HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-03-11, Page 81-9,----Ir--Ir--w---v- /' HIGHEST CASH r7TT—w--v fHiGHESTCASH PRICES for/ ►DEAD STOCK' H'O'RSES, $2.50 each.r PH . CATTLE, $2.50 each BUGS, .50 pe Cwt. • Jccording. to ,Sire sod Condition'' ,Kali - .. r . o1reG� SI'%AFOR�`H Y5 ?MC, B.ILBr DASOAL,TY, _• 16ANTEE aPSr I ! ,NT !VIP. S WKNES , ANA WINDST o les wh RM +antirig: Go�npaa eGurity with, Service. owl's. FOR, ONTARIO IRMAN S M;IJT1JA1. INSURANCE Ibasatioaa . gladly given. TSt N SZ REID R>aID Proprietor NPP' . RealEstate of 00000©0 t O BOX 0 uncrat 6erbite AMBULANCE 0 ,Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 OCCASIONS 0 PHONES: 0 '0 Res. 595-W or 18; .Store 43 00 0 ,Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. G. A. WHITNEY ° tQ Successor to 0 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 LIC! Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 O Flowers. 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. J. A. BURKE 0 10 Funeral Director 0 0 . and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Brother I lea in iarni•`.pb.@ attl .' den 'death ()Warred in, Sarnia, Tues- day morning of Thomas Eugene, Neville, son of Mrs. Neville- .and the late James Neville; and a bro- ther of Mrs. J. M. McM111an, ,Sea - forth. Mr. Neville, who was in his 45th year, is survived by his wifet' and three ohiidreu. St. Thomas' W.A. Meets,—A brief W.A. meeting followed the Ladies' Guild oft Tuesday afternoon with the president, Miss Holmes, in the chair and leading in the Litany Members' and Lord's Prayer. All reports were given and received. The members are asked to start quilting on Tuesday, March 15, at 230 pan. in the Parish Hall. These are the bale quilts., The annual to be held in London on April 26, 27 and 2S, was again -briefly dis- cussed. The offering' was received and dedicated, and Rev. T. Dale Jones closed the meeting with prayer. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR '0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 past.: p residezit o the, MOMS 4i th, a; 'Master Maaoa4 of Wilson ..4odge .9.. A.M;, a past' chair?uan; ori both. the Publie and Nigh: S,aheel Baard, a mexn..ber of Trinity Chureh :and serving as rector's warden, a Mrember of Cauatlian Legion, and a membet oEthe Chamber P Com- merce. In 1925 he married Miss Reta Forbes, of Waterford; who survives, with one daughter, Mrs. Glenn Nelles, Wilsonville. Also sur- viving are three brothers, Jack, of Houston, Texas; James R., of Wa- terford; Ross, of Ottawa, and one sister, Mrs. C. A. Russ, of Barton - Northside Mission Band Meets.— The Mission Band of Northside United Church held its. regular meeting Tuesday with 24 present. The meeting was opened with the hymn, "When He Cometh," after which Helen McGonigle led in prayer. Mrs. Wilbee led the Mis- sion Band in repeating the 23rd Psalm in unison. A solo by Mary Lou Goudie was greatly appreciat- ed. The secretary, Jackie Crozier, read the minutes of the last meet- ing, which were approved and adopted. Barbara Plumsteel repeat- ed the Members' Purpose. The Band sang "Jesus Bids Us Shine," and Mrs. Wilbee told a story. The meeting closed with the Mission Band benediction. FOR SALE Shame Dwelling, property of the late Wm. Reid. Suitably located. Good cellar, furnace. Immediate iiopsesaion. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable tor grass, with 60 acres can be cultivated. • Frame Dwelling in Egmondville. Early possession. Moderately priced. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run- e:ing water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern ppnveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable tor cultivation. M. A. REID BEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 ANNUAL St.Patrick's SUPPER THURSDAY j I -A -R -C -H 17th — in — St. James' School Hall Under the auspices of the C. W. L. ADMISSION: Adults 75c Children 35c Supper served from 5 to 7 p.m. Northside United Church.—Rev.' H. V. Workman, Minister; 10 a.m., Sunday School; Worship Services.: 11 a.m., "Christ's Identification Of His Own," Junior Congregation; 7' p.m., Special Service of Song; Sen -1 for and Junior Choirs in special numbers; sermonette, "Hymns in Holy Writ." Communion service, March 20. -trst Presbyterian Church. -10.00 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., "God of the Hills and Valleys"; 7 p.m., "The Voice of God." Fireside Fellowship group will entertain 'the Adult Fellowship group of Northside United 'Church on Tuesday, March 15.—Rev. D. G. ' Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas', Seaforth, and St. Mary's, Dubli n.—Rector, Rev. T.' Dale Jones. Lent, 1949—Lent is the period in the Christian Church when we are bidden to draw apart . and meditate upon the Will of God. From this .quietness and meditation we can re -think what God has plan- ned for us and in prayer ask for grace and strength to put our thoughts and prayers into action. The followingservices have been arranged and the themes chosen as toilows: St. Thomas', Seafe.rth— Wednesday evenings, 7.30 p.m.. "Studies in the Character of Christ": March 16. 7.30. p.m.. "The Prayerfullness of Christ. St. Thomas', Seaforth, and St. Mary's, i;ublin—Sunday evenings: March 13, "The Sanctity of Personality." The services for. Holy Week and Easter ill be announced later. 'Fireside Group Holds Meeting— A regular meeting of the Fireside Young People's Society was held in the basement of First Presby- terian Church on March 6 after the evening service, with an attend- ance of 23. The meeting was open- ed with a song service, which was followed by three verses of Hymn 109. Stanley Dorrance gave the Scripture reading, Mathew 5, vers- es 1-12. Rev. D. G. Campbell led in prayer. The first three verses of Hymn 564 were then sung. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and business discussed. Gordon McKindsey in- troduced Mr. Dobson, who gave a very interesting talk on "Citizen- ship." A vote of thanks was given him by Doris Pullman. Hymn 410, verses 1, 2 arid, 7, was sung, and the meeting closed with the .Miz- pah benediction. Lunch was serv- ed at the close of the meeting. CLEVE CARTER'S AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R au.aa.*iii H. J. Staffen Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth II11111111111111111111 TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - ,Seaforth LEE'S ,11.1161tAgL'S DE Luxe 'LOB r'OLISHERS Por Sale PtffViN 1� iuT>...ts+� and Vital Poole- Hatchery Where you'get Better Chicks At Less Money! We have room for orders on' a good var- iety of Breeds, brood- ed or day-old. Please comrmunicate with ED. BOYCE R.R. 5, Seaforth Phone No. 852 r 41 The boiY•restedt.0k�, + : Bunce, home, WaterfOrtl, O e service was 'held on SUn4a' d.ti pear., eoaduoted by Rev, VW.: is. , Intermeat was in %ree u cemetery. •• Funeral. of James Nolan. -'Tile .J m NOlen Mucha); of the late a es 'NOI,.n was held from St. James' Qliwv'l , Seaforth, on March 4. Rev.( Father Hussey officiated. The vocal. selec- tions, Situbert's "Ave Marit3 and "What Could My Jesus Do: Mere': were sung by Mrs, Tom Nolan, of Niagara Fella. interment was made in St. 3ames+ cemetery. Mr, Nolan was born in Hullett and moved to Tuckersmith thirty years ago. ,He. was a highly respected resident, •be- ing a member of the Holy Name Society, the League of the Saered Heart and Propagation of the Faith, and a past member of the Separate School Board. He leaves iy- St Patrick's Night DANCE to xuotlrn hie WS 40 •iter daughter, Sister b4iM qiP ilio Groet G:G;I.C., Ottawa; Theins Niagara FAUS, eRd GlaretieW ;4,, Af London. The pwll'bearery; were -41Qx Boyce Ignatius O'Leary, 'Cort k3pl ere Gordon Reynaldo, .Cecil; Ute, and Joseph Ryan, Jr. The epfritAal ,offerings expressed the eateeM in which his friends held. him. Those attending the funeral from a dos tante were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Dev- ereaux, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. T. Culliton, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Nolan, Bru's'sels; Mrs; A. V. Quigley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. N. Culliton, Stratford; N. Frowley, D. .1ughes and F. Trott, of Niagara Falls, Lpoby's Hall, DUBLIN THURSDAY, MARSH 17 CKNX BARN DANCE GANG, Featuring Canada's No. 1 Cow- boy, EARL HEYWOOD DANCING 10 - 1 J11111N11111111II111111111tt.1111111111111111111 NOTICE LOCAL BRIEFS The Seaforth Agricul- tural Society is sponsor- ing a Field Competition in Registered GALORE BARLEY Anyone wishing to compete, communicate with either R. McMILLAN E. B. GOUDIE or R. BOLTON Mrs. Roy Lawson, Sec.-Treas. luIIili!11111!IIIIIIII111i111I1111111Illlllil!l Looking for a Good USED CAR1 You'll Find It At Daly Mi;tirs Ford - Monarch Dealer SEAFORTH TEL. 102 • Mrs. Stauffer, of Ayr, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson on Friday. • Mrs. Alex Karpen has return- ed from Montreal, where she visit- ed isited relatives and friends. t• Miss Marilyn Ohesney spent last week in Toronto. ALL SiZES AVAILABLE Egg - Stove - Nut - Pea Alberta - Stoker WILLIAM M. HART SEAFORTH rs, *inert t egraell aril Off l '1b;11 041't « Br,,uspels, *Ore gosee4 1,40 '. i of Mrs; Willi?red Caine e Mr Jacl(Waliler, of HIar'Oilton, was In 'towa last week on busine"se w; The .ufaiay friends of MO,, Margaret Udder are :pleased tti., s lc'now s>ii3 is; dtome from the hos- pital o pital axe is improving slowly. • Miss •Marion Ma,aort agent the week -end at Macdonald Hall, Guelph, with Miss Lois Hoggarth, or Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. H:als, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. R. S. Hays. - • Mrs. Kenneth McQuatg return- ed from Quebec City on Mond'aY, • where shent the past two weeks visiting -her father, Mr. John A. Wilson., • Mr. --E. H. Hodgins, of Belle ville, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ament. • The congregation of First Pres- byterian Church are holding a "family night" concert on Friday. March 18, in the schoolroom of the church at 8.15 p.m. • Mr. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A., and Mrs. Pryde, of Toronto, spent the week -end in town. • Mr. Russell Ferguson, of To- ronto, was a visitor with Misses Annie and Maud Ferguson last Fri- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Poole, of Toronto, visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr., and, Mrs, Ar- thur Bushie, over the week -end. • Mrs. J. M. McMillan was call- ed to Sarnia Tuesday morning fol- lowing the sudden death of her brother, the late Thomas Eugene Neville. Mr. McMillan attended the funeral in Sarnia on Thursday. • Mr. M. A. Reid left for Mont- real Wednesday to attend the fun; eral of his uncle, the late C. G. McLellan, of that city. • Mr. W. E. Southgate was in Kerwood Monday afternoon. • Mrs. K. M. McLean is visiting in Stratford. o .Mrs. Edwin MacArthur and Peter have returned after visiting her mother in Hamilton. • W. H. Finrfigan, chairman of Scott Memorial Hospital Board, J. M. Scott and G: R. Johnson were in Toronto Wednescay interview- ing officials of the Department of Health. • Mrs. Jas. L. Grieve has return- ed from Brantford, where she spent the past two weeks. o Mr. W. A. Campbell, of To: to, called on his aunt, Mrs. J. Pat- terson, on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat spent Sunday in Hensall and Exe- ter, visiting relatives and friends. Northside W.A. Group Meets.— The March meeting of Group• 3 of Northside W.A. -was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Hudson on Tuesday evening. The president, Miss Hoag, opened the meeting with a poem, "God Touch My Life," and prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung, and the Scripture lesson, John 15. was read by Mrs. Knight. The roll call answered by 19 members, was re- sponded to by a word or song title pertaining to Ireland. 'Mrs. Finni- gan and Mrs. Waldon were ap- pointed the program committee for the next meeting, for which Mrs. Traviss offered her home. The bal- ance of the evening was spent in playing progressive crokinole, the winners being Mrs. Knight, Mrs. B. F. 'Christie and Mrs. Waldon. A delicious lunch was served and Miss Hoag expressed the apprecia- tion of the group to Mrs. Hudson and her daughters for their kind hospitality. E'uchre - Dance (Last of Present Series) CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Friday, March llth Euchre 81.30, Sharp — LUNCH SERVED — • Good Orchestra and Prizes • General Admission — 50c Auspices SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE St. Patfick's PARTY ET. COLUMBAN TUES., MARCH 15 Euchre 8.30 - 10.30 Good Prizes - Refreshments AUSPICES OF C. W. L. Admission 50 Cents 1 FARMERS! Machines will be hard to ob- tain if you wait until the Spring rush! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED: 3 3 -furrow Tractor Plows with furrow straighteners. A limited number of Spring Tooth Lever Harrows, Tractor Discs will arrive soon. Also a limited supply of Fertilizer Sowers and Double -Row Packers. Fleury -Bissell Machines are tops in Quality, tops in Performance, and Lower in Price. Ask the man who owns one! Local Agent: V. J. LANE Seaforth R.R.5 PHONE 46-12 DUBLIN There's: • • ONLY ONE WAY TO LUBRICATE YOUR CAR Former Resident Dies in Water- ford.—Charles M. Forbes, manager of the .Southern Counties Tele- 'p'hone Company', Waterford, died in Norfolk General Hospital, Si$coe, Friday, in his 59th year. Mr. Forbes suffered a heart attack on Feb'rears" 19 and his death came suddenly. Tie was •born in Seaforth, October 24,. 1891, a sari of the late Arthur .F`'b'x'Ises,, and Mary McAllis- ter. 4 attended public and high ... firm . 1 e enlisted la lltorwZs iIt h is � tie It Ell'e'n"4tt•'1915. ate want eta Wttt;brfara,. %. ago midi wad entili�io'tl! 1i tie Grio to e'r lidtraent. die served iVith the tele. tette COMpany 9 Years' halt heen Titan Lger f4t1r 1 : Put it in the hands of qualified, licensed automotive mechanics for regular lubrication. Different moving parts of the modern car need different types of lubrication. Make sure you get them. Different driving conditions demand different types of lubrication. Make sure your car is protected. Never neglect body, engine or differential'lubrication. Drive in today and make it a monthly visit . . . for safety's sake. D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday. Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. forth Motors �Che'olet , Oldsmobile PROSE.4 SEtAPORTI YES! They're ' coming again! WHO? Oh, The Norwich Musical Society., WHEN? On April 8th. WHERE? In Cardno's Hall. Who is Sponsoring Them? The Local C.P.T. Committee of Odd - fellows and Rebekahs. .lbk U tEF'1ELD SEAFORIII •, r NOW PI,AYING , TH U R^l4/r SATDAY-- ByRequest ue St " TJE EGG AND, I " with CLAU+DETTE COL8ERT and FRED MacMURRAY This Modern Day Pioneer Yarn has .splendid bits of poignant hunrauity, lau;hter, near;tira.gedy and a folksy tale of young love: MONDAY, :TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "MR. BLA v1INGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE " with CARY GRANT. and MYRNA, LOY - The laughter and love riot of the year—the season's greatek Romance. Be sure to see it! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " TENTI'I AVENUE'ANGEL " \with MARGARET O'BRIEN and GEORGE MURPHY An Angel who will wing her way into your heart—she believes in miracles and makes them- come true. Coining: "A PLACE OF ONE'S OWN" with JAMES MASON , MARGARET LOCKWOOD �•J3uy your Dinnerware in March ana save. 10,%, at. SAVAUWIiS', Seaforth.—(Aov.). Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston and son, Wilmer and Ronny, visit- ed in Listowel on Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Forrest, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueen. • Aiv,u aiuiui and Eleanor, of Bluevate, visaed on aunu.ay with ISir. ano Mrs. h. tserry. rvirs. dmttn, wilo eas peen nese for a Lew nays, retureea wttn them. ivir. and Mrs. D. rough have re- turned home after spendi(ig the w.0 el. \',ILLI .etaLires. \4eek-end vis1Lo.a hi their homes here taLtuueu: .be ty r,.iaau, nyue lark; Janet waLQou, e.ytuier; iiiaticite zapue, 1ai'y tient-y, uani neury auk tiun ratersou, all of 1 Lonuon. 'mu community was shocked to hear of tiie sudueit passing of Mr. Lawrence iteiu .1n Luranlo. Bora nil lsruceiietd, he was the son of the late Mr, and Mi s. V. Heid. he at- tended public school here ana Clin- ton •Coliegtate, later becoming a' druggist. Mrs. Glen Swan is visiting Mrs. J. Grainger in Exeter. The fire brigade answered a call to a fire at the home of Mr. Adam Stewart,' of Stanley, on Friday. This is the second 'fire within a week. The World Day of Prayerwas observed in Brucefield United Church Friday, March 4, at 3 p.m. Mrs. G. Graham was in charge and opened the service with the Call to Worship. She was assisted by Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. B. Thompson and Mrs. A. Zapfe as leaders. Mrs. J. Cairns sang a pleasing solo and was ac- companied by Mrs. A. Johnston at the organ. Prayers were offered by Mrs. T. Baird, Mrs. R. P. Watson, Mrs. W. Scott, Miss M. Swan, Mrs. N. Baird, Mrs. J. McGregor, Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. A. McQueen. An Entirely New pow ! Bigger and Better than ever! They recently performed to packed hous- es on three consecutive nights in their home town of Norwich. (The Norwich Band has won further laurels since their appear- ance here last year). • :>w Aok —r:40 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS' INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W DARLING r,. cc). OF CANADA LTD, 3 Basic Modern KROEHLER Pieces' New sink -down -deep buoyancy ... new get-up ease. Wonder-working spr. that. shape in- •ca fitly to you. Thrill to new oebler comfort and the exciting room variety of Kroehler Sec. - clonal Sofa. 7eep eadieowege4eoua useteos Now Kroehler gives you two complete Sea of springs in the back—and two complete sets of springs in the more Wisp gz flaw wow Ws. G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO V MATCH PINE and Spruce: For barn doors. PI -NE and SPRUCE: For siding and sheathing. VARIOUS LENGTHS and WIDTHS: In. 1, 2 'and 3 -inch lumber. Complete Line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Etc. JUST ARRIVED — Insulation, granulated; •2" and 3" Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. Phone 47 -: Seaforth WINTHROP Buy your Dinnerware in March and save 10%, at SAVAUGES', Seaforth.—(Adv.). The W.M.S. and W.A. of Win- throp Church observed the World Day of Prayer on Friday in the schoolroom of the church. Hymn 628 was read in unison and the roll call answered by 30 ladies. The leaders of the prayer meeting were Mrs. R. Bolton, Mrs. E. Toll and Mrs. T. Betties. Those leading in. special prayers were Mrs. Wm. Alexander, Mrs. H. Blanchard, Mrs. L. Bolton, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. Wm. Dodds, Mrs. R. McClure and. Mrs. Jas. Hogg. Mrs. Bolton gave a read- ing entitled, "The Call to Prayer"; an address on prayer was given by Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, and a duet by Mrs. Ken Beattie and Mrs. Har- vey Dobnage entitled, "The Vane of My Saviour 'sof Love," was much enjoyed. Another very successful social• evening was spent •at,.S.S. No. 12 last Thursday with 10' tables • oR euchre in pIa'r. Prize winners• 'were: Men's first,'" T. Blanchard; lone hands, R. C. Dodds; Consola- tion, J. Morrison; ladles' first, Mrs. has. Hogg. Lunch wag; served by the ladies and all enjoyed a few' hours db,ncing!to musietsutplied bp: has. Neilans, Rey Patrick, R. O. Dodds, Mr"s. Hagg and Mtn., Mae Do3iald. All went More feeling they e o' fur had f , ha ming `g' Mr. RogerMcClitra sp Brit t 'the Week -end At .Land in 1#10. Mr. and • AtoIr , Geo A. ,1V10(l11fre. r011i ; tO0e C•oaty oifi 401 c > It ,f4r4:d, t''enl. r�, dof '•112L' 1 tk"b, Cash and Carry Chicks AT MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth Where you receive a LIBERAL DISCOUNT on prices of Chicks ordered three weeks in advance and picked up at our Hatchery. • SrTARTED PULLETS AVAILABLE • 4-WJ EK -OLD READY MADE CAPONS A SPECIALTY MOORE'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 666-3 Ask for Prices Order Early Members of Ontario Approved Hatchery Association SEED FAIR Under. 'the auspices of the Huron County Crop Improvement Association, in Clinton Collegiate Institute , FRIDAY & SATURDAY -- MARCH 11 and 12 PROGRAMME: B'RSDAY—Eithibits'in place by noon. SATURDAY -9:34 aim.—Junior Judging Competition, 1:30 p.m.—Speaking Programme. GISEST SPEAKERS-- DOUGLAS HART, Woodstock R. E. GOODIN, Debt. of Agriculture, Toronto PROF. R. KEEGANi O A.O,, GUelph Nr OA,C, GLIB R. J. BRYDE " PROF. `. ... Guelph p An tion Sale of 1Q; Do.shei Lots lirtYBOPY WE1 C4M ' • ADMISEtIoN FREE e 5