HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-08, Page 4I �1­ , "' �,,'�7,17 :, � , , �': , : - 11 ", ��% , ""�'f"'�"':")"�'�'�*��'�'���I�7�,7,��'�l;"�""�'r.T'.'�',�l,,7"�'�". -1 ,,, , i � , , i� � � " � - - . I ­ ." � � "I 11 �,�',;,',� ,,, , .11 - �, ,�, ; ,:, ,�,�'��,�'!" ., _.�� , , : �, 1: r; 1,t�%: .. ''. � , ., . , ". � "; " f I I , I" � , �:�� , �,!� I ,,I .:��:, . V 10 . ., 1", " ­ �-'� ", � ', -, ,,�� �, , I �m � 1 � , !�ii, �� , . �Illi .. !;�� ,,,, t , , i, ,�; � �, ;,! i , �., ,:: !% �l�� ,,� i.�, �', , '' ,,�. , ,i]t � . � ,,, !:;, i � I, , , , I 1� �-, t�!.,,�') ;:�, ,'�' , :'. �,�,i . ��:; ��,�, , ,,,, 1.7 I I 1!, I 11 ,. ::, Q � , 1��,�;ts,yt:.'Q ". ,�� ,; - 21:11� �� t , � , �.��,:l� I � 1 .. I �..O. � I " I ­ �%, � �._ I'�,, ,�� 1 . � 1, 11 :1, -,,: � " _:'. ". , c �, � "O I I .. I I I :, ", , ( ,,,,, , , � ,, � , � ­��:�"i!­,."ii':­`, �',,,.� "I" �� �,ol":­ . k, �. I I*; , ....... ;�` 1 � . �� �� � ''. , , �! _%,'. ; , ,.� _ , ,, � I i. L " ". � I . I I .. I , ,�,! ,,, f t;, ,. �', �, ,J:. I : - . 1:� . , � I � 1. . I I �: . I ,.I., I . I " " � , � .1.1 ;�­', ­.,: tl I � ,� I � ,, , I I ::,, � . 1, I I � I , I I , I, I 1". � 0 ;4 ��' 15 ­­­ i . :� � " " � � . 14, . . "; , �" I 1. I - � ''.. , I.. 'i� , , X, J,;."; . � , ; � I I I I I, . t ��,��;,�,�� � � ...,.4 il�i � � 1: . ,�t,'., ot4� '! � ,:, , , ! �� � 11 -'. I I � . . 11 , � � l� ,., 1. .1 . " , � , ,� I , I . . . I � , � . � , . I 1i ". I � :,� I �., , . `: , ,:I. ,,,�, I I �� :1 I I .�, I 1.� I i ,. I , , , t i : I I _ , � I � :. : �! . I ; � N 1P , . . �� ,� I ,,, I I � I , 0 1 � , . � , t., : ,�, : . I I I 1, ." I""'; �, , ., , ,� I -i . I 4 1 1 , 1, . , , � HUR �, . I , , , 1 , � , ! � , . r I , 4 '' . � I , � .. I I , � I � 1, I I I . . . % 1 4 � .. , 11 i , I , .; . I , . L --- -_ ___3_ � ,�'� '� I .��, ; ____ . . , - I , � 1, I I " � , " , ,� , - -, I I : � � . � I I . I . " ,, I . 11 . . I I , , I I I . ��� I , � � - � - �� I I 1. .. ­ I .... I ...... � ­­ - I '. -'11 .1.11 1_.- . . . . . 1. . I '. ­­ , , - .11111 1- i- 11 -11 . . I . .- .1 I � I"...'' 11.1 1-1 I . t, , �� .... .. . _ ,� . I I I ­ li . I . . . ... .. � .. .. ... ^� ,, ,, �,7�',` 11:- L, ; I 11. �, � , , _ . . I . . �, I p! I . �,41 . ! , , , ; . �, , , , � 1, 0 :e, � �� ! " ::� - - �: , p � , , I -1 �­ , - , � ,; , �i li; -��;�i ;;�i � i; � ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I , , " " '� , , , , , "' I , , �' , " , , , , , , , , , , , - , " I , I ; Z;1 � .. 1, i I �t I I . .i v , , , � , 1� 11, ­,�� , I I - ­ -1 I I I I . . 1. ,iii i�;l I" ;;;;;Ii ��";"; ; � ;�'.411 ""'."', � i ­ % I - I I I , , , , � - . . . ,. - r ... I I It. I I .­ - 11 � . . 1 I - I - - , , i �, . I � . �1� " ­­ , � � � � , - t,+;O� � "r w r 0 .!! r 'r 0" e , � : I .. I - .11. � ­ I ! . I . - ­. ., 1-1 . I. � . � 11 I , ;: 1! �;� �,:, - , � I I 11 � I ,., .. . _._ , . 1 - 11 . I ;� I . I ;. ., 1�� I . I , I , . . - ; - ,, , , I I , " [;� "I � I , I ­ � . ­ '�� I .11, ."''11 , I .�, i I - , �, : ,. , �: q o : � ,,, I ­ � I ,, :, � . W. 4 I I �, ; �� . -FIROR-W."WROO, . _ I ­ -.1 , . , I. ,, I :,!� 111. ­ 1111.1-1- 1) e e , , A , 04 i, � 2,"� �,',,5i`!- , I . , I : F', 7, i- �, " . ,� - I I I 01'roinu - INk B44Y QW0 t" t 'Ruirop, - OUAT, , W" � � , ��­ � �::, ,�. !��.�i�,:�� � . ��,, lli P -IT "RIFIR."M ....... .... _ " " __­7'­�­ , , , . I I I I white Ash 41'd pailgh i0portPO,, ' , ;.­:­.�­,�,­­'­­, '01,M" Powl"_ 11 , I . .. , ­_­ Mrs, A, SupOeX, ,and '44,4zUt U I t ',� i, lt.� �i,� 1: 1�' � I:` , "' ­­ evand it �v i6i , Lie , : f �, , ;__ " Wn . *40.egeld _1014 I ta 00044els till ,hardh ,echo ,,,, � ,4, 11111-_,�Y­ ", , anted , i,,ii'�, � � , :, �;�:��, I . � ng for 'Ibeir Al$41 m"._tiio�; yi I 1111 � 4 -4 ,� , - ,I: I RO *r, p4meral. #Q)Pae_QAb44A. on � o, 0 inlA., !T*U4. , , . �"!Ino�:�! . , P � '��,:,`, �� I ,T,,,,,, r R�t, ,I -, ..'l': ­� , ', � * , � 1. _,� Rol - of Detroit, s!pela ' i� ,euchre wad pel . X�s, W, '.� , , _V I ''. . ��­,:, ! .. WIINTH I RMAXIIII, AprI109.0--XV01 - ��'-'; , . " m , - ly, JC- , 4t',th . . 1. Cross,, Ute oreeifloAt, 0.401.4, A . " , '��j"j�!r�� WORK WANT&D-YQUNG MARMEP __ rt the ive6 � .11111. , ,��,-,,,i,�,:!��!' 1i � & ... ���111111111, ,`-�.; " . '��:, %. I'l� 1pf k�� �, I '. . . . - ,��'i �­ : , d � 4Lwoclato ,� � '6 '11, , man wants work, either on form or - Cottage, I We . even . ( !6*44 '#� ,, I I t�:` I , --asl ,qik ,,,, �04-,*4*,Appt)Wel� 11, � `41'�` '�Mao I . ,�� ,r" I To'�m, Hall ,last .0 0 ..;T40 4eyot , ' �4­'.i"11­­,�.", ,�J I I A% i The Easter me end at the'll , . 1. wa.''Ju 0 M ''T!. W, ot4nk4"'o ' p- 11 ph;�b 'bai - - I "I., ,15,.;, r, .1 � �.. 1�1�* . in town. Apply M9LVIN NEWKN. on L 1 ,4��,"�. ad. Mi,�. Hugh LaTell. ing, Is A pp,ek , ,% iv,400re ry*� . , .� ,4 bf., I i , , ''; ' . I ,� IVr. g Easter Meditatiou,"'Was t4keu,Oby hqj�p - 0,-;;", �.�.L`�.'; ,,:_�J 1-1 be 4' x ..; 1.! '�.,: �1. L I " 11 � 0411 *40 00M'109 T9r, 110(br"I , - -,��.��;�,:,:�;��.,���,'�,,,,��;", , Hand M1189A I W1111 �ll _tl-il,��, r:,,;, , .. ­ .WC L Aids. Phopd 66.7 r 41. 42434 ing I " . , � � Dons4red b4kor- Ito V.A� . A i I , . I and daughter, �Qhrlia,Pua. � of 'PO4 Itodge $9�.J,S wa, miss Glad$o FOP I � . � �,;�,.�A, � � r i J0 M�.. ", ",�",�,�;,�,�: :1 � F; �,, held, In the $0hoQI CrQQM�'r of the . I pncjced't1je firot v � i'll", "'il, I ­­ """ �, �, , I , - MAN " N , Elgin, were guests. of Mifilkos, X 'all expensea were paid, � , responded to with a B ' IbUcal EaS­ be . 9 7, 4, ,., 4 'l, L at 2 . ,�;����,:;�ll.,'�,��,�,,,�,.�,,, ant4 thp- 1peot.� � 4 .. i�'i Now W"NTED -'�"' ' church on Saturday Aoi 4;�',�'I,�,,.I�., 41�.�­ , ,JI ` '. !, ,�.'�"�,;4�'%��7,.L ,�j­­, --J- I - tirling over the, Wq0k-,eAd. ,� ,gis-, o- L. J-44-kS TeCOAVOd Word tkw verse. Minutes were read, -fly Begi,=1 n n"t M , . � . � � � '551, L , - i,��",'. ,: ,­ -I L �, p _m . wituvifty, - :�:'.�,�',;�. �: ­. atore and stock ,keeping in Sealarth �';��7�L'�! �'�, , , ,;. Ins �_ � � ':' ;1', L� ," I ��.,;��",�,L����!�.,���;��'�;"� '�",."� . , I 0 ;_ � . , ,-;, ' " J A.' Ad - that bar�,slster, IMT�. Augu t'Feter- the secretary, X,�s; U %jiqk,-I0 TtiE� 1U%,,;",q ,, ek;,4e 10rot ,���",.,;4 ��"' �" ­�,�r m ,." , 4OW Cash Rates: ,p. -..t positio4 for right ,2�rby. A - p . I . , , �, !"i.� � IS _;v,j�'L, , I erted' At New Mrs. A, Raby and daughter; gob is � *11, �,!,A�` ,�� ", t", -, �, ,, , l. , Ply in writing only, to ReA 162. HURON - ' ,4, t.A, 9� � - , -� !.�,;�'�`. �,i ", � I 8 I . , I I I 11 b moll ,at t R,m , ..�, � �, � ` , " The man,x friends 'of Mr. Sol *61t, spent the weep-, -son, of Rapid,City, So,'D,, I I , rosp of , A V,!��i,��M,��i��,,;,, ,t " , , "I. . , , J- �� . .... ... _ , " 'T� -,,�,,�,_'; "I ­fr4,,.1'­1;,,�,J";" - SALE, WA,NTM LOST AND FOUND. ETC�Pw word; EXPOSITOR� 4243-1 erta, of Dqti- underwent toPip was dn charge of Mrs,` q PL; . e4lp, . l% . ,,, ­ ­­ - reading, iti ' , ' ", Jl4J`1,,'t,"l'1'l,'i" "­_. "I't"; ,'��' � r � - .( r , Addi " �H6'0411 X , . . .�11"If,�'.11""",'%, I,' , o h Wvilla,96. ' X -1-s- 41119 co4tributed a-- - '��j�"",'!: �'I:�',� ,,,_)t . '!,t�;�,'��;�!,;!�j�i� '. - ' � ­ _ - , - , j,�, ,, ir". 0,"1r,';,, lat we* ................... I-— I =t '' end in'th . I I an op -ration 1414 WeeX in 4AUS, lUi% I �. 911'al �, . Ms. �_"f,,. I,i,. I 1�'W " I ,It I 1i " �' , Dad w . ........................ % WANTED-UNFI)MISFIED FLAT OR I$ home from Scott MeMOTI&I Hos�- � . . . I 1. I ­ , j�, �. I and ,M . . 11 . " ,-, � 1. ,:',�,,.,�,,-,��,�,.,�.1,�i;,ii,.;!;�ii;,��',',�,!r,,,,:,��r�i��.�,'!�',,�i�,,� Ord week .................. � ...... % Gout 4 partment wanted. Apply to Box pital. � I I Mr. Fired Turner, ,,or 404§ach, terests. of 1Ker`b4*1*X ' . . rs. I-Tedden, and. Mrs, Hess, I Ito � , � I$' `,­, , '11, � i ", '', ­­.­ . . 11 % ,. . 1 , ,� I ,!,.�, I ., . I P - � . 'f�l",r,�,,,��;,I",��,1,:I�,�l,)�',�',"�.7:r��i",:�r:,;, j�.��L,�'� ,' . X 26 Jr*pts - I . ':,;1', -' . I �4" 1 I I 1, I � , � q` �� I . 4 isimum chorse. first, iuseition,.. 763, HURON EXPOSITOIL spent the week-,end.x4h .10$ ,�011, Mr, Thoe. Richairdson �,a a patAent, a duet, with-'Mis�s Luber as 40 , 11 �4, 11.,;,�_ N.- Mr. Andrew 'MoUtgo%ory, Bran:t.­ I . ^. 9[%W�v 'in ' , I - I I . � . - � '­ - , I 1. 0 - ;�, I � � A are, initial and abWeviatloo 09-ts. as one word. 4243-Z , . Grant Tv=er 4 1, , r.; St. Jrbseph'� Hi�spi�l,,� �Londoii, � �" - - I 1""'! ! 4, ­ 1�t I 1-1,:: 14 ; 1�1 Memor4amNaticeo. Coming E�..ts-, cent Per word. UrunnuP36 tbrd, spent the wee"dr."at big ; I ,oi . � ­­­ �,�­' . I , , , . I , I � � "Ir - ----w" , el � , � 'i 1 . . � - " , ... �i�� C;= week. . TO OPERATE RE- home. I- I ", , 1. - __ in the interests ,64 his heaIM i I " " , , - : * . ,, �l�111 i,,�, I 19 The HAnvu Expositor. for 10 cente, extra, WANTE:D-MAN i iL ''.. - �, I ' MM" Mrs% Al. Pearson, of Termite., is 1. ' .. I I ' t 0,11 IN! �i.� � 11 � '_ �� . ' . ­ �,�t:�i -L W I " . ,�q� I . net pWd within 10 days Mrs, Hiram Blanc#Vd �thas re- FIEUD , " � .- jeng with her mother, Mrs, An.- , ' - I � ,, , ,� M_ be directed to a Box NO.. c freshmeAt pavilion and supervise '40 _ , *1 j�,OjtI6�4 Will be charged if ads in above'eilass We Park from mid-June to mid-Sopteluber. . _ ,10� ,�, Vj'j .1 �,�,11 ,oate of gum insertion. turned from Scott Memoriali,.Hos- BRUC . I .1 � P ..", :� �� 11';,. � � ,r,V,M,,,a and Death. Inserted free of charge- Apply in writing Only, giving refewengles, ., I . tim . 9 ;� wlp� ule Saundeweck, this week. , . �', " "- . I , . " experience� and Aslary, to Box 764, HUR- pital, where She speR some, e. . � ,, - i. I * �, ",t,"t-l": t, ��Zpaa.p, Ncti,m to Creditors. Etc-Rateo OpPliCatiOM 4248-2 . I Several firom here we�e f0f1tuW Mrs. I-fiabelle I.Attle Undmy, wife - �­ �L, W I � A ., � � - on 't .. , - - 1, �,,� r',,..._�., �i . . ­ � ON EXPOSITOR. - 'Me W.M.S. 4n4 W.A.' of Cavan I ate in seeing the m06 which ifell of Dr lbbn�C.'Llndsiay, 719 Dundas FOR, 'SAL,E.,� �' 0" 1 I - ''', i"''!`- L " ,Qr .J I I L � � t . Church have received. � EA cordial in, around 8.30 Sunday evening, It at. London 'died a�t Vic OTIS, � 11 . ,�,�.":i:,,�, �`�" 1: I -WANTED TO RENT Duffl-s Church tol I , it , Hos- �... �. . I t�� \ ";., t ­:��:,I! ,i�;._, , , , � -, 1P ,. I-, I g��,il,i;�, ,; ',��:"-,� ]Loaot and Found i Coming Events . '14vo; _11',1 I , �, ," i,�' "" , I �,,%,t,j­ . � vitation. from " I ,�,` ;, "I I . ­ _ A.P- was very bright and seem -to fall pital, Lond;'n, 164 Mon,dAy,, April 4.. . ", . I ,,, �, Z%- �.;4,�* , I k NEW AND SOMLYTHING RESIDENCE FOR unite with them in their Easter . p � . I good use%-]& . I __ . I . "i �! "', zi�,,�., FURNILq three months, oommen- in a red ball to the northeast. -_ Bqrn -in, Hensall, the former IS& I ,,, ,� ­ 1, � � ."., I , TUESDAY, A BROWN AND SOMETHING . . .. ,,,�, ", " -OR I I - �,�.'j'�,"�";�",J'�jL,'�� �"` �' LOSTr� - Phone different - Norm Eager and His proximately I Wlednes- Mr. and Mrs. George Griifith,and bell . M�rx�j, 6 bad been a real- � I , , . -, -w* for University thankoffiering, to be hQd, �;A',q%p",);�,.,;'' :�, �, _ t.e pup. C. W. IRONSIDF the CryvW ing mid-May. Suitable 8 sh � 'IVER '70' 1 . , ,, 0, , 4243-1 Rhythm Ranchers will be at i[tow�CROPVRAOT . ',,,',,.',,,�',i��,�:�.��,'..t�,�, .� �. . 274. ,Seaforth. Palace, Mitchell. Friday night, April 8. Professor, married, with two children. day�Thursday, April - 4, ,in the daughter, of Stratford, spent - *the dent Of. Undon,for more than 40 0 Ot . .. � ".111 11 " Ini, I PLASTIC POCKET in a good *Ad -time Hayloft Hoedown. Ad- PHONE 35. SEAFOR711 church. . I , ,,.�. , L,O$T-A BLACK � . 1�11ill',!1�111,1:1,,- ". I week -end at the home of My. and .yeArs. She was 6 mewber,,of 1�ing, . . I ,_ ,�, 1 ; -'t , book in the close vicinity of Northside mission 60c- 4243xl I - . , ­ I " "i'l,* I - ____ . I - Mrs.. H. Berry. ., St. United Church. 'Survi,�In�, in � t �,��,;', ,.eu,F',,,*� Vzaed Church, on Wednesday afternoon. . V. ., 111�I 1$; �,� . I 11 . I � 1, . 1, �, � '�f"��, � , _ �_- A"'I 6. Finder -please leave at The EX Miss MarioA Paterson hajS, Te- additAon to her huabaild, are a son, 1, good used . t I `�J��',6- For Sale l 1. 0t�"I";)t;', 'I % I op OLIVER 1701 STANDARD TRACTOR' . to MR �,,r,,ItAo POSITOR OFFICE or return �- Motor Cars For Sale CONSTANeE turned to London after ,having James H.' London, and, ,a daugh- NORMAN CARTER. Clint- Reward- I .1 . I q !"�&�`!�,,, 4243xl - . � -:�, APART- spent a m*nth.at her home. -ter, Helen, E., Kltcheuer, A vl�on, . � 1111., 'S FOR. RENT - FURNIS Mr. Wm. J.. Dale. spent a few I I. � � !,'�,,­,. SALF-WiLeLYS TRUCK. 193 ment to lot, Apply Bo�L 767, HURON Mr. and Mrs, A. 2�apfe, of Lou- Kenneth -M., died in 1933. There I . h,atl��, Folt Apply MATT. days in Toronto last week- , I . . 41 ',".,�"'5,�::,.", UND-IN SEAFORTH, A SUM OF model, 1,4z -ton pi,ok-up. EXPOSITOR, don, spent the week -end, with rela- are three sisters and -a brother: . I . . ,,�"L..,, : Fo MURRAY. Phone 40 r 25. Dublin. . . money. Owner way have same upon' I Mr. S-ohn Arinstrong has, sold his tives. Mrs. Thos. Lindsey, Som -bra; 'Miss- 1 used ;­', . I Ni,,,`�!�­ 4242-2 . 1,1:,;;: proving Property and paying charges. AP- - OR SALF-BLUE I farm to Mr. Cook, who gets, pos- 'Mrs. LaFontaine, of Londoni, es Margaret and Georgina Murrayi I I �,,, i. Ply Box 965, HURON EXPOSITOR. - F size 6. May be seen SCOINS' DRY . �,�-'K�, 1. 4248-1 1 FOR SALM--1937 FORD COUPE, IMAT- - 4243-1 SeSSIon immediately. . visited over the week -end with Mr. Limdqn; John R. Murray, St. Pet- * McCORMICK-DEERING 6'CUT MOWER - CLEANERS. . I / . 0� � 0,,. : I r, and defroster, in good shape. Ap- I - Mr. Reg. Lawson spent the week There axe two � . . ., . e I - I ��, , ,��% ­___ ply to EL,MER STEP NSON, Egmond and Mrs. D. Skaiffe. e7 ,. buTg, Merida. 4 ,, FOR SALE -2 COWS, SHORTHORNS, end in London. . ­ ";� ville. Phone 666 r 3a. Seaforth- The choir will present a -play, grz,rdchildren. The body rested at I ­ , . . .O,Q " due to, freshen. J. STAPLETON. . &,"..., Personals .0-1 Mrs. F. Phillips has returned ,. -o the Pincombe-Gatmari " , a 660 r 14, Seaforth. 49 The Improper Mr. Proper," in th Bennett & I used ' 0 ,. 11 � 11 , - , - SKINNY MEN. womm I GAIN 6 TO BARGAINS FOR SALE- -CLYDE MARE RISING 7, home after spending the past'thr60 Sunday School room Friday even- FL -neral Rome, where -service was e THREE -FURROW PLOW I ,'', USED CAP, weeks in Scott Memorial Hospital, ing. . conducted at 2.30 o'clock Wednes- . . I I _X. -I . 15 abs. New pep, too Try famous sound and good worker; 75 cords dry Seaforth. � "" Ostrex Tonic Tablets for -double results; hard wood; adso oil broader stove. PHONE �d,ay� by Rev. R. 1:1, Conner, Burial 1. "� , new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get 4243-1 Mr. Kelso Adams, of SaItford, I 1� Cash or Trade 656 ring 31. was in Woodland Cemetery. I I'll. . ".,1, 6Gc. An &vg- ____ ft the week -end -with Mr. . . ;�11� 1 acquainted" size ONLY en and Mrs. Sarah Edith Thompson, 83, 1 �''. ,OR SAT -GIRI;S RED --SPRING Sp VARNA I new . �� ", g W s. OHEV LET FIE LINE COACH F collar. size 14. Mrs. E. Adams. .11, - RO 6 . I coat with black velvet widow of William H. Thompson, , - LMS (RUBBER a 2 -tone green, -radio, heater, un -visor. Apply to Box 766, HURON EXPOSIT(M Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson London, died at Victoria Hospital, * HORSE-DRAWN MANURE SPREADER ` `� � Sunday guests at.'the ,home of ,., SUPP I ,L�, HYGljk41C many extras. 4243-1 spent Sunday With 'MT. and Mrs. -ere . , Goods) mailed postpaid in Plain. sealed London, Saturday, April 2, wh ,%� ' " nd family I . I - envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c Mr. and Mm M. Elliott a 1 I �-�.� I Law&an in Ttloke�smitb, � " CHEVROLET S -PASSENGER OR SALF-MASSEY7HARRIS 13-ILUN Lei] i e were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott 1 she bad been a patient Since De- Al, l ; , i . 24 8amiAes $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, 48 1 F 1,00 StePh and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grf;we I cember of 1948. Surviving are a 1 new Oliver 2 -Wheel l �; XOVA-RUBRER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, COUPE fertilizer drill, almost new. Phone r. alad' 'AlTs. . ells011 daughter, Mrs. Reta Charles, LQn­ . . I �,'t " OUL Hensall 95 r 12. HARVEY COLEMAN. were in IUtchenei� larA week. "', CHEVROLET 1�_­TON PICK-UP 4248.-A . and -son, Brantford; *r, and Mrs. . ". �, 1. . - - built for trailer tarp- F. Herd- and family, Stratford. don; son Lyle, Red-, Deer, Alta.; e TRACTOR MANURE SPREADER . g 1,� , " a I two slateW Mrs. Anna C. Walker I . " I .11 I. FOR SA�007,1 PUPS FOR SALE. I Mrs. Jamieson and. pont, Clin- . I I I �', ,,, Auction Sales I PLYMOUTH COACH Apply to GORDON MOIR. R.R. 1, ZION ton, are i and Mrs. Eliza Buchanan, Hensall; it-, 38- Hens -11- Phone 92 r 61, Hensall. spendang, some time with _ I T_ , CLEARING KUCTION SALE OF FARM 4243-1 er's mother, Mrs. Gertrude four brothers, Ernest and Allfred We car ' a full line of I I/ 11.1, Mrs. Herb. Britton visited with, the form Carlile, Detroit; WTIliam, Wdnm*- ry "t, Stock and Implements. Thu PLYMOUTH, COUPE: � Reld, who, we are very sorry to i� 1, I 11 _"Y' 38 GRASS SEEDS zii, April 2IBt, at I p.m., Lot 7, Concession 1, ROODD(litiGned- Fop- SAIX-NEW COCKSHUW TRAc- her mother, Mrs. H. Workman, in 1 peg, and Robert, Indian Head, , 4 g C;olborne Township, 13h miles east of Hen- tar cultivator, 7-ft� 9 -tooth, Power Hen,sall, last week. report, is in poor health. Sask. The body rested at the home . miller: Team of borses- CA`rT1-Ek-SiX FORD SEDAN lifL Apply to SANDY PEPPER, R R_ 3 Mrs. E. 'McDonald,_ and Marguer- . 1", Holstein cows, incetly fresh; 2 Holstein Mrs. ROSS Pepper visit- I �, 38 Seaforth. Phone 656 r 41, Seaforth'.* ' -Mr. and of Mrs. Anna C. Walker, Hensall, � I'� , .8. ite, of Hensall, visited with the I private funeral Services were ,*; .. heifers, bred. PIGS --5 York sows With 4243xI ed with her parents, MT. and Mi . former's sister, 'Mrs. John Rath- and � . litters at foot; 2 York sows, due time of q,r �ORJ) COUPE Howard Wright, recently. held on Monday, conducted - ,by A. W. Kerslake' I ", sade; 5 York sows, bred: I York hog. _ - FOR SALE-MASSEY-11ARRIS - Mrs. J. W. Britton spent a few well-, Saturday. Rev. R. A. Brook, minister' of Hen- , � IMPLEMENTS --Fall stock of farm ana �JV New ingtor and paint job viftor in good condition. Ap � Farmers are busy these days B I chinery, inciluding 1949 Jeep, ludly . days with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Sall United Clhuych. urial- was in Your Oliver Dealer ' .11 eq`�Xp_ 4- --IiANY OTHER VALUES DANTZ'E . R. Phone 65 r 9, Dubli preparing to start seeding. I 111. ped; 3 -furrow tractor plow (new); spring Terms arranged. . 4243-1 Hunter. and Mr. Hunter, London, Hensall Union Cemet . I tooth drag harrows; 13 -run 09ckshatt with Mr. . , �- 'PHONE 40 : IIENSALL . - also spending a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hayter are The death occurrederyin Edmon- fertilizer drill; New Idea manure spread Retting comfortably settled in ton on March 13 of Sames John- . k FOR SAIX:­GFRL'S TWEED SPRING . _ 'A� - er On rtxbbLr (nevi). ,Terms --Cash. No BRUSSELS MOTORS coat, size 10. PHONE 581-j, sea- and Mrs. Kingsley Salton, Mitchell. tbdr new home. We welcome the �, I I reserve; farm sold. EZRA FISHER. Pro— forth. . 4243-1 Mr. Britton also visited- at the same ston, of Ryley, Alberta. Mr. John- ----.-- -_ - . I N .... prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; & newcomers to the community. , . . P. Chesney, Clerk- 4Z43-2 "The Home of Better Used Cars" K home in Mitchell.' ston, who was a former resident i l � - --- BRUSSELS - ONTARIO FOR SALF-ONE TAILORED BLAC Visitors ar�the home of Mr. and, A special service of the parishes of Henzxll, had suffered a stroke .... ! I � - pin st , ripe coat with 2 -piece suit to of Bayfleld, Middleton and Varna 6 .. . ,�� - SAY OF FARM, FARM -_ _ match. -May be seen. at SCOINS' CLEAN- Mrs. Jas. 'Malcolm and, Mr. and w Mnign,d Mrs,. Walter Spencer left ,, � . 'I ; AUCTION cry, at Lot 27. Can. ill be held in St. John's Angh- on SaiiIrdqy for Excelsior Springs, . Stock and Machin ERS. 4243xl Mrs.. Dalton Malcolm on Sunday �� I . ith, 4 miles or Sale an Chureh'on Palm Sunday, April , I 3. ELILS. Tuckersmid I West of Property F (,� ... . April 8, at 1.30 P�m-: __ POSSIBLE POULTRY PLANT, 11 1/5 were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Gibb, M'Sisour' , to spend a few,weeks. . I . . , in UV'team Gly,de geldings, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. T. D. Jones, fortl�li, spent l . WO= h J�ORi SALE ­8 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE atre,t with. 1�arn A-5 by 100.. having 24- Phyllis and Ronnde, Stratford; Mr. 10, , Sea . I 8 year� old, well broken. CATTLE --Reg- w th double ci.ir garage. i/4 -acre lot; foot posts: flax mill 36 by 60; colony and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Upuna; 7'ector of St. Thomas' Anglicam, the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 11 ,� iistered Shorthorn bull 2 years old, Pepper house suitable for duplex. Possession house 12 by 16. Tprm% cash. EDMUND -Mr ,and Mrs. Don Graham and fam- Church, Seaforth, former Padre of � breedit I red cow, fresh 4 week.; I roan 760, HURON EXPOSI- , GEIGER, H,nsall. . the R,C,A.P., Clinton, will George Moir and family. . , I cow, fresh 6 weeks -. 1 roan cow due mid- soon. Apply Box 4243-3 ily, Stratfond, and Mrs. Geu. Gra- be. the Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. D. IT. . t f. � Z� y; TOR. 424&2 guest speaker. Everyone is eor- Peacock and Terry, of Oshawa, are � I ae o& April; I roan cow due end of Ma "I SALE�-WHITE THRESHING MA- bam, and Miss Gertie Coombs, Mit- � I 2 red cowls, fresh; I farrow cow �young). FOR I dially invited to attend this Palm visiting in Hensall. I � . I SE FOR . SALE­N`EW 7 -ROOMED chine, size 32x5O, �&n rubber, grain Chen. I . � I "*^ . . P V11 I � I J. R " �14 I- � I � " '" 11�" I , , 11 "I. "" � � , _,� "" I �' I 111": I I I " k These are choice young Durham cov"": 10 HOU e, modern, on James SL 1hrower and cutting Mrs. Bert T-ubb visited -with her i � Durham heifers and steers I year old; 4 brick houa ,, box. Apply to Box Sunday Service. � The Women's Missionary Society young caaves; 2 winter calves; I fat calf: Apply to ALEX KARPFIN. Phone 51. 759, HURON EXPOSITOOR. arents, Mr..and Mrs. Alb. Roney. It 'will be welcome ne�w- to the of the United Church convened in 1 6 fat steers, 1,000 lbs.; 2 fat heifers. Seafarth. 4243xl 4243-1 P farming community to know that I PROTEC� -TION . I These fat cattle are ready to ship. PiGS -- on Monday. l ,� 7 weeks old; 2 young sows SAIE­�S-ROOM FRAME FOR SALE -COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, 'Mr. and Mr§,. I 't � -11 York pigs HOUSE Fan" Wilbert Annie Thp Varna chopping mill, which has i I I due in April; 3 Pigs, 100 lbs. e4ch. IM- house East William 'St.; 3 'bed- 4 months old; sho- stock: I black b-efn closed down undergoing re- . I / � , . nd bathroom upetaiT�5, double par- female. 410.00; 1 black male, �$10.00. W. spent a few days with their &on . I , PIMM1lNTS_l fa,rm wagon. 3 -section rooms a and kit- T. TEALL, S�arf.rth. 424 Mrs. pairs, is again in operation, . I I . � I diamond barrows; Del,aval cream sePaxa- lor, dining room, bedroom or den I 3-1 and daughter-in-law, Dr. and- ... , . - I tar; I riding plow. FARM -76 -acre far"', chen downstairs. Hardwood floors, new Amms, in Windsor la,&t week. I Hard Wood . .. I .... . .. . , ;, , lot 26, Con. 4. 1-I.R.S. Frame home cov- furnace. new roof. good garage. Early POR SALF_-�GIRVS BLUE CHESTER- I . I I . 4, ion A -1 MRS ANN NOLAN. �' - . - : . I - I . .. I i . I ,' , . ered with asphalt hingles ; Miik Darn possess - p y . - a ze . n - c ._..­....AWW.W_ nZ.1N Z5AIAU ' 0 - with straw shed. 9= water supply ,in Phone 217-R, Seaforth. 4242XB Apply Box 7651, HURON EXPOSITOR. . " I : - . 4243-1 . * a ,: . &51..bS � � � barn; 30 acres fall plowed, 9 acres u, FOR SALF-A 7 -ROOMED 'BAYFIELD I Mrs. Catlrerine Bengough, well- rn%frl I a I I . I , ! rem nder in hay and pasture. Farm ;;Ui HP`sE � . � I be offered for sale *subject to reserve bid. house, 11�- storey. size 26 feet by 30 TNR SALE ­6 CHOICE YORKSHIRE . known resid�ent of Heneall, Passed' 4 -Cord lots .... $4.75 cord A, '' . if not previously sold before We. Lm- feet; good frame and roof. Situated at �' sows. ready to faxrow; also I Regis- Mr. and 'Mrs. Raymond 'Bristol, . . - ,: Bra,vnda ,,di in away on 'Thursday, April 7, in ber � -_ I 1, mediate possessior�. Terms -10% down, rear of Northside United Church, Sea- tered Durham holl, le br ng, who -spent the winter months Single cord ........ $5.00' . I ., . balance 30 days. Terras---Cash. ESTATE f*rth- To be moved. -from lot- Price out of a fully accredited benL Apply -to Tkh year. Mrs. Bengough suffer- l� OF LATE ROY BROWN; Harold Jack- $75(00;, Apply to REV, H. V. WORK- STANLEY JACNSON. Phone 663 r 6. Detroit. returned to -their hoifi�e :n ed a broken hip seven years, ago . � .. I !ZP ; 1. . " son. Auctioneer. 4242-2 MAN, Chairman. or to F. HARBURN. Seaforw 4243-1 the village on Sunday. I . Secretary of Trustee Board. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Pogers and had- been confined to bed since I ED, LANE �.:, � J. 4242- . 2 FOR SALF-BROWNIE REFLEX SYN- of Hamilton, Spent a few days a � that time. She was the former " . . I I � �, OL . .. . chro Model Camera. Takes twelve their cottage this week. . Catherine Paterson and is i�urviv­ Phone 126-J - Seaforth . .. ; " . R _Varms For Sale pictul�w 1% X IrA inches. Flash syn- I ed by one son, James Bengough, --- V� � �L . . LAKE HURON chronizer, included with the above. Will Mr. Allen Ormond, who .spent 4 .. FARM FOR SALE � qell for �$10.00 cash. Also a good Brownie the past week at the Albion, Hotal, of Helasall, and two brothers, John ' a 11 I . . � box camera, size 21/4 x 31/4 picture. Per - . of Toronto, and, James A. Pater- - . I I WILL BE RECEIVED By $0 0 Summer Cottage quick sale, $4.00 cash. Apply to LEO returned to Dearborn, Mich., on son, Heneall. She was a member New Machinery ' I , , � . TENDERS . HAGAN. Seal,orth. Ph.na 988. Sunday. . .4 the undersigned up to the 9th day of M of Carmel Presbyterian Church. 11 I I April, A.D. IS49, for the Farm of the late 1. . IL � WEI FURNISHED, ON LARGE LOT, Mr. John M-acKehzie, who is at- . . John A- Mill . being the South Half Of _�L FOR SALF-10-20 INTERNATIONAL The funeral will take place Sat- � : - ., I 1. 4 . at Bayfield, Huron County. Four --ont,3, .. I - 2.1 . Lots numbers 4 and 5, in the l4th Con- bedrooms, laxge living room, wdth fire- ,,l,TraCT0r, in good condivian, with ,,ri- ten,=ng the University of To. urday from her late residence with , 1 014 HAND . 0. . . .. I 'k cession of the Township of Hullett. in the speed governors. Price $300.00. Al- Spellt par- . l � County of Huron, containing 160 acres# place, electricity. Apply to so 2 eight-ga)lon milk cam. Avply to ,ntS, ,MT.'and Mrs. J. A. MacKen- Rev. P. A. Ferguson as the of- . - . I . .11 � 1"Oloo I � more or les . DAVID 7WEBNL'R, Kippen, R,R. a. . ficiating clergyman. Interment will For Immediate Delivery I .1 '. M. E. HODGINS. Phone 77 r 3, Hensall. . 4242-2 Me- be in Hensall Union Ceibetery, . , TJie said farm is good clay loam land. 34 Ridge Drive, Toronto. IlZ, well drained, and no waste land- Water 4242.2 Mr. and, Mrs. A. Furter and son, Tudors, in Hensaill -have lovely . 1. . axtesian well and a OR SALE -QUANTITY OF BEACON Bill, of London, were guests of 3 V.A.C. Tractor � is supplied from an F Martha Washington house dresses .. I . I , spring ereek- On the said farm is said to _ _ - Oats. also a few bags garden peas; Mrs W j,. Stin,son ,over the week- 1 Gibson Tractor � . V be erected a harn and stra- shed, 401 x 1937 Ford Coach, A-1 chapet. Apply . . from 1248. In the new, Spring mod- S Ra . , I., ." 60, and 30-P x 501 ou a stone foundation. Help Wanted HAROLD PRYCE. one mile east of Win- lend. els. See t�eir skirts too: from size V.A. Mounted Plow 0 1 ;, Also a driving shed with steel roof, ZV throp. Phone 840 r 2, . 1 4242-2 11iss CatheTine Rankin, of Dear- 12-44. k, - I . x 40f. Also a 7 -roomed brick house. Also . ; d last Saturday to 1 81/2Tractor Cultivator, ... 6 '� i on the farm am 15 acres of excellent sAm-NEw SINGER SEWING 00rn, - arrIve Tudors In Hensall have a huge - hardwood bush. and 5 acres of young JUNIOR CLERK F�OtacWnes, electric and treadle. Re- S,pend'tke reason -at her �ottagp­ stock of curtains and curtaining by on Rubber W 1-4) 1 1 ,. bush. Hydra available. pairs to a makes. SINGER SEWING Mr. Karl Wilken. who spent th,3 . Lowest or any tender not necessarily CENTRE, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. wintei' months in Windsor. retu.rn- the yard -Celanese Voile, Rayon, 1 One -Row Corn Picker \ � ted. Opening in Banking I Volle, Ruffle Dots, Tailored Dots, I I I 11�; - seem . 4223-tf ed to the village on Monday to .;" - . . F_ FT&GLAND., K.C., Criss Cross, Cottage Sets and Pan- I Farm Wagon � . "i � Clinton, Ontario, , Office for Boy or Girl LADTOLUS BULBS -WE ARE OF- spend .the season. . I "It j .. uantity of healthy, young, els. And- a new stock of Paper ­ , .11 � : t Solicitor for the Estate. G fering a q Mr. Hugh Gdlm,our returned from I 8 -ft. Double Disc ."%, # I 0", 11 � 11 .1 1. 4242-2 If hay. must have junior matriculation. h4rh crowned AUxed Gladiolus bulbs at _ Drapes, 90 inches long. W �,, Girl applicants should have Fan,, hi,h $3.50 per 100 for -large bull -A. $2.00 per Clinton Hospital last week where Wednesday evening, March 30, a 1 7 -ft. Double Disc . � . . " il -- -- ,,,chool education. but experience not nec- 1,00 for medium size Iyalln: 85, Sales Tax hie underwent an operation. 'We delightful evening was ,qpent bYthel -inch Hammer Mill �_,'�: , , � �sary: knowledge of typing would be ,Wluded , but not prepaid. Also the b4nt are gorry to report that his, sister, 1 14 � . !��i Notices helpful. in named varieties. Write or phone for members of the Canadian Legion I 1. 'Gi I mou r, .1 -talogue, MURRAY TYNDALL, Bruce- Miss Mary Suffered a and their wives in the Legion Hall,' 2 F2 -5 -ft. Combines . � 1, 11 PREEI FREE! - SHAVINGS FREE" AppJy 'ield. Ontario. Phone, Clinton 618 ring 12. heart attack- on Monday tind is when the J. M. Sellnider Co., of After getting them off tb C3 fast Start with'Roe 11 il 1 Please provide your own truc,k. JOHN 4243-2 con-filred to her bed. 1 V.A.I. Skid Engine �J. , . 130SHART & SONS, 4Z41-3 Bank of Montreal - Kitchener, presfnted films in tech- § __ - FOR SALF-1 COCKSHU77 DOUBLE The fishing sea-gon has opened nicolor Showing bow meat was p,ro- 1 Little Beaver Grain Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the sevenih �!,, PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS -FREE )­JENSALL - PHONE 12 disc. 181/plat,e; I M. -H. No. 26 spring this year, with fairly good lifts or cessad at the plant, their stock .. estimiaties. Write or phone collect. 4242-3 tnoth cultivitor with low wheels. Apply - I Grinder week to Roe Vita -Grow GroWing ,Mash. ��� _ WILT -TA N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton � LLOYD ETUE. .1, mil, south of Bayfield . farm, and bow bacon was exported J rt- I �,' ' - ­ �11 . I 4237XI3 -­'­ ­ - � ____ __ __ �� No. 21 Hischway. Phone 98 r 5, Zur- __ for Britain. A film, "Rocky Moun- Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds . ', ieb, 4242x2 1. �,T I REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR Poultry Births tains in the West,o' was incleuded ilizer Spreader . 1� I all . makes of radim. Will pick up -esident are produced in Westem Ontario esp �­ RADIO ALE - AN77QUE WALNUT in the list. Jack Tudor,'pi il�, M. ----- ' -- FOR S I Used Cockshutt '70' ecially ndayB and Thursdayi; at E. H. Close's idehaard with marble 1,op. $25.00 for MOIR-At Hensan, on Sunday, April 3, of the Legion, d4scussed, the for- l5� STARTED , ,,ui,,11� sale; worth three times this price. 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moir (nee mation of a Women's Auxiliary in Tractor ,�;t : Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE� Myth. Can be seen after April 4th at my home. Bertha Suldan), a daughter. for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both 1. � 4218-tt ..", " CHICK BARGAINS ,)r Phone 660 r 9. EARL VAN EGMOND. SEDLEY-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sedley, connection with t ' Legion. This ", 4242x2 London. (nee Dorothy McQnwn), a organization will he formed some 1 41/2 -ft. One -Way Disc - � I �,� I N OTICE-WE A ALWAYS LOOK- WHILE THEY LAST 1, are happy to announce the time in the near future. Luncheon of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to' �1 � iing for a now customer to please him. LADIOLUS BULMI-TO MAH39 ROOM Hensal . 1 Why not-esill 00 in Dublin and have Your Nom-exed. Pullets, cockerels, 2, 3, 4, 5 G hirth of their son (John Edgar). on was served. build bi fram � l..- ftsa ond Poultry Picked up at your door- and 6 weeks old. Also turkey poults 2, for a larger and better stock of Mixed Sunday, April 3, .�t St. Joseph's Has- � g es, sdund flesh, healthy iniemal "J, We haul 1�oWtry to the U.S.A. and can 3 and 4 week old. Also day old chicks Coloured Bulbs, we are selling these Early pital, London. Mr. Ed. Berry, of the Guaranty Rowel9fe Motors, . I . f, . Yellow Bulbs at 75c per ji,undred-, small, CRICH-In Scott Memorial HosPital;ton �Trust Go., Windsor, visited N I " offer "n a g6od Price. STAPLETON'S and turkey --oults. IVY organs . ,�' ; Bulblerls, 26c'ji�'r 500. Post- April 1, to Mr. ard Mrs. Alden drich, , . Dodge & De Soto Sales � - - this means bigger profits for you . .1, PROD1140E. Dublin. Phone 50. 5c per 100 A., Send for special sale price list- Free .1ge extra. These bulblets will bloom this P -R. a, seacrth, a son. aunf: Mrs. JQhn Bolton, on Sunday 1� _ logue. year. PURCELL FLOWEB, GARDENS, DEVERFIAUX--an Scott Memorial a I �11, HORSE SHOEING- -1 HAVE A QUAIJ- - Tf*Q6,piJ,, � last. Mr. Berry, accompanied by 'P Case Farm Machinery (ater. One season Will prove that it pdyj fo ! Setaforth. tO, on April. 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Xkthu " ��f`i, fied man available an Mcniday,, goes- Tweddle Chick Hatcheries I X... IMr. Walker, also ,of the Guaranty Phones: 6 . 14. S-�forth I ""F I day, and Wednesday of each week for G, 12? x Devereaux, P.R. 4. Z �T�ua Co., attended the fuiieral of , I use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed deader.; " bormeshoeing.. RALPH DAVIDSON; Win- F)OR :SALF-AXMTNSTFR RU kO&LER,-Tn' So-,t,t MemorQ 41=11wo, ; I 1 - Limited , .41 dresser with 1147 and 267 : Seaforth I I , throp. Phone 832 r 22. 4242xg bAyvelled mirror; A-1 an April 5, to Mr. and Min. .his uncle -the late Wm. Berry, of I . . �i._ . � I SpenceT heater, ahront new: kitchen drop Kophlet, R.R. 3, Seai�Drtb, a Ban, �, I . . . I �tj. - . 1, FERGUS, ONTARIO Teal table: white kitchen cupboard with NIGH -In Scott Memorial Hospi I - - - l ;Y,� t& on i,4,�, HOG FARMERS lack ttim: modern walnu.t veneer dining April 6. to Mr. and M rs. Joe Nj�� sea- - - mmak, �4- I ERS room suite. uped a short time: 2 -burner forth, a daugbter. . . ,�.'� I., Are your bogs annernfe, pale or I 4'%. hot Plat,-: electric heater: bevelled oval KERR,-In Scott Memorial Hospital on , ,' scurfy? 'Use Firin's Rog Fix, one pound 1. Revive Your aneamic weak, seoury, mirror. about 2411 % 141f; 1 pair ,home- April 7, to Mr- and Mrs. Mex kerr, I ��,t; treats one Pic'. 11, i. c1iiek-R and turkey poultA with Finn's Red Ppun Jrap": cooking uterails: leather R�M 1, Seadorth, a daughter. , tl: 2. You should cl�eworm your bogs with Slood Ouickly Tablets. Costs quarter cent brief. case: large picture frames: curtain FORREST-In Victoria' Hospital, London, ,�,­ Vinm's Hog Oanditioner -And Intes&nal chick, half cent turlcey poult, Simply put crnri�; pipe avem. Can be een pro - �,, "''. Cleanser. Simply fed in the fee& . a 2-5 . .. on April 6, to, Mr. and Mrs. Frank For- 31t,�:. in drinking water. and 7-9. PHONE 192-3. 4248xl rest (nee Etlie) Clarke, Hensall). a smi.L'Iberal Meet"in,gs- , 10RE11V . ��"4'� 4 , 3. Save money on your hog feed, at 2. Avoid Coccidiassis by using Finn's �� I _ . , /,": r east fift cents -per haa. Mix Finn's Box Ke, Tablets and Finn's Poultry CondiJ I , , ,�:l,,,' __ THE AAG a !44l:.'�, _ Minerals, contains no salt. No cancem- tioner arnd Intestinal Cleanser every I z -f"'." . I 0 4.�, traten are needed an ouip plan. month for three months. Simply fed in Cards of Thanks lifiliffilillillifillillillilillitillilifilililI 0 "";,� �. 4, To have healr6hy. atr� litters of the water and .the feed. - � I � ­�j, . vigs. feed Your sows Finn's Hoz Minerals 3 Mix your own growing mash fo MR. JOHN EARLE WTSHES To I WESTERN SWINGBILLIES I � Z,. �, r . !; , ". �,� � at least tvrevty�five pounds from breeding You'r birds. Sale from sixty to eivbty thank his many friends for cards, � Organization Meetings for the purpose of Elect- SpOng Grasses, rich In I . , to weaning. sure ;,�., � Costs $2.50 to im a cents p�,r baz by using Firm's feeding flowpcq and treats sent film while a profiins and vitom'Ins Ora � ;i "', ,I"._ , Strong healthy litbew. � Plan u9ing straisrht grain and Finn' � � ,� �! ...... 5. Do Your suckling oigs scour? Ure potlitry Tonic. Stayt feed.ing at 11 patient �n Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea- ing Offieers and other business,, will be held for, harvested al their nuiritibn !", i� eight forth. Special thanks th the emvl��yees of I . . I �, 0'11-,� . Finn's S.E.S. Tablets, one dose does the weeks of age. I I I , I 1, 'P. , . b. These Products have been J. Bosbart & Sons, members of ,the Leg- sta e show * peak, dehydrated 1. n!lnulss, 'L, rrr � :�,!,t.. I I . ,,,,,,,,,,,. r Jo Costs l6c per piiF. fed and recommended by Harmon Morton, -ion nnd Ladies' Guild of St. 'names' 9 then added to all Roe Vita. I . I � ,,'.L Contact ART HWDERSON, our dis- turkey, , breeder, Ailsa Craig, for ine 11 and TUCKERSMITH ' McKILLOP � , � -1 ; ;� , r n ch roh. 42493tl . I � mized F�eds . . a "green 14 � , , ,�, ; trid salesman. Phone Setforth 830 r 23.' years, and thousands of Ontario Poultry " . .. I., Ad tat ,help Yalb. Or OLIVER, PRYCE, flocks. FAMILY, OF THE LATE VhLLIAM In In . gold" dW bonu for p4sullry, , J ! I .. li�,: , 7. Wt. I, ,S"Viorffi, Ont. THE Ba - ; .1 Contact ART HENDERSON, our dis- Berry. Biloc�fleld, wish to thank their . ,_�'!!�. rn Dance . fivastock. !,. " .� I!, � R, A. PINN & 00. LTD., triet salesman. Phone -Seaforth, 889 r 23, many friends, relatives and neighbars for , . WATSON'S HALL , WINTHROP HALL . , (;i�j'�,�;','. LONDON, ONT. about all jour livestock probleans, he can their kind eXprossiona of s7mpathy in FROM CFPL, LONDON I . I %'.�;,-, I o, '!!�".' . 4243-4 help vrou. or OLIVER PRYCE, A.R. 1, their recent bereavement: to the Pall- � � 6. �. I Rr" ',��'i_��., e L 4 SeAforth, Ont. beAr�ers. the ftower-bftrers, and to those Featuring Bob Mason,,talleft I L;�,�'� ­: . . Kippeti Winthrop 'P' �,r,.,-" �,�,�-� � "'. - 1 - � �,­. �;,� ,,,,,, , __ , CATTLE MEN _R. A. FINN & 00. LTD,, who so kindly loaned .their cars. Spfyeftl Singing Cowboy. . � _-Z-1.Arm 6-",?, ,,-- I ... �,!� 1;� : ,,, thahka to Rev. B. R. Stanway, tj� the �,''�;�,, ,. , ", 11 I ., -MONDAY, APRIL _11th MOND^ APRIL 11th NG C 1. . . . 1 ;, , l'?, 1,: � . � -CAtft-M MEN 130 YOU HAVE SOME LONDON, ONT. ntrartette who rendored so beautifully � I . I ,, � ,,, � , ,r, . W? 4243-4 "Thii Old Rugged Gross." . ROE FARMS MILLI ,�,: 0�',` , 1n0n,bmM;r Do your balom have I 0.* ATWOOP,t� ONL , ."l'Lj�"j,.`11'. addtdil Do You have some 66*6 which - � . I N* .... W.".6- "'4:, �.* . Town..Hall,,Hensall : 1. '' 'Ot Ahnst rtikhtl D6 Von -_ SAM WHITMORE AND FAMILY V181H , at 8,80 p.m. at 8.30 O.M. . ,�­`..,,,�'t� ! ,, �, �O e .,,'A have I to eixrms their d,%ep appredisf(on to . : N. -W I i �, ,�, �!, 1 .1, ',, Ii., 1;.: ,I � E�iau* or oma f* roatheat, Do Yowt Deaths thetr friendo; knd' n4ighboft for the thtink , t ' , �. I ­ YOU CAN GET ROWFE I I _1.1��11. �*, �� iikt'40i 16igd�gj' 41 AIr I I I.", �..­­. . bb*C1 � !� 11 I ­ 1.11, I .1 ,­ �.� 11 - . . palky given to I 0""." i i . � I . '', . I Em ]FROM: `i,�i�, 44 , , . lbf by I , . .. , . � ��,z��L, N .: - . � I th " � Xi%slZ 4.,l w, I - hind expressions of sym -at .Pri 9 .. r "'. . R16�,-Iti To � � ­, . � 611V eltktmith, oil Friday, the I I " . V ,g, ,_%, Sea, APO� 1. dbriabbba MAry Townsend I&v- beaOtIfUT flol%i tribUtPA. 1116 Ion" of tAft I I - e, Seafo ' ,.. , ob ! ."i ,H�a = S .a, A , U , 1, 911 in in thoir',i;c6at bereavement, for the � . ", . 1. i Sao WMT90 , , 1111� I "'! I , 11111., 21' , , I I I I ALL A - D; To . . Ak .P,,-&,M,u�t4,"A, 13rur,efield "`,­j""�"�,,'­'.T , I RE IN" BE ,VROONT, �. rth �:!%', �,_;I, M'Sif. - 11, - . 1, "I I Ill* VAM of Sam .9, Wh and ,411 other exprI.&BIOM f yinfttby� 8.90 until midnight , . . , I I �. , � .. I L �� .", � I - ' ' ' . j� I I , 1.,;11 ,:,:"��, -" ,, � I � . I i. 1 I 0�1 - � j'A' �, r , I ftmore, in hdr - � - I . .. t;,,' ", ' ; . ,� 11 , W. R. Davids6n, Hensall , ; I i::1 , ,4' - * ­�l . I A, " � , 'L,� ­ ., � . �,,, , ' .� �' : I "I., � 1,:'_-: v, ,: � 4�,.� .� ­- �.. I ... 1. .. I. 1. 1 4 , ', ,� " � ........... ,,,,"I, . . . . . . . I. -.1.1 -1-----;"-_ .. 814, dl�i, Staft� ! , , ,.$L � 0 1 � � " I'll " �,�;,.,��:, �. . , , � J�. ; "50 . � 'T bko M -Mast -dr an 9 shy , I . � ,, �"..�, V I 4, & �06."` � 69th wat. fteoial thAttlat t4 Mrs, Catnod'ha* A;4 1 4 ADMISSION., 76e 'atid also L .1 � d� , 11 -111 �,��,'�� , , , '. I , , " ,. y ft I 0 ' JWCOWAN�46 MeJ01615i oti ThurAfty, Miss "6*60,, - L d r , I . . , t%i_,,P � �, �;, � ,," _ . . , , , �OgD'6V. 6ft". 'L ' L 11 . 001. : Q'herenge ; I I I .. - t . '. , " . �i, I. Ath-11 7. Dlificali W000WAn, in his 77th ItOVt , W� Jr. � W6&9'r6*, Mt. Son Scott and , sser &,, Dleg�j��',�,t:9(5 apu , I ­­'1.1�1� ."i::,��!;-. 7- � ;] '' ., i%�,_t�,,,t. ,,. ". I 1, 77--_ � ', ,� I I IIL � ,,, ;I-! iq, ,F_7 �o , � ,. ., j - . . * ,� t" ""I I '� �� ; I" 11 I ' �;�` " ' '� i � 4' . I , " , �, �� ; ,� , . � �, " � �� �,� , ;, � - % , I. 11 I . � I � . 1, � -L ,, , I .. 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