HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-01-21, Page 45i li. erted. At New Low Cash. "gates: 1LE. W;4 lED.. LOST AND FOUND, ETC, -Pelt word;' Weeli: .,,,,, 1 CenCent Z Week Cent Mhili 'ehnrge. drat igrertion, , , . 25 Cents i7.grlt'r. ,,Mittal and abbreviation ':canto ea one word. nlis. In Memoriam Nance , Coming Events -,1 cent per word Minimum. TR'+',•rein 50,er 'week. 0.01 , • dirocted to a Bas No., e/o The Huron Emosittor. for 10 cents extra. will be charged if sda In above class are not paid within .10 days ditto rd iLupd insertion. and Deaths ,inserted tree of charge. ' Notices to Gpeditora. Etc. -Rates on application. • inning. Events Property For Sale. I' invmE BARN DANCE. AT THE HOUSE FOR SALE -FIVE ROOMS, 0P3'stai Palace, Mitchell, Friday. Jan. stucco: all conveniences. Occupancy With Don Robertson and His Ranch 15 Feb. PHONE 363. 4232x1 Ontario's best Old Tyree Dance 423241 pole, 'CALF - 7 -ROOMED FRAME ' house, attached garage; all modern conveniences. Garden. PHONE 378. Sea - forth. 4232x1 Lost and Found OND--EMOTOR RUG. OWNER MAY have same by proving ownership and paying' charges. J. C. COCHRANE, Sea8 aorta. Phone -382-J. Wanted WANTED -GOOD QUEBEC HEATER. " medium or large. Apply WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Market St. Pion 50. 4232-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE CHOICE FARM CONSISTING OF 200 acres. ideal location, 20 acres bush, first class buildings, 40 acres ploughing done, well drained. well fenced. Apply JOHN SCOTT, Londesboro, Ont. 4231-2 Notices FARMERS - WE HAVE BROODER coal on hand. WM. M. HART. Of- fice telephone: 593-W, Seaforth. 4230-3 RADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. W , 1'y AND E, iialble maw alin.aa30 reare old, cep* Ole of erne Anttn9, ,to alert up town' route in $ of til, >islary or eonamiasiop .to be arranged Apply art writing to a. G. Pita0114 42824 Mxe• W. $lnSlaitr is >oV aa, usual and Lely i'rielida 000:0000,itg 110P0 ttltlt .211118 ?Pal] soon rally again. 'Mrs, dexrles MuPFICR40, ri^0q,, tae been in London elikaN before Christmas, returned, tQ, htir ams here in I ppen on S`und,l} n ]a(rt, KTOTICE-.wE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ' ing for a new customer to please him. Why not call 50 in Dublin and have your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 50. 4218-tf THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Directors and Members of South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1949 Business Cards Personals HYG11ENUG SUPPLIES (1?: II B B E R Goode) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 pamplee 25c: 24 samplea $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. ran. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Samil:ton, Ont. QKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results: new 'healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists. RAILROADERS, TELEPHONE MEN, Hydro Men, Section Men, Milkmen, Breadmen, and all men whose occupation is outdoors. in rain, sleet and hall, who know the comfort of keeping their clothes dry and warm -use "R,AINPROOFER" on all their work clothes. Just sprinkle it on -it is invisible but sure keeps the rain off. An 89 cents bottle will rainproof about four or five pair of overalls and ACY, Jackets. Get tthit onlyKEATING'S PHARM - PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. FREE •'• estimates. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 814-W, Clinton. 4226x7 at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the .Financial Report, Election of Ofnc'ess and other business for 1949_ Please plan to attend- GEO. ARMSTRONG, W. R. DOUGALL, President Sec.-Treas. 4232-1 For Sale FOR SALE -A DAVENPORT; 90 FT. of draw rope. Apply to MRS. JOHN GRIEVE, Goderich St., any evening. 4232x1 FOR SALE -BLACK SATIN EVENING dress, size 14; wine shorty coat, size 14, Apply to Box 734, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4232-1 FOR SALE -1 A. R JOHN DEERE tractor, on rubber; in good running order: also a Buick 6 -cylinder motor. CLARENCE MONTGOMERY, R.R. 1, Clinton. 4232x1 FOR SALE -1938 HU®SON SEDAN, IN firstclase working order; new brakes, radiator, battery and good tires. Can be seen at CLARKE'S GARAGE, Seaforth. 4231x2 R SALE - STEWART- WARNER radia -phonograph. in good condition. Apply GEORGE HILDEBRAND, or phone 211-J, Seafarth. 4232-1 FGR SALE -LARGE QUANTITY OF 12 -inch cordwood ; also -talk. FRED C. KA HF FISCH & SON, Zurich. Phone 69, Zurich. .1230-6 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223 -ti FOR SALE 50' BY Err DRIVE BELT (new): lo: jack• like new. And WANTED -Fertilizer drill, must be in good condition. Apply to CALVIN NOR- TON, Hensall. Phone 73 r 31. 4232x1 FOR SALE -'29 MODEL A FORD Coach. 32 model B Ford Coach, '29 mod, el A.Ford Coach body. '28 Ohev. Sedan. Now wrecking '31 Chev. Sedan. Complete '28 Chev. rear end: 1 good used bicycle. CHUTER. SERVICE STATION, Hensall. 4231x3 BERKSHIRES - AT PRESENT E 'Whave to offer two service -age boars. They are the kind that produce those fast -maturing, .kind selects that make feeding profitable- Enquiry . and in- spection invited. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS, 11/4 mulles west of Beechwood, 4232x1 NOTICE To the Shareholders of The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company, Ltd. ASPECIAL MEEFTING OF THE Shareholders of this Company will be held at the Head Office of the Company in the Town of Seaforth, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 26th day of January, A.D. Jr949, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, to consider the Action of the Directors in accepting an Offer for .the Sale of the Assets of the Company, subject to the approval of the Shareholders. Further information will be given to any Share - bolder on written request to the Secre- tary. DATED this 7th day of January, A.D. 1949. JOHN FINLAYSON, Secretary. 4231-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET O'CONNOR A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Margaret O'Con- nor, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. who died on the 12th day of June, 1948, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1949, after :which date the assets will be dis- arslruted, having regard only to claims then received. ,DATED at Seaforth, this llth day of January, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. 4281-8 Tenders Wanted • TENDERS WANTED ,For Tractor and Mower TENDERS ARE CALLED FOR A TRAC- tor and power mower with hydraulic 'lift, suitable for mowing weeds on town- ship roads. Tenders to be in the bands of the Clerk by February 5, 1949. MUNICIPALITY OF 'rill' TOWNSHIP OF HAY Ii. • W. Broken/shire, James Masse, Clerk. Road Supt 4232-2 FOR. SALE BY TENDER FOLLOWING PARCELS OP LAND are offered for sale by tender to close the Estate of the lane Margaret O'Can- ner: FIRS/PLY: The South half -of the East. half of Lot Number 26, in the 3rd Con- detelen of the Township of Hibbert, in the 'C'ounty of Perth, on which .land there is said to be erected a small frame house. SECONDLY: The South ane -quarter of Lot Nttinber 26 in the 4th Concession of the said Township of Hibbert. Witten tenders for all of the said 1iands, together or each parcel separately, 'e tddinittu'hi'ed by marked cheque for 10% of tender will be received by the under- sigited en or before the 1st day of Feb - '194'9. Balance payable In cash on te'j highest dr any tender not necessar- tkeePa d. , ttAxtor ' JACI Gid, ltd. 'dr Sea'tol5th. On$t4o 8ti8 tIoa hf Ida list O t;.tmriat NaiEttsSe dittll OrratHe^i tete' Age 'tlie • ektitithit4ei ttet*. • CHENILLE BEDSPREADS • $4.99 EACH At Wholesale Price In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR mother and grandmother, who passed away January 27, 1948. Sweet memories will .linger forever; Time canngt change them, 'tis true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. -The Family and Grandchildren: Mrs. A. Watson. 4232x1 Cards of Thanks MR. LEO HAGAN AND FAMILY, MR. Joseph Burke and Mrs. John A. Mur- phy, brother and sister of the late Mrs. Leo Hagan, wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement; also Rev. Father Hus- sey. Rev. Father O'Drowoki and Rev. Father McQuaid, the Sisters of St. Jos- eph's Convent, the pallbearers, and those who loaned cars and helped in any way. Births VARNA ENZENSBERGER -- I n Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enzensberger, McKillop, a daugh- ter. Deaths Mr.. Roy Lamont and daughter, Mrs. M. Elliott, were guests at the home of Mrs. A. McConnell on Sunday. Mr: and krs, B.. Keyes, Bruce - field, were renewing acquaintan;e- es in the village Monday. • Mrs. D. J. Stepllensol}, EgmQnd vine, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. McConnell, Mrs. M. Reid, who had the, mis- fortune to fall and break herahip last August, attended service in St. John's Anglican Church Susi- day uhday morning. Her many friends were pleased- to see her out:.again. Miss Logan, of Hensali, was a guest at the home of Mrs. M, Mc- Clymont Tuesday. The annual vestry meeting was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Monday afternoon at 2.30. The meeting was opened with prayer. by Rev. L. Morgan. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary E. E. Mossop and adopt- ed as read. The financial report was read by Warden Wilmer Reid, showing a substantial balance on hand, and was adopted as read. The report of the W.A. was read ay Treasurer E. E. Mossop, leav- ing, after all obligations had been met, a balance on hand,. and was alsq adopted as read. It was de- cided to decorate the church. in the very near future. The meeting wan brought to a close with bene- diction by the rector. HAGAN--In Seaforth, on Friday, Jan. 14. Angela Agnes Burke, beloved wife of Leo Hagan. in her 39th year. MARKS -In London, on Sunday, Jan. 16. Cheryl Ann Marks, loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Marks, Walton, aged 1 year and 7 months. MOORE-In Seaforth, on .Monday, Jan. 17, John S. Moore. in his 63rd year. First quality beautiful Chenil]es, well tufted in all colours for double or single beds, $4.99 ea. Full 90x100 basket of fiowem design. completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also habitant hand hooked rugs, 18" x 36": very colorful, 3 for 54.00. These artidles retail for dog-. ble the price. Send C.O.D. plus postage, money im- mediately refunded if not satisfied. HANDICRAFT DISTRIBUTORS 258, Shebrooke West Montreal, Que. 4229-4 "MOR -POWER" SUPER-BILT • AUTO BATTERIES 13 -plate Heavy Duty, 105 am (18 months' guarantee) $13.20 15 -plate Super -Service (2 -year guar- antee $14.85 17 -plate Ford V-4 and Chevrolet 19,37-30 (2 -year guarantee) 51540 17 -plate Ford 1940 (2 -year guaran- tee) . $17.30 17 -plate Armor -Glass, 10% x 138 amperes (3 -year guarantee) $17.75 17 -plate Armor -Glass. 135 amperes, (9(i x 7(f case). 3 -year guaran- tee $18.80 $3.00 Trade-in Allowance, FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY BATTERIES INSTALLED No Charge Canadian Tire Corp. Associate Store SMITH BROS., Prop. DUBLIN PHONE 73 Ask for a Catalogue 4281x2 Auction Sales ZION _ Zion friends extend sympathy to Mrs, John Moore and daughter, Mrs. John Diehl, • in the loss of a husband and father, Mr. John Moore, who passed away in Stott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on; Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour and son, of London, visited on Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. J. Balfour, and Dalton. Mrs. Alvin Williams and Sharon spent. -Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13 -Barker. We aressorry to report Mr. Wm. Wilcox is in London hospital. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM Stock and Implement.', at East Half of Lot 21, Concession 2, Hallett Town- ship, 11/,, miles east of Clinton and 1,4s mile north (just off No. 8 High.way), 'en Tuesday, January 25th. at I p.m., sharp, the following: HORSES --2 general pur- pose mares. 11 years old. CATTLE -Dur- ham caw, 4 years old, to freshen at sale date; 3 Durham heifene, 3 years old, calves at foot; Durham cow 6 years old; Durham cow 8 years old : Dnrhaln cow 11 years old; (all cows freshened within the last two months and bred again) ; Regis- tered Shorthorn hull 2 years old (papers available) ; 3 calves, 2 months old. POUL- TRY & EQUIPMENT -2 geese; 1 gen- der: range shelter; colony house. IM'PLE-• MENTS-M.-H. binder, 6 -foot cut; M. -II - mower : IL.mower 6 -foot cut; M.41. 13 -hoe drill; hay rake: ' steel drum roller ; set of sloop sleighs (nearly new) ; steel wheeled wag- on ; hay rack ; 8 -section harrows; steel tire baggy; cutter; spring tooth cultiva- tor; walking plow; riding plow; hand sprayer; sot of beam scales; 4 -wheel trail- er; post hole auger: fannipg mill; set of backhand harness ; horse collars : 82 -foot extension ladder •(nearly new) 4 sling ropes; trip chain; hay fork' and car; hay rope: M..44. Bream ae»arator (500 ths. capaetii(y) ; shovels ; •forks : spade,, and numerous other articles. FEED -Approxi- mately 4 feet of inailage. FAIIM--At the name time and plane there will he offer- ed for gale, subject to ibserve bid, the farm, oonsiatieg o4 apllroxtmatdty 50 acres of choice • clay loam, on which are situ- ated a 11�tz storey frame house, bank barn i i i 64 x86 .hen h'otltse 24 xi8 and all itn l ietant shed The farm is supplied rafth Water 1»' a; dim tog) and a wiling. teams tilt dhattellt Cash. 'r`e'run Alt Fath1—,40Ve uriwit Olt ,9a,ie of Add And balance lti 110 days. No -aisostere except on Data as pl tatietor i6 in, ill hecith, 7[Itr3dpt i 1s $14F. LL, iPtoprletor ; Erbeard W, b'iTlex 42224 TUCKERSMITH HENSALL St;1rwu'R the r�k. 4110. •dtlgtlnqui , ' Stork, Saultx'a� l.'owder and' ou • Powder, IOU The Gathering "corm, 021,urehl1l. Sevin, Evans; That's .Me All• EOM er, Stunner. Juvenile Fiction —Happy Play" time, Grannan; Paul, rester;: I4t tle Pictures Per Little People, Sludman; Adventures of CbipPy Debby, Bachelder; Timothy TabbY Cat, Cam; Barbar, Lamb, Cam; Boppet, Please Stop It, Binney'; Boomtown Boy, Lenski; Circus, Disney; An A, B, C of. Birds, King; Five Acre HiUI, Corey; Seallird, Hotting; Yellowstone Scout, Rush; Mystery Up the Winding Stair, Orton; Lost Treasure Trail, MAX - well; Vickio's Mysterious Friend, Jacob; Ranger, Strong; Danger At the Drawbridge, Wirt; The Sea of Adventure, Blyton; Black Beauty, Sewell; White Boots, Watson; Luke Baldwin's Vow, Callaghan. The Hensali Women's Institute is sponsoring a euchre and dance in the Town Hall, Friday, Jan. 28, when good prizes vll$ be offered for euchre and a spot dance prize will be given. Fred Walters' orch- estra will furnish the music for the dance. In honor of Mrs. Robert Cook, the former Miss Anita Hildebrand, Mrs. M. Sanders and Mrs. Roy MacLaren arranged a delightful 'shower, which was held at the home of Mrs. N. E. Cook on Tuesday night: Euchre and Chin- ese checkers provided the enter- tainment, after which Mrs'. Cook was called upon to receive a col- lection of beautiful and useful] gifts, on behalf of the many friends and neighbors. Mrs. M. Sanders read the address; with Miss Betty Mickle and .Mrs. MacLaren assist- ing. The guest of honor gracious- ly expressed her thanks to all for their kindness. Tempting refresh- ments were served by the conven- ers with the able assistance of Mrs. N. E. Cook and daughter, Miss Eleanor Cook. Mrs. Joseph Hood, pioneer resi- dent of Tuckersmith Township, payed away Monday evening, Jan. 17. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter McKenzie, after a long illness, in her 85th year. She was the former Jane Fisher. and was horn on the Fisher farm in Stan - Toe. cutup. She was a member at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Surviving are one son, Nelson.% Stanley; two daughters, Mrs. Ed. Perkins, London, a.ndMrs. McKenzie. Public funeral servic- es were held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. McKenzie, lot 25, con. 3, Tuckersmith, on Wednes- day at 2.30 p.m., with interment in Baird's cemetery. The Young People's Society of the United Church held their meet- ing in the church schoolroom Mon- day evening with Miss Bernice, Jinks in the chair. Following the opening hymn, "Onward. Christian Soldiers," Miss Betty Mickle offer- ed prayer, followed with the Lord's Prayer. Miss Dorothy McNaugh- ton read the Scripture lesson, fol- lowed by the business' period. The next meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 7. The topic was ably taken by Bill Elliott, and Chas. Mickle favored with a piano solo, and a recreation period was led by Bit 1- Elliott. The meeting closed with the benediction. The regular vestry meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held Tuesday evening with twen- ty-three members present. Reports from the church account. Mission and W.A., also the St. Paul's Club, were received, showing a nice bal- ance to the credit of each organ- ization. Officers appointed for the year are as follows: People's war- den. 3. Henderson; minister's war- den, W. F. Riley; vestry clerk, A. L. Case; sidesmen. J. L. Scott, R. Cameron. T, Lavender; treasurer, H. Lawren^e•; select vestry, Mrs. J. Hender. e,n, Mrs. L. Clark, Mrs. R, H. Middleton. Mrs. W. O. Good- avin, R. Cameron, A. L. Case. J. ,Henderson, W. F. Riley; lay dele- gates to Synod, J. L. Scott and R. Cameron; organist, R. Cameron; janitor, W. Otterbine; auditors, A. L. Case and R. H. Middleton. The January meeting of the W.T.C.U., Exeter-Hensall unit, was held at the home of Mrs. E. Geiger Tuesday afternoon with a splendid attendance. Mrs. C. L. Jink pre- sided for the devotional period. The Scripture and devotional were There was no school on Wednes- day owing to the hydro being cut off when a severe windstorm dur- ing the previous night broke down a large number of hydro poles. Mr. Percy Harris had a large number of shingles blown off his barn, as did Alex McBeath, who says it will take one hundred' hunches to repair hit,- barn: Mr. Wm. Brown had a large number of shingles ripped off his house in Hensall. Mr. Oscar Klopp report- ed that up until Wednesday noon the damage in the district had amounted to $10.00.0. The following new books have been received at Hensall Public Library: • Fiction -Pilgrim's Inn, Gaudge; Within the Hollow Crown, Barnes; My Lady of Cloves, Barnes- The Precipice, McLellan; The Crusad- ers, Heym; Young Mrs. Savage, Stevenson; Dinner At Antone's, Keyes; The Big Fisherman, Doug- las; Yonder Shining Light, Keith; Saugaree, Slaughter; Tom Jones, Fielding; The Bishop's Wife, Nath- an; White Shadows. Wadell; Shan- non's Way, Cronin; Hatter's Cas- tle, Cronin; Cloak and Dagger, Lord; And the Deep Blue ,s a, Knotts; The Scarab Murder Van Dine; 'Prairie • Games,. - son; Journey Unto Fear, Ambler; Mother, Norris; Tomorrow Will Be Better, Smith ; Cross Word's, Cheavers; Spotlight, Miller; Too Many Yesterdays, Roger; Daisy Kenyon, Janeway; Dangerous Leg- acy, Cox; The Golden Hawk, Yer- by; Fools Goal, Bower; War on the Saddle Rock, Ermine; The Lighted Box, Cooper; To Effect An Arrest, Steele; Ravenswood, Doner; The Gulf of Time, Stand- ish; The' Cleft Rock, Hobart; The McKenny's Carry On. McKenny; Fear Kissed My Lips, Ames; The Captain of the Poestar, Doyle; Sil- ent in the Saddle, Fox; Raiebow Cottage, Hill; The Doctor on Elm Street, Hamilton; A Time For Love, West; The Last Trail, Grey; Troubled Range, Mann; The Red Widow Mystery. Dickson; The Case of the Careless Kitten, Gard- ner. Non -Fiction -Green Fields Afar, Middleton; Laughter in the Next Room, Sitwell; In Search of South Africa, Mortore;-- How to Stop Worrying, Carnegie; Smile, Please, Topp; Getting Things Done, Laird; This New Canada, McWilliams; Death of Mrs. Wm. Miller The death occurred at her home in Clinton on Tuesday, Jan. 11, of Grace Walters. beloved wife of William Miller, and daughter of the late Mr. Walters and Mrs.'R. Dalrymple, in her 49th year. Mrs. Miller hadl been ailing for several months. She was born in Tucker - smith, and is survived by her hus- band and three children: Maxine. Mrs. Willard Aiken, Clinton, and two sons, Ross and Robert, both at home. There are also two sis- ters. Mrs. W. Layton, Tucker - smith, and Mrs. J. Horton, Sas- katchewan, and six brothers: Frank Walters. Tuckersmith; El- liott, of Seaforth; Bert, of Dublin; James of Detroit; William. of God- erich, and Edward of Clinton. De- ceased was educated at S.S. No. 4, Tuckersmith, a.nd was a member of Ontario St. United Church, Clin- ton. The funeral was held Thurs- day with Rev. W, J. Woolfrey of- ficiating. The pallbearers were five brothers: Frank. Edwtrd, Wil- liam, Bert and Elliott Walters, and W. Layton. Interment was in Clin- ton cemetery. KIPPEN Miss Marion Peck, who is now in Detroit, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck. The treasurer and auditors of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, are busy getting the boons in readi- ress for the annual meeting which is being held on Wednesday of next week, .Tan. 26, instead of Jan. 21. as.was first planned. Ken Damm and Mrs. Harvey Damm spent . Sunday visiting friends in Walkerton. Mr, Sanderson, of Centralia, mov- ed to Kippen with his wife ands family on Saturday last. Mr. R. J. Cooper, accompanied by Mrs. Edgr+: McBride left on Saturday morning last to spend a week with Mrs. Grant Love, of Caro, Mich. Mrs. Peter Grizalck and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson in. Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman and family, of Oshawa were here on Sunday to ✓isit Mrs. Susie Workman, who is in Clinton hos- pital with a, fractured hip. Miss Ida Dayman, of London, wall hone oder the week -end visit- ing her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Dayman. Mr. Robt. li. Elgie had a severe attack of tonsillitis, Which kept trim confined to his bed the -better part. dC Ian we'elt, Mr. and rs. Dien Solingen and faintly, . of Lolid s i, visited at the 'home of fill°, and MI°s, Ttobt,. DAY' tnd,Il on Sunday. Otlihl htS '''00,4:47044% Rdl *+ter llee .l :4 evdl`l 0001m. 00V. r. in0WingO R e frol►i mil,a CSilldrentsr War •Mex11+2riaJ Ho 4114 4i` IT,.o71dt?11r express'in: tlla life'J for 'gift XPi $5.00 .iiorwardedi t. 1; 010M. bYr'this er'galeixatigll. The gift ! Af $2&4Q from the late Ma s W.>a1. tern :cY hhe l!.rgeGer .Union, be talrwarded to the B1ldget Fund,; Su9vedra.l Mrss M. ;bilsdn edt6n7 wereMirdss O, Hessarendered• an appropriate vocal duet, Mrs, W. J. P pbus ac- coIIlllanying at the piano: Mrs. E. Geiger, president, Who' Presided for the businesa period, reviewed Vie first chapter of the new study( book. Mrs. Johns • cloned with prayer. The February meeting will be 'held in Exeter. A :flying -up• ceremony -took place in the Public School Tuesday eve- ning when the following Brownies received their wings and flew up to be Guides: Gladys Moir, Ruth Soldan, Jean Lavender, Lola Vol- land, Judy Sbaddick, Joan John- ston, ohnston, Eudora Hyde, Jean Soldan, Carol McMurtrie. Broke Owl -Hel- len Farquhar was in charge, apd Captain Edith Bell addressed the Brownies' when they entered into the Guides. Those who received stars for first-year attendance in the Guides were Margaret Steph- an, 'Marlene Petzsbe, Audrey Walsh; stars for two years' at- tendance were Shirley Flynn, Ger- trude Bell, Ann ,Hildebrandt, El- aine Beer, Lois Henderson, Betty' Moir, Onion Stephan, Ruth Alex- ander, lesander, promoted according , to work of year; Colour Guards, Bet- ty Moir; et-ty'Moir; First Patrol Leader, Ger- trude Bell; Second Patrol Leader, Elaine Beer; Third.Patrol Leader, Orion Stephan; Brownies, Ann Hildebrandt. A programe was en- joyed consisting of vocal duets by Gladys Moir and Eudora Hyde, Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petz- ke; tap dancing, Mary Ann Ran- nie and Gwen Spencer, Beth God- dard and Jane Horton. The par- ents were guests for this delight- ful affair. Mrs. T. Lavender, chair- man of the local association, spoke. Luncheon was served, in- cluding a second year birthday cake. The lunch was served by the local association. Additional Hensall News on Page 6 We are again (ontractjng Barley FOR CANADA MALTING CO. If interested, get in touch with us. Geo T MickIe& Sons Phone 103 , Nights 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO 0 Id 4 A 13 98 61 I///1.1,3/�%/1.G/.lG'/%l///i� %///l///,%%//////,rl/�� / ✓�i %� /.1//�/% ee":: Ro- sea' //1st z. Rsl gaief ' i 5 6 ENGLISH MORRIS SALES Come and see the New ENGLISH MORRIS NEW AND USED Cars For Sale TEXACO SERVICE STATION Hensall, Ont. LAWRENCE & REID PHONE $3 Any Subscriber . to the Tuea Telephone System desiring t' ;ha' changed or any correction.' .X? Directory, must notify the Secretary`of phone System before February 10, ]949. J. K. CORNISH, • ,,Secretary T,,reasliXer el) one e Teke"" - Farmers Attention! We Are Open To Contrating MaltingBarley AND WILL SUPPLY THE SEED FOR SAME We 'Have A Good Market For This Barley Growers interested, please call or write: W. G. THOMPSON GRAIN ELEVATORS - HENSALL, ONT. DAY PHONE NO. 32 NIGHT PHONE NO. 2 Pete Vic Za e9ltta•ot aciv "Life insurance invest- ments can be arranged to coincide with any future need" .Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 We Are Now Distributors IN HURON COUNTY for CHORE BOY LOW VACUUM MILKERS FREE DEMONSTRATION SANDY ELLIOT PHONE 64-W EXETER NOTICE Township of Hay , It is requested that all Mail Boxes be install- ed on a movable arm, so that the boxes can be tilted upwards and out of the way of Township Snowplow equipment. These may be securely fastened to original position after the snowplowing period. All car owners in the Township of Hay are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the Winter. Cars that are left on the roads are left there at the owners risk. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detri- ment to the operationof snowplows. JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent. SAVE WITH AN AUSTIN Like thousands of ahem are doing and watch the speedometer step up to 50-60-70 miles per' hour, over hills, through traffic, around corners and into parking places, -where ,bigger cars can't look! That Four -Cylinder Valve -in -Head Motor does the trick at a road cost of SLIGHTLY OVER 1 CENT PER MILE, reported by users over a 10,000 mile period! Coil Springs. in front, with double-acting Shock Absorbers, and nice, deep 'ails -ride culshfionp, Plenty of room ,body to accommodate four mammoth adult passengers. AUSTIN PRICES ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE SHORTLY. BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW AND SAVE MONEY! FURTHER PARTICULARS MAV BE HAD AT OUR SHOWROOMS, OPPOSITE BANK OF MONT, REAL, CLINTON TO CAR OWNERS: We employ a Reliable Mechanic in'ottr Garage' at Clinton. If in need of any repair work, now le the time to do it, as we have special rates during January, John Boerne is in charge of the Ser.. vice Department. 1 one 784' . CLINTON. s , House 616 - 34 4 5