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The Huron Expositor, 1949-01-14, Page 8
E tlK r R N � � ,.Ay�r�y ' AND i*, 1Ir�.!�'.T# " i.sgr! :A.140 . NiilNDsToRM ting'.QQmpai les who Wit' !with ,.Service. ^. MS ,';:POP•, ONTARIO MAIv S MUTUAL I141SURANCE Vase tufa. gladly given.. REID k0. & Proprietor • anReal Estate :: , ONE 214 . SEAFORTH 00 p¢ 0 0 0 0 0 'C* 0 BOX :uttered itotrbice AMBULANCE 0 0 Promyt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed 0 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 40 CASIQNS 0 .lee WONES: 0 �p R.esy 95:W or 18; ;Store 43 0 000©000'0000 00000000000 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 0 Successor to O Q HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 Q Main Street - Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 (p► Flowers. 0 0 Telephone 119 O 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 10 0000.0000000 1p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE Ip Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service (0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: IID Phone 43 r 10 iK! OP TRx.E'TDWN 1.-.1Q"'Saturdee: Jan. Inde . ilei n Y. 8,ere Margaret ar. ae Bell, , of Seaf orkh , aThemes. Pryde, of Exeter, were married quietly in Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Rhodes. After a wed- ding dinner at the Park Plaza Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Pryde left by motor tor the Southern States. On their return they will reside iu Exeter. Anderson - Dunlop.. --The mar- riage is announced of Zetta Maria. Dunlop, Vancouver„ B.C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs..Andrew W. Dun- lop, Seaforth, to Melvin: A. Ander- son, Seattle, Washington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Anderson, of that city. The wedding cere- mony was performed at 6.30 p.m. December 31, by Rev. H. J. Storm in the Chapel of First Lutheran Church, Windsor, Ont. The cou- ple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wlalter Hadlich, of San Francisco. O O O O 0 O O iO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0000000000 0 0 W. J. CLEARY Ip Seaforth, Ont. 0 ID LICENSED EMBALMER O ib AND FUNERAL. DIRECTOR 0 1d Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 0 000000.00000 • • LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -.1 tor8 p.m. Stewart - Dunlop. -A quiet wed- ding took place on Saturday, Jan. 8, at Northside United Church, when Maxine Faye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, Sea - forth, and Thomas Arthur Stew- art, son of Mr. and •Mrs. William Arthur .Stewart, of Birmingham, Michigan„ were united in marriage by Rev. H. V. Workman. They were attended :by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, of Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will reside in Birmingham, Mich. FOR SALE Royal Apartment.Block, together with tine businese`of the late W. G. 0111. Will Ire sold together .or''sep- sirately. Frame : T3*ell1ng in EgpirpndvlUe. lea r I y possession. Moderately jrlced. 100 -Acre Farm; • near Chiselhurst. !Rood land, house, barn and other ibniidings. Moderately' priced. Chumh¢s b Present and teen r1OU .ars . were s NO. O. McOr#Viu, the president. Up e Meet with Scripture l opened ,lug' reading fre4X); Releases 12,, feltowed t. is for 1X ar r e the h by prayers. for #Jr pariah, New Year, mud the )Lards Prayer in unison, The secretary read 'the minutes of the 'Mat reeetieg and the treasurer reported $201..52with which to start the New Year. Af- ter the various reporta were ac- cepted, Miss Holmes, president of the W.A., presided for the election of officers for 1949. They remain as last year: Honorary president, Mrs. C. Holeaes; president, .Mrs. George MoGavin; 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. H, Colbert; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. J. J. Merner; secre- tary, Mrs. Southgate; treasurer, Mrs. Ada Reid; representative to Board of 'M'.anagement, Mrs. Ada Reidy; representative to Hospital Mrs • H. Colbert. The next meeting will be held on February 8 at the home of 'Mrs. B. Higgins. The president dedicated the offer- ing, and the meeting closed with Northside United Church. -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship Service; subject, "Worship Be- longs To Religion"; 7 p.m., "A Prophet's Revelation of Prophet - ism." 0 come, let us worship God. • The congregation of Northside United' Church is planning to hold the annual congregational meeting on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 20. On the next two Sundays, members and adherents are asked to short in, reaching the objective of the Missionary, and Maintenance Fund, that the congregation's high standing in the Presbytery, may be maintained in advancing the gen- eral en eral work of the church. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Aspects of Human Suffering" No. 1, "Ther,Christiana' Witness"; 7 p.m., "Entry To the Kingdom." ,Y.P.S. Meeting at. 8.15 p.m., Sun- day, un d'ay, Jan.. 16. -Rev. D. D. Camp- bell, Minister. St, Thomas' Anglican. -• Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 'All services in charge of Mr. Wm. Jones, of Hur- on College, London. St. Mary's. Dublin -3 p.m, -40 Women's Institute Notes.-,A.ny- one having any used. clothing or shoes or bedding to spare for ov- erseas parcels, are asked to leave it at Miss Mabel Cameron's, Main Street, or get in touch with Mrs. Gordon Papple. , Those in charge of the next social evening, Jan. 21, are as follows: Tables and chairs, Mrs. Jack McLean and Mrs. Elmer •Cameron; lunch, Mrs. Cecil Oke, Mrs. Wm. Leeming and Mrs. Les- lie McClure; orchestra and hall, Mrs. Alex Pepper and Mrs. Andy Crozier; prizes and tallies, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; punchers, Mrs. J. Keyes, Mrs. Eldon. Kerr, Thelma Elgie, Mrs. R. M. Scott, Mrs. Bob McLachlan and Mrs. Earl Papple; dish washers, Mrs. Wilfred. Cole- man and Mrs. Gordon Papple. 410 Mission Band Meets. -The MIs - son Band of Northside United Church met on. Tuesday. with 20 members present. The first hymn was "God Sees the Little Sparrows Fall." This was followed by a prayer by Neil Broadfoot. Bill Scott took up the collection, amounting to 86c. Helen McGon- igle read the Scripture lesson, and "Jesus Bids Us Shine" was sung. Mrs. Bradshaw read a story from the study book entitled, "Light Pic- tures." A song was given by,Ted- dy Johns, and Ruth Ann Crozier gave the Members' Purpose, which will be'res4 at each meeting, as,, follows: "I will love my Heaven- ly Father, and follow Jesus too; for He bas shown me clearly what God wants me to do. I will help God's other children, both here and oversea, Jesus to know and God to love, that world friends we may be." Another hymn was sung, fol- lowed by the benediction. Next month we would like all members to attend. Sandra Savauge will take up the collection. prayer. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably,' situated nn highway; good buildings; run- 1sdng water. Early possessiop. • Duplex, solid brick. All modern Conveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, -Without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. RED) BEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S 6AX/ • COURTEOUS SERyICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R Chesterfields and Occasionalehairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Ver- ailndah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co., Stratford TELEPHONE 579 .39'orr further information apply at Bog's Furniture Store SEAFORTH iimmiumbigimmiwomaimanowas 1 VAC. Tractor with Tool Bar 1 Manure Spreader 11 P. /Cutter w, ,I': a Corn Picker 5 1 Little Beaver Gnarl Grinder COAL "Rosedale" Alberta left mines Jan. 7. Orders now accepted for off -ear delivery. Immediate Delivery on Choice Hard Coal WILLIAM M.. HART OFFICE TELEPHONE 593-W • To reach us, turn. at the Dick House Corner. 7fechair" .9 JO!/TOF10 enim LOCAL I 1. Mr, and Mrs. A„ T Miltoh ;left on Friday for Montreal. • Misses 'Maria ,and! Tesrtl4ie Bristow spent tht holiday 'season. with Mr. and Mrs. Sam, )= eieditor; Varna. • Mr. and Mrs. John Quail have returned to London after. spending New Year's with her 'gaother, Mrs. Wm. Sillery, at the home of Mrs. Richard Kruse. • Miss Bertha Campbell, •of Rod ney, spent the week -end with her brother, Rev. • D. 'Glenn' Campbell, end Mrs. Campbell, at the -."Manse. • Many friends will: ' regret eo learn that Mr. William Ammer is in Scott Memorial Hospital, -w fere he underwent an oeration. • Mrs. Lillian Barber, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Morrison. • Mesdames James, F. 'Scott, W. J. Thompson, J. B. Russell., D. G. Campbell, R. Eberhart, J. W. Thompson and Miss Belle Campbell .7•elr ;�SO . McKixldsey's DRUG S$D E, SEAFORTH 11111111l11tllllllltlllllltlillltiUlllllii Itltl HIGHEST CASH PRICES for DEAD STOCK. 'HORSES, each each $5.00 CATTLE,; each $5.00 HOGS, per cwt. $1.50 1 According to Size and Condition Collect SEAFORTH.15 Darling & CO. OF CANADA LTD. EUCHRE and DANCE Cardno's Hall FRIDAY, JANUARY ' 21 Euchre 8.30 Lunar Served General Admission; 5,9c COLLINS' ORCHESTRA AUSPICES SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITiITE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FILM SHOWING ri'er: iaten o? uesd y• ' ,%a. ten int t11, • reehyterial uiteeting; heli in. :the •Pa'eet ^terian Church 'Mara. Mrs. . � ..: toast RAM;x, of Sarnia,', e "relatives and friends n. all Xu� town' en route to attend' the fw ''< era! of Mr lIntot'o nucic the late ,P19x 'and- Nice pi'eOda Mrs ( itFc�alry trcii.'vRee pi*Adon!!t4 rl rs, ,Jori MoLellan,l 4t1 vice nresi4iel t f''•1 Mrs •-1 air ..0,01141f4,414'seoli ,text ',, a s 'a, h del o tr a ;it ctt Jo u!F s n . e 1'H+ c rs, :11Tgx on a,:, 'e3 ti'seere^: t y4 �'s A, I c it si atter , ,14-iSal,Url. 1 i eaa o t ,�.t'W I .: Al M til x �i am a �' George Hini11ton, , m Aubilrn, on) under; Bab Band' ii,dtot 4 ,.> lyli Tuesday, • Mrs. J, Q. 'Laing has returned to her home on James .S't, after spending' the 'Christro.ae bolld'a re With Dr. cull Mrs. Wm. Aberhart in London. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepper. Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Routledge,Mrs, A, G. Brooad'foot and Mzs. ,William. Chapman were in Auburn on Tues- day attending the funeral of their. brother -in law, the late George Hamilton, • Mrs. D. H. Wilson was in To- ronto on Wednesday. • Mrs, Theresa Maloney spent the weekseed in Godericb. with her son-in-law and daughter„ Mr,;and Mrs. Armand' Bedard. • Mr. Enos . Boshart has return- ed from a business trip to Chica- go. • Mr. Frank Ellwood has been transferred to Fergus, where he will be telegraph operator. • 'Mrs. W. E. Kerslake had the misfortune on Wednesday to fall and break her right wrist when on her way downtown. 'She is resting in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Miss Elizabeth Smith is in Flint, Mich., attending the funeral of a relative. • Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner of Detroit, visited over the week- end with Mrs. R. S. Hays, • Miss Irene Burt, Reg.N., of Stratford, spent the w'eek.end with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar and Mrs. John Ferguson. ,• Mr. James Blakey, Of the Bank of Commerce, is spending three weeks' vacation at his home in Trenton. • Mr. Sam Jeffrey celebrated his, 94th birthday on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pull- man, where he resides. • The Order of the Eastern Star, Seaforth, intend holding a euchre party in the 1.0.O.F. Hall on Friday, Feb. 3. • Mrs. W. A. Langford, of Lon- don, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Shaw and Mr. Shaw. Mrs. Lila Shaw, also of London, was a week -end guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R.Shaw. S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 at 8.15 p.m. - .ALSO - Lecture on Plans For Hospitalization NO ADMISSION Sponsored by Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture A PLAY "MR. BEANE FROM L• IMA"•. BY BLYTH DRAMATIC CLUB At BRUCEFIELD.. UNITED CHUR1• ,. Sponsored by' Brucefietd ' .P.U. • WED., JAN. 19t}. Machinery for SALE! 1947 HUDSON SEDAN - 1,809 miles; fully guaranteed in every may. 1946 STUDEBAKER SEDAN - Overdrive and in beautiful shape. 1938 ONE-HALF TON PICK-UP, INTERNATIONAL --1n nice shape. 1944 COCKSHUTT TRACTOR 1948 FORD TRACTOR - With Plow. Both Tractors are in beau- tiful shape. 40 ALLIS-CHALMERS COM- BINE -,A'11 in' perfect shape. - 1949 AUSTIN I/2 -TON PICK-UP Now on Display! 1946 MERCURY PANEL PICK- UP -in perfect shape. It will pay you to get in touch with us, as we will stand behind our goods when they go out! J. E. HUGILL & SON PHONE 784-W - CLINTfN. Dies In Aurora. -Funeral service for Mrs. James Whimster, who died in Aurora Thursday after five years' illness, was held at her Vic- toria St. home on Saturday, with Rev. Harvey Howey officiating. In- terment was in Aurora cemetery. The former Ruth E. Dickson, she was born at Seaforth, Ont. After graduation from. Toronto Normal School sire taught in Aurora public school before her marriage in 1802. Mrs. Whimster lived 56 years in Aurora. Her husband, who died in 1935, was a general merchant who retired 20 years ago. Mrs, Whimster travelled widely in Eur ope and was known throughout the Dominion for her political activ- ity. She was treasurer of the On- tario Women's Liberal Association for twelve years and president of the Aurora association for many years. She• opened her home to many functions to aid war efforts doting both wo'red wars. She was member sof Auror& iLTnited Cihliioh. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. L. Creagh and Helen Dickson, Aurora, and .Mrs. M. MCCarroll, ' letnris:, 7110., and a 'brottier, J'oIztV Dickson, Victarla- at 8 pm. Admission: 50c and 25e DANCE Jerry McKay and the Clinton R.C.A.F. Radar Orchestra SATURDAY, JAN: 8th CARDNO'S HALL Admission 60c , Students and Servicemen, 50c Sponsored by Young Progressive Conservative Association. Rose" oadfO It " S'1'' Weien, •:ends 0°11q 11(10 't, Mrs,, oxlr ay. , minliinit i`lentttl'hi,'p.'ltrrr. o ' a • Christi • ' '13tw �i'deh'i SProt. a?i?. � P, • 1..ts. s Vinton, SIXPI4y Secx:etary �VIJs, Herb,,ert:, Joiesi; temperspce' BeeOtary, Mrs. R. Peon; ' supply'. c entoittee, Mrs. 3... Marean, Mrs.', H. Darnels; Mrs, N. Long, - Mrs, A. Oaclestetter; pianist, 'Mrs, Harold Jones; assistant pianist, :Mrs, 3n4.; Sincialr; Sunshine committee, Mrs. E, Kyle„ Mrs. Eldon Jarrett. The slate of officers for the W. A. for 1949 is as follows; Honor ary, presidents, Mrs. E. McBride; Mrs. Allan Johnson; president, Mrs. R. Peck; 1st vice-presidents Mrs. John Sinclair; 2nd .vice-presi-- dent, Mrs. E. Chipchess; 3rd vicar president, Mrs: Harald Jones; 4tit. vice-president, Mrs. Winston Work man; seeretarytreasurer, Mrs. E.. McBride; finance committee, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Mrs, Allan Johns,� son, 'Mrs. Wm. Bell, M'rs. Wm, Caldwell. The January meeting of the Kip - pen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex McGregor on Wednesday. There will be a pot- luck dinner, followed' by a quilt- ing In the afternoon. Roll call will be the donation of a lunch cloth to the Institute. The com- mittee in eharge of the quilting will be Mrs. J. Sinclair, Miss Grace Tremeer,Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. William Doig. All those who can are asked to have their lunch cloths finished by Friday night and bring them to the euchre and dance. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 384 Lutheran Services Northside W. A. Group Meets. - The January meeting of Group 3 of Northside W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cochrane with 26 members and nine visitors pre- sent. The president, 'Miss Edythe Hoag, opened the meeting with prayer and a New Year's poem. Miss Abbie Seip read' the First Psalm for the -Scripture lesson. A chorus by six girls was enjoyed, accompanied by Miss Emma 'San- derson. Sanderson. The roll call was answer- ed by a New Year's resolution. The minutes and reports were giv- en by the different officers and the 'business period followed. ,mss' Berger sang very sweetly, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Mrs. Cochrane read a poem, "The Com- ing Year." "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was sung, • followed by the benediction. A social hour followed, when Mrs. Cochrane con- ducted two contests and Mrs. Cameron played a piano solo. A delicious lunch was served. Miss Hoag thankedthe hostess and voiced her appreciation to all who had helped to make the evening a success. EVERY SUNDAY EVENING - 1n SEAFORTH TOWN HALL Sunday School, 7:00 p.m. Divine Service, 7:30`• pan. with Rev. C. A. Klages in charge. "A changeless Christ for a changing world." TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S KIPPEN NOW :9,,Ar.f;,q T Nl . .L9tl 'T'HURSDA'Y FRIDF,IY, SAT UFI. A1C. c 4f THE P RATE 3t ' ' , IkEI:LY With dt1.D11 GARLAND cell GENE A colorful :earnivel, of Laughter and tong e- A' 'trails snnga by,!., • MONDAY'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY -- iN TEgHNIC,QL,OR �• '• " A .DAT WITH- JUDY'°" withANE, WELL WALLACE BEERY, ELIZABETH TAYLOR YI w;►o ,. 'M-G.M's Jeyauz 'Musioal in Technicolor -+ the beet -Late yen•eeer „bad Join; the Stars in song and tun. NET THURSDAY,:FRIDAY,SAT'U'RDAY -- 1N TECHNICOLOR. TUE GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING'" with PEGGY CUt1eMINS and CHARLES G.OBOU:RN • The finest outdoor atdiventure picture of ,them all -= Greatness to match the Grandeur of . the West's rugged cliffs and canyons! e Q'hes!t COMING:' IN TECHNICOLOR "UP IN CENTRAL PARA ' with DEAN:NA DURBIi1 and. DICK 'HAYNES McKILLOP We are pleased to report What Mrs. Joe Eckert, who underwent a serious operation in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, last week is making splendid progress to- ward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. William Ishe, of Sebringvill'e, visited relatives on this line on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock, Diane -and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wietersen visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stoskapf, of .Fullerton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy. Mrs. Charles Eggert and dr. Norman Eggert visited at the home 6f Mr. and Mrs. John. Aiken in• Sebringville on Monday. Miss Leota Hoegy and Mr. Ed-. win McKenzie, of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Meand Mrs. Fred Hoegy. Miss Mary Horan, of Stratford, was a week -end visitor at her home here. Mrs. P. Eckert, of Dublin., has been :staying . at the home of her soireeler. Joe Eckert, for the past weer.' • Tee annual meeting of the Ev angelical . Church, here was held at the home o8 Mr. end Mrs. William Koehler- on Tuesday, Jan. 11. Mr., George Byer celebrated: his 80th birthday on .Saturday, Jan. 8. The January meeting of the Bethel W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Leonard Leem- ing. "The theme of rhe meeting was "'Thy Kingdom Come -through the •teachingministry of the Church." The hymn., "0 Jesus, Xing Most Wonderful," was sung. Psalm 738 \was read responsively. The eerip- ture lese,ons were Luke 15 and 10 and were taken by Teannie Den- nis. An interesting New Year's' story was gleen• by Mildred Mc-, Nichol and Mrs. Ed..Regele led in' prayer. "Jesus ,Shall Reign, Where'er the Sun" was sung, also the 'prayer hymn, "Gracious God„ We Come Confessing," from the October Missionary Monthly. The: fourth chapter, "Christian Citizens in Training," from West of the Gorges, proved interesting,, with Mrs. Chas. Boyd impersonating Dr. Stella Cheng. Five "Do -You -Know" questions were answered' by Mrs'. Leonard. Leeming, 'Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs, Wm. Dennis, Mrs. 'Joe Thorn- ton and Mrs. Ray Wildfong, Ethel Dennis read Mrs. Self letter from the January Missionary Monthly. The •minutes of last meeting were read and, adopted and the roll call ansa eyed by 13 members. Mrs. Wildfong and Mrs. Roe were ap- pointed captains for a copper con- test till June. Mildred 'McNichol, Mrs. 'Wen. Roe and Ethel Dennis were named a committee for a so- cial arrangement. "Lord of Life, Whose NameOutshineth," was, sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Ethel Dennis. A Folk School has been held at the home of :Mr. and. Mrs. T. W:, McMillan: and 'Mr, and Mrs. R. E.. MdMillan during the past week ands will continue until Saturday. Miss Callum and Miss Hergott, "of. the Ontario Farm Radio School in To- ronto, are in charge and interest- ing and helpful meetings are being held. Professor Hey, of the O.A. C. was the special speaker on Wednesday. 54. Yftonia(t4'.agleit' Gu1td Meed9i, e• 1.4diesr Gnitih ori Ser Txroi±iaW :! + iitttcii bell it i ii$$ meetlri dil 'ileada'y' itt ¢be a * . ilii° Announcement... A detailed report on the status of Hospitalization Plans in operation will be made, along with the pend- ing •Financial Report. W. H. FINNIGAN, Chairman of Scott Memotai Hospital Board. The slate of officers for 1949 was as follows: Honorary.rpresi- dent, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase; presi- dent, Mrs. Robert Elgie; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Winston Work - GIANT PENNY SALE Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital 25 CHANCES for 25c Tickets now on sale by Hospital Aid Members. Articles will be on display Jan. 19-29, in Whitney's Furniture Store. Drawing on Saturday January 29th Intermediate 'B' O.H.A. HOCKEY PALACE RINK SEAFORTH THURSDAY 2 - January SEAFORTH -= vs. CLINTON R. & C.S. These two teams are old rivals. This is go- ing to bpe�ygood! Game called at 8.30 ADMISSION, »- 40e 3 Basi' Modern KROEHLER Pieces New sitik-down-deep buoyancy... new get-up ease. ,Wonder-working springs that shape in- stantly to you. Thrill to new Kroehlee comfort and the exciting room variety of a IGroehlet Sec-. , tional Sofa. Mw Keo bsf NVI$ Tow two osyl t• wow .if. 4P3iais : iP diA back-- sad ewe corpNM . of Apelimis la dot mt... G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE ' . FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH'° - ONTARIO BRUCEFIELD Mr. Wm. McDowell, of Westfield, visited a few days with,'Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse last week. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Miss Edith Bowey oti Tuesday. Mrs'. William Scott, the new presi- dent, was in the chair. Mrs. H. Dalrymple had charge of the devo- tional exercises and opened the greeting with'Hylntx 2$9. Tlie lead- er led in prayer and read a prayer hymen. Two readings were given, one by 'hl:ra. W. ISoott and several Scripture readings, by• •Miss' ' M.' Swan. Hynan 2.39 was, then sung. Mrs. 'Scott eogdUoted the ,busirieee part of the tiz ethtg. Annual re- ports were read by the"Sweatier Secretaries: iii me treasltrerY' The study book, "'W'e t of the ,dorgds,r' chanter 4„ waf3' ably taken byY 114%x4. E. B Startt'ay and Ali ,. A . rGa,11te.; t los ig platen v e Wen 131» ,MXs Alta* riy�y�aiii ttd113y.,.Itn#403,,,dl.t1 f +ia i I.uiJed &h eloaltifY...,,' ON HAND: 1",' 1W'. and:- 2" PINE 1" and 2" HEMLOCK 2" and 3" SPRUCE . 1", . 2", 3.. and 4"' FIR T. & G. SPRUCE 2" WESTERN LARCH, ' to 22' long 4x4's and 6' x 6' WESTERN CEDAR 2" ROCK ELM and WHITE ASH CEDAR LAP. SIDING FIR FLOORING and PINE /FLOORING CLEAR KILN DRIED FIR MOULDINGS NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES ASPHALT SHINGLES • ' Cedar -Grain, Rolbtick and Iinsulbric Sidings' Masonite, Plywood, Arborite, Beaverboard, , Chrome Mouldings, Doors and Reclaimed Windows. "Where the Best Costs No More" Seaforth Supply SiCo. Phone 47 -:- Seaforth DANCES - THIS WEEK -- AT -- CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, 'JKNXAN. 14th C Barn • Dance Gang kayoing EARL. HEYWOOD Cgnatkett wad Cowboy• tnitiM� M UklCE LUCKY And J'.. BOH` , SATURDAY, JAN. 15th Ken Witlee AND HIS NEW 6 PIECE= BAND playing the latest in SOW and New.Ti1re '411,1alt. i�C1MISSION - - 80c. '`gtud'ents and Servfoemen . 80c • $potisored b . O I'V•e Assoc. dot* Young Progressive nserw�t .71