HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-04-01, Page 4za r 4'atr t J , I ,;f d ' I!{I 1' r. � I I11 r' • M, , � 1 ,;,.�,A �. I- .. I , �` - . _ 11 I.. .: , _. t , �wb1�*04e, NT ,; ,, ANIS sif excllent couitlt un 1 t 3u UilnOUM4l 0. HYGo � r, &1]P pLILd f lax Ll s F R t 1, plii d• * .ole 4 r t HtJD1L a,n air slu. �eNlfll u .I'Ont. matlsd AcgtAaiti t atll7pn nealcrl > ehveloAe with, Price lists G' ,sagarwtffeal 8543* The W.M S', and 'Pf -A, of CIwoo : , ,4a42x> 24 eamrlcn �I na. Mali 4rdpr 1lnAt: 'r-73, Church are 'holding their l�asteri cos ': 11 , . � , az I 011 I truck. in A -I shahs; t�nyvnallle 4�+J1 QVA�RUSDI++� C.O., Daoc `81•, alai:Ltoo,5 at 2 P.Iti . 113 the �L a�"� i. a • S8 Ury 21 zurial- !'LY MOU7:k1 PAAlO'PHERS"' - ••RA# fl •' ALL 6, altli 2 p-nll t[l - , edii Q�Q1roo `Ot 0.4 �t�sl>G d Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates.) M �� O� the �hur�h. +�M1.�; 44, `, ;"I BAI,B1• �i!ANTILAr II.OST AND FOUND., FTC-d*1-r trotdt �itsR SAL1s 31 )ItJ44EL A TRUCK ; Your family's clothes nk name. Keep , ,1 4 your ch4ldren and lovetd, ozies. dry and The Helping Rand Mission li,and , : ^, Int preelt . . . .... . . . . . ....... . , • .. 1 Gent all good tirm. w• 29 Model A Ford henitby In wet weather. Jyat 'OArinkle it will meet in dile schfwlrooln of ,, bl' 2nd week , ........ , t7utrt Coach, No, l tuts. Box 166, HUia,U-N on Topooata, Jackets, Play sallta, Snow L ... and week Cont lv\YtiS.l'PifR 4148;1 'Salto. Tronvh Co+uta, QVRlra1#y ., uttreoses. Church oq, Satutvi'ay, at 2 p,m .. 4 imianum 'Chair", first insertion... a Cauts - — It is invisible but sure. keep �jtq rnjn out, W,e are sorry t0 'hear that. Mrs. in ' Plagh liylttrq• %lti+W aa4 abbmy1s ign counts as ono word. Y;ttlit yALN,-193:1 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL An 39 ccxuta ,ilottlo will do •'cheep over- Hiram H1anshard, wa8 taken to 4. i4aiil lot ThelnlW. %'h Mamorlam,Noticea. Conchal L'votttz---1 6ent.per weird. Minimuo1,, Pit Lure SewuL, new tires, reel bomm cents. EeOnomlaal.--yot1 01A it- At hospital Aunday' night. , h' 40 aimts per week. 14rhts, now baw,ary, custom buAL Patlm I(EATING43 PFLARMACY, Serltorth, only. lxlal may be throated to a Bax No., a/o The Huron kbgxasitur. for ltl cents extra radio, Apply lLb',N ,WLE6AN. R_ L •L, Rey. J. R, Peters a.n& Mrs. Pet- w qPr,,OwAtpg dtlditional will be charged it cola in above e1,sa an not paid w[thtu l0 Jaye _ -- •-- err are visiting their 4;iughter, - t>#i t4 t 8n1t1 tasatrWon, Kippaui, 4S42xI ^q, �J`T H Zjr1 11-, %sures and Deaths inserted free of cb*TVJ F,L)A "" - I:146 i•'AILG0 %-TON Teachers 1M a�] bad MrS. Hunter, 311 F�81n1/ton;" .., nog'p. Seies, Notidea to Grmlttore, ileo. Jtlttm on a►Itplication, A track, in guod shade, W ill sell t�av- Mr. and Mrs. W. , ,,. McClure and fl Auction Sales Wanted suable or wco.la consider oattlo or hugs F`3`ankie, of Har10ClC; visited with w t :m pt.ymwet, P11ONE 319-W. Mio1se11, TEACHER WANTED Mr. and Mrs. John McClure on Sun-- p - I tutor u „.,m =212 1 PPLIOATION9 ARE INYfTED AND fo A CftOTIClaJ, SALMI OF FARM, FARM MON10Y WANTED -ON ! liS. 11U1,T- I will be received by the, undersigned da}'' d Stock and Machinery, at Lot 1M, Oon, gage. on nsidential pro; •rty iu 819I- CS11 D ClUt BARGAIN b until April lith, for a fuuy qualifiedck- in 8, H R.S 1,uokontacith, 4 aalles west of forth. Double security, WW Fav 6e,i . Protestant teacher for S.S. No., 7, Tucker- �r4rrt.ag ll,'gmontiville, Friduy, April Ii, at 1.30 p.m-: Apply Box 7,97• HURON FYPOSVI I. i amith, Huron Co, This is a well-equipped, d HORSB)S--Multchod Boum Clyde aceldinsu, 4243x1 Gjh L)r TraUe modern school, on a good gravel mad. HENSALL s yearn old, well broken. CATI`LE-Jteg- ploughed in winter; 2 miles from Sea- astarea Shorthorn bait 2 Yds old. Pepper WANTED forth and lr,(t miles front F,guiondvitle. h greed; 1 cud saw, fresh 4 werkrs; 1 roan Cllll!1VROL6.'T' FIAT, rLINE COACH. Applicants will please stats Qualifications• Think•ing'of'hollbecleaning; think caw, fresh 6 woelm; I roan cow duo mid- .HOUSE TO BUY OR RENT- UNFURl]- 48 L' -tone green, -radio, Master, sun -visor, experience and references, espe61ally name of Tudar'S, in Hensall, for curtains, w ole of April; 1 roan cow due end of May. iehed; suitable for aoas,antatnt: 111,431- many extras. of last Inspector, if experienced. A per- the er ruffle dots, criS9-cross, tailor dots, a l red oavW, fresh; 1 farrow cow ly�umi)• rico, t,vo childmn. occupancy 15th April, sonal application would be appreciated. These are choice young Durham coven. 10 aporoximktely• PHONE 85, i C.KEVB-)LUT 5 -PASSENGER Salary wild ice sowrditfg ib experience Celanese Voile and tusCBn net. Al- H Dunham heifers and atMrs 1 year old: 4 4241-3 48 COUPE and in keeping with the times, The Pro's- so ruffle curtaining by the yard. O young calves; 2 winter salves; 1 fat calf:, 1 ent enrollment is 26 Dut'-" ttp cpmmence Public funeral service for the r Ae fat steers, 1,000 the.; 2 fat heifers.' WANTED CHEVROLST y,% -TON PICK-UP Sept. 6, 1949. •-1 S' 'these Sat c4bt0e Aire ready to ship- PIGS built for traiiwr tarp S. R. WWTMORE, Sea-Treas., late Ml's. Catherine Baker, oldest E -11 York Poo 7 w,,eka old; 2 young ,ovvs SMALL HOUSE OR APARTMENTI Tuekeramith School Area, Hensall resident, was -held from due in April; 3 pigs. 100 lbs. evch, IM- wanted to rant, by engimfer and ,rile,.�� pLYTd0111'H COACH RR 8, Seaforth, Out Bowhrou's Funeral Home, conduct- R PLEMUNTS--1 farm wagon : 3•scetion N'o chilahrn. Occusmilcy My1' l.t approxi- I 4239-tf i diamond harrows; DeLavwd creaur sevaea- nuatelY. PHONE 3fa R<r<,wrd7tnamd. - --- L i�bate so Interns tt wen. 1111-6, J. tor; 1 riding plow. FARM 76-cre farm, - 4441 V PLYMOUTH COUPE A. Pat Pl'sOn rendered a solo, '•LTIItO b Lot 26, Con. 4. H.R.S. FInme house cov- , 13$ NotiC To Creditors as in Hen- ered with asphalt shingle„ bank barn —_-._.-._._.._....._... _... _ --. __ -- .all tinion Cemetery. The flower- fi with straw shed, yrexxl winter autaDLY ha COmiri E�'ents 36 FORD SEDAN barn; 30 aorta fall plowed, 9 acres wh"'t,' v NOTICE to CREDITORS bP`t'•`''•' "'ere five great-graudchil- ,remainder in -hay and pasture, F:arnr will dretl: Joyce and Greta, Pfaff. Heil - be offered for sal, subject to reservf biai, ZT'UU WILL NOT BE APRIL FOOLED I FCBD, COUFF. In the Estate of William John McIntosh ,,all: Ronald Neil, Ray McNichol, if not previously Bald bantam snlo, lm 143 at the Old Tyme Hayloft '11oedt-v t, L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS anediate possession. 'terms -_10•;l, down, with tion R,oboi.son and His Ranch Boys, 35 New motor and paint job. � against the Estate of William John 11r1\itl Tebbutt, London, The pall - balance 30 dIys, Terms -Ca-`h• ESTATE =st the C*,tal Palace, Mitchell•' Fr•idaY. Mclnboah, late of the Town of Seaforth, bearers were Jack Neil, Reg. Teb- C OF LACE ROY BRdWN: Harold .lack- April hat_ Admission boa MANY OTHER VALUES in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de- butt. Aivin McNichol and Wilfred. son, Auotioncer. 4'342 2 ,1242x1 Term9 arranged. ceased, who died on the 1st day of March. c ......_+--_...._.. _ _ ._._.___ — ---__._-_. 1949, arc bereby notified, to. send m full E=P1'dPen, London. and Wilbert CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM ._ _ _. _-....... .. _ _. _ BRUSSELS MOTORS pnrtierulars of 'their claims ,to the under Dining and William Pfaff, Heflor l a stock orad IrrtUlwmenha, at Lot 3, °ors For Sale signed on or before the Ot11, day of April. There \were many and lovely floral 8, M,Knfop Township, 4 miles east of 1949, after which date the assets will be tributes. P Winthrop, or a mile-, west of RIOdbagen, "The Home of Better Used Cam" distribbted, havdug regard only to claims on Thursday, April Uh, at 12 'rw0n: FOR SAIX"UANTITY OF BEACON BRUSSELS - v ONTARIO then received Members of Amber Rebekah FLORSIC,r^ -OIYdo dao1,se - 13 Years old, 1:100 ii` eats, suitable for seed. Apply ib -- - .-_. DATED at Seaforth, this 1Qth day of Lodge. Hensall, motored to Sea- ?bs•; grey Pemberun mare 9 years old. WILBUR KEYS, Phone 6,56 r 11, Ser- - Msrealr, 1949, forth Monday evening and \+'ere CATTLE --Cow 6 "years, due time of sale: 2 > Property For Sale M��N� n �`�' guests of Ed,elwejss Rebekah cow due April 20: 4 fresh cows; ewe forth. 4-4:.'1 _ Sea Porth. Ontario... freshened In November; 6 Hereford steers •mpg SALti-lggl CHEVROLET COUPE OUSE FOR SALE—NIIRr 7_IiUOMED Solicitors for the Executor. Lodge and report a delightful eve 2 years old (fat cattle) : 3 Hereford Leif- 1 by LANF Phone 1264, Sera.forth, H '�40� Hing, being lro}^ally entertained by', ers 2 years old: 2 Hereford heifers ane 4342x1 brick hose on lames St Modern. Ap- . year old: 2 Hereford steers I year old; 7' ply to AL.E_X KARPEN. Phone 51, Sea- --.----.--.--- NOTICE to CREDITORS the seitfolth Lodge. $eafOrtll in{ Hemford. a-rlvd 1 yr:ar old: Herofori bull ------ --- forth• 4242x1 itiated three new members iutd _ L year old: 5 young cals•ee. PIGS- 2 York FOR SALE ' A WELSH I3AI3Y CAI:- in the Estate of John S. Aitchemon their lodge. Prize winners from sows just bred: 16 pigs waned 2 weeks;: riage, in ex, ellent condiriort and rea- HOUSE FOR SALE 3 -ROOM FRAME ALL, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 10. tans timothy haw: 7 tom• mixed (axxk; se,ttably priced. .Apple Rax 75F, fii1RON h.+•.ue on Fz•t \�illian SL; S DFei- against the Estate of John S. Aitrhe- HrR:illi ill the draw \vete �`lf;, G. I rs. J In - r' r H. Faber.\1 lelU bushels 6 -row birieY� O.A.C. ``?t, fit E\p�y7-t,peR.• 4242-1 ra,m. and tenthrosntt upstairs, double par- ,011, late cf the Huron, of McKillop. R -all. t . M a. for sad; quarttity red ek—er aevd: 60 FUR 9ALE'-l4 YU11NG Fl(;S: 1 YOUNG )or. dining room, bednx,m or den and kit- in the County of Haran, Farmer, derea_c- -.l :lnl, 'Mrs. C. PasomOre, `.lits. J. then do,vraatairs. • Hardwood flocs, new ed. who died on the 5th day of February, bake second -out alf,wifa. lMPLEMF,N`1 C de rak, Contact RUSSF,LL. MAN- E. �SeFwan. Mrs. G. Small, Mrs. R. _ _,Coaka4autt trvotor No. 70, nearly new, on U furnace. new roof. R,a,.i garage. F•ar1Y 1. . are hereby notified to send in full rubber, SON, Zurich. on Tueeday, April 4th, at lrrrticulan c.f their "halms to the under Flgie Arid Earl Cam bell, Refresh- ,with starter and lights; Ulivav rossFssion. Acply MRS. ANN NOLAN. P plow No. 7, soda ter plow for atr1,bbl,: 2 p -m• 4_'1'_-1 Phonr "-li•R, Seaforth. 4242x3 signed on or before the Sth day of April. Ine1):: W\' re Served. Deering binder, tractor hitch: John Ilatrr 1949, after which date the stsaets will be Mrs. Harry Horton, Of Hensall, �"[j OR SAT.,P: -_ REGISTERED SHORT- OUSE FOR SALE-- A 7 -ROOMED distributed, having regard only to clairru cut \1 L`e" 7-fR, cutting torr lttew) ; 6 -CL. S horn bull, d yawn ski, flood <x:r. quiet, H t., .Marey siu• :6 feet by 30 r •lilPSda1' morning received a love - 74t. mower; M -H spreader: M -H n -hoc dxns�r 1 t.ren rrceived. fcrtilixev steed drill Wath gra`rt saaedcr; !1,1- ICSEFH KALE. Phone 46 r 10, Dublin. tett, Fant framF asci rr,of. Situated at DATETI at Seaforth, this 16th day of 1% box of flowers Containing viol - 4"_4'_x1 FI aide delivt:ry r:alte; '.tf-FI tray kavder; rear of Northf roe United Church. Sra- March. 1949. t=iS. pr;IDt'OSPS, prldnulal' and ivy, Orth. To be me—M fn,m lot., Price McCONNELL & HAYS, r2 -it dump rape, wagon with disbar- FOR SALE--,FARMALL 'A' TRACTCIRI laick,ed ,ror1 the garden of her bI'0- rnck; d-sFrtion harrows: 3�rctran Lar 7 ;nnp. .4nnl>• ;, REV, H. V. WORK- Seaforth. Ontario: and scuflier, 4 yeas, ,,Id. •1.1 condi mw*,.; w;ulking plow: simile tlrrrn,v rieditu; AL4N• Chairman, or to F. H.4RRLTRN. Solicitors- for the Executor. [het'. ,l,.R'. Page., Heston, England, plow, double furrow riding plow: scuf- tion. Apply RORFRT GF1,%nIELL. Pbom'Secretary of Trustee &,ani. 4'_40-3 in hal11 memories of a year ago 6;1 r C4. S-ii-t.h. ",2-1 4°42-2 hal)Py potato hiller; grinelstane: Fmeryl _ ___ _—__.__..-_-__—.-_____ loses \[r. alld Mrs, Horton Visited stone and frame; double disc: bob sleigh• : , FOR SALE -FOLDING BARY CAR- I trailer: 17 -tooth M -H ooltivatar: 13-teaoth Notices [here. T}]P flOR'PI'S, which took ttCO M -H cultivator,• roller- exhnaion :I2400t saga•: excel'Ient condition: maroon LAKE HURON Clays to cross the ocean, were in ladder; Cuaten fanning mild: 'L,000•;Ib. cwl,ur. PHONE x1.10 -Ni. SUES -WILL DRAW ASHES FOR A s,p lendid condition on arrival. seeder ; steel water trough; iron wheel- 424':x1 + harrow: McCormick cream separator, 750 $4,000 Summer Cottage , r, ,, n,.le price'. ED. LANE• phone • .fit; old-time tiddlers C011teS�t will Ms, ,with motor; McCormick cream seg- FOR SALE A FINDL.AY ELECTRIC 1264, .cafortir 4"44x1 bP held in Hensall ,Town .Hall, on ., xi w k cine ;tion. - milk ranCr. to 4.., tar enc t motnr: , , _ ee6 s onsor- w.-itlromt _ Ci'einesd f next w orator. 7:10 11rs„ '31ay bs seen a: SILLS` HARDWARE,, WELL FURNISHED. ON LARGE LOT: FREE. FREE. SHAVINGS FREE a ay O P U P. motor: - 1 1 H trails : '<i H.P. motor; ! I Beatty pump: trust jack: bicycle: g`a-s 4'_42x1 t Fay.>�'irld. Huron C<,¢nty. F'bnr Pleas Provide Srour own truck. JOAN Pd by the Chamber of Commerce, drums: 3 fattFmng mats; G egg crag: bedrooms, largo livuxz room, with fire- BOSHART S SONS_ 4241-3 with proceeds for the communjty' 3 chicken shelters: quantity due Pipe'. 311 OR SALE -A F•EW BUSHELS OF PLaov. eil-LricatY. APPLY to building fund. A large number of F I PIANO TUNING AISU liEPAIRS-FREE g by 12 ft; quantity cedar Posts: several Red CJU aced. and one MER AP- M E. HODGINS estimates. Write or phone collect. -aeries are. expected. There will be 100 plank ft ;of lm, Plank: some maple awd'rJ tis, Gforth. GE MONTGOMERY, ztl plank and calm Plvailt : quantity maple and il. Seafort3s. 4.242-1 S4 Ridge Drives Toronto, WILLIAM N. COULD, 314-W, Clinton, four Classes: 60 and under, 64 to � ' 2 4257x13 'to thc',grpund4 l;! spice def' hher• , ruption, the contest went on. ' o >l . 9th.a Gc►ilg ltd 1-a G ntelit wi aif 311 our en, ale, CII'. Sark., e ant esidence in Hortonl Exeter, morning ■ a n6 s a� e� , Malt vto Cntract ,1, •t i1QQ a e e1- Lel' oe nil -t h ve v. been ld in .$ea'aa'i'l. Oue sof the entries _, . . .;: i, :, ....- '. .,.. , - AND WILL suPPLY -TH.E SEED, F,QR ;$AIME h„_. the ”; tQ-7 class W0. be wm., vele,, Highway 4, We Have A Q,Od ,Market far This S�ftiey , "''Growers, call; or vvriie.,, ' •who resides' .on iiLt0F&t6d,' plesild' , a' mulle south of Jienallll, wild Are young Ttlidy 23. Mr, tile. 85 yea r4,er since 1087, alias oaptvred 36 . . \ - r ;.. G. THO P 1 i 1xes, incTudifig 0 ,silver cup$, lamp, rug aAd' cash, And' Ilan , Y'M w . 1rr'N GRAIN ELEVATORS'. - ' HENSALL," ONT. on' in -contesto at Hensall, Kip- Clinton, Blyth, Goderich, Sea: DAY PHONE NO. 32 NIQH..T rnpN7>l irio. ?r, ,1. rth, Stratford, St. Marys, Thorn Kirkton *ad, Grand Bend, and '1947-48 won successively 4n Lon- . Mr. Lorne Pettigrew, of Biggar, stationed• at Trenton, where CLEANING',S"STM Is taking, a course in medicine, as a ":week -end guest . with his ,and uncle Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. cousin, Miss Ruth Hess. . . WHICH CLEANS RADIATOR AND • MOTOR. etas, and they week slid'Ilests at the Hess IN ONE OII'ERA;TION were Russel #toutiey', of askatodn, tend• Alfred, Whiteall, of ngland, both stationed at Clinton Will put the Cooling System of your Car,, - adio school, where they are tak-I. Truck or Tractor in perfect condition a -radio course, Mr.. Stuart Horton,, accompanied after winter Driving. y lids little son, Teddy, of Valley- eld, Que., visited at the home of is parents, lfe and Mrs. Jarvis for aloes' days last week. ' DALY MOTORS Mr, and Mrs. Henbert Blatchford, visited with ,Mr, and Mrs. FORD - MONARCH DEALER ' . L. Jinks last week. The junior choir occupied the hoir loft at the morning service Telephone 102 " ' Seaforth t the Vntted ,Church Sunday last and rendered two Ieasing numbers, with Miss Betty tickle accompanying at the piano. At the evening service a duet, Whispering Hope," was sung by Mrs. M. Hedden and Mrs. F. Apple- by. Additional Hensall News . on Page 3 , EUCHRE and I DANCE will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall FRIDAY, APRIL 1st Sponsored by the Amber Rebekah Lodge of Hensall. 'Good Prizes Lticky Lunch Prize Murdoch's Orchestra Ladies please provide Lunch admission - 50 cents MOORE:'S "POULTRY FARM and Ask About Our "SATURDAY SPECIAL" This is a list of odd numbers of Chicks in different breeds and ages, specially priced• to move quickly and simplify brooding problems. They are guaranteed Healthy, and from sante high breeding as our regulars. ' Discriminating poultry consumers have learned to 'Prefer delectable, tender, juicy Capons above all other fowL Do not miss out on your share of profit from these easy to raise and fatten birds, especially suitable for those who have limited space, CALL'MOORE'S POULTRY FAV4M AND ORDER YOURS TODAY Large and small orders equally cared for at— Moore'sPoultrym � I a1- elm lumber ; Plow harness. collars: Model 4-'4`� --"'" . " A 29. ear', 2 new ,now tires and new inner FOR SALT {GLOVER SEED AND HAY; r RADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR tubes, car overhauled in FebruttrY : nacli- a1, quantity of red clover need : also . T. yokes; whifiletre- : chains; forks. shovel' mixed hay, baled or loose. RUSSELL �7 L,,, all makes of radios. Will Dick t'uP i , . anet other srticies around a farm. HOUSE- COLEMAN. 665 r 41. 4:4°e1 Help Wanted ed Mondays and Thnxsdaya at F, R Close's BOLD EFFECTS --Honey supply can, will Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Bl?th. hold 1,M lbs. honey; settee; wash- FOR SALE-WILLYS TRUCK, 1938 T 4218-tf The,stands; raking chairs: sideboard: 2 rope model. 1 -z -torr pick-up. Apply MATT. JUNIOR CLERK NoiICF WIS ARE ALWAYS LOOK- , antique beds; sealers; eta Terms -Cash, MURRAY. Phone 40 r 25. Dublin. lag fora new customer 4A please him. I • - WILLtAM HOEGY. Proprietor: Harald 4242-0 . Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P_ Chesney, Clerk_ Opening In Banks whey sot calf 50 in Dublin and -have your ` Lunch booth on the promises. R SALE -SMALL GIRL'S BLUE i"" b b EeBa and Poultry picked up at your door. � 0' 4212-1 r Sprinu cost and hat, size 4 to 5 `years. Office for BO or Girl We haul poultry to the U.S.A_ and can o , Nerlc cleAned. .Aptly Box 755, HURON Y offer you a good Drica, STAPLETON'S Stra�n - rCLEAltiNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM EZPosITOR 4244-T PRODUCE Dublin, Pltoae 60. tford i. Stock and Im.Slemente. at Lot 6. Con- Girl boy. meat have junior matriculation- sig. ict, 12 Tuekmsmitla 8 miles oast of Hea9s11 st FOR SALE -10-20 IN Girl aDDlimnL mould have some HORSE SHOEING—I HAVE A QUALI- ' at 1Tw rand Monday, s esapril 4Th: insan, tractor, in Rood condition, wins raffia- school edueatiom, but experience Aot nee• bed maa available on Monday. Sues- , not (geldipin,ng. tl years old CATrtEr-1 ale spared governors- Price $300.00. Al; '--"r: knowledge of iSPing occult be day and Wedraaday of each week for Hereford cow sirs calf aL foot• 1 'sero- so 2 sighs-Rr1,l.ton milk carts. Apply to helpful. horsshoeintr_ RALPH DAVIDSON. Win- dotd 'cow, too in May: 10 Hereford steers DAVID TRIEBNER, Kippen, R -R, 3_ Apply throe. Phone RS2 r 4242zS and heifers raising 3 years old ; 10 Here- P%14 77 r S. HenaalL 4242-0 (. • . sora sicera and heifers 1 7mr old: 2 Bank of Montreal H rd A • . sntsm calves: 1 Dare bred Hereford bull 4 FOR SAI,T-QUAN=Y OF REACON years, PIGS -15 York tamer. IMPLE Oaf. also s few bagsapt..garden Dpp;ty HE 1SALL PHONE 12 FORD MENTS•-•W. .F. Ailiv Chalratss :+Landatd 1'RR7 ,Ford CKceeh, A-1 shaft. '�APPIy 424.?•9 t:reactur on robber: Massey -Harries 3 -fur, HARLD PRYCE, one mile eat of Win - row Plow (>zsed ore season) : 3-seetian drag t'ar`p• Plane• ;140 r 2. 4242-^- LATHE OPERATOR . . a wa-re ssociation tratroaa (taew) : 3 ivioL cn1A-Daclmr : ft A SALE- W S . •,Dower Lift aril£ %. 9- amlteel 1-r- l sets of e I+'O NE .and t SEWING WANTED Tractor 4•eearefian 3sarsovva: 9 -ft, steel roller': iT lace mvchines, electric and treadle- Re- Inaernatintrrl fertilizes drill: 7-£t Massey- }ran - 4313 makes. SINGER SEWING FOR GENERAL M.AC3INE SHOP WORK Harris .hinder; 6 -ft McCormkA-Dc rng CENTRE, 7S Ontario St. Strafford State age espe-'ience, etc . ma C.O shu hay loader tike new} ; Na 42 4-tS : &OX 756 Bring you the second of a series of Monthly Worthwhile Bar 4 Coc,d wa manure -treader: rnI' B SAIF -i COCfiSHiTIT DOUI�i"> Huron Expositor gains imr red a : t'eg, with singac. rake : . R. Owners (mew): box hay rook with atidiag rack : et,se- `1 , ­,!ate: iF: ] M. -H. 1c,. 28 spring - From Thursday, •stay, March 31, until April 9ih. -. ,ararttn Asx Par silo- filling tns•swl: root ;l.. tl: rniti,sh+r c -y, ,o,c vc`trr•1:. .Apply MACHINE SHOP paiper; 14 S.P. motor; Power emery; LLOYD f7RM. 5 miles :sono, of % field ,0ocI Shatz 4 -raw beet or bean scafBer; 21 nn Ne.. :l Highway. Pha,ne zur HELPER WANTED HERE ARE ITEMS say paw: 200 god cap bucker : Linde . i, -h. 4°42x^ Beaver grain grander with S H.P. Gent-ral FOR VARIOUS TYFEZ OF MACHINE 'P�HICII SHOULD ` me, t mo -,\'r. C'ooi�s.�ba'tt tractor l3-d�c ! FOR SALE -- A'YTIQt'E tt' A I, N U T SHOP WORK = - -. ,seed dnid with power lifft- HAY AND i a>irtaN,vrd with marble t•,1-. S_;.00 f", Pre,•ious experiaanoe not essential. INTEREST � O U ! ' G•RALN—l5o bcu,beis of Galore .hnrle5- !sunk a.a:F rrnrtir thrF timev ;_*.., Price•. ^.ate age,, ey-(-nence e:c.. to . suitable for seed: •A,a i he2s of mixed Can ',e .--n z^`er Ar-: 41,•• m1- home. .BeX TSl �• 'p n 21,4 Pl1'rT WEIGHTED IGDTED rrrsin: % tun of feed beams: 25 tome of ' r P'`one 66O r 5. EARL. VAN' EGM0171). Huron Expositor Front BL1117pe1'� 12.0'0 mived bity: 20 tiet of corn enceage: 14- 1 4_42x^ . foot silo: quantity of Honachoid Etfec�a _ Step Plates, pr... . . 10.00 R,. reerce. farm ante. T h. i C'eLurLd Ilb Ri, azG -TO 'dAleE ROOM - /1�1ALUMINUM FLO MRS, CARRIE McIEAN, Proprietress: I sfor a lsrgrr and better stnek of Mired Farms For Sale Air Cleaners 4.30 & 12.00 13arxald lac}csna_ Anct.i,*neFr : Fv. P. Cbcs- I Colournd Rnntc, uw err eeJlitur L�aeaa, En -?y pp ney. Clerk. 4341-2 YFnnw RnRra at 75c Per burrdre" small, Grease Guns . . . . . . 7-00 4. c Pe, OR 100: Rulblets. °5c Per SCO. Ps,.at- FARMS ARMS FOR SALE -•-FARM, CONSIST- n/� • p ate extra. These lmiblets will blaxrm th za erg M It'a0 acre,. being Located half Hydraulic feat; ��+2.VV rear. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS, mile troas if Zurich. en Gc>teadhen Line. Ptlleys . . . . . . . . . . . 61.50 CLEAR6, H. AR, T AU meth. SALE h FAR1i t Seaforth. krmxrn sa Lbs ii11 •i e1- homestead : Lade AN, POLIS � ER ING amt Implements, at I" 6, Con- I Hydro and water the -,ugh the buildings : 6. H.R_S_, Ttukersmith, 3�)y south sad 14s'--._ _...-.-_.__ --__-.__..hank barn iSzSb. 3i feet high: � err good Step-up Tl'an:nils_ east of Seal,orth, an Wedat_daY, April 6, Cards of Thanks state of cultivatron, one of the best farms �i,� at L p.m.`: HORSES ---Roan scam, aged: . in the district: 2 acres of bush: well fear, cions, installed .. 105.00 filly, bay. aged 2 vests: Choice gelding, ed and drained. Possession can be bad in lire Extinguishers 17.50 rimer 4 year_- CATTLE ---S cows, va'"OuxG&ORGE KRAUSKOFF AND FAMILY remeonabie tSme. Firm—Kno,vn as the SALE PRICE T agea, none ,-44. I co-, aged: 7 ato&er . wi;b to thank t3mir many friends and Taylor Farm, opposite the above meneion- SALE PRICE cat" eorrxing 2 years: S ,stocker calves, ueilzhbors for the laird expressions of ed farm, consisting of 70 acre of good coming i year: 20 cheep, some with Iambs. symsavtby in the Acs of a cySe and tillable soil, all in good cultiration; Fix • , Leicester and Suffolk breeding. TMPIX mothwr. 414_-1 acres of butch : has house vrith Hydro. For ME1NTS5 Threahinsr machine. 24x40. Ben, 1mrther ararticu)_ars aypay to proprietor. littledwith,E•ersod feeder, cutting box, 12- q'%HE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS_ LEONARD GEROIAMI-E. . ineJ1,' Itiasafs-Hansa grain grinder, lt1?�- 1 jllnz 13nahanatr wick t>sank their 4?d03 V "' M,-43, trachar, 20-.40 H_P., steel many friends and neighbor. for the k-iad- wb • tracterr, 15-30 Hart -Parr. sessice- Tiffs and sympathy shown them dn:ing f I * . I . 61 able; tractor., plow: Goelcaha�tt 341 crow, their rn,,= berearame.t Special •aanlia FARM FOR SALE DALY - 12 -mels ; grain binder. M -H. 7 -ft. hay is extended to Dr, 1. C. C�i r dL R. . R mower. �I-H. 6-f}.: has teaAder, ;%-H., drag A, B:+xwk and Mr. Sa-noel Rannie. snloist. deck; hay t¢ ,der. M -H : hay rake, side , TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY ! . 1 9 M -H: baY rake, At -H, 12 -foci: A°42x1 delivery, tete nndersigexd up to the 9th day of C . X . ryttor. clr Frost lntte• omi. al• : r ; caili------'--.------- --- ----- AP -ii, A_D_ 1949. far tl:e Farm of the fade' TO S M -H u ; Wood, i ft; grain drill. In Memoriam John A_ Mills. being the Se>uth Half of ' M -H, 12 run; grain airii3. M.H. 10 rum; Lots number, 4 and 5. in the 14th Cat- - -- - I . drag harrows, Internat enal, 4 aoct>'ra : ,•:mesion of the To n:;hip of Hallett, in tate corn scufaer. Ckwk%hu2s 2 row: riding IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR C _arty of Humn• containing 160 acres. Daow, Mai ai.v-c harrow, 12 plate, walking • mother, Mrs. Violet Long, whn passed more or less. . plow, Fleury No, 21-. walking plow, wood sWy six warn age,, March S7. 19-03. Ford -Monarch Dealer 0.. Come in and --See Our Com' P10e and Seasonable Stocks of Quality Mercahari ice, 1,eam, South Bend: urarare spreader. Mo- The said farm is good clay loam iaa+- Cormick. nor -Ling tooth harrows, 4 a. ectfom A m,r• lank upon your Tircture, aril drained, arms no waste land. W>st>tr' f� �1 •. Ctoekibutt; scnMen;.eiurle, F. eQ W.• Mace- Sorest memories we recall. i supPtied 4mm an artesran well and a TeL 102 �eaforth Of a fare s„ full of sunchinr. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on, wood wheels : vyagatn, eLed wheels : top apriaag creek_ On the .slid farm is said to buggy: 114r.tdand cotter; has rack. If—ft: A smile for one and a1L be Fretted a barn and straw shed. 400' x stack rade- l4i-ft. . truck scala : RtmPmw. 601 and 301 x 501 on a st0ae foundation. OLD ' T1:11E 2,090 Its.; fanning malt. Clinton. rout Thonsrh ,your smile has cone forever. Also a driving shod ei;h steel ;,,,,of, 241- . , . ' aluminum, ream: ra2toe) etoneh0at: •dheF-Jlt-see And your hand 1,-e rso m th. z 401. Also a 7 rzmxmed brick ftoasct Also D BUTTERS HARDWAREWe Shan never dace sweet mrmn-nes �"�®DER� srauta r . ors rubber. 2 cl his arrow. ca the Iso 7-roomed 15 aero of esaspJlemt ntepttn segarratar, M-14. GRAiN - Sfle1 Of t?,e asap w1- lo, -sad so atroa-ls, 3rszcfwond bisah, And 5 acres of yoaarg i ' btxsltois oasts and miztsd waif and barley; SAIdly miasa•d and fondly ranernberwd itstab. Hyd o avAi}nb4e son bnsbela fa'hil vvhpwtt, acrd a host itf miiSor atticltaa sr4aSify fY,nnd tg1, a farm, b5 her da¢ehtess and fans-irrCam, M.vr CONTEST � ti �� C Lawtsi or any tender not, neee_esarily (� 3 p�I(�►NE 391-2 DUBLIN irrrindinyr fexrmes's, ltorsu txrnars, siwyda, guerite arid Alvin. leers and Ful. at•.rdD:ed• t�irn artrea. end:: 1i42S fK 1 not 424.1 AND DA:vCE . .Otaig)ts Stir Dorsett grain grinder.• 2 inm- _ F. FINGLAND, S.C., n 75atorr; e3skuft ertitris: 20 irods yodum — Motor- Ontario. Hensall Town Hall 4,lyh h 4 n; # cedar sad posts. 2 shoal { SoiiaiTAt for the E1aLatL RAT.DWTN HARI)WARIZ f"00 brAce+,; mrafn'titty a--iZeb be aleck mid _ 4242-2 WEDNESD e3tn lnmlvr,-; tWYrao 2-irxt9+ ctmn Diat+k ; hem- BIIitit�--In 6end,Y I;fpmnrial iiosPital 1-411 - --- r►' yr ,lock 3xftl$ loiw acrd scab jraists IS feet Mard9i 24, to liar- arm Mtc. Jt•seph It Ung. 16V-'slb1HOLD•-Stn`ve. Home Com- ,Burke, R.R. I. Staffs, a dauibiea-. forlt with dvastrv'&r; 13taten cabinet; 1 I'le-P1 N --In So,rtt Newo-ial Hanoi- 0,6virdr triatd'tllil aMi a quantity of bouse- cal, eta V. suiah 26, ti: Mr. and lure. Ken - WA irdltlda, ia�, t'lmr ho b1- cola to ate Tr rreth McPherson, R -R. 2, locNin, s 41LS Fki'lSW +rod' h4ibti . C- dDeW Torah*-- dauf heist . PA'ClM G mid JA3lES DOIG, NLXGN-4m Scott Me owin) vorp tal. ea lraxetYs116fx AV Sato• AuAtTila Jaseksan Marts 29, to lair. and it m hale Nixon. aR�:- 4 P t` 1? '+ t)terk. aL31f :t lea. k Scolbrih. a sae C4ao+bt Merlxcirial 0099 tad, tD Dirt Said T1ire, Kenneth •.- 11,111 It -` lltwtnvie. 1LIL t► MPT,en. a,cam, K=-4mih And x1m.. lkv�ta,n l s'le, s' y (1*1a 1011ve labs&), alp STeas'ed to an- >yietdttw.h toils aurical tat heir• at(n ** Jit ;1i}�Yts ,4x@1 7flar6, 4tie S�tzgi," Nurnisiv n"wok,. Irefv6d' titki ik .x43 ek eti �t l`, ;IUlm,A 3'4', 1'94t4. :1-'S' tin? *r K .�... • W . For Rent EC1R RER NT - F77 NISI APART- meia+t to let Artily Bm 754. MYRON EXPOSITOR, .43242-1 FOR •RiJ3Ti HUNDRTD ACf1'E PAS - to" rarht,, middle rk-t2 'Ca tssir cif awb t. Harr Iia s. HtilR1)I1wFiY15Otl% V 11L 4242-1 AY „ ,6 APRIL sth, 1944 PHONE X61, SEM CMTH , GOOD PRIZES Contest Glasses - Go and . under. ti0 to to 75 !o--2 RE' Special Amateur Class D '` A1X1 HARDWA Prizes for Square Dattirafltl. ` •,�y++� � l and Stip Dancing. PHONE 11, ENS yr LL' Sponsored by the Iie'gtea3li li,J Je�i1 Vii' -Sir. Chamber of Collimpr+6 •' , . , Adrllistiott: Blit and­11.1I'll r, .' . . , .. .:y,: r x, ,�1. ;i e1- .: I� t, �' I s' \