HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-31, Page 1� t. , 1 ,�,,„� � � I � . Ylfllll �­ "'.�;".,Z , ,t ,�� � , � ': � :� �! , , �; ), , I ;.1, ",” ;, ", . Lq ........ 1� ­!t­_.,�,I�gu!�T,�tr,`,, �1;1,;­ � ,� ­� , � 1 � , ,.�, ��-� oi. , , - , - `:;.�, ,.�,,"",�,�:;-,.,.,��,,��,�,��.�;:� ... . 1 , �, .­­ , ",,:A, 1, I .. " , !� �, � , �M!! tf� . . . . . �:,. ': I 11 ,� ,,�:"�J,", I " I - '1'1� I. ��`, � ... "I "I ", ;­,;!�7;- �',, 77 ­ I I . 1­111.;­W"i , ,�,,� ­,� � ,� •" .,, � ? 1,1 .,:'. ­ - I 1;` , I .1 , �','�� ,, ,� , . . � . , , t ­j I , . I I 't :;� , �, ,�� %,!! ,�, �, A ! : � " , 19+ . r. ; ,, , � i , _.­� , !, ,, i.,, 0 ,, "t; �;��, � , , � 4" " '% ." ­�t; ;,�,��,��� 11 � , , I . .� 1 , V', _� 10 �,�P, I i: . � �-� �;- .. � , �V, I t, I ,�,. ", : , , �. � �� .1 . ". I , ", - It" I, ..',,� ,&;, I � �� �,; .�IA- ,, t',,.--,��?;' ,� ;�,::" �"( % .,� �, , �1 ��: ,., �. , ,­ , �'. " : �, ,,, I . � I I I .; '. , :, � 1% , 1 il, "'. , ; 11 I I , . 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I -R , , - 0 , XA; 41� w 0, , 'I., I `ffirp>,�. , , 11 ln"� , ' ' I "' - , . � , " kl I— � I ! , I .r I , I I , � I . �i,.. , 1,;.kt ",,, r �� ': ��,� . 2 municipa ies 0 , I � nee - � hin (C 11,111-1111 I v In I � � . t 11 .Z. . ve n -1, . 1. - I ��� 11 rr _­ V$ 1 t . I � . ... �. .. ­.�. ;�",.'.�rr r I . I i ... �)U-... . -1 I ' -11 r I I 1 4 I I � . I I.. . . . . . , I . . `­# � . I .. I - ," J " . — # .. � I I ; !� �, .r I � � " , L., i r I,, � � I ' ACCLAMATION' - '.r � k� 440 0 r r * e * le Elections in Tuckersmith, " Nomination Meeting .At I � , ­ I - . � i1. '... '. . . � I I., r . r. .1 I . � r .and' -, , � P. �,,*,",",A�r : . I -top Largely- . ­­ 11. : ­ ­­ . )1 , . . ClInton, Necessary .11 0 "., Winth . At .r . I �,*,'.:o� . I .... . 1. I � 9.0th BIRTHD . , ­.. tended in ' �@ I .. I I I I � Bv, Township , A , t"r , — , * r i. - I , . ' - , . , I ., '� tj 1-.11 .� ,Mrs, Charles Wright, who rO. Five of the seven Hurournum'- " _ ., w.1,,.lA r, �,., , -'A r ,. , ., �' r 1 �4 ,.. � Electors. r�R"A . . .us .r �,�% - . . p I "i, i, s0esi wlth....her Piece,, Mraw-Mar- icibalitles whiel�, Ciel •.nomi tious ,, it, I . I r : ., �', L , I I g� .. - gemet.rWhfte ed - -their last .�. :, . ".­n:rt , . " EAbt'WillJ2,k7 .r.11 .. 1i 'birth= * , on Monday � returned . !��;_ I - � - Colinell r ,,­, ­ . Reeve Daniel Beuermann and ,,::!1.41 . . ��` . will""'40'e''I'ObOate, her, 90th rth� r year's .by acclamAtion. � In ,_' amg,�'.g, ,�,,�' MO-mbers,L of hia council were re- �: I . I day,orl`New'YearPt Day, Until ,C1lint#h, and, Tuckersunith, there, I M�I,i­ il,:�ex. "'�' 1. " � I ' . .. I—- _1 !` '.,"� ." . turned, by acclamation for another . 11 , � . ,. U , 0 41,� it `-?*� -11 I I 0 h I . the 0eath-of.horn4sband Plurly e a election - 1. iM1.11 term at the official . nomination r'.• I . � . q ." � I I � \ . ;,� iRN � I I -y ?" M, ""Wright was a � slate. ,� . .. i7ir a AQC . � Mtlx ffia-'X Q, I " . . ! I held Monday. I . , nown. 1111:r .. ., , .1 . I -. , 'Wki,rk reqlctent of Me- Clinton � 21" - .;I ,,, There was only the one nowin,a- 1, 11 , , 1<0160 . The form - � , .. j� , Or Margaret. For the, first time since 1946 this: .,,�.. tion far' reeve, Mr, Beuermann's, I I Gibson, Mrs. Wright'it quitp town to to have an election 1or a ; - . I 11. ,, name being, proposed -by Reuben I - active des rte. her years. Dur- full slate of municipal officers, .. I'll ,,� , .1. �11 - ­ ..... Butick and Ed.'Godkm. I I I "I _gg..�".---,,".: . i"a the recent war years she with contests for Mayor, Reeve and .__ ,, . ". . �_ -t,Zi ":::: . . . . . . . �­ Six were nominated for council, I - : _ I, i�Mills',I icompleted much knitting, and, a six -'man :council all assurre(k fol- ,� _�-,� - but Jerry Doerr and Earl Mils continues ' to enjoy visits lowing the 9 p.m.' deadline for 1 1. �:�',!�! i ; . ., : �,��' withdrew. Those nominated in- ;. Among her friends in town. qualifications Tuesday. ! I �,% "111111 . - �� . I eluded: . . , I . I lla* the mayoralty. contest: A. J. 7, .. r , ::� . I � . .... 'X .� � Jas. Scott, by John R. Leern- .. .. I I . I . - 1. '' ... I I -Agar. I , I . McMurray, the present chief mag . � _�� ing and Har'61di ,� I - ... �, , , �1� - - - , 0 0 0 0 0 0 isitrutp of Clintowill have as his . . I . .111, � I I I . ,:: � , � ,�11 " ., 'k� ,-M. Murray, by,Wm. O'Reilly and, . I . I .11.1 , " Clinton,I . I I ". - I I I ."­'. , , . PLY, I ' ' I � . . � , , " 40lem Kra,uskopf. � � 1. . opponent Robt. Y. Hatton, while Five of the m 4 . id' elections when present . .1 . I ,seven unicipailties in Huron nominating on M*rtd)I��, " I I W. Little, by Irvin Trewartha . . . �. -:, Reeve Elmer Webster, Stan- .. , I M. J. Agnew and �G., M. Nott Will , Reeves and Councillors were returned. Shown above are, left to, rightI.111-'� .L�. os. Pryce, . Q lock In, a two-way 'battle for the lei Township; ROfte Frank Allen, Hibbert Township, and Reeve Ge ,' - rmatrong. Hay Township, and Th � PLAYS , , .. ­ I A. Slemon, by Stephen. Murray , MVERTON, JjZ1 JL L; reeve's chair. . who received acclamations. . 11 ',�,' p. " L L Eleven ok i4 nominees for coun- .i��'. and 'Ed.. Godkin. Ill I FIRST 11. '. cil, ha# qualified before the time I III, ­,,�'I IIJerry Doerr, by Chas, Dietz and , .I.1 limit had expired�. guaranteei ' L W� GAME HERE n . I 0 11!.�,� ., ill� VO��rf Wm. Koehler.Hack-en race for th Eare Mills, by Thos. H..1 . .,-well and Robt, McMichael.wide-op e six seat a . h �,, Reeve Dan Beuermann, of Those qualifyIng for council were,,:- Tuckersmith Towns J'P,L��McKillop ratepayers crowded O.H.A. Schedule Drawn Melvin Crich, J. W4 Nediger,'A. . . 41"i I _�­__­, �d the - McKillop Township, who was 4• _____­ 4 ,Community Hall at Winthrop Mon - L At Meeting in �hadddck, - A. C. Taylor, Thomas � . .,, , elected by acclamation when ­J�'L ,day afternoon for the annual now re- . Deeves, Jas. Chowen, N. W. T _ ination, meeting of the township, McKillop ratepayers held their A. i 77 -in ppose . Mitchell. I . wartba, Wesley Vande.rburgh, Tre-., Reeve.Nichol ��" 0 � d and to hear reports from munici- annual nomination meeting at ,L 6. Hartley, Dr. G. S. Elliott and . SO, � Winthrop Monday. . '. 1, ,, Antope Garen, L � , ��, . . pal officials concerning the year's . Seaforth will play its first In-. . I For Officers ' ""' ' busineA. - bermOdlate, -%' LO.H.A. game at Hugh Hawkins was re-elected-. to -- I - ith . seven J" 'Jor Council Clerk John M. Eckert was. naw -Commission by iQual'05--,,tii. ` -..; � January 3. The first the Public Utility ,� ' '� - q. --1 'GEO. D.. FERGUSON I . I ed chairman of the meeting which 11 I . I WIPlIesley On L -10 acclamation. � In Tucker.,,qm - ___ ______ � _' 1� , , Moine game againit Milverton - , I _ I . .. followed the close of the official, - L ' 1, . . ,-lgi 0 k1pr irst Time in nominations. . scheduled for January 6, it was Hay Township .0 0. 40 0 " .,. Fi Ten I decided at a meeting in Mitchell Nominations for office "in Tuck,- . L Tuesday evening, when the group George Armstrong was: re-elect- , ersmith included the following: I I JlYears Township EleC- Thanking the ratepayers for the'Tj ' schedule was drawn. There are ed Reeve of Hay Township, by ac-• For Reeve -*Arthur Nicholson, ,�Ijars Will Vote F o r confidence expressed in him as a HARDWARE .SOLD eight teams in the group. clamation. Earle Campbell and by W. M. C-amecron and Hairy Che%- CHRISTMAS -DANCE / I " result of the acclamation given � were I �T L Oster Klopp nominated but ney; *Charles Maclay, by John : ,4,- teeve. -him, Reeve Dan Beuermann, the' - . -sitt and Lome Hay; Harold �vl .first speaker, reviewed legislation Baldwin and Sharpe Pur Home Games withdirew. The Hay Council, tom- Con The annual Christmas dance . V Jan. 6 -Milverton . prising Earl Campbell, Oscar Jackson, by Roy MeMaue and, sponsored by the Seaforth L 4itickersmith will hold its first enacted by County Council, of chase G. D. Ferguson . L. Canadian .Legion in Cardno's ej'.�ction in three years on Monday, which •-he was a member. ' ' . . Jan. 11-R.CA.P., Centralia Klopp, E. J. Wilbert and V. Robt. Strong; Roy Pepper, by D. Hall' Monday evor�ing,'wasten- had been I Store as of Jan. 1. Jan. 20--R. & C.S., Clinton. Becker was re-elected without the M, Dayinan and P. McKenzie, Wftou ratepayers will vote for a While the pension plan d n . '. . need for a. ballot when three other e. . joyed by a 'large crowd of L Riieve and four Councillors. In the approved in committee stage and' . Jan. 25 -Mitchell For Council-411-aroldr- Jackson, Christmas merrymakers. Ar- - - ,by cc . unc I council, in adopting the com- Feb. 1--Goderich nominees withdrew. Bruce Tuck- by David McLean and. Win. Cam- . last election, only Councillors � Announcement was made this . I rangements for the dance were were voted on, it being ten years mittee report the enabling by6law week of the sale, effective Jan. 1, Feb. 3 -Clinton ey, E. B. Romer and Goo. Kinney, Bron; *Alfred Moffatt, by Elgin handled by the Legion enter- ., of the Goo. D. Ferguson Hardware Feb. 8 -Wellesley qualified for school trustees and Thompson and Gordon Richard- ' Pince an election has been neces- -had been defeated, the speaker . - tainment committee, headed by isary for reeve: . said, when the members had given Store, The purchasers are John A. ' . I were elected by acclamation. son; *Mm. Rogerson, by Win- Lloyd Hoggarth. . -1 r nary a total of eighteen candl- the matter further consideration. Baldwin, who comes to Seaforth Away Games Stanley Potheringhain and Frank Walters;� I . Ames were nominated for the var- He felt the proposal was' unfair in from Lambeth, and, Keith Sharpe, ' I Jan. 3 -At Wellesley John Broadfoot, by RI Chapman . � Jan. 17 -At Goderich — ((All by acclamation). , Ions offices. Including school trus- so far as rural municipalities were who for a number of years has Jan. 22 --At Mitchell For Reeve -Elmer Webster. and, D. M, Dayman, Archibald Hag- 0- 0 40 � 0 I* -40 tee, it is necessary to hold a see- concerned, since they contributed been on the staff of the store, Mr. I I Jan. 24 1 =At Clinton - For .Council -Carl Houston, Har- garth, by Harry Caldwell and. I�rn- . ,ondt nomination for a third school a greater amount to county ex- Ferguson, who purchased the busi- eat Ross,; *Roy Pepper,, by,.Gftg9r .. ... . Jan. 28 -At Milverton vey Taylor, Aa�v6y Coleman, Alvin . , - :trustee, since but two had quail - penses, than did. the towns, and. Hess from the late H. Edge in Feb.., 4 -At R.C.A.F., Centralia McBride. McGregor and - John E. I Turner;, led at expiry time. Nomination therefore would -be carrying an un- 1924, will continue to reside in 1 Feb. 9 -At R. & C.S., Clinton. For School Trustees - Frank *Gordon RivhardgO�a,, by X.. P, Me- BRUCEFIELD PAIR'llkIll be held at.Egmond,ville School 'fair portion of the cost of the plan. Seaforth. . Kenzie -and Jos. McKenzie; *J. W. . . I �, li ., xt Wednesday. with an election, Reeve Beuermann ,supported the Established originally in the . I 11 Crozier d . , I rozier an unty Health Plan made neces- 1870's b3� W. M. Robertson, the . . 0— McCowan, Win. McLachlan. ,Grich by Andrew -"E. C � I ry, Crich, I I I I r111% : such be necessa , -being held Cc ' I I I Goo. L. Falcoik4r; *, E( ,, P131h. by , U,U�� . , . . be toliow&g 'Wednesday, Jams, sorry by the shortage of nurses,, .to 1. business was later taken over. by I of 'A'. Jd O�LL OA i id, ,Rd -1 . I -ar� - 12' .carry on. the existing nursing der- W. O."Reid, and. Robart W`Ilson ,and- -­�Wffwl - --,-Z ­';l Llommq, , " -, ..., , -,7"', J _? 9X - - % ,ft , , , .. Alt , . . ,�w -, , j;bj4,,,1--1V1,,fiKK 1"AW.z. .,,I,L- Aalo � e , g ­��'3' -Pilugn, i�iw � W.. " � 111- , � �&, "' accl, , I " . bid- �� � ;,,e.- ,�, . For Council (ace].) -Wellington foot. , For Reeve Nicholson, who is be- vice program. He felt the exist- known as Reid & Wilson. During And Forty Rabbits Block, James Simpson, Berne Bin- - For School Trustee --*Howard Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh Ing opposed by Charles MacKay, Ing plan, centred In Clinton, re- that period the large business I - I . combo, Harold Jeffray. Johns, by Roy F1 Pepper and Wm- It is the first election he has. had sulted, in that district receiving a block, now owned by E. L. Box Taking -part in a rabbit drive For School Trustees (three to R. Pepper; *Norman MaeLean, by Observe Golden Wed- during the ten years he has serv- greater amount of service than did and accommodating the Box furni- Monay afternoon, Seaforth and be eleeted)-Geo. Frayne (qual.), W. H. Finnigan and. Harry C. Ch -es- ding Anniversary. ed the township. He served five the outlying sections of the coun- ture and undertaking business and district hunters sliot forty rabbits Ward Hera (qual.), Richard Jef- ney; Robert McGregor, by Rose years as councillor and -five years ty. Pointing out the necessity of the As,sembly Billiard Parlor, was � and: three foxes. fray, Clarence Down. Droadtoot and, Joe McLellan; Stan- Widely known and highly re- as Reeve. Reeve Nicholson has an- ensuring health, the speaker ask- erected as headquarter& of the Arrangements `have been con. ley Jackson, by Arthur Varley and spected Brucefleld residents, Mr. nqunced that if returned he pro- ed, "If we haven't got health, what frin. Ta subsequent years, the busi- pleted, to hold another drive on . Hibbert � Roy Consitt. � and Mrs.. Ghri&. Haugh celebrated Poses contesting the Wardeuship is left to us?" ness was owned and• operated by Now Year's afternoon, when trans- (All by acclamation). *Qualifled. the 50th anniversary of ,their mar- .of Huron County for 1949. Turningo to township affairs, various interests until about 1912, portation will be-- provided from Fur Reeve -Frank Allen. 0— riage at the home of their son and i At the ratepayers' meeting in Reeve Beuermann told the meet - when it was taken over by the late Rorweliff's Garage, For Council -Earl R. Dick, Clif- daughter-in-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Wal- Watson's Hall., Kipper, which fol- Ing work on municipal drains was H. Edge. It was during Mr. Edge's for Dow, Edgair Butson, John L. TUCKERSMITH lace Haugh, at their farm home, lowed the nominations, Reeve almost completed. He explained in period of ownership and, following Coyne: near Brucefield, on Tuesday. Nicholson and members of the answer to a query that the Con- . a short period located• in what is Fullarton The Tuckersmtth Ladies' Club Mr. and Mrs. Haugh were mar- council reviewed the year's busi- tractor on the Deitz drain had now the Province of Ontario Sav- DUNCAN­ -STAFF HAS Per Reeve -*W. A. Tuer, S. W. will hold their first meeting of the ried at the home of the bride's ness. Other candidates also spoke, gone to Hibbert for a few days -be- inp Office, that the business was . _URISTMAS PARTY 'Brown, A- A. MacDaugald. year on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan as did W. H. Finnigan, chairman cause of a misunderstanding of the C For -Council - *J. W. R I home of Mrs. Eldon, O'Brien, with . ia.1 ontrac- removed, -to the Royal block. In I Brown, Gro, of Blake. Their wedding was sol- of the Board of Scott Memor regulations. A cha,nge of c A.p'ril of 1947 the business moved The 45 members of the staff *Fred Ratz, *A. A. MaCDoUgald: Group No. 2 in charge. The roll emnized by the late Rev. John A. Hospital and townsbip representa- for on the Givlln: drain resulted in to the premises now occupied in *Edward, Hocking, Percy Miller. I call will be, "What I would like to McDonald, and -the attendants tive on the board. �, I the work being completed much the Oddfellows' block. of the W. J. Duncan Shoe, Factory *Elected, by acclagaation. 9." were the late Mrs. Goo. Howard, earlier than otherwise would have enjoyed a Christmas party Friday I Mr. Baldwin, who is married and morning, when Mr. Duncan pre- . I —0 of Exeter, Mrs. Twechen, ,London; been possible, and at a cost has one child, learned the hard- ented each Member of the staff Dublin •Robt. Drysdale, Drysdale and Jim less, ware bfisiriess. in London. Af- Trustees-Mrs. Louis J. Looby, Allan, Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Haugh Work on the Hillen and certain ter serving for four years in the with the yearly .bonus and a Christ- Fund Committee 9 S SEAL Work drains was delayed because mss gift. Stan Costello, William Curtin (ac- recall their wedding day of fifty CHRISTMA R. C. A. F., he was associated Special features of the gather- clarnation). Holds Stag Euchre year& ago as, being a. very stormy of lack of tile, with a wholesale hardware con, Exeter day. . The same condition ,existed in � lug included a presentation of a Reeve -A. J. Sweltzer (accl.). Following their marriage they FUND OVER $41405 regard to bridges. While provision cern. Mr. Sharpe, with the excep- Jamp by Mr. Duncan and the staff Council - Donald O. Hughes, � .The Racho Building Fund Gom- spent eight ypers, in North Dako- . had been made in the tax rate for tion of five years spent in the to Miss Beulah Glanville,. bride of Lawrence Snider, Edward, Linden- inittee held, a meeting on Thurs, tor, eight years in Hay, and 22 certain bridge work, this had not R.C.A.F., has been connected with this week. W. M. Hart, who leaves field, J. Wellington Hern (accls.). day' in the Township Shed and years on tb --I farm, retiring to Gratifying Response in been posstible. Hawever, it was the Ferguson business since leave staff after many years ser- Public .School Board -Harvey planned a stag euchre for Wednes, Brucefleld sews 12 years ago. They Annual County Tuber-' anticipated construction would be ing school. vice, to enter his own business, pollen, Mrs. Warren Sanders, day. Prize winners, were: 1st, Goo. are active members of Brucefleld under way shortly. *_ I was presented with a special -gift. P0 c. I s�)_ Hildebrand; tone hands, Win. Cam- United Church and -active in culosis Appeal.. Councillors James T. :Scott, Matt. . Mrs. William MacKay, who coal.- lace G. Beldon (ac eron; consolation, Ronald King. church ,organizations. Both are en- Murray and Wilson Little, the next CAR LEAVES ROAD, pleted 26 years .as a member of —0— Fortpeigbtt dollars was, realized. joying the bes,c of health. In the recent Christmas Seal speakers, expressed their thanks the staff, became it member of the . The •building is almost completed During the day some hundred campaign, sponsored by the Huron for again being nominated, and DAMAGE'IS $200 25 -year club. told the meeting they would stand. Following a delicious, lunch, Installed As W.M. and Mr. Racho will soon be open relatives, neighbors and frien(15 County Tuberculosis Association, d -is - for -business. called to offer their felicitations, total receipts amounted to $4,445.80 Councillor Albert Siemon A ca.r driven by Edward Reid, -carol singing was enjoyed. of North Dakota Lodge •I from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m., and later a as of December 21, according to cussed road work in the township. Emery St.. London, and owned by - , - — . Miss F. Armstrong, county secre- said, in- W. n McManus. Petroleum Co. Ltd., skid- -0 ,dinner was held for 35, Including Major expenditures, he , W. Claude, Patters -on, son of Mrs. " members of their family: ,Mr. and tart' . eluded washouts $1,240, crushing ded, on heavy slush on No. 4 High - Jennie W. Patterson, Seaforth, was ENJOY CHRISTMAS Mrs., J, Usher, Barrie; Dr. and During the annual appeal, 8,181 $7,792,, grading $6,261, machinery way, south of Hensall on Tuesday, DISTRICT SCHOOLS installed- as Worshipful Master of VISITS, BY PHONE Mrs. John McIntosh, Dr. Oarmen, letters containing Seals ,,vere mail- rentals $6,718, weede $ 23, bound- careened into the ditch and hit a HOLD CHRISTMAS East Gate Lodge No. 120, A.F. & Haugh, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ed to Huron residents, administra- ary roads $1,0409 and drains $1,69,0, A.M., of Fargo, North Dakota, re- Wallace Haugh, Brucefleld, and, 10 The ebalrinan. explained the dif- telephone pole, Reid escaped in ENTERTAINMENTS cently. A number of district residents, tive work in connection with the Terence between award, and muni- jury. Damages amounted to $200. 1 unable W spend, Christmas with grandchildren. appeal being undertal(en by the A quarter of a mile from thlE S.S. NO. 7, ST 0— relatives living at a distance, en- The house was lovely with various Lions Clubs, in the county. cipal drains. had been ,accident, a car driven by Roy Sol STANLEY • joyed visits this, year by telephone. Christmas emblem.4, while the tri- Jerry Doerr, who b d he don, Hensall. was damaged to the 9,S. No. 7, ,Stanley, was filled to, ' Mrs. F. C. J. Sills talked with dal, table centred a three-tier wed- ---- ---­---- nominated for council, r,ai ea-pacity last Tuesday night when U.S.Sit 1, Hay, Holds her parents in York, England, on ding cake, gold tapers in matchdng / wouldn't cause an election and felt extent of $300, when it skidded in the pupils, under the leadership of Christmas Concert Boxing Day. J. A. Westcott, who holders completing the decora- WARDE.�-1 IN AGAIN that the present council should to the ditch. He was uninjured. their teacher, Mrs. Laurabelle have another term. —_ Reichert, and Miss Ellen Love as Alred School Reunion "had not heard his. brother's- voice tions. Mrs. Haugh looked very . The major problem facing the in 28 years, spoke to Alva L. West- smart gowned,, in• black. with a tor- ...­,­.,.- �`.,..,.. _:.:.- . 11 _�. :', ". �..o �'. cry ratepayers .. en roads for busses. pianist, presented a varied, pro- .'*�g�cgg­.. ratepayers was that of increasing Cott in Calgary. Mrs. J. H. Elliott sage of gold baby mums. , taxes. according to Earle Mills, al- Reeve Deuermann, who spoke It Brame Of songs, recitations, drills On Wednesday evening of last .1 i the absence of Road Superintend talked to her sister, Mrs. Jesson ,Mr. and Mrs. Haugh were the ;�: and dialogues. Santa arrived at week •the pupils of U.S.S.�No. 1, the former Isabel Cameron, In Win' recipieuts of many lovely gifts, III- ,4 so llonlil�ated for council. He fedt Pit W. J. Manley, who, it was stat ithe close of the program and, dis- Hay and Stanley (Town Line neapolis.. eluding a Bible printed 4n gold, 11. �,� , the large attendance al recent �k� ed was not well, told Reeve John tributed gifts and candy to all the School), held their Christmas pro- gold mums, gold blankets from the ��,v nomination mpetings indicated a �, " ston that the council had, been ask children. grame, assisted by a number -of —0 family and personal friends, flow- �L certain unrest and suggested, that young people of the community. ers., Cards, and, other gifts. Alt- . if the council made available the ed to have plows precede the buss S.S. 1, TUCKERSMITH minutes of each council meeting e% from Seaforth on each run whet The annual Christmas concert The, event was areal reunion as Arrange Services tending the dinner were MTs. John for publication io local papers, ., necessary. Since there were oni: - at S.S. 1, Tuckersinith, was. -held many, ex -pupils of the school were For Week of Prayer Haugh, Zurich; Mrs. Dan Haugh, was done in other townships, h,e three plows available to the town in attendance, coming from Clin- Dashwood; Mrs. Sarah Carnie, whip, this was felt to be impract on wod-nesday, Dec. 22. Rev. R. A. ton. London, Goderich and. Brad- Bayfield; Robt. Allan, Brucefieldl; " people would know what was going ible. The answer, he felt, was tha . Brook acted as chairman most ac- ford- for the occasion - ( Plans have been made for the pre- �.� on and be more satisfied.. the Department provide plows fo ceptably and Mr. S. Raunle, was in observance Of the Week of Prayer, -Geo. Hess, Hensall, who were In Mr. Mills, opinion, the north - Banjo, violin and auto harp mus- commencing Jan. 3, Beginning Sun- sent at their wedding 50 years, ago. 0 Orn portion of the. township was the busses. .. charge of the music. / Mrs, Mclutosh, of Toronto, was Several in the audience partici . The program opened with a 'test numbers. were contrisbatedi -by day evening, Ili which each minis- not represented on council, and; n,q the Stelck families, who recently ter will preside in,his. own in in charge of the register. Pouring . gated in the discussion which fol Christmas tableau, ,,It Came Upon tea were Mrs. Dan Haugh and Mm a result did not obtain the servic- I Inight, Clear,"" . with piano Moved from the section. All wel- service, and lasting on to Monday, Robt. Allan; serving were the �, es given other portions. This was towed. wed. The consensus was tha the MI( I .1 cowed them .back and ,enjoyed when combined service will be held particularly true in regard to snow with co-operation the busses coull and' violin accoMpani-iment by 'Mr. thelt/musical talent. Mrs. Mervin' � Misses Betty Allan, Hyde Park; . be given amistance, but at th Aslant and Ootald,-13611. A variety in the Anglican Church, with Rev. . plowing. Of recitations, d-aftees, Stelck favored, with a couple of e &- Myrtle Gaiser, Preston; Marlene Chairman Eckert told the meet- Same time It was unfair to ope: vocal solo readffigs� in ,her usual good, style; Haugh, Toronto; Jean -McIntosh, . ecititijons, choruses, . cemin roads and, leave others ur and, skits foll6wed.' A, dress; Tuesday, in the Salvation Toronto; Ann Haugh, Brucefield. .� . I Ing al -1 expenses, were shown in the plowed. . by, Mr. Rannie, and 0, ,s. Patele rondo -red a solo, "San- Army Barracks, With Rev. 14. V. 1, I I statement which the *;x violin solo Mir treasurer's also played to Plans. is Coming To Town," and Workman; ' Wednesday, Egmond- -Callers from a instance weme council felt was the most practi- L -Reeve N. R. Dorrance spok by Mr. MaxWbIl,' who Mervin gave, an Interesting ad' ville, with Captain McDonald, Of from Dashwood, Drysdale, Bay cal and satisfactory manner In briefly, as did Councillor Williaz Por the dancers,, were ohjOyablO field, Clinton, Preston, London, To Jowett of Hullett Township, It evening. Following dress, the Salvation Prmy,; Thursday, which to keep the electors Inform- w Ogtures. of, the 6venb ronto, Meaford, Zurich, .13rucefield ' stressed the necessity of a fal a rousing chorus; "Here Comes. Mr. Lec, Corriveau very Capably United Church, with Capt. Birte'll; arid Hensall..4tteading from Hern- : .--- ed. equallization as between rural an Santa 'Oltuis 11 61-Y th& y . P ,occupied, the chair. Santa- Claus ar- Friday, Mrst, Preebyttrian Church, salt were Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Hosts Reeve Harvey Johnston, reelect- urban centres. Iftlid, 901ta"'Clatio A . e I ifz klVed, in due time, and distribut4d wtth'Rev. A, W. Gardiner. and Mr. and, Mrs. M. 0. DrYsddale- ........ 11 I . I ed. as reeve, of Morris, spoke brief- I Ill, ft lid tdtvn4A� d"IsitrAbulfe "fle � , 9'. the 9111 front a heavily laden It to hopod, that the niftbars and —0 . I ". ly concerning the high school area —0 Mr. Raftilf#, 4�6 h 11 Ve a Christmas tree, much to the I)jok- friends. tho,ch,tlrdheo Will attend- Reeve Hugh l3erry was re- setup. He pointed out that it Brus. Humble Guest: "Er- yo gdt1slo,,dIJocJ,or for the last, three sure of the. -yAe •tots. � -these Meetings,. The collfttlon Row to get the experience with bfUldtia by acclamation in Us- sols Is not established as an area ever walked in your eloop, ,Si � , "arb, wAg. givon r .. faiLe*61,1. p'rbg- ,, The,proceedo realized w6a York taken at these geivites, ft Ili Aid- of out which nobody Will give him � tiorne on Monday. He was a portion of bis township, would, Reginald?" � out by hW papils in,& '6i1jupfla 1A gatlafactibry 'and, Will 60 used to the British and Vott)Ign Bible ,So- the job Is the young man's. Vur Warden of Huron County dur. be included In the Seaforth area, Rich Ho t: "Certainly, not. �- 00 Section. 1. , . ouveh4se 44'W, sthbot ovip*int ci6ty,w I I ploymont oroblem.�0stort 4101)16. Ing the past year. andi enquired how council kept ol)- May, have tired." - . I . . I , I ... . . . . . ,�t' ,� I I I ..�l �, . ' . I I �,,% ,L _;Itr;I .1 r, I 11i.,�; ",!,,�', ­,. ., " I ��t ", � , , � : � . r . , ��. 111. .' r ", , - " , ,,r,,,",,,".,I,,,i,,",,,,,"..,�,,,,�,, I I '� .1;1�,� - I . . � J'­"I';L'�" ",,� �, j-,� ,, � - ,''. I , I � . I I � I � I I 1. - , I � , � , , - 11. �, , 1, 1''. �­. ­ �1,t`!­,� ;-, i, .!, ,�,�.�,,,,�, , " i I , I . . t I 11 ­'�,­�,�,: �','­ ;�:, �, ,-:1, , r - i ;i ,. I 11 11 11 � �; 1, �� J,'I, �,I';Ll­ � irr .�.'�. .. �� �, " � "I. 1:, , I � � , � "; � ,�;'L � [" ' �� �-44111�., � � � �, , .1� ,� � , I I �I , . , , , , � I , 1 � : r, � ,, .1 1#:i � ., ,: 1, , d ,,"I'll, � ...... : .... ,: , " . �,,. r ;., , " - .'J I , . ,,, � i , , ,;� : ,� , , I � , - I 't; , �. , ' ,,., ,". , ,, 1 1, i � ,r ,.,.�,,��"_,: ' ' � I �': I , " �! 1, i : 1. I 1. I . I I � , 1, .r ;,, � �.. � , , , 't I 1 " - � 11 I ,; .. � 1� ," 1 .� I ,, ... . qi.,[.�,� I ,,. . . �.�".�,�,-,;.';�. � ,,,:.'y,Z, .`,�,,��.�� "Ll, _. , L ­ � � , � ��_,,,�_!; �,.,,, ; ,_ , - . .. . �;�." Z;� I �,� . I. ' � �, .' r ,�',, ,. Y. , " , �, � it;, ), i , _ ; " �'Z��:�,' ,�t:�,�L . � ., . � .�,',� :, � I � �, � _,,, 1_.��­,,L,J� . � d I . ,� :: �� q%� , ;�, , !�, I �t,�­, , , " . , ." I . , . -.4-A � ....... - ,,!t .­'­ 1 � � _ , i� , . ,�,�,­i� ;,,,�.t, �"!" �.­:­­, ."', .... � �.1111 21i., ;­­,'­,.­, i " _!�,,�._ �: "'� �,"��":�k,—".-",tr.�r",�..�. "�'­ �1, 1, .1 1� f., �;:: � ,, . ��, . v 1� at5 � _�� ,,.:.........u, , ,e ;�_ � ", !.",.�" �,4, _1 � , -, ,­ . '— . L'­�_ 1_1�_��_ - , , ning, wheil' >f ,the c74.,Olr',,t,y4ii"r6b.ea,*,,,,.",",� " ­'1UQ11_1­"'14-14'1 I I - _ I �61�11'4 � , A116_- I ­ , ,, )W1,'1;Qt- 1 � 'P'�', I wr , ,espective gowns,, an . ,! o RO�i!- ,�" , ,X .. " , . �. ,, I .. I "W;" �,'�'4 34kcili: and whita.-' presenti,44, t #11�r. " KK,, "i"' ., , , ":Of .n, A le , , ,; ,, � , ,11.0� ,�"V,R�' i ;i,p', _'. 'active color pattern I I I �� �_'�� ,,�, - �,,f..�-`V�'44�,!, The., -program , was. ', designed '��`�,'-_, �4 �R'P� Ve '�." - Xt, - . ,A' ,, ,0,,,.� �,-1444 I I 11110 11-11 , .1. 0, - , present a. conii�eiiiti6nar' 01J,j Ag- ',,�, , V,", , ­ "'. .,,,-, � '. ,i'W r,-�,� 1"f , 5" S ,It`�,�,,��, , " if the famliki Clirfstwas'�,..',, � "4,� 1, . I Interposed betwei ill, t I, . q i 1. ' �.rr­­ ,.. , ­. , � - ,­ , ,. . ..."._­ �t ­­ . . !hems by the choir *hlch'JaW ' ' , L: -.1 .hem be ' � ­,... _ 7 �Ii _rAy_ M - ­ , . Ladiesr chorus, " TT.be a �,X". , 1, ,. = = = . , je' I ,,�, � �,;l chorus; -0', �-- - I the Air"; male ii6rus, � "o , �,�,% ­�111` � . 'w" , :, � L __ - ' 11 Divine"; whole-, 4%oir, ­ Air ��" ' '' Christmas MoiW' and, ,..Chi iii, 6 I , - I I ' .' .1 &wake," -with Mrs. J. A:' Stew I � �" I � � __ *Il% I ­���r�'�;g I � , 9 ,r ,' "'�'. " , and Jas. T. Be L­t1.r-"'!'�"!4`2Ei 1 - Prayers were offered , . �;�. . - J , y§ .��,� , ,,,, - � , 'i", V. Workman and I .�, �� ,­­ � I ., "'.1' �. " ' �`�­­'%' . ­"'�! . . ...:� bell. Proceeds o e silver , c' 4 :!'�`�� I ,: �, r�.,!!, � �' �q I ...... � given tothe ' ­ - lections were given to e, - I . ,�l. � i"", _ "'tE,",�,,*,1 . "'r For the promotion of music I . .;..;%,�Zri.il�l�,� - 11 I - I _ :j I:, �,��. h, forth. �i ' ,:.,_��,,��, . The service was .something, ­ �,� 11 , 4� �_.,�� � ,-,, in Seaforth and the possibilf.' I _,4 ' as proven by the success, �of '. - , ) " � "g." day night's, service, were Such .- .' � - I ��� ": I � �­ r",": I the committee in charge will Ary . 'l -i'. to present similar functions to the � ';`'�' I " , ' �­r .1. -1 future, so that the citizens ol!<,'.the ,l�� I ��"'A town will be able to enjoy a type. -!,,Ylt' P, 1, of music that has not previously been, available. -�4w,;Ii4 . . � ,� I .- 1: . ,., Interesting Parade 1. '".Al I . 0 I ,o��l . At Bayfibild ':'�'� ­�.' i,i -1 `;4 ; �;Tg . .1 4.,.P "' Santa Claus came to Bayfield Oul �N' ' z',. _�' 1�-��, Wednesday afternoon last. %. . ­ . . , of the most Interesting parades - I , seen in the district for some �., , , :,",,,'1 ''I'll, took place, whem tb6" various.. � .11� schools from the surround! ,� , ,-! .`,,�. *, �, , 1".. - � " �;!, �_ . � 11. , -11 . -partieiRite& I, 44 ,,, � .1,14 � trIct­ 1.p . ., Joseph .. , ..., ,". I .., started off with Mary I � � "'; ��, I , r � `�',,. " I _� � riding on a colt, the participants . 11� ,�, - being pupils of S.S. ,No. 4, Stan , : J,,,,.�,�,2, , , � . , ley. Santa Claus in all 'aO and surrounded by clown AS .t " , 11 he next float. "The old` woman . , ;.1_111 II the sboe," ably portrayed by ,S.S. . ,.� - No. 4, Stanley, with four wooden. ,. I . Jde� fol- , ,�,�� - , � ,soldiers marching alongsi .1, , . �� lowed The next float was "Winter �..,., Wonderland," which showed all " types of winter sports. Bayfieldyj .; Junior School was responsible for this float. Bayfield Senior Ftchool ' " 4" �� followed with a splendid float de. ,, .'�,0.�;i�� pitting the Christmasstory, with :Q.,-: 1� t� Mary, Joseph and Shepherds." Farmers in various winter ;,�5 scenes were displayed, by the float from S.S. No. 3, Stanley. Fair- mount School, No. 10, had their .. part in the parade in two sections, one another Nativity scene and the I, %! � other part a pony and cart with ,Irl�!`� . � j;; Snow White and the Seven DwartS. ,_!�.i The final part of the parade Was I .1 4 the Bayfield Fire Department with . I Aj! their truck. The judges were)� - -.,', Reeve Elmer Webster, Fred Was-:'7�a ton and Rev. F. G. a -totesbury, the , prizes being as follows: S.S. No 4, $7; Bayfield Junior SchooL $6; Fairmount School, No. 10, $4; Bay-, :,��,�`) field Senior School, $3; S.S. No. 3, I t�:;�,Iy . Stanley, $1. In all some 260 cfii1- L.""��,'��! (Iren received bags of candy. The affair was arranged ,by the Elly- ,;'�,I;`1�;4 field Lions Club and the TrusteeS 'i, of the Village of Bayfield'. . " X The annual Christmas concert Of . . li� ':,j'. Trinity Church Sunday School was 0 .' " " . "' li�,r, held in the Orange Hall on M -on- , Nj�j day evening. Mr. H. V. ROY, of �S�,�i, Lond-esboro, showed pictures of -the '�,�u ' ; �,,p� Holy Land, York Cathedral arid. , . ' , " two comedies, which were very 'I.A �,�,�,,, . , : 4,, much enjoyed by all present. ' At �` �,�,,,,,�,;l , I � the close of the program lunch -,,,q . ...... �,i was served( by members. of thei Ladies' Guild ,and the presenta-64711 � of gifts were made to the children Y11 ,'", �',44 of the Sunday School, . . " Mg. and Mrs. Maynard Cbrrie � ,'�r,"" and David were in London over, . the, holiday week-end4 r —0— WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of CaVAfl Church, Winthrop, will meet i,',,Wtd­ nesday, Jan. 5, at 2 p.m iii the 1 schoolroom of the church. diie4'-��;'�"?` �. ''. ... �.',', 3 will have charge. , �', ,,; ��4,Fi� Mr. ,Andrew Montgomery, ihlki;.�4�,�. Ross,) of Brantford, spent 0.h,t1$'AA,,;�-"i,;, ,�! � �.,.­ ,_,', ,� mss t their home. .,,� .... . . ;6;�-�� � � � r . I - }`,,�,r . Mr. Roger McClure, Of R-ug,iA,I"���';;,�"�':r"-;i{'�s � 1�t` I Manitoba, is spending the wifit4i­';,�,,,�, 4��_, : ;.�' months with. his parents, M,r.'anal ' Mrs. John McClure, ana. with',.t,hIO,, °',""�,� . son and, family at Lohdon" , 4 ' " ' , , ,,� ,hl., I Mr. and Mrs. R. X. Dttvid$04.":U"",4.1',.""."", ­ " " family spent Chtlatin" et 't I ftx,#4i��'i,'?�-�:,�"., ., , Mrs.. ,40, ,W,00.�­� . " � ' ' ton with Mr. and I 11 , $$b r r�,r,' �, . . . ... ... �` f "". 1 Maddess, . ,IT­,''�,�'' ", 6 ' ' ' t"' I lt� , Mr. and Mrs. ttatk MO . , have moven to Roxboro. - " - ., , .. 11 - , I Rev. . .. R. iter Mrs', P . 016 , ,�' 'T I �'. ', � , Christmas with W. J"6 ng fit�, ,'��:'.",4.: _� , . , -,"r �,�, '1�111 � 11 �,�* - , � -wood. L I . I I I I 1 " -le ,� I . 1: . 1, '.' Il. i The n , � � n will. bre. g0M � t6"','�' " ' '' it t, � Ach.681) , I I I :', ��,: " �. I j, � '111 ­� I I .-A, ­ 11 , Is confinmi to `1,6-tt wiii �:� #0 -, , *­� , " ' , , � 'i , 6� 4 ,. ,ko� O_ �'.i.�f. t #1tA1, lig.Vitt sd*004' 0, , " " �,: j0'. � thur,WAY OV011,114, . ._1 I., I . ,', , I -, �"":, , , .,­ � _­ ,