HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-24, Page 8k AluvOunGemarrt � a tpnr seith�• of stpatford, ;a?llueii'uees bile,, engagmnenV'of, her 41 0*, rr, A1icc.' Barth, tq Jau a . M. alyiri. Netxke, son Of Mr, ,and Mrs, , 1 vld' Net ke,+ ea* forth,r- the rnartiage 'te tape P:ace the. latter part of Ta?tuerT-- t Death; of Mrs•- Arthur Clapham. Case received: word 41u';M.onda3' of the sudden death of. her • niece, . the former Frances Roberts, and wife of 'Mr. \Arthur Clapham, of New York City. Mrs. Clapham was born in .Seaforth and Was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. She attended Collegiate Institute here and left later to train for a, nurae in New York City. airs Reorganize Northside Y. P. S.— The Young People's Union of Northside United Church held a reorganization meeting on Wednes- day evening atter which a social time, with refreshments served by the 1948 executive, was enjoyed. The officers for 1949 are as fol- lows: Honorary president, Rev. H. V. Workman; president, Elizabeth Shannon; vice-president, Lorene Henderson; secretary, Jean Snell; treasurer, Blanche Westcott; pian- ist, Emma Sanderson; assist. pian- ist, Marion Chamberlain; Chris - tion Fellowship convener, Barbara Hillis; 'Missionary Convener, Lu- cille Lee; Citizenship convener, Patricia Hawkins. Social and re- creational department will ,be in charge of the executive officers. WATSON & •REW M'. A- REID - Proprietor insurance & Real Estate. RHONE 214 $EAFQRTU `40. 000•000000 0 BOX ..Junerat Vie. r.»ice AMBULANCE 0 �`orourpt and careful attention. O 4 Hospital Bed t 0 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 Q OCCASIONS 0 0 PHONE: 237-3 or 18 0 Q O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O Q s,0 '0 O 0 O 0 G. A. WHITNEY Successor to HOLMES'& WHITNEY Main Street - Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Telephone 119 Nights and Holidays 65 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 +0 Funeral Director 0 Q and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 .0 Phone 43r10 0 0 0 O 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O <> W. J. CLEARY O 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls -335 O O 0 .O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ton r .: 4 r, ami 7#¥;i's, galr1d" Were 4t, Torotl'ttk'last 'Wee'k. • ik['r '-and Xra:: Francis Dev- ereA x, of 'Pori ' OPe, and Mr. Ws ward Dmtereault and Miss Aliee Deverea'uat, of Toronto, will be Ohrietinas . guests of Mrs. 'Frank Devereaux. iR Mr,, James Blakely, ' oi, the Bad of Commerce staff, will spend' the Christmas holidays at his home in Trenton, • Mrs. F. White, of London, is the guest of her mother, . Mrs., B. Cleary. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell are spending Christmas in St. Marys with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover and Julianne are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. • 'Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mal- colm, of Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, McKillop; Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon and family; Mr. and LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 182-W FOR SALE Frame Dwelling in Egmondville. 'Early possession. Moderately priced. 100 -Acre Farm, near Chiselhurst. Good land, house, barn and other buildings. Moderately priced, 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on highway; good buildings; run- ning water. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. WANTED TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable for cultivation. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S MAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: RAYS NIGHTS N First Presbyterian Church.—Dec. 26: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 am., "Prince -of Peace"; 7 p.m., Joint service of carols and Christ- mas music under leadership of the Anglican, Northside United and First Presbyterian choirs. Final contributions to 1948 Missions bud- get called for at morning service'. —Rev. D. G. Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10, a.m.. Sunday ,School; 11 a.m., Worship Service; subject, "The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled"; 7 p.m., Choral Service in First Presbyter- ian Church by the combined choirs of the Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches. Welcome to these services. St. Thomas' Anglican. — Christ- mas Day, Dec. 25: St. Thomas' Church—'Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. by Rev. La - Verne Morgan, Bayfield. Sunday, Dec. 26 — St. Thomas' Church—Sunday School at 10 a.m. 11 a.m., Carol Service with Christ- mas story. No evening service. 182 348-R FOR SALE 5 -Room Cottage, George Street. Prompt possession. 1% Storey Brick Residence, Wil- liam Street, in first-class condi- tion. Would make good investment. 11,(3 Storey Frame House, Market Sat Blacksmith business, good go- ing concern. Prompt possession. 75 -Acre Farm, Township McKil- lop, with frame house and bank E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 r TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth LEE'S Egg Gradeis and Packer. ANT Ll) co I , 1111111 TILE • The co-operation of my customers in the payment of all ac- counts owing by Jan- uary 1, 1949, would be appreciated. -, Mrs TOMO, of Woodstock, and Mr Arnold Lamont w111 inn Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mars die. • 'Mr. James Kelley, of Palmer - Stan, will , spend the Christmas .holidays with 'bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Kelley. • 14Ir. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins and son, Jimmie, will spend Christ- mas hristmas in Brantford. • • Friends of Mrs. John Grieve, Goderich St., NMI regret to learn she is in Scott Memorial Hospital a4tffering from a severe cold. • Miss Mary Macdonald, who has been ill with pneumonia at the. 'Corimercial 'Hotel, is improv- ing nicely. • Mr. Oban MacTavish, of To- ronto, is a guest at the home of his ,parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John MacTavish. • Miss Ruth Tea11, underwent an appendix operation on Tuesday ev- ening in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson, of North Bay, are Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. • Miss Ethel 'Mackay, of Toron- to, is spending the Christmas holi- days with her mother, Mrs. Hugh Mackay. • Miss Mary Margaret Cleary, of Brescia Hall, London, is spend- ing the holidays at her home here. • Miss Maud Hartry has been supplying at the public school in the absence of Mr. P. B. Moffat, who is 111. • Mr. James Southgate, of Hali- Geo. D. Ferguson Hardware Phone. 61 Seaforth Hand -Made De Luxe FUR SLIPPERS ALL COLOURS — ANY SIZE Send foot drawing. Children's $235; Adults $3.75 a pair. If not satisfied, return, undamaged, in three days. Money refunded. You are the judge. Deliveries can be made in two weeks' time. Northside Women's Association Elects.—The Woman's Association of Northside United Church 'held their Christmas meeting on Tues- day evening, with an attendance of 85. The singing of Christmas ca.rols opened tb,e meeting, which was conducted by the 'president, Mrs. L. Morrison. Annual reports were given, showing a very suc- cessful year. The visiting com- mittee reported 323 home and 88 hos.pital calls. The nominating committee .brought in the slate of officers for the New Year. A prize was given to the group with the largest attendance, Group 2 being the winner with 32 present. Group 1 having the lowest attendance, 17, received a consolation prize. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Edith Hoag and Mrs. H. V. Workman led in prayer. Miss R. Pennell told a very interesting Christmas story. Mrs. J. A: Stew- art tewart favored with a solo, accompatr ied at the piano by Mrs. B. F. Christie. Several contests were conducted by Mrs. 'M. R. Savauge, Mrs. P. B.. Moffat and Mrs. Grace Hoggarth, after which a delicious lunch was served with Christmas cake and candy as a treat. Fol- lowing are the officers for 1949: Honorary president, Mrs. H. V. Workman; past president, Mrs. P. B. Moffat; president, Mrs. L. Mor- rison; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. M. Scott; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. Lawrence; recording secretary, Ethel. Storey; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. E. H. Close; treasur- er, Mrs. P. L. Brady; assistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Horton; press secretary, Mrs. Knight; de- votional committee, Mrs. J. A. Westcott, Mrs. Storey; Parsonage committee, 'Mrs. G. A. Whitney, Mrs. G. C. Brightrall, Mrs. R. Mur - die; flower and decorating com- mittee, Miss M. Hartry, Miss Win- nie Savauge; visitation and 's•oeial welfare committee, Mrs. J. Finlay- son Mrs. R. Savauge, 'Mrs. Cofi- sitt, Mrs. Porteous; kitchen coom- mittee, Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs. G. Eaton, Mrs. Finnigan, Mrs, Orval Dale; social convener, Mrs. Lem- on; pianist, Mrs. B. F. Christie; assistant pianist, 'Mrs. Broad foot; auditors, Janie Moffat, Mrs. J. Stevens; representative to official board, Mrs. L. Morrison. ALL. ORDER C.O.D. BARSON NOVELTIES BOX 325, SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 484-J Come With the Crowd to the Annual Christmas Night DANCE button, ClirOt'nrae guest Vit' the, home waf tris ?other;, h7 :fiotiltlig tfr, " • Mr. Peter Vat** et TWO:- ten, ltatttit-tan, and Miss Bella Wats, u, of Galt, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson. for 'Christnies • Mrs. David 'Ritchie is spend- ing: the holidays in Sarnia. • Mr, and Ute. E. J, McArthar and Peter are in Hamilton for the holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. Fabian San Sone! and family are spending the Chris'tmaa holidays in Toronto. • Mr. and .Mrs, Robert .Reid are spending the weekend in Toron- to. oronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Coloalmnan are spending Christmas in Ottawa, • Miss Ruth Shinen, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. • Mrs. Charles Eggert, of North McIKlllop, was a visitor in town on Monday.. • Mrs. Kenneth Pudney, of Lon- don, is a Christmas guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc- Master. • Mr. Lionel Fortune, of. Lon- don, is spending the Christmas holidays with his wife and family. C. W. L. XMAS DANCE ST. COLUMBAN WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29 Dancing 9.30 to 1 a.m. ORCHESTRA "The Starlight Serenaders" in Looby's Hall D11.BL'IN Dance to music of Jack Pritchard and His Orchestra Dancing 9-12 Admission $1.00 D. H. McINN'ES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. Lutheran Services EVERY SUNDAY EVENING in SE AFORTH TOWN HALL Sunday School, 7:00 p.m. Divine Service, 7:30 p.m. with Rev. C. A. ,Klages irf charge. "A changeless Christ for a changing world." LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss June Shaw, of Windsor, and air. and Mrs. W. A. Langford, of London, are week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. • Mr. Leo Stephenson, of Tren- ton, reston, is spending Christmas with his family at Constance. • Rev. James Ritchie, Ottawa; Mrs. Margaret ,Carson and 'Miss Elsie Ritchie, Toronto; Douglas Ritchie, ;Sarnia; Gordon Ritchie, Liindo`a, and MaTeelim R.itohie, of kiutIl pc Cit', were here last week attending the funeral of 'their father, the late . Rev. David Bit - chi', • • , r lite; §bitii, of die Vitt, "vereity of Western; Ontario, and Miss , •Derothynalbli,: of unlltdlt;, are spendingith s, et Mei hottno, et th*fi° parents, Mr. MIA Mre C Sinith. } ` M. A. • /t6iib, liars. lei& Meet .M1t+e mid: id s'peilding the. tll*±iet`iii Holiday in Httuit ADMISSION 50 CENTS The I3adindotQ4 . Club Inas' n,4. been li the news My Irina, singe' the season open+d, mostly because' of the laalue$a of the reporter In spite of this, has°; been functioning fairly Well ,The weather has not been conducive to good badminton, but on the other hand, this, can be overlooked, bP' cause it is not, often that we iraie� a fall as enjoyable as this one has been. The Wednesday evening round robins have been fairly well at- tended of late, especially last week, when some twenty players appeared; for a little exercise. The following night Exeter was schen dialed to play 'here,' but due --to un- foreseen circumatanoeshad to postpone its visit, -However, the locals gat together .and organized a tournament of `their own, with luneh. All-in-all, "it was one of the most enjoyable evenings for a long time. At the time of writing we have not had any definite word on a Christmas party, but keep an ear open to any rumour you may hear. lathe meantime, we wish each and every one a Very Merry Christ- mas and a Prosperous New Year. • Mr. and Mrs. G. p. Ferguson will spend the Chri$fnas holiday in Toronto. • Miss S. I. 'McLean will spend, the holidays in Stratford. • Mr. Alfred Copland spent a few- days in Toronto this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawkins are visiting in Ottawa for the holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dinwoodie and 'family, who for some months have been residing in MoKillop, this week moved into the residence they recently built on Goderich St. • Mr. W. T. Teall was the 'host to his employees at a dinner serv- ed in the Commercial Hotel on Wednesday. evening. The main event of the dinner was a Christ- mas gift presented to each of his employees in appreciation for ser- vices during the past year. P. DANCE Christmas Nite Cardno's Hall, Seaforth , ;e 11 ; 41, SUNDAY EVENING DECEMBER 26th First Presbyterian Church CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE combining Choirs of: St. Thomas' Anglican Church Northside United Church First Presbyterian Church Featuring Ross Pearce Hats, Horns and Big Prizes for Novelty Dances. ADMISSION 75c BIG DOOR PRIZE FOR 100th PERSON PAYING ADMISSION Sponsored by Seaforth Young Progressive Conservative Assoc. t ,,x tT+%% ,.a% Ir -.r Dance WEDNESDAY December 29th $ENSALL . Town Hall elp6iibared by, Kippers East Wometn'a institute NillFtfSiU((�W'S QRGWESTflA Ltiekst titmeh,Door and Spot Prizes Ladled please ►ravlde Lunch OANdi,i4G 9,§O • 1,86. a1 s: tM u.1;r , r.E• u.. , xy , :.1t ;r t ,ori; ✓r1, .r-1' .e1 1, ,< ... -.. w. .. -... .., _ C"9 er. 11 �4 ,-1 948— I e� se It's been a gelid year—Nineteen Forty -Eight; Count up your blessings 'ere it is too late; Create a smile, where lurks the hidden tear, Make life a life worthwhile, while you are here. JOHN BEATTIE SEASON'S GREETINGS AND GOOD CHEER M M ,.r,�.*'%.,r- ,Tr-- r--' Blyth Woman Breaks Arm in Fall on Stairs Coal - - -Coal CAR OF CHESTNUT and CAR OF STOVE COAL on Track The 'Seaforth Farmers Co-operative PHONE 9 SEAFORTH Missing a step while coming downstairs in her home, Mrs. Frank Beninger, Blyth, fell and fractured her lett arm above the. elbow. Dr, Dennis Draper took the in- jured woman to Clinton 'Hospital, where the broken arm was set and put into a cast. IIENSALL IN MaraaagaWagraWOMMOP eft... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright spent several days recently in Laus,ng, Mich., where they attended the funeral of a relative. Mr. and• Mrs. Gordon Wright and children, of Lorne Park, spent a few days recently with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. . - Saturday was a gala day in Hen- sall when some 800 children and parents gathered for the annual community Christmas' party, to which the children of the village and surrounding districts were in- vited. The event was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Hensall Canadian Legion. Reeve A. W. Kerslake welcomed Santa Claus who arrived in the fire truck driven by Orville Twitchell. Rev. P. A. Ferguson spoke briefly and the children proceeded into the Toww_n, Hall, where they were pres- ented with bags of candy and or- anges, and a two-hour free picture show. Fred Appleby entertained with some clever paper designs which he had made. Mrs. Apple- by%aceorripanied at the piamo with Soft music. Two Huron County residents are in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,'suffering severe injuries received in two separate acci- dents. Tony Etue, Exeter, Depart- ment of Highways employee, re- ceived a crushed leg when the gravel truck tailgate on which he was standing, gave way, his leg crashing down between the tail- gate and the gravel box. Dr. J. G. Dunlop, Exeter, gave first aid. The injured man was taken to hos- pital 'by Percy Hewett, road gang foreman. Miss Mattie Ellis suffered a frac- tured shoulder in a fall on the ice at her home while she was carry- ing out ashes. - Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Appleby ex- pect to leave this week -end for Tillsonburg, where they will spend the winter months with their daughter `and son-in-law. Large congregations attended Christmas services in the local churches on Sunday whon lovely 'Christmas emblems augmented with decorated, Christmas trees were used with much effect. At the United Church Re'v. R. A. Brook presented appropriate mes- sages in, keeping with the occa- sion. The choir of 30. voices, un- der direction of Mr. S. Rennie, with Miss Greta Laramie at the organ for their anthems sang, "Joy To the World," "The C'hriat- mas 'Story," "Infant Holy," and "Arise, Shine." Children of the Sunday School assisted with the carol singing and the evening ser- vice and Christmas poems were dealt with by the minister. Rev. P. A. Ferguson occupied' his own pulpit and presented inspiring and timely messages. The choir with Mrs. C. Forrest at the organ con- sole, rendered splendid anthems. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. A. Scholl rendered'•'sevocal duet. A carol service was featured at St. Paul's Anglican Church at the morning service, led by the choir under direction of Robert Camer- on, organist. Rev. 0, L. Langford spoke on the different carols. Christmas morning a service will be held' and Holy Communion ad- ministered. ', ;r11 le , pY1� �1, r , vyl, ✓• t ,+e, t ;r1, 1, ;u1, 1, y ; 1, p"1',•-.,,1; •-� Pl,AY�tiC °--1N..°i,' Gt-1N1('!'OL; SE+ RET LIFE QF WALTER MI with Yc V'aKvAVtEhe iegVt ItiRm4e1N'olAf y ArYOfe, wII�1lr1.1 ylfotfcAIK:OtoFFs ee this 'C'Goldwynmiracle Friss Package h entertainrelent, . ..,_ IN TECHNICOLOR MONDAV4 TU< SDAV, WEDN.E,SDAY' " ON AN ISLAND S$THER WILLIAMS JTIVIMV- O,LiRAN;TE . PET E,I,.AWFQR'D ",'Be sure to see this entertaining picterre ..,,$on} will enjoy the t ,'Water Ballet, Durante'o. Songs, •Cugat'a Music and a number of diverting Dance Numbers. , NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SA1 U1IDAY "A,"' SOUTHERN YANKEE" « with RE'D S.KELTON anrt ARILl1 E ,DAH -L Don't rotes .Skeiton with his +bag or Gotnedy--�trick,s! 1) COMING:? IN TEC.HNICOLOR "TWO GUYS FROM TEXAS" with DENNIS MORGAN and JACK CARSON The Song and Dance 'Boys•!'• ; CONSTANCE Basic Modern KROEHLER Pieces' New sink -down -deep buoyancy ... new get-up ease. Wonder-working springs that shape in- stantiv to you. Thrill to new Kroehler comfort. _ and the exciting room variety of a Kroehler Sec- tional Sofa. vat eadedased mit- acet ett Now Kroehler gives you two complete sets of springs in the back— and two complete sets of springs in the seat... more springs Mae over before. G. A. WHITNEY -FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones:. Day 119t� - Nights and Sundays 65 X. Our heartiest thanks for your friendship - and co-operation . . . Best Wish. for Christmas !` Phone 47 Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley spent 7'uesdjay In Stratford. ,bliss, Florence Voting and Mr: Gordon ,Buchanan, of Constance;• were Married in Toronto, op./.sq- urday, 'Dee. 18. Mr. 'Chas. ;Dexter was in .Strat- ford on Friday. We are glade to know that he is able to be out af- ter being donfbied, three menthe in the house. 14i r, Donald IgteOlieneen, a To- ronto, la ape -n.6114 the holidays vt4th liig' 1St. and 14fr8. Leon S'iepilel3 l6Et. the; Chriatinea eoneeit has beset dstpouQd iro> wr w'edii.esda$, ]het z , to Altendaytt tae 2't. . The hoar thy'dtrd line West of tlrF ; village ';h'a's been eofntileted slid; Att. I illianx Jeteitt ,t to lits itl q>! hriiedn iGitt 'oil. 'tediteed4 r 9 ..... N 9. '9 DANCE'm:-- New Year's Ear Car'go's Hall 9.30-1.80 • NOVELTY DANCES 0 HATS • HORNS Admission 60 Cents '.Walters Orchestra EAFOR H •