HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-24, Page 44 ed Ads Inserted At Now Low Cash Rates: Iton SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, El' Cepa er word: 1st week eek Th Cent $rrd week34 Cent charge, Minimum flit imedian26 Cents ,. and Each figure, initial abbxeviat3on counts as one word. a$ Thanks, In MemoriamrF Nptice'. Ctming Events --1 cent per word: Minimum. (fCents per week. lri may he directed to a Rog No.. c/o The Huron Eapoeitor. for 10 cents extra. i is additional will be charged if 00 in above class are not paid within 10 days date of final insertion. 4 11irth..111arriages and Deaths inserted frde of charge. ' Ane Sales. Xatirx to Creditors. Etc. Rates on egeueattion. Notices Help Wanted j�Ttj+lSCE - THE ANNUSAL HOOL WOMAN TO WORK IN KITCHEN. &' Ineeting of S. S. Ne. 3, Huilett, mrill " Pleasant working conditions. ,Apply be held, is the School House on Wednes- in person or phone 227, COMMERCIAL day iDocember 29, 1948; at the hour of HOTEL, Seaforth. 4224-tf 1 g'.dock pan. C. V. Ai,-•Setr'etsry.,1 TresSurer. 42284 R Io IIEPATRING -.WILL REPAIR Zmakes of radios. Will pick up Mon and Thursdays -at E. Ii. Clcee's Barb r Shop. GLEN ICECHNIE. Birth. r�. NOTICE -WE AIDE ALWAYS LOOK- • ng for a new customer to Please him. Whg;,not call 50 In Dublin- end have your Eggt}..and Poultry picked up at your door. We, haul poultry too the U.S.A. and can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 50. 4218-tf NOTICE AI+�+ BOOKS MUST BE RETURNED t the Seaforth Public Library on or before December 24th. MI5S GRETA THOMPSON, 4227-2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop A MEETING OF 'THE ELECTORS OF the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Haul, OIL Monday, the 27th day of December, 1946, for the purpeae of nominating for a Reeve and four Coun- cillors. Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clodk in, FOR SALE - EXCELLENT COCKER. the afternoon. Spaniel pups, 2 months old; buff coI- In the event of more persons being nom- or. Males $20, females 315. PHONE 845 mated than are required to fill the Peel- r 21 Evenings, Seaforth. tions, an election will be held on Monday, 4228-1 January 3, 1949. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. till n p.m., at the following places: No. 1 -James Carlin's house, Lot 10, Con. 5: James Nolan, D.R.O.: William MaloneyP.C. - No. .Wilmer Scott's hoose, Lot 25, 4228x1 Con. 4: James B. Hogg, D.R.O.; Alex Kerr, P.C. No. 3 -Joseph Smith's house, Lot 11, S 13th Concession: Elmer Dennis, D.R.O.; Stephen Murray, P.C. No. 4: School House No. 7, Lot. 26, Concession 12: Willis Dundas. D.R.O.; Ross Driscoll, P.C. J. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. Business Cards 1 ANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. FREE " estimates. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton. 4226x7 For Sale Fj Olt SALE -.FIVE SHEETS 4x10 FEET new Ten Test. HURON EXPOSI- TOR, Seaforth. ] OR Saul, 'PAIR GIRL'S SKATES AND shoes, black. PHONE 128, Seaforth. 4228x1 pore SALE -2 PAIRS BOYS' CASH - mere overshoes, size 4; worn a few times. TELEPHONE CLINTON, 628 r 12. 4228x1 FOR SALE-ROGERS MAJESTIC RA - d514 9 tube. in perfect condition; wal- nut case; mechanically sound. Apply to Box 732, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4228-1 FOR SALE -1930 CHRYSLER COUPE, r with rumble seat, heater, good tires; in good running order. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 146. CLARKE'S GARAGE. 4227x2 FOR SALE -71S -INCH GRAIN GRIND- er, Fleury ; good as new, and M. -H. 8 ILP. gas engine. WM. FOTHERING- HAM. Phone 628 r 11, Clinton. 4227-2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the Electors for the Nom- ination of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and Scheel Trustees for the year 1949, will be held in Watson's Hall, Kippen, on Monday, December 27, 1948, between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. .AND IF NECESSARY, an, election to fill the above named offices or any of them will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1949 at the fallowing places and by the fol- lowing officers: P.S.D. No. 1, King's House; D.R.O., Harry Chesney; P.C., Harold Finnigan. P.S.D. No. 2, S. S. No. 8: D-R.O., Roy MoGeach: P.C., Edward Brown. P.S.D. No. 3, "S.S. No. 4: D.R.O., Roy Brown; P.C., Frank Walters. P.S.D. Na 4, S.S. No. 3: D.R.O., J. McIntosh: P.C., Norris Sillery. P.S.D. No. 5, S.S. No. 1: D.R.O., M. Traquair; P.C., Glenn .Bell. P:S.D. Na 6, S.S. No. 9: D.H.O., W. S. Broadfoot; P.C., Ivan Forsyth, Polls shall be open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till five o'clock in the af- tternoon. E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer. 42284 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of GEORGE HOEGY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against bhe Estate of George Haley, late of the Township of Grey; ' Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 2211d day of November, 1948, in the City of London, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of January, 1949, full particulars of their clatmvs. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto," having regard only to claims of which the undersigned abets then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not .be liable to any person of whose claim •the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets an distributed or any .part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of December, 1948. ALVIN W. SHLERY. Seaforth, Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate. 9227-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR SALE -LIMITED NUMBER OF Tamworth boars and sows, 3 to 4 months old, FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. R.R. 1, Seeforth. Phone 838 r 22. In the Estate of WILLIAM GEORGE GILL A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William George Gill, late of the Town of Seaforth, Merch- ant, deceased, who died on or about the lath day of December, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of January, 1949, Sul° particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of wheel the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any pant thereof. DATED at Seaforth this pith day of December, 1948. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor for the Estate, Seaforth, Ont. 4227-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR SALE - BLACK AND WHITE Terrier puppies for sale; $2.00 each. Christmas delivery. Apply ANDREW MOORS. Phone 666 r 3. 4227-2 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf MOTO-MASTER SUPER ANTI -FREEZE SPECIALLY PROCESSF)5 TO INHIBIT _rustcorrosion and to retard evapora- tion. SAVE SAFELY In the Estate of JAMES WELLINGTON ELLIOTT A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James Welling- ton Elliott. late of the Township of Tuck- erstnith, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1948/; are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the Slat day of December, 1948, full pabtieulars of their claims. Tzti'medialtely after the said last mem tamed date, the assets of the said eetare Will Ise dtttribtuted amosirat the Parties entitled tberette having regard only to elniree of vrh,eh tine underaiktted shall then Iariv'e ttotieer lis the e:l8lgafon .oC ell others,. *Ad thea undvrnlgnea Mill; not be liable to ante pc�non { ('.*hese 'clitint•. the ton ersi n - ed _ 'shitll net ;:thee have nibble, for, the *Mete AO di ty liittetf oo enti Ilii theles»±. 'DATED. et, feefottil' ,thin ai li a Tay Of Decetiiber, •1943.. Quart 56c Gallon $2.19 Get yours 'at ' CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE Dublin SMITH BROS.. Prop. PHONE °73 4225x4 Lost and Found LOST -ON SATURDAY NIGHT LAST, between Gouinlock St. and Main St., a set of car keys. Finder please leave at rlfr. HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 422.8-1 Best wishes for a wonderful ' Christmas and a joyous New Year! Our, thanks, too, for your appreciated patronage. THOS. WELSH & SON Mfgs, of Hardwood Lumber Phone 9 •Hensall STRAYED - HEREFORD HELFER, about 700 pounds, had one calf ; marked on tap of ear. Anyone knowing the wbereabouts 'of this animal, please notify JACK MEDD, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 11, Seaforth. 4228-1 STRAYED-HEIFER STRAYED ONTO Lot 30, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, a week ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. GORDON ELLIOTT, Brucefield. Phone 659 r 22. 4226x3 Wanted FARMER WITH MILK COWS AND equipment wants to rent 300 -acre farm with buildings, with first option of sage. Please give terms, description, condition and location to Box 706, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4228-1 WANTED TO BUY --WILL PAY .02c Pound for horses for mink feeds. Will call and pick up seine. Phone Goderich collect. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, 986 r 21 or 936 r 32. 4221-tf CARETAKER WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned, until the positions are filled, for the position of Caretaker of No. 2 School, Tuckersmith. and Caretaker of No. 8 School, Tu.ckersmith. Duties to commence January 1, 1949, and include all work in building and yard that is re- quired of such caretaker. For further particulars apply to S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas. Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3. Seaforth. Telephone: 66,5 r 23, Seaforth. 4227-2 Auction Sales May this Cha'istmas be the merriest ever -- your every wish fulfilled. HYDE BROTHERS ALLIS CHALNMEP,S DEALER'S Phone 128-W Hensall Corning Events RABBIT DR1VE-MONDAY, DECEM- ber 27, Boxing Day, starting from Rowcliffe's Garage at 12.30 rh,.r•p. A good day's shcothee for town 5.. ,, country. Transportation provided. 4228x1 CHRISTMAS EVE DANCE. FRIDAY, ". December 24, at Crystal Palace. Mit- chel], with Ross Pearce and the Melody Masters. Special Christina_ dance music and Santa Claus will be there, tco. 4228x1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND Lots. -For sale by public auction, subject to reserve bid, seven -roamed frame house, with green aiding, situated on Chalk and Crombie Sts.. Seaforth, together with Lots 109, 110, Ill, 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116, on Wednesday, December 29th, at 2 P.m.. on the premises. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, for the ESTATE OF THE. LATE HERBERT SMALE. 4226-8 Births MaeLEAN-In St. Joaer'b'a Hospital, Lon- don, on December 20, to Mr. and Mrs. A,trgua, MIIaeLean (nee Marion Monet, Seaforth a son. KLIN'G-,lifr, and Mrd. F. Kling, Seaforth, are happy to announce the .birth of itheir eon, Frank Edmund Peter, at Scott 1VEemrrrisl Hospital, on Saturday, Dec. d8> ' Blether• for Marilyn and Anne. MALOl4E-.7m Scott Memorial Hospital. nn Deecembepr :.56. to Mr. and Mus. Chas. Malone, Dubl.in, a daughter. Di.l'12U -.-11n Scott Menefee] Hospital, otr rfeempbee 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Jet. eine Dietrich, R.R. 8r Zurieh. a (lautah- ROVER ttr Scott Mthltorial 1 esPital, on lhescertlriet+ 49::tp Mr e.nmei Met. W8}1ia,na t" r' Bfiirltil. a 011Shtdtw 'r' SURE AND ATTEND THE BIG JNew Year's Eve Dance at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. Fun galore. Hats, Horns, Balloons, Noise Makers. The big night of the year at the Palace. 4228x1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER . Goodsl mailedpostpaidin plain, sealed envelope witl ,price list- ti samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. '1-73, NOVA -RUBBER: CO.; Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Cards of Thanks MRS. DAVID RITCHIE AND THE family of the late Rev. David Ritchie wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends for their expressions of sympathy in their recent sadbereave- ment; also to thank Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell, Rev. D. Stewart, Dr. E. A. McMas- ter, Mr. G. A. Whitneyl- ,the Pallbearers and anyone who helped in any way. THE DALLAS': FAHILY.'; WISH TO 1 tthsnk their ' merr friends for their thoughtfulness and kindness during the illness and death of their father, the late James Dallas: also the Nurses of Seat Memorial Hoepita4; Dr. E. A. MdMaster and Dr. P.• L. Brady,also Rev. E. R. Stanway. ' 4223x1 T WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends for the kind expressions of sympathy in my sad bereavement, for the beautiful flowers : special thanks to Rev. P. A. Ferguson and Rev, Young, of Fergus, and Rev. Townend, of Mt. El- gin, and al•o for the loan of cars. MISS HANNAH CRAIG, Hensall, Ont In Memoriam McGREGOR--In LOVING MEMORY OF Elva Florence Ander=on. who passed away thirteen years ago, December 27, 1936. Oh, happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still; But death has deft a loneliness The world can never fill. --Remembered by her Parents, Sisters and Brothers. 4220x1 We wish to extend our per- sonal greeting and to wish one and all the Merriest Christmas and 'Haiipiest New Year ever, PASSMORE'S ELECTRIC -SHOP JOHN' PASSMORE, Prop. Phone 124 Residence -47 'Hensall MEMORY EMORY Ob' OUR MOTHER, MRS. Alva Way. wi o died December 22. 1916; my father. Alva Way who died January 7. 1947, and our brother, Casey, who died December 25, 1947. To live in the hearts of those we leave behind. Is not to die. --Lovingly remembered by Daughters and Son. 4228-V WAY --IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear husband. Casey Way. who pass- ed away one year ago, December 25th. A day of rrrnemibrance sadly recalls, ,Without farewell he left us all; To be with us In the same old way, Would be my dearest wish today. -Lovingly remembered by his Wife. 4228z1 TN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR father. Dann; r"r'de ick McGregor. who passed away December 25, 1945. "Memories are trey ares no one can steal, Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal.'• --Ever remembered by Family. 4228x1 Deaths ®hristmas *,f, 9Reefin(s ire. May the holiday season 'and the New Year be filled with joy and serenity for you. NOSY KORNER RESTAURANT W. J. LEE, Prop. Phone 111 Hensall Greetings from us to you along with our sincere thanks for your patronage this past year. We extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas -a Happy New Year. FINK'S TIN SHOP ' ED. FiNK, Prop. Phone 36 Hensel] HENSALL • Wife of Former Minister Mrs. Maude Toll, 677'wffe of Rev. Sylvester Leroy Toll. retired. United- Church minister, died. at Victoria Hospital, London. She had lived in London' for the past ten years, since her husband's retire- ment, at 426 Baker Street. She had been in ill health for. the past 15 years. Born in St. Mary$. in 1881, Mrs. Toll had lived in Hensa11, WalkervilTe, St. Thomas, Bradford, Windsor, Whitby ' and Toronto, where her husband had ministerial charges. She married Rev, Mr. Toll in 1906 in Woodaley. Besides her husband, and son, Mrs. Toll is survived by a daughter, Mrs. S. K. (Wilma) Clark, of Aylmer. The body rested at the A. Millard George Funeral Home where fun- eral service was held 'on Thursday, Rev. L. C. Lawson, Calvary Unit- ed Church. officiating. Burial was in Christ Church Cemetery, Olorry, west of Blenheim, at 2.30 p.m. Additional Hensall News on Pages 3 and 8 McCUI.LOCH-In Hibbert, on Teesdale ,Dec. 21, William Jahn McCtillech, in his 77th year. D'0RRANCE-In Toronto, on Monday, Der. 20, George P,eli Don anco, of Me- Killap, in his 86th year. DALLAS ---In Seaforth, en Friday, Dec. 17, .lames J. Dallas, of Teske/meth, in his $7th year, CLAINBJlM---Vranees (nee Roberts), sud- denly et hor resilience, 1 Livingstone Ave., New York City. Beloved wife of .Arthur R. Clapham, sister of Unger P. and Ben S. Roberta. Service at Frank E, Campbell "The Funeral Church, Madison Ave., at 81 Street, New York City, Wednesday, 2 pm. Interment private. PRINGLE, Jame, --At the Ham.iltbn Gen - grail Iteenpita ,'nn Sunday, Dec. 19, 1948, James Pringle. son of the late James Pringle, Seaford', and beloved father of John Pringle, Minwaukee, Wis. ; Mrs. R 8. Morton, Port Nelson, Ont., sed Mrs,. A. It. McCltrerter of Guelph. C Sat; the ' funeral Moly Place In Ilamultd'te Tuesday morning with interment itt> A,vdndale Cemetery, Stratford, Ont,,, on 'lillesdey saternoen, December. 21, ., ENGLISH MORRIS SALES Come and see the New ENGLISH MORRIS NEW AND USED Cars For Sale i EX f O SERVICE STATION Hensall, Ont. LAWRENCE & REID PHONE 33 7/4- "Zace9454,t "Life insurance creates today an estate which did not exist yester- . day." Confederation. Life Association lien.all Phone 55 Into every chimney of every home - we're dropping a Christmas ' pae'kage of best Yuletide wishes for everyone. Joy -NT's MEN'S WEAR King St. T. C. JOYNT & SON Phone. 62 ' .• Hensall The Christmas snowman thaws, and vanishes at. the sign of the sun. May the joy you feel this Christmas never melt through- out the entire New Year. P. L. McNAUGHTON Your Confederation Life' Agent Phone 55 Hensall Yuletide greetings to one and all. Our sincerest wishes for a Merry Christmas and for Happiness. Health and Pros- perity in the year ahead. BENNETT'S• DAIRY GEORGE BENNETT, Prop. ' Phone 27 Hensall' Santa's heading in your direc- tion with wishes from us for a glorious and joyous Yule- tide. R. A. ORR SHOE & HARNESS REPAIRS Hensall We extend to you and, yours the joys and good wishes of the season! SCHOLL'S MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meats & Groceries Phone 17 Hensall GREETINGS Our greeting to you is short, simple, but sincere, Merry Christmas - Happy New Year. BERT'S SNACK BAR BERT HORTON, Prop. Phone 154 Hensall Along with the gifts tumbling oast of yotlr stociting are our many* good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. W. R. DAVIDSON COAG: MERCIONT '. 7'hpti.o„ 10 e To our many patrons and friends we extend our sincere good wishes for continued health ' and happiness for the holiday season. RILEY'S GROCERY (Phone 65 Hensel! Just as the snowdrifts embank your home, may -Happiness and Success pile high this Christ- mas and throughout the New Year! WELDING SHOP Electric and Acetylene Welding General Machine Shop Work CSC. JOHNSTON, Prop. The tree in the window sym- bolizes all that's 'beautiful about Christmas - including our sincere wishes for your happiness. DRYSDALE'S HARDWARE Phone 11 Residence 60 Bengali To ' one and all, we wish you the Merriest Christmas ever, with a Happy New Year to come. KERSLAKE'S PRODUCE Phone 40 . Hensall Ben wows fon A ` WRAY C1r$R$DThikS The musical bells of Ghristralas ring out in 'a toast to you for Happiness, Health and Pros- perity this Christmas and dur- ing the bright, new 1949. PASSMORE'S GARAGE W. C. PASSMORE, Prop. Phone 31 Hensall We wish to extend to one and all sincere wishes for a happy holiday and our heartfelt thanks for your .. Considerate patronage. • H. BONTHRON Furniture - Funeral Director Phone 15 Residence 156 Hensall May' yollr iI llday$ he as bright ria t it r Christmas lan- tern -"•that's.: our With for you $13111119,SI.LON t.., ., �C1iSa��• ,1441rr'abuwr For each soowitake that kit* ea ,.your cheek we send,yoU a geed) 'wish for .a Ohris neaa itef joy and a Happy New =Year- -GEO. ear. -GEO. T. MICKLE & SON BUYERS BEANS, GRAIN, ETC. Phone 103 Evenings 133 Hensall AT CHRISTMAS May the Infant Prince of Peace grant unto you His joys that never cease! MIDDLETON'S •DRUGS THE REXALL STORE Phone 20 Hensall For a Merrier Christmas; here are wishes galore for Health,. Happiness and Prosperity. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Fertilizer - Feed Coal - Shingles - Twine - Etc. Phone 115 Hensall Season merriment clings to every hearth and to this joy- . iality we add our personal wishes for all-time Christmas .t happiness and a Happy New Year. JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Repairing a Specialty Acetylene and Electric Welding Hensall, Ontario gfie--4FY Our chubby little Snowman isi rolling over to your door to wish you the gayest, happiest Christmas season. HENDERSON'S EGG GRADING STATION HENS -ALL A Merry, Merry Christmas and loads of good cheer through- out the coming year. W. O. GOODWIN GENERAL MERCHANT Phone 16 Hensall The bells' ring_ out -their see - alai greeting of foyr arid( bap. la lead for everyone this holiday JI SLS 1Dz ,CA11iXt ,Codknhutt FFu'm implemetlts„ tilts ;x 7 �U •;:' , w bl., ge##alis. • May' your home 'be filled with the Christmas spirit; may your bearts be filled with good cheer and may your every dream come true this happy holiday. SCOTT'S CHINA SHOP Phone 34 Hensall t The bells ring out their male odious greetings for all far and near. BROWN'S HARDWARE Phone 113 Hensall • Christnias jays' attrl sineer'bi Wishes for ;t:,ihoalt y, Yel►pyl+ 14New Year are', -what we exxtentl. t'o *nil • , A PENE5�y, ••y:�y� . lr.tLdl% .�. M3 IpL �O paellas mill and iLumb'er Vard anti 102t�GV a;si a, „ 1,1