HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-29, Page 5y A 1 y tf i VVRY n • ! ° �F's�, say !rT s t: t't s t theg, iQ1t � } �i SS /�,•. P�1 - :Zee 1494.. !school students em those" oi' thQ xfjl�t tYL the 8i hp�t) t r ko. last Monday on the last lap doable 13011 of the course& to I ' . <. > .:;:i >..,,}f•^ w anothexJ s ofxl year, >4q [p (sIx epv ><;91 t 14a�a : n Fkem.. ` For two' asks or so lie between 44# )g_44, da,�rs y'� eve hilere war@ aoznfl at joyful day when the 1'asti4za33 ; ,vaely',bl3Ty ey s -In 'Grade Xlll written, the last weary -trip made for special; cls ses were held at. ; to- that certain, place 'on tOhalk'S#a, ;&�0>a pq.-.a�ghos'tly 'hour, Indeed! .WY.aCV✓Vc 1- ----•nom 001 • # + ntl1 next Qptember. tt;s ;b"sen` & f Vasy year` at S.H,S. Sime 'tIfno. - _ R`iiis rrida� eight, Send in your suggestions, on home - t 40", let me suggest 1111M a bea)is. Tt(Vy :aro a good) aitainate for tloqu well l dig into -the A -les -and at y $•80 p m`>^ Ii.t :xy., the annual Open House will' t . &t i, y macaroni and rtGe. 8eesu e Vrepare a brief resume of the more be held at Seaforth High. S'chool.:. column for replies. fib 3e belong to the 'starchy 10oda important events and doings, dur- The Parents of 'the students are, es to require as little stooping and 11t(% beans contribute `energy and lug, the past school year. We lhaven't decided yet whether we'll. eiipecially welcome, and their at, tendance - leartiness to the meal as well da Aft4rals, They, rate High in '•pro, include the romantic dolggA o is very much hoped for, There will,. be, displays of the stu. : tein> 'too, which' puts them do We S.H.S. in it; so be on your 'b'est dei}ts' work in art, shop, tame el$es of 'meat substitutes. behaviour, Grade DLIII daes'w't Have to'wa t eegnomics, the gciencee, English, geography, typing, French;.: According to Legion Sports. Of- W4rile the flavor of • lima beanshistorq, till June for examinations; no, sfr, they get a 'whole week of 'em, be- Latin,, an exhibition basketball tumbling Wayne and Mr. Alex Bernette and ta;,•bland, It is sgffioiently ddstfnc- tine to add, variety to your meals ginning next Monday- and runn$ng gams, and several selee tions by the Glee Club.' Miss Fern Bell spent the week -end even if beans' are served 1 pain in the fallowing Monday, These, believe believe ft or not, are the Master At 11 p.m.. the Open House -part of the evening is -concluded, ball this summer. At the present mince of potatoes. Howtver� because of, their blandness we can vary ' exams. They are, deft till such' a late time (over a month after and there will be a students' dance in the auditorium. 'Please, - them in a wide range of uses. We like them equally well in salad, or t week. Mrs. Peters visited ber grownups, we'd love to 'have you• and all that, and then teams will be formed. It fn, Casserole. Itt a chilled bowl com- bine cold) cooked 'lima beans with and surrounding district, The child but this IS definitely "students on- is expected -that there will be four crisp textured vegetables such as The W.O.Adi will sponsor this ly; please," dance. Whiteman.f celery and foldAn some rather nip- uy on �e Miss Janet Wt_on has returned p'y home-made salads dressing, • Football After Open House, the next, and probably last, important event Philippine amputees learn tp use their new artiSeial limb by work ing in the garden'of their hospital.'1'his occupational therapy program A variety of delicious lima beau casseroles Is possible with -the use Rules will be those of the O.B.A., scheduled. for S.H,S., is. the annual was designed with the help of a United Nations consultant of different sauces and seasonings) except that clubs may only draw Cadet inspection, on May 23, Cap- tain Milligan is the inspecting served in the Phili who under the United Nations international in their preparation. Plan the re- Association of- ficer, and forthe next three social service ro raln, p gym' Which being expanded during 1949, mainder of the meal to balance w -11 -travelled highway. week's was taken to Westminster Hospi- p such, an all -in -ane course, e.g., Lima I Annual Meeting sore feet will be the order of the day for the cadets', most of whom. tel, London:, Bean Casserole, Carrot and Raisin Salad, Date Squares and canned O cafe -for three riders. Residence date May 1, ` and Draw Up Schedule are noted for their lack of martial 'bearing. It is hoped to hold a fruit. Combine all in gradients thor- ` TUESDAY, MAY 3rd Cadet dance on the Friday night following inspection, or some other �_� players may Abe drawn from a twelve mile di distance by ill travelled oughly. Turn into greased muffin s tinBake in oven at 375 degrees ' g p m. sume. suitable ti WHISPERINGS highway, and all playing certificates must be in the bands about one hour. Coinmunity Hall In spite of the hurry in just get- - of the secretary by June 15, Birth certificates must be handed in by Mrs. T. D, asks: "How can we fish WALTON ting back from holidays, the tal- BY LEE -NEE July 1 in all minor series. prevent from breaking while boiling or steaming?'' James Carlin en't committee did not forget the Wednesday morning assembly, and IN THE REALM OF SPORT Placed on record were motions that cit- teams or cit y Answer: Wrap prepared 41sh in t; President had Marian Lillico as piano solo- ist. selections were very much To all sport fans and citizens y players .be of barred from playing on W.O•A.A. parchment paper or aluminum toil. Cook whole in enough boiling wa- A. Dickenjoyed.ladies' Seaforth and district the big news teams this season; spikes in the ter to cover, to which is added salt cr This week the school sweaters of the week is the forthcoming series are optional; default- and,lemon juice, or vinegar. Vine - g r and various crests ordered some public public meeting in regard to the eng teams will be fined $25.00 and gar ,helps to hold fish flakes toge- Bell Foundry. Bosharts and Dun . Memorial Arena and Commuuiiy Ceiltre, which is being field tonight suspension of the club until the money is -paid; a]) winners must ther. - - — - Wi (Friday), in the Town Hall, Sea- compete for the grand champion- Mr. J. C. asks; . "How much time forth, at 8.30 p.m. A large turn- ship regardless of what series they do you allow for baking fish?" � v L ����. out is expected for this meeting, as the tentative committee will 'Alm. Deadline for all entries was set for May 7. ewer: Bake in a preheated moderate oven, allowing min- t • • t � give its report and the meeting will * * utas per pound anc1 1i1 minutes ex- ut 1� �--- be open for discussion. This is At least two football clubs have already held their tra. `What DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD ';— "' Your opportunity to voice your opinion, and we feel that every organization y g meetings and are preparing for the -Miss V. D. asks: makes' a ' CHESTERFIELD or ODD` CHAIRS citizen interested in the welfare of 'coming season. The Huron Phot- ball Association ��• good salmon salad+. Answer: Lire equal quantities of We can Rebuild them like New at a Great Savin �' the community should be in at- ten'dance, and sh w their interest P will hold its an nual 'meeting in the, Community cold, flaked salmon, and chapped celery. Toss together with boiled 'It in this worthy project and' the fu- ture happiness of this community, Hall, Walton, on Tuesday, May 3, at 9 p.m., to draw up their sche- dressing to which you have added means money in your pocket to call tis. Remember the time is 8.30 dule, according to President James some finely- minced sweet pickle. + the place, Town Hall, Seaforth, Carlin, We would .like to- see Sea- ;F Miss J. K, asks: "How do You ■ Kitchener Upholstering' Co.ow TONIGHT. forth back in the league again. about it, football enthusiasts cut meringue squares to prevent breaking?" ■ Local fishing enthusiasts will be of Seaforth? Answer: Begin to cut meringue KITCHENER pleased to learn that reports from the. Ontario Department of Lands We wish to thank our friend Gus when baked product is. lukewarm. Dip .a sharp steel knife in hot wa- For appointment, Phone 681-W, Seaforth. ,Phone Kitchener 24326 and Forests state that the Season for speckled rainbow and brown for the following information in 'regard to the most valuable -play- ter, use wet and cut into sections.. trout will open Saturday, April 30. or award. The -player to receive A:fine Allan invites you to write The pickerel season opens May 14. this award, donated by the O.H.A., to ii'er c/o The Huron Expositor. FOR NUCLEI M®p (MADE,ANO Each 3.98 Take the dmdgcry mn d hmm L—;.& You dont have w gt oo your funds and knee w scrub Boors! You dont ism h— W gn your bouts wee! -Miracle'• Mop, quilt tffiv t operation maker rwusc clean• ittg easter, iu uses arc numerous, and in operation simple. Get o today and clean dee '*Miracle' way. —IN STOCK - • BARBED WIRE • BRACE WIRE • SHELTER WIRE • WATER PIPE, 1" and 1/2' —FOR RENT— ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER POSTHOLE DIGGER —SPECIAL— KITCHEN LIGHTING UNITS 1,5'5 CROWN H) RD WARE Yours truly expects to hear some rs chosen by the players of the Send in your suggestions, on home - another team or two in the league. There are lots of. layers who like p' to play in a group of this kind, and so we say, come on out to the meeting; let's get going and keep clean sport to the fore, because everyone knows that: CLEAN SPORT IS GOOD SPORT of the tall fish stories this welt- .team. Ed. Wilson, popular centre making problems' and' y'atch this ttr•,iray for seven�year-old Glen Ed- end ... could be the 'big' one that man, won the award this year, with column for replies. Mr. Bob Bualileld, of Wingham, spent the Easter' holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Nor - mart Bushfield. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hannon we just missed, or .. . . Anyway, Jack Ndeholson a closesecond, and es to require as little stooping and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl and Mr. Township, Rev, G. M, Young, we wish the fellow& the best of Bill O"Shea third. Whisperings Cromarty Presbyterian Church, of - BRUCEFIELD luck for -the first of the season. extends congratulations to you, Ed. ;Iroducdon. ed with Mr. and, Mrs, Alvin Barthel ]!urns Tborndale., a former pastor, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Austin '7.apfe and There were some twenty-four According to Legion Sports. Of- Gardiner, Hugh Norris. Ross Mc - places represented at -the annual Beer Angus MacLean, .the Legion Wayne and Mr. Alex Bernette and AN W.O.A.A. meeting held in Vringbam will again sponsor juvenile soft- Miss Fern Bell spent the week -end tended the funeral of her uncle, Friends and relatives attended recently, with M. L. "Tory" Gregg, ball this summer. At the present at the home of Mr. Drew Swan. onto the jet. Safter is tbe,.:'!angle- president, presiding. Extensive time .managers are being chosen Miss Eva Stackhouse was in t week. Mrs. Peters visited ber plans were laid in both baseball and then teams will be formed. It Whitby on Saturday attending the and surrounding district, The child and softball. is expected -that there will be four wedding her cousin, Mr. Alvin The W.O.Adi will sponsor this local teams, and it is hoped that Whiteman.f Ch year, Intermediate, Junior, Midget, Brucefield, E ondvilie, D Nin andWatsone. � Miss Janet Wt_on has returned Presbyterial in Hensall on Bantam and Pee -Wee baseball. probably a team from Walton may to her teaching duties at Aylmer. sell Rules will be those of the O.B.A., make its appearance this time. It Mr. Don Adams bad the misfo!•- No except that clubs may only draw would be a good league if there tune to cut his thumb very badly ing players in a 12 -mile radius over were eight teams in the loop. The while chopping wood recently. He ed w -11 -travelled highway. boys had a lot of fun last year, was taken to Westminster Hospi- p ple The same affiliation with the and with that experience should p tel, London:, O.A.S.A• will exist. An intermedi- play much better ball this coming wil ate suer junior class will &iso op- summer. So juveniles, get ready ch CRONiARTY crate for the girls, for a busy time and fun for your O.S,A. rules will be adopted ex- summer evenings. to Just arrived! Another shipment of :shorties. Wear this year's most It has been brought to otrr atter- 1't' dat time ago arrived, and are now be- tion that. the Legion is already or- iso ul p ar coat, in Blue, Red. Navy. ton ing {distributed. The sweaters, or ganizing a team far the Industrial Grc or Black, in sizes 12-20, at y 3 rather sweat shirts, are white with League. This gives us the oppor- only 19,50. See them now a.t an raised blue felt letters and school tunity once again to remind this •fudor's, in Hensall.---(Adv.). 'Young the crest. The crests for the football Ieague that. it is time to start or- 1;,.+. G. Young :urd firs. team, the 'basketball teams, and ganizing• Last year there were visirod at Burlington with their the bugle band, are in various col- four teams in the group—Legion, dau;hter and son-in-law, air, and fiat ors, in felt. Bell Foundry. Bosharts and Dun Jit Gibson. Rol cans. Angus MacLean, of the Leg- .s r. and Mrs. 'I'hnmas Gillespie Wi That concludes it for another tort' taking the initiative for this and little daughter visited with 1'1r.11fo week, except for a rumour that r &has league, is calling a meeting for ;!rid Mrs. T. Lainz incl relatives. — keeps cropping something Monday night, May 2, at 8 p.m.' in ytrs. Hyslop and daughter, o£ to do with Scoop and Barbara. 'the Town Hall. It is hoped that Prince Albert, visited Mth Mr. and. Well, time will tell. And, by the all interested in organizing this ?its. T, L. Scott. way, does know what be- group and the players will be on tilr, and Mrs, Neil Lammond and anyone hand and we would like to see r r . r ' ■ ' I . Phone 681-W M. Nott K. Sharp OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 10 P.M. came of that Grade 10 -'Grade 11 romance? (1) Did it just fizzle out? (2 Did Grade 11 get tired of etas- ing Grade 10? (3'1 Did Grade lA get tired ot\ chasing Grade 11? (4) Did Grade 10 maltreat Grade 11 just a bit too much? (5) Is it just lying dormant, waiting for a o June moon, etc. • •' Don't bother asking the principals—one gives you a cold stare, the other gives you a shy grin—so what can you do? Wait and see! Almost forgot—next week the School News does another dtsa.p- pearing act. W'hy? Exams, son, exams! another team or two in the league. There are lots of. layers who like p' to play in a group of this kind, and so we say, come on out to the meeting; let's get going and keep clean sport to the fore, because everyone knows that: CLEAN SPORT IS GOOD SPORT ;lIsabel. LlotdlSorsdahhvrth fir, and y Miss Audrey Kemp wits her grandmother, Mrs'. Houghton. )lens and Mrs. Young tire spend- ing a few clays at Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robertson. Cal- On and Mildred, of List.o\vel, with Mrs. Robertson and ,John Robert- son• iliac and Mrs. Archie Haygarth and children spent a fP++ days with Mr. and MrG. R. G. Hoggaxtb. Miss Janet Ballantyne, of Lon - don, has' been at the home of \rchie and 'Neil McKellar. The iat!er has returned home from Fo 28, Al `^re $1 les tak C° Ask Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jef- ttr•,iray for seven�year-old Glen Ed- CARSPECIALS THIS WEEK fery aitd Spencer, Mr, and Mrs. ZION Mr. Bob Bualileld, of Wingham, spent the Easter' holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Nor - mart Bushfield. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hannon 1948 Fleetllne 2 -Tone Pontiac, hydromatic drive a Only 5,000 miles on. this car; new car guarantee. 1947 Chevrolet Green Sedan, in lovely shape 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1936 Oldsmobile Coach 1932 Chevrolet Sedan ` 1942 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton Pickup, stock racks, nice paint job ---like new. 1934 Model `A' Coach. THESE CARS ARE IN SH'A6 AND PRICED RIGHT J0hatha­n,,*,,Ho9iII,�°PIIONV X164-WCLINTON � I i a.nd Roy had as their guests on Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea.forth, be at the oorrect level so a per&oltlt Sunday, her mother, Mrs. William Funeral service was held on Sat - AIM Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jef- ttr•,iray for seven�year-old Glen Ed- — fery aitd Spencer, Mr, and Mrs. gar Lamond from the )ionic of his workers' should adjust work-benelk- Norman Bushfield, Bob Bus'hfield, psirents, concession 12. Hibbert es to require as little stooping and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl and Mr. Township, Rev, G. M, Young, bending as possible. Good poste" and Mrs. Earl Bartter and Terry, Cromarty Presbyterian Church, of - means less fatigue c_nd better, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper visit- fieia.ted' with Rev. W. A, McWil- ;Iroducdon. ed with Mr. and, Mrs, Alvin Barthel ]!urns Tborndale., a former pastor, Sunday evening. officiating. Pallbearers were Atex Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wer•nharm and Gardiner, Hugh Norris. Ross Mc - Improper drinking fountains may. family visited her parents, Mr, and Phail, and Mervyn Nairn. Inter - oP a source of disease, Avoid � Mrs. Alb. Roney on Friday and at- ment. was in Roys Cemetery. "bubbler', •type fountain where the tended the funeral of her uncle, Friends and relatives attended -safer from the mouth falls back 'Charles Roney, in Mitchell. from Mitchell, London. Ottawa, Lu - onto the jet. Safter is tbe,.:'!angle- e' convention Toronto ran, Woodham, Toronto, Monkton, tyre where the Rater falls t week. Mrs. Peters visited ber Stratford, Harringfon, Cromarty 1r'ar of the jet. and barmfni He (at the moviein): ."Can you and surrounding district, The child bacteria from the month are wawh- •see all right?" died oil. Wednesday til a London I,i (In,xr the drain. Many diseased She: "Yos." hospital following an operation. He ncluding the common cold are He: "'Is there a draft on you " had bb''8n'in fll health for two years -1,�'Pad through improper drinking ..> I •`�l„Y4' � ��'�111 t!i ,, r,�r r kMerW. ,0.re l�0 t,° .ilx this sweet; ntkly <id + rr barrow strati• et1v f °"y"� Lovely 'F�esh •1 Prfnts Fn �d liat tf oftoyalr Grey,. : • , Y.ev+, .a rye- kyr{# ,. Black, augmented W!ititi a tfew frohl out .r ottlar, ` stOe�C fa enlarge #he. range Tailored of fuss, tlrassie with ►.ong, "three-quarter or cap sleeves. Ftegfk!ar 1h95,: These dresses come in Misses' siz- ON SALE ,AT - es 11 to '17; Women's sizes in 18 t to 24%2. Come early for this Sale! ��SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS Save $10.00 on these Makers' •Surplus' • SPRING'(OATS Regular 39.50 Regular 49.50 2930 391PSO We picked up a bargain in Spring Coats this week, We've added to these all our new Spring stock to give you an "out of the ordinary" Sale on Coats! These are all regular length coats (no shorties), in newest fitted or full back models, in clever shade's of Wine, Beige, Rose, Grey, Red, Sky Blue, Black and Navy. Sizes 12 to 44. GREATLY REDUCED TO 2930 = 3930 STEWART BROS. 1 The sday, The. ureb mev. Rec, and rather vlr. Wil ion,Rob ' be at the oorrect level so a per&oltlt 7 Easter holidays in Stratford, AIM lowing an' attack of pneumonia. :sir. and: Mrs. Ross Davidson and bunching over rhe desk. Factorlr W.M:S, and W.A. of Cavan ..> I •`�l„Y4' � ��'�111 t!i ,, r,�r r kMerW. ,0.re l�0 t,° .ilx this sweet; ntkly <id + rr barrow strati• et1v f °"y"� Lovely 'F�esh •1 Prfnts Fn �d liat tf oftoyalr Grey,. : • , Y.ev+, .a rye- kyr{# ,. Black, augmented W!ititi a tfew frohl out .r ottlar, ` stOe�C fa enlarge #he. range Tailored of fuss, tlrassie with ►.ong, "three-quarter or cap sleeves. Ftegfk!ar 1h95,: These dresses come in Misses' siz- ON SALE ,AT - es 11 to '17; Women's sizes in 18 t to 24%2. Come early for this Sale! ��SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS Save $10.00 on these Makers' •Surplus' • SPRING'(OATS Regular 39.50 Regular 49.50 2930 391PSO We picked up a bargain in Spring Coats this week, We've added to these all our new Spring stock to give you an "out of the ordinary" Sale on Coats! These are all regular length coats (no shorties), in newest fitted or full back models, in clever shade's of Wine, Beige, Rose, Grey, Red, Sky Blue, Black and Navy. Sizes 12 to 44. GREATLY REDUCED TO 2930 = 3930 STEWART BROS. 1 The sday, The. ureb mev. Rec, and rather vlr. Wil ion,Rob Jacqueline Davidson spent the be at the oorrect level so a per&oltlt WINTHROP Easter holidays in Stratford, can work com€ortably withouC lowing an' attack of pneumonia. :sir. and: Mrs. Ross Davidson and bunching over rhe desk. Factorlr W.M:S, and W.A. of Cavan daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dav- workers' should adjust work-benelk- urch, Winthrop, will meet Wed- idson and Mr, and Mrs. Osborne es to require as little stooping and May 4, at 2 pm., in the and children were Sunday visitors bending as possible. Good poste" oolroom of the church, Circle with Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Davidson. means less fatigue c_nd better, 3 will have charge of the meet- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure ;Iroducdon. A good attendance is request- and, family, of Walton. and Mr. as there is a quilt to be com- Wm• McClure visited with Mr, and ted for European Relief, :bars. John McClure. Improper drinking fountains may. Helping Hanel Mission Band Mr. and Mrs. Sam MCSpadden oP a source of disease, Avoid � 1 meet }n the schoolroom of the and family, Burg'essville, and Mr. "bubbler', •type fountain where the ori Salurday, April 30. and Mrs. Bert. 3lcSpad.den. Hep- -safer from the mouth falls back J. J. R. Peters attended the to worth, visited relatives herr- dur- onto the jet. Safter is tbe,.:'!angle- e' convention Toronto ing Easter week. tyre where the Rater falls t week. Mrs. Peters visited ber Posture 1r'ar of the jet. and barmfni rghter, yirs. Hunter, in Bra.mp- is important in good bacteria from the month are wawh- hr•aith. Thi!: is particularly true' I,i (In,xr the drain. Many diseased drs. Ern Toll, Mrs. Jas. Ha°g regarding a persons places of wort; ncluding the common cold are 1;.obt. McClure attended' or study.:Chairs and decksk 2rould -1,�'Pad through improper drinking Presbyterial in Hensall on esda y, and Mrs. Stewart Kwon, of Do More Work in Less . Time, Easier nia, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. rtled,ge and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne visited with. Mr. and Mrs. i h �. T'.O��L I11 CIP.Bt McClure. TRACTOR Fanners NOTICE For 10 days only from April 18 to for orders given for our famous 1 -Steel Welded Wagon are offering a special price of 85.00 on 4 -ply implement tires; s tires $142.50; delivery can be en any time during May or June. Con Soon—The New Rapid Easy Tractor Spreader your Local Agent to sbow ydu Fleury-Bis•sel Machines. Local Agent V. J. LANE SEAFORTH, R. R. 5 Phone 46-12 Dublin SLA.BS For Sale HARD MAPLE 4 cord !ots--$4.75 per cord Single cord -45,00 pR ELM $4.25 per cord She: "No.” "Is suffering from, a lung condition fol- Ashes and Cans Removed He: your seat comfortable?" lowing an' attack of pneumonia. 1 She: "Ves." "Change Besides his 'parents he Is survived ED. LANK • He: places with nie, by ons inter, H-elen, And one will 701111' brothel 0EAFiT18Tlt 126' 7 - , 1 - Y, ,;`', •'' I • ;: ;t; 1 , F , :� it 1 I TIRES 0 Double -bar, double -bite 4P Open -center tread ♦ Self-cleaning Double bars give double -bite for continu- ous, steady pull, less slippage. Special open - center tread design springs dirt free so that there are no mud - catching pockets to reduce traction and slow You down. Equip Your tractor with B. F. Goodrich Farm Service `!*lies, ,r. Ask us about tourmafen!