HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-03-04, Page 8.dn I1MON E; Q iTQ is 1040, y. 'i. TOWN —. The 11K' Meet ki Aid to Scott itaiwill meet 011 1h 10, at 8 p.m., at Ideate. "IA I'1( i .1. Met—A meeting Stan ).4b. will be held pn arch 10, at 8 lame in Hall, ..Anyone interested 'crit le; ached to attend and nualling it an interesting r�+Qi t;1i serve World Day of Prayer e-"4litOrld Day of Prayer will be '»K1 lath ,at a service to be held stile Salvation Army Hall on ,47, March 4, at 3 p.m. The *Ilea will be under the direction 0apte.in Burch. All the women ipff 'the com'm'unity are asked to «, attend, Fun ral of Mrs. James Devereaux • h.ineral of the late Mrs. Jas. 11?evereaux, who passed away on 'Tuesday, Feb. 22, was held from 1St•. James' Church en Friday !morning. Rev. T. P. Hussey offici- ated and sang Requiem High Mass, .Alt the close Of the service Mr. Thos. D. Sills sang a favorite hymn Of the deceased. The pallbearers were J. 3. Cleary, J. M. McMillan, dam- J, - eeeeey, Arthur Devereaux, Joseph 'Dever2E1ttX and James Dev- ereaux. Interment was in - St, James' cemetery, Among those !who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lennon and Mr. Edward Lennon. Jr., Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Frank ILennon, Detroit, and Mrs. John McDonald, Windsor. Grapp..806.i#a ••r 1psbar FaGtdry, , The Fireatde Fel'intir hip Group of First BlreabyteriAll Qbtlrolrl were shown +rtahrotigh the 4oh31 Barnhart to e & Sons furniture to ry by . M '1 K. I. Mcl,,e(l of the.staff an Tuess day evening'. He • ccndlicted the tour through the. large and Rueiy appointed offices and' through the main floors where the secrets of snaking furniture and cedar chests were revealed, Later the group wee entertained at the home of M. A. Reid, when plans were made i ur a concert to be 'held on April 22 by a male chorus group from stretford, The meeting closed with llr serving of a delicious. lunch. 0 • Brother Dies in S. Thomas.— Mrs, J. D. Hinchley received word from St. Thomas on Sunday morn- icg that her brother, Alex McDou- eelP, had passed away that day. The late Mr. McDougall was born near Kippen and as a young man ent to Cranbrook, B.C., where he connected with a railway, but l,ir the past 40 years he resided in St. Thomas and was with the Pere Marquette Railway until his retirement' He is survived by his o\ ire, two sons and two sisters, Mrs. Hinchl'ey, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Smalldon, of Cranbrook, Grey Twp. Among. those who attended the funeral were Mr. Wm. Small - don, Mrs. Engle, Mrs. Long, Mrs, Fred Smalldon, of Grey; Mrs, Jas. Keys, McKillop; Mrs. Walter Broadfoot, Walton; Mrs. William easemhg, Mr. and Mrs, Ivy Hen- derson an .lrs. Win. Farkuhar- sem— �. First Presbyterian Church. -1O Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m„ "Faith and Con- yiction"; 7 p.m., "The Healing Touch"- 8.15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside. 'D. G. Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev, 11. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a,m., eunday School.; 11 a.m., "The Fin- ial Test of Friendship,' junior con- gregation; 7 p.m., "God's Way in D�fan'a Redemption"; singing of old favorite hymns. The Home can Help the Church. Come! St. Thomas' Anglican.—le a.m., {Sunday School; services at 11 a.m. land 7 p.m.; Lenten service Wed - 3 osday evening at 7.30 p.m. Bishop G. N. Luxton will hold an induc- tion service next Wednesday at L.30 P.m. St. Mary's, Dublin,—Service at 3.00 P.m. son, Seaforth, Ladies' Aid Holds Meeting.—The Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church met in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday afternoon with 42 members present, 'Mrs. H. R, Scott was in the chair and op- ened the meeting with prayer arid, a hymn. T'he sarin feature of the 1)70ferAhi *as the dile address by Miss M. lirinyer, of Scott Memor- ial Hospital, who spoke on the beauty of England, the character- istics of the people and of the in- teresting places in France' and Scotland which she had visited. Mrs. W. A. Wright led in commun- ity singing with Mrs. J. E. Keating at the piano, The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Wright. A de- licious lunch was served with Mrs. John MacTavish and Mrs. Harry Stewart as convener and assistant. FOR SALE Frame Dwelling, property of the late Wm. Reid. Suitably located. iGood cellar, furnace. Immediate !possession. 100 Acres, near Varna; suitable for grass, with 60 acres can. be Cultivated. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville. Early possession. Moderately ■Aced. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run- adng water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern !onveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220. Office 334 CLEVE CARTER'S MAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: ere Were0Dr.. it'. 9r 'Barbara, W. rt, Hopper, Joseph Gru nmett, 'Frank Hunt', Gordon Reynolds and 0, F. Sills, Intermeat was in Baird's• cemetery. Women's Institute To Meet,•.— .The Seaforth Women's Institute will meet on Tuesday evening, Mar. S, at 8.30 pan., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crozier. The roll call will be an Irish joke. The mot- to is "Pleasant hours fly past." The special speaker will be Mr.' W, G. Treetain, Director of. Public Rela- tions Research for the London Free Press.. There will be a pro- gram. Members are asked to please taring a donation of ft^..;; or pickles to the meeting in aid of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millsen, recent fire victims. A11 members, unless other- wise informed, please bring sand- wiches to the March meeting. This meeting is. in charge of Mrs. Wm. Oldfield and .Mrs. Ken Adams. The men are especially invited to at- tend. The last euchre and dance of the present season will lee PA tl'; u Friday, March 11. The corrlrnit,te:a are as follows: Tables and 010 s, Mra. Wilfred Coleman and 1i+l,rs, Jas, Iteyes; lunch, Mrra. ("xordou I''apple, Mrs. Raymond Nott '!.lad Miss Mabel Cameron; tallies and prizes;, 'Mrs. Elmer Cameron; dash- es, Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs, C. Simpson; punchers, Mrs. Jack Kerr, Mrs. Paul Doig,' Mrs. 0, Oka, Mrs. Bob McLachlan; hall and orchestra, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and Mrs. Jack McLean. e Addresses Young Adult Group.— The February meeting of the IT GROWS HAIR ! VLVAX—the amazing new diseovt,uy Of the Vivax Co. grown hair & cheep. dandruff. Re u•1ta will amaze you. You Cant lose. This sensational new discovery regrows your hair & checks dandruff or money prumpily refunded with no questions .ask- ed. fteepmmc•nded for men & women. Com- plete treatment S'5 postpaid. (C.O.D.'s lost - age extra). MEDICAL PRODUCTS, (Dept..409) Station 13, Montreal, Que. t FINNIGAN'S IN STOCK: PYRENE EXTINGUISHERS, in two sizes -- Pints and Quarts --selling at $15.00 and $19.00. Pyrene is recog- nized by people who know as the best on the market. WEEK - END SPECIALS 49c 39c 2 Dozen JUICY ORANGES 1 Dozen FANCY LEMONS .. 3 Tins 25c FLUFFO SHORTENING 65C. SWIFTS' CLEANER 2 !bs• Poliflor FLOOR WAX 55c SPANISH ONIONS, lb... 10 Tin 55 ARRIVED THIS WEEK—Shipment of Boys' A-1 Wool Sock§ LUX FLAKES 25t 2 pkgs. v - PURE LARD Jl5C 2 lbs. `-!r ]. EhN[GAN and SON 85c 1 I 4111111111116011116. Death of Joseph H. D. Upshall — The death took place on Monday, Feb. 28, of a well-known former resident of Tuckersmith, in . the person of Joseph H. D. Upshall, at Caistorville. Mr. Upshall was driving in Hamilton and apparent- ly feeling a heart attack coming on, drove to the side of a street, where it was found he had passed away. He had undergone a serious operation three months ago, but: since then had apparently been inj good health. Born in Tuckersmith, on lot 12, con. 9, he was in his a 41st year. In 1936 he was married to Margaret Elgie, also of Tucker- smith, who survives„ together with one daughter, Rhea, at home; also his parents., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upshall, Seaforth: three brothers, Charles, Fullerton; James and Robert. Tuckersmith, and one sis- ter, Miss Helen Upshall, Seaforth. He was educated. at• S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith, and farmed in that township before going to Hamilton where he worked for three years and then bought a general store. in Caistorville five years ago. He was a member of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen. The funeral was held on Thursday at 9.30 a.m. from Caistorville United Church and then proceeded to Northside Unit- ed Church, Seaforth, where a large- ly attended public service was held at 3.30 p.m. Rev. H. V. Workman officiated, and the pallbearers were W. Coleman, Chas. Eyre, Lorne Finlayson, John Consitt, Morley Cooper and Wm. Bell. Interment was in Maltlandbank cemetery. Death of James Nolan. — The death occurred suddenly at his home, East William St., on Wed- nesday, March 2, of James Nolan, following an illness of three months, although he had been in failing health for the past five Years. He was born in Hullett, and was in his 81st year. Thirty-one years ago he went to Tuckersmith and livel on the farm south of Sea, forth, now owned by Mr. Levy. In 1909 he was married to Anna Mc- Cardle, who survives him, together with two sons, Thomas J. Nolan, Niagara Falls, and Clarence J. Nol- an, of London; one daughter, Sis- ter Anne of the Cross, Ottawa, and two sinters, Miss Mary Nolan, Sea - forth, and Mrs. James Ryan, Wat- son. Sask. He attended school at Harlock, and, was a devout mem- ber of St. James' Church, Seaforth. The funeral• will take place on Fri- day at 9.30 a.m. to St. James' Church, with Itev. T. P. Hussey singing Requiem High Mass. The pallbearers are Alex Boyce, Gor- don Reynolds, Cecil Oke, Con Eck - art, Joe Rowland and Ignatius O'Leary. Interment will be in St. James' cemetery. DA Y8 NIGHTS 182 346-R H. J. Staf f en Plumbing and Heating Extension Ladders Phone 49 : Seaforth 11.111111111111111111®®® TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S tCHAELyS tis �yLUXE •� )O1 � POLIS1rtERS Per Sale 911 Oft CEN'i cwr acrd ,.tat • NOW IN STOCK . . Carrie in and see us! Moffat Electric Ranges Gleaming, Cooking Delight, Exclusive Oven Control - Years of Experience STANDARD MODEL $219.00 AMCA HEAVY DUTY RANGETTE 99195' FINDLAY COAL AND WOOD RANGES Condor Model 174,2.5 ELECTRIC BROODERS 350 -Chick Warner 3.2,00 FEEDER TROUGHS, FOUNTS — REASONABLE BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME INTERIORS with LOWE BROS.—Paints and Varnishes KEMTONE—Wall Finish CANADA VARNISH—Paints and Varnishes Check Your Needs For KITCHENWARE - HARDWARE - ROOFING PLUMBING — HEATING COMPLETE BATHROOM OUTFITS IN STOCK SEVERAL SiZES NEW IDEA FURNACES Immediate .Installation! FURNACES VACUUMED IN SPRING—Leave your orders now. QUALITY GOODS with QUALITY SERVICE IG. A. Sills and Sons Young Advlttsi fireup of Northtfridei United Church was held. at ., the home of Mise Thelma Ogle. Pre* dent Audrey Stevens opened 'with the call to Wot'ship, gollowed by the hymn, "Breathe On. N[,e, Breath of God." After a prayer by Audrey Stevens, team Pindior ream ,a, poli tion of the. Scripture. The roll was answered by the name of a well- known author, and the utinutea were read. Following the treasur- er's report by. Kay Sillery, the COAL Three Cars Choice Quality Arrived This Week! We have on hand STOVE COAL, NUT COAL, PEA COAL, ALBERTA COAL, STOKER COAL WILLIAM M. HART Phone 593-W : Seaforth DANCE TOWN HALL, VARNA TUESDAY, MARCH 8th Sponsored by L.O.L. No. 1035 Murdoch's Orchestra ADMISSION — 50 CENTS Lunch' Available ANNUAL St. Patrick's SUPPER THURSDAY M -A -R -C -H 17th — in -,- St. James' School Hall Under the auspices of the C. W. L. It;S, lij 4"Oili:'.Ot" My Sohl" was s'tl>1:g: >t•:. ^as deefled; atter a brief busi, tie diediesion, le hold a crokin- le Pklr'ty, in the •basement of the church en Monday evening, March The evening's speaker, Alvin 1N, Sillery, gave a moat interest. ing and 'beneficial talk concerning his profession, which proved very helpful. Atter ,his address 'Mr, Sil- lery Conducted an impromptu die- cususon of various legal problems of concern to the members. A de - Unions lunch of pancakes and maple syrup was served, bringing the"evening to a successful conclu- sion, Death of William George Stew- art.—The death occurred on Thurs- day, Feb. 24, of a well-known resi- dent of Harpurhey in the person of William George Stewart. in his. gsth year. The late Mr. Stewart was born in Huron County and was married near Kippen to Annie Cudmore, who predeceased him a number of years ago. While Mr, Stewart had not been in the best Of health for some time, it was only during the week preceeding his death that bis condition was serious. He is survived by two sons, Marshall, of Seaforth, and Sherman, of Crystal City, Mani- toba; also by one brother, John A. Stewart, of Winnipeg, In early Life a farmer for many years, he car- ried His Majesty's mail on rural route 4. For a time• he lived in Crystal City, Man., coming to Sea - forth about 20 years ago. He was a metnbet' of Northside United Church,and alale a member of the Canadian Order ,of Foresters. The funeral took place oit Saturday at 2 p'an froflv the G A. Whitney +,t ierari Chapel with Rev., It V. Werlrfoat1 ,OffielatinitrI iialbe �" MARCH Dinnerware Sale • 94 -PIECE DINNER. SETS (Servings. for 12) 15 Smart English and Canadian floral and conventional patterns to choose from. SALES PRICES: '$33,00 and up • 65 -PIECE DINNER SETS (Servings for 8) New Patterns in Attractive Designs. SALE PRICES: $23,85 and up • 32 -Pc. to 43 Pc. BREAKFAST SETS (Servings for 6) 18 Smart Patterns to choose from. SALE' PRICES: $8,95 and up BUY YOUR DINNERWARE IN MARCH AND SAVE 16 PER CENT! (Discount applies to all • Complete Sets now in stock) IUGE'S FINE CHINA SEAFOR; Beautiful Cinerarias and other POTTED PLANTS Also • Fresh Cut Flowers • SNAPDRAGONS • CARNATIONS • CUT FLOWERS BAKER'S Greenhouse Elizabeth St. - Seaforth Death of W: J. McIntosh.—The death"'occurred en Tuesday of a well-known resident in the person of W. 3. McIntosh, in his. 75th, year.' He had been in failing health for the past few` years and, spent part of the- time in' a Mitchell nursing home, and Por the past two months had been confined to Scott Mem- orial Hospital. He was born in MciKillop, and went to Stoughton, Sask., vehere he farmed for eigh- teen ighteen years. Returning here about 30 years ago, he has lived here since. He was married to Nellie Henderson, who predeceased ,him about two years ago, but is' sur- vived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. Poole, and a sister, Mrs. Me- Leod, Winnipeg. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the G. ' A. Whitney Funeral Chapel with Rev. H. V. Workman officiat- ing. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery, The pallbearers were Wallace Ross, Robert Smith, Leo Watt, Hugh Alexander, Frank Smale and W. S. Broadfoot. D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. SPECIAL in PHOTOS COLORED PHOTO 8x10 1 Picture .... $2.39 Photos taken in homes Anne's Studio LOCAL BRIEFS h'tEAFOETI .-. NOW PLAYING — THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY First Show, 7 p.m, " FORT APACHE " with HENRY FONDA and SHIRLEY TEMPLE - Majestic in sweep—breath-taking in action—A rousing epic of grit and glory In the days when the West was won! DOUBLE FEATURE .L MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " THE BLACK ARROW " with LOUIS HAYWARD and JANET BLAIR Stirring tale of,,intrigue and drama of th'e 15th Century. =.- AND " IN OLD SACREMENTO•" With WILLIAM MOORE and CONSTANCE MOORE Where gold was King and: Love was Queen. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — (By Request) " THE EGG AND I " with CLAUDETTE COLBERT and FRED MaoMURRAY Modern day Pioneer yarn has splendid bits of poignant humanity, laughter and near tragedy, in a 'folksy tale of Young love, COMING: "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" • Mr. Sherman Stewart, of Crys- tal City, Manitoba, was here 'last week attending the funeral of his father, the late William George Stewart. • Mr, Gordon Bender, of Kit- chener, was renewing acquaintanc- es in town on Friday last. • Mr. and Mrs, A. Y. McLean spent the week -end in Toronto. • Miss Isabel Betties, of Toron- to, spent the week -end at her home in McKillop. • Mr. James B. Southgate, of Brampton, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dunlop and family, of Ottawa, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. • Miss 'Bella 'VVTatson, of Galt, was a week -end g gest of Mrs, Mae Dorrance. • Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the week -end with her .brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, in Galt. • Mr. R. E. McKenzie, of To- ronto, was .a week -end guest of his brother, 'Mr. J. C. McKenzie, and sister, Miss Rena McKenzie. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pinkney, of Toronto, were among those who attended the ,funeral of the late W. G. Stewart.' • Mrs. George Connell is confin- ed to her home through illness ,and is under the doctor's care, • Miss Helen Smith, R,N„ spent the week -end in Windsor and De- troit. • The executive meeting of the Red Cross, which was to have' been held. on Friday, March 4, has been postponed until Friday, March 11, at 3 p.m., in the work rooms. • Misses Eleanor and Loreen Cox, .or. Porter's Hill, spent the week -end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt, Jarvis. St. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell and daughters, Margaret and Patricia, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr. ands Mrs. J. P. Bell. • Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Goodmow, of Hamilton, visited Mrs. Gladys Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar on Tuesday. • Mr. Greely Wankel and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geddes, of London, were here on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Wm. George Stewart. • Mrs. G. W. Elliott, of Oakville, spent a few days with her mother, 'Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. • Mrs. Sam J. McKenzie and family, of Georgetown, were week- end guests of her mother, Mrs. J. M. Cardno, • Mr. Ed. Daley, Victoria Road, near Toronto, was here least week attending the funeral of the late William George Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amy, of Paris, visited Miss Jean Armstrong of the Bell Telephone staff. • Mrs. Thos. Stewart bas re- turned to her home in Detroit af- ter visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Dunlop. YES! They're coming again! WHO? Oh, The Norwich Band Minstrels. WIZEN? On. March 25th. WHERE? In Cardno's Hall. Who is Sponsoring Them? Local C.P.T. Committee of fellows and Rebekahs. The Odd - An Entirely New Show ! Bigger and Better than ever! They reee.Otly performed to packed hous- es on three cgnsecutive nights in their home town of Norwich. '(The Norwich Band has won further laurels since ,their appear- ance here last year). E1' i N'S TAXI 1.L. PASS O0OR8.1N6U tl$t 0<1l ' 824 ori w'; WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg .spent the week -end in Calling -wood. Miss Isabel Betties, R.N., left for Toronto Monday to take a post- graduate course at St. Michael's Hospital. Mrs. Elgin Dale and, Douglas, of Hullett, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Coxon, of Milverton, visited with Mr• and Mrs, R. 'P. Davidson. CONSTANCE 3 Basic Modern KROEHLER Pieces New sinft-down-deep buoyancy ... new get-up ease. Wonder-working springs that shape in- stantly to you. Thrill to new Kroehlek comfort_ and the exciting room variety of a Kroehler Sec- tional Sofa. xern &alternated Gel*, Now Kroehler gives you two complete sets of springs le the back—and two . complete sats of springs is the seat... G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE . • FUNERAL SERVICE', Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65• SEAFORTH — ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong, well-known Hullett residents, will celebrate their 61st wedding anni- versary quietly at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Percy Cole, 70 Huron St., Stratford, en Wed- nesday, March 9. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jettitt returned from Forest on Sundiay. They in- tend' spend this fnonth visiting With their soliS, Bill and Wilbur,. before returning to their home in ,Saskatchewan. Mr, Mlilar Adams visited with. friends In Blyth on Monday, Mr. and Mrs" Wilifttr Iewri.tt and, fa'bsily visited „With relatives at 'rarest on l±'rid'ay. Mr: Bill Mellor's and son, 1)on-' all of repo k, *felted With 1131., an&` Ard, µ1 11buIK ew t era ltfltiay, V MATCH PINE and Spruce: For barn doors. PINE and SPRUCE: For siding and sheathing. VARIOUS LENGTHS and WIDTHS: In 1, 2 and 3 -inch lumber. Complete Line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Etc. JUST ARRIVED — Insulation,' granulated, 2" and 3" Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. Phone 47 Seaforth CINDERELLA Musical Fantasy SINGING — DANCING — DIALOGUE Cinderella and the Prince MOTHER 4300SE CHARACTERS — LORDS AND LADIES come to life on the stage of CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH FRIDAY, MARCH 4th OAST OF 90 CHARACTERS GOOD TALENT SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH WOMEN% INSTITUTE Adults 50c r. Children 350 Eucht� - Dance, (Last of Present Series) CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTII Friday, , March llth- Euchre y 8.30, Sharp — LUNCH SERVED \ • Good Orchestra and Prizes • General ,Admission -- 50c Auspices' SEAE01011 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE