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The Huron Expositor, 1949-05-06, Page 3
r'r 1, • tJOHN BACH '1104 pit.:,. Telephone 17 J+, SAVE MONEY ON TRUCK TIRES .It takes real truck tires Co do a truck's work. We'll show you why Goodyear Truck Airwheel tires give money -saving mileage on light trucl4s and station wagons. They're the biggest tire value small truck owners can buy. See us today. SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV—OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD EAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND A17 • Whether you're painting A N • C -1-L PAINTS can take its They have the lasting beauty the rugged resistance to wear and weather, which mean true paint economy. It gays to use C -I -L PAINTS. Smarten up drab walls and ceilings..: floors and stairways. Use C -I -L Interior Gloss, Semi -Gloss or Flat Wall Paint for walls and woodwork ... C -I -L Varnishes to enrich the beauty of natural wood. • CILUX Enamel comes in 24 rich colours. Ideal for furniture — outdoors and in. Yes, and automobiles, too. Goes on smoothly, dries quickly — and' lasts and lasts! See your �Nt Dealer You can depend upon PAINTS for the enduring colour, , the rugged resistance to wear and weather which mean true paint economy. Whenever you paint ... whatever you paint ... it pays to see your C -I -L Paint Dealer. . f Qime DiAtr'Oet 4 ' n .- 1 stable To Enforce Dog By Iaaw. The regular meeting of He14sa11 iGQuncil was held Tuesday eventing Aar the -;,4oi ue,1 , olltuaiber with Pg. :41,4 b;Qre 'ld4'eliento J A. Rotel:gm. t collected, re'PQFted xai, the ar barna u$ itaxe4 tae as bel ig $P71.4.7 raid lialnded . tin, the roll. ;r r*e and Jones: That the tax arrearsof the !S. Rannie Estate of 87c be struck off the roll. Carried. Tudor and Moir: That the tax collector's roll be accepted and the treasurer be instructed to return the tax ar- reatsto the County Treasurer for collection. Carried. F. Smailacorabe appeared as chairman of the Parks Board asking for the annual grant for the Board; same promised. ... Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Huron County Municipal Of- ficers Association, Hydro -Electric Power Commission, LaFrance Fire .Engine & Foamite Ltd., L. Scott, Dept. Planning & Development, 'County Treasurer, J. N. Reid, De- partment of Agriculture, C. R. Hagey Engineering 00.,, Depart- ment Public Welfare, Canadian Cancer Society, Dept, Municipal Affairs, R. C. Hays, 'K.C.: same considered and 'fiie4. Bills and accounts were approv- ed for payment as follows: Huron County Officers Association, mem- bership, $10; South Huron Agri- cultural Society, grant, $60.00; F. Appleby, labor, streets, $5.25. To- tal, $75.25. The question of the dog by-law enforcement was brought up and considerable discussion took place with the result that the constable was instructed to enforce this by- law. Treasurer J. A. Paterson Pre- sented a temporary budget and the same was discussed and by using the strictest economy the rate for the year was finally arrived at. Moir and Jones: That we set the tax rate as follows: County, 8.1; Public School, 7.7; High School, If BACKACHE is HoldingYou Back It's Dodd's You May Need! When yourkidnidneys act up and backache follows—get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills, the 50 -year-old Canadian remedy. Dodd's Kidney Pills quickly and safely help restore your kidneys to normal action—help relieve backache and that "tired -all -the -time" feeling by treating the kidneys. Ask any druggist for Dodd's Kidney Pills, look for the blue box with the red band. 156 Dodds Kidney Pills R k, ��, l!?fa :04; ', Sl paheiature,' 1$; WaterwPrlts r 17tes bentwo, 5; •dra.nt Aea4tal,,, 6; YAP' kale rrato, 1D• Qr t}: tQ'ta' taTa"te of 46 mills, and film G1et'k- itev ly ,a `pare a by; -+Taw' earl$traning ttte Tudor and Wits '1"i46t, wa. Aa11rl loot the; garbage.•at'; usual en May 11 and 12: aaraied, Council ad jo{arned at 11.:31 1t,na• lhaplle of Grades .6 and 6 of Hen* sail Public School left Friday morn- ing for a bus tour to the Hobby Fair at. London and visited the fol.,' lowing places: Muncey Indian Re- servation School, Kellogg's, YfM. C.A., Hobby Fair, University of Western Ontario, banquet at Fin- gal Hall (University), University, Indian Museum and Observatory. Several parents accompanied the children, t e as well as the teacher -in - charge, R. Dennison, formerly of London, who is President of the Huron Local of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation. Mr. E. E. M. Joblin, of Mt. Elgin Indian- Day School, invited them to stay for a ball game and to have their picnic lunch on the grounds of his brand new four roomed school, which is situated on the Thames River at Muncey Resort. Purpose of the trip was co -rela- tion with social studies, crafts and science, Following are the pupils who went on the tour: Marilyn Mousseau, Gordon Lavery, Jean Lavender, Joan Johnston, Eudora Hyde, Glenn McKenzie, (in charge of group, 'Mgrs. E. Mousseau); Grace McLeod, Bob Bell, Nita Smith, Jim Orr, Corinne Smale, Don Koehler (in charge of group, Mrs. Bruce Koehler) ; Gladys Moir, Margaret Stephan, Ted Norminton, Lola Volland, Bill Lavender, (in charge, Mrs. R. Dennison) ; Carol McMurtrie, Judy Shaddick, Jack Henderson, J. Rennie, Gerald `Flynn, Marilyn Anderson, Bill Fink. (in charge, Mrs. R. E. Shad - dick) ; Elsie Smith, Bob Lavery, Bob Baynham, Wayne McBride, Ronnie McKenzie, Carol Richard- son, (in charge, Mrs. E. McBride, of Kippen). Wayne Welsh, Mur- ney Twitchell and Tom Lavender were unable to attend, being con- fined to their -homes with mumps. BAYFIELD The annual masquerade, held un- der nder the auspices of the Bayfield Agricultural Society, was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday eve- ning last with the usual large at- tendance. The following were the winners: Ladies, fancy, lst, Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, Eskimo; 2nd, Mrs. Ted Davies, Gypsy; ladies' comic. lst, dancing pair, Messrs. E. Fisher and C. Beattie; 2nd, Donna Stur- geon, Cancer Crusade; gents' fan-. cay, 1st, Maynard Corrie, Parson; 2nd, Jack Fraser, Jr., Jack of Spades; gents' comic, let, Llolyd Commerce a family tradition From Grandad to Grandson, the tradition of saving, and otherwise dealing with The Canadian Bank of Commerce has been handed down in many families. From 1867, when the Bank was founded, the value of "COMMERCE SERVICE" has been recog- nized by succeeding genera- tions. Good service is a tradition of this Bank. Your family, too, will appre- ciate the courteous and efficient service which is avail- able at over 500 branches of this Bank. 1 Baldwin Hardware TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Pre Payment Receipts for 1949 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1949, on all Prepaid 1949 Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall, D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. 224A-8 THE CANADIAN BANK OE COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANC'-I G. C. Brightrall - Manager *t 1 WOO '*proa F•T$oeitoy; t#4e 941Y f votiflE': ePre ,erata �#ivc' 1i14a the oYN`aSAIR, �V 134,0-0,report l r, 4'48S;P,o CM' •,$atr, 4tive Conventien i TorPeto was the first eolvetit144r4t #tst ;loud . -that I Taal, evey a,ttent�ed, t� 9 414 I recall abneat twemtlr years ago area a teenager, a SQuJtattty tfl. L44tWp with 01.,3411 Maya the 'pre ;sent Grown Attorney bf Huron,, to ,'kleai' Renton Maasey .and G}aat,d nt �'rrayalbn at a party' gaol . 1ave,.' ,In Qur ,1puthful minds were farmed' 1aating impressions of politics, and. ipartietllarly of these two,,zuen, Not,, many years, later I came un- der- the influence of Denton Mas- sey and his York Bible Class and incidentally I am now more con- vinced then ever that if our parties are So much conce'ined with our 'youth they should be doing more than they apparently are to organ- ize the youth of this country. The convention was. a tonic to everyone, affording party leaders and followers an opportunity to meet each other and to see at first hand the fruits of years of organ- ization. It was a privilege to meet Frost, Porter, Blackwell and Rob- erts, and I was much impressed by the energy each was expending in his campaign effort to win the lead- ership, It was good to see Elgin McKinley, our Progressive Con- servative candidate for Huron - Perth, making himself familiar with the party leaders, an invalu- able way to learn the know-how that is a requirement of leader- ship. To the readers of this article, whether C.C.F.,. Liberal, Socialist' or P.C., from the speeches of lead- ers ax this convention or promin- ent.leaders of Canada andthose countries belonging to the western bloc, it is quite obvious that Com- munisni and the Socialist trend to- day have reached alarming propor- tions. While in Toronto I talked' to C.C.F. party members who be- lieve that in Toronto at least, the next election will be a straight, bitter contest between the C.C.F. and Tory parties. The old line party way of think- ing seems to be a thing of the past. In our present-day world of practical thinking, the individual is doing more for himself than ever before, and rightly so, for modern democracy declares the importance and consideration of the individual to be paramount. The leader, therefore, becomes more import- ant than ever. In Leslie Frost we .have not only a capable, energetic new premier, but a man whose personality has an appeal for all. To the women, I would like to point out the important part piaY- ed by 'yourselves at the conven- tion. Mr. Frost has a wife, who possesses great natural qualities. She was the centre of attraction wherever she went, making count- less friends and impressing all she met with her belief and faith in her husband. Another character- istic of this able woman is her descent from very Irish ancestors —to this writer, at least, a fact that seemed no handicap: We all know the reputation en- joyed by the charming Mrs. Drew. whose ovation when she spoke at Ducharme, Rag Peddler; 2nd, Mrs. John Howard, Fruit Peddler; chil- dren, boys, 1st, Bobby Talbot, Chef; 2nd, Bob Orr, Uncle Remus; 3rd, Jimmie Francis, Clown; girls, 1st. Roemary May, Bee; 2nd, El- aine Weston., Bo -Peep; 3rd, Merry Mark, Nurse; best couple, 1st, Elaine Grainger and Patsy Scotch - mer, Dude and his girl; 2nd, Bill Johnston and Mrs. Jeffrey, comics. The door prize of a gallon of maple syrup was won by E. Powell, of Goderich Township. During the evening a diploma, issucui by the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture. was present- e(I to Mr. Charles Middleton, of Goderich Township, in recognition uf-hi achievement in apple grotr- nc arra l grafting, etc. Han'- ,orchestra supplied the tnu.4ic for the dancing. Misses 1lrsrq:n t Manly and Huth Murray and Mr. J. \I. Stew)) in were the judges lrrr the costumes. :1n Easter egg hunt was given by the teachers of Trinity Church Sun,'•:ry School to the pupils on Saturday afternoon. The winners were as follows: Finding the most :,cgs. Barbara ,Brandon; ✓find the golden egg. Karen Morgan; run- ners-up in the senior classes were Helen McLeod, Bobby Brancloat, Merry Mack, Winners for the jun- iors were: High, Howard Scotch - mer; consolation, David Corrie. Margaret. Howard. Over one hun- dred and fifty eggs were hidden in the field behind Corrie's store. Af- terwards the children were all treated to ice cream. A R, E "NERVES" A SIGN YOU'RE GROWING OLD? Often as a woman approaches middle life, her nerves get bad, and she accepts this as a sign of age. But why let yourself become edgy, run-down—or so nervous you cry without cause—at any time in life? For nearly fifty years wise women have been meeting this situation happily — by getting plenty of rest,fresh air, wholesome food and by taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food tb build them up. For the Vitamin Bt, iron and other needed minerals in this time -tested tonic help build up your vitality and aid in toning up the entire system—so you can face the future with confidence. Give Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a chance to help banish nervous fears and doubts. It helps you rest better, and feel better. The name "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. 10 MO: Ti,„ mF Fi11Go lteeaL,t�le aifikltlt` 0,f';g*0;04300 art f* t 014ei•4` , .1A,411 te" tart, 10 03, : t about Op- fFy... *ado- ,tlte.;-itnpressiotll ;�!E a tll clrt coltiaan of d I1' M blip, t e: Abbe OA Me11, • ' To Tae, it seems reagh, me: owre Of the matter 474.1701,k. it i . ,ante',�. k salt piGtlixe oi!,' our tf; tem of publio 1iffl;, we car p$ t ifail' to realize 'hew much.:: we we to. leaders Such as Drew,., k'arost, Mc= Donald, llsleyt;, Rowe, MRasey, Bing, Pearson, Graydon, O'her©h, Macaul- ay and. Kennedy. These. men, are not evolved in the night -like mush- rooms BUZZ FINNIGAN Egmondville, Ont., May .9, 1949. VACUUM PACKE cr' Dealers,BakersyFari Listen to CKiNX --- 920 ' on Your i Every Morning at 8.30 Ask Your Grocer tor Gold Star Flour NOW "Gold Star" Top Patent (All Purpose Flour) '. "Excellence" Second Patent (Bread Flour) Give Them a Trial — {Quality and Prices are right) Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Pig Starter Chick Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Hog Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Dairy Ration THEY ARE EXCELLENCE IN NAME AND QUALITY TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Feed Division, of Excellence Flour Mills, Limited BALDWIN Hardware seasonable. Merchandise Now in Stock FLY SCREEN to 4g2 w„idede In copper -Galvanized - Green Combination Doors Screen Doors - Window Screen All Sizes Poultry Netting - Poultry Fence 18” to 72" Light or Heavy Farm Fence Farm Gates Steel Posts Garden Hose (in coupled lengths or by the foot) (AGENTS FOR C -I -L PAINTS) aldwin Hardware Successor to Geo. D. Ferguson 'THE STORE THAT CARRIES THE STOCK" Phone 61, Seaforth