HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-08, Page 2'i ' ,. _.,. '., ,,, ,r µ '�:: ,,., 61_�10 .. ,.. �,,. ,. ., . l.. .. , „ :.( 3 as i 11 I e T,T,S et �CiN .. . 1 • it r .. ...: , .0 O is r .�" ILI. I '• ,, were t_ la i a , ill h he bit nC a sin r r � , EXPO ., „ ,.. p , .. li fid, , d , :. , . ate of � � q0 o aW. �� ..'„`� : � r , at the A Q eats ns .>< . .. , .,.. .. P f . e. „e d)tQj.. e e_. ”. .L.t . _ r . P . + , n ear th re se > title chance o AAPO . a x l �v , .;y. F . , f th ntarlo ev ra uc beef z x_ ss of Daae u sy Flar �►,'op la ..; ;'"'."M ,r ,. !7t� ? x 1� '�`,r . c Hcg star !?.L N1. ed • &. 7l . ti v e ,' /'.r' p a !1 ids•- 9mW9 Ag coil ' I Qa in ,, ,'1 , .: ,F' ' .. Tl.?"sd of ern�oon b' McLean lets. In fact there eve likelihood had ,to o Into t m ke Bu I �. �,. ea l ,tri t ! da . Mr;Ie e- 4 Y z'Y . X h 4 tar, to a t I've Kot a;ieite '�raml in�i, .,,. A a . o ution was edr b ice ? ., ,.Y a semi annual' en o the I re lied as I shed out e e n b in ; 9h;:h sea`alt,thla t bbl. k ' :;,,,,� that the North A�merieaani continent PaYm �,;..:;?� F � � of letter u ter Lio,ts Clu that rhe. � sprier � � x� t o mortgage. I had .other„ i) mese, of l had received' about getting busy cozn>ni'ttee be empowered to 19t, The other nom1up6p weare 14�!Ie9'. rr?' ' ' " irS 30o1i going t0 lee ShUrt of beef t0 course, :but it seerRred' ke,d goad and Makin a' &yment on the p .. end u to $x QOU to obtain Gans J ik Saunde4 , • Croaer3ch, and + " �1', r Member of Canadianb „ F F , •s .Br,,g1gn , ,+t1�. Wast 'Wawaxtosh. ' k time. to clear iiia whale, matter 'uP• moletggga; > and* rolnat i cr 1!..e meet its own consuming demand. r ., ..,:.:. `,, : p, a ap..r "1eekly lewpapers t, use=' j -Iftsufficient funds to laird' a hospital The togrut, hail Waa'::fuil o .alit h ' w v I the dieabargilrg F >M s that terwith herlALr.9na son turn , 9n or near Exeter. It is estimated antictlppo�a>p *^lk a?t�tnrd. �,' , w , :+, Assoc atlon, " gives you a , sand feeling, Ma9'be ed out to ',be a ,woman pf about s.. that 'to build a 25�bed hospital bheaptaM Beta ,$illfi Hat '` I ;., n 1�avigat lFiu wrtlt`ao' Aed'.`.1T' on m erten d.tsuat com aAy':ih4.'-a_ heaa't, fifty; with. hair.tha'C-seemed-tc►•-lra�e cost •wohld bei `$175,90,Q.-_Clinto � �e 1, 1 �- tion rates, $2.00 a year m k, and they Possibly nwoulti welcome been dyed red or something, and. - News-Rccorh. Thursda,:: .eveRtn=: . wtea r leapt , r AV, 06�:;, forei $2.50 a -ear. Single Atomic Ener And The �'ctrm me. looked closer•. t0 ' , rercy Buttery #ailie�i'3nto, 'Qod!erich $1eA t�}aA a$l* ,; "` 1.,t� In what must heave''°formerly t Underwent Operation " "e g.. t18i1 S each. thing. She'•didn' t mance any, words. �. : harbor w tL :, It 0, tapkdr�' IWP A41 +1 4 M -We bays beenradvtseci fat Rev, • Pr _ been aA old Greek temple; ,found She just Sipped uF a, Sae aPPaTatua is' ; lA F" 3 ' { ' �% er7l. ° r amish: Kingston, at: 6,64 ,lp„ek _,ho.f!$Qi lit e After the atomic bombing of Hir ar the offices oP rile Triter a Loan a d me I o oil. L w„?ogrpr, t,, .. ,, „ 4, rid. tui Wed Tao argil h .anti' tr i urcli Zur, r Itivertlsin rates Ona llcatlon. n ,. , .., had, beam, encauntead �n#o way �' g pp Company. BOY, the,,°1, b >` of that so man as $ `overdue `stud :the. eek o „qtr q4' Vie0 . > ashlma andTagasak'1 exaggerated d� y, .n ' y 1 ioh,rl�nae from ' Sarnia, 4the:7ataiq ° Baia, it �° x ;..;.I t qw pf fdgeto, has road' was a "good tr!•Q� It . as the barns L, Aathort$ed as Second' Class Mail stories of the btim er aro s that fol- place was 'bigger, t>xaP ,.,axl3 barn amount of extra interest, end wet , , 1� plr SlyliAs Ott tlk118i11 I a?t A>?,4R•+IIeTornl�id 9n St. dos-' OhiP an+L:thp arose 83dplter that had ` Post office Department, Ottawa I've ever seen. People were mov- was that, I reached• in My. Ipocket . ,., , - ePlxis, sl'tt- 1, Undon; and Is pro. , ' ,;` ri F lowed In the wake of the bombing Ing around In all aireotitlns and for my, pocketbook and �aome” bah �” 'bice(, a.:. ,l . previous'ly.:ePa>ttt.haarxYia Week 1A t I a grfs911 119ety, 'We join Father, ` ^ ' were Common. And almost four typewriters were clicking and chaff came out with it, in a dis- I P f '' an effort ,to �bre:�elk,...through t�ha!%e R.iawe}r's .litany Zurich friends' ani r+;, clacking and nobody seemed' to dadnful sort of way she 'brushed' r, lei ,„, ,,,ill at tiro Iea;rbgr .emr"pgq. ,and had ,. 8'ORTH, Friday, April 8, ]949 years later these same stories er- yi>Ulag hlm'.apeeay reg°°e l l� want to pay any �attentiOn I nod- them Prom the counter. ro +�stwlr oM HR� rs a+P wusurr , been canlpelled to return to Sarnia 42 ,' 1, sed and slmiled and beckoned and I left that building with the 6 ”' t puri er to await better conditions. Captain 1 S1St in certain agricultural circles'. Arre.lNarried 50 Years ai,•,, waved; and it was remarkable ttlhe seeds of loneliness in my' heart. ` .. ` Mr` aAd' l�fis': "'JRhA' {3an4pbe11, of Butters was escorted .,to. the Town i The Chcxrltable Grits Act Y949 The result has been that wide mis- way they dldnt see me at any Certainly, in my experience, pap- " Hall J>ylHarboruiasker'T d'ritahara ' t x ' Eseter, -vrere married• 50;,yeaas agar and was given a' cordial' civic wel- COIICe tion exists as to.the manner in time. Finally, one womau�'took pity Ing money on the mortgage was 9, g As a result of the thousands of pea>S n� and an weir gold'ea'wedlding omni• come b Ma ar George I1iacEwan, +!1 on me and asked me what want- pleasant affair. and often the i„ ,:; �i _, : ver&ary tray relatives, and ' -friends: y Y ° i r which the discovery Of atomic en- �, mortgager would invite you In a ' interesting' li#emll "Ricked From .:came„•,po rtheir old farm 00 e, 2*4 memb�em-bf' tba 'tbwn'oori'nci2 =eine' kf, � *ords that have, been written con- er CaII ltimatel aid the farmer. She then directed me to the ale cordial wap to have a sip of some- officials. Deputy a Pre nt W.I. Bait- r cerni the Charitable Gifts Act p Y The' Huron;rp�,ttb, Y11veh cace$sion; Hay* �'awnahip,• to ex- er in uxakdAg- 'the Presentation of 3,, �{'a vator and the third Spar. I was thing or artier. �i ' The fact is, aCCOrdin io engineers nears tyan►e x�d `F`Ittj� Years' ;A'tio : , 'tend cougratulatlans aid to bring „fie 2raditipnal silk to Captain 1949 which has been introduced b g Doming 2a nave an 'new idea of Timidly i broached the subject gifts A'?three-storey wedding cake; i?an " �1;+tr x Y of a leading Canadian chemical firm the size of the trust and loan busi of .the weather .to the waiter in n Suttera, sera It wne3°always a' plea- . .• E ' Provincial Conservative Govern- ness. The third floor w' ce tree hire table aeeorated, in gold sure ° t.. look forward" to• '•the t}pen r d'4 t the n0 Concrete evidence has been rod aa'I just as the flashy bar, but she only smirk- S' and wiitte. The GaRAFb ls'.have two ., • P ,bus as the first. I s,up a they ed and said', "Yeah, terrible!" The From The ltuion •Exq a6itor � Ing of navigation, 1faA ycu,• U,ot �� merit, and the arguments and coon- y , Sana, :earl: of tie aI :Zrame&teaa, had, to battle ice (aitl1d to the , duced to prove that greater yields stored their money on the becond waitress gave me a cold stare April 11,` 1924• sand Porey' ,thirteen •'grandchildren +w, der arguments that have been made, floor. I asked for Mr. A, L. An- when I spoke to her. The desk Ade previous' attemmpt),`you-'would hive i there i a tendenc t0 lose si ht of come from soils exposed to an atom putation composed of Wm. slid six great grandc)}ildmeni May' y g demon and the girl looked, 'surpris- clerk an t e hotel gave me a com- achieved the, earliest 'bpenlov of y , ! Ament, .J{.. M..McLean; Chan. Stew they enjoy with good' :healtlh many navigation lin Lhe• histo of bomb blast. Teams of agricultural ea. plate brush-off and i went to -bed, and A. F. Cluft, together .with' more annivers'arie&.--Zurich Her- bode the � `one odious feature Of the bill, "There's no A. L. Anderson here, realizing again that It's a world rich," Deputy Reeve aitch' con ,, scientists who visited the scene ofa committee of Huron' Old Boys old; Sluice, n i r What is 'that by virtue of the act the wirer did you want to see about. without friendliness' in it. and.M': Forbes' commattee;.waited Fish and Game Ctyb. Elects ,,-a$ta{ tAt@as ;also was ,' ,,: x the bombings found little to Sub- on'the ICanaaddan �Natilon4l'Ioffici ` A well attended meeting of the P seAtedrwi:th a'plctuma oi" tire'has- v provisions of the will of the late J. bor for his &hip.-;Godoric'h`•siguaI stantiate, rumors that radioactive on Frlday, and were succes'sfu'l in wdAgham, Fish and Gatne 0lub was Star• r S. Atkinson; owner and publisher of procuring a sPeciai 'train from To- held. in• the council chambers -on 0 1 Soil accelerated plant growth. Blit Tonto for the Old Boys' ;Reunion. Lions Hear Bailey Bridge Address: F' The Toronto Star, are altered. Just A Smile Or Two Fridley evening with Geo. H. Orvis Tfie' 'damous "Bailey brldge 3 - 1n their Own laboratories the - are * Among the replies •received were in the chair. The activities of the t r , ., which proved invaluable afro ihe,, NO One criticizes the Legislature a.i i a warm letters from Miss Jessie A. E . collecting dividends for the farmer - - - - - year were discussed aria the fel- A1,IiecL Forces during warla,.war' ilY its apparent desire to guarantee g Case, Yonkers,' N,Y.; Mrs: ,tether lawns officers elected: Pres'., Joe Il in Parddng s2resurs and rivers,. ' u from the atom bomb. The neat was oppressive at the voters why they ,should return him 'ins Smith, Flint; Mich.; Edwin C. Clark; vice-pres.; Jack Ludwig; was described. in 'detail, with the 1 the proper operation of charitable �_ cattle market, so after ev®rything as their M.P. Moller, BesivilIe, Sask.; Dan, Wil- sec: tress., Bill .h'enderaon; con 11 Through use of radioactive tree- Sia of modiela at last week's stn_ I was all over armer No, 1 asked "I am a prabtical farmer,-, said Mims. Chicago; 'Mrsl iDr.) Frisbee, veners of committee: Streams, R. trusts. That is its duty, and one iter meeting oP Clinton Lions torah ers, scientists are solving ,one of the Farmer No. 2 to "step across home he boastfully at one meeting. "I Butte, Montana; Mr. and Mrs. Nor -J. Galbraith; complaints, Tenant in St. Paul's Parish Ball, Major R. I t which in the words of Premier Ken- and halve a glass of cider." can plough, reap, mrilk cows, work man Ireland',. Climax, 3as•k.; Fred Henderson; to sign &treams, Dave greatest mysteries of all times ---how H. Latimer, Dominion Roan Ma- _11nedy it may have been long overdue He, went, sampled the cider, and a chaff -cutter, shoe a horse — in J. Franks, Preston; Frank CaTrall, Fortune; entertainment, W. S. chinery Cq., God,erich, who spoire plants take elements from the Soil was asked his opinion. fa t," he went on proudly, "I should Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hall; membership, J. Ludwig.— ' ° m Performing.But when in the pro- Blanchard and Mass L. M. Wight= win ham Advocate Times, was introduced by W. E. Perdue, u p and convert them into food for man- "How many barrels did ye say like you to teff me any one thing g and was thanked in behalf of the i cess of providing such safeguards It ye made?" he asked. about a _farm which I cannot do." man, Nelson', B,C.; Chas. Clark, Little Girl Breaks Le " p g f kind. In one ex eriment the fertil- a Club by Cliffaxd H. Epps. The draw t, 11 "Fifty-three. Not bad, eh?" Then, in the impressive silence, Windsor, and Geo. W. Holman, Little Beth. reaches into the past and by legisla.- y Jean, .•six -year -std was. won by W. H. Robinson. Presi- . , ized soil with radioactive Su er hos- Farmer No. 2 shook his head 'a small voice asked from the back county clerk, Goderich, ' ' p p sail " lief. and Mrs. Ja&. Hill, Staffs, daughter of Rev. R. 'C. and Mrs'. dent J. George Mci,ay, was irx ,tion alters the intent of the will of a y. ` Tis a great pity ye didn't of the crowd': McCallum, had the misfortune to char e'of the meeting. A certificate phate, grew clover, fed it to a Cow have another apple. Ye could' have "Can you lay an egg?" librarian and Sunday school teach- fall while playing in ,the school of membership was presented to 71 deceased citizen, it is open to the and fed a calf on the cow's milk. Af- raade iifty-Your." •er, 1> Ch respectively, of Cromarty fore nine o'clock, Dr., N. C. Jack- Mayor Robert Y. Hattin.' 'a decent I of all who hold a man's x "You say for tweet years he's Church, entertained the Sunday ter such a diet for a month the calfs y y spit was called and Betty Jean was member, by R. S. Atkey. .R Gordon " ti° x He was• a perfect wonder, was never 'gone out without his wife?" School 'superintendent, Mr. James .taken' to Alexandra Haspirtal,where Bennett, agricultural r testament as inviolate, Scott and Mrs. Scott, Rev. D. Rit- representative ,i bones were analyzed to determine the parliamentary candidate fora "Yep. Seems he'd' rather hake Shia and' Mr . Ritchie, and the K- showed the large bone of for Huron County, was initiated, as V '• The Provincial Treasurer, Mr. certain 'agricultural district. Ana, her with him than -kiss' her good- her right le the amount of radioactive phosphor- teachers• of the Sunday School on g to be broken between a member, the ceremony being Frost, who is fathering the legisla- he was never shy of telling the bye." the knee and. the ankle. Betty Jean conducted b G. (). Agnew, chair- __',•, us the contained. The im ortance Friday evening. Y tion, suggests an effort is lain made Y p was later taken to her home on' m'an membership oomamlttee, as - Miss Margaret Grieve, daughter 11. Ig of phosphorus to bone building In Park St., where she . will be con- sited by Second vice -President of- Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve, of to evade the payment of certain sue- fined for some time. She is a pupil Hugh R. Hawkins and. President both animals' and humans need hard- • Egmondville, 'has been appointed: of Victoria School.—Goderieh Sig McLay. Four delegates were nam- eession duties, and that the settin �, Huron Federation of valedictorian for this year's class g Iy be mentioned. at the Stratford Normal School, nal -Star. ed 'to represent the' elintoa Club s up of the Atkinson Charitable F' Dari- Employing similar techniques, ra- The Misses Mulcahy are moving Liberals Choose Candidate at the Liana International Conlvea dation was designed to perpetuate . Agriculture Farm News 9 into the residence they recently R S. Hetherington, wingh•am tion in,'New York City In 'Jrfily— ' dioactive calcium has been used to purchased from Mr. C. Finkbeiner, lawyer, was chosen as candidate barite Brown, B. B. Pocklington, control of the valuable newspaper when the North Huron Liberal As- C. W. Draper and H. R. Hawkins. Study caleiiim metabolism in ani- Miss Frances Crich, of Seafarth, satiation held its annual meeting—Clinkon News -Record. properties. If he is in doubt as to the was among those who were chosen ` mals' radioactive sulphur for Sul- Reliable Seed three or four days after freshen- to take responsibility for the payment Of ' For avast. plant crops many Ing. part do a demonstration of 1.11 p y . phur axed vitamin B studies; radio- varieties of seed are 'available. When on pasture dry Sows home nursing, put on by Dire De- j isuceeSSion duties he can readily Ob- Partmen't of Public Health and Y active iron for iron metabolism. Some are especially adapted to a require no additional grain as a The Statesman -FYOm ` tarn a decision by referring the district or for some specific pur• rule, Plenty of exercise and a good, Home Nursing in the new auditor - Radioactive elements have also been rum at Aima Cailege, S't. Thomas, (condensed from National Rome . matter to the courts. Legislation is Pose, A Sareful choice is all-im- water supply is needed for cows in on Saturday. not necessa used in insect psychology -110w lit- Portant—it enables a grower to the tate pregnant stage, Avoid y' Q Monthly, by Bruce Hutchison, ing wqr P ppery footin crowd- At a well -attended' meetn held uebee t . • take full advantage of the Ic of exposure to slippery g g sects transmit diseases. r at the Dick House on Monday eve- Reader's Dagest) When Mr. Frost denies there is p,lent breeders. t ing with other cows, or movement Hing, the Huron Football Club was While the scientists agree atomic Misrepresentation as to variety through narrow passageways or retroactive feature in his bill, he energy is not going to result in Jack or type constitutes a violation of narrow doorways. reorganized with the following offi- Eight years ago, when• he was siren dw public life. Intellect the provisions of th'e Seeds Act. cars: Pres., J. McKenzie; sec., A. drafted into the Canadian Govern- alone, however, does not make a ignores the fact that the control of W. Dick; committee: D. Reid, wil- e and the Beanstoek growth, it does The Inspectors of the Plant Pro son Wright, Wm, Wright, Joe Ment for temporary wartime ser- statesman. would the new man the Star enterprises, as envisa ed b ducts Division of the Department Farm Land Values vice, Louis -Stephen St. Laurent stand fire? yf g Y provide a definite benefit to agricul- sins; junior subcommittee: Wal - 19r. Atkinson, and as set out in his of Agriculture take official sam- The average value of occupied lace Parke, H. McMillan, Gordon, naively confessed: "I know nothing The answer came in 1944 when '' tore in that it opens an entire new pies for growing tests of seed farm land in Canada in 1948 is re- o£ politics and, have never had any- ,the King government was breaking , I,.., :will, is altered. In fact, more than stocks offered for sale, and if such Ported at $39 per acre, an increase Carn'oehan, A. Matthews; thing to do with Politicians." To- up on the issue of French Canada s. field of research that ultimately will Y tests show that the steed was mis- of 11 per cent over the average M'r. Harry Hinehley left for Tam- altered—wiped Out would be closer indicated in 1947, and an inSrease worth, where he will manage .a day, at 67, the is Prime Minister of rejection of conscription for over- ` mean dollars in the pockets Of represented as to variate the 'sell- of 62 r cent over the 1935 39 av- creamery for the Bowes Co., of Canada and a world figure, seas service. Without hesitation St. ' tO the truth since under the terms er map be prosecuted under Sec- Toronto, Before the war he accepted with- Laurent in a speech` of a Raw hon- ' farmers. erage, according to the Dominion out question the isolationism of Laud words announced that w bun- Of the Act the foundation is requir- tion 9 of the Seeds Act. Bureau of 'Statistics', Increases ov- • ' .0 * * ae er 1947 levels were reported in all From The Huron Expositor his French-Canaddan race. Now he for the draft because it was, neves- ,, ed t0 dispose of 90 per cent of its in- is the uncompromising leader of sary to win ,the war, But all, the kterest in the businesses. Paovinces with the exception of April 14, 1899 Canada's new internationalism, He calculations of his, colica Smelt Time ' Cows Need Care Before Freshening New Brunswick. guns, St. 1. There are occasions when one can- A black bear was seen on the wa, the first responsible North l Laurent ,had committed political ' �Iot agree with the editorial stand of Special care of,the dairy cow 'be- 16th concession of Grey one day American statesman to propose suicide. With the feel of Spring definitely fore freshening is highly import- Legume Silage For Dairy Cows last week. the North Atfantic defense sys- But when. he took the issue to The Toronto Star, but this is not•one in the ai'r, it is only natural that the ant. Proper attention at this time The use oLlegume silage as, a As Thos. Murdoelf, Hensall, was tem'; and, his chief task today is, the voters, of his isolationist con - not only assures the economic pro- feed for dairy cows is not ,new. driving home from Seaforth recent- the co-ordination of the Canadian stituency in Quebec East, he was bf them. One cannot avoid the feel- thoughts of many nimrods will be- duction of milk, but also the con- However, its relative value as a lY, his team shied and fell over the and American• economic systems. ,given a larger majority than either ing that the purpose of the bill intro- s� xr tinned foundation oP the dairy, herd' replacement in the ration for end of a culvert, one on the other, St Laur2nt's entry into the Can- Laurier or Lapointe, hist two anti= n to turn to smelt runs_ Millions b standard ion y developing strong, healthy, phage feeds, such as upsetting the rig and injuring Mr. siren Government came about conscriptipnis,t 'predecessors, had duced by the 'government is much of silver smelt, seemingly aching to calves. corn silage and legume shay, has Murdoch about the head. One of quite by chance. when, the French- ever ,received. A man' who could t% " broader than appears on the surface. move from rivers and streams into .- Good herd management should received considerable attention in the horses got away and, he rode Canadian patriarch, .Ernest La- Persuade Quebec to accept con- K allow for a dry period of one to recent years. In addition to ,its the other Ihome. Pointe, died in 1941, the- ruling Lib- scription was a man to lean on. ' r,; the frying pans of farm and town two months between lactation relatively high nutrient content, Mr. N. Con'tin•e, of St. Joseph, is eral Party was without a com- King leaned heavily on St. Laurent 'r':' . 0 folk alike, are due to "run" within during which the dairy cow can be legume silage has certain advant making preparations for another manding leader in French Canada. after that. "I'll built up for the succeeding Iacta- ages, A legume crop can often active season's work there and Quebec's, support was essential' to' St. Laurent's' toughness suddenly the next two weeks and there is ev-, . tion, Cows freshening at twelve be saved as silage when weather hopes to have his large store and the life of Mackenzie King's gov- aPPeared for all to see when a min - The Cattle Industr x month intervals give the most conditions are unsuitable for Sur- hotel building completed and ready ernmen•t and+ to the prosecution of or official of the Russian embassy. , y ery indication that this years run g P the war. Cumin in Ottawa arca economical annual milk yield, Ing as Tray, Often a supply of sil- for occupancy by fall. The sawmill g back to Ottawa ped -to reveal a Com - i. Beef cattle producers have always may be of record proportions, ac- At the Central Experimental age may, be obtained in some Io- is running full blast and is cutting on the train from Lapointe's fun- monist spy rims do Canadn King, been haunted with the fear of low cording to officials of the Ontario Farm, Ottawa, says V. S. Logan, calities in years where the season up the large stock -of logs in .the eral, King appealed in desperation attempting to balance Canada pre Department of Lands. and Forests. , cows are bred to freshen at the is too cool or too short for grow- yard: to Charles Gavan Power, the most cariousdy between the United` prices and loss of markets. Sad ex- p same time each year, permitting ing corn, Other advantages, include M'r'. Wm. Robb has disposed' of practical po4ifician in Quebec. States and Russia at a time where perienees over many years have led The smelt has a peculiar attraction ten months recorded, production a Possible saving of nutrients, com, his comfortable 'brick residence on Power said: "Get St, Laurent." But Peace by conciliation still, seemed t • and' approximately two months dry. pared. with hay made under ordin- G•oderich St, to Dr. Cooper, Con- who, asked, Icing, was St, Laurent? Possible, was, concerned that the them to the conclusion that they can for even the most inexperienced fish- This ideal procedure is not always ary methods; sometimes l'e'ss waste stance, who takes possession on He was, replied Power, a lawyer spy scandal might aunoy the Rus- never be certain that their produe- man. Maybe It is because he possible in the case of difficult in feeding compared wfth ordinary May 1. and a great man,, though nobody sians. ' breeders. hay; and under certain condition&, M'r. R. R. Ross, who has gradual knew that pet. But as Minister of Justice, St. tion can be sold at. a profit. doesn't have to be proficient with Some livestock farmers feed' a Iles soil loss by erasion where ed from the Dental College, Torun- For a man such as St. Laurent, Laurent moved in with the Mount In its current "Letter on Canadian rod and reel. Or again, it may be liberal amount of grain during the legumes 'are grown,. On the other to, has leased the nice brick real. King's invitation to enter the war 6I Police, midn:igh't arrests and a .11 » latter part of the lactation, to hand, legume silage may ,beve, d,enee of Mr. Kline and intends government was and (order from the secret royal commission,. Expert on Livestock Products, the Industrial that he is reasonably assured of get- bund the tows, up in condition and disadvantages, Compared1with hay, shortly to become a resident of commander-Into a soldier in oon'atitutiottal law `though he is, he Pend Development Council of Cana- ting a full catch, with only the mini- then feed good quality roughage 'Iegume silage is` more ddfficult and' town. the line, even though it meant rode roughshod' over the customary without ,grain .during the dry costly to store; 'sometimes cattle PlHor 'to the departure of Jas. A, abandoning a Iarge income from his individual liberties, So that they ' than Meat Packers comments an mum of equipment. per A probable difficulty with will not consume as much of it as coal ` Reid, late of the Ogilvie Mill, for law Practice. Madame St. Laurent d not warn their accomplice's, ;what in its Opinion the future holds HlstOry of the Smelt In Great this procedure is that persistent corn. silage; and it often n�a a the Northwest, he was burst into tears at the unwelcome pests were locked up, were presented the sus dor the cattle industry. Lake waters dates back about forty milkers will ,her 'harder to dry off penetrating and disagreeable odor. with an address from the Sons of prospect of (breaking up their be- denied counsel, communication while EPtill receiving grain. Although the percentage of dry Scotland,, The presentation was loved home in Quebec and moving with their families and .habeas "the year 1949 should be the year Years when they were first introduc- Dry cows at the Central Experi- matter in ,legume silage may vary made by Chief Alex Stobie, and to 'an Ottawa apartment. corpus for some time. Many liber - I' ?to start rebuilding herds and this re- ed, it is believed, by Michigan soffit mental Farm, Ottawa, are fed good) considerably, an approximate figure John Rankin, secretary, and was Nobody Paid much attention to al -minded Canaddans were autrag- f quality legume, or mixed legume is 23 per cent, SOM,pared' with 2'1 expressive of the..best wishes for The rather shy man of 59 who •turn- ed by St. Laurent's methods. No , ' , building will take time. A cattle Orities as a possible food for lake and grass 'hay, and corn or legu�nre Per cent '£or corn silage and 86 .Mr. Raid's prosperity in his new ed up one day in the cabinet room one had expected that ,the gr]tet 'copulation in Canada of 15,000,000 trout and other fish. Almost over- silage, These are fed at the rate per cent far red, clover hay. The home. as Minister of Justice, A Pace lean; gentleman from Quebec could act #should not be too `large a tar et. g of one pound of hay and three total digestible nutrient& do the Mr, John Smith, Hensalll, had the ruddy, ,looking half Its age diesplte sa ruthlessly.11 �v,, g ni ht; they increased to Vast riUm- Pounds aP legume silage daily for dry' matter of these crapw are 53 misfortune to have one of his flu- 'the white hair and mustache; As a cabinet minister and a f Wath year domestic beef eonsump- bers. each hundred Pounds of body per cent for legume silage; 64 per gers (badly bruised, while assisting black, twinkling gyea, a tough quick, g guy, St. Laurent had 'proved weight. Thus a 1,200 Pound cow cent for corn ,silage and; 5S on of ,the machinists in Mr. R.'. himself could, the now establish, should 'be larger, due to increas- w, rile receive 12 g Per gnizzlCal smile and the manner of I.However, about the time the aV- pounds of hap and Brent for legume ha , Di eatible Bell's Foundry in Iianaall, a grand sat near -rhe would serve with the people. y g g oon'tact ? fid' hUMan population. ;Government erage person became educated to the 36 pounds of silage daily, Except prot'edn content of these slamre Mr. A. 'Cardno has leased, the a's, a Quebec showpiece, to be re, He didn't •propose to try, when , f'11�. for cows in run-down condition, no Drop& on a dry basis, is, 6.2 per store in the Carmichael block, re, Moved; as soon as, a real French- the war ended,, St. Laurent, in his stlmates of Canadian population fact they were excellent eating grain fa Ped until from two to three cent, 3.8 per ce!!t and 7.2 per centt cantly vacated by W. J. CIaxk, and Canadian leader turned up. But 60's, had depleted his savings. I 've be@ni:930`W-10,208,000; 194()-- fish, the smelt almost disappeared-- weeks prior to frehhening. Colt!e respectiveIy>. rntends "opening therein a second before long the cabinet began to 1946 he resturned to Quebec andl that are reduced in flesh• are fail 'a >r� feeddnlg trials) with tlafrp coda 'bakery, realize that it had a giant on its prepared to resign,. Q P' ' Y$48 ---X2,883,000, The in- again practically overnight. handle Y g This was grain mixture of four parts grnundt at tii6 Cntrat Expet3m�ental Farm, The 'fal'towing were ticketed out But Prime Minister King aum- rease in qui human population since in the fall of x942, when millions of oats, 4 parts ground barley, 1 part Ot'ta'wa, shy& G. D, MacKenzie, .inr of town, this week by W. somer•- St, Laurent spoke s'eldbm. When moned st. Laurent ' wheat bran, and 1 .part linseed oil which tests, were made wdlth: Ilegume v11de: Jack Spain, to Toledo he dill- min perfect Eng1i&h fleekedt t � Ottawa and % 0: his b , & .1,502,000, At the pre- them were washed ashore, dead, for ,Heal. Minerals are added at fire serape replacing J. J. Ryan to Detroit; Jas. g Ohio; offered, him the one preaious gift ng corn silage, .botch Reid, with undertones`inarerite'd Prom ,his which he had, never shared with dent psi" ca�yita rate of beef cansuinp- no apparent reason. Three years rate of 1 pound of bone meal at}ti wfieii o normal portion aP the they to Dauphin, Man.; VX ",, Andrew Irish mother it was evident titer another—the Portfolio I pound of salt to each one hun- was 'fedl aniil, when, silage madre up Luittle and chdldren to McGregor, he ,ha,d, been, 'doing homework, A P Lia og. fored'gru scar Lftt xnc>wease represents an ad- ago they started to come back, and Bred pounds of weal mixture, xJ�1rs tiro total roughage of the ration, affairs. St, Laurent phoned hrs l sawell, Jr., #o tired Souse of Commons used wife. `t cz al .F a iia Win' H' W. Cre ed to „ She asked' breathiengly: ' , d rid for 101,085,000 last year the catch was hes This a ration of 3 parts each of groun,& nor significant differences Wsere not- Chicago; Alert C'ainpbell, brother- rambling, ovdrsttrffed orator _ what kin ,'r oats, ground barley and wheat ed do milk Yield or in cofidltion of dent y, sad d of im•Prsasdon did you 1fthd� b 'llddstnnually, which means Year, the biologists say, it will be bran, and one part of linseed oil the animals, It woo PaulwMdnu Sas. Ri hamd n, t4 St. flu y ,Pound Itself listendng to a Make?„ A h . Would Appear Brom Ota. w oP plain:, tightly packed 'para- "Ortfoxtunately, I think too p t ly.'20 `,370 eareasaes' or ally heavy. Possibility that the meal together with :tire above •raid these, au,d other trials, that legume The 8opd ori �`itesday was unus� graphs. Each ex " • e of minerals is quite satisfae i a cAxi satislaStorl'I , re lees good." good. ,'. ' population At ;ItIneiritian a bra 11 y p a ' �,Od 1�ead vneeTy, smelt ma O throe h a '> s1 uaily severe in town Drains and leech would have made a respect 1Vaw St. Laurent knew, that he n mash, r ld6 conn sdlag8 or, subs't'itute for legume ditches being filled with Ice the table state paper withatb-t o must Ccnsidea�ing� f ti r t h e r expected cycle, similar to that of the rtid a by scalding or eight Donde 'aftA pa g p im, thhe.ratian Not only, drf thea, ether could not getwa atticl as of a comm VUithitr a Ke ache an abandon his hemPIt bas )i 11, Y)I',4u Ili ;Population, It tltllCy' �i +,, Or ruffed grouse, i1�1 l e2i $i brart site fed Warm, m�y repltico type .oil feed satisfactory' ilwtri. a,feSuit ' icy cellars were iii Cumimons kite Year the me Of life altogether. It hall ' ' bgested• th,a gra{ii' miixture for ble y Inrd w that in intellect; been a good life-an'd the perfect ! . . first, tlaidcl' 3c.„ htLt it i& slab ecottoini+yax. with water. sk, Laurent .was' afar albope any Cllnr i (Continued on Page 6) t4 ' . rr .. ,. , w r j y . V ./ , ., >, r -.: I , S. . ,:: / ... . r. ,.: ,. �, ,.. .: :. . , i r