HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-05-20, Page 3.4elegatee,,"ohne '14te E1
Pateriff* 044 614telr lhelhfieru w '
tend Those •who cau:.attellit
{faked to baud't• their' flames ttr_
cladye Luker before jutlte3. The
tulle, "KnQw' tlle'Visit to' I lake;'US
etter builders of the future," wee.
nxpressively given by''Mae . M.
$111s. S110 verbally (thanked the
ladies for the get wellcards re-
9eived during cher illness. ,The
pipet speaker, Rev. 11. Mahoney,
ef Exeter, ably dealt with the Sub-
ject, "Citizenship," in which he
stressed the following essentials' of
ood citizenship: Appreciation of
lsterioal �1kaeltgroUud; d e1pp the
Dense of vision, , aed discipline.
Mrs. E1gie gave an exceptional
iy interesting 4eeonstration on
"'Flags of the British, Empire."
Mrs. A. Moir; of Hurondale, who
attended •the officers' convention.
M Guelph on May 6 and 6, vividly
outlined the highlights. Mrs. Earl
Mitchell favored with a humorous
reading, Enjoyable accordion selec-
tions were contributed by Rev.
Mahoney. Mrs. G. Armstrong voted
thanks to all and the National An-
them was .sung. Delicious refresh-
ments were served at the close,
the hostesses and social commit-
tee being responsible for the ar-
Hurondale W.I. Elects Officers
Mrs. Alvin Moir was hostess for
the Hurondale Woman's Institute
annual meeting which took the
form of a pot -luck supper. Letters.
of thanks were read from Unita-
rian Serviec for large bale sent,
also from Children's War Memor-
ial Hospital Fund for donation. A
donation of $10 was voted to the
Cancer Fund. Mrs. E. Mitchell gave
a report of the district executive
meeting. The district annual will
be held in Crediton June 3. Mrs.
Elford will answer the address of
welcome and Mrs. W. Sims will
answer the roll Ball at this district
annual.N The secretary -treasurer
presented her report, disclosing a
balance of $208.59 on hand. Mrs.
E. Pym gave the emergency re-
port with $11.53 do hand. The aud-
itors' report was given by Mrs. A.
Morgan; Miss Elaine Kernick was
soloist. Mrs. J. Kirkland conduct-
ed the election •of officers as• fol-
lows: Hon. pres., Mrs. J. Kirk-
land; pres., Mrs, A. Moir; 1st vice-
pres., Mrs. W. Sims; 2nd vice-pres.,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacEwen are seen cutting their wedding
cake at the reception following their marriage in St. Thomas on
Saturday, May 7.
Mrs. W. Elford; sec.-treas., Mrs.
G. Hicks; assistant, Mrs. R. Jef-
fery; District Director, Mrs. R.
Westcott; ' Directors, Mrs. H.
Strang, Mrs. E. Sillery, Mrs. A.
Dougall, Mrs. L. Rowcliffe;' Em-
ergency, Mrs. E. Pym, Mrs. R. Jef-
fery, Mrs. P. Passmore, Mrs. H.
Love; representatives to district
annual, MTs. A. Moir, Mrs. R.
Westcott, Mrs. W. E.therington,
Mrs. C. Down; press, Mrs. Fretts;
pianist, Mrs. A. Dougall; assistant,
Mrs. W. Kernick; auditors, Mrs.
W. Kernick and Mrs. A. Morgan.
Mrs. M. Beckler, who is leaving to
take up residence in Exeter, was
presented with a gift, Mrs. R. Jef-
fery and Mrs. C. Downs doing the
honors. Lunch was served.
Successful anniversary services,
largely attended, were held in
ens., 1c
"o Hold Picnic o
Anniversary, Services Qtr
erved in Heiman alndn
' With "Citizenship" as its theme,
the Hensall Institute held a • see-
cessful monthly meeting in the
United • Church ,schoolroom Wed-
nesday night, May- 11, with Mrs.
F. Beer, president, in the chair.
Mrs. 3. Paterson and Mrs...,., D.
McEwen were hostesses. The open-
ing exercises included the Ode, the
Creed, "0 Canada," and the roll
call, "My contribution to the mak-
ing of a eood''citizen." During the
business session the president an-
nounced that Mrs. Dinnin has in-
„a .. - ...,Fra t ,...,L.•_, L
Akooepl 4 the p?lauiu 1, ,"lie held en
W&c1nee�ay, Inge. 8; ',MO.; group is
asked to meetat the Town Hail.
art , :ve , ikKlock, where those 'having
care will be waiting to arrange
transportation;' Mrs. A. Mousseau
will .Look after tables. Mrs. Hor-
tpn. Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs.. Parke
and Mrs. W. Smale were named to
attend, ;to luncheon arrangements.
Mfrs Norminton and .Mrs.. L. Chap-
man will arrange the sports for
the event: In the absence of Mrs.
Orr, district representative, her re-
port of the district meeting at Mrs.
R. Elgie's . on April 22, was read
by Gladys Luker. The district an-
nual will be 'held at Crediton on
Friday, June 3, starting at 10 a.m.,
D.S.T. Miss A. Spencer will be the
speake.. Mrs. Beer, Mrs, Munn
vited the Institute to hold the pic-
nic at her home. This offer was
and Mrs. Mousseau will be voting
Added to grain, Roe Wondergrow Hog
Concentrate giWies extra stamina, speeds
growth of hogs, gets them off to market six
weeks earlier . . . brings profits six weeks
.loser. And, here's one reason why it gets
results . . . Roe Wondergrow Hog Con-
centrate is produced in the heart of Western
Ontario for Western Ontario hogs. Your
Roe Feed dealer has a fresh supply of Roe
Wondergrow Hog {Concentrate.
Spring Grasses, rich In
proteins and vitamins are
harvested at their nutrition
peak, dehydrated in minutes,
then added to all Roe Vita -
mixed Feeds . , . a "green
gold" diet bonus for poultry,
W. R. Kerslake, Seaforth A. J. Mustard, Brucefield
W. R. Davidson, Hensall J. A. Sadler, Staffa
Russell Shouldice, Brodhagen
Canadian Approved Chicks
in a Modern Hatchery, designed to produce
large numbers of high grade Chicks
at Reasonable Prices.
New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn,
White Rock, Fast Feathering Barred Rock
Chicks every week.
Large numbers of Crossbred Chicks are also pro-
duced. N. H. x Sussex, N. Ii x B. Rock, and -.
W. Rock x W. Leghorn.
McKinley's Farm & Hatchery
ZURICH, ONT. Phone 97-11, Tiensall
MAY 25th, 1949
Special Attraction
HORSE DRAWING CONTEST -1st prize, $25;
2nd, $15; 3rd, $10, and 4th, $10. Draw to be on
loaded stoneboat. Two or more teams to enter.
Entries to be made on or before May 24th.
Committee in Charge—Elmer Webster, Varna;
Wm. Decker, Zurich; Stan Tudor, Hensall.
Judging Commences at 1.30 p.m., Sharp
A Special Feature will be
Robt. McCubbin, M.P.
Assistant Minister of Agriculture
Admission to Park, 25c Children Free
Write the Secretary for Catalogue
President. Secretary.
Carmel Presbyterian Church Sun-
day, May 15. The guest speaker for
the day was Rev. D. G. Campbell,
minister of First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth, who delivered
very inspiriug and timely messag-
es. The choir, under direction of
Mr. J. Nicol, A.C.C.O., organist and
leader, added much to the service
with splendid music. Mrs. A.
Scholl contributed a solo; Mrs. P.
A. Ferguson, Mrs. C. Kennedy and
Mrs. Scholl, a trio, and soloists in
the anthems were Don Bell, W. 0.
Goodwin, Mrs. Harold° Bell and
Mrs. C. Kennedy. Rev. Campbell
was assisted in the service hy Rev.
R. A. Brook, minister of the Unit-
ed Church, who withdrew their
evening service in favor of this
Evening services will be with-
drawn this coming Sunday even-
ing, May 22, in the United Church
in favor of Chiselhurst Young Peo-
ple's anniversary. Rev. D. Wren,
B.A.,-B.D., Stratford, will be guest
speaker, and H. T. Hoffman, Dash-
wood, soloist.
Rev. H. V. Workman, Northside
United Church, Seaforth, will be
guest speaker at the United
Church anniversary services on
Sundae, June 5. Music wi11 he
furnished by the Rennie Male
Quartette of Seaforth.
Anniversary services were ob-
served in St. Andrew's United
Church, Kippen, Sunday last under
the auspices of the Young People's
Union. Mrs. Wu, missionary from
China, was guest speaker at the
morning service. Guest speaker at
the evening service was Rev. Hon-
orary Captain W. A. Williams,
Chaplain at Centralia Airport.
Miss Greta Ivison was at the or-
gan console and special music was
furnished by the choir and a
young people's quartette, compos-
ed of Bernys McClinchey, Mona
Caldwell, Don Bell and Edison
McLean, sang.
Sangster - Forster
Westminster Hospital Chapel,
London, ,was graced with spring
flowers and ferns Saturday, May
14, for the wedding of Eleanor
Jean, daughter of Mrs. Forster,
Bruce Street, London, and the late
F. B. Forster, to Douglas Scott
Sangster, eldest son of Mrs. Sang-
ster and the late William Sang-
ster. Hensall. Rev. C. W. Cline of-
ficiated. Fred Sillett presided at
the organ and Frank Emeny sang,
"I'11 Walk Beside You," prior to
the ceremony, a.nd "Because" dur-
ing the signing of the register.
Frilled tiers of net caught with
tiny satin bows featured the skirt
of the bridal gown, extending into
a long cathedral train. The satin
bodice was styled with a net yoke
outlined with a frill, and a frill
fell over the hand from the long
slim sleeves. A finger-tip veil of
French illusion was held with a
pleated headdress, and she carried
Johanna Hill roses and lily of the
valley in a cascade arrangement.
Ted Forster, Hamilton, uncle of
the' bride, gave her in marriage.
The attendants were Miss Marg-
aret, Sangster, Hensall, sister of
the groom, as maid of honor, in
gold brocaded satin; Miss Norma
Sangster. Hensall, sister of the
groom. in blue brocadedsilk ben-
galine, and Miss Mina Rosser, in
pink bengaline. They each carried
an arm bouquet of Talisman ros-
es, Robert Sangster, Hensall, was
his brother's groomsman, and the
ushers were William 'Free] and
William Hocking. For her daugh-
ter's wedding, Mrs. Forster wore a
dusty rose crepe frock with navy
accessories and a corsage of roses
and sweet peas. The groom's
mother chose a navy and white
ensemble with a blending corsage
of roses. Following the reception
at Lyn Lodge, the couple left on
a wedding trip east. For travelling
the bride wore a cinnamon suit
with matching shoes and bag and
Kelly green topcoat. Her hat was
of golden straw, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Scotts Sangster will reside
in London.
A unique celebration was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Eggert on Sunday, Mother's Day,
when their two children, Mrs. Irvin
Rock (Della) and Norman cele-
brated their birthdays. A chicken
supper was enjoyed. Among't'hose
present were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Rock, Diane and Paul Rock, Nor-
man Eggert, McRiltop; Miss Laura.
Jackson, Seaforth; Miss Grace Mc=
Phall, Science ']=Gill; M. fennewies,
i itelierler, 6,1141.1ift. ,and Mtg. Carl
Eisler, of 'Lb/Ott
W-apicah4 0t 1184 IMOt,,$)
CU to to l #hey'
ExetQar at. Dash "oqd, a `.
26--P ntra3ia 14 Zudie11
27 --Mitchell 4 Lueari.
Goderich 4 Exeter';
30—Zurich at Pasihwood:
.Clinton at Clinton. (Radio)
Flensall at MiteheliJune,
2—Clinton 'Colts at Zurich
Centralia at Clintons (Radio)
3 4oderich at Dashwood
Exeter at Lucas
6—Exeter at iGodeleieh
Centralia at Mitchell
Dashwood at Hensall
8—Clinton Radio at Lucan
Mitchell at Goderich
9—Clinton Radio at Zurich
Hensall at' Centralia
10—Mitchell at Dashwood
Lucan at 'Exeter
13—Zurich at Centralia
Mitchell at Clinton• (Colts)
Dashwood at Goderich
15—Clinton Radio at Centralia
l6—Lucan at Dashwood -
Exeter at Hensall
17—Goderich at Mitchell
20—Mitchell at Centralia
Clinton Radio at Clinton
Zurieh at Exeter
21—Henspll at Dashwood
22—Goderich at Lucan
23—Dashwood at Zurich
24—Clinton Colts at Goderich
27—Clinton Radio at Goderich
Mitchell at Hensel]:
Centralia at Dashwood
28—Exeter at Zurich
29—Hensall at Clinton (Radio)
30—Dashwood at Mitchell
Hensall. at Lucan
Clinton Colts at Centralia.
4—Zurich at Mitchell
Lucan at Clinton Colts
Hensall at Clinton Colts
5—Goderich at Clinton Radio
6—Exeter at Centralia
7—Hensall at Zurich
Clinton Colts at Mitchell
8—Dashwood at Lucan
11—Clinton Colts at Hensall
Mitchell at Exeter
Lucan at Clinton Radio
12•—Centralia at Goderich
14—Clinton Radio at Dashwood
Lucan at Zurich
Goderich at Centralia
15—Centralia at Clinton Colts
i8—Exeter at Mitchell
Zurich at Clinton Colts
Goderich at Hensall
19—Centralia at Lucan
20—Hensall at Goderich
Dashwood at Clinton Radio
22—Clinton Colts at Exeter
Lucan at Hensall
25—Goderich at Zurich
Exeter at Clinton Colts
27—Mitchell at Clinton Radio
Zurich at Lucan
28—Clinton Colts at Dashwood
Clinton Radio at Hensall
29—Centralia at Exeter
Zurich at Clinton Radio
2—Clinton Radio at Exeter
Lucan at Mitchell
Dashwood at Clinton Colts
3—Zurich at Goderich
5—Dashwood at Exeter
Clinton Colts at Lucan
,.Zurich at Hensall
8—Hensall at Exeter
Mitchell at Zurich
10—Exetcr at Clinton Radio
Lucan at Goderich,
Dashwood at Centralia
11—Centralia at Hensel}
12--Goderich at Clinton Colts.
Seaforth Monument Woris
Memorial Craftsmen
Seaforth Exeter Clinton
Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday
See Dr, Harburn for appoint-
ment any other time, or Phone 414,
Specify Murphy Paints and ,NA'RV!
next paint job
JOHN BACH . Main St.
Telephone 17'
The Perth -Huron Unit of the Cancer Society'
urge all those who have not sent in their donation
to the Cancer Fund to do so as early as possible,.
Donations should be sent to: Perth Unit of
the Cancer Society, Box 146, Stratford, Ont.
Official receipts will be mailed.
Whether youn,e painting
C -I -L PAINTS can take it! They
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For walls and woodwork, use C -1-L
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See your C -I -L Paint Dealer
There's a C -I -L Finish for
every painting need. Whenever
you paint . . . whateveryou
paint ... it pays to see your
C -I -L Paint Dealer first.
Baldwin Hardware
r i' '.r f7ffl,!neMe 535.eelM h' I s�t %i'f%rUMM6',.3•:1/ x.
Dealers, Bakers, Farmers, Feeders
Lister. to CKNX---920 on Your Dial
Every Morning at 8.30
Ask Your Grocer for Gold Star Flour NOW
"Gold Star" Top Patent (All Purpose Flour)
"Excellence" Second Patent (Bread Flour)
Give Them a Trial — (Quality and Prices are right)
Excellence Feeds
Calf Meal Pig Starter
Hog Fattener Chick Grower
Laying Mash Sow Ration
Chick Starter
Hog Grower
Dairy Ration
Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Limited