HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-01-28, Page 7'?,il� �'�1?�bXet tbg#44,'r. ell
ROBES -`. '_.��V.of ther o e on't. t i r., . .,..,j,:. , . ;. 1. f .a1n..als, q ._,..ezl, • �w t�, andl ,.h;r<.�,�+.' �:.,;� ext �� �'iu'�, ,i���l `�o'�,��4., :(o
•�t 7' in a 'dee lie$6 d 00xiov ''o. t . ' .- ..N .' :..�'r.,-,.,r "".`��."..�' ;., i ,. i. `
�'1 pt . fi Tn u Y A ,.M At1,A M.. -tt*+> ..! tq' �Je �pX � a�.d k► ,,. .
M)5, C. �F+ul o:f the' r is s 'tic e, d,, c - .,•,�, — t r,i,.# 7
Y � �,o�. l PQ i . u ]C�ov . �o , t ,- ,. � . ,. .�..•� ��.-�.. �ql%a�l�ten�„ar- ��� a�g eO
honour the ding and do xQur' �lutY,. � ydrg home �sanq tet .
-that state of bile unto �whlvli it /^ .' IA m %#
CUA.PTER I most desirable haven or suitably has: pleased. God to call you was �' I elZo, Hom.eiima prnl, ')!t fp, ..eY'i `bake {kl Qven u$ �t5' dagr&. fel',..
aha, 9UP5 i1Pl,
placed, in one of the households• of the creed of the-Seluieourts, who s ' .;',; )a 45, rafnutori... Serve with; boa.
dflnt, according to )aur letters'.
Robert, the loutish-looWng foott01? yrs iii b alt
the nelghbour'hoaii, showed' a well-bred familiarity to ; , f tlx'at vlore famllie'a sic, keeping eau .e..o� i1Q,i]ic, g
M=u, held the large tray at 'such . The ;Selincourts endured. the • their equals: a true kindliness' to 1. •, "budgets. One woman. veritas that l A� lain '” cotta ;e i 'F� 3fes',.
an angle that the Plates .f talose i R ! pudding is' R$>a?IixilCp lltx
lumbering ways, of these young! the poor and ignored. for the most `�" ;_ ;desserts that cost too much In ch.eappr that cake with icing' toil' Igga
3 etipn thickiesaflce
and basad and butter slid towards poi^solus kindly. It was right, and Part persona of intermediate pons . dgmparison'to the necessary foods it. Serve with thickened- Moe i e -s: o '" 040;
the edge with a clatter. Praspei, pro er t. helg their own people, tion. t a ,1�oRn i ylla
p i �* - ouch as milk, rba•ead •And . vege,- �' from home -cashed fruit„ using corn �p?x
the fat pink butler, goggled at him and what was right and proper After a contented, -survey •of 'her , I tables. Perhaps we .should co:nnid-, starch to xltake the sauce.and,l ?R4i
fiercely. that the Selincourts would• do. surroundings, Anthea rase, scald" ilio utilk eg{lti g3a�t>t
putting,. ° I n tir" only desserts that yield the Giiigenbread makes a delicious' ly to the beaten egg ).lire' ,azidlfi'
Disturbed by the noise, a little Therefore Anthea smiled pleasant -;the disgusted Minty back on to the richest food. value aitch as cost dessert and you can use dripping Sugar. •C,i)Qk, over )lot water,, S.t;r-.
fair woman, who had been writingiy at the crimson -faced Robert, and rug, while she placed the dish of *m" tards, bread puddings and Plain instead of butter or shortening ring, :constantly until•'tliel, i $e;a1 ,.
at the Buhl tableat the d' far enof endeavoured' to distract the atten i buttered toast on the 'bran's foot Handtowels in the basin, fruit cups. Then too, leftovers' when making it. Serve with marsh- in the aRplesauee'vigorolixly. ,l+'o'I,S]''
the long room, rose and, came to- tion of the butler from the misdeed man before the fire. Paper on the Iloorl can be used- in attractive ways,' mallow sauce or just plain squares in beaten egg whites and chill,
wards the fireplace. The awkward- of his underling. "I wonder if John will come in In a public washroom, and servings can be calculated so with a glass of milk, Serves six.
nes's of the youthful Robert did not "My letters are ready, Prosper. for tea after all? I should think What's the waste -fin t that nothing is left on the plate. Baked apples can be a d'elect-
surprise her, for Anthea S'elincourt But I don't know if Captain Selig- he would stay at the Thorpes, Still, titn¢raarm of National Haalth and c , „ Children will enjoy an apple able treat when prepai ed with Dessert Dumplings
had been accustomed all. her life court will have any.' I'd better steep the toast hot," she custard dessert. It is made by spiced sugar (brown sugar, trona,
to watching the metamorphosis of "The Captain's not come In yet, thought. cooking sliced apples in a little mon and, butter). Choose flavor- 3 cup.a 'boiling water
village lads into smart servants. -A hiss." Anthea had been reared in a might happen again, and that this water until they are tender. Ther teaspo grated lemon rrrld IN
g. some apples:, wash thoroughly, - %. oln d,
boys or a girl who wished to go in- '"Well, keepthe bag back as long proper reverence for men, above all time he might not be caught, An- sprinkle with sugar and a little y'.i cup grs.nulated sugar
g core and, stuff with sugar. Put
to service always applied' at the as you can," for the men of her own family, but thea, too, was nervous. A lemon rind. Make a plain boiled them in baking cups with a little 1%3 cup lemon juice
River House for assistance, �.nd Both servants left the room, and she managed to combine the rever- "You must be tired, John. Why custard and pour over the apples. water in the bottom. Hake for 40 1i/, cups pastry flour
was. either given a situation in that Antbei sat down and, began to e -ice for the ms,'le with a contempt- don't you sit down? 'Give Ivor to -Chill and serve with oatmeal cook- to 50 minutes ,in oven at 3.50 de 1/3 teaspoon :salt �
--- �mdke the tea. uously affeettonate tolerance for me, and tell us all the news." Iles. green % cup milk
LEGAL A small common -looking grey their little failings. Men to her 'Captain Seliacourt swung the If. leftover crusts accumulate or Cereal puddings,, especially those 3 teaspoons baking powder
cat, with a long thin tail, which were "poor dears"; at times extra- child down, pretended to let him tag ends of bread dry, roll fine and made of pearl barley, whole wheat t' tablespoons margarine
had been sitting on the rug, ordinarily foolish, drop, laughed y and rolled oats make some of the
McCONNE L &HAYS t g peevish, childish p, gleed hearth at the joke, mix with brown sugar and orange �} temp: on avaniila. a in
stretched itself and then jumped even. but 'because they were men then landed him safe on his aunt's rind in these proportions: 11/2 best nutritive desserts. Here is a Measure and heat la saucepan in
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, up on her knee. and therefore the superiors of wo- knee. . cups crumbs, % cup sugar, 2 table- good pudding made of pearl barba
PATRICK D. McCONNELL "Oh, Minty, you know I dontt men, to be looked up to and ador- "Did you have a good day?" spoons grated rind, 1y .table- ley the water, sugar, rind and juice. ap
H. GLENN HAYS like cats." ed. "By Jove, we •did --eight guns spoons cinnamon, and 2 table- In a bowl sift and measure Sour; ea
Her brother, Ca and seven hundred head," spoons of butter, if Pearl Barley Casserole b
County Crown Attorney Minty ignored the snub, digging Captain John Selig. you can spare add baking powder and salt. Cut di
SEAFORTH, ONT. her claws in and out of Anthea's court, late of the 75th Lancers, "Are all the pheasants dead now? it, Peel and slice six apples and 4 tablespoons pearl barley iu margarine and stir ij� milkand he
Telephone 174 dress and purring loudly. A stable widower and father of a four-year- Little Aunt won't let me kill ear- arrange apples and crumbs in 2y, cups milk currants. Mix lightly.
kitten by birth, it was Solely^ by old 'son, certainly lived up to An.! wigs or 'blue bopples." layers. Add % cup of '"water and $ tablespoons sugar Drop mixture by spoonfuls into.1
her own force of character that thea's conception of him and was , "B'l'ue bopples! Baby! Can't you
She had risen to the position of
drrawing-room cat,
quite capable of returning late and say blue -bottles
unexpectedly to show a pettish an- 1 Instinctively Anthea tightened
Can ar sem
Barrister, Solicitor, E. c.
The reluctant mistress of the de-
noyance because the buttered toast her clasp of the small person on
Phone 173, Seaforth
termined Minty was a small fair
woman of twenty-nine. Itt,,,spite of
was cold. her lap.
As Miss Seiincourt moved away "Ot course he can. But we like
imei and Aural' Institute, Moore-
her comparative youth and spin-
blue-bopples, don't
from the fire, she- heard a rattling to call them
Right! The more modern tffe
as railway cars, as small as hair
sterhood, there was. something ma-
at the door handle, then an im- we, Tvor? He's not a baby any
teeth" are very lk they
ry` P 1
ture about her fragile blue-eyed
prettiness. Here one' saw not a
patient little voice: more. He can opEn the drawing
"No, Nana, no, me myself want room door all by himself.
Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At
many advantages. It is light,
-Irl still expectant of the gifts
to." "Well, don't you go killing ra
which Fate might bring, but a wo-
man whose position in the, world
Anthea paused, her face ten4pr' wigs and things, Beastly t;.in._
and' smiling. ( cruelty," lectured Captain S<li .
E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D.,
was decided.
At the age of twent -, this joy"-
"Let Nana do it, mydear," court.
"No, Nana, mem self." Ivor turned to his aunt.
P. L. BRADY, M.D.,
ous tender-hearted girl bad met
Noiselessly Anthea approached "But Daddy killed the pheasants
u 5 .m..
Office Hours: 1 to
and loved her second cousin, a
handsome penniless• scapegrace.
the door, turned handle gently, —lie said he did."
then sprang �cack, her arms stretch- "Bless the child, •of course I did.
daily, except Wednesday and Sun-
Her father, with some justice, for-
That's o
ed out. a not cruelty. When you're a
bade the match; forbade that the
A small curly -headed boy, in a older You'll have a gun and
EVENINGS Tuesday, Thursday
two should meet again. "But why?"
tailor suit, flung himself madly in- shoot pheasants and , partridges
and Saturday only, 7 - 9 p.m.
"A daughter's part is not to quer-
to them and her ferocious- and rabbits too; andif you're as
Appointments made in advance
tion but to obey,"
Scapegrace as he was, Anthea's
ly, good a shot as your father and`,
"I did' it—all myself," he assur- Your grandfather, my boy, you
DR, J. A. MacLEANdisplayed
ars desirable.
lover yet had, the art to love so
truly that 'he did not shrink from
ed -her proudly. "Nana said I won't go far wrong.''
couldn't an' I could." (Continued Next Week)
the noisy entrance of a tall, hand-
Physician and Surgeon
making plain to his sweetheart
The two women smiled at each 0
been reduced in
Your Child Needs it
Some of the reasons for her
other over the head of the child.
against the faded green panels of
father's harsh decree; and went
"Biese' you!" said the fond aunt.11 1
satisfaction guaranteed,
Phones. Office 5-w; Res. 5-3 his way to die some few years lat- He s that independent — quite
Seaforth er in a brave, halftirun'ken effort the little man," flattered devoted
to save a life even more worthless Nana, and departed. to discuss the
M. W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. than his own. The years passed, 'perfections of her charge with the
Physician and Surgeon but- to Anthea passion never came sympathetic housekeeper.
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat again. Affection, friendship, love Ivor disentangled himself from
}"hone 80-w Seaforth of , kindred and of her brother's his aunt's arms, looked round the
child filled her days. It was to be room and immediately made for
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER a mother to this child, and to take Minty.
Eye Ear Nose and Throat control of her brother's establish- "I shouldn't," said Anthea, "you
a y Fes Made
/ i1
Can ar sem
a itcn
of Toronto.
Late assistant New York Opthal
you Say, "it depends
Canadian firms are shaping
imei and Aural' Institute, Moore-
on the kitchen."
aluminum into products as big
A child's milk teeth or ','baby
Right! The more modern tffe
as railway cars, as small as hair
... ...,z.. .. .
the more alummum
you will see. For aluminum is
All this means of of
a 1 work for
teeth" are very lk they
ry` P 1
the modern metal. It has so
Canadians. anad ns. There e 15,000
Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At
many advantages. It is light,
people on the Alcan payroll.
strong, good-looking, will not
Then, too, there are all the
fifty -odd thousand people who
rust. No wonder more and
make the thousand -and -one
manent teeth may come in crook.
more people want more and
aluminum articles which you
53 Waterloo St. South, Stratford.
more things made of it:
see in the stores.
ed and uneven. Make sure your, i
youngster cleans his teeth
Not only things for the kitchen:
Yes, aluminum means a lot to
phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on
In fact, more than 1,00b
you and to Canada!
Graduate, in Medicine, University
ment that Anthea returned to the
know she doesn't like being strok-
can be dangerous.
IN ANY Hom E, today w:
of Toronto.
Late assistant New York Opthal
River house, the dearly loved place
of her birth, the home of many
Ivor sat down on the rug and
Baby Brush -Offs
imei and Aural' Institute, Moore-
Past „elincourte, and as the fan-
eyed the cat cautiously, "She's a
•cross- °
A child's milk teeth or ','baby
Specialist In Farm and House-
field's Eye and Golden Square
sly devoutly hoped of n&h Selitr
{ y
old. fing, he observed.
teeth" are very lk they
ry` P 1
Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At
courts to come. ,
she is," agreed Anthea,
ar•e im ro
p perly cared for, the per-'
And so the Joli-bird married:
I As Anthea sat drinking her tea,
I expect she will scratch-"
manent teeth may come in crook.
ntop of the low price list
the ear
n r the
beef, It's cheap to buy;
53 Waterloo St. South, Stratford.
she looked round the large draw-
rng-room with affection. The waifs
"I expect she will. Why stroke
her when you know she hates it?"
ed and uneven. Make sure your, i
youngster cleans his teeth
easy) to prepare, and the taste . ,nt.
" :
phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on
regular -
were hung with a beautiful old
Ohinese paper on which gay birds
"She ought to like it, cross old
Physician and Surgeon
flaunted amongst branches of bam.
Phone 110 - Hensall
Bloc and softly coloured flowers. A
He put out his hand suddenly,
Check -Up Time
Chris, Leonhardt, Brodhagen;
DR, J. A. MacLEANdisplayed
great bank of chrysanthemums
their mop -like blooms
and as suddenly the cat spat fierce-
IY and- struck out at him, inflicting
Canadla'a infant death rates have
the noisy entrance of a tall, hand-
r ;
ed, Immediate arrangements can
be made for sale dates by phoning
Faller, R.R. 2, Goderich; J. H. Mc-:
been reduced in
Your Child Needs it
Physician and Surgeon
against the faded green panels of
a sharp scratch on the back of his
greatly recent,,
satisfaction guaranteed,
Phone 134 - Hensall
Ian old gilt screen, and early Roman
small brown hand.
years, but every mother has a
great responsibility in keeping
.,•z�,• 4
hyacinths gave out their
scent in the :warmth of the crack-
,ling wood fire.
child reddened.
"Cross old fin g," be repeated
with rather trembling dignity.
"Her clawks are sharp, little
children healthy. Free child clip-
us operate in many areas of Can-
! ada. Take your child for a check-
� s
Thorpe. By the by, Fanny wants
Aunt," he added cheerfully after
up today,
Eyes examined) and glasses �t-
a short pause.
"Come let
— -"
,ted. Oculists' prescriptions occur-
C Relieve itch in a Jill y
and me wash the
Not Inevitable
t '
ateW-filled. Phone 194, Evenings
120, Seaforth.
xeaere it�t,;ag doe m emits,, tit,
alhlrtr'a rpot aa,l mini itch wanes °tr,�
Anthea took her soft hemstitch
ed handkerchief and, pouring some
Susceptible to colds. You can
-belfree yourself of colds by
Prgeter, Brodba.gen; George A.
caotiag mcdicu,ad O. 0. D. Prsacriptfen
or nt¢ a—gth). G
hot water into a saucer, washe-
keepingin good, physical condition,(adinry
watt, Blyth.
•;; '• , : '
not found in sufficient quantitieti
.dVETERINARY ¢aalA D«tar', sathn e1
the little hand• gently,
dressing avoiding sud-
fire: prosperous, content; a man
c+lmstnteaxc itehrng puickly.�35c tri¢I botde
snit—or maory ln., pat soar dtaQiy
Ivor wrinkled up his nose at the`,z.;:1's�
properly, .
den drafts and hot,. stuffy rooms,
J. O: TURN BU LL, D.V.M., V.B,
far D.D. D.Preaarlptlon.
Smart, but watched the process
and by getting plenty of sleep,
Main Street - Seaforth
with interest.
"What'll e d now?"
'Col'd's are not inevitable and they
"- -
w o •
"What wouldo
can be dangerous.
IN ANY Hom E, today w:
meeb tothekbirds."
Seaforth ...................
Hand 4n hand the two began
their tour of the room. The child
Food Economy
lator covers or hot air
Specialist In Farm and House-
had names for most of the gay,
wall -paper birds about which his
Wben high prices, are denting
hold Sales.
aunt wove the most entrancing
your food budget, the Sower -priced
cuts f meat offer a opportunity
Licensed Huron and Perth
Counties.untieies. Prices reasonable; sat-
And so the Joli-bird married:
for a substantial saving. Right
For information, etc., write or
Frank McGregor, Clinton - Fres.
Chris. Leonhardt, Brodbagen, Vice•
the little ,blue 'bird who loved him
so, they built in the
ntop of the low price list
the ear
n r the
beef, It's cheap to buy;
and a nest
easy) to prepare, and the taste . ,nt.
phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on
great bamboo tree and presently
And to top it off, in the stew you
661, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth.
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager
Mrs. Joli-bird laid five little eggs—
and Secretary-Tfeasurer.
five little spickled -speckled eggs—"
save the vitamins and mine ale
ordinarily lost a the cooking, it's
The history of the Increasing
Joli-bird family was interrupted by
nourishing and delicious
Licensed Auctioneer
Chris, Leonhardt, Brodhagen;
Correspondence promptly answer-
J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey
the noisy entrance of a tall, hand-
ed, Immediate arrangements can
be made for sale dates by phoning
Faller, R.R. 2, Goderich; J. H. Mc-:
some man, ,in shooting tweeds, a
man slightly bald, and a little too
Your Child Needs it
203, Clinton. Charges moderate and
Ewing, R.R., Blyth; Frank Mc-
heavy for his age and build.
satisfaction guaranteed,
Gregor, R.R. 6, Clinton;
"'Well, Ivor, old chap. Well, Ar.-
All. growing children need vita-
Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Wm.
R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth;
thea. No, I don't want tea>—stay-
ed to tea with Fanny and- Grindel-
min D each day, all year 'round.
And they need it e'speciaily thas�
Specialist in farm stock and im-
John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth;
Thorpe. By the by, Fanny wants
short, dark winter days. Vitamin
piemen.ts and household effects.
S. H. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth.
you to settle about those brides-
D is a sure preventative medie;no
Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed
maids' dresses. Hanover says he's
agriiust rickets, a disease which
In Huron and Perth Counties.
Finlay McKereber, R.R. 1, Dub-
dashed If he'll wait any longer,
affeots hundreds of Canadian chil-
For particulars and open dates,
(in; E. Pepper, Brucefield• J. E,
and the wedding's to be next
dren each year. Vitamin D is
write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN,
Prgeter, Brodba.gen; George A.
cheap and easy to obtain. It is
R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r 5,
watt, Blyth.
He stood straddling before the
not found in sufficient quantitieti
Dublin. 4217x52
fire: prosperous, content; a man
in ordinary food.
to whom the thin s of the spirit
Strong and light
IN ANY Hom E, today w:
Goderich (leave) ............
Seaforth ...................
Stratford (arrive) ..........
lator covers or hot air
Goderich (leave) ...........
Seaforth ..................
Stratford (arrive) ...
screens and double win-
down built right in.
Strafford (leave) ...........
lWdrioh (arrive) .........
Oftttord (leave) ..........
Beafortl; .........
Goderich (arrive) ..........
were an unopened°book, but kindly, A Stitch in Time
honourable; ever desirous of doing big duty a� he understoodIt is easier to repair dental
"Thorpe gave me two brace of cavities when the damage is at an
pheasants. Tell Mrs. Joust not to early sta:;e. At this time the
hang 'em so long as the last," cavities are small and the work
"Did you shoot pheasants Dad, can be done with a minimum of
dye„ discomfort, for the patient: If
"Yes, I jolly well did, old chap." allowed to go unchecked, the cav-
ity will 'become larger and may
The man bent down, picked, up d^.stroy the tooth, The teeth
the child and swung 'him on to his should. b3 checked at least twice a
shoulder. Ivor disliked this un year by a qualified dentist.
comfortable and, to his mind, un- X Rays Are Free
safe seat. His face -grew pink, but �.
he held, tight to his fath'er's head Each year tuberculosis kills
and made no remonstrance. Once more Canadians than all other
his father had 'stumbled over a communicable diseases combined.
footstool when carrying tho bog' T.B. is an unnecessary evil be -
thus., and it had. seemed to the cause, If discovered' early, it is one
Small Ivor as if he were falling of the most easily cured of the
from endless heights. Captain Sel. serious. diseases. Chest I -rays de-
iticourt had regained big batanoo tett T.D. In, its early stages, mak-
and caught the child, but Ivor felt hig cures possible relatively; quick-
uickthat What ha& happeihed, once by and easily„ X:rays aro, free..
Producers and Processors of Numi um for
Q, r
...andhere's wly
pOUilin9ti0ii. 7 ��
IS: SO usefuli
{;g Viz;
Aluminum never
Llght" to ape
tlssd's'-ne pat�t -. .�
Aliways'logl is snwli `
Strong and light
IN ANY Hom E, today w:
tomorrow, you are likoiy
to find atupinum dust-
pans, garden tools, light- -
ing fixtures, paint, vents-
lator covers or hot air
vents, vacuum cleaner
attachments, porch furni-
ture, venetian blinds,
window frames with Hy
screens and double win-
down built right in.
O The label on your copy of The Huron Expositor serves a double purpose. It tells the
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os"itor� uron,
® •• • •, '" ONTARIO
- yet
O The label on your copy of The Huron Expositor serves a double purpose. It tells the
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scription is paid. Please look at your label. If the date shown is prior to January 28th,
1949, your subscription is in arrears. If this is the case, may we look forward to receiving
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os"itor� uron,
® •• • •, '" ONTARIO