HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-03-25, Page 4Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FGR041,R. WANTED. LOST AND VOUND, ETC......, -Per word: let week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 8ril week % Cent Minhaum charge, first 26 Centa Boob figure, initial and aubaavlation counts as one word. Vhanhis, it Memoriam Notices Corning Events -1 cent per ward. MiniMum. 00' lr1.04 Ilej week. elaniets.,mey be directed to Box No.. at, The Rama Expositor, for 10 cents extra. • a.311111 additional wili"be charged if ads above claw are not paid within 10 days data of dnal imiertiou. la411, ;iliarriagea and Deaths inserted (tee of ehanna IT Dales, 'Notice* to Creditors Eta- ilatea on application. _ Auction Sales • Auction Sales c014 SALE OF FARE STOCK AT • Lot Si, Concealer, is; Hibbeet Town - 9l miles southwest of Cronierty on Wednesday', March 30, at L30 p.m.: DUB - HALM COWS -Cow 5 years old, calf at Street: p foot; mow 8 yeam old, calf at foot; cow 4 years eld, due May 7, carrying second calf: cow 3 years old, calf at foot; cow 8 years old, call. at foot; cow 3 years old, milking; cow 3 years old, calf at foot: cow 6 years old, calf at foot; cow 4 years old, calf at foot YOTJNG CAT- TLE -2 baby beeves: 2 two-year-old heif- ers; 2 two-year-old steers; 2 heifers lljee Years old.; 2 steers‘1 year old; 2 summer calves; an passed T.B. tea. One 'Belgian filly comi-ng three; 1 sow with litter of 10 pure bred York pigs; 1 cow with litter of 8. Terms -Cash. .1 AMES HOWE, Pro- prietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 4241x1 For Sale - FOR Sieioili;Ptlii.HAM POW: 41'31,4140- . 'L'4'Ql AND IltE T ines J. a. ISIXTRA(KA artmeedela • "' Vb011e 69 r lrlo /I 86 x 11, HensUll, '' 42421a2 : ."..422414 a 4 ..', , :1; • FoRaALR-IRQN WATER leUM.P; IN pAvru4trr-441 A.v,D 0A$ 'aeal condition. with 144eet Rog; Very i fenced 1,0? fields;,dr a 4.44,1irlaG of cheap. H. 8.71=Ruttee 4241' . 4water and s. apply p TA ogior .., , ' PXPOSITCOR. ''' ' ee39.3 astalt SAtire--QUANT4TY or NO. 1,, . a Ajax seed oats. PHONE 55 r- 2, Dube' Its. 4242ai 1 "WOE SALE -A LARGE SIZED ICE BOX ' in goed condition. PHONE 199. T.°BT Dirip14. ,MtDSDAY 92414 night, Ma lob lei. by a. Wel' overcoat w as m!t tke 11X?,ug, of a car Parked in front of StapletenS pgact Store. Finder please phone Seitforlh, 661 r 25. Reward, , ,4241x1 Lost and.FO FOR SALE - 2 YOUNG DURHAM APPLY PEARSON calAirreasS. Phone 656 r 4. 4241-1 FOR SALE-OLUE GENDRON PRAM, in gent condition. Apply Br« '152,1 HURON EXPOSITOR. 42414 I FOX SALE --i BROWN COAT, SISE AUCTION SALE OF IF- 12-11; 4 dresser; 2 -piece gold suit. , • lie-, in tee Thou of Seaferth, on :,ize 12. Cali be seen at SCO1NS CLEAN - Monday, March 28th, at 1 p.m.. at the ERS. 4241x1 As en .ece Mrs. Louise beenahan, - 'Bhre - iece velour tastier- FOR SALE -10 -YEAR-OLD GENERAL eeled elate; Newcombe mance and bench: puipese taint, good workets and rn rolled top quarter cut oak desk: cabinet Liable. Apply to R. P. WATSON. Bruce- -owe; eleetric lumps ; 2 Wilton rugs; oak tiehL 4241x1 sitting roam table; 6 dining chairs; oak Odeboard: oval china cabinet: oval wall mirror; large plate glass mirror; odd ,abtee ; curtains, drapee, scat ter roes ; sitoaam cleaner ,with attaehments ; Spar - ton refrigerator; Tudhope 4 -burner elec- tric stove, automatic oven control; fall leaf table; kitenen cabinet; kitchen table; electric 'washing machine; veranda swing; rustic veranda furniture; law n mower ; toots ; 15u feet garden hose; walnut bed- room suite, chiffonier, vanity and table; bed lanai); 2 dressers; iron bed; woodeu bed; cot; sewing machine; trunk; pillows : blankets; •bettchreg; chenille bedspread; Week; set of crystal hand -painted plates; cod clans, cups and saucers; I tea sets; silver; linen, and kitchen utensils.. Terms --Cash, MRS. LO1JISE SHANAHAN, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4291-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AN!) a Honsehold Effects, Saturday. March 26. 1.30 p.m.. in the Village of Hensall, the Estate of the late Thomas Hudson: HOUSEHOLD .r....F.FaCTS-3-piece chester- field suite, like new; china cabinet: Sat- ing room table and S chairs; 3 bedroom suites; kitchen Mille and 4 chairs; odd tables; rockier; chains; cupboards; settee: library table; sewing 'machine; writing desk; couch; 2 electric cabinet radios; clock; 3 linoleum rugs; cook stove; Mc- (Bary's electric stove; gas stove; electric iron: quilting frames; mat frames: Pic- tures; curtsies; bed springs; 4 cords Mock wood; 2 cords slab wood; coal; lawn mower- crosscut saw; vise; shotgun and other exilic:4es too numerous to men- tion. Terms-Cm:h. PROPERTY -if not Yeers. PIGS --15 York chunks. 11/ITLE- sold previous, there will be Offered at two- MENTS-W. F. Allis Chalmers erahdard :mterey 8 -room frame house with fon base- oaceor on Tubber; Massey -Harris 3 -fur - meat and furnace, also a good garagerow plow fused one season) ; 3 -section drag Terms made known day of sale. MRS. harrows (new); 8 -foot culti-packer; 5 -ft. EARL MITCHELL and LLOYD HUDSON, Power lift stiff tooth cultivator: 2 sets of Executors; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer; P. 4-eection harrows; 0 -ft. steel eviler: 11 -hoe ,L. McNanghtrin, Clerk. 4241-1 International fertilizer drill; 7 -ft. Massey Harris binder; 6-f t. °Cerra ick Ike r ing CLEARING AUCTION SALE ON mower; 5I -D hay leader tlike new) No. "--` 'Thursday': March 31st, at 1 p.m.. • 4 Cackshutt manure spreader rub - sharp„ Lot 12, Conceseion 2, Hay Town- her tired ,wagon; Cockshue, side rake ship, 114 miles west, 2 miles south of (new) ; 1-k.. hay rack with eliding rack Hensaal. of Farm Stock and Implements: I wagon box for silo filling ore. ; root HORSES -A general purpose team: one, PulPer H.P. motor; power emery: black mare, S years old. PIGS -30 Pigs, Coakstiut: 4 -row beet or bean stuffier: ' 8 to 10 weeks old: 2 sows due end of sat) Pans 200 good sap buckets; Little April. IMPLEMENTS --Bissell steel land' Beaver grain grinder with i H.P. Geneet1 roller; New M. -ll. grain binder, 7 -ft. cut; ;Electric motor; Cockehutt tractor 13 -disc 11 • eeed drill with power lift. HAY AND cLEARLNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at Lot 6, Can. 12, Tucker -smith, 3 miles east of Hensall, at 12.60 p.m., Monday, April 4th; Chest- nut gelding, a years old. -CATTLE--1 Hereford cow with calf at foot; 1 Here- ford cow, due in May; 10 Hereford steere and heifers rising 2 years old; 10 Here- ford steers and heifers 1 year old; 2 calves:wall 1 pure bred Hereford .bull 4 Deering mower, 5- . hoe fertilizer drill: I.H.C. stiff tooth culti_ GRAIN--; au Innnels of .Galore barley, eater; tractor -bitch Deering spring tooth suitable far seed; 250 bushels of mixed cultivator; M. -IL dump rake; 51.-H. bean grein; to of feed beans; 25 tons Of PUner4aCtiffier 4 -section set of harrows ; hay 20 feet of corn ensilage; 14 - single farrow riding plow; Wilkin- foot 5:10; ;aantity of Household son walking plow; Fleury 2 -furrow gang No revere. farm sold. Ternte'Cash. Plow; Bissell disc; set of sleighs with fiat, MRS. CARRIE McLEAN, Proprietress; rack; wagon and rack; Kemp manure' Harold Jaeloom. Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- spreader; Clipper grain cleaner, motor nay. 'Clare. 4241-2 attached; Chilton .fannrug. , Gurney 1.200 -lb. seeks; bag truck; Stonebool; pLEAICING AUCTION' SALE OF FARM Portland cutter.' MISCELLANEOUS- Stock anal Implements, at Let 6. Con. , Sling ropes; harness: forks, etc. Terms 6. Tutekersraith, Sai south and -Gash. GARFIELD BRODERICK. Pro- east of Sea -forth. on Wednesday. April 6. Prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. at 1 p.m.: HORSES -Roan mare, aged: P. Chesney, Clerk. 4240-2 filly. hay, aeed 2 years; choice gelding, rieini 4 years. CATTLE -5 cows. various AUCTION SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF ages. none old; I cow, aged; 7 storixer Walton, on Saturday, March 26th, at cattle, coming 1 years; 8 stocker calves, 1 p.m.; One dining room tame; 3 -piece coming 1 year; 20 sheep, some with lanibs, chesterfield suite; :6 dining room chairs; Leicester and Suffolk. breeding. IMPLE- 1 buffet; 3 dressers; 2 iron beds; 2 bed -MENTS--Threshing machine, 24x40, Bell, springs; 1 kitchen range, white enamel fitted with Eversol feeder, cutting box, 12 - (almost new; 3 -burner Perfection opal inch: .Messey-Harris grain grinder, 101,43 - oil stove; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 wicker inch; tractor, 20-30 steel rocking chair; 1 writing desk: 1 kitchen wheels •, traitor, 15-30 Hart -Parr. service - table; 2 small tables.; 1 gasoline iron; 1 ; able; tractor plow • Cockshutt 3 -furrow, electric table lamp; 1 cupboard; 1 tool; 12 -such; grain binder, ME, 7 -ft: hay cupboard; 1 Wash tub; a number of pails; mower. 6 -ft.; hay loader, drag deck; hay tedcler, 84-11; hay rake; side delivery. M -H; hay rake, 84-11. • le -foot, cultipacker, International. 10 ft.; culti- vator, Frost & Wood. 6 ft.: grain drill. M -H, 12 run: grain drill, 31-11, 10 run: drag harrows. Internet -loyal, 4 oectiens ; corn stuffier, Cockshutt, 2 row; riding plow, M -H disc harrow, 12 plate, winking plow, ,Fleury No. 21; walking plow, wood beam, South Bend: manure spreader, M.c- Cormick: spring tooth harrows, 4 section. Cocksivatt; scutfler, single, F. & W.: wag- on, wood wheels; wagon, steel wheels; top buggy; Portland cutter; hay rack, 16 -ft.; stock rack, 1:5 -ft.: truck scales; Renfrew. 2,000 lbs.; fanning mill. Clinton; root Purper; steel stoneboat; wheolharrov;r, aluminum, on rubber; I chop boxes; cream separator, GRAIN - 800 bushels oats and mixed oats and barley: 100 bushels feed wheat, and a host of minor articles usually found on a farm, including 'harness, horse collars, ehovels, corn hoes, etc. HOUSEHOLD - stove, Home Comfort, with reservoir; kitchen cabinet. Everything to be sold to settle Estate of late Robert C. Doig. Terms - Cash. PAUL DOIG and JAMES DOIG, Executors for Estate: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E, P. Chesney, Clerk, 4241-2 molt SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE. maroon. convert ible ; new condition. Apply MRS. E. 1. HAWKINS. 4241-1 T7OR SALE -1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. radio, heater, defroster; in good run- ning condition. Apply P. 0_ ROURICE, Seaforth. 4241x1 •g*TOR SALE -LARGE MOFFAT ELM - brie range. in good shape. Good glass cupboard. PHONE 180, Seaforth. 4241-1 pOrt SALE -RED CLOVER AND TIM- ' othy seed. Apply to J. W. THOMP- SON. R.11.. 2, Seatforth. Phone 833 r 81, Seaforth. 4241-1 Wanted WANTED TO RENT -ONE SMALL " furniefied room, for light housekeep- ing, suitable for elderly lady. 'PHONE 160-J, Seetorth. 4241-1 WANTED -A LanTrao =mart or famely JOSEPH HICKEY, Gen- March. 1949 Mc. ONNELL & RAYS, 4241x1 Solicitors for the Executor. eral Delivery, Seaforth. Seaforth, Ontario, .abtle for gras, • 11/ miles gouth of • pi!nopVent ' 0499. fTlitnheAk`.. §Uttaralay t,tweuizbs, tn4fe ei 4074110, lay and. Ris Waste* eetaiebellea. form- erly f ram the IhS:A.. neW luntgrnti ;9vg7 noon hour over Selialtea Ons/r,jaSonelein, A Show end Pence teet yen wen elice---OPM- etly, singling end Mualo, aSbeht ritarha at 8: Dance at 9.45 P.m. Adi.nlasitm, Adidie Goo, Catildren 22c. I • . 42414 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CRDITORS In the' Estate of William John McIntosh A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 4-3- against the Estate of 'William John McIntesh, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of 'Huron, Gentleman, de. ceased, who died on the 1st day of March, 1949, are hereby notified to send in fun particulars of their elairas to the under - sighed on or before the 8th day of April, 1949 after which elate the assets will he distributed, having regard -only to claims then received. "w DATEP at Seaforth, this 16th day of WANTED -ii•ousE TO BUY OR RENT-UNFURN- "" ished; suitable for accountant: mar- ried, two children. Occupancy 16th April, approximately. PHONE 35. o' 4241-3 WANTED QUISALL HOUSE OR APARTMENT wanted to rent, by engineer dmi wife. No children. Occupancy May lee approxi- mately. PHONE 85. 4241-3 Help Wanted FOR SALE -2 QUEBEC COOK STOVES, WANTED -GIRL TO DO HOUSE WORK one with oven. one with shelf. Real on farm ; willing to help with Cows bargain. Phone 852 r 41. 21). BOYES, and hens. I.F.STER BEGAN, E.R. 2, R.R. 3. Samford:I. 4241x1 math. 4241x1 FOR SALE -PRESSURE PUMP, USED one week. Phone 137, Hensall, or write MRS. ANNA C. WALKER, Hen - sail, Box 141. 4240x2 rOOKER SPANIELS - BLACKS AND reds, 3 months old. Show stock. Reas- onable. Apply W. T. TEALL, Seaforth. Phone 141. 4241-1 TTOUSE FOR SALE -NEW 7 -ROOMED brick house on lames St. Modern. Apply to ALEX KARPEN. Phone 51. Seaforth, 4241x1 a- quantity of linoleum; 6-gaflon crock: gallon creek 2 -gallon crock: quantity of fruit jars; end table; pair quitting frames; clothes horse; 4 barrel oil pumps; 2 dif- ferential grease pumps; 1 differential grease drum cart: 4 5..gallon cans: a number of oil drums; 4 car stands; a number of logging chains; 1 cream can: I Black & Decker heavy duty Si -inch elec- tric drill; 1 1Bowlens garden tractor; quan- tity of used lumber; took:and wrenches; shovels. hoes, Pots, Pane' and articles too numerous to irrigation. Terms -Cash. .7. as L. CUMMINGS, Proprietor; Harold Jackson; Auctioneer. 4240-2 Complete Dispersal HOLSTEINS 72 HEAD OF HIGH QUALITY HOLSTEINS 7e HEAD COWS - HEIFERS All calfhood vaccinated At the Farm: On No. 84 Highway, 2 miles west of, Ilensall, 4 miles east of Zurich, on • FRIDAY; APRIL 1st, 1949 Commencing at 1 p.m., sharp The offering includes: 4 cows, 6 years old, in milk, ,r 60011 to freshen; 4 cows. 4 years old, "some in milk or soon to freshen; 20 heifers carrying fust some fresh or soon to freshen; 26 open 'heifers rising 2 years old; 12 yearling heifers; 7 sinall heifer calves. These rat- tle will :be sold subject to T.B. test No reserve. All sold under guarantee basis. HOGS -4 choice Yorkshire sows ; 2 due at time of sale; 2 one-month later; 30 young pigs from 6 to 10 weeks old. OTHER. ARTICLES -Maple syrup equip- ctnerds ; S sap pans, various sizes; 17.5 salt Pails and spRes: approximately 300 good cedar pads; 11/2 H.P. International 32 -volt Delco combination motor. (Sale to, be held under cover). Plan to attend this Auction. You will be able to. 631 every need in these selec- tions. Terms --Cash. HRUCE KOEHLER & SON, Owners. Leonard Erb, Clerk; Alvin Walper and J. R. McLean. Auctioneers. 42,40-2 reoR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING -I- machines. electric arid treadle. Re - piers to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE. 78 Ontario St., Stratford 4223-tf LATHE OPERATOR WANTED FOR GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK State age, exPerienee, etc. BOX 750, Huron Expositor, MACHINE SHOP HELPER WANTED FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF MACHINE SHOP WORK Previous experience not essential. State age, experience, etc., to BOX 731 Huron Expositor ThOR SALE-IIALLICRAFTER'S "SKY Charnrien" radio rteeiver. with base reflects and phone lack; splendid recela- lion • both broadcast and short wave Lands : also automatic record player and m of fire, rtneiic ee0-5rds. REV. A: HINTON. the Manse.' Kippen. Phone 74 r 4, Hensall. 4241x1 'CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Rosie. Property and Furniture, the • Estate cjf the late Mrs. John I.amb, George Seaforth, Saturday, March 26th, at 1 pan., sharp: PROPERTY -Property con - salmi of at 6 -room lessee cottage with good cellar, hard androft water and Hydro Installed. 1 woodshed, Jot 56 feet by 144 feet. CHATTEL5-1 cook stove, good as new; 1 Quebec beater; 1 kitchen cup- board, antique; a extension dining room table; 1 oval living room table: 1 drop- leaf table: 3 small teller; 1 couch; I «in- formal rug. 7x12; 1 congolcain rug, 11 x12; 1 commas.= rag, 12:14; 1 caracole= rug, 8:0; 1 ornamental mirror, bevel glass: 1 copper boiler; 1 carpenter's chest; 1 coal oil stove, 2 -burner; I pair • quilting frames: I step ladder: 1 ironing board: I axe and shovel; dust nun; 1 Raymond sewing machine: 5 cane -bottom chairs; 4 kitchen chairs; 2 rocking &mire, leather seats; 1 settee and 2 wicker chairs; 1 reeking chair; 2 Oahe% chests; 1 complete toilet set: 2 oil lamps: 1 eke - 'talc table lamp; • picture frames: large anumut of dishes: 3 woollen bleuhkete ; 2 pairs fitintelette blankets; 8 linen table blothe; curtain lode: 1 mahogany wash- • stand; 1 evalirmt dreseer; 3 beds, springs and mattresses: 2 paint contains; 1 small s hum table Oath; 1/2 dozen steel table knives; 1 dome -forks, stainless steel; 1 dozen knives. stainless steel; % dozen table spoons: 11/2 dozen tea spoons; 8 cush- ions; 1 hand mirror: 1 bedroom mirror; •• I linen table Cloth, white, with napkins to • ,go with it: 2 'hand -crocheted bedspreads; • 3 plain eedepreeda; 8 pairs cotton sheets: • 7 aillowe t 2 derail& ticks; 3 mattresses; met and teWeas; centrepieces; 1 ItAttd-madO otial to: S electric iron: 1 elec- • tric pad; 7 cuthams; large number of gala* and Vint modern:, I rip &OM I tub stand, etib and hoileia 4 teeleardzed emir 1;S ter& of wood's quieetitY of cool; e mates& of 'cooking utetails. Terms. •_Thepreperly Will be teed talte03 ted. aliettele-Cenh. 'LAN end PS (It NoteN, the *tate id the, late. Mlle ; tea Howland, Atitateer, 4240-2 (iLADIOLUS BULBS -TO MAKE ROOM `I for a larger and better stock of Mixed Coloured Bulbs, we are selling these Early Yellow Bulbs at '75c per hundred; small. 35c per 100; Balblets, 25c per 500. Post- age extra. These bulblets will bloom this. year. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS, Seaford:. Motor Cars For' Sale TTOR SALE --MODEL 'A' FORD; OVER - hauled motor. 4 new time. APP1.9 STANLEY BARRY, Egsmondvine. Phone 668 r 15. • 4241-1 USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Trade. 48 47 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements. at Lot 21, Con. 12, McKillop Two., 1 mile east of Lead - bury, on Wednesday. March 30th. at 1 Pan.: CATTLE -Derham cow 6 years old, fresh 1 month: Durham cow 4 years old. fresh 1 month: Durham cow 4 years. fresh; 2 Durham cows 6 years, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow 4 years, due May 3; 1 Hereford cow 4 years, due May 3: 1 Hereford caw. 4 years, due May 3: 13 steers and, 13 heifers, Herefords and Dur - hams, rising 2 years: 5 yearlings: 4 spring calves 3 calves, 1 month. PIGS - 14 chunks (weight about 80 tbs.). PIENS- 125 Hybrids. 1948 pullets. IMPLEMENTS -Horse or Tractor drawn, al. -H. binder (7 ft. cut); wagon (rubber tire); steel roller: spring tooth cultivator; harrows, 5 -section; spring tooth cultivator (2 -sec- tion); Horse-drawn Implements -M. -H. 13 hoe drill with fertilator: Deering mower (New Idea), 6 -ft, cut; 10 -foot International rake; International hay loader; McCor- mick -Deering spreader; &miller; walking Plow; 1 -furrow riding plow; 1 set heavy sloop sleighs with fiat rack, 6x12; hay rack with slide, 16x8: grindstone; fanning mill; 2,000-M. scales with weighing Plat- form:, 2 oak- barrels: grass seed sower; Portland cutter; quantity of red cedar end and centre posts: 2 heavy log chains: 1 set of 8 -rope slings and chain; wheelbar- row; coterie boat; arswhorse; 1928 4 -cylin- der Whippet Sedan, 4 -wheel brakes with heater. A-1 condition: 8 Iron troughs: 1 sugar kettle; 2 pig feeders; I wire stretch- er with clamps; crosscut saw; 1 -man Ow: 2 gravel boxes: whiffietrem; forks; shov- els, etc.; DeLaval cream separator, No. 16, hard` or motor driven: 28 -ft, extension ladder: 140 feet hay fork rope; 1 pig crate; calmly house. 81,4%12; 3 dozes sacks; 2 dozen 3 -bushel grain bags. GRAIN and SIt‘ellS-550 bushels early grain, mixed anti good yielding: 73.5 lbs. Na. I red clover: 90 tbs. No. 1 alfalfa; 200 lbs. No. 1 timothy: 72 bags Katadin seed pot- atoes. BAY -4 tone mixed fray, alfalfa and timothy: 4 tons red clover. HAR- NESS -I set single: I set heavy single; horse collars. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSI- Washirrir machine: gasoline motor; lawn mower; gasoline lamp: hanging lamp; table lamp: lantern: oak dining room table and 6 chairs; odd chairs: 1 leaf table; kitchen cupboard; radio stand; sew- ing machine; radio: congoleurn rug 9x12 kitchen range with reservoir and wartning oven: I bed, springs, mattress: smoothing irons: dresser; dishes arid other artieles. Terms - Cash. No reserve. W11;LIS DUNDAS. Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4240-2 Births BAYNTHAM-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday. March 20, 1949. to Mr. anti Mrs. Lawrence Baynhams of Bengali, (nee Pearl Moir), a daughter. , Deaths ' CHEVROLET ,FLEETLINE COACH, 2 -tone green, radio, heater, many extras_ CHEVROLET SEDAN heater. 38 PaYmouTia COUPE 38 FORD SEDAN BROVIr02-Iti Seaforth, Oaf Wednesday. Meech 23. Nee Nay Theron, of Tucker- sMith, in his 50th t year. 35 FORD COACH 35 P0111) COUPE nevi motor and paint lob. 32 cHavItilLET 2n FORD, MODEL, 'A', MANY 0 rtiElt VALUES • Terms, arranged. BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" BRUSSELS - ONTARIO Farms For Sale 4240-2 NOTICE to CREDITQRS In the Estate of John S. Aitcheson A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS •"- against the Estate of John S. Aitche- 5011, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the 5th day of February, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 8th day of April, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 16th March, 1949. McCONNELL & HAVE, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. a240-3 alarms FOR SALE -FARM CONSIST- ' ing of 100 acres, being located half mile north of Zurich, on Goshen Line. known as the Koehler homestead; bas Hydra and water through the buildings; bank barn 75x55, 35 feet high; is in good state of cultivation. one of the best forms in the district; 2. acres of bush; well fenc- ed and drained. Possession can be had in reasonable time. Farm -Known as the Taylor Farm, opposite the ,above mention- ed farm, consisting of 70,Pacres. of good tillable soil, all in good cultivation; six acres of bush; has house with Hydro. For further .particulars apply to proprietor, LEONARD GEROMETIk. 42A0-3 In Memoriam asecARTHUR-IN LOVING MEMORY OF wife and mother, who passed away an March 23, 1947: -Ever remembered by Seel. and Sandy. 4241-1 TN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR hugband and father. Walter Rogerson, who passed away two years ago, March 24. 1947. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet; You were the kind of a father Your loved ones would never forget -Ever remembered by Wife, Family and Grandchildren. 4241-1 Teachers Wanted day of NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CATHERINE LAMB A L re PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Catherine Lamb, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron. Widow, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of February, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of April, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. PATE° at Seaforth, this 8th day of March, 1949. IVIcGONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4239-3 TEACHER WANTED A PPLIOATIONS ARE INVJTED AND •••••- will be received by the undersigned until April 5th, for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. VTircker- smith. Huron Co. This is a well-eaMpped, modern school, oh a good graver mind, ploughed in winter: 2 miles from Sea - forth and 1% miles from Be-menden:1a Applicants will please state qualificatikens, experience and references, especially name of last Inspector, if experienced. A per- sonal application would be appreciated. Salary will be according to experience and in keeping with the times. The pres- ent enrenment is 26. Duties to continence Sept. 6. 1949, S. H. WHITMORE, Sea-Treas., Tuckeramith School Area, Bell. 8, Seaforth, that. 4239 -if TN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR SON a and brother, Pte. -Melvin Toylor. killed in action four year:, ago, March 24, 1946. Onlya memory of bygone dam A sight for a face unseen; But a eosietant feeling that God alone knows. Though he draws the veil between. -Lovingly remembered and madly miss- ed by Mother, Dad, 'Sisters and Brothers. 4241:1 Cards of Thanks itirpt., WILL MellITLIAN AND MARION, with matabers of 'the Taylor family, wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for all floral tributes and Mes- sages of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement . HUGH MacKAY AND FAMILY wish to eXeirMs their sincere apprec- iation to friends and relatives for The sympathy and kindnms Mown them in their relent bereavement. 4241x1 Personals 11•1.01•MOOMM••••••••••••••141ELL T_TYGIENIC suPrr.rus (RUBBER aa Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Out PAT WOODS AND FAMILY WISH TO thank their many Friends and neigh - hoots for the kindness and sympathy shown them at the time of their bereavement, They wish to thank all those who loaned ears, sent cards and flowers, or assisted in any way. 4241-1 si tftii. FAMILY OF TB LATE THOMAS Hudson wish to thank their many friends and neighbor; for. sympathy ex - 'fonder! to 'them during their recent be- reavement, Smoky) thonIce to Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Do. J. C. Goddard, Mrs, A. Scholl. soloist, for the many beautiful floral tributes, the hearers, and those who loaned cars. 4241.1 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT M. SCOTT to thank their many friends for their kindness said sympathy. AIM for cards, newels and fruit while Mrs. Scott wen in The hospital, Stacee .thanks to Mr. Nietabito, P. to, Brady, 11Iflia Parke and The Hospital Staff. 4241-1 BAYFIELD ‘sissmsseesseers Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Forth and Ronnie, of Kitchener. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jowett over ibis week -end. Mr. Will Cameron, of Detroit, :Tent the week -end with his sis- ters. Misses E. and F. Fowlie. QKENNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 Re. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. ATI drug- gists. 1110.213100..11MINIM111011=111. CONSTANCE CeOggi flEd 4i'sQ'cIvlleefitlOE of er11:30.14 t 01' The healla Of Mr. mid ,Mrs. H. N, Alexander, Leatiestbdro„was the acen0 of a sUrparee dinner pares!, ein Sunday in holaor of the fortieth wedding amaiversary ef Norman's parents., Mr. and Mrs. Wal. F. Alex- ander of Henault AllaMembers of 'the Wally were .axesent on this oceasions aer. and Mrs., Coon DII- ihig (Doris) and Jowl, of London; Isobel, of Toronto; Sohn and Ruth, of Hensall; and three grandcbil- dren, David, Jim and Elaine Alex- ander, of Landeshoro4 Kippen Gun. Club is holding a trep shoot at Kippen on Saturday afternoon. The barn dance. wile be at the Town Hall, Heiman, April 2; spon- sored by the Kippeia Gun Club: Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Seinion, accompanied by Mrss Salmon, Sr., of Zurich, spent the week -end in Kitchener and visited with Doug- las Siemon, 8-year-o1d son of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Siemon, who is talser,ioaely ill in 'Kitchener Hospi- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellae, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes. The junior choir will occup the seats of the choir loft next Sun- day morning in the United Church. A bale of used clothing will' be packed early in May far overseas relief, under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church. . A three -act comedy drama, "Too Many Relatives," will be present- ed in the Town Hall, Thursday and Friday, March 24 and 25, sponsor- ed by the Chamber of Commerce, with proceeds -for the Hensall Com- munity Building Fund, The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union, Hensel) and Exeter units, held their March meeting in the basement of the United Church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. Geiger, President, was in the chair. The devotional was ta.ken by Mrs. Maude Redden, concluding the de- votional with a, solo, accompanied by Mrs. F. Appleby at the. piano. Many interesting items were dis- cussed during the business session. Miss Consitt read a paper and Mrs. Geiger reviewed a portion of the study book, "Alcohol or Christ." The closing hymn was ''I Would Be True," and prayer by Mrs. F. ApWby. The April meeting will be held in Exeter. A delightful evening was spent in the. Town Hall, Hensalll Friday evening, March 18, when a recep- tion was held for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles, the former Marion Sangster, and a recent bridal cou- ple. Out-of-town guests were pre- sent from London, Linwood, Wing - ham and other points. Music for the dance was furnished by the Shamrocks. Mr. Peebles, on, behalf of his wife and, himself, expressed thanks for the many beautiful and costly gifts Which they received. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed. Hensall Legion are having moe- ing pictures presented by the Schnider Co., of Kitchener, in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, Mar. 40, at 8 p.m. All Legion members and wives are invited to be present. Mrs. Clarence Reid was hostess Monday fee the March meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening,. Auxili iary. Mrs. Glenn Bel), president, was in the chair. The worship per- iod was In charge of Mrs. C. ieen- nedy. 'Scripture readings were read by Mrs, A. R. Orr and Mrs. Harry Hoye. The topic from the study book on China was present- ed by Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. H. Bell render- ed a lovely duet, and a pleasing piano solo by Mrs. C. Forrest. It- ems from the Glad Tidings were given by Mrs. Cecil Johnston and from the Record. Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. Donald Sinclair will be hostess for the April meeting at Ca.ven Presbyterian Manse, Exe- ter. At the conclusion of the meet- ing the ladies convened for a bus - nese session and arrangements were made for a banquet vela* they will cater to for the cast of the comedy -drama, "Too Many Rel- atives," being presented in Hensel' Town Hall Thursday and Friday, March 24 and 25, and members of the Chamber of Commerce, to be April in' Legion Hall Monday,. The Wobelo Class, met Tuesday evening for their March meeting, with a splendid attendance of members and guests present Mrs: D. Kyle, class president, very ably presided. The worship period was in charge of Mrs, Redden, and the Stripture reading by Miss Gladys .Luker and the devotional on Pray - or 'by Mrs. Hedden. Mrs,. J. Cors tett very ably presented the topicl on the life of Joseph. Audrey Walsh and Marlene Peteke render-, eRdoeikiveosclduet, Rockies" Mrs.'p'Fri. fiAgtpipteleebyinctohne_. tributed a piano solo, "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Hall." During the business period ar- rangements were made to hold a box social. in the church school- room Monday, '' April 25. J. R. Blackwell, Bill Mickle and Dave Kyle were apaointed a Prograin committeefl The 'highlight of the evening was a travelogue enharit- ed with beautiful pictures oIt the' screen, relative to` the trip taken to England last aummer by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton. and Mrs. A. Mousseau, Mr. Horton, who had kept a diary of the trip, read ex- cerpts, while the .pietures were shown on the screen. Bill Mickle was in charge of the A contest in which baby pictures of members and guests were shown on the screen, proved very amuse lag and the winner was Miss Dorce thy McNaughton. Refreshments were served. Program and con-: tests were in charge Of Mi98 Edna Waishand Mr's. Maude Redden. 'W Mies Betty ale was lunch con- vener, ' Mr. Wm. Parke, of I-tense:1i, re- ceived word On Thursday Morning: of the death of lila Mina.- Mina A. T. Danglati, of Hyde Park, Mrs. p AILROADERS, TELEPHONE MEN. Hydro Men, Section Men, Milkmen. Breadmen, and all men whose occupation is outdoors, in rain, sleet and hail, who know the comfort of keeping their clothes dry and warm -use "RAINPROOFER" on all their work elofilses. , Just sprinkle it on -it is invisible but sure keeps the =III off. ,An 89 cents bottle will rainproof about four or five pair of overalls and jackets. Get it at KEATING'S PHARM- ACY, Seaforth, only. See the new Spring Coats and Shorties. at TUDORS, in Hensel]. Also wide selection of curtains and curtain materials.. Martha Wash- ington dresses also in stock. Mr. Wm. Britton, who spent the past five months visiting with members 'of his family at Thames- ville, Wallaceburg and Brantford, returned Saturday to his daugh- ter's, Mrs. R. McMillan. Mr. Fred Wakefield, who is ser- iously ill with pneumonia, is at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Dave Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reekie, of Brantford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. McMillan. Miss Evelyn McMichael, of Au- burn, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dale. Mrs. Ken Betties and sons, • of Winthrop, spent the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Grimoldby. -4n TEARS AGO," SCORES OF SEA - forth citizens, used NAMELESS Cold Remedy, and liked it. To -day scores snore would be • using it, if they knew where to get it $1.00 will bring 6 months' supply, address PURITY PRODUCTS. Exeter; in HENSA_LL, LEE'S COZY COBNER supply it. It is highly recom- mended for SINUS, HAY FEVER, DEAF- NESS, and is worth a trial. 4240-2 Notices pREE FREE! - SHAVINGS FREE. a Please provide your own truck. JOHN BOEHM:11T & SONS. 4241-8 palm TUNING AND REPAIRS-NFREE a estimates. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 319-W, mintage 4287:13 DADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR an ell makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Oloael; Basher Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Myth. 42184f aa0TICE--WE ARE ALWAYS LOOlt- ing for a new customer to please him. Why not call 80 'in Dublin and have Your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer you as good price. sTAPLETola'S PRODUCE. Dublin. Phone 50. 'BY-LAW NO. 8, 1949 Village of Hensall - REWARD RE FALSE FIRE ALARMS -pea AUTHORITY OP' THE MUNICIPAL Act, ILS.O. 1937. Section 404 (6) and Amendments thereto, the Council of the Village of Hensel' enacts at follows: Be it enacted, and it is hereby chadted by 'the Mtmicipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Hensall, that a ,Retward of Fifty Dollen (850) will be Paid to any person who supplies informal. tion leading to the apprehension or GM- vidtrion of any person who ratises a False Fire Alarm, as defined under the Criminal Cede, Section 516 A. This lly-Law. No. 8, 1949, given flint, second, third and final reading and finallY passed in Open SOUTICS this 8th day of March, 1949. JAMES A. PATER,SON, Clerk ALVIN W. KERSLAKE, Reese 42404 la ap the forffifie Attlee Tobnetfet, daughter of, the./ateMre and Mre, JOhle She is elereivea by her /MORO, 5479.,Mall, 04111 wo Bruce Boa, on Of Rea. Andrew' Boa, of Forest, won the. Sir Adam Beck senior boys' public epeaking conteet with ilve-nilnute 'address on "World Peace" ea the auditor- ium competition in London Tue,s- day evening. Miss Barbara Shepherd, on the staff of the Royal Bank, Clinton, is aaeationtig thisweek with her sister and brother-inelaw, Mr. and Mrs. Sack Conaitt, of Bank Manager Dies At Aylmer . Seymour L. 'Peppier, 51, manager (Aylmer branch of the Bank of Montreal., died suddenly at his home, John St. North. Tuesday night. following a heart attack. Mr. Peppier was born in Hanover, a son of Mr. and MPS. Alexander Pep- pier, and in 1916 entered service of the Bank of Montreal at Brant- ford. In 1926 he received his first appoinement as accountant at Hen - sail. Later he was promoted man- ager at Aultsville and in 1934 transferred to omanage the branch at Manitovraning. In 1937 he wept to Little Current, then to the East End branch, St, Thomas, and to Paris in 1941. Mr. Peppier suc- ceeded T. Harry Bryson, now of bead office staff, Toronto, as man- ager at Aylmer, a year ago. He was a life member Hanover Ma- sonic Lodge 432, a member of the LO,,O.F. Lodge, Little Current, Rot- ary Club, Aylmer, and of Holy Trine ity Anglican Church. Besides his parents and his wife, the former Jennie Walters, a brother and two sisters survive, Cameron Peppier, Hanover; Mrs. Clarence ITeenh, Hanover, and Mrs. Charles Jaggs, Vancouver. The remains were tak- en to Hanover Thursday and will rest at Richardson's Funeral Home where services will be held Satur- day at 2.30 p.m., with burial in Hanover cemetery. The Amber Rebekah Lodge at Hensall is sponsoring a euchre and (lance on Friday, April 1, in the Town Hail. Death of Mrs. Catherine Baker Hensall's oldest resident passed away on Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John .Pfaff, She STAFFA hreetedi;ei136tia hirtalialserk, , w2sp:seuittorhiliruteab7/Yepral, i4cr eada obiltalta leailarvisred.,by two e9x*, „W Ba.it0V oAP4,44101, tpad Taal Baker, Or NkriD44/a0414)41 daughter, MM. 'John Pfaffs Hen - sale There, are 18 geandehlifirest anti 15 geeat-gratidealidren.. atm Baker was very active, taking a. keen itltereet,111 cU,rrent, event. She also enjqye b,e radia and was 'interested in braiding matte Bore in Kitchener, slie bad reside ed in Cranbrook, Goderieh, Baetela and alensall. A Pablic serviee be held from 'Bontaronae Funeral Home on Satutday at 2.34 p.m. with Rev. R. A. Ferguson officiat- ing. Interment Will be in Hensall Union Cemetery, Additional Hensall News on Page 3 See the new Spring Coats and Shorties. uI TLTDORS, in Hensall. Also wide eolection of curtains and curtain materials. Martha Wash- ington dresses also in stock. Mrs. Emmanuel Speare A funeral service for Mrs. Fanny Speare, widow of . Emmanuel Speare, of Toronto, was held. in Toronto Saturday, March 19, with burial being made in Staffa ceme- tery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. H. Daynard officiated at the com- mittal rites. Among those attend- ing from a distance were Mr. and NITS. Herman Speare and Lorna, and Mr. Knechtel, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Short and. ion, Vineland; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Speare and Lorne Speare, Harris - ton; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Fisher, Guelph,. and relatives from Sea.. forth, Kirkton and Fullarton. Miss Olive Speare, Cromarty, and Mrs. Harold Penick, Dublin, are nieces and Bert and Russell Butler, Crom- arty, are nephews of Mrs. Spear. • ZION Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey and, family and Sr. and Mre. Lionel "Strathdee and Marjory Ann visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, George Rob- insen recently. , Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gibb and fam- ily, Stratford. A few from Zion attended, Mrs. J. Moore's sale in Seaforth on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushlield and Mrs. W. Sadler, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and Terry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery and Spencer. /4r, and Mrs. Jas. Malcolm vis- ited Mrs. Geo. Graham, Mitchell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Roney and, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roney and Carl visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb on Sunday. Confidential Treatment Federal, provincial and =mita pal governments spend thousands of dollars annually to combat the spread of venereal disease. V.D. treatment centres have been set tip it many areas of Canada and sufferers from these iliseates may new receive free, confidential treat - Merit. If in doubt, see a doctor at °flee. Remember, VD. can tlig cured. Drive the Best Looking Car IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Seaforth Motors Offers a Complete • CAR WASHING. • SIMONIZING . • REPAINTING . SERVICE , Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Plione 141 - Seaforth 111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111 CALL, WRITE OR VISIT MOORE'S POULTRY FARM and Ask About Our "SATURDAY SPECIAL" This is a list of odd ntimbers of Chicks in different breed's and ages, specially priced to move quickly and simplify brooding problems. They are guaranteed Healthy, and from same high breeding as our regulars. Discriminating poultry consumers have learned to prefer, gelectable, tender, jnicy Capons above all other fowl. Do not miss out on your share of profit from these easy to raise and fatten birds, especially suitable for those who have limited space. GALL.MOORE'S POULTRY FARM AND ORDER YOURS TODAY Large1 arid small- order's eallallY cared fief oore'sPoultry Farm WE ARE PROUD TO ,7410,Mee CROWN HARDWARE PHONE 681-W : SEAFORTH as an authorized dealer for famous Pittsburgh Paint Products PITTSBURGH PAINTS, now ,"Mode In Canada,' include. Sun - Proof, a superior outside paint made with "Vitalized Oils"; Wallhide (flat, semi -gloss and gloss) the wonder-working ,one -coat, ail -base paint which covers any surface; Waterspar Enamel, a quick -drying, mar -resisting finish for woodwork and furniture; and Florlside, a tough, elastic, wear-resistaat enamel for wood, cement and- concrete floors. • We 'suggest you try PITTSBURGH PAINT the next time you hair) a painting lob of any sort. ' MADE IN CANAIVA AND DISTRIBUTED By' 1.1011tIS GLASS LIMITED graochest4 Coast, Coast,