3 First Presbyterian Church -10.00 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "The Glory of God"; 7 p.m., "The Eternal Re- l'uge."--Rev, D. G. Campbell, Min- ister. Northside United Church. -1.0.00 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m.. Wor- ship Service. Junior congregation; 7 p.m., Worship Service. Welcome to' these services. — Rev. H. V. Workman., Minister. LO 1 AL BumE. .. iw • M. C. 0, Hart, Mr. and Mils. John Hart and )Marie, and Miss Bertha Hart, all- of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. ands Mrs. Robert Scott in plarpurhey. • Mrs. L. C. Jackman, who spent the winter -with her daughter, Mrs. 11. I•I. Hinton, in Acton, has return- ed to her home here. She was ac- Cbmpanled by Mr: and Mrs. Hin- ton. • Mr. Harry Scott and Miss. Lois Lockeridge, of Wiugham, were week -end guests of Mrs, H. R. Scott. • Mr. Gerald Stewart, of Toron- to, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, over the week end. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gardiner and Mr. David McKellar, of Toron- to, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'W. D. Smith, k;gmond- vill e. • Miss Evelyn Cardno spent the week -end in MeaforcL Goforth Mission Band Meets.— The Goforth Mission Band thank - offering meeting of First Presby- terian Church met in the school: room of the church on Monday af- ternoon when there were fifty pre- sent. The meeting opened with the hymn. "We've a Story 'Po Tell To the Natious." Sheila McFadden presided over the -meeting. A duet was sung by Alice Ann Nixon and Lois Charters. A pleasing feature of the program was the presenta- tion of a suitable gift to Mrs. E. A. McMaster for her able leathir- ship during the past years. Hugh Gorwill read the address and Mar- ilyn Kling made the presentation. A trio, "Daffodil, Bright Daffodil," was sung by Patsy Munn, Marilyn Kling and Sheila McFadden, Bruce McFadden read tne li'trst Psalm for the scripture lesson; Mrs. Jas. F. Scott told the story by flannel graph on "China." The leaders are Mrs. D. G. Campbell, Mrs, J. A. Murray and Mrs. R. McFadden. The proceeds amounted to $16.30. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Jesus Loves Me." Pinkney - Gillen. — Snapdragon and terns were arranged as a back- ground for a ceremony in St. Cuth- bert's United Church, Toronto, Sat- urday evening uniting in marriage Edith . June Gillen and Mr. Floyd Charles Pinkney. Rev. R. J. Car- ruthers arruthers officiated at the ceremony at seven o'clock. Mr, E. Davies played the wedding music and the poloist, Miss Frances Boasley, To- ronto, ' wearing a gold frock and rosebud .corsage, sang "The Lord's Prayer," before the ceremony and "Through the Years," during the signing of the register. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Gillen, 352 Glencairn Ave.. Toron- to, and the bridegroom is a son of Mrs. J. W. Pinkney, 265 Cobourg St., Stratford, . and the late Mr. Pinkney, formerly of Seaforth. Mr. Bruce Gillen, Sault Ste. Marie, gave his sister in marriage. She looked charming in a white slip- per satin gown, fashioned with basque bodice, net yoke and bouff- ant skirt extending into a train. Her finger-tip veil was held in a headdress enhanced with silver sequins and she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. The matron of honor, MTs. L. N. Bent, Toron- to, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaid, Miss Florence Cole- man, Tpronto, wore taffeta gowns in shades of lime green and pas- tel pink respectively. Their gowns were designed on lines identical to that worn by the bride. Rosebud headdresses held their shoulder veils. Brenda Pinkney, niece of the bridegroom, the flower girl, was in an orchid taffeta frock with shoul- der veil and wreath of rosebuds in her hair. All the attendants car- ried nosegays of pink roses and sweet peas. Mr. Lorne Pinkney, Toronto, was groomsman for his. brother and ushers were Mr. Bruce Shaw and Mr. Robert Pinkney. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Gil- len wore a gray silk jersey dress with matching gray accessories. Mrs. Pinkney, mother of the bride- groom, had chosen a figured navy blue frock with which she wore gray accessories. Their corsa.ges were formed of rosebuds. A re- ception for sixty guests followed at Fairbank Hall, Eglinton. Spring flowers and ferns formed an ef- fective setting in the hall. On their return from a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney will reside in Toron- to. The bride travelled in a blue gabardine suet. Guests at the wed- ding were from Stratford, Aylmer. Ottawa, Sault Ste, Marie and To- ronto. WE HAVE . . . POTTED GERANIUMS, FERNS LABELIA, FOLIAGES, SALVIA • AGERATUM • ASTERS • CARNATIONS • DWARF MARIGOLDS • SNAPDRAGONS • DWARF ZINNIAS • TOMATO PLANTS • PEPPER PLANTS • CELERY. PLANTS • CABBAGE PLANTS • SPANISH ONIONS BRA SHAW eS Greenhouse DANCE ! STAFFA HALL Wed., LUNE 1st After S ,ahld all day Saturday 'MARKET S1 !HON 50 Shamrock Orchestra Admission 50c Auspices of TENNIS CLUB • Mr, and Mrs. Fra 1741C.iir41400#10 and .family, of G barthalaie M, ea Alice Archibald, of 1 enera, 1inl i h'lx. John Archibald, of Des Moines, Iowa, were week -end guests at the parental home of Mr. and 1Vlrst V. R. Archibald in Tuckersmnith: • Mr. Jack Fortune, of London, spent the week -end with this mother, Mrs. Leo Fortune. • Miss Rhia Hills and Miss Laura McMillan, of Toronto, spent the. week -end at their homes in liigreondfville. • Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Patterson, oaf Toronto, were holiday guests' of Mrs. Jennie Patterson. • Mr. George lerael;'of Toronto, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. • Mrs. Harold Free and ,daugh- ter, Dianne, lett on Thursday for Montreal, where they will visit relatives and friends. • Mr. Kenneth Keating, or To- ronto, spent the week -end with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keat- ing. • Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell spent the week -end in Detroit; • Mr. William Munn, of the Uni- versity oi' Western Ontario, spent the holiday at the home of his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Munn. IIiiIIIIIIIIIIIN'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COAL • PITTSON and • LEHIGH VALLEY Pennsylvania's Cleanest and Finest Anthracite! Car of Nut on track today for immediate delivery. Car of Clinkering Buckwheat coming. WILLIAM M. HART OFFICE PHONE 593-w - Seaforth IIIIlliii!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII PERMANENTS It's the newest look— it's the cutest of all! Everybody can wear Bangs — but they must be styled right to your features! Make an appointment today. CALL 351-W, Seaforth Muriel `s Beauty Salon THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent will address meetings at Goderich, Thursday, June 2nd Stratford, Friday, June 3rd Persons desiring transportation to either meet- ing, or who will have space available in their cars, are asked to PHONE 369, Libe'al Commit- tee Rooms, Seaforth. Good Used Cars ARE SCARCE ! We have one 1947 DeLuxe Ford 5 -Passenger Coupe, with heater, defroster, spare tire—just like . new, with 30 -day guarantee. 1947 Oldsmobile 6 -cylinder Fleetline Sedan with hydromatic drive, air -cushion tires — a dandy family car. 1929 Plymouth Sedan, hydraulic brakes, new tires and good motor—ready for the road. Price $175.00 1932 Willys 6 -cylinder Sedan, good shape, new battery and seal beam lights—Price $275.00. Studebaker Sedan, '33 model, new battery and brakes, good upholstery, ready to .'go—$275.00. JONATHAN HUGILL PHONE 784-W, CLINTON SUPERTEST GARAGE P.S.—We have good mechanics and repair all makes of cars. almmasitfor Brighten up and preserve your car with the new revolutionary Spray Wax Polish This Wax, applied under pressure by spray gun, will fill all hard -to -get -at Cracks and Crevices. WILL LAST FOR MONTHS ! Complete Refinish on Your Car. , , . Sion Sealorth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales and Service Goodyear Tires • PHONE 141 SEAFORTH see • Air, and) lilts. J, T, Kaiser spent t Ire �pasx ten da..ys in, G iica- go, Detrt and Torosito, • Mr, dud Mrs. D. L. Hoover and; Juliautiie, of Windsor, were week- ends guesits of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. • Mrs. J. Cameron and son are in Hamilton this week owing to the illness of Mrs. Cameron'sgrandfather, • Mrs. Ken Carter met with an unfortunate accident on Thursday last. She went down with a poreh on which .>ihe was standing, jnjur- ing her foot badly. • Mrs. George E. Ferguson and Miss Jean Ferguson, of Toronto, and Mr. Russel Ferguson, of Mont- real, were Sunday visitors with Misses Annie and Maude Fergu- sou. • Mr. K. E. J. Doherty, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence. Mrs. Doherty returned with him after spending several days here. • Mr. and, Mrs. Hileon White- ford and son, of Ingersoll, were week -end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fox, of Petrolia, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey. • Mr. J. B. Southgate, Mrs. R. F. Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Southgate, of Brampton, and. Mrs. H. Glenden- AMMINERNMESSINk NOTICE The Mayor and . Coun- cil of the Town of Sea - forth invite the citizens and, neighboring mun- icipalities to join with them in conveying a Civic Welcome to the Pr i m e Minister, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, his wife and daughter, On FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd at 3.20 p.m. AT THE TOWN HALL Mayor J. E. Keating 11111111111111111111 A4ngA Mrs. Jobn AelMett..and and Mme. , V. Parr, of Toronto„ were we ,-end ,guests of Mrs. W.; E. Sauthgate, • Mrs, A. F. McNeil, of Lonclorie wee a guest On- Monday of Mr. and Mn'.sJ. C. Baldwin. . • Mr. and Mrs. James H. Granf moved into the house on Goderich Street East, which the purchased from Mr. Fabian San Souci, • Mr. Oban MacTavish, son of Mr, and Mo. John NlaeTavish, has successfully passed his third year in architecture at the University of Toronto:' Mr, MacTavish enlist- ed in, 1942 and spent 'three years with the R.C.A.F. • Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Free, Of Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free on Sunday. • Miss Anne Christopher, of London, was a guest of her grand- mother, Mrs. M. Downey.. • Miss Lois. Hoggarth, of Mac- donald Hall, Guelph, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Grace Hoggarth. ' • Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall and familyespent the week -end, in Port Elgin at their cottage. Mr. arid Mrs. E. G. McArthur spent the holiday in London. • Mrs. J. C. Greig. and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen were in. Sarnia on Friday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes and and Miss Mary Geddes will attend the Kerr -Geddes in London tilts week -+end. ' Mrs. Margaret Fergu- son, of Bayfield, will accompany them. • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, and Miss Margaret ,Griew;,,, of Dresden, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. M. Grieve. • Miss June Shaw, of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home of her psi:nts, Mr, and Mrs. W, R. • els and Mrs. R. G. Parke and Miss fcrothy Parke visited in Niagara Falls over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Fabian San Souci and slaughter have moved to Clinton. , • Mr. rind Mrs. George Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutledge and Larry, of Lansford, N.D., are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rout- ledge in Egmondville. • A joint meetiug of the Hale bare Kirkman Auxiliary and W.M. S. of First' Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday, May 31, at 8 p.m., when reports of the Syn- odical meeting held in Goderich on May 10, 11 and 12, will be giv- en by members of the societies. • Seaforth male quartette will sing at the anniversary services in Hensall United Church ,on Sun- day, ,June 5. Jas. T. Scott, Fred E. Willis, M. rt. Rennie and D. L. Reid comprise the quartette. Rev. H. V. Workman, Seaforth, will be the guest speaker. SATURDAY NITE DANCING Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, MAY 28th To Clayton Steeper London's Top Band For Modern and Old Time Rhythm Adtnis.sion 50c beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W COAL Order Now for Spring and Summer fill ups. SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. PHONE 47 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND SATURDAY, . MAY 28th NEIL McKAY and his Orchestra SATURDAY, JUNE 4th LEN HOPKINS and his Chateau Laurier Orchestra PICNIC HALL Open daily May and June. Write or 'phone for reservations. During July and August, open for picnics of 50 per- sons or more by reser-ra- • tion only.. ouiromoiloralairommeirrommuso DUBLIN SEAFORTH Dublin was a very busy centre last week at the railroad station. James Dale, of Clinton, shipped 30. head of good cattle which were purchased. from Patrick Feeney & Sons, of Hibbert Township. It is said that they were the •best cattle ever shipped from this place. Jas. Scott, of Cromarty, also 'shipped a carload of very—fine cattle, as also James Shea, of Dublin. All these men understated, and know good cattle and are bound to :ship noth- ing but the best. Announcement The engagement is announced of Rose Winnifred•, youngest daughter of Mrs. Francis John Feeney and the late Mr. Feeney, Dublin, to Mr. Richard Joseph Cunninttam, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cunningham, 40 Muir Ave., Toronto, The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, June 18, at St. Helen's march, Toronto. WALTON A large nurbber of friends and neighbors gathered at Leadbury School to honor Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leeming who are going to live in Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Willis Dun- das, who have purchased a house in Seaforth, were also honored. Both couples have been residents of concession 12, McKillop; all their lives. The evening was spent in progressive euchre and games. During the lunch period, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Leeming were presented with a radio and Mr. and Mrs. Dundas with a trilight and mirror. The noon train on May 24 was over an hour later, the result of being derailed a short distance east of the village. Mrs. Torrence Dundas has been engaged as teacher for Button's School in Morris Township School Area. 'Miss Helen Johnson and Miss Shirley Bennett were in Windsor over the week -end.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bro•adifoot are busy remodelling and redecor- ating their house before moving from their farm on Concession 16, Grey Township. A. fast and exciting game of foot- ball was played in Winthrop Park between Brussels and Winthrop. The score was 2-1 in favor of Win- throp. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. James Humphries, Windsor, with Mr, and Mrs. William Humphries; Donald Shaw, Toronto, with his mother and brother, Victor Shaw; Barrie Marshall, Toronto, and: Frank, of London, with their parents, Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Marshall; John Cook, Hespeler, with friends 'here. Walton Community Hall was filled to capacity on Tuesday eve- ning when a reception was held in honor .of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mitchell, newlyweds of Cranbrook. Neighbors, and friends from Orarl- broak and Walton joined in pre- senting them with a substantial purse of money. Harvey Jofhnston read the address and Wilfred Shortreedd made the presentation.. There were 'about 200 in attend' ante and daneing was enjoyed to music provided by 13rowla'e orch- esttra, A delieiotlk, lunch brought a -pleasant evening to a close. Mr, and Mrm, Mitchell till resit din taatlrfroOk, NOW PLAYING, IN TECHNICOLOR—THURS., FRI., SAT. " SUMMER HOLIDAY with MICKEY ROONEY and GLORIA DOHAVEN An outstanding asisembiage of talent—ta lively comedy of the early 90's period. MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 18t show 6 p.m. - Regular Prices - 2nd show 9 p.m. " THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES' FREDERIC MARCH and MYRNA LO.Y This story concerns itself with the problems of the soldiers' and .sailor.W rehabilitation, readaptation to civilian life. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "THUNDER -#00F" with PRESTON FOSTER, MIRY STUART, WILLIAM BISHOP The dark beauty of the lady in the story drove men wilder than the devil -horse they stalked! Coming: "LIFE WITH FATHER" with WILLIAM POWELL - IRENE DUNNE Refectory Top Tables with leaves on both ends, supported by sturdy all -metal slides. Several colors to choose from. UPHOLSTERED CHROME CHAIRS—Styled in S-shape and four legs. Choice of many colors. RUBBER STAIR TREADS A FULL LINE OF. SUMMER FURNITURE AND GRASS RUGS FLOOR COVERINGS—In Inlaids, Canvas Back, Linoleum and Felt Bases. Congoleum, Axminster and Wilton Rugs • G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH . , ONTARIO IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks 10 Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MTJ4LWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 PLAY .. . The Brucefield United Church Choir will present a three -act play: ' " IMPROPER HENRY PROPER " in the Egmondville United Church TUESDAY, MAY 31st — 8.30 p.m. Admission 50c and 25c SPONSORED BY THE EGMONDVILLE W. A. Y. P. Anniversary Services Brucefield United Church SUNDAY, MAY 29th Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mr. Everatt McLagan in lch\arge Special Music by the Choir MONDAY EVENING, MAY 30th A Play, "Safety First" will be presented by the Goshen Line Y.P.U. in the ChurchcBasement at 8.15 p.m. , ADMISSION 5vo CHILDREN 25e EVERYBODY WELCOME ! ( A 4