HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-31, Page 31S 0 .10,9• tln131 ,fr4mr:Ias't weep) 'Tlhe R o1Y.n Is also 44,01;001'0, $rom theaninuteaofthei a well r on,� B4 .Air '• 24 87 ;. a . gua�t tl , Oilrizved=•t'hat thftl'+.circuit,"will' + aigt� neon .sent .10001 014 10, hoist ;,.a e°' e t n, .; .a". t me ad el• o i o •� f tri t. r s in a ar a- � n .au'pprt of missionary cart, e, '. his,", c1 a eh ..13, 1 as b tr a ee s t , p 1 a " �n n � e- iP • y l JUTA.SIG E•71 Manypeople suffer arl • aching back •neBdlesalyy—believing you must expect • a few aches and pants when you're. " getihr 2" tf�� eyes± 3i4 bin i; }e.i$ often ,caused b.Yr the;;; faulty action of kidneys and Inver. See how much, better you feel 'after taking Pr,:Chase's i i lncy LiveraPilld,. and your ktdi!iey's and'lrvee both' filter out .your from your bloodstream. That'a becausethis time -proven • Dr. Chase remedy treats two conditions at once --contains special remedial inginn. "-clients for both the kidney and fiver disorders which often cause backache, If you're feeling worn-out, tired, 4headachy—with painful joints and aching back—look to your kidneys and Giver. Try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver 'Pills tonight. At all drug counters. 16 etU t b , ewcon gation d ol'wi i t igthe Years, TheY gave erally oftheir, m esus tot1e au - „PRO, 1� t R eVo0d cause, when presented 10-;121001,:.T4' the Methodist Tatioi in 11 ,' c ar, ;al C�annpa � .„in 9 9 the an�reg tion srubacribed+ and paid $1,4QO.04, besides meeting their ,os;sessanet4ts of:: $372.09 to :the :regu'lar'Mission- ary and other ,eonne,•xiona'l funds of the churcb. In truth, they pros- pered by. giving: unto the Lord. Outastanding among the services of those days .were the: active ev- angelistic;, efforts of ministers and people ,in these little Methodist churches,: Rarely did a year pass on anti charge in which ministers and their people, led thy 'their Of ficial Board's, dad not'` hold” a` a r „WC' of reV.i,val eetln0e,'.'. , a rarely did any minis er come to his conference without being able to report a number of converts gathered into' their churches as a result In 1884 the union of the two Methodist bodies took % place in Canada under the name of - the Methodist Church. Under this movement the Goshen M. E. Church, the Babylon M.E. Church, and the Goshen Wesleyan congre- gation were united into one con- gregation. They used the Goshen M.E. Church, which was remodel- TownofSeaforth PARKING By Order of Police To facilitate- snow removal, No Park- , ing on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Sec. 40, Sub -Section 7. fy-er w ; :i, r" , ;v' Int , e- , ;r' , ;e-11,at nit y1: 4e.f.2 -, ;" y, ::..� ,;:+t ,""• Bove Everything ocioP/teve.orps IRE LIISSES During the Holiday Season Your attention is called to the danger to life and property from Christmas decorations, such as draperies, scenery, cotton to repres- ent snow, etc. Displays of this nature and the lighting arrangements in connection therewith add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. See that inflammable material is clear of and not hung over lighting devices, steam pipes, stove pipes, electric light bulbs, etc. See that electric circuits are properly fused and not overloaded. Have all tempor- ary decorations removed as soon as they have served their purpose. - REMEMBER -- nothing can render these displays absolutely safe, and that if accidents are not to mar the festive season, constant vigilance and . care must be exec- , cised. D'ORLEON SILLS, FIRE CIn1 x" ''•. r,. r; �r ' r�'r, r ,r . r,- t ' ,P;7 Iso' the fellowin year{` "sled n1'vv V.400 00eled cia03,04. ,varida Ilrueedeld >xaw X, f he T na etreuit, With, R,e1�, �. S)9� titlla as ana pastors The 1a mora of me Uh1FB0 .9011 i+egati@X4s; n:188ii Veal rlted y a «teat revival, under the lead, er0b1p Of, the 'RAM and. the 'Xar, S1a_hand.end ,great ,n>llnbers were brOnpbt to profess their faith in •f%xist.,Ment107.4 ah4ul he omad a n he. P: ,t a.: viva , �. o - 1 90 Under ,4 h re , . l . f . $ ,. it . r t. e n lsadershil oft.ihe,.Mis's Misses dux, ;lug.:t'he pastorate of Re1r. 3antes, 'Walker, These, along with ,, other "'epecdai• • ;.efforts, and the faillhbil preaching of the Word of .00d, from' Sunday to ,Sunday, bas : es ,erted an influence for geed down through the ,years, se that they car all. look baek with gratitude tag God for what the 'little 'Goshen, Church 'bas meant to them. A. fete dates may be of interest: In 1897 ,the exterior of the church was ;painted; in 1906 the interior" Of the (church was redecorated; in 1913 `the present shed was built; in 1922 the church was painted out- side, utside, reseated and redecorated. They are •grateful also for the tact that three of their boys went out into the world as ministers of :the Gospel—Rev, George McKin ley, -•of,. London, now retired; Rev. William Robinson, of Pilot Mound, San.,. and Rev. Melvin Keys, of St. Marys, and one of 'their .girls, Mrs. Margaret Erratt, a mission- ary issionary teacher at 'Muncey Indian In- stitute., The services of music in these early days was •led• by a precentor, and an organ purchased in 1895. At the Union of 1925 of the Pres- byterian, Methodist and Congrega- tional ✓ongregational 'bodies, Goshen voted into -Union, and has since been known as the Goshen United Church, with Blake and Varna forming a pas- toral charge. The - congregation SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS UV*,od dAuF$ seVe> ,„ 1.,o4104deat and xc>auRII, '1kease10Rsh@la Ali llcan G�hnrOh:. closed (another 411540at -4f 94.1±;. early , days), a 411n411er P them' Member9 aRfned, wit}1 .cant; Tbraugh a}t the Vara, ttVery` 0401' "RANI 01.11407 '0011091 had; 130e4:. parried • On. ;;under '. ?e ,' leadership nl c.af deerof ed en pexiu to ,i.,4lout s, In:' 1007', ..the .FFpIYAr,Ih League, e ;was o xga� d.hr 1lev. , Ar H. Brown. r It begen with'3� active.. mewber and . Mrs Jahn McKinley 'rad .elected the. first 'presiders*. Melvin Keys, Ist vice-president, and' Warn Eddth`Stogdill, laid vice• president; :secretary, Miss Annie Keys. After the 'Union_ Of 1925 the name was changed to 4 Young People's 'Society. Tribute should be paid to the stalwart and faithful fathers, and mother`s, who out of their penury and hard toil, gave themselves and their means, unstintingly, that community might 'share in . the world's , greatest and. most effec- tive safeguard. The following IS a list of their ministers: Rev. G. Hartley, 1867; Rev. - B. Moore, '1868-69; Rev. A. J. Collins,. •1+870; Rev. J. P. Morden, 1871;. Rev. Jas. Rose, 1872; Rev. J. A. Dark, 1873; Rev. D. Dclier, 1874-5; Rev. W. Yokvm, 1.876-7; Rev.. A. Francis ('Col.), 1877; Rev. J. H. Kilty, 1878; Rev. W. Voliick (Col.), 187$; Rev. R. A. Howey, 1879-80; Rev. W. Clark (Col.), 1879; Rev. S. Aander- son (Col.), 1880; Rev. W. Diekie, 1881; Rev. F. Ling (Col.), 1881; Rev. A. J. Parker, 1882-83; Rev. E. West (Col.), 1882; Rev. J. Smith (Col.), 1883; Rev. A. E. Smith, 1884-87. The Union of 'Methodism took place changing the circuit to Var- na, Goshen and Brucefield: Rev. John Hart, 1887-90'; Rev. James Walker, 1890-93; Rev. W. W. Leach 1893-96; Rev. B. C. Burton, 1896- 99; Rev. J. W. Andrews, 1899-02; Rev. R. A. Miller, 1902-05; Rev. A. H. Brown, 1905-09; Rev. W. H. Taylor, 1909-11; Rev. Thos. Snow- den, 1911-14; Rev. A. W. Brown, 1914-17; Rev. J. E. Jones, 1917-18; Rev. R. L. Wilson, 1918-20; Rev. J. L. Foster, 1920-23; Rev, J. J. Durant, 1923-27; Rev. J. W. Pen- rose, 19.27-30; Rev. A. E. Poul'ter, 1930-34; Rev. IL G. Bandey, 1934- 37; Rev. J. R. Peters, 1937. The Air Force has discovered that it is too costly to produce rain 'by sprinkling dry ice on clouds. It's cheaper just to have the Weather Bureau predict a nice PHONE 138 : SEAFORTH ,Iay.—Brubaker in The New York, Authorized Surge Service Dealer err. 'A .PERSONALITY "PLUS" BY WESTINGHOUSE UGH! JUST LIKE UM PAPOOSE — HANG UM UP ON WALL! :41Angi Frank Kling's Phone 19 . Seaforth SEAFORTH CREAMERY PHONE 80 J. E. BESSE, Prop. FARMERS! We are paying 76c per pound Butter Fat for Cream delivered to our plant. Our trucks are on the road all Winter and will be in your vicinity each week. Price -74c on truck. A phone call or letter, and our driver will be pleased to call. We are endeavoring to give our Cream Ship- pers the best service and satisfaction pos- sible. A trial can will convince you. We have a few Cold Some . hers available at' present Board WiXSp�c o Ol Area Business i $ S O' s �' Year. The lastregular meeting 0 kite Trustee Board of Tucleramit'h School Area was held in NO. 9 School, on Dec. 14, with . rill ;'mein- them, present and ,Tames McIntosh pre,sdding. The minutes of the last regular meeting were reed and! confirmed. Tile following correspondence wee read and dealt with as fol- lows: ollows: The resdgnatlen of Mrs. Elva. Ellis, which was accepted; the resignation of s, G. Beanie, as mu ee supervisor of S.S. No. 1, ac- cepted and Margaret Dongall ap- pointed as music supervisor in his place. Applications for S.S. No, 7, from George A.:McKelvey, King- ston; Celestine O'Leary, Detroit, and a telephone application • from Mrs. Lloyd Tervey, Brigden, all of which were referred to ,Mr. G. Gardiner, I.P.S. for a follow-up and recommendation; G. G. Gardiner, I•P.S., re report on provincial school grant and the superannua- tion deduction thereon, filed, and transportation contract approval, filed; J. II. Kinkead, I.P.S., North: Huron, re bill for tuition fees to U.S.S. No. 1, McKillop, filed; E. P. Chesney, Township Clerk, state- ment of school taxes paid by cer- tain ratepayers who are sending children to schools outside the area, filed; Mrs. Norma McKenzie, Kippers, re child coming to S:S. No. 2, filed; Carl- McClinchey's resigna- tion as caretaker for- S.S.,No. 2, filed;Carl McClinchey and fam- ily, acknowledgment of spray sent. The following motions were pre- sented and unanimously carried: That Hugh Ball, George Falconer, Ernest Ross and Orval Cooper be rebated their school taxes up to the amount of tuition fees' paid to outside schools; that the secretary advertise for tenders for caretak- ing aretaking No. 2 ,School and any other school where the caretaker's term expires, if said caretakers requests an 'increase in salsa: that the payment to J. Passmore of 31,183.60 for wiring Nos. 1, 4 and 9 Schools as per contract, and H. Bachly for toilet repairs tor 3281.60 be approved; that the Township of Tuckersmith be paid audit fees of 350.00; that the care- takers of the various schools he paid their salaries as per con- tracts; that Rod, 'McLean be paid $2.50 for weed cutting as a bonus; that Mrs. Joseph Grummett be paid 3167.48 salary as supply teach- er; eacher; that James Mclntosh•and Stan- ley tanley Jackson be a committee to direct the secretary, re a teacher for On, 7 School, ,a4r,„ G. G. Gardiner, I.P.S., was present at the meeting and dis- cussed many matters with the Board and enlarged on his report of his inspection visit to the schools, and reported among ether things that the staff of teachers of the School Area was above the average. and some of them out- standing. The following accounts were ap- proved: H. Bachly, toilet repairs, 3281.60; Twp. of Tuckersmitb, audit fee`s, 350; H.E.P:C., Hydro acct., 317.62; Geo, D. Ferguson, supplies, $9.23; Geo. A. Sills & Son, supplies; 70c; J. Bonthron & Son, spray, 36; Drysdale Hard- ware, supplies. $4.24; Jack Hood School Supplies, $1..27; J. Pass- more, wiring contract, 31,183.60; Globe & Mail, ad., $13.52; Beacon- Hera]'d, ad., $5.60; Free Press, ad., 310.20; Hrs. Joseph Grummett, $167.48; C. A. Trott, expense acct., 3117,00; Carl McClinchey, labor, $3.50•; Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co., $2.15; G. R. Thompson, supplies, 32.74; Fred Beacom, labor, etc., $12; Verna Graves, blinds, $18.00; W. J. Finnigan, supplies, $22.22; Clarence Dining, certaking 3112.50; Carl McClinchey, caretaking, $125; Walter Pepper, caretaking, $90.00; Harry. McLeod, caretaking, $100; Rod. McLean, caretaking, $102.50; Jack Upshall, caretaking, 3110.00; McConnell & Hays. legal fees, 36.50; Ed. Fink. labor, material, 321.78; Town of Seaforth, use of hall, $2; Hugh Ball, rebate of tax- es- 310.42; Geo. Falconer, rebate of taxes, $44.45; Orval Cooper, re- bate of taxes, 329.12; Ernie Ross, rebate of taxes, 325.48; S. H. Whit- more, salary, 3300; S, H. Whit- more, road exp., 3100; S. H. Whit- more, postage and telegram, $5.74. The meeting adjourned to meet in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 1.30 p.m. DUBLIN rYpy 0PAidirt 00 0l fen aro: aFP a'ay. fn. TerfinteL frir Le'w}a W¢4s, •c fir. , ,Sineicori, Lox spent tatmas ;.at Mr and d xs-J ; � aclts, e M r e au.€t � �o lo'' .. ,. � � a .!leg, airs i t ,o =an 'AO; f,} � l y', :. f �,er d . Fag kr e n R `e hri s. ir.r. Malt t{ Mee with: Mr,. anygb ivG Mr. and Mrs; -Ward la�elie and children spent .AaiLris alas with the former's brother in Sarnia. 114r. and Mrs, Don D'Heara ;and Donna anent 'Christmas. iu Toron- to. Mr, and' +Mre...George Aransstrong. and Billy spent' Olu'ietmas in' St.' ,Then as,. Mr. and Mrs, ,, Earl Parrish and'' children, of London, agent Christ-: mas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling and family.., Mr, and Mrs. Baroid Bell, Mrs. Thos. Bell and Mildred 'Miller, of London,, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen. ix Arotmd 40 ournenergy lessens., But, ex- perience has taught -us to do our work -with bus effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Bads - ache, Headache, !Rheumatic Pans, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder m good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the "sake of your health and a happier future use Dodd's Kidney Pills today! 12s Doddts Kidneir Pills h�1 fz v w. Q. kr .tl,. �sroid �eVnlalte� . e+• a .r M'le#es ne, ua 1F@X4 ,', olu c►i?,ghteter, .sgeht, 'Chl�txnas } w� Mr. and Mtrs. 1zy?ais,a ,,.. Mr. aid. Mra, ivzdff Brock snt Bons apellkt:thsl l�Jt riatma p epi; ez4 at Olencalrn and .«salt. ;v) OUR 'POULTRit KILLINGI OPERATING IN., TE ll!IPORM Our temporary plant is located o ;:.c mStreetuof 1 ietoria ark Beforean bringisongthineast Poultry , please p o us for available dates. • Seaforth Produce, Phone 170-W :ask ;r t r 1wit ✓1, ,:.,1l ;,r1, ,,.. , 4--h, ,4)=t -at„; -1, r.11 ;r1, ^.1, s 4 ;r , ” , r ,5. .'+�,� • ik ...k ...b ,. -4 1F ,4. -.4, .5, .- .* •• ;�, .., •• .�.... K•. •• 7, • ,5... K. Personals; Mr, and Mrs. 'Phos. Molyneaux in Chicago; Mr. and' Mrs. 'Clayton Hill, Chicago, with Mrs. Shea and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Kiinkhammer; ,Miss Agnes Feeney, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney; Miss Lorraine Looby, Montreal, with her mother, Mrs. A. Looby; Mr. Charlie Kraus- kopf, Detroit, and. Miss Ursula Krauskopf, London, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf and Mrs. O'Hara, of Tillsouburg, and Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, with Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf; Jos. and Leon Murray are spend- ing the Christmas holidays in To- ronto; Miss Mary Simpson in To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Feeney of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney; Mr. and. Mrs. A. For- ester in Ottawa; Mrs. Jas. New- combe and son, Jimmy, tMontreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton; Misses Mary and Jean Costello, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meagher acrd Mr. and. 1VI'rs. Frank Stock, Leaden, With Mr.' and• Mrs. John Meagher; Mi'. and Mrs. Patrick: 'Arden have Merida inte their n,ew- ly-bulit horde; Mrs. Joseph tlraur with i t • 4ugbter ltt lr�oiidoai, Seafortk `.` w1, 1, r1, 1t r1, .k, 4•.;4, ;0.11 s54 . i ,.1. • K, ..s..,4 '4 - TO our customers and:' friends in appreciation of your support and friendship, we extend` the season's greetings for JT Happp New Year Excellence Flour Mills, Limited TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED SEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 f',f• f', ''r ii D. - 1r-x't n f ,f 1 n ONTARIO NOTICE T TA'1O R1STS Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee Under an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the manner prescribed, judgments for personal injuries and property damage sustained by reason of the operation of motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors. The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, --from each person to whom is issued either an operator's or a chauffeur's license. Although to date] no fees have been collected from those operating motor vehicles, the legislation has been in effect since the 1st of July, 1947, and rainy judgments have been paid by the Department pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with the issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses, an additional fee of 50 cents (50c) will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1949 license, which fee will be known as the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund fee and will be set aside solely for the purpose of creating the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. This is not an annual fee and no further fee will be collected from motor vehicle drivers for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or so nearly so as to indicate that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a period of at least one year. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIAw' orAlrSr Geo H. DOUCETT, Minister ln