HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-05-13, Page 7Y13,194 By MRS, O. S. PEEL (Contiuued from last week) , Jean's lonely heart woke and. prayed before. To watch the tor- tured baby, to hear his 'shrieks, to see the styes roll back and the lit- tle body contort drove her alingst mad: all the time inside her own heart 'a knife seemed to be turn- fag. urnlag. And then came the day when, doctors and, nurse admitted that their diagnosis had been at fault ---thery spoke of apurioue meningitis ---anct the baby lay quiet, white and thin, but living and at peace. Jean, prayed as she never went out to this child, andshe knew at last one of humanity's greatest forces, the love of a. mother for her child. Andameanwhile things were not going well with Ivor. His trine. con- stitution brought him safely through a severeattack of typhoid' but the wound in his leg gave trou- ble; the limb was becoming pow-' NMhplfour( BegiistoAche REACH FOR BECAUSE— Backache is often due to an upset kidney condi- tion; and for over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have helped bring relief from backache by treating the kidneys. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills today at any drug aunter. Look for the blue box with the red band. You can -depend on Dodd's. 155 LEGAL McCONNELL & HAYS , Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL ix• H. GLENN HAYS County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 173, Seaforth BEAFORTH - ONTARIO MEDICAL SEAaORTH CLINIC E. A. McMASTER,B.A.,M.D. M. Internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sun - d EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdaj' only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. .+AJIiry A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE Pkiefes : Office 5-W; Res. 54 Seaforth M. W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 - Seaforth DA. S. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Eatr, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine,. University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moore- dIeld's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At GOMMERCLAL HOTEL,- Seaforth. 52 Waterloo St. South, Stratford. JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 - Herman DR. J. A. MacLEAN Physician and Surgeon Phone 134 - Hensall OPTOMETRIST M. ROSS SAVAUGE Optometrist , Eyes examined and glasses fit. ted. Oculists' prescriptions accur- ately filled. Phone 194, Evenings 112o, Seaforth. VETERINARY J, O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main Street - Seaforth PHONE 105 AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sat- isfaction. guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 4861, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer . Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate 'arrangements can rte Made for stale dateslby phoning 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. JOSEPH L. RYAN Speelaliat in farm ,stock and im jirlemtents and household effects. motion, guaranteed`, Licensed Oa Mita and Perth Coud>t1ei ]Dior particulars and open dilates,. Naito or phone JOSEPH L. Itr ZT; am 1,illie done 40 r 5, p , 421715 erlese.. He was advised to dei�aY his return to England and to Lput himself under the oars of a loele- braced doctor at Lausanne. Sb it happened that Thea was eight years old before she saw her father again, a father who return- ed to find no l ,nger a ,beautiful Passionate baby,, but a long-legged, shyl girl; lacking two belated front' teeth. Three years seems a lifetime to A child, and it was• net the daddy, of her dreams who came back to Thea, but a thin, sallow -faced man with grey -streaked curly hair, and an odd stiff way of moving one leg. Ivor was little at home at this time. His health eased the diffi- culties of his life to some extent, as. it provided a sufficient pretext for months spent in travel. The damp, cold winter, the east winds of spring, the river mists of aut- umn, all served their turn, and, each time that he bade her good- bye, Aunt Anthea, old and frail of body, but still .of unconquerable soul, set herself to live until she should see her 'boy again, so that there might always be one ,great love to welcome home this lonely, striving souL As years went by Thea grew from a "difficult" child into a more "difficult" ' girl. Having recovered the shock of her father's altered appearance. she returned, to her old allegiance. but her love • brought the perplexed parent as much trouble as comfort for Thea was continually in revolt against authority. • Her attitude to her mother re mained unchanged. She had early realized that Jean disliked, and even• feared her, thqugh she en- deavored to do her duty by her daughter. Thea was contemptuous of the fear, while she resented the dis- like and r;etttrLed it' heartily, At the same time ahe< feet 4i ,pride fru her mothee0 beauty`and quite un- deratood, thet'there was much to he admire in her' character. Jeap,'e siowne s , of 'thought, voice,. Movement, her groping, •pat?aste ing Method of •sifting evidence Abe, fore ceMi>ag to say 'conclusion,"e2c. as'perated gtlici0vittelt Thea, The girl lied a polita#'y fife, Or the twits devoted to 'eac'h other, play- ed seals ea ees together, and later were prepared• for school by a tutor- who 3.ivedlit the. village.. Of girls friends Thea ttad• erac- tioatly none., for it happened that there were no girls in, the families of the im'Rediate neighbors, andat the ,few parties to which she went she was a success. The other girls were shy of her. "Slues so odd," they confided to each other. At the age of nine the twins, as. their father had done before them, departed to a preparatory school for the sons of gentlemen. Their sister did not regret their absence for John, strong and 'large for hiss age, tried to •bully her. He was a- thoughtless, high-spirited boy, al- ways noisy and bustling, teasing the cat, making the dog bark, and interested in nothing but sport and games,, while Hugh was merely a quiet, characterless •. and rather bored replica of itis brother. The routine of the quite country life, planned by Jean, irritated Thea, and her quick mind craved food which her surroundings did not provide. Mademoiselle Cera- sin erasin had long since departed to make her way for highly instruct- ed Fraulein Voss,. an unattractive - looking middle-aged woman with a yellow face, eyeglasses. and a bulg- ing figul e. On the whole the ,girl did net dislike her new governess, in whom she recognized considerable mental capacity, if of a laborious ordder, and an honesty of purpose Which, tthough sometimes annoy- ing, was certainly praiseworthy. Fraulein, learned and anxious to impart her learning to her pupil, yet failed to do so. From any sub- ject needing exactitude and eon- centrated thought Thea shied as a nervous horse shies at the sight of. the whip. She had a great aptitude for acquiring languages, but Ger- man she decided to dislike. After getting them off to a fast start with Roe Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the seventh week to Roe Vita -Grow Growing Mash. Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds are produced in Western Ontario especially for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to build big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal organs ... this means bigger profits for you later. One season will prove that it pays to use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer. Spi'1'ng Grasses, rich In proteins and vitamins aro harvested at their nutrition peak, dehydrated in minutes, then added to all Roe Vita - mitred Foods ... a "green gold" diet bonus for poultry, livestock. arra-a ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: W. R,.Ierislake, Seaforth A. J. Mustard, Brumfield W. R. Davidson, Henson J. A. Sadler, Staffa Querengesser & Diegel, Brodhagen P OF $409 .AT. HOLSTEIN SALE TOp price at the 85th. Breeders' i~olnrbination, $ale of purebred xlol atelea, 'held April 28,' by • . 'E, tbacher+ , gate)! Bridgeport, was $4110. This aliment 'Was paid by Jarrgtt Pros., .10Poeur to John J. Jantzl, Wellesley, Out.; far Belle Banoatine Seaaation, aµ';e#,gitt-Year' old cow classified as rery ,Gfipd)' Jarrett Eros. 'else paid .$$90 ,fol^ a 'bred heifer consigned, by Edwin 8. Eby, 'Kitchener,' and $230 for -a. 4- year-old offered by E, •Feta, Kites chener. Nelson Weber, Conestogp,sold a 4 -year-old• to J. A, Randall, 13res,. lau, for 23.60. Other good °pr see included $350 paid by Harry .F$a11 & Son, Harriston, to- S. 3, gam - mond &• Son, St. Paul's Station, and $370 paid by Ball Bros., Horn¢ by, I to Edwin H. 'Maloho, . GadshiIi. Five young bulls averaged 4152 each; three bred heifers, $357; one open yearling, $170; and 24 milk- ing females, $271. The entire of- fering of 33 head averaged .$258. "It's hideous like Fraulein," she explained to Aunt Anthea, who pH- vately thought the same. French and Italian Thea picked up easily, if somewhat incorrectly. The child was extraordinarily in- tuitive, and endowed with a gift for seizing upon the central .germ of any subject. Where .the Intel- lects of other people worked stage by stage to reaeh a desired point, that of Thea swooped • down, .ab- sorbed the central idea, and con- cerned itself not at all with proof or argument. "I know, I feel it," was Thea's mental attitude, never—"I have learned it. I have proved, it." . The child was highly emotional, irritable, loving and kindly at one moment, almost cruel the next. Music, beauty of colour, and above all of form, stirred her deep- ly. From a very early age she was possessed with the desire to re- produce form, using any medium which might come to her hand, such as dough, or mud, and later a mixture called plasticine, pre- sented to her by kind Lady Han- over, who spent a happy absorbed hour making roly-poly puddings and loaves of bread, which she arranged neatly on plates cut out of writing paper, quite under the impression that she was playing with Thea. Thea looked• on, and when to her relief Grannie was called else- where she took her plasticine and used it according to her own, will. There was a queer secretive. streak in the girl's nature which caused her to make mysteries sometimes of trifles, sometimes of her deepest desires. This love for modelling she hid from every one. The incident of Thea's meeting. with Gladys Barnet made a great impression upon her mind. Of that other girl so strangely liked her self she often thought, weaving round her romantic tales which al- ways ended in a meeting under some extraordinary circumstances with "the Other Me" as she chris- tened Gladys. She thought the more of the affair perhaps because her fit of anger and the shock of her plunge into the river, followed by her silliness in leaving her warm bed and standing in her nightdress at the open window, re- sulted in a chill and nervous col- lapse. The girl became melancholy and hysterical, and suffered from severe headaches. The treatment .suggested for this state of affairs consisted in. a visit to Worthing in company of Fraulein Voss and a course of iron. That for an intelligent and high- ly neurotic girl a course of instruc- tion in the control of her own men- tality, an attempt to bring home to her the importance of a high morality, coupled with change of scene and the society of girls of her own age, might have had, bet- ter results, occurred to none of the persons concerned, and so poor Thea fought her way on, blindly groping for something to • satisfy her, and suffering very keenly from what seemed to her at times the utter nothingness of life. What good might have resulted from iron and sea air was negativ- ed by Thea's mental condition. Her nights were made hideous by nervous fears which left her wear- ied and irritable to face the day, and good, kind Fraulein Voss, snor- ing in her room in one of the most select of the apartinent houses on the Esplanade, little knew that but one wall separated her from hell, a hell crested by the excited imagination of her pupil. Old. horrors of Thea's• childhood awoke to join the new. The sight of some slaty -grey lobsters feebly moving their claws as they lay in a fisherman's basket brought back the Words of Jane: "They puts them in a pot of boiling water." She heard the screams; she felt the tortures. From one cruelty to another her mind moved wildly. Perhaps at home some wretched rabbit was now writhing in a trap and would writhe long hours be. - fore the gamekeeper made his ex- ecutioner's round. Religion had made no impression upon Thea; she disliked and re- jected the conception of God which her teachers put before her. In the bravery of daylight she knew that she dared to disbelieve in this God, yet at night, ready to clutch at any straw of comfort and fear- ing that perhaps after all He might exist, she .cried upon His name, "Ole,. :God, don't make me think, don't matte me think," she implor- ed. "Let me go to sleep, and don't let me dream these awful things." And even while she prayed she felt ashamed of her cowardice, her hypocrisy in imploring by night the help of a God whom by day she rejected. These anguish- ed nights made of Thea a harrow - Ing companion for poor Fraulein Voss, who earned her bread hard- ly, had thought with longing of a little fiat .in Potsdam with Its china stove and pludb-covered suite, meanwhile the paced, the sea -front with her fretful charge. (Contiffied NextWeek) Here's the REASON! For 34 years, Canadiian miotdnsts have preferred. _Goodyear tires over an other kind—and backed their preference by actual purchase! That's because they've learned from experience that Goodyear tires give them the most for their money! The new Super -Cushion is the latest reason fab Good- year's tire supremacy. It's the best of the new low- pressure tires for super comfort, super safety,. super miles la. e. � Remember, only Goodyear Was 9 £ire Super- Cushion.SeeyourGoodyeardealeraboutSupe;Cushions ... and get 'the softest, lanoothr- safest ride on the road: Conventional The Sadler `Footprint' Ordinary Ride Super. Cushion Tire a❖, Ikt Larger 'Footprint' New, Softer lade Super -Cushion runs In 24 pounds of air. Its bigger "footprint" on the road gives greater stability.... quicker, safer stops ... easier steering, especially on corners, Let your Goodyear dealer put Super - Cushions on your car now -2 -they'll make it ride like a new one! '.•`o$i:`•4 �,:'�r1 v"�s'' '.:tipp '. • :;4,r+r: �"+.'ih''S.•:i>.v: : i t �:��y..•'S;`%• >.: Sit#"ali►i►x"' when askedh°lye ;lire Do You Prefer'i'ry m At,- recent Domwion wide "pojl by. .; an independent survey'.. organization, HERE'S THE SCORE Goodyear - 53.6% Second Tiro - - - 19.9% Third The - . - - - 6.0% , Fourth Tire - - - 4.1% Fifth' Tire - - - - - 3-9% •. AR Other Makes - 11.9% ^>{;•''•V,''.:.. A6•f'.c':;"!,•••',' ;c�. %6,�C,r.,`y `;',tq. +.+ors:' AVA4LAROE ' •aN• ALL:WAATN'ER .' O.R.. RPR TREAD ye: t1LAOC' QR Wad 06WALLS GOODdy :r. More People Ride on Goodyear ear Tires ORDINARY ' TUBE LIFEGUARD TUBE WHEN A TIRE BLOWS OUT an ordinary tube collapses in- stantly. But LifeGuard's inner air chamber allows a tire to deflate slowly ., .. permitting complete car control. LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES MAKE BLOWOUTS HARMLESS! LifeGuard Safety Tubes prevent blowout accidents: They often outlast several sets of tires. See your Goodyear dealer— right away! You can't get better protec- tion to save your life. Than on Any Other Kind s.._ ■YNR-,^",i� tRFIF Ran, i(, TROUBLES Nom N492 -D For quick, sure starts and an ample power reserve for everything electrical in your car, equip it 'with e new Goodyear "Factory - Fresh" Battery! HANDS IN TRAINING ...FOR ONTARIQ gee Learning to Work With Copper and Brass IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which con- tribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of workers to become proficient in the art of shaping and moulding copper and brass, will mean greater industrial progress—will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work. TIDE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) .• Our Way of Life Rewards • 'Trained Hands • Ontario workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard ofliving in direct ratio to the skills they as- quire and the way they make use : of them. That's always true in a free economy a —that's why our cont.. petitive system will continue to make Canada great and 'a. great place in which to live. . 100680.6000•64•4011110.601i1.4 44 66F ;. O