HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-08, Page 8Ch u rch''s' as; rTOMOEtiAN DAS.Q.A4TY; , ARANTEE 'BOOM \DENT AND SI KNASS. ,.SAY AND WINDSTORM 4/00.P;ting ecTePaaies who ecw ity ' ervice, (}i?3N ra''' FQll. ONTARIO I ERMAWS MU9TAL QD gladly given. (014 REM r Proprietor & Real Estate ' J;4 SEAFORTH 0 0OQ00000 0 O BOX uncrat 'erta ice R : AMBULANCE 0 Prong►\ and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed. 0 FLOWERS' FOR ALL 0 V OCCASIONS 0 •IK .' PHONES: 0 -0 Welk 595-W or 18; Store 43 0 0 0 ,O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4? G. A. WHITNEY 0' Funeral Director 0 Main Street - Seaforth O ,O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 4 Adjuetable hospital beds 0 '0 for rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 -O. : Flowers. O 0 Telephone 119 O 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p J. A. BURKE 0 , Q Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN, - ONT. 0 O Night or Day Calls: 0 O ' , Phone' 43 r 10 O 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10;000'0000000 CLEARY iO Seaforth, Ont. 0 :t! LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 O 0 00000000000 NEWS OF 'TOa Hospital "Aid .1Ntli Meet. ---The regular meeting of the 'eerie ra Hospital. Aid to .Scott Meanorial Hospital, which was to have been held in the• burses' residence en April 14, has been postponed until Tiiureday evening, April 28, at 8.15. Ladies' Aid Meets.—The Ladies' Aid of 'First Presbyterian Church poet on Tuesday afternoon in the Schoolroom of the church with .a good attendance. Mrs. H. R. Scott was in the chair and opened the meeting with an Easter meseage and prayer. The reports were giv- en and the minutes read. Mrs. Alex Kerr and Mrs. W. E. Batt rendered a duet, "He Lifted Me," accompanied by Mrs. E. Geddes. Mrs. W. J. Thompson gave a fine address on Jerusalem at Easter time. Hymn 210 was 'sung and Mrs. Thompson closed with pray- er. A delicious lunch was served with Mrs. John MacTavish as con- vener. FOR SALE Frame Dwelling, corner Victoria and Gouinlock Streets, Seaforth ; furnace, bath Immediate posses- /4m - Five -room modern frame house, with bath. Possession on or be- fore May 1. Frame Dwelling, property of the late Wm. Reid. Suitably located. Good cellar. furnace. Immediate gosseeaion. ' 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable Sor grass, with 60 acres can be cultivated. Fame Dwelling in Egmondville. le a r l y possession. Moderately girieed: 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated em highway; good buildings; run - ding water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern icorveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID MEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S t5'AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE l • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: OAY8 NIGHTS 182 346-R IR•aaaI*e1 H. J. Staf f en Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S Fireside Group Meets.—The Fire- side 'Fellowship Group were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan, in McKil- lop, on Tuesday evening, when there were .20 present. Rev. D. G. Campbell opened the meeting with prayer and the singing of a hymn. The Scripture lesson wasread by W. J. Thompson and Mrs. Thomp- son led in prayer. Robt. McMillan gave a splendid talk on "Co-opera- tives." He stated that the first Co-operative was formed in Eng-, land•t by people who were weavers by trade. He related his speech to certain portions of the Bible and told how the Co-operatives show- ed a more Christian way of living and helping the poor. Following a delicious lunch, served by Mrs. .Td's. Lamont, Mrs. Russell Allen, Miss Alice Reid and Mrs. McMil- lan, the group dispersed for their. homes. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. E. Ged- des on April 19. • itfilitillitummumumilimmilmiim east, Friel i ia. '404 rolaUvea attend. U ' the fuueral Were from Brace- field, . Sarnia, Hamilton, Seaforth, zurich, Brantford; Mount Forest, Stratford, Kitchener and Wood batt Hamilton - Whitney. A very pretty wedding, took place in Northside United Church on Wed nesday, April 6, at 2,30 p.m., when Mary Lois, only daughter of Mr. and Mics. G. A. Whitney, became the brie of Mr. C. Ross Hamilton, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Wingham. Rev. H. V. Workman performed the double ring ceremony. The church, decorated in palms, Easter lilies and standards of spring flowers, made a perfect setting for the charming bride, who was given away by her father. She wore the traditional white satin gown with nylon Y.O.W. 4n4 lllji' glut^ e ea, and also wore a•`raticii ,; illuRion veil with sweetheart er satin edged with pC&41'bit, •Fier flowers were dark red; .rile! a with streamers and rosebush 1jGhrold Victor Pym, of wan lain{,' �fll(iyeidd the wedding music e,nad, a eenapan- led .Mr. and Mrs. James A; ,Stew- art when they sagg .11r4g, Voice That Breathed O'er Edens' 'aald "At Dawning." Miss Esther 'McHenry, of Mitchell, was the maid, of honor, and wore a pale green b'acaded moire gown, floor length, and car- ried a cascade bouquet, of bronze carnations centred with obrenze roses and green streameres- The bridesmaids 'were Miss Jeanne lyI•cMillan, of .Seaforth, and:, Miss Shirley Bennett, of Walton, wear- ing identical, floor length dresses of pale blue and pink moire, with sweetheart headdresses; aceentuat- First Presbyterian Church. -10 s,.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Christ Confronts the World: 4. And Individualism"; 7 p.m., "Man of Sorrows."—Rev. D, Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday 'School; 11 a.m., "Palm Branches and Hosannas," Junior congregation; 7 p.m., "God's Way of Concealhient Attend the Pas- sion Week Services. St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sea - forth. -10 atm., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, Rev. T. D. Jones; 7 p.m., Evensong, Rev. L. Morgan, Bayfield. Special Music. Holy Week—Tuesday, 7.30 p.m., Rev. A. W. Gardiner; Good Friday, 10:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and Ante Communion; 2-3 p.m., The Last Dour at the Foot of the Cross. St. Mary's, Dublin -3 p.m., Rev. T. D. Jones. McKillop Charge.—The services on theMcKillop Charge United Church are now arranged as fol- lows: Bethel, 9.45 a.m., S.S. 10.45 a.m.; Duff's, 11 a.m., S.S. 10 a.m., and Cavan, 2.30 p.m., S.S. 1.30 p.m. A special memorial service, com- prising all three appointments, will be held on Good' Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock at Cavan Church, which will be • addressed by Rev. Andrew Lane, M.A., of Clinton. The. Seaforth Agricul- tural Society is sponsor- : ing a Field Competition ,in Registered GALORE BARLEY I ;Aaymo,, wishing_ to compete, icoanamunicate with either R. MCMILLAN E. B. GOUDIE or R. BOLTON Mrs. Roy Lawson, See.-Treas. IIIIIIIIIIHf ig1I1111y1nIIlIlIll1111IIIuni St. Thomas' W. A. Meets.—The W.A. met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by sing- ing the hymn, ';The Love of Christ Constraineth," followed by the Lit- any, Members' and Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Jones read the Scripture les- son from Acts 2: 14, and 22 to 36. The various reports were accept- ed as read. Those wishing to give to the thankoffering to be taken to the Annual in London on April 26, were asked to leave them with Mrs. Parke, the treasurer, before April 23. The WA.•is holding an afternoon tea, home baking sale and candy booth. on May 18, at 2.30 p m. in the Parish Hall. The offer- ing was received' and dedicated. Mrs. Jones ably reviewed the study book, '; 'One Family." The next meeting is to be held May 3 at 2.30 p.m. In the Parish HalL The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. Saturday Night BARN DANCE SATURDAY, APR. 9 in Cardno's Hall Seaforth Featuring McDOWELL'S ORCHESTRA with the latest in Old and New Time Music Dancing 9 till 12 Admission 50c Students 40c Watch for Announcement of Big Easter Dance BY POPULAR REQUEST DON ROBERTSON and the RANCH BOYS in Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH MONDAY, APR. 11 Dancing 10 until 1 ADMISSION 50e • Come and have a barrel of Fun dancing to this popu- lar Band from the CKNX Barn Dance Broadcast. A THREE-YEAR Training Course for Nurses Age 18-25 WILL COMMENCE EARLY IN APRIL Another Class will be formed August 1. Apply— SUPERINTENDENT Scott Memorial Hospital Monday to Saturday, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. ed with cluoters of ,'oro.,. ,lkXi' , , eus0l b1 of "' kipper blue McMillan bad: Vor Iter :bouquet.; a 'w to acOes+sortea �an '' ar ;er coz pink ith e. carnations weer4tro o.!? ,fig the *ere an orchid, 10,_. pale pink a a. n roeod blue, stream-.� , ten shoes a fuseitia n own err, while Miss Ben'laett had .40 001 With,' black accessories; and air> pink roses centred wll'Gu, 08410 04' !Worei •ah. Ojai& Later IMT. and• and pink streamera. The ,grooms- M *Miltonleft by motor On, a man was MrScott id o Wing- -Washington, and ham, and the ushers were' Penald :l+ OW York, the bride !travelling in, Hillis, Seaforth, and Douglas F?ry. $ red 'ori ' Jersey ensemble' with t Jam. . Miller, a t and ,black aeeessa wingham. Little os � , o.�,�,. , 'co . ,r Stratford, was a charming; wing-' lel£ Her ' .corsage was gardenias; bearer and was smart in�'create, flannel trousers, and navy blazer. The groonl'ss gift to the ;bride. was a dinner ring. .;low-. W. 1. To Meet.—The Seaforth W. ing the wedding, which was I. will meet on Tuesday, April 1'2, very largely attended, a reception at 2,30 at the home of Mrs. Ener was held in the church parlor, Cameron, This le the annual meet - which was tastefully decorated for in•^• and election of officers. The the occasion, the bride's table be- roll Call ,will be the p yment of ing centred with the wedding cake• fees!, which are now 5. All re - and from where a buffet lunch was ports of standing committees are served, Mrs,. Whitney . and the required to be read and handed groom's mother received the in at this. meeting. These are Agri - guests, the former wearing a eivart culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. A. Moyes and Mrs. Dave Mc- Lean.; Citizenship, Mrs. Eldon Kerr' and Mrs. John Kerr; historical Re- search, Mre. Paul Doig; Health„ Coal Mrs. D. Nixon and, Mrs. James' Brown; Community Aotivities and ,: Social Welfare, Miss Thelma El gie; Home Economics, Mrs. Cecil. Oke; 'Pwbldeity, Mrs. Raymond ' Nott. Lunch committee is Mrs. C. Simpson, Mrs: RaymondeNott, Mrs. J. McNairn and Mrs. Earl Papple. • Death of Duncan McCowan.— Death claimed one of the oldest residents of McKillop at his hone in Roxboro on Thursday, April 7, in the person of Duncan 'McCaw - an, in his 77th year. Apparently in goodhealth, it was a shock to his family to find - that he had passed away some time during the night. Mr. McCowan was born in Stanley Township, coming to Mc- Killop 42 years ago, and had farm- ed there 'continuously. He was married to Emma Daymond, -ivho predeceased. him in 1930, but is survived by' two sons, John Me - Gowan; Tuckersmith, and Peter McCowan, McKillop, and three daughters, Mrs. Nimmo, Toronto; Mrs. Smith, McKillop, and Mrs. Brough, Toronto. Deceased was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. The funeral will take place on Sathrdap from his late residence, lot 30, con. 3, Mc- Killop, at 2 p.m., with Rev. D. G. Campbell officiating. Interment will be in 1Maitlandbank cemetery. Death of Mrs. Bert Cleland.— There passed away at Ldstowel Memorial Hospital on Saturday, -April 2, Weida Stevens, wife of Bert Cleland. Deceased was born near Seaforth, in Huron County, on December 9, 1889. She graduated from Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Clinton Model School, London Nor- mal and taught at Blyth, Seaforth and S.S. No, 2, Elma Township. In 1915 she married R. A. (Bert) Cleland and bas Since resided on the fourth of Elma. Surviving are her husband, one son, Douglas Stevens, of Listowel, and one daughter, Iris Beth, at home; also her mother, Mrs. Stevens, of Bruce - field, and three sisters, Mrs. Maley of Mount Forest, Mrs. Thompson, Sarnia, and Mrs. McEwen, Bruce - field. The late Mrs. Cleland was a faithful and interested member of the Women's Institute, for a term was District President for Perth County, and gave freely of her time and talent in all community activities. She was an active mem- ber ember of Knox Presbyterian °hutch in Listowel and of the W.M.S. The funeral on Monday, April 4, from her late residence, attended by a Urge number of relatives and friends, Wee.eonducted by her min- ister, Rev. W. E. Xtelley. The ;beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which the late Mrs. Cielent'T paras Bold: Inter. intent was in Mina centro cone, terq, with Mcsere, John :oven, latus Whet, Pere Davidebn, Vitt, E. Da'rldooii, Robert R. Park and "Ditalleitatia; rterf[eid real' :Oalibeai- NORWICH MUSICAL SOCIETY presents their Minstrels of 1949 IN CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH April 8th, 8.15 p.m. Under Auspices of Local Committee of C.P.T. Committee of Oddfellows and Rebekahs Draw for— • BOSHART CEDAR CHEST • LIGHTED . "AIRPLANE" SMOKER Tickets for draw may be bought at BOX'S Furniture Store, where prizes are on display Seaforth Beauty Salon donates their Best Permanent Wave to holder of Lucky Door Ticket. ADMISSION: Adults 75c; Children 35c On hlselr return they will 'reside iu Wingha n z The Officers and Airmen of the Radar and Communication School of R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, extend to the citizens of Seaforth and Huron County, their sincere thanks for the -felicitations extended them on the occa- sion of the R.C.A.F. Silver Jubilee. A. C. HULL, Wing Commander, Commanding Officer, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. JE Coal-Coke-Wood .. Choice Quality Hard .. Deep Seam Alberta . Hamco Coke .. Hardwood Slabs .. Nut Coal for Brooder Stoves .. Cedar Posts ORDERS 'NOW TAKEN FOR SPRING AND SUMMER FILL UPS WILLIAM M. HART PHONE 593-W : SEAFORTH D, H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 pan. Football Meeting in WINTHROP HALL Mon•; April 11th Everyone interested please. attend! Alimerfammm, beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis. Frances McLean Phone 392-W FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE -3 -piece Bath- room, Garage. Centre St, Prompt possession. FRAME HOUSE -6 rooms, Mar- ket St. Prdmpt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334. CLINTON OATS Grown" from Imported Seed Extra strong strewed; medium length; thin hulled; heavy yield- ing. Rate of seeding, .2 bushels to the acre. el7g BUSHEL in your - ■ own Seeks HAROLD COLEMAN STAFFA Phones: 653 r 25, Seaforth 48 r 4, Dublin Plant Raspberries THIS SPRING ! We have for sale the "Latham" THE GREATEST OF ALL RASPBERRIES 1 Hardy and great bearers of Large Berries. Buy direct from grower; get fresh plants and save•.inoney. Order at once, ae stock is limited. • PRICES -100, $12.00; 50, $7.00; 25, $4.00. Write— BOX 303, SEAFORTH PHONE 130-W AFTER 6 P.M. ,CHAS. BARNETT' For Sale 1947 FARO I/z-Ton PICK -U -P Heater and Defroster EXCELLENT CONDITION Seaforth, Motors ''hone 141 Sea h Death of Mrs. Sam H. Whitmore. —The death of ,Christena Mary Townsend, beloved wife\ of IMr. Sam H. Whitmore, of Tuckersmith, occurred, on Friday, April 1, after a long and trying illness. .Mrs. Whitmore was born in Clinton and was married en September 2, 1912, in .Clinton to Mr. Whitmire, who survives •her, together with a fam- ily atily of four,sons: Erlin and Warren, of Tuekersmith; Fletcher and Cameron, of London, and two daughters, Mrs. Gordon Elliott (Sara), McKillop, and Mrs. J. E. Carter (Florence), Hullett. Also surviving are one sister, Mrs. F. J. Coleman, MGKi1lop, and a bro- ther, .Fletcher 'Townsend, of Clin- ton. Deceased was educated at S. S. No. 6, Tu.ckersanith, and Sea - forth Collegiate Institute and was a faithful member of Turner's Church, Tuckersmith. The funeral which was largely attended, took place on Monday at 2 p.m., from her late residence, lot 24, conces- sion 3, H R.S., Tuckersmith, with Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, ,Clinton; of- ficiating. Interment was in Malt - landbank cemetery, the pallbear- ers being Frank Crich, J. Lands - borough, James McIntosh, Russell Coleman, James Carnoeban and Elmer Townsend. The flower - bearers were Francis Coleman, George Hoggarth, Roy Dolmage, John Carnochan, George Puxner, Alden Crich, Frank Falooner and Angus Brown. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Spencer, of Detroit, spent a few days in town on 'business. • 'Mr. Lloyd Dinner, of Detroit, was a week -end guest of his mother, Mrs. E. J. Dinnen, JEg- mond sille. • MT. and Mrs. A. T. 'Milton, who have spent some time in Montreal, 'returned last week. Mrs- F. S. Brugger, who has been visiting in Montreal, returned with them. • Mr. Leslie Kerr and daughter, Heather, of Toronto, spent ' the week -end with his mother, Mrs. James Kerr. • Mr. Ronald MacKay of Toron- to, was a week -end guest with his mother, Mrs. Hugh MacKay. • Miss Ruth Shinen, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. • Miss Emma Dinsmore, of Zur- ich, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. J. Sclater, this week. • M•rs. George Hilts, and Mrs. Gramm, who have spent the winter in Toronto, have returned to Eg• mondville. Miss Rath. Hills spent the week -end here. • • Mus. James McKay, of Toron- to, is spending aweek or two with Miss Jennie Alexander. • Mr. John A. Baldwin and Mr. Geo. D. Ferguson were in Toronto on Wednesday. , (Additional Local on Page 6) Lawns Rolled By POWER ROLLER Place your order as early as possible. A. W. SILLERY Phone: 173 or 3184 SEAE'ORTH LAWN BOWLING GB:. SEA•FORTI Now P�;A�rwN,o THURSDAY,"'FRIPAY: SATURDAY-- j: N,TE'CHNICOLOR " A SANG IS • BORN " with.! DANNY .KAYE and , VIRGlN•IA IMAVO Musical talent is brilliantly displaYed with Dawny ae be cavgrts• 'tbroug1 this, ceroady.. Be sure to 'hear these tuwesn$ithsi frena Benny Goodson to the Goldten Gate' Qliartett0,. MONDAY, TD1E8IPAY, WEDNESDAY "NAKED CITE " with BARRY FITZGERAI:D — `DOROTHY HART and SAM SPADE of Radio Fame The most exciting story, ofthe world's moat exciting city, ter- rifically Mild by Mark Hilliisger--the man who knows New Tea• best: Actually filmed on the Sidewalks of New York. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—IN, TECHNICOLOR "THREE GODFATHERS" with JOHN WAYNE, PEDRO ARMAN•DARIZ, HARRY CAREY,Jr. John Ford's legend Of the Southwest. Coming:' "1 LOVE TROUBLE". with FRANCHOT TONE - JANET BLAIR s • OOR overings Complete line of Congoleum 'and Felt Back Floor Coverings, in three and two -yard widths. Inlaid Linoleum—Many patterns to choose from,. in two -yard widths. - Selection of Axminster ands Wilton Rugs and Scatter Mats. G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE. Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO V MATCH PINE and Spruce: For barn doors. PINE and SPRUCE: For siding and sheathing. VARIOUS LENGTHS and WIDTHS: In 1, 2 and 3 -inch lumber. Complete Line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors. Etc. JUST ARRIVED — Insulation, granulated, 2" and 3" Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. Phone 47 Seaforth Economy -Priced PERMANENTS i MACHINE • MACHINELESS • COLD. WAVE Please book Appointment Early! Seaforth Beauty Salon PHONE 157 . MAIN ST. Over Whyte's Butcher Oop ORDER CHICKS NOW —AT— Moore's Poultry Farm DAA` OLD Barred Rock, mixed and sexed available Mondays AND' Leg. X Rock and New 'Iamb. X Rock on Thursda'ys SPECIAL PRICES 41N STARTED CHICKS EACH SATURDAY Ail Chicks hatched from oar own 100% Pniloruan Free Flock. Ready Made Capons a Specialty PEED AND SHAVINGS AVAILI.CBLE ALSO MOORF'S POULTRY FARM , Seaforth, Ont, • Telephone 668-5 Meiiibe4's, Of Ontario Approved: I/atel ery- Assn'elatiott