HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-01, Page 51. V VARNA M. Paxson and family were Sunday guests at. the ,borne ofT. and Ura. •John Allington. Mi. Obas. T'ilgriue, whb,fo'sone. titl4e was 'an Slott Margarita , ilea- ¢rltal, 15'eaffarth, returned Wine. `itchy feeling mueb, better, iklms. Tana Staffer ji;dTxdtg84 Yua thlua ° 9uit 1 her ball '1,? , . Ai}&icon: . Mas, .Wnd WI and eau, Vagina,' spent the PAO . Week with .her aisa. ter, Mrs; lL F1liott and nhother, 'e. a'a: op. The W.A.. of the 1lnitedi 4l'cxeh' he1di a Meeting do the ba. erne*' h1?e church one Tay last week,: rire. aRterngou waif spent quiltingv While 50In0 0''t ►er 1adiaa were preparing irleelte for annthelr qudlt. M, Cash .an Sorry dicks MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth Where you reoelve a LIBERAL DISCOUNT on prices of Chicks ordered three weeks In advance and picked up at our Hatchery. • STARTED PULLETS AVAILAI3LD • 4 -WEEK-OLD READY M4DE CAPONS A SPECIALTY MOORE'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 666-3 Ask for Prices ` Order Early Members of Ontario Approved hatchery Association A THREE-YEAR Training Course for .Nurses Age 18-25 WILL COMMENCE EARLY IN APRIL Another 'Class will be formed August 1. Apply - SUPERINTENDENT Scott Memorial Hospital Monday to Saturday, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. After getting them off to a fast start with Roe Vita Food Chick tarter, switch at the seventh week to Roe Vita -Grow Growing Mash. Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds are produced in Western Ontario especially for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both , of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to build big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal organs ... this means bigger profits for you later. One season will prove that it pays to ruse Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer. Spring Grasses, rich In proteins and vitamins are •t,arvested of their nutrition 4peak, dehydrated In minutes, then added to all Roe yea - raised Feeds ... a "green gold" diet bonus for poultry, ellvestock. timed ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. a °V 44c1k Wa11q f+i ,S!urprlie! • In shite of th'p. e rbigc40.74,9 eibleh' are new- being une •de'gone by S.ILS•,'s heart and sen (Lower and Middle School, that 10) the Sohcrol. News iso •,puttipyg in its regular app#arange. We won't tank. Dern dureelvee now with the fact that there ds practically n0 AeVPs.. Thle ' coiun m uehally manages, to ignore that oft recurring fad ?my, way. We said 'tipractieally nct nevva r" That did not mean that t1ls week's. news was of little importance; on the contrary, it meant that the vol- ume of news was small, hut was of the very highest in importance and interest. We refer, of course, to the concert preaented last Monday night at the High' School auditor- ium. uditorium. We are pot going to give a detailed. Fist of •tbe twenty-six selec- tions perforined by the artists; that may be found elsewhere; al- so, the mere list means, little to those who did not hear the per- formance. However, well try to give you a general appreciation of the performance. The program was varied, rang- ing from selections from .grand opera and the classics to Negro spirituals and popular songs. The famous Canadian concert and radio artist, Mary Syme, and the Com- modore's ommodore's Quartette, led by Carl Tapscott, and accompanied by Leo Lighter, were ,the featured artists. Miss Syin 's piano artistry was truly great; we'll not bubble over with flowery adjectives, because we're not much good at that, and they mean little to one who was not there Monday night,./..Were it possible to select one selection of the seven Mise Syme played as the most pleasing, we believe that Lie - beck's "Music Box" would get our vote and those of most others there. Its beauty lay in its delicate and precise phrasing, simplicity of theme and perfection of perform- ance. Few, probably no performers, either alone or in groups, have made as big. a hit with ,Seaforth's music lavers as the Commodore's, Quartette. Their performance was all that could be asked; it was var- ied, well-planned, tasteful, and what really counts, it was great music and superb entertainment. We ,be- lieve that it will be a long while until a quartette equalling the Com- modores is assembled. The mem- bers are Harvard Reddick, first tenor; Carl Tapscatt, second ten- or; John Ringham, baritone, and Donald Parrick, bass. The quartette ensemble sang thirteen selections; beginning with the classics, , "Where 'Ere You Walk," by Handel, and Schubert's• "Serenade," they graduated through, uhIIIIIiIIIIIIIiIIUlIIIIl1111I11IIIIIHIIIIIII GET More Mileage! SAVE More Money! • Our complete tune- up service increases gasoline mileage. Our specialized lub- rication ' service re- duces wear and costly repairs. Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Phone 141 - Seaforth I1fi11111111tIIII111111111111III1111III111111111 NeggR aphriti}ai anal. olds { Paella' airs to :aaladern, qua tette elaaatea,. "The wiompaog Song" and 4(C001 Water;" and conoXlldl• with . twa eneorea that broagbt drown the house, those jilna Irish favo'x!tites, "The- Same .Did Shillelagh" and "McNainara's• Band-" John Bingb w,,b"aritane member of the quartette, sang several eolo seleetiona. Among them was the hauntingly anelodone "None, But the Lonely Heaat," by Technik- orosky. 11th. BJngha i s guru tone. quality and seneltive e?vpression made this .always pleasing selec tion something to be remembered. Donald Pal"'ish, bass, gaye three solo selections• A1'1 were outetand- ing; his voice, amazing in range, quality, control and everything else that makes a great bass, bis obvious enjoyment of his work, and his personality, made quite a con- quest onquest of his listeners. nip aria, "Hear 11(Ie, Ye Winds and Waves'," from .HandeI's apete, "Scipio," was one of the highpoints of the entire performance. We, hope we've given you some idea of the entertainment that was presented. It is too bad that the attendance was not better Monday night—too bad, that is, for those who didn't realize whatthey were missing and passed up this eon - cert. Next year, it is hoped to pre- sent a series of three concet•.:s; the artists will all be top-flight fig- ures in the music world, for the purpose of these concerts is to bring the world's, great music to those who are unable ,to- go to it, but ale just as deserving and wor- thy of it as those living in cities where it is accessible. We'd like to take the liberty of expressing, on behalf of .Seaforth and district, the deepest gratitude possible to the entertainers; they've bro'ught us what can never be taken away or dimmed, the pleasure of hearing and seeing the presentation of great music. At a lunch after the concert, in the Horne Economics room, the staff of the school, members of the High School Board, and the Grade XIII class met the`artists and found that, contrary to popular opinion regarding outstanding people inthe music world, they are "real peo- ple," definitely not "prima donnas" or anything of that sort. And an it went—a wonderful evening of great music. In our observations of Spring's effect on the students at S.H.S. last week, we noted two new •ro- mances and described each brief- ly. The first, the one involving members of First and Second Forms, we shall hereafter ignore, since we have received veiled _threats of a similar journalistic re- prisal from "our rival." We don't know what he'd find to say, but we're being cautious, anyway. Then there's the other romance. Ah, there's true love in its full, sweet flower! The "he" concerned is really a dear, girls—he lets his shins be kicked, his jaw be sock- ed, and just come back for more! Truly a prize! But the "she" in- volved—there is an example of real. sweet, ladylike 'teen-age fem- ininity! Other girls go` around ool anted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from there. H. M. Jackson SEAFORTJI Phones: 3-W and 3-J LIME NOW IN STOCK Masons' Hydrated Beaver Brand SPRAY LIME Lion Brand A LIMITED SUPPLY So make your purchases early ! S-P-E-C-I-ef-L Steel Posts Backed by nearly 70 years' experience With all types of equipment -- Quality Goods with Quality Service — G. A. Sills and Sons HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING IQIF' t,EE-HEE IN THEREALM OF SPORT It's tthe talk ,qf the Ilona. as Ida ;Viet . , :