HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-03-11, Page 4..,-* 1 .j. � I't, , . � � r"', � I :. .� I., ": ', �. �': I , , I I 11 �.�,­,- " .1 1, '. I '. ,,�,, , v ! .. " , � , � I .1 .) 11 ,, � 1:11:_ " �, � 11 C�� I d , 0 ,, ,;',�, � �'i , �, �, , . � * , , .1 , � 1. I I 1. .1 . .!i , I 11 "I , I , liiiiiiiii� , � ,,�,.i,i�,��',' , ,, , J, � �,, �� , ;�t' , .,� . I 1. �!, , � .'. : ­�, �,� ,, i 1: � I , , il, I �W* I - I , " I , �'� : :1 f .;4_4!,,,�;�,��!��, , ''� "I '' d I ,�, : " - ; , " . �. _­ 11­c�; i� T � i l, AM, � ��_'� ��'., .. 1:, �.: , , 1�; I I. "''. &� � olf!­, ;�i� . �, � -1 lli_��i,;,��,:�� " '',",'' _'� 11 �­ "' , I , . I � 1. � , ,i C, 2111101, X1130. S , �'��.� '�; I I , "" 1, i , '', 1_ 'I, � ION - � �,' ; i I il , * I ".'4��,:"�.,j;ij�,_;., 1, �., : , ISS ::,��:,, � ., � ,711, ­,."''., _'; I ,. , 1_­�,._�, (�,� , I _t , 11,11" . , . � - 1. , " ''� ;`�� ,;''�!� � . .1 I '' I I � _�'Ii�, ,�,;,�- 1,�.�'. _ �,.� ,:, � ��,,'��:'�*,,�,,'j;,,!'�l;�,,,���,,��, I 1. ­!� I .� _'­­ I , I � I �,,, � 11�1 ��.'';:''��;i�,�'I"ii�i�ll,"-",�-�-�l-, ill,, - 1�11 ­,... ­ I N ,���!"�,�,�,'�,;�,.!""��,�,�*''14",i", , WA. ed. 46 '* " Q . . _i, I -N - , ,., � -, �,:,�l,',,,'�l�"",:�i7,�",�'��,,io . � �,��,'11'1,'k',,'.�,�,, _114 "411 , i Inserted M,Tv ]101 ", . LAW , ,',,*sh,. � RAW , " ��,.,,�.`. -1 . . , , - .1 , `,�, "t _:, aw,wof * � � "i , 1� ''NQR W_R', W-ANW.D. XAO ., ,6UW.V,* �ft�ffr W910 ���". ,,�,:,;;, ,, ,,!��, � J�",� ,;, 1; . � " " Ce,at I � , "I,,, ,�,,��,,, .,,,,,,, ,1.-!.`�.', �!,�,,��,_ , , , . '41 week _._, � _ �:�, �,"�:���:,�,!�����:�i,.,.��:�,�,,��",.,;�i"', ��)� � ..... . . , � . . � - �, "'. ,.! . 20 " week ...., '": -1�1::,;,��`,:_:� . ''. . :::.. :, 1: �vcut ;,,. ,,, � ,,, �', � �..,�,� �, ­­�,i�­ I I , " , .��. i,il ........, .cont \ .� �,fl�;, , .", ,,�` ,­I:� "i;, ''. "," � � , ST4 week -­­­ ... �, � '1��,: ',,��1�'j-;., -.11 Wialmurci Chain first imerti.014 .... 25' Qent* . ; ,'_,�__ '. I I . I . s�� i: ��'�, " �����. 6 ""I".6 `,� I I . ,,��.�;";.�. , " F.*cb flm% Initial an ablareviMign cowata so quo Word. - . �, �. �,,,�,,��A 1,�'��!:.;�,::'_'�'�: M, 0.1,ThAnlo, Xu xomoriaxn, Notices, cogaive - EverAt-1 ceap "r W04 Kintma, , , � , , .. , ,�:,�, A- - I , ,,2j,',,��;,, I ..... . ,,, �',!.' - " , . I., E: ',;. , ��I, , �,,",o�:,!�­. - �,�-� 0Q, 1"_tP.lW week. . . , - I ��:.�,7,,�,",'!�."5��:�,,�fi�,,��i,�",�l��''. *4 . ispoW to a Box NcN, c/o The Hum Exvosftor, for 10 cents ext ­., 4nfrjes ma� be 4 , ,,, ,''_,.__1�';1" ­'��;�L, -4 , 11; , I, ', , " L, i , � , , ,, , J9.At# additional will be chanced It ads in above class are not paw withIa Ito da ." T , _0 ., �Q­', ,1� ", I .99 da* of 4aal Insertion. . ., L. ": ,%�,�,!4v, 6, I",, - ,., '� , . , . '' " 1� ,� Virtla., 9 ',,,.�,�,�,�,,,,.,',:,,',t�",","�'�4.',���! :'�: ,, ,xr,rinices said "ths inserted free of charge. ,��.L�.:�',� 10�',�,:,,�);., ,&!*� Sales. Notices to Owd,itore, Et-­J�atft 'on applicatilon- �:-��,�­!�!�-�!)",,',,, 1'", ; . I . I �,�";".;.., � l,;,",, L,,, 7" Q.,k X,�,� , , , I . i�';L;l��:;�"""i'�,�,�i,�".�',' " Coming Events I Personals � '�­ r,)" ,.,J"�'�!��'.�. . l"','L "'�'I,�,�",���" � , . ',,'��,�,1)1�.�,"`!'i' �, —, __ ',""�,­ ',��1;11�1,­., I " 'N�i; e , .., % , ,' - A NO HXGORRA I YOU WIV-L MEET'HYGIENIC SUPPLIES ,RUBBE 1� ''f"� aill the high at the b1ii St. Patrick G,vods) ma��ad Postpaid in plain, seal � 5�,,t%i i��' , 1" '­ ' J'l +'." N , ,,,,P�;,� ,t,;.* �,.,, U �,'�L � �­ '­ '' I Dance at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, ii,-mt ruvelope with price !Ist. 6 sampleL, 25 4,�:-,!,�V,;",��t',�l L , 1�1�11,-,�"j­i 1�.. � wet.k. Friday aaigbt� March 18. n I'm $1,00. Mail -Order bt;.t, T-1 24 -VmP P,��: i',�`- � ii) ,,� 4239xl ! NOVA�RUBBXR 1,0.. Box 91, Hamlltc ,L,",.; i. � ,-- � �.�,,�,­�j",,,' , ­Q�,:,'�: " `zl'�,,,.�­',,;i�.: I I Ont. jj,'� �,�, 1-" �,,, ,Q,� V�1, �� �1� L �'' - . . I I ____ � — ��, .',�.,,�'�, ,, ., ��i,�4�,:" 1 "MOTHERS" - "RAINTROUF'e. A' 2`44, - 1�;�k��;�',Y, , '. Farm For Sale vour faraily's clothes at h Ke, ,,, Li,"e,,," ­ " - am "A�?. f,�,*_, L�' YL,ur children and loved ones dry a] .",� �..­,�,:", 'j, �,)!�"_,. i, L FIA�X FOR SALF_M5 ACRES; 1E,V_'healthy in wet weather. Just sprinkle " , I �1� 4 " ",­ . L"' �� 1-11 11 �d,, tillable, dark clay losaaa; ric on Topcoats, Jackets, Play Suits L'*(, 0�,�I, , I Sri< � %"�!�;", 'house; large bank barn; 2% rail�a to pub- uitis, Trench Coats, Overalls, Mattress( ��`,Z,�15,�'�,�:, , , . is invisible but sure keeps the rain ot ­,�,41,(­ lie or ,separate schools. *6,000 cash r I t I 1;11 _. ;��,,�;_�"' ,,, ..." -. I; terms. Apra Possession. WM. PEARCE. An 89 cents battle will do three ovk ,t4�.,�,.��, ",% 4239xl coats. Eomionalcal,-you said it I ic,,��!�,,�t,�: , , Reator, Exeter. '� �,�'j'T�. "� L , KEATINWS PHARMACY, Sea,forth. on] -;`N . L' ­';�,;, t,;, -100 ,,;,;,,�� ... ... , 'FARM FOlt SALE ACRES GOOD '�."-�' '­. ,land, Mullett Twp.; Plenty of wxmA ; — ., , ",.!,�'� I...' li,M,�_�, - Notices _11 I good hou#,e, bank barn, good stabling 40x �Ipi�lli��:., , � ,�q�;;, ,�L 60, drive shed, henhouse. Lots of good I ;.,e, r�: -,� � I - uk, % water, Near school. MRS. ROBERT J. A. * ., -OncR`FREE COLLIE PuPs. 11, L . � I WATIUNS. Phone 804 r 18., Clinton. N . . _�,_,:, �,,,,, �i 1 4237x4 - ply to NORMAN SCOINS. Phone 24 2!�, .., , Seaforth. 4239: � � � "I 1111'" ""' - 'L L i I 1"11�_1'1l",`1i ��,!Iq� 1, " .L �N�j 1. IV'�,'; " �) �, , 110r:�� V -M,. the CQWMIazz QATTLZ-,�-XWJ*m, . , � I tvv, 4 ,V,q&r* "014. d.Ae UAW of We . , � D �, U . r - 'ham cow. 4 4re4ra., da;ci time of sale; . - , Dua- * boal CoW 1 yvaom. due tting ot sale; �, . him cow 10 7"M. due time kof Wo - ham cow. 4',ye . aim. dnei April 21,.'barhi cow. 10 Years. due August 20; 2 wtem , W A heiter ri*iO g yearsl 8 y rling at Irs, SHIMP­8 Lsicc�ter c,Wes le"Yeara, VIM, IMPLEMEN"-luteras4ional 2 row 1. SCuffier with bean puller attaoliment: Ron, . .frew alecktria - cream . separator (590 Thu. " capacity) ; copper kettle. sap Pans; wag - I, on box and stack rack; oat roller; Daisy churn; a number of elm plank. HOUSE, HOLD F,FFWCTS---Sfdeboard -, coach; leit- ehen Main; hand washiriv machine and wringer. Temis-Oash. No reserve as"the form is sold. ED. -POSTER. Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott. Auctioneer. - , 4239-2 - __ . FARM FOR &hL�O-ACRE FARM. i CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM of choice loana, cast half of Lot 21, PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS ---FREE C-Ducession, 7, Hallett TwP. I'naiile east of i timates. Write or phone collect, WIT -Ty Am N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton' Clinton, I mile north, just off No. 8 High- . VAY. On the farm is situated a 1% storey I I 4237xI3 me hous,s, bank barn 6411xmt; hen- house, 34x18, and an implement ahed. The ELECTRIC WIRING. APPLIANCE I water supply� oonsistB off a spring and dug 8-icimg. oil-burn�r installatiom ; well. Close to good schools ana churches. Prompt service. ED. BFNNEWIES. Phone MRS HIMPHREY SNFJA, 68-W. Seaf*rth. 4236x3 . I I ' I ADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR R I .11 makes of radios. Will pick up Property For Sale i Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Cloee's SaIa,rY will be according to experience Barber Shop. GLEN KECRNM. Myth. I HOUSE FOR SALF-HENSAI.T. 8wo N OTICE_WE AR ALWAYS LOOK- , slorey, 8-r-(iora brick cottage, on n ing for a new customer to please him. . Street� 4 doors from school. Bath, Hydro, Why not call 60 in Dublin and have your - furnace, sun porch, doulale ga.mge. Pos- Eggs said Pou" picked up at Your door. We haul Poultry to the U.S.A.' and can session early in April. WM. DINNIN, Hemian. 41239-1 offer you a good Price. STAPLETON'S MR. 3, Seaforth, Ont. PRODUCE, Dublin. Pbome 50. � ______ 4218-tf Teachers Wanted 3,sextioa IntErnati-onad spring t�oth ha:r- ___-______�- - , row-, (like new) : stiff tooth cultivator, 6 Auction Sales TEACHER WANTED !% APPL'CATIONS ARE INVITED, AND CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM be received by the undersigned a Stock rid Implements, at Lot 16, Con. I ,will antil April 5;th, for a fully qualified 2, Tucke rsinibb Twp.. 1�4, mile, east of � . Protestant teacher for E�_S. No. 7, Tucker- Kippen. on Friday, March 25th, at I p.m,: smith, Hunan Co. This is a well-equipped, HORSES-Matclhed team of Re6istered modern schood, an a good gravel road, Clyde marc�, 5 and 9 years Old, -CATTLE ploughed in winter; 2 miles from Sem- -'White cow, 7 Years old, due March 1; Torbh and 11/i. miles from FgnraudvilIl� 14'reY cow, 5 Years, due March 23; red cow A;,Plicantz will please state, quaiificattbals, 6 Years, due March ,31; Hereford cow 6 experience,and references, �pccialiy name Years. due March 25; g,,y cow 8 ... r,, of last Inspector, if experienced. A p r- milking, due July: grey cow 4 years old, 6onal app,lri,�ati,>n would be appreciated- milking, due Octua�­ I ; red and white SaIa,rY will be according to experience cow, 8 yeaxi;�, milkiag, due Augus,t 2.5; and in keeping with the times. The prer- red cow 3 Ye,ars, due Sept. 1:i; 2 steers, e�t enr6liment is 26'. Duties to commence aPwoximatelY 1100 lbs.; 3 steer, approxi - .. *S;6�t. 6. 1949. matelY 800 Ms.; 2 fat heife Ts' 800 Tbs.: S. H. WHITMORE� See.-Treas-, 7 OT)e-Year-old steem and heifer,; :3 fall Tudkexismath School Area, calves. IMIPLEME�vTs-i -4-11is-chalmers MR. 3, Seaforth, Ont. C tractor, starter and lights. in A-1 c6ndi- 4239-tf tion; 2-ftirrow International tractor Plow; � ,Ll� .� . ,�� 3,sextioa IntErnati-onad spring t�oth ha:r- I � " 1 1. ,'�!-. . , row-, (like new) : stiff tooth cultivator, 6 Tenders Wanted -ft-: steel railer; 4�eLtion 'burrows; 11�run disc liaternational, fertilizer . daill; 7_,foot International binder, short and long TENDERS WANTED "I 6-fout cut Deering mower; Inter - t�oTti,o'ia'l dump rake; lnte=ational hay . WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO TENDERS I*a�le,r (like new): InterwLtional bean April 2, 1949, for scufll�. witil di,,; Massey -Harris bean RE -WIRING NO. I SCHOOL Puller: Delavaa ,,,am separator; steel Illueprints may be seen at Frank Me- trough (ne ) ; implement tongues; large COW&O's- Work to be completed by July iron kettilew bber tired wagon (like ; ,r" 1. 30, IM9. Lowest tender not necessaruy ,, )-.Ill. , foot flat rack with one-man rack, . accepted. . near IY new; fanning mill � grass seeder; GEO. L. REID, Varna, OnL. sling ropes and chain; 2 heavy chain,; !Sec.-Treas. Stanley Twp. Se,hool Area. 5-g,alion oil can; cistern ,map-, 10 feet . 4239-2 pipe in good order; 14 feet 1% ­inch gal- , ,�anized Pipe: 50 posts; 500 3-ineh tile; : FOR SALE by TENDER PulPer. IX3 H -V. motor (like new) ; 2 e'me'rY grinders: bench for mator; set WILL BE RECEIVED By. brass-mmounted breeching harness; ,5 home .1 TE�DERS . _ _ - the undersigned until March 276th, for collars' 2 blankets, set sleighs� 2 dogs; �a;; . the grain 4 bushels No. I clover seed; HOLMESVIELLE UNITED CHURCH SHED 100 bushels barley, O-A,C. 2.1. far seed; , I I Approximately 40P SOf, with goodtim- walking plow; scuffler; quantity hay; wheelbarrow. shovels: spool of barb wire; . ber frame, All to be removed. from prem- . Imes by July 1. 1949- er m on. � I Any tender not nec�sarily.aocepted_ Terins--Cash. EARI, SPROAT, Proprie- tor; Harold JacksoA Auctioneer; E. P. 13ARRIE WALTER, Chesney, Cilerk. 4239-2 1 MR. 3. Goderich, I Ithe 0ounty of Huron, Widow deceasei �- 4239-2 a who died on'the 22nd dav f' ,Fe�ranr ,,� .. " ', �, , '' �. . �. L' CLEARJNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM TENDERS WANTED Stock and lmpl�eme,ots, Lot l?, Con. . ,,, Mullett Township, lyj miles West of TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY H.,I..k. Wednesday. March 16, at 12.30 the undeirsigned until April 5th, for PJa­: RORSDS_I bay x0ding rising 8 1 PAINTING NO. 8 SCHOOL, Years; 1 bay filly rising 6 years; I bay EGM0NDVI LLE I geldiniz, middle age. CATTLF-1 Here - This is to be a complete job, inside and ford cow due March 23; 1 Hereford cow outside, and mill furniture to he refinisbed. du� April 1.5; 1 Durham cc-, due. May I: First grade materials are to be used and I Hereford cow due April 20: 1 Durham . good zrkmansbip is also required. Work oaw due im fall; I Holstein cow. fresh-, to be commenced after July 1, 1949, and 1 Hereford c.ow due In May: 1 Durham 'to be completed by August 20, 1949. cow, fresh; I Durham cow due time of Tenderers to .state in detail all that is sale-, 14 Durham and -Hereford steers and iimvlie�l in their tender. Lowest or any beifers, rising 2 Years; 1 Durham bull ri- tender not necessarily accepted. Ing 2 Years; %Hereford calves I Year old. , For further Particulars apply to POULTRY -125 Leghorn heris I year old. S. ff.. WIRTMORE, Sec.-Treas., HARNES.1-1 set of backhand harness: I Tuckersmith School Area, m,et Orr sinole harness; number of home MR. 3, Se.Porth, Ont. -I]-- IMPLE.MrNTS-Deorim g binder, 1 4239-2 7 ff - McCormick mo-er. 6 ft.; I dump rah I - —: I 1 4 k,� . r I Notice To Creditors �,� ;51�� ,our . i 4 . .#q�r'.. W day. ­.�,,:. . . , ,�A#o n14,04", L they grguilly. left ilvdg"�tu&',�;J)4 � , " �' , . i" NOTICE to CREDITOR'l ,� , i�,., I I Jn the Estate of CATHERINE LAMB ,�� '1�1 . �111L I ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM � L against the Estate of CfLtberin� Lam � L: late of the Town of Sealarth in the Coui I �1, ty of Huron, Widow. dccea�ed, who diE ;, on the 23rd day of Febraary, 1949, iii �, hereby notified to send ih fall particulai "I - of their claims to the undersigned on � - �', before the Ist day, of April, 1949, affi -1_ �i . tri" ", I 1mving regard only to claims then remi I �� ed. 11 � . DATED at Seaforth, this Sth dal ( �I I Mamb, 1949. . :� �; I McCONNELL & RAYS, 1�, !-, Seaforth, Ontario, , , � ;1 � � Solicitors for the Executors. � ,Ll� .� . ,�� 4239. I � " 1 1. ,'�!-. . NOTICE to CREDITOR! ,-`i , v "I � ? I in the Estate of ROBERT C. DOIG '.... . A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM L�!�, , �,:,! .. . �� against the Estate of Robert C. Doij �, , ,; �� �-. -late of the Tawnsihip of Tuckersmith, i 11;4- In _ll� the County of Huror, Farmer, decea" ,�� I I s ", "'. who died on the 4th day of January, 1941 � � �'," are beraby notified to send in full vai � ;��,;��; V � I ticulaxii of their claims to the undersigr �,�*'11� , "!,.,� ed on or before the 18th day of Marc) 1949. after Which date the assets will It ,� , k,V distributed, having regard only to c7niar L F 'R4". � then Tecoived- � 17.1. 1. . I ' . DATED at Seatorth, thin 22nd day c �"L;`." ,1�1';!. Felbrusr7, 1949. � "� L . I I I �_ . 'McCONNELL'& RAYS, . " � ,,;, , ", � " Seafortb, Ontario, !�: ; , ,.. Solicitors for the Executors. !�� � , , '.;�;,, 4237- � � ,: - ,, I "�!"".;,.�.,' . - NOTICE to CREDITOM ,­!�,'_ - _.e" , "�'. .: � ", ,;P��,",' , : , - In the Ektato of KATHLEEN DEVEREAU: �, f "; ,, , ',,­ ­ � � 'I-, ! * A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM :', ,I "', , , , . - against the Estate of Kathleen Don � q I � L' �;t;", ereaux, late of the Town of Seaforth, i , . � , ,1 � , I Ithe 0ounty of Huron, Widow deceasei ,�,,, r,,! . . .... � I ,,�, , , � ..... ,,�, a who died on'the 22nd dav f' ,Fe�ranr ,,� .. " ', �, , '' �. . �. L' X949, are hereby notified to send in In ­ _1:'�'," , "'Z11. I Varbicullars, a their daims to the undes ..... . .. '. . . , , 1, :, , ,,, . 11, � , 11­i� I .�;,i signed on or bofoiv the 2rAb day of Were) 1046 :`-;,!,�,,�, "�". , ­,,,'�,i , . , , ",; I / Ofter which date the assets will I AidQbufed. ,having regard on -IT to claim , ,� , ", .;.. ��,,� � ., !."�,__:, , Alien lro0i*ed. 2 � ��� i , I ;'' , ", , ." ; I A&ftlo At Seafortb, Afs, 2-hd day c �11, ," I, �... 1 __, 11 -1-040, Match, ,.� , ". " .. " . I I I li . '', � �. �'. I I I , � ,� I -WCOXNMV1 & 11AYS, .. c ''� - f I ., , I , �� I i ��� ,.. � 1, 1. . 8#0�rtb_40siftria,, I :, 1, � ,. ;:, �� ;, " i I . � I 841eltwi rbil� Ibilo tteetitor. '' � :"�, � . , : , 4288- I , 1 4"' ".:. . . '': , �'!_�:­',,': �, ,. , . - , ), 1, , , , '1�1 , �,!�:� "., � ":" , , �. ., , � . ,,� -,.4:�,.V.�`, ,;�,.,",� � I � I ,.: I � ;"�'i.,,:"­ '� , , ", �. f ,,; .., ��,'�: " - ,.".1 . 1 I ,, - �, �_:, , ,, , I �1­ �,,,,; � � - , �, " , . � ,: i'.'�;,It,, ­­ .� 5 , 11 0 1 . D ", """ , , I . I ", " , , t 1. I I �", ,� '.1, , �,,� "� �, .,:_-,­_j�'.''4�'. " ��'Y� , ''. , I . , I . . I � . - �", � ,.. ";:11' '�,,, L ,, �'. L111111 � ,,,,�� �,,',,. 11 � I I � 1�,f� , � �', " : "I � :".., 1, .1 . I " �, , , .��', . . ,L: �!,�, �­,, '' I :,j;,�.'' I - t. t i , i'��.",, - ,.� , , i I � :, " ! ,:., , . �,:, ,:,.-, . , i ,.I , L�, � L ,­""�i.��:�'.�:.:`,",�;� �:��! � ' �'� , , .i ,�,. , �1 " 1. � I ,,.',., 11 �_', �i, s :, ,�:!I; ,�, L, � � e ; I c eer ng mide rake: 1 drophead M. -H. hay loader: 8-drzim �tie,l ro4l,er: M. -H. fetrtiJizer dke drill: M. -H. manure spreader (good): I seed drill; 4 - section diamond harrows; 1 fanning mill; 2,000 Ib. s,eala,: rubber tired Wagon: 16. foot hay rack with .sliding rack: I cutt,r; I set Of farm sleighs; I Delxival cream sep. orator; bair truck; gas drum ,7nd pump; Whiffietrees; chains; nnekyokes, and other articles; .3 Hydra poles. TRRE9H_ ING MACMNP_-AII­mtc�I Wj�ite grain separat,or. aR-50, catter. roller bearings; a good mode" machine. HAY AND GRAIN- -Quantity of mixed hay: quantity of mixed g -rain: 60 bushels of wheat, BARN --Frame barn on Lot 1. Con. 12. Mullett TwP.. 36xS0. For further particu- lam. contact PropriiAor. HOUSEHOLD EFI, CTS -1 kitchen cabinet (like new): I Daisy churn; 3 -burner Coleman gas stove with ovm (like new); tables, dish- es and other household effects. Terms - Cash. PETER MacDONALD, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ; E. P. Chem- ney, Clerk. 4238-2 CLRARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements at Let l.r, Con. 13. McKillop Twp.. 21/,' east of Lead - bury, on Walnemday, .March 2ard, at I P--.� HORSES- -I ,nare 11 Yeii,rs old; 1 gelding. 32 years old. CATTLF�-I cow, ilking, bred. Feb. 25; 1 heifer in calf-, 9 steers riming 2 Yearq old; 6 heifers ris- inv 2 year, old; I calf 5 months old. PIGG--I sow due March 20; 9 obanks 180 , Tbs.; 12 pigs 31A month. old; 26 pigs 21/_ - Months Old. fMPLBMENTS-C.ck.h.tt M tractor in A-1 Aare; International two - furrow traeWr plow: I 7 -ft. Bissell double disc; I 6 -ft. culti 'star with tractor hitch: Deering binder 7 -ft cut; Frost & Wood mower 6 -ft- cut; I M=well ha.Y loader; MAI. hay -k�; I Frost & Wood cultiva- t,or: I single Airrow riding plow; I 3 - furrow gang plow: I walking plow; I 3441is,i 1-nf*q-national seed dri3l; I 14 -out - throw dist harrow. I mamir, spreader. New ffi�: 1 rubber fire wag,on: I set of sleighs with flat ... 1z.: I hay riLck With �hift; 4�mectifmq diamond harrows: I s,cufller: I gravel box: I Viking cream -qoP2ra`t0r; I Somning mill; 2,000- . th. Ren- frew seales: '7 buggy: I cutter; I Inter. national P�2 H -P. gas enginei I Pump jack; 300 feet of snow fence; 1 harrow cart; I Sap ", n and bilcloebi: I ladder; I Cyc9one grass seeder; a number of grain � bags; I Auxat -kettle, HARNESS -1 set Of breedbing hamess: ,I get a bachistind harness; single h&rnesq; horse collars: I Crosscut saw: whiffi(ftees; necky%)kes; ohmins. %forks; some lumber: 8 bunches shingles; 4 hundred coarse salt; I edlony 'house; 3 shelters: 1 ,duak home. HAY AND GRAIN -A quantity of ,hay; a,bout 175 bushels baAe3r. TURNITURr-One orggm� 1 Moffat range: 1. Quebec ham,ter; I chum; 1 bed, I feather Vick: odd chairs ; tsa*_ Alntiques-,Spinnirig wb6el, swifts adid rdel. 1, cheese ,press. T#ftm_Cmh. ED. DAVIDSON, Proprietor; Awrold Jack- son, Aueftnoei'; V. P. Chesney; cleric. . 1 4299-2 I . I . 1. , .W — - WANTEU�-A 0 � ina'ohine. PE : !�" ,� ,i.lj,�.i��i, 1. 1. . , " ­­ ,,,,,, 1- , � , I W.A. � " 'I" t��.4 1', "',,,:, , � I 1),7411, ­111_111� , ,� z- 11 ,1 .1- 11 ,V - � lix-ov, ;�w _0'", 9" 9X_"P"11 , :,ol �VTM�pq , �X,74$ M"Im"41 I ,�,""""', ;` 42,.89-4 �� :�:,-, , � � ��, !,,I� 4,1�, . . I . ". � -1 I I ,,;, . . I mud 11 * 1. . I 11 �' SXWIN� , , 116 �'- 3 Z I l!6. q, "Ifor.111, ,11 - 6DING, HAWS PLAY � . — -ppq Awxlx,� � M, , X.Amoyl SON. rhoae 040-W. - ."!71". 4W9xI Motor Cars For -Sale SALE- -MODEL 'A' F - FOR ,,!?RD, WELL I cared for. Parts added 11� paqt three years; new motor, spaiagp, brakes, top. . windshield and wiper, far, miRter, paint . . I ' an, tires. New neensp and ingarapoe in CLEA-RING AucTioN SALE OF FARM oluded. ". PEARCE, Rea#or, Exeter. ., SWA, Implorneat:3 and Feed, at Lot I 4289xl .D Con,cession 10, Stanley Twp.. Goshen $Al, -41 FORD DE LUXE Line. �,1-2 miles wcet of V2rn,a, and 1% FOR mid, -14 mouth. on Tuesday. Marc Czaoh, in Perfect eorkuvon; good h l5th, at tires, heater. Appay ROSS 1A)VE, MR. 2 P.m.: ,CA'ITLE--2 yearling heifers; , H all. Phone 100 r 1,6. yearling a teer. PIGS -Yorkshire sow .due - eas April Ist. IMPLEMENTS--m.-H. bi.der 4289xl 7 -ft. cut; Deering mower, 6-fL cut; spring ALF_ - tooth cultivator; MzCorinick-Deeri., .a.- FOR S IM MODEL 'A' FORD ; urO spreader; side delivery rake; 2 row new motor. 4 new tires. Apply to 6cuffier; 4 -section harrows and bar; farm WILLIAM ,#ENDERSON, � Eginondville. wagon; hay rack; set of Ble4rhm and box; Phone 668 2, Seaforib, . 4239xl 2,000 lb- scales; 240 I g. scales: fanning .. mIll: 1984 Pontiac coupe (A -I condition) ; FOR SALE- -41982 GRAHAM =DAN; 4 2�whosi trailer and stock rack; sugar ket- new tires and battery, seal beanshead- tle: -hay' fork; buy rope; set of breeching lights- I- good -niag condittori. Apply harness; horaq collars; logging chains- PAX"LI) KING, FAgnioadville, 4%2 T 32. FEED-ApProximately 12 tons of mixed I . 4239xl hay (baled) ; approximately s tons of bal- - ed straw. Terms-0ash. No ,reserve as USED ,CAR BARGAINS Propriebor is in in health. NomMAN � STEPHENSON. Proprietor: Edward W. Elliott� Auctioneer. 428c,-1 Cash or Trade ___ — I . , 2 , �', CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, A CHEVROLET SEDAN � . , , Farm Stook and Implements, at Lot At7 Radio and Heater, ?6, 00acc,ssiOn 9. McKMOP Twr� 'A- mile' . north of Winthrop, on cou 1, Road, I CHRYSLER FLUID DRIVE SEDAN Thursday, March 24tb, at I pun.: HOUSE_ 41 Radio and Heater. HOLD EFFECTS -Full line of household, effects including kitchen. dining room.], , CHEV av- ing room and bedroom furniture I , 40 ROLET COACH kitchen Utensils-, etc.; 2 robes; fir. extba- gui�her; lamps; sewing machine; lawn., DODGE SEDAN - mower: coal oil stove-, clocks. CATTLE 36 Reconditioned. . 1 Durham cow. fTesh: 2 3 -year-old Dur- I ham heifers, fresh; 2 Durham cows fresh- . MANY OTHER -VALUES ened in fAA; I farrow cow-, 2 Durham ­__ cteerc I Year old; 3 fall calves; S young I Terms arrangecL calves. PIGS -2 York sows with litters of 12 each; I 'York sow; 3 York ch k . SHEEP --- 6 Leicester young erwes; ia"Oxs_� BRUSSELS MOTORS ford ram. RORSES--I matched team of red roan mares rising 7 and 8 yeaa-s old; "The Home of Better Used Cars" s<t of backhand harness; single harness Oise new) ; uumber of horse cod,lazs. Ilti- BRUSSELS - ONTARIO PLUMENTS--27VIAL bin&,r, 7 -d -L; 2 Deer- . inix mowers, 6 -ft.; M-41, hay loader; - 8ulky rake; spring tooth cultivaitor; disc _______­'_'___­ --------' harrow;, 6-seation harrows; riding plow; Cards of Thanks walking -plow; seed drill; -ladders; stocIt —_ rack; cutting box; wheelbarrow; farm wagon: hay rack; 2 top buggies; 2 cut- MR, ANGUS M-KINNON DESIRES TO tcr�; Decker threshing machine; cutting 6xpre-,s him crincere appreciation to the box; hay rope; puiley�; 2' ling chain; r!!ng neighbors and friends for the kind ness e,x- rapes; h,ay fork; quantity of lumber; tended t�, him during his recent ber,eave- ; , lm�ginjz chains; whiffle:trees n ,ckyokes; tnent . 4239xl forks and shovels; fanning mill; 2,000 -iii. — scal-, : grass seeder; bag truck; set of f-rul sleighs: 1936 Dodge so4an in A -I MRS. ANN NOLAN AND FAMILY aDnditjDn_ GRAIN­3GO bushels of Alaska wi,ih to express their siri�ere thanks <,ats; 2 loads* of bay-, 7 bags of potatoes. t,o -their many friends and relations for FARM ­100 acres, more or Jess situated the kindness and symp.athy shawn them on County Road 1-� mile north'of Win- during their recent bereavement, throp, VA_ storey stone house, bank barn � with atone -foundation, 77 ft. by 66 ft; 12 j ' acres Plowed, balance in grass. Farm in . , - Iroad state of cultivation. Terms -Cash.; MR. AND MRS. OTTO WALKER WISH ESTATE OF LATE JOHN S. AiTcME-1 to express (their appreciation to tbe SON; Harold Ja6kaon, Auctioneer; E. P. neighbors and friends for the ki dn,,ss , Chlzsliey, Clerk. 4239-2 expressed during the illness of nthei_ ,, --I mother, M m. Davis, and in their bereave' - anent 4239-1 For Sale FOR SALF,-LARGE MOFFATT ELEC_ MR. AND M_RS. GEORGE T. WREN tric, range, in good shape. Good glass wish to� express their thanks to their , cupboard. Box 748, HURON Ex.POSI_ many friends and neighbors for kimdriess TOR. 4239-1 shown them on their anniversary: also for — the lovely flowers, gifts. cards and t'h,, FOR sALF--m-H. -Disc No. 5 FER- -numerous caRs they received. tidizer drill, good condition. NORMAN 4239-1 SCHADE, 842 r 3, Seaforth. � . 4239x2l FOR SALE­TRn- PROPERTY AND I M& AM MRS, FRANK UPSHALT , - household effects of thelate Mrs. John . and family Wish to thank,their mtny sol i e ure friends and neighbors for their kindn,ass 1 428ftll and sympathy during their recefit sad be- * reavement in the gems of a 'loving son and .F OR SALF,�I GAS V*rASHER ; MOTOR brother; Ulso those who sent floral tri- g -d as new. price 435.00. App&y butes and lent, their cars. Spftial thaniks V. J. LANE, MR, 5, Seaforth, to Rev. Mr. Worlunan and Mr. -Wbkni:y. — 4239-1 1 � I I 4239xl FOR� SALF-10-20 INTERNATIONAL - I - tractor, good condition. with variabae zPeed governors. Apply, to -DAVID TFLIEB_ MR. .AND MRS. GORDON% XILLSoN NM Kippei?� MR. 3. Phone 77 r 3, wish to, ,express grateful appreciation Hensa-19. 4289-2 to their many friends And neighbors for their kind donations 9fter -the recent fire. FOR. SALE__ALmoST j��W —ELWTRIC Special thankii to Group Four and the Viking creaan separator. used tiarce Mae Lane Auxiliary of Northmide United times. Call 93 r 12, Herisaal. Church, The Cam"ian Legion, the Wo - 4239 -1 incio's Institude, the friends who so gen- erlausly gave towards the kitchen suite, the Bachre Club and ?chose who ass'mted at the FOR SALF_-BROODER COAL. WM' Commercial shower. 4=9-1 I M. HART. Phone 693-W, Seaforth. . 4288-3 FOR SALF-FRAME BARN 40x 60, ON Lot 8, Con. 9, Hibbert. Apply EARL ROI�S, DICK, Cromarty. Phone 14 ,r 5, Dublin. I __ .'4238x3 Buy your'Dinnerware in March - apd save 10,0/c, at SAVAT-T,GES1, FOR SALE ­601 . 707 FRAME BARN, Seaforth­(Adv.). on concession 8, MeMilop, % iniae - --t of Winthrop. Apply to WILLIAM RoY0 Forum. met at the home of DOLMA�GE, R.R. 1, Landesbo,o, Andrew Christie on Monday eve - 4239x2 ning. The next meeting will be at FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING Stan Dow's. Sterling Graham, was machines, electric and treadle. Re- elected representativ(� from RoyG Pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING to meet other Hibbert. forlims. Re - CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. garding the discus-sion on "Vv%at . 4223-tf factors affecting income are pecu- FOR SALF-BE%V-ER SEED OATS, rr liar to farming," Conclusion$ reach - -an the I,ogan, Fullerton and Hibbert ed were: (t) Only ia lhf� business competition. Yield almost 100 hwhels to of farming are a man's wife and the ncre. Price $1.25 a bushel. HOWARD WRIGHT, Cromarty. 4238x2 children still regarded as his, chat- tels with no right to rPcogujti6n or (ILADIOLUS BULBS -TO MAKE ROOM remuneration for labor done; (b) , X for a larger and better stock of Mixed only in farming has the producer P -Unv theme Early Codourod Bulbs, we at . sel Yellow Bulbs at 71>c per hu�i,Jred; small, of an article no cantrol of its, �sell- .3.5c per 100; Bulblets, 25c per 500. Post- ing price; (c) only in farming does . axe extra. These bulblets will bla`om this the work demaild fUll-tinle cOntinU- vear. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS, SeRfarth, ous attention sF,ven ,days a week; I % — (d) only in farming could a situa- FOR SALF-I COLEMAN OIL HRAT- tion arise like the recent loosening er, used 3 months; I Briggs & Strat- ton gas engine; I mator-driven washing of margarine upon the market. Not machime; 1 Philco battery radio, 1940 too long iLgo cheaper foreign goo -do model; I Ford V-8 Ooach. i.n6, with mew were brought into a nearby Ce31tre motor three mantlis ago. and new tires all for -sale. This was Stopped, It Was, around. two spo ti - CLARENCE HORNER. PhoneNS rr�ll, Hensall. claimed this, practice would -take 4288-2 away Me livelihood of those work- . — Help Wanted , __ _' GIRL WANTED AS SALES CLERK and waitrem Apply CRICH BAKERY. J. C, Orich, Seafarbli_ 4289-1 MAN WANTED � . TO,DO GENERAL IRON WORK AND Perate, iron and steel cutting band and recipmestintr saws. Appqy in writ- ing, stating age, experience. single or max- , ried. Previous blacksmithir,F . experience de;irahle but not. essential. Box 747, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4,�39-1 __ Births — LTTTLE­In Scott Memorial Hospitag, an March 5, to Mr. am] Mrs. Wilson. Little, McKillop. a son. A brother for Geor- gina and Ronald. MORGAN -In Alexandra and Marine Rom- pi,tal, Godenieh, on ,Feb. 25, to R;ev. ;*Xerne and Mrs. Morgan, Bayfield, a oon-PhilfP Groxory. . MIOYLAIST-In Scott Memorial Hospital: on March -8. to Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan, MR. 5. Sen&orth, a son. MANN -In Scott Meniorial Hoepitag, on March 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann (nee Ldla, 11'astia), Wingliam, it Nom BTSBACX--Ln Scott Memorial Hospital, ,on Mamb 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Grant iRlsback, P -R. ,5, Seaforth, a son. CUTHILt-Alb Ajexandm Rospital, God6- Ach, on March -2. 11949, to Mr. and Mfg. O"ift Cnithi5l (nee Margaret Elliott). MR, 4, Walt6n, a son. . . I .� � I I "�'i L 1, , ,�,�,,�VAA�;,I*,-t,$��,,',,�;�4,4,"!.�,,� 4" ,'%?,*0'*W, 4 , �'. �J,K � JX,t.Q 'q *qntr�L"t.o', fi, - !,,,#k1,F7 . out , , pvompeto, J ��', 0 . vt�, ' I , �,Inqi ..hf U V004 ,,4 �� 440 �19,r*;,,W P �, j�`�'V'!#, ` '.:'M,"l aggipoltUrA - �' q q '' ' Q,�ja'u#or " '4't, ._A.o4.#'0*_ �� _ _�nn , :g!401:�:p n � - r . � - � �:Th#�sidqy,, I $, P,;M, tdi' 7, ' , 4 , 0,440'#,4 A ��, � t "il Vi#�, 'AWM#� � 'Po!'44 I ' ' " - " l!"N , � 11�'�A 1.1#4�H M j'a)rY�4':W ' " P en_ 1 ,our . i 4 . .#q�r'.. W day. ­.�,,:. . . , ,�A#o n14,04", L they grguilly. left ilvdg"�tu&',�;J)4 � , " _% .At . . 1. ;,�. . I ,� ., ,, will ,be, Qpe annual ,b.lr Mday party �4 . , , ...., , "'� � , ' sAll ft h 90, A ,;%A,61,.' - The A,.',:rd A 0,; , - , - , ,�Ic � I , , " , lndusltry,�Qf��,qqn d4f.,W0L`f0 , , oxneu!,s Miezi , .,4� _4 '�,'p �, , , 'I�'J$6";.,I'lg,�l"":$4"'V-4 '444 A4t*! Mwrl� �f t-beW." - " I iog,40,$6clety e � , '4e0", ',vo.,t,�o�i,4#�:��T-.,#Il,�sdo.y.,Vlt.b 41%r POT- � - , , I . 06 hejd,�o ,_;�tW April-WeeUng Will - I_ � 1- , "d '. al'so 'that pi�b'i�jy t �� W � 1 '730" W1 an'� jn� t)A,Q of the United ChUrch, ­i� be held 0 � -1 , I W", I '" b, . � I * , 04#94 . , lower income - ra,*sts, I& + - ,1)0% W. 44 Xro. . the church $choolroom. F." -1 LeRoy Woduo—N.'Of the X . p000", and" 0a " � '' 1. , . � , - h. 00800,��Arfo Xlw�;"W.', Q;' P'Aixe, . and Mak-er Xe��, Qp6nt 46, ceive coadderozog, 4#0,1. ILiv#I, - I ? Ig , 0V A " f�w A " � .4, gro-n4par,01013, expenses are the .s4mo - Wi. wgh 4i . , 041den - Ride Lodge -of Monk -ton =4 Ws. . WM1 : Bro � M.. I ii�oi;z ;,j. 4, R a ... I , - . , s? t4o, 14 - , thier man. � , # Ia4 jv" - , : fg,r., Au4l gri. BrI , 9;,i, ,,.,k I . , NUr. ,44* -dr Mrs, Ap Qpr diat and visited Heneall 1.0.0'r. �23 'last . I Tueiday ,night ;and conferred the, , will -be servlecl,, , ''. - I . ,P 4 ' . ", :,, g� Klrb�:. "Im Mr. . �, T , 0014, 4110 " .mA L. .as , L _ey� ., Flre from a hurning oht , I � , , r pouna, amo, Mir, 111. Gorit;6n visfted made its �way hito thipr Valt. At. �h6 OA.. -second dtgree fo� live Hensiall brothers. T -he vifAting br others re- "qdIeft ready­tq­W�ij�§'14 :�-,fty' good I ,, .a � _U I b * to' Mr. Jaok`��T­(4d uP)ne§5 _M0 I � , � j. Sunday Mr. ag�d Mn . . home of Andrew th - . ,% With L . � r1stle.. $atur- "' ' . I c0ved- great praise for the manner p6s.sesgjo�,'�T-A ­ ' has"taken I r4 I '' , . I day morning, Prompt 4ppliell; ontof . ML171%, I ti - Mrs. Qeo. Peppeir with I a which they i6xemplifled the.de- Jean Kenned-y,i littld 44ughter, og water from a pressure ayotem Put, out ,the blaze before # cl . ber mother, Ura. J. paifour' and -to exten- gree. Twenty new member&. joined, the lodge this. winter, Mr, and' Mrs, ' Clark Konliedy; to in Vie War Memorial bhIltiren"s Ho&- sive damage. l .� I Dalton on Sunday. . � 1, . Visitors with Mr. anO Krs.­Xred Mr. '"d Mrs. Alvin Barthal -and Judy Xiolted on Sunday with Mr. Bill Carlile, son, of Mr. hilid, Mrs. Walker Carliel, who was operated pital, London, for, X-rays du thp in - terests of fhrcr 1,oalth, ,� Johns on Sunday w,E�Xe: Mr. and I Mrs. Alex Johns and Betty, and Btll, and Mrs. Ross Pepper. . t - on Monday morning at Olin on Hospital for appendicitis, is im- Mr. C,' Kennedy recolved, word . that his inofher� M�,$,,`Keunddy, of , � Salmon, London; Mr. and: Mrs. I . proving nicely. . Lindsay, lunderwent ,4 serious op - I Fred Cole, Exeter; Miss Lorene Johns, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim HENSALL - . - . . The officers of A.mber Rebekah . sall, - to Lodge 349, Hen: motored eration for the I*0019'val of,albrata tumor at,thg General � Rospital, T13- Willis and family, Kirktom . "EMER"S . Gladys Dow visited, over Sunday BUY your Dinnerware in March. 10%, ', Clinton Monday evening and were guests of the Huronic Lodge. ronto, on Tuesday of thls� *"k- � I Additional - Hensall News with Mr. and Mrs. Ebner, Dow and save at SAVAUGE Roys Y.P.U. met Sunday eve I Seaforth-(Adv.). Zanirg Saturday, Mar. 12, the Arnold Circle Evening Anxillary and Lad- . - on Page 3 with Mary McCullocb. in, the Mr! John Tudor, of Hens.all, -has , . — Bill HocIring had charge of the recently purchased, the buainess,* of. topic. Mr. R, M. Kirby. Mr. Tudor, who � . �11 since his retirema:pnt from -the R.C. views Monday, March 28, at the March meeting of the Wohelo A.P.,' hAs, been associted with his CROMARTY 'father in the Oom3nercial , Hotel, HOUSEWIVES! will operate a ladies' wear, dyy - Buy your Dinnerw I are in Mapeu I goods' and himisebold, furnishing and, save 10%, at SAVAUGES?, Seafortb_=(Adv.). business. I . The Young People'.9 Society bf Persona -Is: 'Mr. ,and Mrs. Grard� the United, Church oonvened-,Mon� inerand, family, Mr, and Mrs. Bber day, with Bill Niekle in the chaii. Shute and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. The devotional wao read by, Miss Howitt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilfil- Betty Mickle and prayer offeredi by . Ian, Mrs. Lloyd Corsidah,l, Anita and Miss Shipley Flynn. The higahlight Alice were gueats at Mr. and Mrs. of the ,evening was a travelogue, Dave Garddnees. on Mr. Gardiner's. enhanced with views, shown on the 70th birthday; Miss Helen Walker, screen of the trip taken to Eng - London, at her home; Druncau Me- land ,last summer by M.r. and Mrs. . Kellar, Sr., had the mlsfortur,e an Harry Horton and Mrs. A- Mous- having a log roH on -his -foot, lnj,ar- seau. Mr. Horton, who had kept a ing it; Mrs. R0bt.'XcQcmghey a,, vcry int4ireating diary of the trip, babv son have returidedbome oom reaAl. portions of the diary�as, the the hospital, Mr. and, Mrs. Len delightful views were shown. Bill , Roggliton, Prank andt Leonard, of Mickle was in charge of the abdes. Wingham, and Go,rdon Houghton, Rev. R. A- Brook expressed, thanks, -Horton, Ails.a,Craig, with Mrs. Wm. Hough- to Mr. and Rev. R. H. San- der,&on also spoge By special re - Lon. M rs. Dan Davis . . . quest, Mr. Horton will saiow these � . �11 The death .took place. Friday night of Mrs. Dan Davis, formerly views Monday, March 28, at the March meeting of the Wohelo I I Mary Ann Dyer, in her 86th year. Mrs. Davis wbuld have marked her Class. The World Day of Prayer was HOUSEWIVES! S5th birthday Sunday, March 6th. observed in St. Paul's Anglican I I Death took place at the home of Church Friday, Mar. 4, with splen - . S -T -0-P! L -0-0-K ! L -I -S -T -E -N ! her &on-bi-law, Otto Walker, Crorn- did representations from the I ocal . , arty, after an illness of several churches. Presiding were Mrs. R. . - and - months, She, was born at Exeter, H. Middleton for St. Paul's, Mrs. H. Workman, Carmel Presbyterian CHECK YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS and IiN,&d all her life in Exeter. She wa,9 married 62 Years, ago in Church, and Mrs. E. Geiger, for the United Church. Prayers were of- "Miracle" Mop and Wririger 3.98 E`xeter; her ,husband,, Dan Day.s, die � .1 17 years ago. She is survived fered by Mrs, Geo., Walker, Ml:*s. ' ............. Coloured Brooms to suit Kitchen 1.50 by six daughters: Mrs. L. Stappam. B. Edwards, Mrs. R_ ,J. Cameron Mrs, H. Lawrence, Miss, M. Fee: ......... "Stearmaster" Stainless Knives ---Set 3.50 (Frane6s), Strathroy; Mrs. G. . Cackwell (Maude), Dashwood; ,Mrs. Mrs. R. A. Brook and Mrs. George ...... "Glo-Hill" Stainless Knives and -Forks... 5.50 Creo. Clipsom (Glara), Ingersoll; M - Frank Armstrong. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin gave a splendid address relative to .. Coloured Metal Trays rs. Irwin (.Mary), Putnam; Mrs. ,Otto Walker (Josephine), the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. .................... .75 2.75 Cromarty; Mrs. Edith Cornisla, Ex- Malcolm Dougall was at the organ . ........................ I ,-ter. She,was a member of f.b,- An- ,lican Church at Exeter. She was console. Miss Violet Hyde and Miss Cas- 'fto�_�_ft�______ - ------- . I I - - 11? � ...0 * SPECIALS * [)rededeased; by one daughter, Mrs - borne Wassman (Caroline). The I White Granite Baby Bath ........... US 1 I __ - �uneral was held Monday at 2 p.m. .From Hopper's funeral bomo at — - --- - I Small Red and White Dishpan ....... 1.35 F,'x e t e r. . Euchre DanCl.ve - --­�,-ft� . MOFFAT AND FINDLAY RANGES KIPPEN .. in ALUMINUM and GRANITEWARE a GENERAL HARDWARE . MOONED Hensall Town Hall I . . I (Continued fron! Page 1) I -1 Rose" and "F.uter PaTad4." Jack Bell FRIDAY, MAR. 11th .., . IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION! and, Douglas Cooper sang lHair of Gofd" and "Beg Your Par- . 1949 . * 'COMPLETE BATHROOM SETS Ion," followed, by Jack Caldwell at '. Me piano playing "Buttons and Sponsored by , I e NEW IDEA FURNACES . Bows', and- "The Waltz You Saved Hensall Wornen's Institute . � 0 SYSTEMS and SOFTENERS For Me.." Mr. Hinton sang a solo, 'Unto the I�ill.S." -Mrs. W. Murdoch's Orchestra I . .PRESSURE . ESTIMATES ON JOBS GLADLY GIVEN ,#,kork- man was in charge. of a musical R. 'Good Prizes — Quality Goods with Quality Service ,!— ,ontest, , with Mrs. BroadfooVs, and � � Iroup ,winning. Jack Caldwell took , . .harge of a relay mu&ical, ,chairs, Lucky Lunch Ticket G. A. with Don Bell and Harol(l Caldwell Sills. and Sons �olding -the chairs. This was fol- Ladies please provide Lunch � owed by a geography canteit with . ADMISSION: HARDWARE ' 1e gzoup 92,5 years of age and over xinning. Th�, National ALb,. . Adults - 50 cents 1 . - PLUMBING HEATING )roug,ht tbe program to a close. � 11 . . �.unch wa� ­ rvm in the basement - - — _ - __ � ____ 11MMI! . - �� ____ F. ATith the c.,. group in (.--harge,. The I __ - . . ­_­ I iext me�-tdng will be held on Ma,,ch 11 with the, west j�roup in charge )f program and lunch. . . Itys AUST114 - ' for `49 Buy your Dinnerware in March , I ind save 10%, a� SAVAUGES1, zeaforth.-(Adv.�. . __­"e_-7__"1"._71"F_� ENGLISH MORRIS SAIES Corne and see the 1, New ENGLISH MORRIS ' . NEW AND USED Cars For Sale' TEXRCO , . .,� SERVICE STATION ._Z: 0 _'_�­'. 0 . , Hensall, Ont First in Economy, Performance, Value . ILA RENCE & REID I I . . I . . I I ,PHONE 33 . , .. I . . . . SEASONABLE SALE OF . ,Syrup Supplies 0 Sap Buckets � Sap Spiles - and . . Syrup Cons . — ' Baldwin Hardware 'I I Successok. to Geo. D. Ferguson SEAFORTH . . . PHONE61 . Prompt, Fre�)Delivery SerAce 11 I � I I . I I � .� �`i. 1. ,:_:''. , -, - �� � � ,,,,�,, , , , " '�� ,"�;' � , . " �.,, , �, �, i ., - , , ., . � �1,� , , , 11 11 � 1. 11 , : � i�"",­Ii,� , ��, 4pi. � . . . . �, 1� , , .� ,, ,1, " � ': " �,,�', ��,,�j� . I , q . 1� , ,,�,! "i ,", "". " '';, �-­ 11 . . . I � : , . . ,� , I 111.1 I I 1, I 1. I - �� 1. " "" � , , , ,� " 1 � . . � I , .,2, ;:. , , 'r ,, , ,'i,,-,-.` "i -1 13!, I :;",�il,: , , ,�� , I 111,11111, � �;!;,,��, " 4�� 1 �.,� "�, .-. — . , . I I I I . I I , � 'i , � . I - I I 11 . 11 .11 I " �.11 " i _ ,� ;,'.." , ,I ',� , .;, . I . " ,_', , ,�,, i I I , ,_ , .�i,'! �, . .,A"",;,� . Lll�., .a", ;_4��,,,��,� ., "'o � ", e. �",',�,_ "."L,.... _',�i�,!4,�,,�,,�;��,� I".. � _� 1111­:,��,''.',�", "', ­� 'XI ',"', �.',,:,�� . Thousands of new Austins tod�ay -throng the streets and hi,ghways of Canada, proving beyond doubt ' —under ALL KINDS of driving conditions—their reputation for economy*, performance, stamina and thorough dependability, re- gardless of. season. . *Many owners rep . ort well over 40 nlil�s per gallon - of gasoline. Inspect the complete range of Austin passenger aDd commer- cial vehicles. There's one for every Purse—every need. ' ' AUSTIN SERVICE AND RE t AVAILABLE THROU(;HOUT CANADA I � .J. Es HUGILL and SON 1� I . .. I 'Dealers For This Territory -Al . OPPOS= 13ANK OF MONTREAL . CLINTONO ONT. Phone Office 784-W-,,, Clinton' House 34 - 616 1 * . � .1 -1111, 1-1 ­­_ .. I 111. 1. ----,., I �. - . , �_ . 1, _. � ., � � I I . ;,, I " . . 1. � 1, � . �'.. I � � , . .� � �� .t:, I I 4, lyp 11 - � ,� .I.: �, ,�� f o �- -`� - " 1, I . 'I., - . . . . - I. . . I I . I . , - ... I I I . � 11. I . .1 I I . . I . I % I ", ; I � , . I . I I I � .. I � I � . . � . 1, I I I - . I , . � I, I . , . I . , , , 1. I I 11 . I � .. I . ,�� � , . , . I I . . I . I � :11 i I , I �� . -11 I . I I � � I . I I . I 1, � I .� I . I . I I : � �,:, , .'' . . . I . . � . I , � . � I � . I I . ,�.�' , ,, . , I � � , I , . ,. I _ , . .1 ', I I - I I Z I , , � � : . � � , ' 1:"­:�' I, .1 ." "I I I , :, I I I , !, ,,�,� "� ,�;, ,� " 4�. ,. � I 1, I , .. � , -j-*, i'L'�.�,� ­' 1, . ., � , � �. 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