HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-02-11, Page 840r;" • , okKANTEg •APNOS, ,00,14 40400%. ' ND WINDSTORN e'VeMParilieti who t With Services. ONTARIO 1W's b41,K1314.4,1*QE 04 gladly given. & REID • - Proprietor 0 '8; Real Estate 244 szLkFoRTH. .eae o .4> o o 0000 BOX Itnerat btrbice AMBULANCE Prompt and careful attention. 0 •eHelipital Bed VITOffkreRS FOR ALL 0 .,;.,e4OCASION3 "k- PHONES: • nee. 595-W or 18; Store 43 * A * 0 0 0 0 0 0 •'~ institute NeteilV14, the hers plesse bring in the, W‘1, bine cloths, before Feb.. ni and leave them at Smith's Groeery Store. There is always shortage of these at the euehres. Members ape urged to not forget to be at, Miss Mabel Cameron's by 1.45 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 15, when the In- stitute group goes to tour Scott Memorial Hospital. I 9 9 9 G. A. WHITNEY0 0 successor to 110LMES &. WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth A AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 A.deustable hospital bed for • rent. ' Agent tor Mitchell Nursery 0 Flowers. 0 A Telephone 119 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director ,• 0 and Ambulance Service o DUBLIN - ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: A Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> W. J. CLEARY "0' O Seaforth, Ont. A •LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! • Death at Creston, B. C.—Word has been received here of the Bud- den death in Creston. B.C., of Mrs. Gordon Skerik (nee Betty Sand- ford) and her infant son, Sandy. Death is believed to haire been caused by food peleoning. The double funeral was held from the Anglican Church at Creston on January 14, with her minister, the Rev. S. W. Blackaller officiating. Their many friends here, where Mrs. Skerick was well known, will extend sympathy to her bereaved husband, and to her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sandford, of Bran- don, and to .her Sister, Trixie, of Dryden, Ont. #04t, Mr0,14.4 8410„ IstP0/4ingt Wag? tic.citled 40 'WA the 44041 St. Petrick% seipper oe ThleeideY, Mart* 17, with &Hee Allies Daly cattraW. Mss Daly teed the lade tes of 'the formation of a C.W.L„ at Exeter, composed of , wives of Members pf the Air Ferree at Cen- tralia,. and it was suggested that en invitation be extended them at a latter date to attend a Lsagee meeting at Seaforth. Mise.M. ANTRRACITE Fireside Y: P. S. Meets. — The Fireside Young People's Society held t regular meeting in the Late* went of the church Sunday after ehe evening service which opened ' by a song service, followed by Hymn 58, verse 1. Rey; CemPheil gave the. Serlptige ieg4tit and then la in prayer, Thisiness was discussed and it was decided to have a Valentine party on Feb. 16. Gordon McKindsey told the life history of Francis Lyte, the man who wrote the hymn, "Abide With Me." The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. • eeeeeeree._ etem eieee C-5 ..;50.5,5,55.55.5,5.555,05, LEMOST-'S TAXI • ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 1624 or 162-w COAL Lehigh Valley & Pittston No Better At Any Price MORE HEAT • LESS AH WILLIAM M. ILART PHONE 593-W : SEAFORTH 111111111111111111111Mile Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, .Minister: 10 a.m.. Sundax School. Worship Services: 11 axle "Digester Through Slack- ness"; 7 p.m., "In the Wake of Un- belief." Welcome to these ser- vices. First Presbyterian Church.— 10 a.m., 'Bible Class and ' _Sunday School; 11 a.m., "While the World Waits" ; 7 P. m.,"Uust&I)Ping Wells."—Rev. D. G. Campbell, Min- ister. St. Thomas' Church. — 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Regular services by the Rector. St. Mary's, Dublin.—Communion Service et 3 p.m.—Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. 11111111111111111131111111 H. J. Staffen Plumbing and Heating • Extension Ladders • Phone 49 : Seaforth 111111111111111111111111111 TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S D. H. Mc1NNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. CLOSE'S1 Barber Shop and MUSIC STORE is now located in THE QUEEN'S USE THE CORNER DOOR E. H. CLOSE Proprietor Pu L wmi 4044' 01004, convener„ succeedia 1-4ing .(4,4. The tressivrer4 showed a hal‘ce Q$02450„,etUm John Hotham, first vicedreSident; reported 86 raembere. giete 1ylr2:„ 3. L. $lattery and. lirtre T. D. SLfla,as the visitin*: mittee for January, made eaue both in the homes and • tal. Miss Gaffney and Wee; Neu were named as the visiting core, mittee for February. Km Freelp Devereaux, on behalf of St. 40Ctes' Choir, thanked the League rthe banquet recently given le their honor. Mrs. William Hart, mega - zine convener, reported nine sub- 1 euseemegingememeememepmeague E. C. .CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Breker SEAFORTH - ONT. . PHONES; Res. 220. Office $34 EUCHRE and DANCE CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, FEB. 18th Euchre 8.30 Lunch served ADMISSION 50c Collins' Orchestra AUSPICES SEAFORTH W. L Regular Saturday Night scriptions..:43t• Married $0l4t4o" , 1.41,70* • gl xre, r. Dinwoolgo, (lr 'Oa 04 et eeribers "w!!1- be hetlifIett '.80e1,4-. ereese ie Pled VOSS rhte4,eff ftivei 4)47,, .0r#1410-Wat ,.gested that at the xtereb, *Ong •each. member A& • et seMplie Of her favourite recipe ter IlleleheThe meeting closed with Prayer ORO - ed for Cardinal Mindszentry, Lunch was served, after which iMiss Peolee Kutui favored with piano Wee- tiona. ere Death of John S. Aiteheson.—The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday of ,a well known and highly esteemed resi- dent of McKillep Township in the person of John S. Aitolieson, Aitcheson suffered a stroke on De- oember 23, aid was taken to the hospital where he remained lentil his death. He was born in McKie ---DANCE--- _ CARDNO'S HALL FEATURING KEN WILBEE SATURDAY, FEB. 12th Admission 50c Students and Servicemen 40c Watch for future announcement about St. Patrick's Dance. Sponsored by Seaforth Young Progressive Conservatives Northside Mission Band Meets.— The Mission Band of Northside United Church met on Tuesday af- ter school with an attendance of 20 members. The president, Bar- bara Boshart, was in the chair. The hymn, "When He Cometh," was followed by prayer by Mrs. Brad- shaw. Bill Scott read the Scrip- ture lesson from Timothy, chapter 2, verses 1 to 7. Joan Bach gave the Member's Purpose. "Ge Sees the Little Sparrow Pall" ng. Donna May Berger and arl er- ger sang a duet, "Can a Little Child Like Me?" The story, "A Little Indian Boy," was told by Mrs. T. Wilbee. "Praise • Him, Praise Him" was sung, and the col- lection„ amounting to $1.02, was taken by Ruth Ann Crozier. Isabel Shannon and Helen McGonigle will take the collection next month. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. FOR SALE Frame DweIling in Egmondville. Warty poesession. Moderately piked. 100 -Acre Farm, near Chiselhurst. Good land, house„ barn and other banding's. Moderately priced 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run- ning water. Early- possession. Duplex, solid brick. 'All modern P ereveniences. Good investment. WANTgD TO PURCHASE • Fara land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. • M. A. REID MEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S .AXI • • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: ' DAYS N I GHTS 182 346-R ,Get your Fertalizer Now Pay May 1st. assured of ketting it ' *ell mired. a1 fbr inform -Ugh hone 456• r 2 SPIteAT Fertilizers Annual At Pr— Searorth High School Friday, Feb. illth DANCING 9 - 1:00 Bobbie Down's 1O -Piece Orchestra ADMISSION: $1.25 Single - $2.25 Couple Dress optional. BY INVITATION ONLY Or:0,g0'0,4d. 004. 04 Ithi, 4I1 hisilitet, He '740:44 004,0i POO 'Obgrcbt 'etreiee 0.0 jSineViereci Ong ele'' tee .M,ree`Denald Celder, Beelete, itatOte ;4_44110* there, Alex 4114 1O11.eeeteheeele, RoseteWn, .4nd 444100,: of liticKillop Township:, tuoorg was held Teeeday the!residence of hie !nether, James Altchesein, lot 30 cencesSiou - Molcillop„ with interment in meatlitedhenk demetery. The pall- bearers were: Thos. Blanchard, J. Kellar, Theron Betties, R. K. Mc- Farlane; Wm. Montgomery end johe Pethick. COAL We have on hand— • ROSEDALE ALBERTA HARD LUMP • CHESTNUT COAL • EGG COAL • BUCKWHEAT COAL For immediate delivery, PHONE47 SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. Father Dies in Mitchell. — The death occurred in Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Monday, Feb. 7, of William David Jordan, of Mitchell. Deceased had been 111 Only three months. He was born in Fuller- ton Township and went to Mitchell about 60 years ago and followed the trade of a carpenter for many years. Forty-six years ago be was united in marriage to Catherine offatt, of Mitchell, who survives, together with five sons: Harold, of Port Hope; Dalton, of 'Toronto; Alvin, Mitchell; Lloyd., Windsor, and Arthur, Toronto; and three daughters, Mrs. E. C. Davis, El- mira; Mrs. Robert Charters, Sea - forth, and Mrs. D. B. Morris, „Fort William. The funeral was held on Thursday from Trinity Anglican Church at 2 p.m., with Rev. M. A. Hunt officiating. Temporary en- tombment was in Woodland Maus- oleum. FOR THE DANCE OF THE YEAR . . . BAILEY FLORISTS OFFER IRIS (or Poor Man's Orchid) •.75c and up CARNATIONS 1.75 and up GARDENIAS 1.50 and up ROSES 2.00 and up ORDER YOUR CORSAGE NOW! For Your Sick Friends— Send a Lovely Pot of Hyacinths or DAFFODILS at $2.00 a doz. SNAPDRAGONS, $2.75 a doz. STOCKS at 2.00 a doz. • DOUBLE STOCKS at $4.0.0 a doz. BAILEY FLORISTS Phone 393 MAIN STREET • Seaforth St. Thomas' Church W. A. and Guild Meets.—On Tuesday the W. A. and Guild of St. Thomas' An- glican Church met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Higgins for their month- ly meetings with a good. attend- ance. Mrs, W E. Southgate open- ed the W.A. meeting by reading the Gospel for the sixth Sunday af- ter Epiphany. Miss Holmes, the president, followed with prayer. The various reports were givenand accepted. Good secondhand cloth- ing is asked for to send bales to the Indian School at Brantford and Mission at Bracebridge. All mem- bers are asked to use the Lenten sel,f-denial for WA. work and also W.A. Thankoffering to be given in at the annual meeting in London, April 26. The offering was receiv- ed and dedicated. Following the W.A. meeting, the Guild •took charge, with Mrs. G. McGavin, the president, reading prayers for the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The reports of alt commit- tees were dealt with. The annual vestry meeting will this year be held on Feb. 14, followed by a so- cial gathering of the congregation. .A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Higgins Or her hospitality. After the offertory was. received and ded- icated, refreshitients were served and the teen:there enjoyed a social hour, LEGION BINGO CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Wednesday, Feb. 23rd • 8 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. FEATURING FOWL - AND OTHER PRIZES LOTS OF ROOM — LOTS OF FUN Bring the Family — Heated Hall — ' •Don't Miss it ADMISSION Orards 5 Cents FREE Special Cards 10 Cents Auspices BRANCH 156, CANADIAN LEGION President Treasurer SecretarY DR. P. L. BRADY RONALD S. McDONALD F. E. WILLIS A PLAY Nirleanfromlima will be presented in First Presbyterian - Church MONDAY, FEB. 21 at 8 pm. Presented by Blyth Dramatic Club and sponsored by Fire- side Fellowship Group. • This is an exceptionally good Play, and well worth seeing! ADMISSION — 35o and 25c • EVERYBODY WELCOME • Copies of February 4 Issue Re- quired.—The publishers require 10 cepiee of the February 4 issue of The Huron Expositor, and' would apprecieter subscribers having cop- ies of thie issue returning them to the office. Nelsen they will be pur- chased at ten cents each. Dies in Teleda.—The death oc- curred in Toledo, Ohio, on Feb. 5, of Mary Ann McCann, widow of the late James McCann. Mrs. Mc- Cann was a former resident of Seaforth. She is survived by three children: John 1. McCann and Mrs. Frank Burp:61er, Toledo, and Mrs. Leo Sharkey, Battle Creek, Mich.; four grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. Mrs. J. •W. •McWil- Liam, Toledo, a sistee, and Thomas J. Kehoe„ Port Huron, e brother, also survive. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Feb. 9, Re- quiem High 'Mass being sung at St. Catherine of Sienna Church. In- terment' was in Calvary Cemetery, Toledo. Northside W. A. Group Meets.— Group 3 of ;the W.A. of Northside United Church held their February -meeting at the home of Mrs. Schneider with 21 ladies attend- ing. The president, Miss Edith Hoag, opened the meeting by pray- er anda.a poem, "The Heavenly Guest," 'basil on the 20th verse of the third chapter of Revelations. •Hymn 503 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The Scripture was read responsively, led by Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, from No. 707 in the Hymnary. A humourous reading, "The "Usual Way," was given by Mrs. Snell. Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture beginning with the word "Blessed." A reading, "Go- ing the Extra Mile,' by Mrs. Wal- den and a reading, "A Golden Rule," by Miss Ida Cooper, were much enjoyed. Hymn 502 was sung and the meeting closed, with the Mizpah benediction, after which a delicious lunch was served and a social hour spent. SEAFORTII NOW PLAYING ee Te111:10S., Pale SAT. -re Ft43. 10-11-12 HUMPHREY BOGART • LAUREN .BACALL Edward, G. Roleineon . Lionel Berrymore Claire Trevor "KEY LARGO MAXwell Anderson's play makes a good film, full of ideas and intensely draniatic. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY -- FEB. 14-15-16 ELIZABETH TAYLOR , • GEORGE MURPHY " CYNTHIA " A family drama portraying the lives, loves, ,haPPluess and • economic problems of small town folk. NExr TI4ORSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—FEB. 17-18-19 JON HALL. PATRICIA MORISON ," THE PRINCE OF THIEVES" (Cinceeolor) • One of Denaas' dramas revealing new daring adventures of Robin Hood. ACOM I NG— "THE WOMAN IN WHITE" IMMOIIIIMOMMINIMININegr SPOt MOOR }ils;)"z St. James' C. W. L. Meets.—At the February Meeting of the Cath- olic Wolettates League of St. jatnee' • Mirth, 'held in the seheol hafl Tifeeday evening, with the Dreg, CAR DR1VER$ . . . BEWARE Neglected car troubles can cost you money . at the first signs of off- colour performance—drive in for our PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 4...5.444555 check. Skilled specialists and modern equipment assures results. Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile •Phone 01 . Seaforth, ASK FOR SPRITE! ANKLE HIGH WITH zIPPER • FRONT SMITH'S SHOE STORE SEAFORTH TRADE-IN A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WATCH • Death of Mrs. L. G. Kruse.—The sudden death of Elizabeth Margar- et Sclater, widow of the late L. G. Kruse, on Sunday, February 6, in Galt, came as a shock to her Many friends and relatives. Mrs. Kruse was born in Seaforth 72 years ago, the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sclater, and for a number of years was a milliner in the former Pickard store. She was also a member of First Presby- terian Church choir for many years. She was married 44 years ago by Dr, F. H. Larkin. to Mr. Kruse, who predeceazed her about two months ago. They went to Wingham to reside and then to Kitchener before going to Galt, where Mr. Kruse conducted a but- cher business for 37 years. Surviv- ing are one son, William Kruse, of Galt; one brother, William Sclater, of Regina, Sask.„ and three sisters, Mrs. John Staples, Regina; Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Auburn, and Mrs. John Finlays'on, Seaforth. She was -very active in church work, being a member of Knox Presbyterian Church„ Galt, presi- dent of the Ladies' Aid, a member of the Teacher -Parent Society, and was pianist for many years in the Missionary Society. The funeral took place from her late residence, 109 Main St. E., on Wednesday, with interment in dolt cemetery. GODDESS OF TIM "F" '1I'•. $420 , 4+5 , • • CADET 17 iewels TRADE-IN YOUR• OLD 14i4r0.1 $4g 50 Savauges' Jewellery • rine China •tirrs LOCAL BRIEFS a Sic Mode, OEHLER Pieces s - New sink -do tt-c1Fep buoyancy. ... new get-up ease. 'Wonder working springs that shape in- • stantly to you. Thrill to new Kroehler comfort and the exciting room variety of a Kroehler Sec- tional Sofa. egaztweyed e,•Noesueada New Kroehler gives you two complete vas of springs In the back—and two complete sets of springs in the seat... "aro Wits. Ikas ••••• G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65' SEAFORTH — ONTARIO • Mr. E. C. Boswell has received word of the death of his aunt, Miss Fanny Boswell, who passed away in California. • Mr. Harry Scott, son of Mrs. 11. R. Scott, is 111 in Wingham General Hospital with pneumonia. • Mrs. 1 E. Keating is spending a few days in Toronto. • Miss Laura McMillan, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan, in Egmondville. • Miss Pearl Lawrence, of Gode- rich, spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. Herald Lawrence, and Mrs. Lawrence. • Measys. W, L. Whyte and D. 1-1, Wilson were in Toronto last week. • Mrs. Mel. Anderson, of Toledo, Ohio was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. • Miss Margaret Vier, who has been ill in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, is improving. • Mr. and Mrs, Leo Hartwick, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sillery: • Mr. William Munn, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent the week -end at the • home of his Parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Munn. (Additional Local on Page 5) PERMANENT SPECIAL ! Special oe PERMANENTS frem Jan. 31st to Feb. 12th Machine $3.50, does not include setting Machineless, $5.00 inellides setting 'Cold °Wave, $7.50 Includes setting V MATCH PINE and Spruce: For barn doors. PINE and SPRUCE: For siding and sheathing. VARIOUS LENGTHS and WIDTHS:- In 1, 2 and 3 -inch lumber. Complete Line of Wallboards, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Etc. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. Phone 47 Seaforth muntiEus SALON PHONE 3S1.W SiAPORT14 1 • , I 1, 1 11 KIDDIES SHOP Achianoe Spring Showing of COAT SETS 2 - 6X—Boys' and Girls' COATS -7 - - Thurs.., Fri. and Sat. Feb. 17th, lath, 19th Final Clearing of DRESSES and CORP.• JUMPERS 2 - 6X at $2.98 MOORE'S 'FAST FEATHERING BARRED ROCKS • ARE - Tops in Quality — Tops in Production • AND Our 21 Years In the Poultry Business Lends Valuable. Experiences! lave a 2500 -bird breeding flock; all are Government Banded and double Pullorum Tested— reaultst 100% clean—no reactors. In addition to Pure Bred Feet Feathering Barred Rocks, we have W.L. X ,B.R. and N.H. X MR. ASIC for prices. Order Early! MOORE'S POULTRY FARM i •1Wrelhar of Ontario ApproVed Hatchery eAssoolabtion.ntar Seafortk A. A. MOORE "e.