HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-03-25, Page 6aaforth Showroom Open Tuesday Bee Dr. Harburn for appoint. Meat any other time, or Phone 414, Exeter. ' •Cthes erf i eI and Oeeasio nalOhaiis REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Ver andah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. • Stratford Upholstering Co., Stratford TELEPHONE, 579 For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH The Marc >, meeting of the )litn.- vale Institute was 'lte1 . isr the church with Mrs. Gorden Prance as hostess. The meeting opened with the Ode and Creed. Roll Call was answered by, "Wtat, I would like to see discussed the following year." A short course is to be held in the church on April 5 and 6, "Your money's worth in food." A euchre party is to be held. at Winchelsea School on March 24, Mrs. W. Hem, Mrs. Gilbert Johns and rs. Garnet Johns are the coin, ittee to look after chairs and tables, Donations of $25 to the rink committee and $10 to the Chil- dr, n's 1,V tt' Memorial Hospital', London, ere made, and a bale is to be parked for overseas, Follow- ing the business. -Mrs. Everett Skinner had charge of the program. The motto, -The world is tak- ing your picture: look pleasant, please," was given by Mrs, Wm. Thompson. Mrs. Jackson Woods current events and a demonstra- tion was given on how to put a double wedding ring quilt together, Mrs. Wm. Johns gave the chapter, "The Little Acorn," from the book, Fifty Years of Achievement. "My Wild Irish Rose" was sung and Mrs. Newton Clarke gave a read- ing, "The Early History of liwborne from 1831 to 1878."' Mrs. Kenneth Johns gave a paper on Tweedsmuir history prepared by Mrs. Paul Doig • • MORE PEOPLE ARE USING Lang Distance MORE OFTEN Our Long Distance operators now put through over 5 million calls a month — twice as many as sin years ago. To -day more families keep in touch with one another and busy men get more things done by Long Distance. Providing for this growing use of Long Distance is an important part of our vast expansion and improvement program. Thousands of new operators have been added — more are being selected and trained. Hundreds of new and improved switchboards and lines have been built — more are on the way. With Long Distance as with local service, we want to put your calls through courteously, quickly and accurately—to give you even greater value by continuing to provide more and better telephone service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA REGULATIONS RESPECTING INSTALLATION OF Flat Rate Water H eaters The Hydro -Electric Power Commission regula- tions governing Flat Rate Water Heaters provide that: (1) Installation and Maintenance costs to be borne by the consumer. (2) Rates to be Thirty-nine Cents (.39) per One Hundred (100) watts of band heater. (3) Tanks must be insulated. (4) Band heaters to be controlled by thermostats. Applications are to be submitted to the Public Utility Commission Office before installation is comtnenced by the contractor. When the new Bayfield exchange of the Tuckersmith, Municipal Telephone System was brought into operation last week, the staff in charge was, left to,. right, Miss Ann Tait, Miss Ella McKay and Mrs. M. Toms, chief operator, Mian :Ilse ,Outalllso r" I sy Runt ti ':.v#afting Iter nInter, 4a •40101 nn p ` • Pr,.,Psi. asruit and Ilenter, 4f New York, epeuti over Sunday with h'1's nether. Mra Catherine Jialteotit, Mrs. Jleunie Winder returned ou Saturday from Pont*, Midi., where she attended the funeral .of her sister, Mrs. Jessie Fraser. Mrs. Alice Cook, cif London, coil, ed on her mother op Wednesday of last week, when Idris. Moclyrtlo?tt celebrated her birthday... Mrs, Jessie Fraser, a sister of Mrs. Jennie Winder, Arthur Ander- Ekon ant: Mrs. Dowson, passed away at her home in Pontiac, Mich,, on Tuesday, of last week. The SyRn- pnthy of the community is ex tended to friends and relatives, Mr. 1'. R. Sanderson left for To- ronto on Sunday morning to see his father, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson were in London on Thursday of last week. Mrs, Reid Torrence, of Bayfield, spent part of last week with friend's in Kippen. of Seaforth. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and lunch was served by the hostess and committee. The Euchre Club met at the hall Thursday evening with John Rid- ley as host. There were eight tables in play. The winners were: Ladies. Mrs. Alvin Cooper; gents, Ross Skinner; consolation, Harvey Sparling. A daintyiunch was serv- ed by the host and committee, consisting of doughnuts, sandwich- es and coffee. Mrs. Chas. Stephen has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, where she has been a patient for the past few weeks. The play, 'Where's Grandma?" was a decided success with a good crowd in attendance and everyone taking their parts well. The cast included: Mrs. 'Cliff Brock, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Misses Lenore Cooper, Ruth Skin- ner and Aldene Pym, and Harry Stephens, Harvey Sparling and Bill Gilfillan. Mrs. Wm. Johns was the director, and the play was under the auspices of Elimville Commun- ity. Cpl. Orville Bird, of Ottawa, vis- ited with Mrs. Bird and son over the week -end. Murray Stephen attended the wedding of his friends, Mr. Eric Warrington and Miss Eunice White at Calvary United Church, London, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routy and Mrs. Church, of Aylmer, and Mrs. Alex Crago, of Kirkton, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly on Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Russel King and Wayne, of Centralia, and Mr. and' Mrs. Horace Detbridge and sons visited with Mr. and Ars. Bruce Cooper last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price, of De- troit, and Miss Mildred Miller and Mr. M. Nash of London visited on Sunday with Mrs, Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and children. of Exeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen on Sunday home they motored to Belleville to visit Mrs. Doig's sister and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong spent Sunday with. friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Neil herdsman at KIPPEN Mr, Ray Ponseg has been engag- ed by Edgar McBride for the sum- mer ummer season. Mr. John C. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., was the guest of hid mother and sister, Miss Janet, for a few days last week. While at SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters Puhiic Utility Commission of Seaforth PONE 1004 SEAFORTH, L J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138 SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer ammseamos FARMERS! Machines will be hard to ob- tain if you wait until the Spring rush! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED: 3 3 -furrow Tractor Plows with furrow straighteners. A limited number of Spring Tooth Lever Harrows, Tractor Discs will arrive soon. Alsolimited supply of Fertilizer Sower and Double -Row Packers. Fleury -Bissell Machines ate tope in Quality, tops in Performance, and Lower in Price. Ask the man who owns one! Local Agent: V. J. LANE S'ea •Nth,• 0.111. 5 PHONE, 4642 IiUBLiN Campbell., assistant Jarrott Bros.' farm, spent Sunday with friends in Lon- don. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto; is. visiting her mother, Mrs. Cather •ire Jarrott. Mr. John Anderson was in Ridge - town on Saturday last taking part in a target tournament in that The philosophic taxi man says: "It's not the work I enjoy, it's the people I run into." • , E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 Cl4ttuaty #Pae o1#04 to R papity F5 deo' even3 g whe; ' an en3oy1ithle evening was spent at euchre; Thera vr'ere 2$, tattles •i}} play, end those,, =winning Fr1zda' were: Ladies, drat, Mrs, w. C: Bennett;; lone hands, Miss Doris Stevens; consolation,. Mrs. D, En- nis; .gents, first; Cliff Brown; lone hands, Torrance Dundas; consola- 'tion, 'Mr. Mite ell. Walbee's orch- estra furnished the music for dancing. A lunch counter was available and was well patronized. Miss Pauline Nierkley, Belmore, was a guest of Mr. .and !Mrs. W. C. Bennett. i Poole Hatchery sigIUMMICKOMMOMMMOTI '•'here you get Better Chicks At Less Money! We ,have room for Op'f3Priz r'n 2 P'rnrd v v iety of'Breeds, brood- ed or day-old. Please communicate with ED. BOYCE R.R. 5, Seaforth Phone No. 852 r 41 IP • , Sitting in d draft ,working in a d i mace, --,wet feet, --there are Avitene things which 'may cause a "backadtrt But there's one way thousands Canadians have found to help re this condition--Dr..-Chaie's K Liver Pills. This effective remedy, triliesh up. both the, kidneys and the.!►-' and brings welcome .relief from in the small of the back caused .by '"cold" in the kidneys. So insist on reliable remedy—proven by over lWi14- a-century's. use -=•-Dr, Chase's Kidney., Liver Pills. At all drug counters. f UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED EMPLOYERS•! -- Please send all unem- ployment insurance books immediately to the National 'Employment Office with ' which you deal, tl-nl'ess renewal arrangements have already been made. They must be exchanged for new, books before .March 31st. The new books have spaces for March contributions, so you can renew the old ones before the end of the month. Renewal of books is important to, you; tb your employees and to the Commission. Please Act Promptly. TO THE INSURED WORKERI—Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so, please take or send it to the nearest National Employ- ment Office for renewal before March 31st. If you send your book, enclose your present address so that your new book may be returned to you promptly. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE J COMMISSION' _C. A. L. MURCHISON J. G. BISSON R. J. TALLON _ Commissioner Chief Commissioner Commissioner Than what you got/n the v'14 44 Opp► z'r DE LUXE end SPECIAL DE LUXE MODELS r PERFORMANCE — The powerful Dodge L'Head engine has fewer moving parts to wear — is easier to adjust and keep in ad- justment. Its amazing smoothness originates with the unique 3 -point Floating Power engine suspension. ROOMY COMFORT — The famous Dodge Floating Ride is smoother than ever. New, longer 1181/2 inch wheelbase further improves the Dodge "cradled - between -the -axles" ride — allows ample 'head and leg room front and rear. THE BEAUTIFUL NEW Dodge DeLuxe and Special DeLuxe models are cars you will want to see, own and drive. They're new ... modern as tomorrow with natural beauty that flows from true automobile design. There's more elbow room, leg room and head room ... greater visibility ... plus an amaz- ingly s -m -o -o -t -h ride. Get behind the wheel! You'll appreciate the many improvements that add to the Dodge reputation for Dependability, Economy, Roomy Comfort and Smooth Riding. The famous Dodge Floating Ride is even quieter and more restful because of heavier insulation, softer rubber body mountings, impro' d springing, new "sea -leg", shock absorbers. PHONE 267 - yt� SUN. VISIBILITY — You get a wide view of the road through the new higher, wider windshields. Glass area is 37% greater. New, more efficient wipers sweep 61% more glass area. De- froster vents cover the whole windshield width. r�..a .46014,‘:lig p 49, You'll like the power and economy of the 97 h.p. I. -Head engine ... and the many "extra" economy features such as an oil filter, floating oil intake and self- cleaning fuel filter in the gas tank, which are standard equipment. These new cars start easier, stop faster; you can see over the hoods; you can get in and out with ease. See these great new cars today at your local Dodge -DeSoto dealer's showroom. Compare them feature by feature with other cars in their price class '.. . ' then drive them and you'll agree that they are the outstanding automobiles in the low -price field. ' CLIFFE MOTORS SEAFORTH