HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-05-13, Page 8BILE, GASUALTYr TEE BONDS, AND SICKNESS. AND WINDSTORM tag, Con>,panieswho with, Service, '1'g -FOR ONTARIO ' T It:M4 S MIJTIJAL INSURANCE Qv, .Madly . given. N:.& REID xivipT Proprietor ii & Real Estate vuomp 214 SEAFQRTH eOr „pQ0000000 BOX nutted Abttbite AMBULANCE 0 .C} Prompt and careful attention. 0 4 Hospital Bed Owi•1RS FOR ALL 0 r , OCCASIONS 0 •ytw. PHONES : 0 Bek595-W or 18; Store 43 0 4 •O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4000.0000000 •"°' G. A. WHITNEY . Funeral Director 0 4 Main Street - Seaforth O 4 AMB1TLANCE SERVICE 0 4 Adjustable hospital beds 0 'psi for rent. 0 ,O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0• 'O Flowers. 0 ' Telephone 119 O 4 Nights and Holidays 65 0 '0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 G. 0 0 0 0 4 4'0000000000 .0 0 ' J. A. BURKE 0 © Funeral Director 0 4 and Ambulance Service 0 4 DUBLIN - ONT, O 4 Night or Day Calls; O Phone 43 r 10 0 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0' 0 0 <><> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 W. J. CLEARY O 4 Seaforth, Ont. O 4 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 4 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 4 Night or Day Calls -335 O 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D, H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. tM4menn. Hospital Also 10 Meet, --The woreu'a aoapita1 Aid to, Seatt Memorial Bonita Will Meet at the Nurses' residence on 'iturs- daY, May 19, at 8.15 p,m. Announcement. --Mr. and Mrs, Ray Ohesseil, Mitchell, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Doreen Viola, to John Nelson Eislej, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Eislerr., Seaforth, the marriage to take place the end of, May. LEMON'S TAXI ' ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 182-W FOR SALE Modena House on East William Frame Dwelling, corner Victoria sand Gouinlock Streets, Seaforth; furnace, bath. Immediate posses- sion. 1O Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can be tcultivated. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; rim- ming water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern leonvenienees. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A.REID. REAL ESTATE - PHONE 214 • CLEVE CARTER'S tAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: PAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R FOR SALE BEICB HOUSE — 3 -piece Bath- room, Furnace, Double Garage. ISituated on S/W. corner of Wilson ,stud Centre Ste. A lovely home. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES:” Res. 220, Office 334 AXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S !ool anted All Wool shipped to :JACKSON'S is is graded in Seaforth attd ;f settletnent :tiddblrr there. �csof and: 3-1 Announcement. — The engage- ment is announced , of Bernys Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. Carl McClinchey and the late Mrs. Mc- C'tinchey, of Kippen, to Howard George Finkbeiner, oldest son of Mrs. H. Finkbeiner and the late Mrs. Finkbeiner, of Zurich, the wedding to take place the eud of May. Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peck, of Kippen, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Marion Grace, to Robert Jackman, only son of ..to and Mrs. Jackman, of Detroit, Michigan, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of May. McLachlan - McKenzie.—A quiet Wedding took place at the Presby- terian Manse at Islington at noon o', Monday, May 9, when Margaret Isabelle McKenzie and Hugh Mc- Lachlan, •both of Seaforth, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by the bride's son, the Rev. Andrew H. McKenzie, who is minister of the Islington Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian Church.—Spe- cial Spring Thankoffering Servic- es: 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sun- day School; 11 a,m., Morning Wor- ship; 7 p.m., Evening Worship; special speaker, Rev. R. G. Mc- Millan, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. Everyone is cor- dially invited to attend—Rev. D. G. Campbell, Minister. •Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship Service; Junior congregation; ad- dress by Dr. L. J. Henry, of To- ronto; 7 p.m., Evening Worship. Welcome to these services. BP, WagPIAyIU Ton ed lto for t�ul ech Yb rs, 1%e WaSa" me?nber Of the l ea'bytexiaat Ohurc:h.. The funeral was held, en Monday, from the Q. A. W;ltltney Funeral Chapel at 2; p.m, with Rev. A. W. Gard- iner officiating, The pallbearers were Albert Hudson, Roy Kerr, Wm, Durst, I•farold .Finnigan, Roy KeGeoch and Norman MacLean, Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. An:Mug those who . at- tended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. James Stewart, London; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Charlesworth and Mr. Grant Charlesworth, of Toronto, and Mr. Harry Stewart, of Sarnia. Mission Band Meets.—The regu- lar meeting of the Alert Mission Band of Northside United Church was held on Tuesday, May 10 Mrs. Wm, Bradshaw conducted the meeting which was opened by sing - in, the hymn, "Tell Me the Stor- ies of Jesus." Jimmy Johnson read the Scripture from Psalm 23, and Ruth Pinder led in prayer. Mrs. Wu, a Chinese student at the Uni- versity of Toronto, spoke to the group about Chinese children and schools and sang a song in Chin- ese. Following the business part of the meeting, Mrs. T. Wilbee told a story from the study book. The meeting closed with the singing of "Away in a Manger" and repeat- ing the •benediction. Heimbecker - Horton.—A recep- tion in honor of Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Heimbecker, nee Shirley Horton, formerly of Rockyford, only daugh- ter of Mrs. M. Horton and the late Mr. B. Horton, and granddaughter of Mrs. James Sproat, Sea - forth, and John Frederick Heim- becker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heimbecker, of Rocky - ford, was held at the home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Busmann, Calgary, Alta„ April 14, after their marriage at 8 o'clock at Rev. Mr,' Chapman's home. Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Heimbecker, assisted the bridal couple in receiving the 70 guests, who were served a buffet lunch at rnidnight. Mr. and Mrs. Heim- btcker have taken up residence at 1;:1l A 15tb Street West, Calgary. St. Thomas' Ladies' Guild Meets. —The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church held its monthly meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday of this week. Fourteen members were present and Mrs. G McGavin, the president, opened the meeting by reading the Epistle for the third Sunday after Easter from I St. Peter 2, followed by prayers for the parish, for all hospitals and the Lord's Prayer in unison. After the secretary i'jead the minutes of the previous meeting and the cor- respondence, the treasurer's and committee reports were dealt with. Plans were commenced for the an- nual bazaar to be held some time in the autumn. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Shaw, the roll call to be answer- ed by the donation of an apron, or the promise of one, towards the bazaar. The offertory was receiv- ed and dedicated and the presi- dent closed the meeting with the benediction. Death of Charles Theobald.-The death took place on Saturday. May 7. of Charles Theobald, of Eg- mondville, in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, following an illness of only three days. Mr. Theobald was horn in England. coming to Can- ada 42 years ago, and was in his 55th year, He was married to Miss Beatrice Stewart. in 1917,.by whom he is survived, and one daughter, Dorothy, at home; also a brother in England. Mr, Theobald was a skilled mechanic and served for thirteen years with the Robert. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., and COAL Order Now for Spring and Summer fill ups. SEAFORTE SUPPLY & FUEL r Pri. PHONE 47 Northside. W, A,. IVleet4R-4l o'dp:; of the. W.A. net at tete .hops of Mrs. Geo. Johnatou an the evening. of May 3. Mrs, Lawson' opened the meeting with a reading entit- led, "I Know Something •Good About You." Atter ai>llgixtg arum 500, "Take Time To fie holy," the 23rd Psalm and the J grim; Prayer were repeated in unisons F,ihteen Members and two Vialterswere present. Moved by Mrs, Ii4,i: Say auge, 'seconded by - Miss Laura uncle, that we have .a copper, con- test again with Mrs. P. L. Brady and Mrs. F. J. Bechely as captains. Miss R. Fennell was guest, speaker and gave a splendid reading on a PERMANENTS It's the newest look— it's the cutest of all! Everybody can wear Bangs — but they must be styled right to your features! Make an appointment today. CALL 351-W, Seaforth Muriel's Beauty Salon SPRING T HANKOFFERING SERVICES Sunday, May 151h 1949 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Guest Speaker: REV. R. G. McMILLAN Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich Be sure to hear this splendid preacher. — Special Music by the Choir — R. E. BECKTEL Organist and Choir Leader REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL Minister A cordial welcome is extended to all. WE HAVE THEM! We are headquarters for every- thing you need for that camping or fishing trip. Come in and look over our reels, rods, guns, all kinds of fishing flies and plugs, cooking equipment...and our line of famous Coleman Camp Stoves and Lanterns. We are always glad to help you make selections that will give you more fun on every outing. For Gel EATS aed Good MKT— Catnap CAMP STOVES��aa tANTRRNS Baldwin Hardware a NOTICE A Class for Nurses' Assistants Is Being Formed at the Stratford General Hospital JUNE 6th. For further information apply to Superintendent. M. SNIDER, Reg. Ne, Superintendent. 0 llooture 8iven'egt thea&tR�li 1ptl� >eot p#' M'rs, l'! vexsity Chex' *a Idea was to 'promote, bettex ,trlelxd•• ship between the French in Quo- bsc and the ;tlis'h and :Caner Mans, 'A vete of thanks was, Oren Miss Fenn ll, After the afferin was taken, BMA,498, t"More'=x,0v To Thee, 0 likrIet," was, snug, un ! the meeting was closed with l�o.e1>', of Waterford, spent Sunday Mizpah benediction. A contest i Ambit Mr, . and) Mrs, J. M. 4ovenlaek: a Mrs, ,las. K. Willis has• return- ed after spending a week with per sister, Mrs. Russel A. Walter and. for Mr. Walter, in Dundas. • Mr. Ross Ewart, of Toronto, was a recent guest of Mr, and Mrs .. ; 'Kerslake 'oi tl i h Besele 4rinyet 'nf Chat,, slam, add MISS Mag'arety G+1'ifry ;, or ;:Ures'oeu•, were:, at "e home of their' parentsr,•-11tr, and Mrs. T, M 04e:re,' EgrnAucfviille, for Motherts • Mr;:. and -Mrs', Nelson Goven was conducted and enjoyed by all, and a social hour ppent. -A vote of, thanks was given Mrs, Johnston the use of her home. LOCAL BRIE'S • Miss Georgina Eniery, Brant- ford, spent Sunday with Miss Lil- lian Faulkner. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hay, Lon- don, ondon, were week -end guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, spent the week -end with her mother, Mra. Mae . Dorrance. • Mrs. E. H. Close returned home on Sunday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Purdy and daughter, of Toronto, were I I I I I 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 I COAL Choice Quality CLEAN AND SHINY Place your order while supplies are available. Wood and Fence Posts WILLIAM M. HART OFFICE PHONE 593-w - Seaforth 1111111111111111II111111111111111111111111111I11 HOLIDAY DANCING ooby's Hall DUBLIN TUESDAY, MAY 24th Music by CKNX •BARN DANCE GANG Dancing 10-1 NOTICE Having disposed of my Green- house to WM. BRADSHAW & SON, Market Si, I wish to thank all those who patronized the PORTEOUS GREENHOUSE dur- ing the past years, and request your continued patronage on be- half of the new owner. MRS. A. L. PORTEOUS ftf ternoon TEA HOME BAKING SALE CANDY St. Thomas' Anglican Church Hall WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 2.30 to 6 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME! Ammitums„ beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W LakevieW Casino GRAND BEND OPENING DANCE SA URDAY, MAY, 21st Can da's Outstanding Orchestra Neil McKay and his Radio Broadcasting Orchestra Featdred in several CBC Coast -to - Coast weekly programmes. Admission 75c TUESDAY, MAY 24th MAURICE JACKSON'S 411 Girl Orchestra Touring Canada Coast to Coast A hit on every occasion and play- ing to record crowds each appear- ance. DON'T MISS THEM! Admission $1.00 PICNIC HALL—Open. daily May and June; write or 'phone for Reservations. During July and .August, open for Picnics of 50 persons or more, 12y reservation only. H. . Staffer ►lunibing and Heating E,ttension Ladder* Phone 49 Seafoh 111111111111 Robert Smith. • Mrs. Partridge, of Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Jas. Kerr, last Sunday. • Misses Marilyn Chesney, Janet Cluf, Joan Devereaux and Lenore Habkirk are spending the week- end in Toronto, where they will see Barbara Ann Scott. • Mrs. Walker Hart and Miss Marilyn Chesney were in London on Sunday visiting Grant Chesney. • Mr. Thos. Orden Healy, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his aunts, Mrs. L, E. Richards and Miss Olive McCor- mick. • Mr. Jas. Kelley, of Palmer- ston, spent Mother's Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni„ Kelley. • Miss 11hia Hills, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. George Hills in Egmoadville. • Mrs. D. H. Wilson • and Mrs. Walker Hart were in Toronto on Tuesday on business. • Mr. Wm. Kruse, of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Finlayson. •• Mrs. J. J. Sclater and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hemberger and family were in Exeter on Sunday morn- ing when Sandra Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles was christened in Caven Presby- terian Church. • Misses Greta Thompson, Lib- rarian; Mabel Turnbull, S. I. • Mc- Lean, Alice Daly, and Mrs. Ce E. Smith attended a' meeting of the Huron County Library. Co-opera- tives in Londesboro on Monday evening, Angus Mowatt, Inspector of Public Libraries, addressed the meeting. G. H. Jefferson, Princi- pal of Clinton Public School, gave an interesting talk on "Old Things." • Mrs E. A. McMaster, Miss Karen Kidd and Miss Alice Reid left on Friday for Toronto, where they will see Barbara Ann Scott at the Kiwanis skating party being held in the Maple Leaf Gardens. • Mrs. Wu, of West China,- and Rev. H. Veals, a missionary on furlough from China, were guest speakers at the W.M.S. meeting on Tuesday afternoon and to the congregation in the evening. Mrs. Wu has two children and will at- tend the University of Toronto in September. Her husband expects to graduate this, year. • Miss Erma Broadfoot is visit- ing her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend in Tuckersmith. • Larry Cameron, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with his cousin,, Ken McNairn • FO. Howard Wright, Mrs. Wright and family were iu Owen Sound on Sunday. • Mr. and. Mrs. A. T. 'Milton :1:ft on Sunday for Montreal. • Miss Elizabeth Smith is spend- ing a few days in Toronto. • At a district meeting of the I.O.O.F. Lodge held in Hensall on Wednesday evening, Mr. Fred Boyce, Brucefield•, was elected D. D.G.M. and Mr. Alex Boyes was elected District Warden. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. Whitney. • Mr. Gordon Elliott, of near Walton, moved this week to the Drover farm, which he purchased recently. Mr. and Mrs. Drover have moved into the Johnstone house on North Main St. 1 • Mr. and Mrs. F. C. P. Maudsley of Brantford, were week -end visi- tors with their daughter, Mrs. J. B. Higgins and Mr. Higgins. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Hugill and Karen vis- ited Niagara Falls on Sunday. • Mr. D. J. Campbell, of Rod- ney, is visiting his son, Rev. D. G. Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell, at the Manse. • Those attending the Synodical meeting in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Wedires•d.ay evening, to hear Miss Laura Pel- ton, who has just returnedfrom a tour to the Far East, were: Mrs. R, Eberhart, Mrs. J. Beattie, Mrs. E. Geddes, Mrs. W. D. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen, Mrs. K. M. McLean, Miss S. I. McLean, Mrs. J. C. Greig, Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Miss Belle Smith, Mrs. 11. R. Scott, Mrs, R. H. Sproat, Mrs. Jas, F. Scott, Mrs. Jas. T. Scott, Mrs. John McMillan, Mrs. J. L. Bell, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Mrs, J. B. Russell, Miss Lena Graham, Mrs, .T. W. Thompson, Mrs. N. R. Dorrance, Mrs. J. E. Daley, Mrs. J. A. Kerr, Mrs. J. L. Grieve, Miss P. Patterson and Rev, and Mrs. D. G. Campbell. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stuthers and family, of Embro, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Mack over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brisson, of Grosse Pointe, Mich., spent a few days at their cottage this week. Winthrop FOOTBALL CLUB presents DON ROBERTSON'S Ranch Boys CARDNO'S HALL MONDAY, MAY 16th • t h& 13)d tante Of the dea$on 0 .1 • NQW. FLAYING -,- Tt1UiRSPAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FEUO " .•I\T'g ' FITSSIN' AND '1'X11'" . •�. with MARJORIE MAIN , PENNY EDWARDS PERCY'KILBRIDE and DONALD O'CONNOR Be sure to see Ma and Pa Kettle of "The Egg and 1" with Don- ald's added song and dance routine. - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ALL MY SONS with EDWARD G. ROBINSON and BURT LANCASTER A hit from Broadway to Hollywood --' A tense ,drama — fresh and exciting! All your days you will remember this picture! IN TECHNICOLOR—NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY " with DAN DAILEY and NANCY GUILD This Song and Dance story of Show People is full of warmth, understanding, pathos and comedy bits. Be sure to see it. Coining: In Technicolor . "TAP ROOTS" with VAN HEFLIN and SUSAN HAYWARD A New Shipment of REXOLEUM RUGS and Floor Coverings. Has Just Arrived A FuII Line of ummer Furniture and Grass Rugs G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO IN, STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK a Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 Weeds -Blight -Beetles THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN ONCE MORE Come in and Arm Yourself ! One -Wheel Hand CULTIVATORS ..7.00 Bunko CULTIVATORS ..1.7,5 GARDEN HOES .1,60 TURNIP HOES 1,50 CLIMAX BUG KILLER, lb. .05 ARSENATE OF LEAD, lb. ..........30 EUREKA, 4 -Blade, 14" LAWN EUREKA, 4 -Blade, 16" LAWN EUREKA, 5 -Blade, 16" LAWN 3 -GALLON SPRAYERS MOWERS 15,00 MOWERS 18,00' MOWERS 21.00 8.00 GREEN CROSS PRODUCTS BORDEAUX MIXTURE (lb,) TOMATO DUST (Copper) .50 BARN AND LIVESTOCK SPRAY 50 per cent. D.D.T. WEED KILLER — Quality Goods With Quality Service — .45 .50 .80 A Silis and Sons HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING • 41 1