HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-01-14, Page 3wx l( Ij fy Yiiia e lite Robes• Ink; `. u ip'al- Meetii P ;� g ,, g9 pares For Yea_ rs Ong. .Less. - •pleasant'aliening wag sPent'a,t thy 'b4xpe of Mra, Isaac Beetard,. Grand Bend, when neighbors and! friends gathered ,to !boner Mr. And Mrs. Erty u' Bta ses'd', a, ,recent dal couple, and to present thea With a miscellaneous shower. The bride ie the former Miss Doris ,Buchanan, of Hensall, Miss Helm Walper read the address, and the gifts were presented by 'Mins Col- leen Gill and 'Miss, Phyllis Des- jardine. W'ellwood Gill presented a reading on "Farming" and ton- test; on test; were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Beetard gave• 'eeuitable replies. "Dear Doris and Erwin: This is e very happy occasion for us, your friends and neighbors, to meet here tonight to• 'bestow con- gratulations ea you and also wish you both much happiness! and suc- .cess in your new venture. We wel- come you, Doris, into our commun- ity and Hope you 'will enjoy mak- ing aking your home here. While it wouldl be very romantic to live on love 'alone. it has been found very impracticable. Many things are necessary for -our material comfort and convenience. We wish to help you begin housekeeping in your never home with a few of these necessities. We ask you to accept these gifts • along with our very best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous wedded life,. May you have as much pleasure in us- ing (hese articles as we have in giving them. -Signed on behalf of your Friend§ and Neighbors." The inaugural meeting of the 1949 village council was held Tues- day morning in the council cham- ber with a1l members being press ant ;;;M b l+a; oR tC a;t eoriz eia,; tooJe ,their declaration dx Office 'before A, -Pater"seri,, Jnstiee of the Peace. The reeve. 'aSk'„ed' Rev, R. A. l3roolr to' *pep the 1949 Bess signs, . -Rev, R. ,A. treble avidness- d .'the counoii and offered a pila'Y- et,, aslking 'Pivixue guidance for the council for the coming ear. The reeve thanked Rev. Brook,. who then adjourned, . li,eeve.'<erplake addressed caunf cit and • asked for their co -opera'- tion during the year and stated that one member was' just as much a councilloreas the other, and that it took five mernbere to make a good council. Parke and Tudor: That We now open the 1949 ses- sion of council, Carried. Jones and Moir: That the Clerk prepare a byelaw setting council meetings the second and fourth Tuesdays ev- enings at 8 p.m. of each month, and setting the fee for attendance at, $2.00 for each councillor and $3.00 for the reeve. Carried; Parke aindl Tudor; • T•hat the Clerk pre- pare a bylaw appointing `Rev. R. A. Brook a member of the Public Library Board for the years 1949- 50-51. Carried. ' The Reeve named the following committees, the first named being chairman: Roads and Streets, W. Parke and M. Moir; Fire and Pro- perty; N. Jones and J. Tudor, and the same were considered satis- factory to all members. • Parke and Jones: That the Clerk prepare a by-law appointing two members to the Park Board, name- ly J. Tudor and M. Moir. Regular meeting of the village council was held Tuesday even- ing at 8 p.m. in the council cham- ber, with all members present. The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $2,800.00 on January 1, or about $1,000 less than last year 'at the same time, and stated, that the tax arrears were $450.00: also re - YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER Here's Good Mews! Are you between the ages of 38 and 52 and going through that trying functional middle -age' period peculiar to women? Does this make you suffer from hot Hashes, feel clammy, so nervous, irritable, weak? Then Do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms! It's famous for this! Many wise 'middle -age' women It helps nature (you know what we take Pinkliam's Compound regu- mean!). This great medicine also larly to help build up 'resistance has what Doctors call a stomachic against this distress. tonic effect. Pinlcham's Compound contains NOTE: Or you may prefer LYDIA E. no opiates -no habit-forming drugs. PINKHAM'S TABLETS withadded iron eie ss Lydia E. Pinkham9s VEGETABLE COMPOUND Now Operating OUR POULTRY KILLING PLANT IS NOW OPERATING IN TEMPORARY QUARTERS Our temporary plant is located on Cole- man Street, southeast of Victoria Park. Before bringing in Poultry, please phone us for available dates. • 5eaforth Produce, Ltd Phone 170-W 1;1:owieb 0914101 °aaet Ili the Clerk's ,afelep` ;on ,Tanuary' L. ,ac, cording to s4atute, the rue ) ergs' elect being all: eireeemt and took the necessary declaration of office as 'follows. Elmer " J. Farriah Reeve;Harold Gowd1, Deputy Reeve; Warren; Zurbrigg, Harvey McMichael and Ivan Fliaslk, inei Councillors. The business of the council proceeded with the reeve, Elmer J. Farrish, in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Zurbrigg and Gowdy were adopted as read: Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Haskins: That By -Law No. 12 of the Town- ship of Howick, for the year 1948, as reads the third time, be finally passed. Carried. 'Moved by McMichael and Has kins': That we extend the time for the return of the collector's roll until Feb. 5, 1949. Carried. Moved by Haskins and Gowdy: That we, the Township 'Council, feel that part of the township banking business should be shared by the Dominion Baak,, and we re= commend that the Managers of the Bank of Commerce, .Wroxeter, and Dominion Bank, Gorrie, agree to a plan that will be satisfactory to both •banks and ratepayers of the township, and present the same to the council at the February 5th ported on the waterworks. F. Har- burn reported re snowplowing and snow removal. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Provincial Treasurer, re railway tax; Department of high, ways; Ontario Good Roads Assoc- iation; Monteith & Monteith; Workmen's Compensation Board; Guaranty Trust 'Company; Canada Valve and Hydrant Co.; Smart T•l'rner Machine Co.l Beaver Hard ware; C. R. Hagey Engineering Co.; International Water Supply Ltd., same considered and filed. Bills and accounts were approv- ed as follows: F. G. Bonthron, postage, $5; G. Heitz, trucking„ S. R., $5.7.5; W. Pfaff, labor, S.R., $1.75; R. MacKinnon, labor, S.R., $1.75; T. .Kyle, labor, S.R., $5.25; F. Harburn, salary, $123.72; Dept. of Highways, license, fire truck, $2.00; ,Gladmari" & Cochrane, fees, 2 deeds. $26.15: Beavers Hard- ware. keys, F.D., $4.20; Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goode Co.., fire hose $275.00; Hyde Tractor & Combine Co.. tractor supplies, $2.25; Hen- sall Hydro Commission, Hydro for Hall, $25.07; James Bengougb, sup- plies, streets, $7.55; Janes Ben- gough, upplies, etc., waterworks, $14.75; James, A. Paterson, ex- press, labor. etc., waterworks, $62.21; International Water Sup- ply, valve, waterworks, $160.65; F. G. Bonthron, fire insurance. water - Works, $22.50; J. A. Paterson, bond premium, Treasurer, $20. Total, $768.55: By -Laws Nos. 1, 2„ 3 and 4 were given necessary readings and fin- ally passed. Tudor and Moir: That we engage John Passmore to look .after the waterworks at a salary of $500.00 per year. Car- ried. Mrs. Mary Ellen Graybiel ,Pope, widow of John Pope, died at her home on Belgrave Street,. London, on Saturday, Jan. 8, . in her . 85th year. She was born at Listowel in 1864 and had resided in London for the past five years. ' She ' for merly resided at Hensall where she was well known. She was a member of Hensall United Church. Surviving are four daughters: Mrs. Earl Clark., Nampa, Idaho; Miss Irene Pope, Mrs. Percy Lydia Southen and Mrs. Ellen Southen, all of London; two sons, Harvey, Preston. and Kenneth, Hunting- don, Quebec; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The body rested at the Bolton K. Heathfield Funeral Home, Lon.dlon, and was brought to Bonthron's Funeral Home, Hensall, on Men- day, where funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the service. Bur- ial was in Hensall Union Ceme- tery. Dealers, Bakers, Farmers, Feeders Listen to CKNX --- 920 ' on Your Dial Every Morning at 8.30 WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU with OUR FLOUR "Gold Star" Top Patent (.dill Purpose Flour) "Excellence" Second Patent (Bread Flour) -Give Them a Trial - (Quality and Prices are right) Excellence Feeds Cal{ Meal Hog Fattener Laying Mash Pig Starter Chick Starter Chick Grower Hog Grower Sow Ration Dairy Ration THEY ARE EXCELLENCE IN NAME AND QUALITY TUROEON GRAIN and:PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills,_ Limited goommigimaimmommompaimir help Pili liven ;ppxow Mpv'aaniCtialxta . bat we recap l rsoiraedSr; n th; 4,1)100 ,1)10ftau of cipAro, togthe nOWAAr 4f alerinte tiOnt otld,0** of 0)Yier. ang the'etr be frvoti'0,0.0 o• 0 l e,a1is.,' f xgrwar e ee 'to `:;the �q ; r "ei$ d pY' , '�9d• tsP • - lr,r Of hlighylPO Ar ' liar Plir"oval (, , tied. MOYed1.1],y,:GoWalete'*d,,,*0*IOilv ael:•. to1 esbnt<'.;,,w;eintruct 'Ci e r ndo Ol'Ot0r04 41 041 ` Muutopal.1*ox0 arzled, Morel "h. it~ e . a iT b r'# � r �g ,"*.hats: , ,e areaitrtita'se ha the iianiie of •'tb'e :04441Mtnr• tendenti lk .ne the third 4f each 1n4A ir; and the ret b9 in*;: structed to '.mot* ;baAh patraigi accordingly. 'calmed', Moved .k► 71ti. h a dl c c' ,. � l' �� rr ael: Tii;rt BK41;3r'. No 41;;O, Des; Township et! 14 'alae. x4r `.' a ar' 1948, be aMe+n,ded to repj1.'.i;lrat toe; Reeve of they Towetsbip Of Bow be a men-4er of the-Fordwich C,om4 munity Iia11' Board to repreeerrt the; townfebip CQUncik to replace ILO Stroug. Carried.. Moved. by Zurbrigg and .-UaS ins• That the road accouutsN arev, ed be paid. Carried: Moved by McMichael and Zur- brigg: That we refund H. Spars ling $4.00 'being an •error en 1948 taxes. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Met, Michael: That the following ads counts be paid: Relief, $23.49; Royal Bank, Clifford charges, col- lecting taxes, $6.25; Bank of Com- merce, Wroxeter, charges collect- ing taxes, $22.15; H. Sperling, er- ror on 1948 taxes, $4; Elmer Downey, piling wood' at Township Hall, Gorrie, $1.50; Justin Will, cedar for Township Hall, Gorrie, $8; 'Mun5cipal World, to question submitted, 50c; David Braun, fox bounties; $6; Cecil Grainger, fox bounties, $15; Wilfred Brown, fox bounties, •$9; L. Hupfer, fox boun- ty, "$3; R. J. Hueston & Son, coal for Cerk's office, $32.85; Mel. Fin- lay, dog tax refund, $2; Harry King, dog tax refund, $2; J. H. Shannon, legal advice, $25; The Pedlar People, roof for Township Hall, Gorrie, $285.18; P, Durst; postage, $5. Total, $450.92. Moved by Haskins and McMich- ael: That this council do now go into a committee of a whole to make appointments and set salar- ies for the year 1949. Carried'. Moved by Haskins and. Zurbrigg: That this committee do now revert to open council: Carried. The committee reported as fol- lows: The caretaker of the town- ship hall. Garde, he given a salary of $70.00; Members of the Board of Health 'be $6.00 eacb; Secretary of Board. of Health, .$15.00; live- stock valuators be paid $2.00 per trip; sanitary inspector be paid $2, per trip; grader operator be paid 75c per hour; caretaker Township Hall, Gorrie, shall be Elmer Down- ey; Member of Board of Health shall be Norman .Clegg, along with the Reeve and CIcak, and the Clerk shall be Secretary of the Board' of Health; livestock valua- tors small be James Douelas and John Dinsmore; sanitary inspector shall be Gordon Underwood. Moved by Haskins and Zurbrigg: That By -Law No. 1 of the Town- ship of Howick for the yea`1949, as read the third time be finally passed, Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Hask- ins: That we do now adjourn to meet again at the Clerk's office on February 5. or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Appreciates Assistance Ottawa, 6th January, 1949. The Editor, The Huron Expositor: • Dear Sir: In reviewing reports from our Postmasters in all parts of Canada on the handling of the Christmas mails this year, I have been deeply impressed by the co- operation extended to the Post Of- fice by the public in mailing early. The Christmas mail volume was unprecedented in most Offices, ex- ceeding greatly even last year's record totals. Despite this, the fact that the great bulk of this huge quantity of mail was posted before December 20 assured order- ly and expeditious handling by the augmented staffs we had at work. This happy situationmade it pos- sible for us to have most Offices clear of 'Christmas mail by Christ- mas Eve, with the exceptions of some foreign mails which arrived late in the day. It is true that the Department itself carried on a very intensive mail early campa�ign throughout Canada in the mdnth before Cbrist- mas, but I do feel that some of the credit must go to the newspapers of the country, who through bright- ly written news stories, special articles and editorials, brought to the public a greater understanding of our problem than might other- wise have been the case. I would be remiss indeed if I did not make suitable acknowledgment of this, assistance, and I know that I speak for everyone in the Postal Service in saying "thank you," and ex- pressing our best wishes for the success of your publication throughout 1949. Yours sincerely, W. J. TURNBULL, Deputy Postmaster General. • Credits Newspapers Montreal, January 5, 1949, The Editor, The Huron Expositor; Pew Mr. McLean: The plans :or cur 1949 advertising have just been completed. Though 1948 was a record break- ing year which saw the Installa- tion of over 12,000 new telephones a month, th'e demand for more telephones and more telephone ser- vice continues unabated. Again, during 1949, we will direct all our efforts to provide the buildings, equipment and personnel required to meet the expressed demand for local, long distance end, teletype service. Today, with our costs at an all • a$i tis 4 aro it 4ofo,3 , w a ds tlr�3 roud'?tbdt ii`,,has.,nftt eeessary tQ Obange e bas e,;01., $olte rates e00114,e04 9 .boa' of 61104,'t ao;agk 'levee li:14 Dir ox tete• i41?xres ' had Mere tl#,alii d!iitl4,. We' reraftlet dunrapeed 111/at .#laud 'paps r vertae lig' lieserv{ss' >a.large s'haa a, of alae credit' .r r' the..puil>tii,o,, 1ileget a d n w ,at-be u0 dOno to ,provide •Vlore telephone,' erviee. W flan •t* colatinue to advertise in regular dailyeudt weekly nei'V'apapers using even=. lucre " 1ocalivred'=' atIver'tise�tpental. t>ARU in. ilia, ,past to tell 'our afoot; Nay I thank 'you for the excel- lerat reproduction cf Bell advertieen lmgidts and for the good petition OW, regular) '' receive. 'tour co- 4.peration le 'gr'eatly appreoiated, anal our agen:wy wilt be forwarding the 1949 contract to you shortly, Yours very ,truly, R. C. SCRIVENER„ .d,cdvertising Manager, The Bell "T,iepbone Company of Canada. �sl�s .04,0 l;r4001 �ir1 wieltettp xei 7tl04tion l ihOlinne�terr b eriai 1419,,,,0114.11-'4'*''' 1r1eb, e`�iecde+, r Ha1i%v $llealka wit(T leolneY 090401 40 Ir ,$t. 0e0rge's, 4x ; air 4 it»relr, li k4r09' ? , oe where 'he: 1NItli a1fl4 a>;rpi 'rvispr ;>..,, 1??,lralc?X. the •delroo�� .4:100,!•10, e:: ''ProieS644 geb0010 'l n? ,itAei ; >*a lei.§ha]!r is.: e' 1 019111 of ,i 1A9 !. t Qkle e . QE s4cJ to o:f 1)04=4!!1:4144,11,41i IVIP0101,aaae and holds4'f$04a010..; er tihcate;j , 'vaiee cuItuw,ee' .0#; lag lady , a 'av f d e `:o R+rre ea., . ire arl ie k?ox 4 7ede ra:.,h.e wao ;d #tactor"; of za;lisical atrrdde.;.. at, 't# Edi er'd J ivaon usdo li'ou4rdatiaru; GU ?1I H:e ad14101 :ted dt lino, , Cagadnan. Nataon4 ;ribitiorr, .iu%•;coilaboxa-_, star} •yyith ;S#r.Hrsiest Mai Nulla k or ten ears,. and' has ;beep.:a13 adjudi cater.4t count 'mi},sde res�tiye:le 'for a 3" many yearn He Served with the rank' of Captain in, World W41•r, I. • Before coming to Carnia; ire wa's.; musical director . of Harland arid' Woolf Choral Society of, 450 vole es in Belfast, Ireland. Ntr.' Biab,4I ,beghe n!hf at the Sinel!a day' evnil�g: rich $40,0fit I PHONE 20 - HENS Brings you a Full Line of Health Protecting Vitamins and Tonic Builders, that each one of us may have the opportunity of guarding ourselves and children against Common Colds, etc., which drag down the health of our bodies and leave us in a weakened health condition Your healon is your greatest wealth. How often we demand the best in clothing, cars, special foods, etc., yet hesitate to spend a few dollars to fortify our body strength with the natural vitamins our bodies require, such as Vitamin A and D and B Complex. Below is a complete list of Vitamins you will find beneficial if taken regularly from now till the end of April or May. These will aid in supplementing our body requirements with Vitamins A and D that we do not get through the Winter season. ALPHAMETTES A Concentrated Form of Cod Liver' Oil in Capsule Form. • E;,cii capsule represents 5,(100 units Vitamin A. and 1,750 units of Vita - nil,, 1D. One or two of these cap- sule.; eteenf regularly each day will keel, 11oth the young and old in gene physical condition during the Winer and Spring months. :5i0 Capsules 13O'S $1.85 $'3:50 I-IALIVER OIL '1 s is a product from the liver or the Halibut fish. Each capsule s represents 5,000 Units of Vitamin A per gram. For those wishing a Vitamin A content which steps up our systems to combat disease that our bodies contacts. each day. One or two Capsules daily will keep you in good physical condition. 250 Capsules $3,75 100'S $1:05 INFANTOL Specially prepared for Infants and Children. Contains Vitamins A, B, C, D, in an orange juice base. 5 C.C.'s 90c $'310 -- -- Large Size PLENAMIN' S . (CA P,SULES) With Liver and Iron A special Vitamin with Iron and Liver, especially good 'for ladies and young girls in their late 'teens, as most women require Iron to keep their blood -count up. These Capsules contain the known Vitamins A, 8, C, D, with Liver Extract and Iron- These Capsules are a convenient supplement to daily diet to aid in guarding against Vita- min deficiency and nutritional anemia. 50 Capsules $1.85 200 Capsules $5.75 NATOLA • For infants and Growing Children Natola comes in liquid and capsule form for the new-born child. The liquid is administered in drops, and for older children can be given by capsules. Natola represents a high potency in Vitamin A, each capsule containing 5,000 Units, and Vitamin D, 1,000 Units. These two vitamins are most essential to the growing child to pro- mote growth and proper bone formation. Capsules 100's $2.50 10 C.C. LIQUID ,85c 250 Capsules $5.25 50 C.C. LIQUID 3.25 HAND LOTIONS FRENCH BALM A real reliable Lotion. Keeps the hands soft and smooth. 8'Oc and 30c JERGEN'S LOTIONS Especially prepared for face and hand use. Keep a bottle on your shelf. Large Size Medium $1.40 55c TRUSHAY HAND LOTION Made with Lanolin. A fine lotion for keeping the skin soft and pli- able. 500 - $1.00 Are Your Fingers SORE AND CRACKED? Get a Tube of Toilet Lanolin. The Lanolin is extracted from sheeps' wool, the ingredient in the ,wool that enables sheep to withstand wet wintry weather. This is a splendid ointment for cracked fin- gers, etc. Tubes 35c and 75c SYNTONA The Herbal Tonic Keeps the system cleansed. Recommended for Stomach, Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. REGULAR PRICE, $1.25 EACH Our Special Mottles for 2.50 CELERY NERVINE Are you troubled with weakness from over- worked or overstrained nerves? Is it hard to sleep at nights? Celery Nervine Liquid is a herbal extract combined with Sod. Bromide, which tends to settle nervous sys- tems. Price $1.00 per bottle HAVE YOU A COLD NOW? Get Middleton's Bronchial Syrup Loosens the most stubborn, deepsseated cough! A proven and tested cough remedy. 50c per bottle ARE YOU GETTING A COLD? USE FROST 217 TABLETS 12's 35c, 40's 75c USE HALIVER VITAMIN 'A' CAPSULES - 100's $1.95, 250 $3.75 COD LIVER OIL PURETEST - VITAMIN TESTED. Thi= le specially selected Cod Liver Oi! ,vbich has been Vitamin test- ed at time of 'bottling; contains nor ie'ss than 3,000 of Vitamin A pt -r .gram and 125 Units of Vit - a111]:,.. D per gram. This oil eon - tains' other food values that are fou.:;.1 in the oil from cod fish and will prove very beneficial to.teen- age boys, and girls. 3 Ounces 18 Ounces 85c $1.35 NEO CHEMICAL FOOOD;. A food put tip in Capsules and Liq- uid form, the liquid being most agreeably flavored for taste, etc. This well-known product Contains Iron, Copper, Calcium, Phosphor- ous and Iodine as salts, with Vita- min A & D & B, and Malt Extract base. This tonic meets the needs of those requiring minerals, as well as vitamin deficiency. Liquid, 144 -day size 34.95 72 Day Size $21,.05 CAPSULES 100'S 250'S .05 $5.95 SCOTT'S EMULSION A tonic emulsion of Cod. Liver Oil rich in Vitamins A and D. An old well-known and tested beautifully made emulsion. Large $1.19 Small Size 5'9c Kepler Malt COD LIVER OIL Excellent tonic and stimulant to appetite for growing children. Aida digestion of foods, etc. 85c and $1.40 WAMPOLE'S COD -LIVER OIL EXTRACTS Ono of the best known Cod Liver Oil Extracts on the market hag proves( its value by the years it has heen sold by all leading drug stored. 11.00 Per Bottle BABY NEEDS Does your Baby Department always contain these items? BABY SOAP-Alderbury's Super fatted Soap Twin Tips BOTTLE BRUSHES BABY POWDER BABY LOTION and CREAMS. Have you tried PATENA, the new product of Meads? Baby Scales for Sale or Rent. Protect your health, your greatest wealth, get your Vitamins at Middleton's Drug Store, Hensall Phofle