HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-17, Page 1REC REP Coune Bus Teeke eusld its in the Welke& Prestidedi Present. Medlcra E. A. port fo ehowed • the towrv general schools A total, cable di vilieh 29 myelitis noculatio the Medi whieh from pr Per cent age) pro 20 per 35 per c 65 per cough. Board which In es of M members $4. Joh sanitary cer for A bysl tion Dec at Wats !passed, munerati councillo 43ounty ty rates and Mc were pa distance enspectiv School ed: Are ed a Pa 3 andi at $1,383.48 $335.69; St. Col Sertforth Clinton The CI littering deaths gime to' A grant Seaforth Brucefiel The C write th of Onta install a section Highway Clerk w notices 1 payers n retries af Goes co or contr sible for plowing Road paid a eluded a bet: n ty, phone a $56.06; culture,. At the the Ree bers and dinner Paren Mr. a Brussels Murray, their sis on Mon itt Bruss to theft 3 to 10 MINI The 'Seaforth at the G. Cam Church, diseussi formatio formai Gardiine chosen mesagge The were m the Wes week of Bing Sii each m own oh on to Id vice we Church,, to glee the Sal Rees 11. Egmend tive o lihnrsd Captein. byteria; Garditte changea will app 'The n Vint P 10, 104 be give einth Year Number 4227 . . L - , •K !, P: ' VETCIIITPfT IVES Ann . . .. , . „ Cil . , , of.. • , ,•-•,,i . , , ore ' ''' . • Establishes,•Rates ..,.. • . , . . • ro cc. . ''''' - or yrs , „ 1 ' _ Ti , , T ' .S ' HOSPITAL H , , ",,,..4. , a Seafortha ., ..m .,-.‘, ,.. a , . , .71 1,:' •,,, ,, , , at OF N..0 II ...'. ... . 'ETING.- , . . .. . . .• . -,,-,-,--:---,—,--___. , . , ,If Aultu at Weeting•.0t • • 0 ' Services Dedication ' h .. Branch. R. mirL's 'Year's- ;1', Winds , , Year's DY :IfeSs At Meeting • 4-Wednesday. of ..e.N• , • N . . Goshen*. pen ew Church ' ' ' SEAFORTH AGREES TO ANSWER CALLS _ utwe 4w Continued in . . . - .- m , Until. SPring • Meeting. ..* .• -., , . ,..: .evie.. . . .. . Activities; . Elects ',M- cers. • . .w.S.-'5.1'. lh . . . . . .. . , es ,neeese.e. • smith, Mintleinal, OnUrtell, cluni.14„4,040 for•oe oat Attractive• N New Edifice • . . . I. • • 0 0 • • — WITHIN ,. , . 4; 'Beafentli, Asmatetu• Athletic et Atkin. held .fts anneal meet- irde ' the Then Hall on Tueeday 0- e. •J e . ' . a Dr. P. L. Br'atl. Y •'ie:ct'e. d' president of neaforth Enema :166 of the Canadian Legion at. the en- ""d'n.Pit ••/#0h.S, 'eet"eee°,nritisadkreies,911 rel*n Halla "0-eafertk " aye. B,eivirts A. Nechnleten •and all inembere were' • . 1 . Officer Of Health In. Oaken lits • Replaces Eighty -Year- • • • • . old Frame Building in . . ' Stanley. " ' SLEET ' , Highiney traffic was eldest halted Wednesday when the . • • .. Six Tenders on Garbage. Collection But Deci- • 4. N • • sion is Postponed "eve g President W T Teen even els the eltivir and received the ' ' '-'61 ' . . . fi „AI Matement In regard' to " ' ' t andyities wields. took niece 41.• •14Tiver i•••ths. ' q- ' se e• nual meeting of the branch kridey evening. Be will assume office this trei-JnganuiliasrtyalreTtn44.ere7°.11iefl .4 The raeeting, whfch. waia in charge of the president, 'A. y„. enc..' d*riPt in• fr9,0,,,, of the .:ee'eSale..'e:cnt:ti:iti;e1:40:,+be'm71411.riii.116, ',1•1- S. ',re'Rt-'s'i' and•'0i.''''4.14 U'AtOPIsing"tO each .0100* . , presented re- , district was struck by the aro Pbe'reporeendered the -operation entitlinh...thechildr ' the, year, The report sins birth and 19 death SUP during' the Year, with ileadth conditlot's good Ill (Contributed) Sunday, Dec, 12, was a raemor- able day for the congregation andit United pled storm of the. Winter. Roads and sidewalks s'oon be came a glare of ice that made travel of an kind ' Y a dangerous Seaforth. is prepared to respond to flih calla in Tuckersmith within, ratlius of five miles. of town, an a .basic charge of $150. the of ee teazles . 1nel:tiding girls' PO I, juvenile hardball: and the en denier aoftball. The meet - ing. orou.geily diseussed the finan- se e ›- Lean, heard coixunittee chairmen review the activitiee of the peen y e a r. Membership coreraittee chairman, Jahn Flannery, report - ed membership Stocking and the free ' • t".t!.• Regent Theatre 'hey" 'g. ale out to all' distlict.shh,p'ot ' threilighed. the township. os. es eases. ee eenesethe. sease were reported, of the friends ot .Goshen Chuiele• when their efforts end their hopes' were 'rewarded' by see- . • task The sleet and freezing- rein continued intermittedly Thursday, when per Call, town -council decided at Re meet ing Monday evening. The baste csiel,' tateraent 'which was 'finally. •,• e: e • : ., a ... at ,s, new high with 145 members. • • Entertainment Committee Chair- •: s• : •• el0 0,' • ' . • e . were mumps; three polio- and one scarlet fever. In- ns were given children at ing the .coan.pletion and the open- ing of their beautiful new church. The .new building is of red brick, tuntiii rising emperatures cleared the worst . . of the nee. . charge covers•any call that results • in the brigade being on duty' up to an hour. For eadt hour . or or tion rotiloveing other business, the Madding proceeded with the elec- tiehaPt efficers. Duetchthe small t. of the executive, the . W. H, Finnigan, who recent- ly was elected Chairman of man Lloyd: Hoggarth reviewed gr- rangements for the enamel Legion Christmas dance December 27th. . .• RE NTI, '-'• , cal Health Officer's office long With ineoculations ivious years, showed 65 with basement, tower and belfry; is modern in lighting and heating; has a very attractive appearance, • 0 . • _ . 0 0 . of an ,hour -beyond the 'first hour, there will he id additional charge of $50. The agreement be- dttirenlan,,, rideefing decided. that the Present elefeSbe re-elected. •to -carry on un- the Board of Scott Memorial Hespital. Mr, Finnigan, in this issue, commences- a series The 'branch hese cora,pleted arrange- ments whereby veterans frt this district in London Hospital ' 11 red .. , RECE 'TION ' ' of children (1-14 years of and is a credit to the congregation the Mr. Ivan Kalb- comes effective upon acceptance by mckersmith. tii.Ote spring meeting. These are ,as• 'tellows.: Honorary president, of .arts discussing hospital problems. ceive cigarettes each week. Sick and Visiting Chairman 33. 0. MUIT ' • ' f tected against d4phtheria, ent against scarlet fever, and contractor, fielsch, of Zurich. 7 BLIND PERSONS The question of fire protection .treattindi E. 'Willis; presadent, W. T. . told the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John S ant against 'smallpox and cent. against whooping Total expenses for the .2 'Health were $196.40, It replaces the f•rarne building which was known as "thse littide white -church," which has Moo the storms and served, the cora- IN SEAFORTH AREA . - in the neigth,boring township arose when Reeve Arthur Nicholson and Councillor 'Harold Jackson appear.: ed before council as a deputation„ requesting information the Tenni vice-Pnesident, Elms Bosh- ante 'secretary -treasurer, James A. Murray; executive: Ralph McFad- dere Bill Smith, Larne Dale, B. F. Christie, Louis. Boehart, F. A Dob - A.H. WARNER PR S E_ • Officers elected by the meeting include: Paet president', A. Y. McLean; president, Dr. P. L. Bratty; let vicenresident, A. W. Sillery; 2n -di Carnochan Guests. Of, . . Honor At Party.. , eluded salary and expen,s- 0.H., $162 40 salaries of , $84; sanitary insPector, inunitY for almo,st tour score years R stood at the crossroads-, a land- mark -to guide the weary traveller by, but more important , Field Representative 0., d- C.N.LB. Addresses as to basis on which Seaforth wouldpro- vide fire protection in that particin of the township near the town. son and Eric Munro. , The past season was, the most active •Seaforth sport fans and _ BAYFIELD SOCIETY vice-president, B. J. Duncan- secretary, Fred E. Willis treasurer, R. S. McDonald; house committee, George Kruse, chair- . MT. and Mrs. *John H. Caseuictien: Tuekeramith, wbo were reeeneli:.', married, were honored MonclaYin i -Earle was appointed ins-pector and truant offi- 949. , , paseing still, it stood as a, guide. to the travellee on life'a pathway, the weary discouraged traveller, point Lions Club. -• .. Similar requests were being made to other ere departments. adjoin- ing other portions of the townstip„ teams have seen in snany years. The anan.agers, Jim. MacDonald, of •the girls; Gus Boussey, of the jUV- Agricultural Society Ends ‘r / •-• I ear s uperatioril,Vith mbesen: ; sepneteeirattain:emveent, ThGeomoragss Wpie Hays; sick and visiting, W. C. nnigeighlitborw-sheann debotriustnastwielohehuriteele4,d' .0ardno's Hall to alsend 4 .seeiali. ev itetting date of nomina. . 27, 1948, from 1-2 p.m., sn,'s Hall, Kippen, was ing him to the cross, to the Sav- Sour of the world, and to the 'home beyond the river. • ' c a- Addressi membe f th Se thrth LicinsegClub. at rtabeeir meee mg the deputation. said: The matter en'ileg, and .Tack Wright and Bill had been brought to a head by the .0'Shea, of the seniors, who did a assistance ren by Seaforth on great S job, were congratulated en SUfplUS. Sutherlatid; property, F. Sills; embership, John Flannery; chap- lain Rev. Father T. P. Hussey; evening .and to welcome MM.' Carn-ochan to the community.' . Reeve Arthur Nicholson ofTuckt s was a by-law aettin.g re- one of reeve, $110, end rs at $80. ' • . og Huron was .paid coun- , $16,174.68; Tuckersmith Sinop Telephone Systems id. assessments . and long of $7,047.91 and $118.04, ely. prepaSed Many and sacred are the naemor- ies connected with the old 'House of God,' lint all these and more will be incorporated in the -beau- tiful new House of God., built vritn considerable sacrifice, but freely and gladly given or the Glory of God and the advancement 'of His . in . the Commercial tel Monday t'Y ening, Alfred Sparks, deld re- presentative for the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind, told eh ti there 15 000 b - d e mee ng .ere are , lin , in Canada. In Huron County there are 45 bl' • ersons- • Ind p , S an and. in eaforth d cliStrict there are seven- During .the occasion of the fire whicd.ered, h, re- their:fine showing by the meeting . cently destroyed the EgmonclvIlle Duento the latenees of• the season blacksmith and meohine shop. It first attempt of juvenile and was agreed that had, Seaforth not haedhall, with laCk of support, the • given assistance,. the adjoining juvenile team showed a slight garage would have been lost also. deficit, but with equipment on hand The decision to propose an reedy for next' season, the meeting agreement was only reached after when assured the second year would The annual meeting of . the •BaY- field Agricultural Society was held, . in the Town Hall We-datesday. The meeting e -as opened bs- the .presi- - d.ene, A. H. Warner, and Mrs. re s is. Bassett was appointed t .secre secretary se the • r meeting. C. Diehl was :chairman for the election of offi- , here gant-at-Arm A. J. Calder; '3' - s' pensions officer, R S. Box; trus- tee C. P. Sills• auditors, M. A. " Reid, J. E. Keating. Following the election of de- cers cards. were enjoyed and lunch served. • ersanith, spoke .briefits an,c1 extend-. ed a hearty welcome to, Ms. Carnochan and congratulated theme' Dancing. was enjoyed during the evening to Irwin's' orchestra eled later J. Wellington, Crich read an address and resented them witlh a sofa bed. accounts, passed incluse a, .$11,290.01 (Area receiv- Kingdom. The opening services; were large - - — the past year the Institute spent on the Seaforth blind, more titan an hour-long discussion tell a different. story. e . ' y ccuncil, and then only after • cers for the year 1949. The president reviewed the work 75 Pupils To Sing At Mr. and Mrs.' Carnocban made fitting replies and presented .each . meet on account on Sept. 'e charged $9.87 interest; ler attended, many of the friends coming from a distance to be pee- . nearly $500 Mr. Sparks eaid. airman o e meet ng was . Ch ' f th i ' W Councillor W. A. Roes had deanand- ed .e. recorded vote. 'Men it was • taken, his was the dissenting of the past year, making certaip suggestions for the work to be . Candlelight Service present with a piece of wedding 'cake* .... li 3, 11,681.67; SS. No. 10, Seaforth S e p a r a t e, Hibbert Separate, $42.75; unban Separate, $27.20; sent. The minister, Rev. (Miss) Reba Hern presided, and tribute was paid to .her by the visiting ministers for the wonderful lead- ership she has given. Rev. W. A. ..... e . kj eou ga e, .an e appreciation th t d th of the members to Mr. Sparks was• expressed y A. .. ery. d b A W Sill ...„ e. ,vote i I MRS W AMENT Mayor M. A. Reid ' 'S ' ' m presided, are . ,•• vs it • all members, of council were Pres - A ent. For 'Mayor Reid, it wee. hie s R la,st council meeting atter thertdere :., RIED 50 YEARS done during the new year. The treasurer's report was read and . showed a good balance on handt Mrs.• M. Prentice reported on the National Board . . . The annual Christmas carol ane 'Female Subscribers 'hers .For dlelight service by pupils of eels; - ----'" '------- Seaforth Public School will be i- Nearly 80 'Years ' High School, $5,165.23; High School, $1,257.28. erk was paid -$8.26 for reg- births, marriages and nd 200;00 clerical aasist- Beecroft, of Winghara, chairman of Huron Presbytery, was preach- er at the morning servite, the sub - jeet -of . hiena.ddrese tieing, "The, .Ots 'the Chiehh." He , - Constance Groups .s. , 1101d . Meetings, ' 1 ...' _ . years. Councillor 3.13. Keating .-.'ii' •- — was elected mayor by acclamation lerA.,..--- 1.n.nown Seaforth end ••essumes .office in the• nein'," n'ne .direction 744•1,..;• •••••. • , . , nsill•''' '' Ik4ldent Mark Golden • •• , h In eddreesiid e'auncil, the Tu.-. c,h; ''''' ' '-''. Film ehowings, The following members were air- pointed directors for ,the year: Cale Diehl, Russell Grainger A. .... • • , H. Warner Elmer Webster, Ralph ' presented in No thsid United • r e 1 • Church Friday evening. s Mr. James Hilt, of ,Staffa, • tis Under the of Miss M. The Expositor office Thu da' t • E. Turnbull, and with Mrs. J. Ite newing his subscription, regalled ; , . Stewait as accompanist, seventy-; that The Expositer had been .gein3'.. the:Rode SUPetrectentlent.' of $25 was made'bid the Revedance, stressed the fact of the Church be- . . .. .. The Golden Links M18.01071 Band ersmith delegation explained their A nniversary. • , , . Cornish, Harald Penhale, Parl Houston, Fraser Stirling, Harvey li•ve pupils Will take, pert in the hisittcethe Hill Iteraeenteb week eines- ' .. . . • 1869. His James Hille . Lions Club and $10 to the ing an important factor inegiving of Constance United Chureh held mission was purely explanatory During this the home Coleman and Fred Bell. Commit- program. • •grandtather, •: n, i d Library. Lett was instructed to a sense of God and of God's pies- ence. He officiated in the impres- their white gift service and regular meeting on Sunday. The meeting and that they had no authority to past week of Mr. and Mrs. William Amen enter into an agreemeet. They t festivities in tees included Mrs M Prentice _ , - • • • , Mee E. McEveln, Mrs. Ted Mack, , Seaforth E originally subscribed nearly years ago.. • ' Department of Highways io and request them to blinker light inter- sive service of dedication, and also brought cordial greetings ' from Huron Presbytery to the Goshen opened with repeating the Mission Band Prayer. Janet •McGregor read a story following the min- wished only to ascertain Whether or was the centre of celebration of their fiftieth wed- not •Seaforth would provide protec-Mrs. tion, and if so what the cost would ding anniversary, 1898-1948. A H. Penhale Mrs l , • CarHous- ton Mrs A H Warner Mrs F _ • • • • , , F. M lure MGeorge Little Mrs., Mrs Inployees , Guests At Banquet fi Id Concert • Bay e an the DB' the County Road' and No. congregation. The .speaker at the evening ser- utes. Busin•ess, was ddscussed and the collection. was received by be. family reunion took place last Sun- When Reeve F. Sills queried the day, and among those present were .1. cC , , J. Howard Mrs 3 Sturgeon . - . •, Jr,s Robert • M. 5 L.. 0 Attracts Big Crowd he 31 M Ballant •ne Co., Stratford • host turkey 4 it), Brucedeld. The s also instructed/ to insert a local papers asking rate- ot to leave cars on road- ter snewplowing opera- ramence, as the township actors will not be reepon- damage caused by snow- equipment. tccounts cif $1,889.29 were 1 other accounts not in- neve were as follows: Fox $6; salaries, $12,50; tele- ccounts,• 05.40; Printing, Oth -Agri- 'aFederation, vice was Rev. R. B. Cumming, of Lucan, Secretary of London Con- ference His theme was "Building To the Glory of God." He sa,id Soloma.n, in his day built the tem- Ple to the glory of God. Goshen in 1948 built to the glory of God. His 'helpful• addresswill not soon be forgotten. • On the platform and assisting with the services were a number of thre neighboring ministers, in- eluding Rev. Mr, Bechler, of Zur- Rev, R. J. Peters, of McKil- dch; R Marilyn Taylor. Mrs.D. Millson gave the study and the Lord's prayer was rePeated. Mrs. Mill- eon was presented with a gift from-eit the Band on her retirement. The address was read by Joy 1VIontgom- err and Marilyn Taylor made the presentation. The following is.the adcleess: "Dear Mrs. Millson: We regret very much that you are giv- ing up the Mission Band. We have appreciated your cheerful and in- structive leadership and we shall think of you as we look back up- delegation as to whether the pur- their daughter and Four sons, with chase of. a township pumper had their families, ane other close rel- been Considered, Me Jackson said atives. had not. The difficulty of lo-On the the follov,ing Tuesday, Dec. eating a pumper, where it could 14, the wedding anniversary date, serve all parts of the township, open house was held et their home would seem to preclude such ac- for neighbors and friends. tion, he said. Among the many messages of The possibility of damage to congratulations received were let- Seaforth's pumper when on a ters from. Prime Minister St. Tuckersmith call, and the reaction Laurent and from Mocha Temple, of the people of Seaforth to being of which Mr. Arnent has been a without protection during outside member for 40 years. calls, was raised' by Reeve Sills, • Messrs Welsh Ben and . , Rathwell• John Deeves• Forrest McClure and Charles Gernelnharcl, Honorary directors are: Thomas Sn,owden, Fred Midd.leton, Mrs. Thos .. Snowden , Robert Penhale, D . H. McNaughton and Frank Kee- gan; auditors, H. Etinson and Lloyd .Scotchnier. At a subsequent meting of the • board officers appointed were: Treasurer, Sohn Howard; secre- they, Mrs. R. L. Bassett; mese dent. A. H. Warner; let vice-pres., Carl Diehl; 2nd Ralph was a , t a • - dinner for its Seaforth employees at the 'Commercial ,Hotel Tuesday eveatng. Gifts were exchanged by the eighteen employees, and each received a Christmas. bonus, the gift of the company. Attending from head .office were Mr. Reed and Mr. Fern Welker, the former acting as master of ceremonies, Mrs. Garnet McClin- chey, on behalf of the employees, expressed the appreciation of the gathering. . The concert g ,- len by the pupils . e . of Bayfield Public School was held in the Town Hall en Friday eve - ning •last, which was largely at- ' tended and very ably presented. The singing was exceptionally. . good. The program included: Wel- " ceme,, :School and Barbara Bran - don; "Don't Wait 'Till the Night Before Christmas," Senior Room;• "Up on the House Top, Sante Claus is Coming to Town," Junior Room; A Geography Lesson; "A Tree in the Meadow," Senior Girlse, qf Mission, Band days 'with but Councillor E. A. McMaster vice-pres., • 38c. conclusion of the meeting ve entertained the mem- officiate of the council to lop; Rev. A. Hinton, of KIPPen, and Rev. E. R. Stanway, of Bruce- field. , The -music for the services was on our you. On behalf of the GOlden Links Mission Band we would ask you to accept 'this gift aa a token and love for you, pointed out Seaforth would ton- iremen a e F. C 11 d tipue to have the same protectionPlays it had lend for years. To Chimney Fire Inether centres similar arrange-. Coreish. It was decided that the 1949 Fair would be held on Sept. 27 and 28. • ' Big ' Part in Life of C.P.O. duet, "Calling Santa Clausr eler- 're- Mac, Irene May; "My Favourite Cousin"; "Christmas Every Daze" dialogue, Donna Sturgeon and Hee "White t the Cammertial Hotel. led by the choir, with Mrs. Bruce of our respect Seaferth. firemen were called to ' . en McLeodduetChrist - ; , • • Keys presiding at the organ. The anl many thanes tor all the pat- ienee kindness extendee to Its. ments had been worked out. In Brantferd neighboring municipali- a chimney •fire.at the residence of . , Glee ClUb Sings The figures 12 play a large part Inas." Donna Sturgeon and Bars "Two IS To Mark ein:g1ng of the old familiar hymns was an inspiration to all. The choir sang: "The Church March- "Praise and —Mission Band, Mem'bers." The W.M.S. of Cavan United held their Christmas meet- ties were served and in Palmerston William A.u.stin, John Street, Wed- a charge of $350 a call was levied, nesday afternoon. The firwas ex- according to Councillor B. F. Chris- Regulated with chemicals. Carols on Radio in the life of CPC. Fred Stiner, Chief Gunnery Instructor of H.M. C.T.S., Cornwallis, who on Dec. 12 bare Brandon; Front Teeth," IIe Senior Room; duet, Who is Com - ing?" Donald McKenzie and Glen Diamond Wedding es On and Ye the Lord"; Church Thursday, Dec. 9, Mrs. tie. • ---- marked his 36th birthday. Be was Sturgeon; "Bad Grammar", ethys • " "Throne . a duet by Mrs. E. Hayter and Mies ing on with "Why The Glee Club of the Seaforth born at North Bay at 12 o'clock m thm Band, Junior Roo , , n.d Mrs. N. F. Geary, of , parents of 'Mrs. Welter SeafOrth, will celebrate tieth Phyllis McBride, "Jesus Reaohes Out His Haire; a duet enr Mrs. E. Keys and Mr. R. Robinson, "Close ' Your Heart No More"; quartette P. Lindsay openin,g the meeting with thoughts on the theme, t`The Christian World at the Foot of Jesus." There was stied prayer not bring Egmondville in- to Seaforth?" Reeve •Sills. asked. Stephen and Grey "Then they would have dre pro- tection automatically." sBut you Reeves Re -Elected Public Scheol. consisting of 35 pupils, under the direction of Miss. M. E. Turnbull, and with Mrs. J. A. Stewart as accompanist, ,press noon on the 12th day of the menth, • in the 12th month of the year. in the 12th yean of the century. Dr. A. E. Rennie of North Bay 'attend - Out "Christmas Dinner Alpha - bet." Junior Room; "Tbe Old Lamplighter," Helen McLeod, trills dred Fraser, Margaret Howard and • ., wedding andversary lay, Dec. 20, at their home els. They will be at home friend's on Monday from p.m. • by Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs-. Harvey Keys, Mr. R. Robinson and Mr. A, Kee -es, "There's No Rock Like the Rock of Ages"; a solo by Rev. A. Hinton, "Open the Gates of the Temple." for our missionary, Miss Mat- thews.M R. Jewitt led in Mrs. PraYer. Mrs. Earl Lawson Is to take the story in January. The regular meeting day is to be chang- srl to the second Wednesday In try and get them" was Reeve Nicholson's reaction'Reeve Elmer Lawson, Deputy- son s to the sugges- _ Ha . non-. It was unreasonable, Reeve Reeve • rry Beaver, and two ii Sills thought, that Egmondville anembers of last year's coed , residents should want not only the Roy Schwartz and John Morrissey, cheaper taxes existing in the town- were re-elected by Stephen, Town- ented a program of ,ChristmasShirley carols over CKNX Saturday morn- . ing. The program was enjoyed by largeaudience Seaforth 1 n and aci i s tri et Thoee who took special in in th birth e,sti ted his' ' weight - g . ema as. 12 pounds. According to his father. H. Sens er, of Gonerich St., .Seatorth, the four concurrent numbers in a birth happen Brandon; "Indian Tableaus Junior Room; -play, "A Wait of Inspection," Act 1, "The Coreille Girlse Ladies"; Star Drill, Senior n, . finale. School. The local Lions Club and the • tlace of Thursday. The program New Year will ship, but at the same time all the ship electors who journeyed to theparts benefits for Seaforth Polls Monday. Charles McGregor - . , the program included Ronald Stith- _ cannot again until one . clock. January 1, 2001. Village Trustees are arranging to 4TRS ARRANGE committee for tb.e be Mrs. D. Millson, Mrs. Roes Mac- which citi- zens paid. was bhe only new councillors elect- • Ritchie, Jean Snell, ,andsMarilyn ero 1 ' Durl Hopper, Joan Bar - • have a Santa Claus parade et 3 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 22. One EEK OF PRAYER Request Copy Early Gregor, Mrs. C. Montgomery and Mrs. E. Adams. When, the roll In arriving at its decision, coun. ed for 1949. cil was cognizant of the need for Reselts were:. For Reeve—E.1- .Hunter, bara Hillis, Marion Chamberlain, Gwendolyn Christie, Karen Kidd. feature will be a parade of oats in the district. • finisterial Association of For Holiday Weeks cill was taken, the records show- had co-operanon, ar.d that in an emerg- mer Lawson, 626; James Dalton, the-lown bound 544. Granddaughter in Charge a mobile u • by the. sehools Mrs. Mabel Prentice left bel and District met Monday The ed that Mrs. P. Lindsay per- fect attendance for 1948, Mrs. Eth- ency was morally to render such assistance as it For Deputy Reeve—Harry Bear- • nit Plane f rorn Loudon on Thersda'y lanse, Winthrop„ Rev. D. bell, of First Presbyterian was chairman, and ledethe in on "Issues Of the Re- n," which was highly he e and .helpful. Rev. A. w. co-operation, of correspond- erns a,ndi advertisers in forwarding their copy as early as possible dur- ing the next two weeks, is request- ed by the pubnehers.. During the Christmas and New Year's season el Stepheneon was presented with a life membership certificate by the treasurer,. Mrs. C. Dexter. A reading was given, by Mrs. R. Jew- Itt, "A Live Ladder"; solo by Mrs. could. The town is dependent to er, 600'; Willis Gill, 513. a great extent on the welebeing of .For Council—Roy Schwartz, 746; its neighbors in Tuckersmith, and Sohn Morrissey, 714; Charles Mc- that undier the present lack of ar- Gregor, 651; Roy MOrenz, 519. rangements assistance was being Grey Reeve Re-elected Stanl, ey To Request Blinker Light At Brumfield Corner Dr. Ruth Dundee. grandtaughter of Mrs. W. A. Dundas, Jarvis St., left recently for Wilberforce, Ont., where she will be in oharg,s of a Red Cross Dental Unit to give ser- last for New York, where she was celled owing to the serious illness or her sister, Mrs. John Stumf. Harry Baker, of London, seed . the week -end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Fred Baker. s of Egmondville, was to write the Christmas for the papers. following tentative plans ide for the observance of there is a greater demand for space, and this together with the shorter week, necessitates the request. • P Lindsay; reading by Mrs. D. Millson, "Kinder At -Christmas." "Joy To the World" was sung and a reading was given by MrS. C. Millson, "Christ's Majestic Reign"; .MoIlwain given on occasions, -but nothing John McNabb was re-elected was recovered. If a firm agree- reeve of Grey Township for 1949 ment was entered into, the town at the municipal elections MondaY. would be protected and relmburs- Reeve McNabb was returned • ed. ace wibh a total of 494 votes againstRichard 369 votes obtained by his Th Council f St 1 t in Theo , ars ey me the Township Hall, lama with Reeve Elmer Webster in the chair. T'he Clerk was instructed to send McGools account for '.. ' vice to the children in that com- . niunity vshere there are no dental aces. f Hid One of the only twon existence i, this trailer unit is not only a cora- , and Stewart Of . and Mrs. Jack , Mr. Hamiltonspent the week -end With ,. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Johnston. MrsA. Furter, of London, is staying with her mother, Mrs. Wm et of Prayer, the first full ' danuery (Jann). Begin- nee* evening, In whieh T —I ' Juouges Hold Christmas duet by Mr. andi Mrs. Ethel Stepheneon. Mrs. E. Adams read the Scripture lesson, and al- On the other hand, it was point- ed out, there wag a responsibility opponent, Stanley Mitcham to Seaforth ratepayers who by e b brush to E. A. Pounder, burning Stratford, and the Reeve was in- structed to interview the Clinton, Pete dental office with regulation equipment, but is also a selfcon- tined apartment. The kitchenette Stinson.. Mr, Jim Scott returned borne Wit Monday after spending a few Clathti s. deter -will preside In his arch service, and lasting let • Family rivaling so gave a Christmas message. Mrs; e. Dexter closed the meeting with - their taxes hid made •possible the fi re -fighting equipment. The lire Visitor: "Well, my little man, High School Board regarding an error made in the amount of money has a gasoline stove, an ice box, a sink and a generous amount of in Toronto last week, ' Mrs. H cCIS h left taIsh enry M me ey =clay, when cobabined sers I be held- in. the Anglican With Rev. a (i. 'Canspbele the address; Tueeday, in 'anon Army, Barrack% With V. Workinate Wednesday, vine, wish the eepeessseee. the Alsglicen Ohueehe y, United 'Ohlirch, with Birtch; PrIdaYS Pirst Pres- . ,Chlireh, with ReW. v. A,A n° hi ease ele bosomed , conipleted Steratigettents ear in Wet Vreek'n Igatiet at itteking. vele he hese se !.esbyttailith. matio on hoe e nt ithidft tite vita :win I loi tay. I Peter& The Independent Order of Odds fellows, and the Rebekah s held a famiall night on 'Friday evening when they entertained the famillea of the lodges. There 'were about One haled -red present. , Following earns, e pregrata Was Presented, including; Piano sole, R. E. Bechtel; violin Wen Mts. John Stevena; vdeal sole, Fred E. Willis; guitar solos, Walker Hatt. I. A. Westebtt was in eharge of the ceterbohtes and ddret W. d.' thonnegon and MrsA. Hubert had . a eharge of the children'a. games, Santa, Claus arrive& and distieled- ed 'efte to the ehildron: prayer. Infra. Jennie ,Stepheinson, of Bras- sele, spent a few days with, her sister, Mrs. T. Pollard, .111d) with Mr. and Mra. Dave Millson, Mrs,. Lorne Lawson. returned home on. Tuesday after spending a few days with relatives in KR.- chener. Mr. and Mr. Borden Brown and Joyce visited with 'relatives -at Allan Park oft Mondiay. Me end lefts. Prank Riley, Grace and Deuglas, and Betty Addleced seed .Satterday he London. . Mrs. 8ahriam Marko and ID11- wood were in ltitebener on Thea. ditqr. - brigade is voluntary emit it could wbat Is your name? net be expected that its members First Boy "Jule Si " would lose wages in answerirug .1 : 1.' Visitor "You should gay Sue cane -some ranee from town. ius.Vi" Then turning to another boYn The m • den carte to a head. with newt rev little fellow and what a motion by Conditions McMaster • . !' e is rad name? and Christie which 'provided that _SeeOnd Bo " . " y: Billioug, Sir? Seaforth would answer. calls at $150 • • each without at y qualification as kiss is a peculiar proposition. to diatance. Of ne. Mei to one, yet absolute An •amendment by Reeve Sills, Wise to two, The dealt boy gets, limiting the distance to four milea it for -nothing the young man bag tailed to obtain a seconder but when t li f t ' th bae o 0 or 1 , and e old mass it wassuggegtedby Councillor E.H. Close that the theft be ranged to to buy It; the 'baby's right, the loveris .privilege and the hypo- five miles, the mover and seconder rl or te a 'clack, o a young gi , agreed, to ineOrporate this( limit in faithhe p a married Won:lane hope, (00teiriued on Page 5) and to an old maid, charity. to be raised by Stanley Township. Council looked favorably on a petition presented to it by' the ratePaYers of the townshiP, re- questing the Department of Hig•h- — ways to install a .blinker light at the Bru • ceileld Intersection on No. 4 Highvv-ay, where many accidents hone happened du ting the past few Years. A. bY-law aPpointing the deputy returning officers for the various' polls. in the tovvnehip was, given. its third and final readieg and car- ried. General votieher for $2'62.69 and road vOucher for 48,039,59. were Paned and ordered DM& cupbeard space. The bedroom has a full sized) bed and an adjoining bathroom. Upon arrivin.g at Wilberforce. DrDundas ae will .pas her Office . " •k" • h ili t e school yard' whereupon the b •• ' c ildien will receive examination and work Will begin at ode. Dr. Dundee received her high: scheol education at Hunlberside Oolleglete in. Toronto and graduats ed from the U. of T. in July, 1047. During the • ast ear the a t C. P Y t end ect the rninereitY of California, in San Francisco doing restart* Work. This novel practice on wheels will be her first., end ahe is 'Oohing forward to it eagerly. week for Preston, where she *RV spend the winter. . • • de S The amival meeting of the Wee men's Auxiliary Of Trinity Chttitibi was held at the home of idtg. Id.' ' W Woods •Mrs Emmen 'sward, - " ' ' •- the president, was' In the elides - For the elation of delete% hie the • , tee , corning year the Rector, /1. ' LaVerne, Morgan presided, and. the' following O&M% 'Were letudirittlet ' President, Mrs. EL Heardt, 'Co • . I . S. ' 0 ' r ' O'' prate ent, Mt Geerg ad r'V 11 - rotary and Doran -.Setretetesealre - R, Lareen; teettearete Alifuss, Litte$1',.., oods. Alt cotnial • • a' 'eta; W WM o w met for the yearaild. n 'ha -Tante, allOWn. . • ,, . - ' .