HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-29, Page 811 ZEIN SUFE, CASV'ALTY, AMNTEE BONDS, £y'T AND SICKNESS, AND WINDSTORM etatillP C4mpanies who e0Uyity with Service. NTS FOR ONTARIO $gRMAN'S MUTUAL ,1.INSURANCE Rrnhatlon gladly given. WATSON & REIP r A. ` 1tEID - Proprietor �pualux.R ce & Real Estate "S(1NE 81.9 SEAFORTH 0<'400000000 BOX 3unerat ,ethics 0 • AMBULANCE 0 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 40 Hospital Bed O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 OCCASIONS 0 PHONES: 0 ORes. 595-W or 18; Store 43 0 ;,c, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G' G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Director O Main Street - Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds G+ for rent. '0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 Flowers. Q Telephone 119 .0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 .O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O t0 J. A. BURKE c' .ice Funeral Director O 0 ,and Ambulance Service 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 0 O •00.x00000000 + T Ol? HE TOWN RWS Announcement Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Cuthill, Walton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Loraine, to Mr. Robert Em- erson Mitchell, son of Mrs. Mit- chell, Brussels, and the late Wm. Mitchell, the marriage to take place early in May. 10 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 W. Ja CLEARY 0 it! Seaforth, Ont, O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 O O O O O O Q 0 0 0 f Announcement.-- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, Dublin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Teresa Veronica, of Toronto, to Joseph Albert Lane, also of Toron- to, son of the late Mr. and Mr's. Jchn Lane, of McKillop Twp., the marriage to take place in St. Peter Church, Toronto, May 14. • Death of George McDermid.—The death occurred in St. Catharines .ou. Sunday, April 94, of George Mc- Dermid, sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDermid, of Hullett. Mr. McDermid was born in Hul- lett and was in his 8.0.th year. He was a school teacher in his early days and was a member of first Presbyterian Church, Ile is sur- vived by one brother, Mr. Malcolm McDerrnid, of Seaforth. The tun- eral was held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel with Rev. H. V. Workman officiating. Interment was iu Maitlandbauk cemetery. The pallbearers were Orval Dale, ;shepherd Dale, William McDowell, Gordon Murray, James Riley and Noble Holland. First Presyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7 pan., "The Quiet Heart"; S,15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside Meetin ; Tuesday, May 3, Fireside Fellow- ship Group, last meeting of season in the citurcb,—Rev, D. G, Lamp, in the church. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 'am., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship Service; subject, "The Soul's Un- recorded Losses"; junior congrega- tion; 7 p.m., Worship Service; sub- ject, "Man's Eternal Quest." Wel- ,Come to these services. Sister Dies in Toronto.— Zetta+ Ferguson Budd, widow of Burkitt C. Budd, former:* •o£ Miami, Pia., died T;cekfliy at the haine of her f liibLr�, Mrs. George H. Spence, 220 Briar Hill Ave., Toronto- She had 1 Baker s' Greenhouse been a resident of Toronto for the past six months. Mrs. Budd was ttze woxlaen of the Missionary Sta- eletY wazre dOiag thaa re sp eet and strese des acia it y the work being done by summner camps un- der church 'organization. Mrs. J. B. Russell voiced the sentiment of the audience in her vote of thanks to Mrs. Sinclair, and: Mrs. Russell Alden seconded the motion. First Church W. M. S. Meets.— Mrs. Sinclair, of Exeter, was the guest speaker at the Easter Thank - offering meeting of 'the Senior Auxiliary of the Women's. Mission- ary Society in First Presbyterian Church Tuesday. Mrs. Sinclair is a very attractive speaker and brought an animated, Concise ac- count of the work being done by the society today. She said while the objectof the society had not changed, the work had, in that it had been adjusted to the changes in world conditions. She stressed the point of early Ohristian train- ing in children. Mrs. Chas. Aber - i DANCE --in— WINTHROP HALL Fri., May 6th Shamrock Orchestra ADMISSION 50 CENTS LUNCH COUNTER IN HALL 9illlllUillillllllli:l1II111llIIII%I11111111111 DELPHINIUMS Orders for this Spring delivery must be in by noon, May 2nd. Giant Pacific Hybrid In Separate Colours 6ym0 Each Blackmore and Langdon 35c • Mixed Colours This is your chance to get these Perennials for dimmer flowers. MEDIUM MIXED CLEAN GLADIOLUS] iitt S 40 cents per dozen Each MYRON hart moved a vizte of t11alKtll.s to Mars. Sinclair, which *re.' John Beattie ie seconded. 1V1F s Robez t Eb- erhart erhart presided.. 1lie SOzipture reading was given by M. Park- ins and prayer by Mrs.,]ell, The colleotion was reoeived by Mrs. J. C. Greig and Mrs, Harry Stewart. Mrs. N. H. Dorranoe sang a very pleasing solo. Mrs. Eberhart an- nounced the Synodical Meeting on May 10, 11 and 12 in Goderich. Miss Pelton will spedk Wednesday night. At the close of the meeting a •sup of tea was served when all had the opportunity of meeting Mrs. Sinclair. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Jolul Whyte, of Stratford, Is a guest of her son, Mr. W. L. Whyte, and Mrs. Whyte, at Holm Farm, Hallett .Twp. • Mias Lillian Southgate spent the week -end in Brampton. • Mrs. John Cluff, Miss Janet Cluff and Mr. Scott Cluff spent a day in Loudon recently. • Mi ss elan McDougall, of]e . troit, who spent Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure, North Main St., has returned home. • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lee, of Lambeth, were week -end visitors iu town. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGavin, of Stratford; Mrs. Harris Bell and daughter, Susan, of Brussels, dull Mr. and Mrs. Willard Legg azul son, Robert, of Goderich, were Sun- day guests of Mr, and Mrs. George McGavin. LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE Modern House on East William $t. Modern Dwelling on Centre St. Frame Dwelling, corner Victoria and Gouinlock Streets, Seaforth ; itttrnaoe, bath. Immediate posses- sion. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can be cultivated. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville. gnarly possession. Moderately priced. 300 -Acre Farm, suitably situated an highway; good buildings; run- g water. Early possession, Duplex, solid brick. All modern Bo•rveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE alarm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID ILEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 f CLEVE CARTER'S MAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS - NIGHTS .182 346-R FOR SALE BRICK HO'USF-3-piece Bath-' loom, Furnace, .Double Garage. Minuted on S/W. corner of Wilson and Centre Sta. A lovely home. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, `Office 334 TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S born in Teeswater, and graduated SEAFORTH 11111111111111111IIIIIIi111il1111111111111111111 as a nurse from St, Luke's Hoepi- tal, New, York. She enlisted in the First World War with the Queen Anne Nursing Sisters, Imperial Forces, and transferred to the Can- adian Medical Corps, serving over- seas. She had lived for 18 years in Miami and was a member of Coral Gables Women's Club. • Her husband died in .1935. Surviving besides her niece, is a brother, George D. Ferguson, Seaforth. 'Death of Mrs. James Ryan.—The death took place in Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Thursday, April 21, of Bridget Gibbons, widow of the late James Vincent Ryan, Seaforth. Mrs. Ryan had been in fairly good health until four days before she was taken to the hospital. De- ceased had lived about 40 years in Seaforth, her husband having pass- ed away in 1938. The funeral was held Saturday morning from her late residence to St. James' Cath- olic Church and thence to St. James' cemetery for interment. She was a member of the C.W.L. and a faithful member of St. James' Church. The pallbearers were Jas. J. Cleary, Joseph Gibbons, Charles Hagan, Owen Reynolds, P. J. Dodsey and John Walsh, Sr. Relatives were present from Lon- don and Wingham. BOOL anted An. Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in. Seaforth and f4' til settlement made from ,there. Jackson APORM i h6S: 'nth beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W yAl NY saaaaawaaaa slalaraaaa COAL Order NOW for Spring and Summer fill ups. SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. PHONE 47 • Mr's,.Alice Cud'more, of ExeR ter„ is a 'guest ,this week of Mrs, d re b u mo Wilbert we iter. Mrs. C has just returned from mope a z. ><e trip to Florida. • Miss Anna Bowland spent the week -end in Hamilton, the guest of Dr. and' Mrs. J. G. Dillane, and Miss Mary Johnstone, and also visited her uncle, Mr. D. M. MacKay, in Toronto. • Miss Evelyn Cardno attend- ed the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Fred Cardno, in Bothwell, on Thursday last. • Mrs. Walker Hart had the mis- fortune to break a blood vessel in her right arm at, hershome in Tuck- ersmith on Saturday 'last. • Mrs. Frank Oudmore and Miss Nancy returned to Wnllacebuag this week after spending the Eas- ter vacation with Miss Hazel Reid and Mr. D. L. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baldwin were in London on Tuesday. • Mr, and Mrs. Charles Connor, of Dundas, were visiting friends in town last week. Mrs. Connor was the former Lillie Marshall, of Sea - forth, e Mr- Thornton Howard, of For- est, visited friende in• town this week. e Mrs. David Lemon spent a few days in London this week. • Mrs. James A. Murray spent last weep in Clinton. e Mrs. M. E. Clarke underwent a major operation in Scott Mem- orial Hospital on Monday. e Mr. and Mrs. Hoed, of Toron- to, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. e Mrs. Cloyne Michael and daughter, Kat -en, of Gorrie, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith this week. • airs. George Atkinson, of To- ronto, and Mrs. Ted McCarthy of Mimico, were here last week at- tending the funeral of the late Thomas Klein and were guests of Mrs, Alex Kerr. • Mrs. Earl Ross and son, Fin- e lay, of Niagara Falls, called on friends in town on Sunday. e Mr. Alex McKinnon, of Cas- sleton, N.D., is visiting his brother, Mr. Angus McKinnon. Tuckersmith, who is ill in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. s Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith we -!'e in Kitchener op Sunday visiting friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Sage, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson last week. • PARCEL POST SALE "No Parcel Costs More Than a Quarter" HOME-MADE BAKING SALE AFTERNOON TEA Saturday, May$ 7th at 3 p.m. in the Chapter Rooms over Baldwin's Hardware SPONSORED BY THE EASTERN STAR Death of Thomas Klein. — The death occurred in .Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday, April 21, of Thomas Klein, in Iris 81st year. Mr. Klein was well known in the town as he had lived here for many years. Taken ill on Wednes- day he was removed by ambulance to the hospital, where he passed away. He was born in McKillop and is survived by two sisters, Mother Elizabeth, Brescia Hall, London, and Miss Catherine Klein, of Detroit, and two brothers, John Klein, of Detroit, and Nicholas Klein, of St. Cloud, Minnesota. He was a member of St. James' Cath- olic Church and of the Holy Name Society. The funeral took place on Saturday from Cleary's Funeral Parlors to St, James' Church with Rev. T. P. Hussey singing Requiem High Mass. Interment was in St. James' cemetery, the pallbearers being P. J. Dorsey. J. M. McMillan, Joseph Heffernan, Charles Hagan, Leonard Bolton and Jas. J. Cleary. Hold Easter Thankoffering Meet- ing. — The Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church washeld on Tuesday eve- ning. The president, Mrs. J. F. Scott, opened, the meeting with an Easter message and prayer. Mrs. C. E. Smith'read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. J. E. Daley gave the Glad Tidings Prayer. The offering was taken by Mrs. R. Charters • and Mies J, Cluff and amounted to over $65. Mrs. J. E. Keating favored the audience with a piano solo, "Nearer My God To Thee," with variations, and Karen Kidd and Joan Hunter sang a ditiet, accom- panied by Mrs. E. A. McMaster on the piano. Th,emembers of the Auxiliary were delighted with the trressage of the guest speaker, Mrs. Sinclair, of the Presbyterian Church in Exeter. Mrs. Sinclair is not only a Pleasing speaker, but brought home very vividly to her audience the great i t clrtanee of religious' training for young chin iiren and gills Mid A% Of isl e teed age, •Sihe tditlr of the titOrlt Monster Bingo SaturdayNight APRIL 30 8.30 p.m. CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH PRIZES GALORE! LOTS OF FUN! Proceeds for Summer Sports For Children Sponsored by Canadian Legion No. 156, Seafortli" ADMISSION FREE • �. her t,qf ,Fort lg,i4., is: visiting her d ,ug .ter? :and Harold r d Mrs. d sol0. ixl.�law� Mr.an Finnigan. •Mir, David, R. Stewart, of Stew- art Bros., was in Toronto this weep On a. buying trip, • •Mist. Peggy Willie; of Strat- ford Normal School, is teaching in Egmondville school this. *eek • Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Turas and Pats"icia Ann, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ' Chamberlaiu. • Miss Florence Fowler leaves next week to motor to California, to visit Misses Emily and Florence Cresswell. • Mrs. John Hothara, Jr., and son; Bernard, have returned home after spending the past week in Galt with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. J. Reilly. • Mrs. Helen Cramm, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hills, left for her home in Edmon- ton Last week. • Mr. Grant Chesney, Tucker - smith, underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, ou Thursday of this week. • Messrs. Harold Jackson, A. W. Dunlop, Harold Finnigan and Fred Johnston were in Toronto this week attending the Progressive Conservative convention, which was held at the Royal York Hotel, • Mrs. E. H. Close underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday and is pro- gressing favorably. o Mr. G. A. Whitney was. in Lon- don Friday attending a meeting of the 'Western Ontario ,Funeral Directors' Association. • ItIr, E. W. Spurr, who haa re- turned after a four months' visit in Scotland, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. A, Y, Mc- Lean. en route to his home in New Glasgow, N.S. o Mrs. G. D. Ferguson was in Toronto attending the funeral of the lata Mrs, 13. C. Budd. • hr. and Mrs. W. J. Glanville, of Wallacetown, visited friends in Seaforth Wednesday. They have recently returned after spending some weeks in Florida. PLUMBING NEEDS? DELAY NO LONGER ! Come and See our Selection of— BATHROOM AND KITCHEN FIXTURES Drain Board Sinks -20x42 Double Compartment Sinks -20x32 Flat Rim Sinks -16x24 Flat Rim Sinks -18x24 Flat Rim Sinks -18x30 Recessed Tubs -5 ft. Leg Tubs --41/2 and 5 ft. Standard Toilets Compact 'Toilets Water Softeners Duro Pressure Systems FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN , We also have a Stock of New Idea Furnaces — Quality Goods With Quality Service — G. A. dills and Sons HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING rangy+SH:�,t,►� H. J. Staffen Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth DANCING Looby's Hall DUBLIN FRIDAY, MAY 6th Music by CKNX BARN DANCE GANG — Also — Dancing Friday, April 29 COAL MINE OWNERS ARE CONCERN- ED OVER IMPENDING WAGE DEMANDS BE AHEAD OF POSSIBLE SHORTAGE BY FILLING UP NOW WITH Top Quality Coal WILLIAM M. HART PHONE 593-W : SEAFORTH NOTICE • Having installed a Gravel Loader in the McLean Pit, Tucker - smith, I am now in a position to take or- ders for Cement, Lane or Fill Gravel FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Apply to KEITH MacLEAN PHONE: HENSALL 84 r 31 DUBL. IN Members and friends of Zion Wo- man's Association gatheredat the` home of Mrs. Albert Roney and Mrs. Charles Roney- for the April meeting. Mrs. Glenn Pepper, the president, was in the cbaif, ` Mrs. George Smith read lhi? Scripture lesson; 'Mrs. Earl Barker gave a reading on April; Mrs. MorleyLan- nin gave a reading; Gladys Robin- son played a piano solo, and Mrs. Dayuard gave a talk on birds. Two quilts were quilted during the af- ternoon. The hostesses served lunch. ogentThcatre�— N(,W PLAYING — THURSDAY, FRI[?'AY, SATURDAY " RACHEL AND THE STRANGER " with WILLIAM HOLDEN LORETTA YOUNG ROBERT MITCHUM It's the lovely Loretta's grandest rale since her Academy Award performance as "The Farmer's Daughter." MONDAY, TUESDAY, WE'DNES'DAY — DOUBLE FEATURE WALLFLOWER " with JOYCE. REYNOLDS, ROBERT HUTTON, JANIS PAIGE The screen's most sparkling and lovable sweethearts are together again in this Romantic'Comedy. AND " THE BIG PUNCH " with WAYNE MORRIS, LOIS MAXWELL, GORDON MacRAE Here comes. the picture with the Punch!— ACTION!. — ROMANCE! — ADVENTURE! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" with FRED MacMURRAY, VALLI, FRANK SINATRA A strange, rare drama — in its content it has a profoundly differ- ent and engrossing theme. STEEL and "Where To Find it" SBS Beams Plate Bars Sheets Flats Strip Angle Pipe Boiler Tubes Tanks Boilers Window Sash Steel Joists Reinforcing Mesh and many other items. M. BROWN & SONS 1254 Union St. North Kitchener - Ontario Telephones 5564547 CONSTANCE Coming: "JULIA MISBEHAVES" with Walter'Pidgeon, Greer Gerson, Peter Lawford Astammennsamonsaminumanur Ff, M. and Mrs. Bob Lawson, Betty and Mrs. Thomas Lawson, •bf Strat- ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt on Good Friday. Mrs. Bob Johnson and Bruce, of Grand Valley, are spending a few days with 'Ma. and Mrs. Jas. Medd. Mr. Wm. McMillan and Marion, of London, visited. with Mr. and Mrs- Earl Lawson on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson on the arrival of a baby boy on Saturday, April 16. Mr. and' 'Mrs.. Gordon Buchanan, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fralick, of Wroxeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley recently. Miss Doris Lawson and Mr. Ted Warren, of London, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son. There will be a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dale on Friday, April 22. Ev- eryore is welcome, and proceeds go to the Mission Band fund. Mr. Borden Brown was in Toron- to on Saturday attending the fun- eral of his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley and family, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Donald Stephenson is spending a few holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs- Wilfred Buchanan and family, of Nilestown, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. • Leo Stephenson spent a few days in Trenton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley, of Sea - forth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Mr. Bob Gowsell, of Kenora, is spending a few days with Don Stephenson: Mrs. Justin Sinclair, of Brigden, and 'Mrs. Wm. Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Les. Naltel, of Blyth, spent Wednesday with the Stephensons. Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent Sunday with Mrs. Myra Wheatley in Clin- ton. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Thompson vis- ited in Goderich on Sunday. Miss Helen Turner, of Tucker - smith, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson. Mrs. Nelson Saunders is under the care of friends in Mitchell. Next Sunday, May 1, Sunday School will commence at 1 p.m. and church services will be held at 2 p.m. The Mission Band held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale on Friday evening. An autograph quilt a as auctioned and sold to Mr, Borden Brown. The evening was spent in various games. Mrs. Trewin, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Lindsay on Monday. Mrs. F. M. Holden, of Norbegg, Alta., is visiting her sister, Mrs.. Alfred Buchanan. Mr. and 'Mrs Borden Brown and Joyce visited with Mr. and: Mrs. Gordon Fisher in Toronto. "What's in the Ming vase 6k. the mantel?" "My husband's MAAS." "Oh, fait sorry. Eaiv long hob he been, &ac?" "He's not. rust too lazy' to finds an ash tray." .::.Yi.X•/... ��ti>�Salaaaleaes Special Discount of 10 per cent — on — • CHESTERFIELDS • SOFA BEDS and • STUDIO COUCHES FLOOR COVERINGS—In Inlaids, Canvas back Linoleum and Felt Bases. Many Patterns to choose from Congoleum, Axminster and, Wilton Rugs • G. A. WHITNEY , FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO IN sT(1C1 . Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 All Roads Lead to CLINTON Join us in a Great "Youth For Christ" Rally SATURDAY, MAY 7th 8 p.m. TOWN HALL, CLINTON BRING YOUR FRIENDS and HELP US ORGANIZE We promise an interesting program—Details in next week's issue. SEE YOU IN CLINTON Youth For Christ — Christ Tor Youth NOTICE There will be a Bee held at Egmondville " Cemetery on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, at 1 p.m. for the purpose of straightening headstones. We are anxious to have a good number of those interested in making the property more attractive turn out to assist. Please bring your shovels, tools and planks, or anything that will further the Work. DAVID McLEAN, Chairman of the Cemetery Roard.