HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-02-11, Page 4rr s�. auPt :sifted Ads Inserted ..t New Low Cash Rates: von BALE, WAms, WST ANA FOUND. ETC. --Per word;. lot 'wed 1 Gent 2nd week % Cleat 3rd week IA Cent Miedltenm eisafge, feat inaertion25 Ceres Each figure, initial and able-eerie/den counts tie one word. b0 eta*Pee I eoiorlgmt Notices, Coming Events -1 coat per word, Mtrdmum. jellgw giFles PAY be directed to a Bos Na, e/o The Huron F•aveekter, for le cents extra. WA Costa additional will be chezered if ads in above class are not paid witbbn 10 day* date of *nit insertion. free of charge. W Mari and Deaths inoes'i�ed Ale tion t l Notices to Creditors. Etc, -Rates on applioation. Wanted. For Sale 81iTII D, TO BUY - JUNIOR BED. Fon. SAKI --FEED TURNIPS FOR W PHONE 888. 4285.1 ewle. APPLY to JOHN Be STEWART, Hensall R.It. 1. Peelle 92 r 41, Hensall WANTED. TO RENT' --- HOUSE OR " apartment. No small children ELLEN Urg- ent . Apply to MRS. E N 4 W L Louisa St. Seatforth• WANTED TO MST — HOUSR OR apartment with modern toseveaience es for family of three. Beet of references. Apply to Box 818, HURON ExFO rro 4235 FOR ,BALE --A NUMBER OF WIRE FOX Pests, floored and in good condition: suitable dor poultry. Apply to J. W. edeREATH, Bruce&,ld. 4235x1 g STALE—DINING ROOM TABLE. and chairs: buffet; lace table cloth, (hand -made; cedar cheat. Apply to Box 787, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4256-1 Help Wanted FoR SALE—a6 GAUGE SINGLE RAR- wag= AK- W TED AT ONCE — CAPABLE " housekeeper to take full ,barge. Two I small chi:Wren : two aduilts. Possible urer anent home. For firrtber info write LEO HAGAN, Boa '72, Seaforth, or Phone 383 after 6 pm. Personals rel Winchester shotgun, Al-condition. Applyto JERRY HEIR. Phone 306, Sea foreh 0 ,Seaforeh on BALE--FoBD DE LUXE COACH. i 1941; 1948 motor, 5,000 miles, roes: bat- tery and 6 new tires in '48; 2 snow tires, defrosters.heater Radio Apply Bo9, E%OSTOR . 4235x1 steca, lire, G}vain,Y,'er, Ottawa;. Mre. Auderson, Silverton, W3 , and Mrs. Jolla McClure, of i throe. ,Mx. Smith had been is ilt health since he went to 't the 71os. yearlast September. s ago he went to Milestone, and later moved to Vanderhof, U. C., and spent the final years of his life in Vancouver. Interment was made in Vancouver. The Late Frank McGregor Frank McGregor, life-long resi- dent of Hullett Township, dropped dead in the barn on his farm 'Tues- day. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He had suffered from a heart condition since last Sep- tember. Born Feb. 22, 65 years ago, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, he married Viva Mair on Sept. 2, 1915. Mrs. Mc- Gregor survives, along with one son, Gordon, at home and a daugh- ter, Miss Helen, a teacher at St. Catharines. He also leaves one brother and two sisters in the Can- adian West, and another sister, Mrs. Jennie Knox, Hullett Town- ship. Two brothers predeceased him. Mr. McGregor belonged to Burns' Church, Hullett, and was a member of the board of managers. The funeral was held Thursday from his home. FOR SALE --A LHMITED AMOUNT OF H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U 13.33E R ail maple hardwood 12 inches long; Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed also a geed kitchen range and piano, cheap. Phone 855 r 2. W. M. SPR®AT, envelope with price list. 6 samples we;' I. 4, Seafor•th. 4234-3 24 sameles 61.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, ' NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton- TypgSIBLE POULTRY PLANT -11 1/5 Ont.-""- ,acres, with barn 45 by 100, having 24. ftill. 36 by 60; bailer RAILROADERS, TELEPHONE MEN, Hydro Men, Section Men, Milkmen. Breadmen, and ell men whose occupation 1'13 outde rs, it rain, sleet and had, who know the comfort 01 keeping their clothes dry and warms—use "RAINPROOFbet" on all their work clothes- Jost sprinlde it on—tt is invisible but sure keeps the rainof off. An 89 cents bottle wilt rainpro about four or five pair a overalls and Jackets. Get it at ICIOAT IG'S PHARM- ACY, Seaforth, only. Auction Sales foot posts 22 feet square; colony house, 12 by Tenors --Cash. EDMUND GEIGER, ,Hen - San. 5 3 IIESSAILswispeolosolieumeemsouppossitonsow The regular meetingraft I3epsall Council was held Toeeday evening in the council chamber with all members present. Reeve 'A. W. Kerslake presided. H. Parker, caretaker of the Rink„ reported cash receipts ,as being $33.85 and told cote cn, 42 the dif- ficulties encountered. The treas- urer, J. A. Paterson, reported con- cerning tax arrears as being the same, $450.00, and the prepayments to date as being $1,760.00. He al- so reported concerning the water- works. F. Harburn reported re the streets and the snow removal. Correspondence dealt with in- cluded: 0. R. Hagey Engineering Co„ Department of Highways, Op- erating & Maintenance Specialties, Guaranty Trust, Provincial Treas- urer re gasoline tax refunds, Can- adian Underwriters Association re inspection, Canada Valve & Hyd- rant Co., Frost Steel 8c Wire Co. Ltd., Department of Planning and Development, Municipal World Ltd, Association of Assessing Of- ficers, Association of Rural Mun- icipalities, Mrs. W. Elliott. The Clerk was instructed to get the price and time of delivery on a 'hydrant hand pump, No. 21, from the Canada Valve & •Hydrant, and also to order one No. 1 snubber from Operating & Maintenance Specialties. The tax collector was instructed to proceed with the tax collecting •as provided by statutes, and turn in the collector's roll the first meeting in April Bills and accounts„ approved for payment included: National Iron Corporation Ltd., supplies, W.W., $34.04; International Water Sup- ply Ltd., pump, W,W., $1,242.35; C. R. Hagey Engineering Co., fees, W. W., $1,577.87; Scott Bros. Contract- ing Co., balance contract, W.W. $8,010.76; T. Lavender, repairs, pump, W.W., $8; Hensall Hydro Commission, hydro, W.W., $76.09; J. A. Patterson, attendance. W.W., $14; C. Reid, trucking gravel, W.W. $5; C. Reid., snowplowing streets, $45;, H. Parker. labor, rink, $56.40: T. Kyle, labor. rink, $3.25, S.R., $5.75; D. Moir„ labor, S.R., $3; C. Fee, labor, S.R.. $3; J. Sangster. labor, S.R., $5,25; G. Deitz, truck- ing, S.R., $16.25; Drysdale's Hard- ware ,supplies, Rink, $15.10, Hall $15.30, Fire Dept, $21.10; Ben'Tele- phone. service, $4.11; Hyde Trac- tor & Combine Co., supplies sts. $1.60; J. A. Paterson, fire insur- ance, Hall. $64; Scott's Grocery. cups, Hall, $11.50; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, Mitchell, $1.85; R. J. Lovell Go., supplies, $5.35: W. R. Davidson, coal, Rink $29.10, Hall $136; Hensall Hydro, 'Rink $24.00, Hall $23.62; J. Passmoret-,*upplies. Rink $11. Hall $16.79; J. Ben- thron on. ppi1e.s, Hall $1, mis- cell- ebus $15.50; F. Harburn, sol- ar , $123.72; J. G. Bonthron, un- yment stamps $4.32, postage lted Church, rent of shed, tal, $11.641.92. aw No. 5, covering the ap- tment of the clerk, treasure:- and reasurerand tax collector, and Bylaw 6 ap- CONSTANCE The death took place at Con- stance on Saturday of Mrs. Eliza- beth Jane Lawes, wife of Edwin W. Wakefield, in her 68th year. Mrs. Wakefield bad been confpned to bed only a week. She was 'born in England 67 Years ago, and also married there, coming to Canada in June, 1914. She is survived by husband and two daughters, s, D. Millson, Hallett, and Mrs. rry Pethick, Constance, and one n. Charles Wakefield, London. They lived in the village 35 years. There are also four brothers,. Wil- liam, Fred and Albert Lawes, of England, and George, of Clinton; also four grandchildren. The fun- eral was held Monday -from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel, Sea - forth. with Rev. A. Brenton offici- ating. Interment followed in Mait- landbank cemetery. The pallbear- ers were: F. Phillips, Leo Steph- enson. Frank and Joe Riley, Robt. Grimoldby and Howard Armstrong.' Mr, and Mrs. Ted Holden,. of Elimville, spent Sunday with Mrs.. Alfred Buchanan. Mr. George Lawes, of Clinton, is spending a few day's with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Willson. This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Frank McGregor, of Harlock, on Tuesday morning. We wish to extend the sympathy of this neighborhood to Mrs. McGregor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Wakefield and Bobby, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Willson. They were called home Friday night when the former's mother passed away. Mr. Fred Wakefield returned to London wit them on Monday. The Federation of Agriculture is holding a euciire'and dance in Com- munity Hall. at Londeeboro, Fri- day, Feb. 11. e3/ FOR SALE—LARGE QUANTI I2-ineh cordwood ; also slabs. C. KALB+SLEIISOB & SON. Zuri 69. Zurich. OF FRED . Phone 4280-6 AUOTION SALE --EXECUTORS' SALE of the late W. M. Reid, Property end Household Effoets. in the Town of Sea - Werth, Saturday, February 19th, on Huron Street, at 2 p.m.: Kitchen range; ex- tension table; kitchen chairs; refinished glees cupboard; modern electric hot -plate with oven;kitchen kitchen cupboard : pantry table; number 0d small tables ; electric iron and number of 'rockers; deetric lamp: refrn ebed drop lee{ cherry table; occasionel chairs: what -not; 2 oak sec- tional bookcases ; 2 Bali trees ; wardrobes; 1 day heel; walnut finish iron bed, sprinns and mattress ; dresser and stand : toilet sets: coal off ;seater ; 2 iron beds : 1 wood- en bad, spring and mattresses ; odd drese- ere and stands ; curtains; onsi}ts ; pillows and. bel linens ; quilt boxes ; tub stands tubs and boiler: dishes; kitchen utensils: garden teals: hewn avower ; carpenter tools and other artioles ; extension ladder. PROPERTY --l54 storey frame house, well " located in Town of Seaforth, Hurn St; large lot, 7 -room white frame hoose in excellent condition; fullbasement; fur- nace; town water, Hydro. Terms--Osat-' tell, cash- Property, 20% dawn, balance in 20 days. Reserve bid. For further Particulars apply to J9MES AND ALLEN ^ REID, Executorst Harald Jael*.son, Ane- tiorseer ; E. P. Chesney. Clerk; McConnell & Bags, Solicitors for Estate. 4235_2 Notices FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING 018141RE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4222-t3 RADIO REPAIRING— WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Wei pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN ICECHNIE. Blyth. Cards of Thanks /Veto AITC1rESON FAMILY AND MISS J. MacNeill wish to express their sin- cere appreciatien to the friends. relatives and neighbors for the sympathy and kind- ness shown them in their recent be cavi went, and those Who assisted in any way. Special thanks to Rev. J. R. Peters, Rev. D. Clean Campbell, G. A, Whitney, Jae T. Scot, Dr. E. A. McM`nater, Dr. P. L. Brady, and the Steff of Scott Memorial Hospital. 4235-1 NOTICE -WE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ing for a new customer to please him Why not call 60 In Dobbin and have your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We banl poultry to the U.S.A. and Can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 60.8-tf ANNUAL MEETING The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the Members of The IM'eKi1lep Mutual Fire Insurance Ownpamy will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ont. on Friday, Febreary 11th, 1999, at .two o'clock p.m_ far the business of receiving reports, general business adaption od by-laws. and the election i,f Direetore. All members are invited to be present. The retiring Directors are J. L. Malone, H. Alexander and C. W. Leon- bardt, all of whom are eligible for re- election. M. A, REID, Secretary. 4284-2 THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF HUGH DUN - lop, who Passel away February 14t!'. 1948. He is gene, but not forgotten; Never shall thy memory fade. Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Round the spat where thou art laid_ 4235x1 —SISTER TAKE NOTICE THAT A SPECIAL General Meeting of the Shareholders a The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company Limited will be bald at the Office of the Company, at Seaforth, On- tario, on Wednesday. the 16th day o8 February, 1949, at the hour of mse•thinty dcaook in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing e ,Resolution authorizing an Application to be rade to the Liente rant -cover or of the Province of Ontario for an Order accepting the surrender of .the Charter of the Commence and of accepting avch d'nr- tiler .and other business as away properly be brought before ,the meeting. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 26th day of Janufary, A -D. 1949. JOHN FINLAYSON, Secretor,. 4234-2 Births RCip.tin0 a.,Planage,r ally oPOrator of the 'v+taterwor14 Were given net MILKS—At the Stephan Nursing Home, Hemel), on Monday, Feb. 7, 1949, to Jtr. and Mrs. Walter Petake, a son. Deaths essary readings and lIlaP'lY pass- ed. Connell approved the attendance of the Clerk and two lit the council at th,e convention In Toronto on February 21 and 22, Considerable discussion, t 9 a It place regarding rules and regula- tions for the operation of the Wa- terworks, and the ,Clerlt was in- structed to prepare the, same in the form of a by-law for presenta- tion at the next meeting. AITCHESON—In Sesforth, on Saturday, Feb. 5, John S. Aitelseson, in he 73rd Year. KRUSE.-In Galt, on Feb. 6, Elizabeth ]Margaret Sclater. widow of the late L- G. Kruse, 109 Main St., Galt, to her 72nd year. WAKffiTELD—At Constance, on Friday. Feb. 4, Elisabeth Jane Lawes, beloved wife of Edwin W. Wakefield, in her 68th year. THE ROBERT BELL. ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting o8 the Sharehold- ers of The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company Limited will be held at the Office of the Company, at Seem -lie On- tario, on Wednesday, the .16th day of February, A.D. 1949, at the hour of one - thirty a'elerek in the afternoon, for the purpose of reeetving seal considering the Statement of the Accounts and Balance Sheet for the period ending the ilst of October, 1940. and the Report of the llirectortl end Auditors therebn ; for the Election of Directory, and the Appoint- ment of Auditors; for tbe Consideration. and if appreroed. ratification acid confirma- tion of a911 h eLane, eentradts. ate' and Preeeediryyts of the Boatel of Directors of the f;iorenerey onaeted, made, done and 8elkee shine the teat Amulet Meeting of 12i'e Sinffeiielders, anti in nattiicular for elm oeneiderattiren and 4f 9pproved, reti- itsalti8n df o B14.0* ,arikthorizing the pay- Yiieitt of Ditectot Pees, and for hho trama- int:#oit 01 mot Tirn!tlier and other basin hit vary 'pidfiently cosies More the meetinfg +il Al1Al1f Y at Behddellr Ontario, this 6th 0bf J`antsiar'9'i AD„ 1049. O ,o C '' • Boa tel. ' z +Ti11PIDOIC,iktgOlt, Mitt 4234-'L VARNA Atemsam=mi For the past two Srlldays the United Church members have en- joyed holding service in the base- ment of their church. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop- met in the schoolroom of the church on 'Wed- nesday with an attendance of 32. •Mrs. Gilbert Smith opened the meeting. Mrs. Charles Dolmage was presented with a life member- ship certificate from the society. Mrs. Ernie Toll and Mrs. G. Smith made the presentation. Mrs. 'Robt. McClure was in charge of the wor- ship period, the theme being "Thy Kingdom Come through the work of the Christian people." A tem- perance reading was given by Mrs. Robert McFarlane. The topic was taken by Airs. Wm. Church. Mrs. Thomas Hodgings closed the. wor- ship period with prayer. During the business of the meeting it was decided to combine the regular March meeting with the World Day of Prayer,. both to be held March 4. Rev. J. R. Peters closed the meeting with prayer. A Val- entine social was held at the close of the meeting. Miss Iealbel Betties, . of Sunny - brook Hospital, Toronto, is spend- ing a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bet- ties. The many friends of Mrs. Allan Campbell will be sorry to hear that she is in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. Ross Montgomery, of Brant- ford, spent the week -end at his home here. Rev. and Mrs, J. A. Peters and Mrs. Peters visited in Atwood on Wednesday. Mr. James Hogg had a tonsil operation on Monday. HULLETT maw KIPPEN The Kippen East W.I. will hold their February meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex McGregor, on Wednesday at. 2 p.m. This will be the home economics meeting, with Miss Grace Tremeer and Mrs. R. Upshall as conveners. Mrs. Harry CaidweIl will be the guest speak- er. The roll call is to be answer- ed by a treasured dish and its his- tory, The motto, "If we buy and bake for everyone's sake, we'll hap- pily substitute liver for steak," will be taken by Mrs. J. McNangliton. A demonstration will be given by Miss Margaret McKay. The music v:ill be in charge of Mrs- W. Kyle and Mrs. Butt. The lunch conven- er 13 Mrs. Ross Love, with Mrs. Bert Peck, Mrs, E. Whitehouse' and Mrs, R. Broadfoot assisting. Died in London James M. Brintnell. 69, veteran Of World War I, died Monday, Feb. 7, at Westminster Hospital, follow- ing a long illness. Mr. Brintnell was born at Chiselhurst, and had been a resident of London for 49 years. He had been retired for the past few years, and was formerly associated with the tire industry. He was a member of the Duchess of Kent, Branch No. 263, of the Canadian Legion. Surviving era his wife, Florence; one son, Willi -tie: one daughter, Mrs. E. Leeson, of Cornwall; two .Isrothers, Dennis, of Vanderbilt, Mic ., and Matthew, of Saskatoon. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the E. C. Killingsworth Funeral Home, Lon- don. and burial was in Woodland' cemetery. Mr. W. O. Goodwin received word of the death of his mother, '-Vire. Ellen t Goodwin, of 'Peterborough, England, who was in her 87th year. Mr. Goodwin flew over to England in 1946 and had a lovely visit with his mother, after an ab- sence of some 28 years. The sym- pathy of the community is extend- ed to Mr. Goodwin in his sad loss. Art. Hoist, of Grand Bend, met with an unfortunate accident at a *hockey game between Thed,ford and Grand Bend, held at Thedford last Wednesday night. Art was ac- cidentally struck over the eye with a hockey stick, and was taken by ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, where it was found necessary to remove his eye. He is a brother-in-law of Glenn Deitz, of Hensall, Miss Amy' Laramie, of London, will he interviewed on CFPLL Fri- day. Feb. 11. at 4 p.m. by Miss Mary Ashwell, of CFPL, Miss Lara- mie is a former well-known Hen- sall resident. The many friends of Mrs. Parl- mer will regret to learn is ill at the Saundercock Nursing Home. OA t li'i! 't, I`t a ,mad, a prow ba•tdal `card;, erre rob," b, a# ?Adelaide I3ak i 'G Ctailre11 Tiva*don, ter 'the. wee , ng .42 ,Iii„ ivheth 11 Wl ey (Bet, ty) " arlc, daughter of gr, and Wire. Predertele . G1ade:, 1'o"rk St„ Lon- don, on don, to Wiltiara, Wallace Watson,' son; pf 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifford at?'at son,lK:ippen. Rev, J. IL. Simpson officiated at the cerelnatlsp alai Mrs. Lloyd Yorke sang "The Cro'o'n-" and "All JAy Be Thine," William Carey was organist. Entering the church en the arm of her father, the bride wore a white velvet gown, the jacket styled with long sleeves and 'tiny pointed collar. The full skirt of the gown flared to a deep train. She wore a white net ands pearl headdress holding her waist length veil, and carried 'American Beauty roses. Mrs. Ce- cil Yorke, eldest sister of the bride, was matron of bonor,in a gown of bronze velvet with matching head- dress, and carried Talisman roses. •Miss Marianne Clark was her sis- ter's bridesmaid in turquoise vel- vet. She carried cream roses. Miss Peggy Yorke, niece of the bride, as flower girl, wore yellow taffeta with a matching taffeta headdress. She carried a nosegay of violets and sweet peas. Richard Watson„ Kippen, was his brother's grooms- man, and the ushers were John and Daniel Watson, the groom's brothers. For her daughter's wed- ding, Mrs. Clark wore a gray street length frock with black aceessor- The death occurred in Vancou- ver. B.C., on Wednesday, Feb. 2, of William Smith, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, of Hul- lett. Mr. Smith was born in Hul- lett 70 years ago land was married to Miss Dors Love, who survives, together with a family of eight: Mrs. Gourley, of Antigonisb, N.S,; mad Carl, Myrtle, Agnes, Norma, Robert and George, of Vancouver, and Arthur, in the U.S.A. He Is also survived by one brother,. Mr. Robert' l niith, Seaford', and three W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair with a good attendance. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Robert Elgie and opened with Psalm 743 in the Hymna.rY, follow- ed by Hymn 375. A general Thanks- giving was repeated in unison. The minutes and roll call were taken by the secretary with one new member joining the auxiliary. Dur- ing the business discussion it was decided that each member' whale birthday falls in t'he month of the meeting &mate in silver the same as their age to the Flower Fund. Hymn 378 was sung and Mrs. Win- ston Workman led in prayer. Mrs. Thomas Sherritt, of Hensall, gave a piano instrumental. The study. "Literature For New Literates," was given by Mrs. Allan Johnson, assisted by Mrs. E. McBride and: Mrs. Harry 'Caldwell Mrs. R, .El - gig read an article entitled, "Pre- paring You For the World's Day of Prayer, 'March 4." to be held in the Sunday School. The closing hymn was No. 182, and Mrs. R. V- ele pronounced the benediction. A delicious lunch was served by Cir- cle No, 1. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Venoms. and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson, near Chisel - burst. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Janus were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family, of Bayfield, and Mrs. John Love and family, of Varna. • Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Alexander were: Mr. and Mrs. N. Alexander. of Londes'bgro; Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Dilling and Miss Jean Alexander, of London. Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Mar- lene, of near Bayfield, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.f Herbert Jones. Mrs. W. Honey, of Exeter, vis- ited recently, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold •Gackstetter. We are very sorry to report Mr. Arthur Anderson is confined to his bed with an. attack of pneumonia. Mr anti Mrs. John ;Anderson and fatuity dtlel'tt 'Send• 'with Mr. and Mrs. Rumble, of Clinton. :"pl. $5; $5. T Annual skating Carnival BRUCEFIELD RINK FRIDAY, FEB. 18th 8 p.m., sharp Surprises Galore! Everybody Come -- • — • Dont' miss this night of fun skating! • — Admission - 50c Children - 25c ENGLISH MORRIS SALES Come and see 'the ' New ENGLISH MORRIS NEW AND USED Cars For Sale TEMEICO 'SERVICE STATION Hensall, Ont. • LAWRENCE & REID PHONE 33 en 4 Or pinit carliatpkt, Ctsan wore as >e14df11> „ tA+ tr°o i.gropwo.. mow 4'%otle •a• .blik . Viti1 rtlY,t4i.coat•1/ 0, ens Aibl With •a, cOliage or:ptei , .aeries. silielt2,011 70104,: coxilatIaes,,VellOWlag, a reception , ticbi 'alp,, - ' at,P. Aa Grave;esta,rtrtipt, the eon- tit a1 @cl sOW Pie ;, . ie left :Ona Wedding trip by 'mater to �ioa•Bo, For travelling lyira;. , ; On ���"� ; FAH(' COUNTY SEED THE HURON We are again Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING CO. If interested, get in touch with us. Geo. T. Mickle& Sons Phone 103 Nights 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO will be 91eld FRIDAY, MARCH lith AND . SATURDAY, MARCH 12th CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE in Clinton $500 IN PRIZES - TROPHIES ' Junior Seed Judging • - Good Programme Small Seeds and 10 Bushel lots must be accompanied :by a grade certificate, • E. ROBERTSON, Pres. R. G. BENNETT, Sea-Treas. THE HURON CROP 1M1)ROVEMENT ASSOC. imaimmummiammisisuamiarainiummummums JUST RECEIVED POWER TAKE -OFF AUTOMATIC WIRE BAILERS For immediate delivery. Will also have Spring Tooth Lever Harrows, 8' and 12' AND 8' and 10` Spring Tooth Cultivators FOR SPRING DELIVERY JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT W. G. Simmons & Sons EXETER SPECIAL SERVICES Have the Cooling 'System of your Car or Truck cleaned with BRADY COOLING SYSTEM CLEANER It's good insurance against costly repair bills caused by overheating, Let us clean your machinery with our STEAM CLEANER using live steam and safe chemicals. We'll prepare it—you paint it. All types of machinery can be thoroughly cleaned with this machine. Try it! UNDERCOATING We have recently added undercoating equipment. PROTECTS THE 'CHASSIS AND DEADENS ROAD NOISES. Lorne Brown Motors ' CLINTON, ONT. Phone 367-W NOTICE Second Annual Huron Dramatk Festival McKAY HALL, GODERICH EASTER WEEK -- APRIL 18 - 22 • ONE -ACT PLAYS 3 EACH NIGHT STAGING ARRANGED EXPERT ADJUDICATION Entry List Closes .February 28 • PLAY SELECTION TO BE MADE BY MARCH 15th (Subject to rules of sponsor) AMATEUR GROUPS WELCOME Make written application. Entryfee $2.00 W. A. SUTHERLAND Box 294, Goderich President, Goderich Dramatic Club (Sponsor) 1 DRIVE AN AUSTIN Like thousands o''f others are doing and watch the speedometer step up to 50-60-7.0 miles per hour, over •hills, through traffic, around corners and into parking places, where bigger care can't look! That Four -Cylinder Valve -in -Head Motor does the trick at a road cost of SLIGHTLY OVER 1 CENT PER MILE, reported by users over a 10,000 mile period! Coil Springs in front, with double-acting Shock Absorbers, and nice, deep 'air=ride cushions. Plenty, of room body to accommodate four mammoth adult passengers. AUSTIN PRICES ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE SHORTLY. BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW AND SAVE MONEY! Austin Cars and Trucks Available For Immediate Delivery 11947 Ford Tractor and Plow SEI,; THESE USED � `70' 3 -Plow Cockshutt Tractor, like new CAR BARGAINS ! Model A Ford, first-class condition iI.942 Hudson Commodore '8' in per- feet order. J. L INIUGILL and SON AUSTIN SALE$ & 'SERVICE Opposite Bank -Of Montreal Phone 784.W CLINTON Write 616 y '34 Citizens of HURON and PERTH • Are you happy about your Income Tax? IF NOT '-- Remember who is fighting your battle for reduced taxes—GEORGE DREW. Are you content with the present costly and unfair system of Income Tax returns for Farmers? a. IF NOT — Remember who has demanded a special committee of Parliament to attack this problem — John Diefenbacker. With your support, these men will force tax reform and tax cuts. Throw your influence behind them. k The Progressive Conservative Association, Huron -Perth i�• r