The Huron Expositor, 1949-03-18, Page 4an"Taaaaa rt. ssilled Ms Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: ' FOR RALE, WANTED. LOST AND FellIND. 12110.-e,pee meat • 1et week 1 cent . ard week •it Cent Cent fluti week Minimum charge, first InsertionCanto Each figure, halal and abbreviation counts ea one word. *I Manna, In Mei:float= Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word; Minimum. •Ina efone per week. Eatetiirles may be directed to a Box No., oki The Mime Expositor, for 10 cents entre, TOH dents additional will be shamed U ado in above ekes are not paid within ).0 dare _•ot sloop of tionI insertioa. Birth. Marriages and Deaths ittaerted free or charge. atrietiee sena Noticw to Creditors, Eta--Rateu on applioation. ------ Auction Sales Auction Sales notion• Sale's For 'AVVVO PAM QV R91.104110 Ecr- 'fable; follateof Wale: 3,2 kitchen atlas; 2 tov :0Ptrvotklalla."'auff:veal;f4Ict.t4r1",::174:(44be,erti.,04:4.9.1"Sabaciirdliter:ce:pitl:Ir'pe:764414":10:xwl;8014,1!":e404labil:ViltoEitthbo:(;44:14;4:A:ennsa=1:dtln4t! and oven; toilet: an; hot elate; elearlo weechtntr now:bine; (Roark iron; wash boil- er; eirculator beater; wash tube; 3awn mower (nearly new): diebea deineeflo onteaftel rug. Boll; 3 cords b,,,ordwood; a toms oheitneit coal: handsaw; garden tools; ash sifter; step ladder: glass cupboard; 1 Essex Coach, 28 model, 4 new tires and new battery; breakfast set; Ingfet• table and 4 ,chaire (like new): bed studio couch, maroon (like new). Terms--Oash. MRS. VERA MOORE, • Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. ohoiney, Cleric, • 4240-1 FOR 8.6.14E--Ae PRRIgi4. EnInoTRIC ranee In, inoal" *If l• condition. Wlay be seen ot 0 •MOEDWARE ST01111. ••4240x1 'FOR 11:41/10 NO. 5 FER- '` 'Walser drill, geed cendit4OP., NORMAN SORADE, 842 r 8, S 42/Wag Fon eat4 nners'IWIXO Sawa:: horn bull. Z years •Old, Apply WILFRED nusatitoR.ru?:!.,0 658 r 28, Seaforth. 4240xd pOR 13.A.1,E-40-20 ritkraATIONAL tieetor, good Acondition, With variable speed toivertgAir."/Typly 90 DAVID TRIER - NEM, Kippen, R.R. 3, Phone 77 r 8, Hensel. 4239-2 POR SALE -WELL BRED DURHAM hull, 11 months, dark red; JosEP11 atilte4 WANTRIP '9Atalll'S' 6 an,a wolfram. awly 04101( nAlttoie', J. (a Prick. aeofforP. • ,42404. For Rent pOR RENT -FURNISHED APARTMENT for young couple. PHONE 44-W. 42404 pOR SALE GOOD USED UPRISE'''. " piano. Apply to Box 749, latrRoN EXPOSITOR. , •4240x1 plASTURE-100 ACRES IN STANLEY. " fenced into fields; drained; Plenty of water and shade. Apply Box .146, HURON E X POSITOR. 42994 _ .. ..... CARLIN, 661r24, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Personals Cards _ 42404 fiLEARING AUCTION SALI6 ON ThursdaY, Morch 310t. at 1 p.m.. eharp, Lot 12, Concoasisien 2, Hay Tow,ohp, Dales west 2 miles south of Henatiel, of Farm Sto.ck and Implements : KORB/4-A generol purpose team ; one black Mare, 8 yeaS8 old. PIGS30 pigs, 8 to 10 weeks old • 2 sow* due end of April, IMPLIIVIENTS • Bissell ,eel lund roller NUW Mali. avian hinder, 7-11. cua; Deering mower, 541, tert; Cock:time 11 - hoe fertilizer drill; 1.1-1,C. stiff tooth culti- vaanr; tractor -hitch Deering spring tooth cultivator; 3L-11. dump mite; Mali. bean InallenecuMer; 4 -sentare set of harrows; M.-11. single furrow riding plow; Wilkin - eon -making plow; Fleury 2-furrew gang plow; Bissell disc; set of elidghs with Rat rack; wagon and rook; Kemp manure spreader; Clipper grain °leaner, inoter attached.; Clinton fanning mill: Gurney, 1,2etalb. scales; bag trucic ; stoneboat; Portland cutter. MISCELLANEOUS- I Sling ropes; harness; forks, etc. Terme I .• Cash. GARFIELD BRODERICK, ro- Orietor; Harold Jackson., Auctioneer; E. , P• CliemeY. Clerk. 4240-2 A 1JCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK "" and Implienerits, at Lot 17, Con, 7.; Parr Line, Stanley Twp., mile south of Varna, on Friday, MLIXCil 18th, et 1.30 P.m.. the following: CATTLE-Durhant oow 4 Years old, due time of sale; 'Our- I hum tow 4 years. due time of sale; Dur- ham cow 5 years, due time of sale; Our - ham cow 10 years, due time of sale; lair - ham cow, 4 years, duct April 11; Durham cow, 10 years, due August 20; 2 stem -el and 1 heifer rising 2 years ; 3 yearling ! steers. SHEEP -A Leietacter ewee 2 years old. IMPLEMENTS-Internationcul 2 row ! sniffier with bean puller attachment; Ren- frew electric creseparator (500 b tun Iis. oo box and stock rack: oat roller; Daisy et:urn;e number of elm plank. HOUSE - HOLM EFFECTS- Sideboard; couch; kit- chen chairs: hand washing maehine and wringer. Terms-Cuah. No reierve as the farm in sold. ED. FOSTER, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auetioneer, 4239-2 faLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM '-' Stock and Implements, at lot 16. Oon. 2, Tucliersmith Twp., 14 miles ca.st of EiPPen. on Friday. March 25th, at 1 p.m.: .1-1ORSES-4Viatehed teem of Regietered Glyde mama, 6 and 9 years old. CATTLE -White cow, 7 years old, due March I: grey cow, 5 years, due March 23: red cow 6 years, due March 31: Hereford cow 6 yearn, due March 25; tray cow 8 Years• milking, due Jtily; grey cow 4 ytors old, milking, due October 1; rod and white cow, 8 years, milking, due August 7.5: red cow 3 years, due Sept, 15; 2 steers. approximately /100 lbe; 3 steers aeproxi- matey 300 tbs.; 2 fat heifers, 800 tbs.: 7 one -year-old steers and heifer; 3 fall eal yes. IMPLEMENTS --1 Allis-Chalmers C tractor, starter and lights,. in A -I condi- tion; 2 -furrow International tractor plow; 3-sect2on International spring teeth har- rows (like, new): stiff tooth cultivator. 6 ft.: steel roller; 4-sectiori harrows; 11 -run disc International fertilizer drill: 74001 Internaticmal binder. short and long tongue; 6400t cut Deering mower: inter- national! dump rake; .1nternationa1. hay reader (l(ke new) International •awitii tit:taller with dises; Massey -Harris bean puller; Delaval cream separator: steel trough (new): implement. tongues, large iron kettle; rabbet- tired wagon take new); IS -toot fiat rack with one-man rack, nearly new; fanning ; grass seeder: sling ropes and chain; 2 heav-y chains: 6-gal3on oil can; cistern pump; 10 feet Pine in good order: 14 feet 1% -inch gal- vanized pipe: 50 posts ; 500 3 -Inch tile: root pulper: 1,4,1 HP. motor alike new): 2 emery grinders; bench for motor; net brass -mounted breeching harness: 5 horse collars; 2 blankets; net sleighs; 2 d.oirs: grain bags: 4 bushels No. 1 clover seed: 100 bushels barley, O.A.C. 21, for seed; walking plow; scuffler; quantity hay: wheelbarrow ; shovels; speed of barb wire: other articles too numerous to mention. Terinio-Cush. EARL SPROAT. Proprie- ter: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Olerk. 4239-2 CILEARING AUCTION SALE ()F FARM Stock and Implements, at Lot 15, Oen. 18, hicitillop Two., 2% east of Lead - bury, on Wednesday, March 23rd, at. 1 p.m.: II0125E5-1 mare 11 years old; 1 gelding, 12 years old. CAT1LE-1 ...now milking, bred. Feb. 25: 1 heifer in calf 9 steers rising 2 years old; 6 heifers ris- ing 2 years old; 1 calf 5 months old. PIGS -a-1 sow due March 20; 9 chunks 180 lbs.: 12 pigs 3% months old; 26 pigs 2% months old. IMPLEMENTS--Cockshutt 70 tractor in A-1 whape; International two - furrow tractor plow; 1 7 -ft. Bissell double disc; 1 6 -ft cultiantor with tractor hiteh; Deering binder 7 -ft. cut; Frost & Wood ;mower 6 -ft. cut: 1 Maxwell hay loader; MalL hay rake; 1 Frost & Wood cultiva- tor; 1 single furrow riding plow: 1 3 - furrow gang plow; 1 walking plow; I 14 -disc International seed drill: 1 14 -out - throw disc harrov:: 1 manure spreader. New Idea; 1 rubber tire wagon: 1 set of sleighs with flat rack; 1 hny rack with ehift 4esections diamond harrows: 1 :muffler; 1 gravel box: 1 Viking create separator: 1 fanning mill: 2.000-15. Ren- frew scales / buggy; 1 cutter; 1 Inter- national ty., H.P. gas engine: 1 POMP jack; 300 feet ef snow fence: 1 harrow mac).; 1 sap pan and buckets; 1 rudder: I Cyclone erase seeder ; a number of grain hags; 1 sugar kettle. HARNESS --1 set of breembing harness: 1 set of backbend harnees; single harness : horse malars; 1 creescut saw: whiffietrees; neckyokeo ; ehains; forks; some lumber: 3 bunches ithingles; 4 hundred coarse salt; 1 colony house; 9 shelters: 1 duck house. HAY AND GRAIN -A quantity of hay: about 175 bushels barley. FUR,N1TURE-One organ; 1 Moffat range; 1 Quebec beater: 1 churn; 1 bed; 1 feather tick: odd chairs: paths. AntigtiCP-Spinning wheel, swifts and reel; 1 thee press. Terms -Cash. ED. DAVIDSON. Proprietor: Harold Jack- son, Auctroneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4239-2 AUCT1ON SALE IN 'THE VILLAGE 01' Willem, on Saturdua. March 26411, 1 pan : One dining room table; 3 4,:ecti ;he. terfleld suite; 6 dining- room camas: L. 3 dressers ; 2 iron ITI'dh ; 2 bed priaiga 1 kitchen range, white me mei toaet t n e,: 3 -burner Perfection ceal 11 stoxe • 1 kitchen cabinet • I wielter rovkIng Chair; I writing desk ; 1 kitchen tattle! 2 small tablm: 1 gasoline on 1 electric table lump; 1 el101aMl.ti; 1 t,h1,1 ‘111.1401/,-d; 1 wash tab; in number of pails ; quentity of linoleum; 6-iraHuit creek ; 1- v alien crock ; 2 -gal len crock ; q tut n ti ty fruit Jam; end table; lack Quitting frames: clothe: horse; 4 barrel till pumps ; 2 dif- ferential grease pumps: 1 differenUal grease drum cart; 4 5-g4,llon cans; a number of oil {rums; 4 car stands a number of logging Media ; 1 cream can; 1 Black & Decker heavy duty las-Inch elee- tric drill; 1 ROMANIS garden tractor; guan- tity of used lumber; tools and wrenches; shovels. hum, pots, pans and articles too numerotet to mention. Terms -•Cash. .1, S. L. CUMMINGS. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4240-2 LIIARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stock and Implements, at, Lot 26, Concession 9, McKillop Two_ 1,6 mile north of Winthrop, on County Road. Thursday, March 2415, at 1 ism,: HOUSE- HOLD EIFFECTS-Full line of household effects including kitchen, dining room, liv- ing mem and bedroom furniture, dishes. kitchen utensils. etc.; 2 robec; fire mean- ireieller: lamps: sewing machine; lawn menVer; cone oil stove; eloelm. CATTLE Durham cow, freeh ; 2 3 -year-old Dur- ham heifers. fresh: 2 Durham cows fresh- ened in fall; 1 farrow cow; 2 Durham steere 1 year old; 3 fall calve,: young oalvm. PIGS --2 York SOWS with litters of 12 eseli ; 1 York gow; 3 York chunks.' SHEEP -5 Leicester young ewes; 1 Ox- ford ram. HORSES -1 matched team of red roan marts rising 7 and S years old; get a backbend harness; single harne, (like new); number of hoe collars. 1.51- ptintrans-m-e binder, 74".; 2 Deer- • ing Monona 641..; M. -B. ba' loader; sulky rake; spring tooth celtivater; disc harraw: (1•OteitIon harrowg: riding Olent: walking plow: seed (trill; ladders; stock •rock; cutting box; wheelbarrow; farm wagon: hay mak; 2 ton buggies; 2 mut- • ton; Decker threehing Mechine; cutting • box; has rope; pulleys: sling chain; sling , roma; by fork; quantity of Umber: limning chains,. whidietrees: neekyoket; forks 40.11 shovels; limning mill; 2.009-1b. stalest geseet seeder; hag truck; set Of • 6.110 gee* r lfi$6. Dodge teclan in A4 GRADa-t00 lotchele of Maks Mthee a ii0ads Of 3,03 / hags Of Pottage. PARM-v-100 Siena% mere Or tees. situated • Mk Conti 'Ram 16 *Mio month oS Win - ,t seam house. batik• tarn "'erlfh Stant• ' ft. to at rt; 12 eitetit Patti ..v.0616.,46611. 0 Ar .I Atationeert la P. 0 S. AnaCtialea 42194 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Hesie. Petperta and Furniture. the Estate of the late Mrs. John Iamb, George St., timilorth, Saturday, March 26t1, at 1 p.m., sharp: PROPERTY -Property con - sista of a 5 -room frame cottage with good collar. hard Wail soft water and Hydro installed, 4 woodshed, lot 59 feet by 114 aet. CHATTELS I cook teove, good as new ; 1 Quelue heater; 1 leachea cup- board. antique; 1 extension dining room table; ,1 oval living room table; 1 drop - reef table; 3 small tables; 1 couch: 1 am. troleuna rug, 7x12: 1 congeleum rug, 11 x12; 1 conmalearri rug. 12x14; I congoleum rug, 839: 1 ornamcrital mirror, bevel glans; 1 copper toiler; 1 carpenter's chest; 1 coal oil SSOVe, 3 -burner; 1 pair Quilting frames; 1 step ladder; 1 ironing hoard; 1 axe and shovel; dust mot,: 1 Rayourod aewing machine: 6 cane -bottom chairs; 4 kitchen chairs: 2 rocking chair,. leather seats : 1 settee and a wicker chairn; 1 rockirig chair; 2 elothes oltests; 1 camel...ex, toilet set; 2 oil demos; I elec- tric table lamp: picture frames : large asantnint of dishes: 3 woollen blankets; pairs flannelette ldin.nkots':8 liner, table bleths; curtain itods; 1 mahogany wash- stand: 1 walnut dresser: 3 beds, sprinirs and mattressm ; 2 pairs curtains; 1 small laoe tttble cloth ; 14 dozen steel table knives ; 1 clezen forks, stainless steel; 1 dozen • knivesstainless steel: le dozen tato,, soeene; doeen tea nPooria; eush- iens ; 1 hand ra-icror: 1 bedroom mirror: 1 linen table eloth. white, with napki•na to ea, with it; 2 hand-croeheted bedspreaas: 3 elain bedspreads ; 3 pairs cotton sheets : 7 pillows; 2 tfeuther ticks: 3 .Mattresses; onlJow OaSek: and towels: centrepieces; 7 hand -made quilts : 1 eleetric iron; 1 elec- tric pad; 7 cushions; large number of quart and pint sealers: 1 rip saw : tub stand. Mb and boiler: 1 galvanized flour barrel; 3 cords of wool: quantity of coal; large number of cooking utenails. Terms: O•n Property- The property will be said subject O., reserve Md. On Chattels --Cash. THOIMAS NOLAN and FRANK NOLAN. Executors of the Estate of the late Mrs. John Lamb: Lew Revlon& Auctioneer. 9240-2 Complete Dispersal HOLSTEINS 72 HEAD OF HIGH QUALITY HOLSTEINS 72 HEAD ceaws, - HEIFERS All calfhooel vaccinated A1 the FaX111 Oil No. 84 Highway, 2 miles west of Hensall, 4 miles east of Zurich. on FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, 1949 Commeneing at 1 p.m.. sharp The coffering includes: 4 cows, 6 years old, in milk, or soon to freshen; 4 cows, 4 yews old, some in milk or itoon to freshen; 20 heifers carrying first calf, some fresh or noon to freshen; 25 open heifers rising 2 years old; 12 yearling heifers; 7 small heifer calves. These cat- tle will be sold subject ho T.B. test. No reserve.. All soki under guarantee basis. HOGS --4 choice Yorkshire sows; 2 clue at time of sole: 2 onemcrntli later; 30 young Pigs from 6 as 10 weeks old. OTHER ARTICLES-,MaPle syruP equip- ments : 3 San Para, carione sate: 175 NIP Pails emir ,piles; approximately 300 good cedar posts ; 2,. FI.P. International 32 -volt Delco combination motor. ISeile to be held under cover). Plen to attend this Auction_ You will be able to fill every need in than., selec- tions. Terms -Cash. BRUCE KOEHLER & SON, Owners. Leonard Erb. Clerk: Alvin Wolper and J. R. McLean, Auctioneem. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock arid Implements. at Lot 21. Con. 12. MeKillop Tem., 1 mile east of Lead - bury, on Wednesday. March 3011. at 1 rarn.: CATTLE. -Durhnm cow 6 years old, fresh •1 month; Durham cow 4 year, old, fresh 1 mnnth : Durham cow 4 years. fresh: 2 Durham COWS 6 years, due time of sale: 1 Durham cow 4 years:. due alaY 3: 1 Hereford cow 4 years. due May 3: 1 Hereford cow. 4 years. due May 8: 13 steers and 13 heifers, Hereforcti and Dur - hams, rising 2 years: 5 yearlings; 4 spring calves: 3 calves, 1 month. PIGS - 14 chunks (weight about 60 Pm.). HENS - 125 Hybrids. 1948 pullets. IMPLEMENTS -Horse or Tractor drawn. 711.-11 binder 17 ft. cut); wagon (rubber tire) : steel roller: spring tooth cultivator: harrows, 5 -section: spring tooth cultivator (2 -sec- tion); Horse -Arne -it Implements -M. -H. 13 hoe drill with fertilator: Deering mower (New Ideal. 6.011 cut: 10 -foot Intermit)onal rake: Internativnal hay loader; M.cCor- midk-Deering spreader ; scuffler; walking Plow: 1 -furrow riding plow: 1 vet heavy sloop sleighs with first rack, 6x12: hay rack with slide. I6x8; grindstone; fanning mill; 2,000-15. settles with weiehing plat- form: 2 oak barrels: grass seed sower; Portland cutter; quantity of red cedar end mid centre pont,; 2 heaty Ice chains ; 1 set of 3 -rope einem and chain: wheelhar. now: stone boat; eawhorse: 192S 4 -cylin- der Whippet Sedan. 4 -e -heel brakm with hatter. A -I reindition; 3 iron troughs; 1 auear kettle: 2 pig feeders; I wire stretch- er with clamps ; ere:scut saw ; 1 -man saw: 2 gravel boxes: whiftletrees: forks; shov- els. etc.; DeLaval cream separator. No. 16, hand or motor driven; 28 -ft, extension ladder: 140 feet hay fork rope; 1 Pig crate; colony houseiLSte4x12; 3 (keen sacks; 2 down 3 -bushel grain bags. GRAIN and SE;FIDS-350 buiehels early grain. mixed and good yielding: 73.5 lbs, No. 1 red clover; 90 tbs. No. 1 alfalfa; 200 lbs. Nos 1 timothy; 12 hags Katadin need pot- atoes. ITAY-t tons mixed hay. alfalfa and timethy: 0 tuna red ctrieer. HAR- NESS -1 Set SiaZle: 1 set heavy single, horse collars. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Washing machine; gasoline Motor; lawn mower; ira.seline ramp: hanging lamp: table Inutli: lantern oak dining room table and 6 chairs; odd charm; 1 leaf table; kitchen cupboard; radix, stand; sew- ing. machine: congoleurn rug 9x12: Ititehen range with reeerveit and werming oven: 1 bed. ROTiTIRS. TnattSCOS: 01110OnliTte irOnS: dresser; diehes and ether article. Terms -- Cash. No reserve. WILLIS DIINDAS, Proprioter: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4240-2 Deaths WOODS -In Logan. on Saturday, March 12, Elisabeth Catharine 'telly, beloved wite of Pattiok Woods, in her Slat year. ,10RION2ON.,-In Egmondville on Fri- day. liamet 31. David John Stephenson, in Isle 'Met year. REA11131t031P.-At Ruston Nursing Rome, gettliet On Weginceday, Maroh 16t5. Itenntalereiuskopt in bet 72n4 me- . l_TYGIENIC SUaTI.JES (RIJBBER Geota) in ched pootpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 sample., 22e. 24 sampled 81.00, Mail -Order Dept. T•73,' NOVA -RUBBED. CO., Sus 91, Hamilton, Ont. of Thanks pOR SALE -WALNUT BEn WITH " sOrings, felt mattress said spring -filled li if RS. PARLMER, IIENSALL AL , WISHES to thank all her friends who so kind - mottoes ; one used Premier vacuum clean- er. G. R. JOHNSTON. Phone 92: Selo Iv remenibermi her during her recent 01- forth. 4241031 ness• 9240-1 F MR. JA.OK McBEATH WISHES TO EX - OR SALE, - ,pnrissunn PUMP, USED rrem his sincere thanks and oppreciti- tion for the. kindness of the many friends ,,nil neighbors who remembered him with flowees. cares and letters while he was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with irpecial than:Its to the blood donors. 4240-1 ..--- - •-- -e------------------- one week. Phone 137, Herfsall, or C,I,KINN Y MEN, WOMEN I GAIN 5 TO write MRS. ANNA O. WALKER, fl en - 15 lbs. New pep, WO. Try famous null. Box 141. . 424032 Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results : new healthy ficoh ; new vigor. New "gal FOR SALE -BROODER COAL. WM. itequainted" slze ONLY 60c. All drug- M. HART, Phone 59O -W. Seaforth. gists. 4238-3 "pARMERS" - "RAINPROOF" Y 0 U 12 work clothes, overall*, jackets, tar- paulins, blanIcetts, etc., at horne, simply and economicelly. Just aprilikle it on -it IS invisible bat sure keeps out the wet rain. An 89 cents bottle will' do about five jackets. Get it at ic.EATIN9S PHARMACY. Seaforth, only. "4t YEARS AGO," swans OF SEA- " forth citizens, used NAMELESS Cold Remedy, and liked it. To -day scores more would be using it, if they knew where to got it.. 81.00 will bring 6 months' supply, address PURITY PRODUCTS, Exeter: 4T1 IIENSALL, LEE'S COZY CORNER supply it. It is highly recom- mended for SINUS, HAY FEVER, DEAF- NESS, and is worth ns taiaL 4240-2 • Farms For Sale RM FOR SALE - IIIGHW AY , 81 acres, 24 wheat, 20 ploughed; 7 -nom red brick bowie, wired; furnace, 3 -piece bath. pre_ssure water, garage, bank barn. Spring possession. WM. PEARCE, Realtor, Exeter. 424031 panm FOR. SALE -125 ACRES: LEV- ' el, tillable dark clay loam ; brick house; laree bank barn; 211, miles to pub- lic or separate schools. $6,000 cash or terms. April POSSeSSiOrt. WM. PEARCE. Realtor, Exeter. 4240x1 palm FOR SALE -100 ACRES GOOD land, Hullett Twp.; plenty of wood; good house, bank barn. good stabling 40x 60, drive shed. henhouse. LoM of good water. Near school. MRS. ROBERT J. WATKINS. Phone 804 r 13. Clinton. 423754 pARMS FOR SALE- -FARM. CONSIST- " ing of 100 acres, being located half mile north tvf Zurich. on Goshen Line. known as the Koehler homestead: has Hydro and water thrtiog,h the buildings; bank barn 75x52. al feet k in good state of cultivation, .me of the bmt, forma in the district: 2 acre, of limb; well fenc- ed and drained. Possession can be had in135 reasonable time. Farm -Known as the, Taylor Farm. opposite the above mention- ed farm, consisting of 70 acres of good tillable soil, all in good cultivation; six acres cif bush: has house with Hydro. For further ,particulars apply to proprietor, LEONARD GEROMETTE. 4240-3 pOR SALE -FRAME BARN 40x 60, ON -L tot 8. Con. 9, Ribbert. Apply EARL DICK, Cromarty. Phone 19 r 5, Dublin. 4938x3 MR. AND MRS. LLOY TURVEY AND -°' family wash to exp eas grateful ap- preciation to their many friends and neigh- bours for their help and donations after the recent fire. Special thanks to the SALE -50r x 70f FRAME 13A11N, 1.0.0.F. Lodge, Bruchfield, the Women's L -10R en r conoonnion 8, macmon, mia,„ Assoeiatien of the United Churoh, the Stanley Community Club and members of west of Winthrop. Apply to WILLIAM S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith. 4240-1 DOLMAGE. R.R. 1, Londesboro. 423932 MRS. DAVID J. STEPHENSON ANT) 'FIOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWINGlewdly wish th thank their many machines, eleotric and treadle. Re- • pain; to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE. 78 Ontario St., Stratford 4223-tf friends, neigh bouts anti relatives for their kind expressions of iiymparthy, acts of kindness and beautiful floral 'tributes ex- tended to them in the loss of their clear husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Rev. Reba Bern and te Mr, Whitney. 4240x1 LA1)10LLTS BULBS -TO MAKE ROOM for a Iserer tind better stock of Mixed Coloured Hullo, we are selling these Dario Yellow Ilnlbs at 75c per hundred ; small, 35c per 100; Bulblets. 25c per 600. Post- age extra. Theme bulhlets will bloom this Year. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS. Senforth. Motor Cars For Sale .L."10,R SALE -4929 MODEL A, 1N A.1 ZOlatitiOn. Apply CHARLES REEVES. Plaane 226-M, Seatorth. 424031 USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Trade A 7 CHEVROLET SEDAN LII.1 Radio end Heater. , 40 138 37 136 Lost and Found LOST -DARK BROWN FEMALE COL- "' lie, white markings. Please contact owner by phoning 656 r 31, Seaforth, 42,40-1 Coming Events BEGORRA! FRIDAY NIGPrT IS Tnz Big St, Patrick Dance at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, and what a night it wAl be for the Irish, with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4240x2 Notices -pima° TUNTNG AND REPA1RS-FREE estirnat. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, ("Hilton. 4237518 pp Arne REPAIRING- WILL REPAIR "v all makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop, GLEN KECHNIE, Blyth. 4218-tf MOTICE-WE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- "' ing for a new cuslomer to please him. Why not call 50, in Du.blio and have Your Eggs and Poultry picked UP at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer YOU a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE. Dublin. Phone 50. BY-LAW NO. 8,1949 Village of Hensall REWARD RE FALSE FIRE ALARMS pa AUTHORITY OF lata MUNICIPAL "" Act, R.S.O. 193/, Sec-tion•404 (6) and Amendments thereto, the Council of the Village of Hensel' enncto as follows: Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted hy the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the Village rif Hensall, that a Reward of Fifty Dollars (850) will be Paid to any Person who supplies informa- tion leading to the apprehemion or con- viction of any person Wil0 causes a False Fire Alarm. as defined under the Criminal Code, Section 516 A. This By -Law, No. S. 1949, given first, second, third and final reading and finally Passed in open Council this 8th day of March. 1949, JAMES A. PATERSON. Clerk ALVIN W. 10ERSLAKE, Reeve 4240-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED rriENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED 12'P TO April 2. 1949. for RE -WIRING NO. 1 SCHOOL Bluebrinie may be seen at Frank Mo- Cowan's. Work to be completed by July 30. 1949. Lowect tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. L. REID. Varna. ',Ont.. Sec.-Treae. Stanley Twp. School Area. 4239-2 FOR SALE by TENDER TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY " the undersigned until March 2605, for the HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH SHED Approximately 40,, x 80e with good thn- ber frame. Adl to be removed from prem- ise. by July 1. 1949. Any tender not necessarily accepted_ BARRIE WALTER, ILR. 1, Goderich. 4A9-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECFSITED BY " the undersigned until April 505, for PAINTING I/O. 8 SCHOOL, EGMONDVILLE This ht to be a complete "oh. inside and outside, and all farnitore to be refinished. Firat grade materials ain't* be used and good workmanship is also required. Work to be commenced after July 1. 1949, and to be evenp!eted icy August 29, 1949. Tenderer, bo state in detail all that ie implied in their tender. Lowest or stnY tender not necessarily accepted. Per further particulars apply to S. n. trainmen* Seealacees., Tuclonsnoth School Alva, • Itit, 3. Gestorth, Ont. CHEVROLET COACH PLY MOUTH COUPE 1, -ORD COACH FORD SEDAN FORD COUPE MANY OTHER VALUES Terms arranged. BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better TJsed Cars" BRUSSELS ONTARIO Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED A PPLICATIONS ARE INVI FED AND " will be received by the undersigned until April 5.th, for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 7, Tucker - smith, Huron Co. 'This bi a well-equipped, modern school, on a good gravel road, ploughed in winter; 2 miles from Sea - forth and 11/4 miles from Egrriondvfile. Applicants will please state qualifications, experience and references, especially name of last Inspector, if experienced. A per- sonal application would be appreciated. Salary will be according to extterienee and in keeping with the times. The Prea- ent eaurillment is 26. Duties to commence Sept. 6, 1949. S. FL WHITMORE. Sec.-Treee., Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3, Seaford], Ont, 4239-tf Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of William John McIntosh A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Fota.te of William John McIntosh. late of the Tow -n of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on the 1st day of March. 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the gth day of' April. 1949, after which clo.te the assets wtOl be distributed. having regard -only to claims then received_ DA TEO at Seaforth. this 3615 day of March, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors Inc the Executor. 4.240-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of John S. Aitcluson A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John 8. Aitche- son, late a the Towtohip of McKilloo. hi the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the Sth day of February. 1949, are hereby notified to send in full Particulars of their claim) to the under- signed on or before the Sth day of April. 194.9..after which date the assets anal be distributed, having oegard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 1615 day of March, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 424.04, . • NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CATHERINE LAMB A LL PERSONS HAVING " again' st the Estate of Catherine Lamb, lets of the Town of Seaforth. in the Cern- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 23rd day el February, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full partimilars of their claims t,o the undersigned on or before the let ciao of ApriL 1949, after which date the assetwill be distribated. having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED st Seaforth. this sth day of March. 1949. McCONNELL & FLAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4239-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of KATHLEEN DEVEREAUX A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ••-• atairut the Estate of Kathleen Dev- ereaux. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 22n5 day of February. 1999, are hereby notified to send in full Parket:dare a then claims to the wider - signed an or before the 25t5 day of March, 1949. atter which date the assets will be distributed. having regale] may 40 elaims then reeelved. DATED at Sestorth. this 2nd day of March, 1949. MeCONNELL & RAYS, Seteforth Ontario, Solicitors for the Execator. 4232-3 MR. AND MRS. ROSS MANN WTS1T .511 to thank their many frieTis for the lovely eards, fruit and flowers, also gifts to their son. and for the kindness shown to Mrs. Marin durine her stay at the hos- pital. Special thanks to Drs. McMaster ni Brady Miss Pearl TN:Trier and Nurs- es of the Hospital. 424031 In Memoriam caunavoRE-IN 'LOVING MEMORY OF our father. Roland Cudmore, who pass- ed o way on March 16. 1928. -SONS ANL) DAUGHTERS TN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR ▪ e,,,t,hor, Mns. Alfred Scruton, who nst.,c-d away One year ago, IVIareh 19. 1948. Peerefully sleepingresting at 2ast, The world's weary troubles and trials are past: In ,ilence she suffered, in patience she bore. Till God called her home to suffer no more, --Sadly missed by her family. 4240-1 Births M AR I NELLI- -I n Sault Sts.e. Marc. on alarch 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- inelli (nee Isabelle Case), a (1aughter. WILLIS-In Seott Memorial Hospital, on. March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Phi, Seaforth, tnee Marjorie Mckenzie), a SOT1- PAPPtE--in Seat •Memorial Hospital, on March 15. to Mrand aim. Wm. Palma", Eg-moratville, a daughter. CaMPBELL--In &Ott Memorial Hospital, on March 35, to Mr. and Kenneth M. Campbell, Seaforth, a son. BARNES -In Scott •Memoria4 H,ospital, on March 17, to Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Barnes, RR. 1, Stela, a son. milimmuk HENSALL .SSIONSOMMII (Continued from Page 1) the rewards that should be offered for the apprenhension of the guil- ty parties, &so reported re the tax arrears as being $338.89 for 1948. Correspondence was read as fol- lov..s; D. E. MacKinnon, tenders of W. 0. Goodwin and T. C. joynt for police uniforms, W. Carlile, Secretary rf Fire Department,' A. Alexander :..ounty assessor, re meeting, L.,,minion Road Machin- ery, Provincial Troasurer, re road subsidy, Kilborn Engineering Co., International Water Supply, Can- araand filed.Valvae&lidrant: same con- sideredThe Clerk was instructed to pre- pare a bylaw appointing D. E. Mc- Kinnon assessor at $150 a year. on motion of CouncilloTs Parke and Moir. Constable F. Harburn was given permis.sion to order a uniform from T. C. Joynt with buttons and braid at $5.5, on motion of Councillors Jones and Moir. Purchase of supplies requested by the Fire Brigade was approved and council also concurred in the attendance of the Clerk and As- sessor at the meeting of assessing officers in Harriston on March 16. Bills and accounts were approv- ed for payment, as follows: H. Parker, labor, rink, $33; J. Pass- more. supplies, W.W.. $54.53; Op- erating At Maintenance Speciali- ties. supplies, W.W., re 'Bank of Montreal. $5.19; Inter'national Wa- (ter Supply, supplies. W.W.1242.45; Hensall Hydro Commission, Hydro W.W., $84.91; Hanover Transport, cartage, W.W., 97c; J. Passmore, W.W.. $41.66; Allan & Reid, cartage-, W.W., $45; C. Johnston, -repairs. W.W.. $25.85; Association Assessing Officers. $10; F. G. Bon- thron. unemployment sta.m ps, $5.04: F. Harburn, salary, $123.72; Hydro Commission, water and hy- dro, Hall. $27.74; J. A. Paterson, express, duty. exchange, W.W., $2.33; Bell Telephone, service, $5.09. Tot al , $707.48. Bylaw No. 7. rules and regula- tions for the operation of the Wa- terworks, and Bylaw No. 6, rewards for information re false fire alarms ,were given necessary readings and finally passed. Parke and Moir: That the Clerk have 300 copies of the rules and regulations for the operation of the waterworks pritted, also publish Bylaw No. 6, re persons causing false fire alarmsin the Exeter Times -Advocate and The Huron Expositor for two editions. Car- ried. The Clerk was instructed to advise Lawrence & Reid to secure the necessary permit for the oper- ation of the. service station. Death of Thomas Hunter Hudson Mr. Thomas Hunter Hudson, tromineat and • bighly eSteenied resident of Hensel], pfussea away at his hotne Friday folic:owing a • MIAOW411,V4OlaRR4X14904" 11a1v141:4:„itiet a0404:40R. t:04:1711:iff4Y,:i JletkVe. IneMbea of par. rOei PreabYterian Ointrelt be Itaaa • a4 Immo' elder. Poitt ley, Township, "ho Caine to gonna. when 19 Tenn of ago •before the village was Incorporated, He was reeve when .t.be TOwn, Hall was built in 1916. fle Wee, eMplbYed in the one establishltlent for sixty- eight years, formerly with the late Donald Urquhart, and Up Until hie' illness with George T. Miele Sons; who operate a grain• eleva- tor establishment. Mrs. Hudson died seven years ago. Surviving are one son, Ibloyd, St. Marys; one daughter, (Rena) Mrs. part Mit- chell, Exeter; a• sister, Mrs. Geo. Strong, and a brother, John, both of Seaforth, and four grandchil- dren. The body rested at the resi- dence where a short funeral ser- vice was conduoted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson on Monday, followed by a public service at Carmel Presby- terian Church at 2.30 p,m„ which *as largely attended. Mr. Fergu- son paid high tribute to the life of Mr. Hudson, as a man of fine Christian character and a grand example to the life of the village. During the service Mrs. A. Schell sang d. very appropriate solo, "No Night There." Mrs. C. Forrest ac- companied at the organ console. Following the service the cortege proceeded to Hensall Union. ceme- tery where burial took place. The bearers were Sydney MacArthur, George Tinney, W. R. Davidson, E. R. Shaddick, E. L. Mickle and Earl Campbell. The floral tributes were many and very beautiful. Complimenting Mrs. J. Peebles, the former Marion Sangster, a bride of last Saturday, Mrs. Wesley Jones arranged a presentation in her honor at her h.onie Thursday of last week. Assisting were Mrs. Leonard Noakes. and MTS. Allan Townsend. Marion received many lovely and cootly gifts, the presen- tations being made by Miss Elean- or Vennor and Miss Blaine Car- lile. A mock wedding wa.s a high- light of the affair, the roles being portrayed by Mrs. Victor Kay, bride; Mrs. Jones, groom, and Mrs. Noakes, the minister. Luncheon was served. Wing Commander John Roberts, of Hensall, gave a talk on activi- ties and training given at Centra- lia R.C.A.F. station before a meet- ing of Hensall Chamber of Com- merce. He presented moving pic- tures of parts of Canada where he had been posted. It v,ras decided to sponsor an old-time fiddlers' con- test and dance in the Town Hall it: the near future. W. Spencer re- ported on the community centre and arena; work on this project will be started next month. Peebles - Sangster Lovely in a floor -length gown of sheer ivory satin, Marion Isobel Sangster, of London, became the bride of John Arthur Peebles, of Hensall, in a charming ceremony at Carmel Presbyterian Church Manse, Hensall, Saturday after- noon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Letitia Sangster and the late James Sangster. alensall, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Peebles, of Linwood. Rev. P. A. Ferguson was the of- ficiating clergyman. Her graceful satin gown was styled with a ny- lon yoke bordered with pearl ros- ettes and long fitted sleeves. Her ful/ skirt was tied to a long fitted bodice and fell in eoft folds. Her floorlength veil of embroidered net was caUght to a sweetheart head- dress of matching satin, and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls with match- ing ear -rings, gift of the groom. The attendants were the bride's • two sisters, Mrs. Leonard Noakes, of Hensall, as matron of honbr, and Mrs. Victor Stan, of London, bridesmaid, the former gowned in turquoise moire taffeta with match- ing headdress, and mittens, with corsage of pink carnations. The lat- ter waecostu.med in pink moire taf- •retia. gioioued 'with,a ,mion ue* lino, long .tnatohia0,- TOWN* VQPIPIliPlent her shed Sleeves, with ' atching headdress an shout, eleMentth Yell. ger egrealle Walk Atnerieffit Betaity mess. Rose Peeb- les, of laillarood, !brother of the Matti, and Jame S filangater, Hen- t3all, brother Of the .bride, Were best men. Following the cereniony the wedding dinaer •nragt' served at the home of 'the bride's mother to the iminediate' relatives, twenty- four guests being present. Mre. Sangster neeived wearing a blue dress withorsage of Pink noses'. Mrs. Peebles assisted and chose a wine costume With corsage of Yel- low roses. The house decorations were in color schemes of Pink and white, and the bridal table center- ed the wedding cake. Serving were the Misses Margaret and Norma Sangster, of ttflensall, cousinsof the bride, For their wedding trip to Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, the bride travelled in a wine ensemble with accessories in black and her corsage was yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Peebles will reside In Hensel. Mr. and Mrs.. James Wright are home after spending several weeks with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Lorne Park. Mrs. Harold Holmes,. of Speers, Sask., Le visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt, Nippon. Mina Bilabige, OctlePhtt.S. Or 'Mar tont in Naegioni*40' 010 ii#140 of 14er itaretits; Mr, and gra. W,Sliam Shepherd: ., 15- lAMP'1OigtrianY, Itelativea," will be presented 'In tbek town hall, Hensall, Mara and 30, SPERM - ed by the Obaraber of COMmerce, and directed by Rev. P. A, Feu. son. • Mr. and Mre. Jack Shepherd, of London, spent the week -ed with their parents. The synipathy O tne conununity Is extended to Mr. C. Kennedy, whose mother pasoed away oe, sat,. urday at the General 1Tospita1, To- ronto, following a ebrain operation. Mr. Alvin. 'Whirm has diSposed of his farm to Mr. Harry Dougall. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian Church held a successful St. Patrick's tea and home cook- ing sale Saturday in, the lower hall of the church, which was beauti- fully decorated for the occasion. Forty-five dollars was realized. 'Phe ladies were delighted when the Hon. Stuart S. Gerson, Mini- ster of Suotice, who "was guest speaker at the Huron -Perth Liber- al meeting in Hensall that after- noon, with W. H. Golding, m.p., and •sixty of those attending the meeting, dropped in for tea after the meeting. Mr, Garson thanked Mrs. William Bell, president of the society, and the ladies of the church, for a most enjoyable lunch. " TOO MANY RELATIVES" (3 -Act Comedy) HENSXLL TOWN 'HALL THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH' 24 and 25 Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce Proceeds for the Hensall Community . Building Fund e If it's laughs you want, then make it a date to be in the Hall by 8 p.m. Play starts at 8.15. , ADMISSION: 50c and 35c Fa:rmers Attention! We Are Open To Contracting Malting Barley AND WILL SUPPLY THE SEED FOR SAME We Have A Good Market Foe This Barley Growers interested, please call or write: W. G. THOMPSON GRAIN ELFNATORS HENSALL, ONT. DAY PHONE NO. 32 NIGHT PHONE NO. 2 We are again'' Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING CO. If interested, get in touch with us. Geo. T. Mickle& Sons Phone 103 •Nights 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO Your Hospital Reports BEING ONE IN A SERIES OF ARTICLES DESIGNED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THE OPERATION OF SCOTT • MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Review of Financial Report It will interest the readers of this article to know th,at tine Financial Report of Scott Memorial Hospital, published one week ago, was the first detailed report to be published in the Hospital's history. We fail to see a reason to suppress a report which col:teems an institution, run by a few in trust for all the people. The major outlay, of $26,760.93 for wages, la a startling figure. The only solution to this prob- lem is a training class, Or the use of a greater ntimber of nurses' aides. In Clinton, the hospital was operated on a twelve-hour schedule, wbich not only lowers the figure for wages, but also the cost per patient per day. At Wingham, a greater number of nurses' aides are employed, which may or may not be a good solution, but it does mean wage dollars saved. The account for linen and bedding was $1,871.62. In Wingham the Hospital Aid assumes full responsibility for alt hospital linens and sew- ing, eliminating an important item of expense, The fuel account of $2.314.23. compares favor- ably with accounts of other hospitals in tbe same grouping. Food cexpenditure at $1n.346.01 is also comparable favorably with other county hospi- tals. would like to mention here that the hospital is again purchasing its meat and bread locally. The telephone account at $622.77 was added to by advertising and telephone eXpense relating to the construetion of the new wing. Our figiire Of $6.95 as cost per patient. day is higher than those of Clinton. Wingham and Gode- rich. As we pointed out earlier, these figures are directly affeated by the amount of wages paid, which here was excessive in comparison with those of the other hospitals mentiened. Another factor was the small amount of revenue earned here by X-ray and other special services. In Wingham, for instance, the figure for X-ray alone was $4,410.22, in contrast to our. sum of $264.05. We believe that it is the duty of each of the doc- tors to use the X-ray equipment afforded them by' the hospital. It is a fact that ,no other person has the equipment and, accommodation supplied for his use that a doctor has. A great deal of moniey has been spent on our X-ray equipment, which is now complete and in excellent condition. It is under the direct super- vision of Dr. Murray Morrison, of London, fore- most in this field in Ontario. The past year has been one of distrust and misunderstanding between the Hospital and the doctors. At least twice during 1948, efforts were made by the Board to bring about a meeting, be- tween the two in order to reach a better under- standing. In January of this year this objective was attained' to the extent of arranging for the meeting of representatives from the Honp1tt Board with members of the Medical Board prior totheregular monthly Hospital Board' meeting's. As a result of recent cOntacte veal the Depart- ment of Health in Toronto bane learned that our existing by-laws are inadequate. At the present time new by-laws are in the preteens of being drafted Up and. enacted upon. In publishing this report the Sole wish Of the Board is to acquaint the public With the facts and details of the administration of' their Hespital, in order to bring eihmit a better understanding Or hospital problems and management, W. II. FINNIGAN, Chairman of the Board.